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813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 2

vessels. This tradition of painterly expression, as it note that in this period there was a complete
spread through the Balkan peninsula, dominated in transformation in the typology of painted vessels, as
the decorated compositions on pottery vessels, well as in the structure of the compositions, which
although the remains of wall decoration can be seen now included new kinds of motifs. The motifs were
inside some of the houses in this area. painted in brown and black; now only a small
percentage was white. Painted compositions usually
Regarding the painted decoration on the Early consisted of extended triangles, spirals, vertical and
Neolithic vessels from Macedonia, a wide range of oblique lines and egg shaped motifs which were
white motifs were employed, creating unique and precisely disposed across the structure of the
rarely repeated compositions. These usually composition. There are few other motifs, nor are
consisted of zig-zag lines, stair-like ribbons, there variations of previously mentioned ornaments,
NUMBER 56 July 2007
triangles, dots and so called vegetal motifs. Some so it can be assumed that the Middle Neolithic
researchers consider that the choice of motifs relate population from this region developed its own THE NEWSLETTER OF THE PREHISTORIC SOCIETY
to the function of the vessels, indicating for example firmly-defined iconography that was reflected in Registered Office University College London, Institute of Archaeology, 31–34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY
pots in which herbal remedies were prepared or various different types of material culture.
which were used during particular ceremonies in
dwellings or settlements. Exceptionally important Recently, there have been several attempts to study THE PETROGLYPHS OF Rock art exists throughout the varied landscape of
are the local styles these motifs create which indicate the function of the vessels and the significance of Kazakhstan, certain concentrations of known sites
that, across the wider area of Macedonia, several their decoration. Because of their petrographic
TAMGALY, KAZAKHSTAN extending into neighbouring countries. The
local communities were established, using features, as well as the time and skill invested in the petroglyphs have a wide date range from the late
decoration as an element of mutual visual production of these vessels, it has been suggested As a result of the interest shown in the article on the third millennium BC to the recent past, but each
‘deer stones’ of Mongolia, published in PAST 54, I

identification. Although there appear to have been that they were exceptionally important for the period has its own style. Such is the international
one or more waves of demographic expansion in the communities that inhabited these Neolithic offer some information on a fascinating rock art site interest in the central Asian sites that a number of
earliest phases of the Neolithic, in its later stages it settlements. It is therefore assumed that they had a in Kazakhstan that is also the site of an excavated collaborative teams of local and foreign
can be seen that distinct regional traditions emerge ceremonial or symbolic character, and that they were ‘deer stone’. archaeologists have been working concertedly in
which are reflected in differences in material culture. used during domestic celebrations, holidays, recent years to document and protect them. The
Hence, there are remarkable differences between festivities and rites. Furthermore, the wide range of initiatives include participants from France,
Early Neolithic decoration in the Skopje region ornaments painted on these vessels were also present Germany, Norway, Poland and the USA, as well as
(northern Macedonia), the Ovce Pole region (eastern on the figurines, stamp seals, altars and on the walls Britain, as Ken Lymer has previously reported in
Macedonia) and in Pelagonia (southwest of shrines dating to the same period, and it is PAST (Nos 9 and 23). Arguably the most significant
Macedonia). therefore thought that they symbolized ideas of rain sites are in the eastern and southern parts of the
and regeneration. country, but it is Tamgaly, a complex with more than
3000 individual petroglyphs, which I wish to
Whatever the case, these objects and their decoration describe.
undoubtedly indicate that the people of the Early
and Middle Neolithic in this region had a high level
of technical and artistic accomplishment. Their Tamgaly is an isolated valley in the dry steppe and
ability to produce these vessels and to paint them so desert landscape that embraces the low foothills of
precisely surely proves that in this period, the level of the southeastern Chu-Ili Mountains, themselves an
visual perception, geometrisation and organization extension of the Northern Tienshan range. It is
of micro-space was highly developed. This way of situated about two and a half hours’ drive west of
creating and maintaining the painterly tradition Alamty, the country’s capital. Extensive rock art was
therefore established specific visual communication discovered here by chance in 1957 by A. A. Popov, a
and symbolic interaction between members of one photographer from an archaeological team working
community, as well as between several communities under the direction of À. G. Màximova who
across the wider region. excavated a local Bronze Age cemetery. The first
account of Tamgaly, published the following year by
Middle Neolithic vessels from the Republic of Macedonia: Madjari: Màximova, used the study of a site in neighbouring
1-5; Gorobinci: 6 Goce Naumov, University of Skopje, Institute for
History of Art and Archaeology, The Republic of Kyrgyzstan (Saimaly-Tash) to attribute the artwork
Macedonia to a number of different periods. Subsequently, more
The situation in the Middle Neolithic changed Email: detailed recording has been undertaken, while
significantly. The decoration on the vessels found in excavations at cemeteries in the area have discovered
settlements across the eastern half of Macedonia is Acknowledgements petroglyphs within graves, which help to date the
very similar, so that identical ornaments can be I am grateful to the Prehistoric Society for different styles represented on the open rock faces.
