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@ What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you :in mind. ]t i.s here to help you
represents rational function through table of vruu es , graphs and equations. The
scope of this module permits :it to be used in many differe n t learning sit uations .
This module will. guide you on how to see the essence of functions which we
think has no value in real life , but in reality, it is in everything that we do.

In th:iis m odul e , you will learn to represent a rational function in three d:iifferent wa ys .
n is im port an t th at you apply the skills you have learned on how to represent a
function m the previous module. Good lucld

After go:ing through thls modul e, you are expected to:

Repres en ts rational function using:

a. table of va lu es
b. graphs
c. equations

(1) WhatIKnow

Before studying this module, let us assess on what you already know about this

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chos en lett er on as e pa ra te sheet of

1. Which family of fu n ct io n does the graph on the ri

c. Exponential ght belongs t o ?
d. Rationa l
2. C om p l ete the table using the equation f(x ) = : :
X 1 2 3 4

f( x) 0 1 1 ?
- -
3 2
C. 3
d. 5
3. Which of the following table represents the function y = x+i?

a . X 1
-1 2 3 4
I I -2 -3 -4

b. X 1
2 3 4
y 1 2 3 4

X 1 2 3 4
c. y 3 5 7 9
- - -
2 3 4
d. X 1 2 3 4
7 9
y -3 - -2
5 -- --
3 4

4. From the question in number 3, which represents the graph of the function
f (x) = 2x +l ?
a. C.

b. d.
5. Ra tion al exp res s ion can be described as a fu n cti on where eith er the numerator,
denominator or both have va ria ble on it. Below are exam ples of rational expre ssion
3x +3x+ 2
a. - - - -
x2 +4x-
b.- - - -

c. - 3X
x- 3
d. x +1

5. Rey nolds ma nufactures aluminum cans in the shape of a cylinder with a capacity
of 500 c u b ic centimete rs ( liters ). Th e top and bottom of the ca n are made with special
alu minu m alloy that costs 0.05 cents per squ a re centimete r. Th e sides of the ca n a re
made of material that cost 0.02 cents per square centimeter. Express the cost of the
material for the ca n as a fu n cti on of the radius r of the ca n .
a. 0 .10 rrr 2 +0 .0 4n r 2
b. 0 .10rrr 2 -0 .04nr 2
c. 0 .1 0rrr+0 .0 4n r
d . 0 . 1 0 rrr -0 .04nr

6. Which of the following the graph of f ( x ) = u s in g the values x= - 2 , - 1 0 , 1 , 2?

x- 2

b. d.

7. Using the rational function g(x) =x- what is the val u e of g(x) wh e n x =4 ?
x+ l
(s im plify the function first)
a. 3
b. - 3
C. S
d. -S
Fa, nu mbers 8 -10 , con sider this situa tion

A cylindrical soft drink can is to be constmcted so that it will have a volume of 21. 6
cubic inches.
8. Write the total surface area A of t he ca n as a fu n ct ion of r , wh ere r is the ra diu s of
t h e ca n in inches .
a. A= r+3
b. A =r - 2

c. A= :
d . A =r- 2

9. What shou ld be the value of th e fu n cti on when valu es of x a ppro ach es to 3?

a. S
c. 6

10. What is the gra ph of th e fu n ct ion u s ing x= 1 , 2, 3 , 4?

a. C.

b. d.

F o r n u m bers 1 1- 13 , refer to the p roblem below.

Lina is doing math em atics tu to rial for a su m m er job. For every tutoria l, she cha rges an
initia l fee of 5 00 .00 per mont h , plus a constant fee of 200 .0 0 for ea ch ho u r of tu t ori
al .
11. Which of the following equation best describes Lin a 's fee for each of her
tu t orial s?

a . fee = 500 + 200x

b. fee = 500x + 200
c. fee = 500 - 200x
d . fee = 500x - 200

12. Which of the following table best represents Lina's fee for each of h er tu toria ls?

a. No of hours 1 2 3 4
Fee 200 400 600 800

b. No of hours 1 2 3 4

Fee 700 1200 1700 2200

C. No of hours 1 2 3 4
Fee 700 1400 2100 2800

No of hours 1 2 3 4
d. Fee 700 900 1100 1300

13. If Lina spends 15hou rs on a student and another 13 hours for anotheF student
in a month, how much will she earn? Write an equation that will suit best the
situ ation
a. fee = [500 - 200( 15)] + [500 - 200(13)]
b. fee = [500 + 200 (15)] + [500 + 200(13)]
c . fee = [500(15) + 200 ] + [500 (13 ) + 200]
d. fee = [500(15) - 200 ] + [500 (13) - 200 ]

Fo r n u m bers 14 and 15, refer to the problem below.