found in the Skopje and Ovce Pole regions, and also supporting this research through the Research Fund
in other parts of the east of the country. This award. My special thanks to Joanna Brück for The copy date for PAST 57 is 1 October 2007. Contributions to Joanna Brück, School of Archaeology, Newman
suggests that local Early Neolithic communities were helpful comments and corrections on an earlier draft Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Email: Contributions on disc or
as e-mail attachments are preferred (either word 6 or rtf files) but hardcopy is also accepted. Illustrations can be sent
gradually assimilated into one bigger grouping of this article. I would also like to thank to my as drawings, slides, prints, tif or jpeg files. The book reviews editor is Dr Mike Allen, Wessex Archaeology, Portway
which in the Middle Neolithic developed new colleagues from museums in Macedonia for allowing House, Old Sarum Park, Salisbury, Wilts, SP4 6EB. Email: Queries over subscriptions and
elements of visual communication. It is interesting to me to work on previously excavated material. membership should go to the Society administrator Tessa Machling at the London address above.

813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 4

Tectonic movement has caused localised uplift and More can be learned about Tamgaly mattock heads; bone awls and scrapers. The site also
splitting of the sandstone bedrock, and the exposed from Dr Rogozhinsky’s 2004 book revealed a glimpse of the social and religious lives of
rock faces bear a dark patina. Indeed, the continuing (, and from an excellent Mesolithic people: beads made from shale, amber,
tectonic movement combined with the sharply synthesis published in Samarkand (Tashbayeva, K., bone and animal teeth were found, as were the
continental climate has led to the shattering of many Khujanazarov, M., Ranov, V. and famous ‘antler frontlets’ - headgear made from the
of the decorated faces. Consequently, since the early Samashev, Z. 2001. Petroglyphs of Central Asia, skull cap and antlers of red deer, which Clark
1990s, considerable effort has been put both into ISBN 9967-20-776-0). suggested may have been masks for use in ritual
multi-disciplinary studies of the site’s context under (even shamanic) dances.
the supervision of Dr Alexei Rogozhinsky and, most Andrew J. Lawson
importantly, its conservation. The results of this The site has attracted much attention since its
research include the largest sequence of radiocarbon excavation and has been reinterpreted several times
dates seen in the country and a palynological record
NEW EXCAVATIONS AT STAR over the past 50 years. Clark, for example, suggested
that spans the Bronze Age to Late Medieval periods. CARR the site was a residential base camp occupied by
Since 1998, further research has concentrated on the three or four families. However subsequent theories
location of associated settlements, while safeguards Star Carr is the best known site of Mesolithic date in have suggested it may have been a specialist site for
have been put in place to protect the complex. Britain - if not Europe. The site was excavated tanning hides, or a site for killing red deer, or a
Support from UNESCO and Norway encouraged the between 1949 and 1951 by Grahame Clark, later hunting camp, where men whiled away their spare
Government of Kazakhstan to issue a special decree Professor of Archaeology at Cambridge University. time in craft activities while waiting for their prey.
which declared the area a state historical, cultural The site, located near the present town of The season that these mobile bands of hunter-
and natural reserve, and in 2005 Tamgaly became Scarborough, was situated on the shores of an gatherers visited the site has also been hotly debated:
only the second site in the country to be inscribed on ancient lake (Lake Flixton), which is now infilled Clark suggested an occupation during the winter
the World Heritage list. with peat, leading to excellent preservation months; however, a subsequent generation of
conditions. The finds recovered surpassed all that archaeologists pointed out evidence for spring and
The archaeological complex contains about a had previously been known from the period. summer visits to the site; yet recent work by Richard
hundred different sites, ranging in age from the Preservation of animal bones and plant remains Carter again suggests winter visits. It seems that even
fourteenth century BC to the twentieth century AD. more schematic. Some of them continue the hunting permitted a detailed reconstruction of the diet of the after half a century of study, archaeologists cannot
These sites include not only settlements, quarries and theme but include pastoral scenes as well, in hunter-gatherers who lived on the shores of the lake. even agree on very basic facts about the site.
ritual places, but also cemeteries with burial cists and common with other sites in Western Mongolia and A wide variety of organic artefacts were also
mounds (kurgans), as well as the open air Western Tianshen. However, Early Iron Age images recovered: vast numbers of barbed arrow and Small-scale excavations to the east of Clark’s site
petroglyphs. Some of the Middle Bronze Age cists are the most frequent petroglyphs found in the harpoon points made from red deer antler; elk antler undertaken in the 1980s suggest that Star Carr is
contain decoration that is stylistically the same as the complex and are attributed to several different
earliest open air images, while a stone-built groups of people, reflecting the shifting military and
enclosure (Karakuduk II) contained a ‘deer stone’ of political situation of the time. The main theme is the
the fifth to fourth centuries BC. The open air chase of wild deer and goats by natural predators
petroglyphs themselves have been recorded in nearly but scenes may also include ridden horses, series of
50 different locations, and are now attributed to six camels and individualistic symbols. Later medieval
different periods, the earliest of which belongs to the scenes include warriors, sometimes in combat, the
Middle Bronze Age. It is to this period that the most figures usually engraved with a sharp tool. One
spectacular of the images belong. They include thirty unique image includes an elephant and rider.
examples of extraordinary pecked figures up to one
metre in height that appear to depict human forms
The Tamgaly complex is remote and vulnerable.
with large disc-shaped heads surrounded by halos of
Nonetheless, the Government of Kazakhstan has
spots and rays - the so-called ‘sun deities’ (similar
taken a number of important steps to safeguard the
anthropomorphic figures, some of earlier date, have
site, including the re-routing of a road that passed
been recorded elsewhere in Kazhakstan and have
through the valley, and the provision of basic visitor
been referred to as ‘the images of the disguised’).
facilities. When we parked our car in the area set
However, there are also figures with masks, weapons
aside for vehicles, not a soul could be seen for miles
and bows. One panel (Surface 118, Group IV)
around. Yet, within a few minutes, two young men
appears to show a hierarchy of god-like figures,
dressed in combat fatigues emerged to enquire why
dancing warriors and a woman giving birth, then
we were there. Having established our
onlookers or worshippers. However, other panels
archaeological interests, they led us along a way-
include images of a wide range of wild animals, some
marked trail to several of the most impressive
of which are now extinct. Most commonly, the
decorated panels. Before long, two mounted
scenes appear to represent the hunting of horses and
custodians passed by but stopped politely to check
aurochsen. Images in this particular style are widely
our behaviour and to sell us a most welcome
distributed throughout the Tamgaly valley. They are
introductory leaflet. The Government of Kazhakstan
not superimposed on each other but are themselves
should be commended for establishing the custodial
often covered by symbols in later styles.
care of the site, and Alexei Rogozhinsky is to be
Late Bronze Age compositions also contain thanked for his energetic research and management Location of fieldwork at Star Carr
anthropomorphic figures but these are smaller and of the Tamgaly complex.
813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 4

Tectonic movement has caused localised uplift and More can be learned about Tamgaly mattock heads; bone awls and scrapers. The site also
splitting of the sandstone bedrock, and the exposed from Dr Rogozhinsky’s 2004 book revealed a glimpse of the social and religious lives of
rock faces bear a dark patina. Indeed, the continuing (, and from an excellent Mesolithic people: beads made from shale, amber,
tectonic movement combined with the sharply synthesis published in Samarkand (Tashbayeva, K., bone and animal teeth were found, as were the
continental climate has led to the shattering of many Khujanazarov, M., Ranov, V. and famous ‘antler frontlets’ - headgear made from the
of the decorated faces. Consequently, since the early Samashev, Z. 2001. Petroglyphs of Central Asia, skull cap and antlers of red deer, which Clark
1990s, considerable effort has been put both into ISBN 9967-20-776-0). suggested may have been masks for use in ritual
multi-disciplinary studies of the site’s context under (even shamanic) dances.
the supervision of Dr Alexei Rogozhinsky and, most Andrew J. Lawson
importantly, its conservation. The results of this The site has attracted much attention since its
research include the largest sequence of radiocarbon excavation and has been reinterpreted several times
dates seen in the country and a palynological record
NEW EXCAVATIONS AT STAR over the past 50 years. Clark, for example, suggested
that spans the Bronze Age to Late Medieval periods. CARR the site was a residential base camp occupied by
Since 1998, further research has concentrated on the three or four families. However subsequent theories
location of associated settlements, while safeguards Star Carr is the best known site of Mesolithic date in have suggested it may have been a specialist site for
have been put in place to protect the complex. Britain - if not Europe. The site was excavated tanning hides, or a site for killing red deer, or a
Support from UNESCO and Norway encouraged the between 1949 and 1951 by Grahame Clark, later hunting camp, where men whiled away their spare
Government of Kazakhstan to issue a special decree Professor of Archaeology at Cambridge University. time in craft activities while waiting for their prey.
which declared the area a state historical, cultural The site, located near the present town of The season that these mobile bands of hunter-
and natural reserve, and in 2005 Tamgaly became Scarborough, was situated on the shores of an gatherers visited the site has also been hotly debated:
only the second site in the country to be inscribed on ancient lake (Lake Flixton), which is now infilled Clark suggested an occupation during the winter
the World Heritage list. with peat, leading to excellent preservation months; however, a subsequent generation of
conditions. The finds recovered surpassed all that archaeologists pointed out evidence for spring and
The archaeological complex contains about a had previously been known from the period. summer visits to the site; yet recent work by Richard
hundred different sites, ranging in age from the Preservation of animal bones and plant remains Carter again suggests winter visits. It seems that even
fourteenth century BC to the twentieth century AD. more schematic. Some of them continue the hunting permitted a detailed reconstruction of the diet of the after half a century of study, archaeologists cannot
These sites include not only settlements, quarries and theme but include pastoral scenes as well, in hunter-gatherers who lived on the shores of the lake. even agree on very basic facts about the site.