There are 1,2 00 freshmen and 1,50 0 sophomores at SSG Ele ctio n Meeting de Avance
at noon. After 12 p.m., 20 freshmen arrive at the gymnasium every five minutes while
15 sophomores leave the gymnasium.

14. Which equation best describes the total number of s tu de n ts who att ended the
SSG Election Meeting de Avance?
a. y = [1200x + 20] + [1500 x - 15]
b . y = [1200 + 20x] + [1500 - 15x]
c. y = [1200x - 20] + [1500x + 15]
d. y = [1200 - 20x] + [1500 + 15x]

15. Simplifying the answer in number 14, we can get

a. y = 2700 x + 5
b. y = 2700 +
5x c. y = 2700x -
5 d . y = 2700 -
Representations of Rational Functions

This lesson is about representations of rational function in different ways. We will

deal with the application of rational functions that may involve the number of
persons who can do a task in a certain amount of time. We can handle these
applications involving work in a manner similar to the method we used to solve
dista nce, speed, and time problems.

What's In

Let us recall on how to represent a polynomial function problem through table,

gra phs , and equation.

Example: A s iom ai ve n d o r can wrap 4 dumplings every minute. If he wraps a total of

32 d u m p lin gs, how mu ch time did he spent wrapping? Use the following to ju s tify
you r a nswer:

a. table of Values
b. graph
c. equation


For A, we will complete the table using the given information provided in the problem.
Since a vendor can wrap 4 dumplings per minute, we will add 4 dumplings for every
minute until we reach 32 dumplings.

Number of 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Minutes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Using this table, we can say that the vendor was able to wrap 32 dumplings in 8
For B, let us use the data we have in A and plot these points in a Ca rt es ian plane.

For C, we can solve the problem by formu latin g a

form u la wh
dumplings ere bywe
made the divi de the
number of dutota l num
mplings perber
" of

minu te. In s ymbol, ,.

T = - "
Wh ere;

T= Time in Minu tes

D= T otal nu mber of Du m plings made

N= Nu mber of Du m plings mad e per minu te

What's New

Life is a Bea ch !
Pu eblo por la Playa is a 12 .5 h ec tare Mex ica n -in s p ired ex clu sive leis u re clu b
nestled off t h e cal m , clear waters of Pa gbila o Qu ezo n. The "Pu e blo " offers the tot al
leisure and rec reation exp eri ence for the en ti re fam ily . S ince it is an excl us ive resort
, it has a mem be rs hip fe e. Pu eb lo Por La P laya charges a P300,000.00 annual fee,
then P 700.00 for each day you stay there. Find the average cost per day to stay in the
resort in 5, 10 , 15 an d up to 30 days. Gra p h the fu nction to show wheth er it forms a st
raight lin e or a cur ve.
a. Defin e a form u la for t he ave ra ge cost for every 5 days to stay in the resort f(x ).
Hin t: Sin ce the problem ask for the avera ge cos t, use the form u la in gettin g
an average

b. Ba sed from the sit u a tio n above, com plete the followin g table to show the
average cost every S days.
X 0 5 1 0 1 5 20 2S 30
y 0 I
Hin t: Su bs ti tu te the valu e of x in your equ ation

c. Plot the following points on th e ca rtes ia n plane

To gra ph, sim ply plot the poin ts and co nnect it by a s mooth cu rve line.
What is It

The problem presented above is an example of Rational Function. To solve the

problem , let us answer each question one by one. Below is the definition of a Rational


Rational function is written in the form of f(x) = : : ;. It should follow the

following conditions; namely:

1. Both p(x) and q(x) are polynom ial fu n c t ions wherein it has no
negative and fractional exponents.
2. The denominator or q(x) should not be equal to 0.
3. The domain of all values of x where q(x) ;= 0.

a. Define a formula for the average cost for every 5 days to stay in the resort f(x).
To define the formula, use the formula in getting the average cost.
Let the function be f(x). We can use the formula of ge tt ing an average. Average
problems use the formula A = -X , where A= Avera ge , X= cost , and s= number of

Let f(x) represents the average cost per day and x represent the number in days.
Note that F300 ,000.00 is a fixed price you need to pay plus the F700.00 per day
divided by the number of days ( x ). We will have,

300000 + 700(x)
f (x) = -----

Observe that it is similar to the structu re of our original formula. Note that you will
be using a formula depending on the classification of problems given to you.

b. For every 5 day stay in the resort , create a table of values showing the
average cost.