ritual places, but also cemeteries with burial cists and common with other sites in Western Mongolia and A wide variety of organic artefacts were also
mounds (kurgans), as well as the open air Western Tianshen. However, Early Iron Age images recovered: vast numbers of barbed arrow and Small-scale excavations to the east of Clark’s site
petroglyphs. Some of the Middle Bronze Age cists are the most frequent petroglyphs found in the harpoon points made from red deer antler; elk antler undertaken in the 1980s suggest that Star Carr is
contain decoration that is stylistically the same as the complex and are attributed to several different
earliest open air images, while a stone-built groups of people, reflecting the shifting military and
enclosure (Karakuduk II) contained a ‘deer stone’ of political situation of the time. The main theme is the
the fifth to fourth centuries BC. The open air chase of wild deer and goats by natural predators
petroglyphs themselves have been recorded in nearly but scenes may also include ridden horses, series of
50 different locations, and are now attributed to six camels and individualistic symbols. Later medieval
different periods, the earliest of which belongs to the scenes include warriors, sometimes in combat, the
Middle Bronze Age. It is to this period that the most figures usually engraved with a sharp tool. One
spectacular of the images belong. They include thirty unique image includes an elephant and rider.
examples of extraordinary pecked figures up to one
metre in height that appear to depict human forms
The Tamgaly complex is remote and vulnerable.
with large disc-shaped heads surrounded by halos of
Nonetheless, the Government of Kazakhstan has
spots and rays - the so-called ‘sun deities’ (similar
taken a number of important steps to safeguard the
anthropomorphic figures, some of earlier date, have
site, including the re-routing of a road that passed
been recorded elsewhere in Kazhakstan and have
through the valley, and the provision of basic visitor
been referred to as ‘the images of the disguised’).
facilities. When we parked our car in the area set
However, there are also figures with masks, weapons
aside for vehicles, not a soul could be seen for miles
and bows. One panel (Surface 118, Group IV)
around. Yet, within a few minutes, two young men
appears to show a hierarchy of god-like figures,
dressed in combat fatigues emerged to enquire why
dancing warriors and a woman giving birth, then
we were there. Having established our
onlookers or worshippers. However, other panels
archaeological interests, they led us along a way-
include images of a wide range of wild animals, some
marked trail to several of the most impressive
of which are now extinct. Most commonly, the
decorated panels. Before long, two mounted
scenes appear to represent the hunting of horses and
custodians passed by but stopped politely to check
aurochsen. Images in this particular style are widely
our behaviour and to sell us a most welcome
distributed throughout the Tamgaly valley. They are
introductory leaflet. The Government of Kazhakstan
not superimposed on each other but are themselves
should be commended for establishing the custodial
often covered by symbols in later styles.
care of the site, and Alexei Rogozhinsky is to be
Late Bronze Age compositions also contain thanked for his energetic research and management Location of fieldwork at Star Carr
anthropomorphic figures but these are smaller and of the Tamgaly complex.
813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 6

more complicated than initially imagined. This work reveal the dryland settlement area of the site. The with earlier dates on barbed points and antler debris During previous excavations on the site in the 1960s,
discovered a platform of hewn aspen timbers - the 2004/5 excavations included two wetland test-pits; from Clark’s trenches, this indicates that barbed a pre-Roman soil horizon was identified over large
earliest evidence of systematic woodworking in however these only revealed occasional fragments of points were produced throughout the long history of areas of the northern seating bank or cavea. This
Britain. The spread of artefactual debris was also bone, of the sort found elsewhere around Lake the occupation of the site and strengthens the deposit was labelled as ‘original ground surface’ and
discovered to continue to the east of Clark’s Flixton, rather than the more spectacular remains association of Star Carr with rare artefacts made was generally treated as a natural sub-soil. This soil
trenches, while work by Petra Dark on charcoal discovered by Clark. from animal remains. Overall it appears there is a horizon was exposed over a fairly large area in
indicated intermittent occupation of the site for reduction in the diversity of objects made from trench A during the final season of excavation in
around 230 years. Paul Mellars has suggested that it animal remains as one moves east - from the huge 2006 and demonstrated that the pre-Roman activity
is increasingly unlikely that a single function or variety in Clark’s trench, to a single barbed point and was more complicated than had originally been
season of occupation can be determined for such a evidence of antler working in the 1980s trench, to anticipated. Three phases of pre-Roman activity
large, repeatedly occupied site. evidence from antler working alone in the could be discerned in the archaeological record and
westernmost 2006 trench. It thus appears that we are these are described in greater detail below. The
However excavations since the mid-1970s closer to understanding the extent and distribution evidence is ground breaking in the context of
undertaken by Tim Schadla-Hall around the shores of unusual objects at the site. archaeology in the city of Chester; previous
of ancient Lake Flixton have suggested a radically archaeological investigations have only been able to
new interpretation of the site. These excavations establish evidence for pre-Roman cultivation of
indicate that Star Carr is unique in its local indeterminate date. It is now possible to demonstrate
landscape. Excavations around Lake Flixton have that the site at Chester was settled and farmed
revealed many new, well-preserved Mesolithic sites; several centuries before the arrival of the Roman
however, none of these have yielded the same range military and the establishment of the legionary
of material as Star Carr. 192 barbed antler points fortress.
have been found in excavations at Star Carr, but only
one further example has been found in 30 years of The Middle Iron Age
excavations around Lake Flixton. The same is true On removal of the pre-Roman soil horizon, the
for beads and antler frontlets: none of these objects natural subsoil was exposed. This varied across the
have been found elsewhere, in comparison to large site, but was generally glacial clay till rarely more
numbers at Star Carr. This pattern has led several than 0.5m thick that overlay the weathered surface
Red deer antler with splinter removed
archaeologists to suggest independently that there of the underlying sandstone bedrock. Plough
was an important ritual element to the activities Finally, the past three year’s work have permitted an scarring could be seen to have penetrated the surface
undertaken at Star Carr and that people were assessment of the rate of deterioration of organic of the natural subsoil quite extensively, and the
depositing objects made from animal remains into objects at the site. The organics have been affected shallow scars were consistent with the use of a
the shallow waters at the lake. It is significant that by the lowering of the water table through drainage, simple ard-type implement. This evidence supported
the only other sites where antler frontlets have been but since the sediments are very acidic, seasonal the suggestion that the pre-Roman soil was in fact a
recovered (three sites in Germany) also display fluctuations in the water table can also hasten the cultivation soil. At the end of the 2005 season, a pair
similar patterning in the deposition of combinations Plan of Trench 22 destruction of the archaeological material. Specialists of large post settings was identified cut into the top
of frontlets, beads and barbed points, often into who have visited the site have estimated that the of the natural subsoil when a small area of the pre-
waterlogged contexts. Analogies can perhaps be In 2006, more extensive fieldwork was undertaken remaining organic material will deteriorate in less Roman cultivation soil was removed. When they
made with a number of contemporary hunter- on the dryland/wetland margins. Two larger than a decade. It is therefore imperative for the were excavated, it was established that they were
gatherer groups who believe that animals should be trenches, measuring 3x11m and 3x8m respectively, current project to continue; only then do we have each 0.9m in diameter, 0.6m deep and that one post-
treated with respect in order that they continue to were excavated to the east of the 1980s excavations. any chance of unlocking the remaining secrets of Star hole had cut the other. The earlier post-hole had an
give themselves up to the hunter and this respectful The most easterly of these revealed a rather sparse Carr before it is too late. identifiable post-pipe suggesting a timber with a
treatment often encompasses the careful disposal of scatter of lithic material and some possible planks of diameter of 0.5m; wood charcoal from the base of
animal bones in particular areas. worked wood (presently being analysed by Maisie Chantal Conneller, Archaeology, School of Arts, this post-pipe produced a standard radiometric date
Taylor). More significant evidence was recovered Histories and Cultures, University of Manchester of 390 to 180 Cal BC (Wk19120).
Given these uncertainties surrounding the site, it was from the second trench (trench 22), just 12m to the
decided to undertake new excavations at Star Carr. It east of the trench excavated in the 1980s where the THE PRE-ROMAN A much larger area of the pre-Roman cultivation soil
was also apparent that the excellent preservation timber platform was encountered. Though no was removed during 2006 and a further two pairs of
conditions that had made the site so famous were evidence of the platform itself was found, trench 22 ARCHAEOLOGY OF CHESTER’S large post-holes were identified; in each case, one
deteriorating. A project was therefore established yielded several of the distinctive woodchips ROMAN AMPHITHEATRE post-hole had been succeeded by another. It became
between the Universities of Manchester, York, UCL produced as a by-product of Mesolithic clear that the post-holes represented three corners of
and Cambridge in order to gather as much woodworking. The trench also yielded two clusters Between 2004 and 2006, excavations at the Roman a four-post structure, the fourth corner of which had
information from the site before the organic material of worked antler. The first of these was in a amphitheatre, Little St John Street, Chester (SJ 4085 been removed by a substantial medieval cess-pit.