Solution: Make a table of values with x-valu es at 0 , 5, 10 , 15, 20 , 25, 30.

X 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
y 0 20 ,965 4 1,930 62,89 5 83 ,860 104,825 125 ,790
From the ta ble, we can observe that the average cost of stay decreases as the
time increases. We can use a graph to determine if the points of this function follow
a curve or a line

c. Graph the following points in the Cartesian plane.




r .. 25

.. 50 05

By connecting the lines, we can cl ea rly see that it follows a cu rve, thus a
Ra t ion al Function.

Example 2:
f( x) = X + 2

a. Since we already have an equation, we can skip this part. Proceed with
the table of values

b. Construct table of values from -2 to 2. We ca n substitute each values on

the equation to complete the table. We will get,

We can observe that the value of f(x) is undefined in when x= - 2 . It is because

when you substitute -2 in the function it will have an answer of zero whereas
in the definition of :rational fu n ct ion, we cannot have a denominator equal to

c. Plot the points in the Cartesian plane and determine whether the points
form a smooth curve or a st:raight line.

It can be observed that the fu n ct io n formed a curve.

(l) What's More

In the following activities, read each situ ation ca refu lly to solve each problem. Wri te
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Practice Activity 1

Rep res en t this rational equation through table and gra ph . Identify whet her t he graph forms a straight line or a curve.
f(x )= x + 1

a. Since we alrea dy have an equation , we ca n skip this part. Proceed with

lett er b. Note that when given with a word problem, you ca nn ot skip this

b. Cons tru ct table of values from -2 to 2 .

Hin t: Substitute the value of x to obtain f(x).

f(x )
Idefined I

The fu n c tion is undefined when x= - 1 s in ce it m ak es the d en o m in a to r zero .

c. Plot the points in the Cartesian plane and determine whether the points
form a smooth cu rve or a straight line.
By plott in g the points obtained in B we can get,

In de pe nde nt Assess me nt 1
In order to join a voice lesson class, you pay a P l ,500.0 0 pesos fee , t hen PS0 0 .0 0 fm each class you go to. What is the a

In de pe nde nt Assessment 2
Represent this rational equation through table and graph. Identify wheth er the graph forms a s tra ight line or a cu rve.

x2 + 1
P( x )_=_x _+ 1_

What I Have Learned

In yourown wo rd s , how do you represent rational function

using a. Eq u a tion

b. Graph

c. Table of va lu es

What I Can Do

Re ad a n d analyze the situation below then answer the question given .

Ra tion a l function is one of the functions that is underappreciated because they say
we cannot use it in real life. No. Ra tion al fu nct io n can be seen in most of our daily
activities, we just didn't know it.
Basketball League

In an in t er - b a ra n ga y basketball league, the tea m from Hermana Fausta has won 12

out of 2 5 ga m es , a winning percentage of 48 %. We have seen that they need to win
8 games consecutively to raise their percentage to 60%. What will their winning
percentage if t h ey win 10 , 2 0 , 3 0 , 5 0 , 1 0 0 games? Can they reach a 100%
winning percentage? (h in t: try to substitute 300 games)1 . Write youjr in t e rp re ta tion
on the space provided.


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chose n lette, on a
separate sheet of paper.

1.It is in the form of f(x) = p ((x )) where p(x ) a n d q (x) a re polynomial functions and q(x )
q X

is not equal to zero.

a. Rational Equ ali ty
b. Ra tio n a l Inequ a
c. Rat io n al Fu n c tio n
d. None of these

For questions 2 and 3, refer to this s itu ation .

Martha has won 19 out of 28 tennis matches this season.

2. Which equation models suggest how many more games she needs to win to average
75% wins over loses?
28 + x
= 0.75
b. i 9+ x = 0.75

= 75

d. l9+x = 75
18 + x
3. In ord e r to get a college tennis schola rs hip , Martha needs to bring her winning
average to 80%. What is the number of matches she needs to win given that she
already won 19 out of 28?
a. 3
c. 17
d . 22

For qu es tion s 4-6 , refer to this situation.