finally decayed. The project commenced with particularly poor state of preservation; however the 6614), were carried out under the direction of Dan Furthermore, the occurrence of the post-holes in
fieldwalking and small-scale test-pitting in 2004. second cluster, more towards the lakeward end of the Garner (Chester City Council Archaeology Service) pairs indicated that the first four-post structure had
This work revealed that the spread of Mesolithic trench, was slightly better preserved and displays use and Tony Wilmott (English Heritage). Three been dismantled and then replaced with a second
material continued even further to the east than the of the groove and splinter technique which was trenches (designated A, B and C) on the northern similar structure with slightly different alignment
1980s fieldwork suggested. Further test-pitting in employed to produce blanks to make barbed points. half of the amphitheatre were excavated as part of and dimensions. The earlier structure was fairly
2005 revealed a continuous spread of lithic material These antler clusters have yielded dates towards the The Chester Amphitheatre Project and were jointly square in plan measuring 3.5m by 3.5m, and in all
along the spine of the peninsula to the east of the end of the 10th millennium uncal BP, making them funded by Chester City Council and English three instances the packing stones and post-pipes
site. It is hoped that further work on this area may the latest known artefacts from Star Carr. Taken Heritage. remained intact demonstrating that all of the timbers
813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 6

more complicated than initially imagined. This work reveal the dryland settlement area of the site. The with earlier dates on barbed points and antler debris During previous excavations on the site in the 1960s,
discovered a platform of hewn aspen timbers - the 2004/5 excavations included two wetland test-pits; from Clark’s trenches, this indicates that barbed a pre-Roman soil horizon was identified over large
earliest evidence of systematic woodworking in however these only revealed occasional fragments of points were produced throughout the long history of areas of the northern seating bank or cavea. This
Britain. The spread of artefactual debris was also bone, of the sort found elsewhere around Lake the occupation of the site and strengthens the deposit was labelled as ‘original ground surface’ and
discovered to continue to the east of Clark’s Flixton, rather than the more spectacular remains association of Star Carr with rare artefacts made was generally treated as a natural sub-soil. This soil
trenches, while work by Petra Dark on charcoal discovered by Clark. from animal remains. Overall it appears there is a horizon was exposed over a fairly large area in
indicated intermittent occupation of the site for reduction in the diversity of objects made from trench A during the final season of excavation in
around 230 years. Paul Mellars has suggested that it animal remains as one moves east - from the huge 2006 and demonstrated that the pre-Roman activity
is increasingly unlikely that a single function or variety in Clark’s trench, to a single barbed point and was more complicated than had originally been
season of occupation can be determined for such a evidence of antler working in the 1980s trench, to anticipated. Three phases of pre-Roman activity
large, repeatedly occupied site. evidence from antler working alone in the could be discerned in the archaeological record and
westernmost 2006 trench. It thus appears that we are these are described in greater detail below. The
However excavations since the mid-1970s closer to understanding the extent and distribution evidence is ground breaking in the context of
undertaken by Tim Schadla-Hall around the shores of unusual objects at the site. archaeology in the city of Chester; previous
of ancient Lake Flixton have suggested a radically archaeological investigations have only been able to
new interpretation of the site. These excavations establish evidence for pre-Roman cultivation of
indicate that Star Carr is unique in its local indeterminate date. It is now possible to demonstrate
landscape. Excavations around Lake Flixton have that the site at Chester was settled and farmed
revealed many new, well-preserved Mesolithic sites; several centuries before the arrival of the Roman
however, none of these have yielded the same range military and the establishment of the legionary
of material as Star Carr. 192 barbed antler points fortress.
have been found in excavations at Star Carr, but only
one further example has been found in 30 years of The Middle Iron Age
excavations around Lake Flixton. The same is true On removal of the pre-Roman soil horizon, the
for beads and antler frontlets: none of these objects natural subsoil was exposed. This varied across the
have been found elsewhere, in comparison to large site, but was generally glacial clay till rarely more
numbers at Star Carr. This pattern has led several than 0.5m thick that overlay the weathered surface
Red deer antler with splinter removed
archaeologists to suggest independently that there of the underlying sandstone bedrock. Plough
was an important ritual element to the activities Finally, the past three year’s work have permitted an scarring could be seen to have penetrated the surface
undertaken at Star Carr and that people were assessment of the rate of deterioration of organic of the natural subsoil quite extensively, and the
depositing objects made from animal remains into objects at the site. The organics have been affected shallow scars were consistent with the use of a
the shallow waters at the lake. It is significant that by the lowering of the water table through drainage, simple ard-type implement. This evidence supported
the only other sites where antler frontlets have been but since the sediments are very acidic, seasonal the suggestion that the pre-Roman soil was in fact a
recovered (three sites in Germany) also display fluctuations in the water table can also hasten the cultivation soil. At the end of the 2005 season, a pair
similar patterning in the deposition of combinations Plan of Trench 22 destruction of the archaeological material. Specialists of large post settings was identified cut into the top
of frontlets, beads and barbed points, often into who have visited the site have estimated that the of the natural subsoil when a small area of the pre-
waterlogged contexts. Analogies can perhaps be In 2006, more extensive fieldwork was undertaken remaining organic material will deteriorate in less Roman cultivation soil was removed. When they
made with a number of contemporary hunter- on the dryland/wetland margins. Two larger than a decade. It is therefore imperative for the were excavated, it was established that they were
gatherer groups who believe that animals should be trenches, measuring 3x11m and 3x8m respectively, current project to continue; only then do we have each 0.9m in diameter, 0.6m deep and that one post-
treated with respect in order that they continue to were excavated to the east of the 1980s excavations. any chance of unlocking the remaining secrets of Star hole had cut the other. The earlier post-hole had an
give themselves up to the hunter and this respectful The most easterly of these revealed a rather sparse Carr before it is too late. identifiable post-pipe suggesting a timber with a
treatment often encompasses the careful disposal of scatter of lithic material and some possible planks of diameter of 0.5m; wood charcoal from the base of
animal bones in particular areas. worked wood (presently being analysed by Maisie Chantal Conneller, Archaeology, School of Arts, this post-pipe produced a standard radiometric date
Taylor). More significant evidence was recovered Histories and Cultures, University of Manchester of 390 to 180 Cal BC (Wk19120).
Given these uncertainties surrounding the site, it was from the second trench (trench 22), just 12m to the
decided to undertake new excavations at Star Carr. It east of the trench excavated in the 1980s where the THE PRE-ROMAN A much larger area of the pre-Roman cultivation soil
was also apparent that the excellent preservation timber platform was encountered. Though no was removed during 2006 and a further two pairs of
conditions that had made the site so famous were evidence of the platform itself was found, trench 22 ARCHAEOLOGY OF CHESTER’S large post-holes were identified; in each case, one
deteriorating. A project was therefore established yielded several of the distinctive woodchips ROMAN AMPHITHEATRE post-hole had been succeeded by another. It became
between the Universities of Manchester, York, UCL produced as a by-product of Mesolithic clear that the post-holes represented three corners of
and Cambridge in order to gather as much woodworking. The trench also yielded two clusters Between 2004 and 2006, excavations at the Roman a four-post structure, the fourth corner of which had
information from the site before the organic material of worked antler. The first of these was in a amphitheatre, Little St John Street, Chester (SJ 4085 been removed by a substantial medieval cess-pit.
finally decayed. The project commenced with particularly poor state of preservation; however the 6614), were carried out under the direction of Dan Furthermore, the occurrence of the post-holes in
fieldwalking and small-scale test-pitting in 2004. second cluster, more towards the lakeward end of the Garner (Chester City Council Archaeology Service) pairs indicated that the first four-post structure had
This work revealed that the spread of Mesolithic trench, was slightly better preserved and displays use and Tony Wilmott (English Heritage). Three been dismantled and then replaced with a second
material continued even further to the east than the of the groove and splinter technique which was trenches (designated A, B and C) on the northern similar structure with slightly different alignment
1980s fieldwork suggested. Further test-pitting in employed to produce blanks to make barbed points. half of the amphitheatre were excavated as part of and dimensions. The earlier structure was fairly
2005 revealed a continuous spread of lithic material These antler clusters have yielded dates towards the The Chester Amphitheatre Project and were jointly square in plan measuring 3.5m by 3.5m, and in all
along the spine of the peninsula to the east of the end of the 10th millennium uncal BP, making them funded by Chester City Council and English three instances the packing stones and post-pipes
site. It is hoped that further work on this area may the latest known artefacts from Star Carr. Taken Heritage. remained intact demonstrating that all of the timbers
813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 8

had been between 0.45 and 0.5m in diameter. One of scarring marks in the surface of the natural subsoil form one side of either an ephemeral timber Dorset is from a context significantly less secure than
these earlier post-holes had a broken saddle that are thought to have been created by cultivation structure or part of a fence-line possibly for a small Salcombe. This axe was recovered just below the low
quernstone amongst its packing material and as using an ard. It was generally impossible to discern stock enclosure? water mark on the beach. It is sometimes referred to
mentioned above the structure was probably whether the ard-marks post-dated or pre-dated the as from Hengistbury Head, though found a little to
dismantled about 390 to 180 Cal BC (Wk19120). Iron Age structural features, but the presence of the To the south-west of the post-hole alignment, there the west; of Sicilian origin, it is somewhat later in
The second four-post structure was roughly overlying cultivation soils would argue for the was a slight depression in the surface of the pre- date than the strumento. But elsewhere in north-west
rectangular in plan with dimensions of 3m by 4m; former. Approximately 25% of the cultivation soil Roman cultivation soil, which may have once Europe we do have an undoubtedly secure
the post-holes were of a similar size to that of the was set aside for wet sieving down to 4mm mesh formed a muddy hollow that had clearly been Mediterranean object, broadly contemporary with
earlier structure but in all three instances the post- with the aim of recovering cultural material. churned up by the passage of traffic. This was Salcombe. This is a razor in the hoard from
pipes did not survive. Generally speaking, this only served to recover fairly mainly indicated by the presence of a mixture of Ommerschans in the Netherlands, also known for its
abundant amounts of heat-fractured stone and human footprints and animal tracks that overlay one outsize blade in the form of a dirk similar to the
occasional pieces of worked flint - the latter clearly another. The sequence appeared to suggest that the example from Oxborough, Norfolk, currently on
being residual. Artefacts were generally limited to earliest imprints were human footprints in a mixture display in the British Museum. The Ommerschans
stone objects (heat fractured stone, flint-work, of sizes from possible children/small female feet to razor also belongs to a type that occurs in Sicily.
sharpening stones and a fragment of quern stone), average-sized male footprints. On two examples,
but some small fragments of ceramic (possibly there was a suggestion that these pedestrians had Brendan O’Connor
Cheshire stony VCP) were also recovered along with been wearing footwear and in one instance it was
a corroded iron object that awaits analysis for possible to suggest that the imprint of hobnails was Dear Dr Brück,
identification. It is conceivable that the artefacts visible. The human footprints were overlain by a
recovered from the cultivation soils actually relate to series of three narrow wheel ruts that were probably PAST 55
occupation of the earlier structures described above. formed by a small cart. Finally, there was a series of
animal tracks (some of which were possibly hoof How on earth can Italian colleagues have assembled
The upper surface of the pre-Roman cultivation soil
prints from cattle) that could clearly be seen to have such a collection of words (meaning, roughly,
was found to contain undulations in several areas of
post-dated both the human footprints and the wheel instrument with a socket like a cannon) to describe
the excavation and it became clear that these
ruts. These footprints and tracks were sealed beneath the Bronze Age thing recovered recently off the
anomalies represented the remains of buried
a thick layer of fairly sterile red sandstone brash that Devon coast? Surely it is clear what it is and it
earthworks that pre-dated the construction of the
was thought to have functioned as a make- should be described accordingly: a potato peeler –
amphitheatre. This was most clearly demonstrated in
up/levelling layer immediately prior to the beginning sbucciapatate.