Joel is working on his chernist r y project and he has 300rnL of 12% acid solution.

4.If he needed to decrease the acidity of the solu t ion , which of the following is corr ect
fu n ct io n t h a t wo u ld show the new acidity of the s olu tion given x mL of water added?
a.. f (x) =
b. f(x) =
C f(x) =--
• 300+x

d. f(x) =
5. If Joel decided to decrease the acidity of the solution by addin g 15 more than at
every in terva l, which table of values is correct?
X 1 2 3 4
a. f(x ) in % 1 1. 4 3 % 10.91% 1 0 .4 3 % 10 %

X 1 2 3 4
b. f (x ) in % 0 . 1 14 3 % 0.1091% 0.1043% 0.10%

X 1 2 3 4
C. f ( x ) in % 3.81% 3 .6 4 % 3 .48 % 3.33%

X 1 2 3 4
d. f(x ) in % 3.81% 3 .6 4 % 3 .48 % 3.33%
6. Which graph

shows the decrease of a cid ity in J oel's solut ion? a. c.

b. d.

7. Which of the following is the correct table of va lu es of the rational function

f(x) = - X ?

X -1 0 1 X -1 0 1
a. c.
y 0 0.5 y -0.5 0 und

X -1 0 1
X -1 0 1
b. y 0.5 und 0.5 d.
y - 0 .. 5 Und - 0 .5

8. Wh en is the gra p h of the fu n c t ion undefined in a certain value of x?

a . When the value of the nu m er at or is zero.

b. When the value of t h e denominator is zero.
c. When the value of the function is zero.
d. No n e of the above.
9. Which equ ations satisfies the table of val u es be l ow?

I I I I I I .67 1

x+ 1
a . y =

b = x +3
•y x +l

d . y = -x - 1
x+ 3

10. Which ta ble of va lu es satisfies the graph presented on the right side?


b. I I I I I
c. I - gI _;\ I -I -1 .5 I -

d. I 1I - : I _\ I ! I

11. Using values from -10 to 10 with an interval of 5. Which of the following best
describes the table of val u es of the function g (x) = 2x 3 + 4x - 19?

a. 9
I 28

-I 1o
-I 5
-2059 -289

-I 210059

d. -:,-1- (--x) ---l- :, ----21--l- +:- --5-1 l- --9 - 1- +---8-9 --I-+----59

12 . In a Bread and Pastry class, a certain recipe calls for 3 kgs of sugar for every 6
kgs of flour. If 60 kgs of this sweet has to be prepared, how much sugar is required?
Which equation satisfies the problem?
a. X =--

b. X= 6 (3 )

C. X = 60 ( 3 )

d X = 6+3
• 60(3)

13 . How m a n y kilograins of sugar is needed for 90 kilograms of sweets?

a. 20
C. 30

For questions number 14 and 15, refer to the problem below.

In a business math class, the Teacher Alex assign ed his students a business project .
For the business to be esta blished, a certain establishment needs to pay for a
semestral fee {5 months) of f>S0 .00 pesos and a weekly tax of 'fl l0 .0 0 which the
proceeds will go to their Christmas Party expenses.

14. What is the average amount collected peF group m his class? FoFmulate an
equation for this.
a. f(x)= 50 - 1o x

bf(x) x _
c . f(x)= 50+1ox

d. f(x) = x
50 - lO x

15. How much will be collecte d in each group for a period of 13weeks?
a. Fl 70.00
b. P180.00
c. P190.00
d. P200.00
Additional Activities

Do the following to enhance your learning.

1. Construct a table of values of the following functions using the interval of -5
to 5 .

_ x 3 +3x - 5
a. g (x ) - xz b )·(t) = 1
. t 2 - 2t + l

2. Using the data from the ta ble of valu es , plot the points on the cartesian
plane and connect the points of

a. g(x) b. j{t)

An application of rational functions may involve the number of persons who can do
a task in a certain amount of time. We can ha ndle these applications involving work
in a manner similar to the method we used to solve dista nce, speed, and time
problems. Work = Rate x Time. Suppose you can finish a report in 2 hours. Your
classmate can finish the same report in 4 hours. How long ·will it take to finish the
report if both of you work together? We have a saying that "Two heads are better
than one", would you rather work alone or with a team? Why?

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