the area between the back of the Nemeseium and the
of the construction of the amphitheatre. They would
amphitheatre’s outer wall, where a series of ridges
probably not have been preserved in the Nicholas Thomas
and furrows were recorded. Roughly six parallel
archaeological record if they had been left exposed
furrows were identified in this area running on an
for any length of time and this implies that the
Rim sherd from a Cheshire stony VCP vessel recovered from the east-west alignment, and spaced at c.1m intervals. THE 2007 EUROPA LECTURE
footprints and tracks formed only weeks or days
pre-Roman cultivation soil The best preserved examples of this earthwork were
before the construction of the amphitheatre was
uncovered after the removal of the Roman seating
To the south of the four-post buildings, two begun! The 2007 Europa Lecture took place on May 23 and
bank deposits immediately adjacent to the inner face
segments of a circular gully were also found to be cut was given by Professor Lars Larsson of the
of the amphitheatre’s outer wall, which are
into the natural subsoil. The southern extent of these For more information visit University of Lund, in Sweden. Introducing
associated with the earliest phase of amphitheatre
gullies had been removed by the construction of the Professor Larsson, the President referred to the wide
construction. Further to the north, this ridge and
amphitheatre arena during the 1st century AD, but range of his interests and the extraordinary number
furrow earthwork could be seen to have survived in
enough survived to suggest a circular enclosure with Dan Garner, Senior Archaeologist, Chester City of his publications. It is good to know that the text
a slightly more truncated state. The overall
a diameter of about 10m. This has been tentatively Council of his lecture will be added to the list and will appear
impression is that this system of earthworks
interpreted as the remains of a roundhouse. Within in our Proceedings.
represents part of a Late Iron Age cultivation
the surviving interior of this enclosure was a single THE SALCOMBE FIND – SOME
technique that is often referred to as ‘cord-rig’ (when
post-hole that was filled with charred cereal grains The lecture was on ‘Ritual buildings in prehistoric
that still await identification and analysis. A single
it has been found further north beneath Roman forts COMMENTS FROM READERS Scandinavia’ and covered an enormous range of
on Hadrian’s Wall).
sherd of Cheshire stony VCP (briquettage associated different projects, some of them conducted by
with the pre-Roman Cheshire salt trade) was The Late Iron Age/Roman interface Dear Editor, Professor Larsson himself. It began with his
recovered from one section of the gully and this In an area between the two outer walls of the later Mesolithic cemetery at Skateholm and ended with an
represents the entire artefact assemblage for this Roman amphitheatre, a series of five small post- The article on Salcombe in April PAST extraordinary temple dating from the first
phase of the excavation. holes were identified cut into the pre-Roman (‘Mediterranean bronze found in English waters’; see millennium AD at Uppåkra just outside Lund where
cultivation soil. These post-holes formed a clear also British Archaeology, November/December he is excavating at the moment. The lecture even
The Late Iron Age northeast to southwest alignment that did not 2006) states that the enigmatic strumento is ‘the first featured a gold ring found a week earlier.
During the excavation of the pre-Roman cultivation respect the line of the amphitheatre wall. No secure object of Mediterranean origin and Bronze
soil, varying excavation conditions led the artefactual evidence was recovered from these post- Age date to be found in north-west Europe’. We The lecture covered an enormous period of time
excavation team to identify slight changes in what holes and their dating remains debateable. They are await full publication of the Salcombe context, but from the Mesolithic period to the Viking Age and
had originally been assumed to be a single deposit. In unlikely to represent timber scaffolding related to the this sweeping statement writes out of prehistory at drew on many revealing examples: the specialised
some instances, these changes might not have been construction of the amphitheatre wall as they were least one other secure find. buildings associated with Mesolithic graves in
real; however, what is certain is that all of these soils removed prior to the excavation of the wall’s Scandinavia; the first earthen long barrows to be
overlay the earlier Iron Age structural features foundation trench and they do not continue further Still on the south coast of England, it is not clear found in southern Sweden; the timber and stone ‘cult
described above and also sealed a multitude of linear to the north-east. It is therefore more likely that they whether the shaft-hole axe found at Southbourne in houses’ of the Neolithic and Bronze Age; and the
813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 8

had been between 0.45 and 0.5m in diameter. One of scarring marks in the surface of the natural subsoil form one side of either an ephemeral timber Dorset is from a context significantly less secure than
these earlier post-holes had a broken saddle that are thought to have been created by cultivation structure or part of a fence-line possibly for a small Salcombe. This axe was recovered just below the low
quernstone amongst its packing material and as using an ard. It was generally impossible to discern stock enclosure? water mark on the beach. It is sometimes referred to
mentioned above the structure was probably whether the ard-marks post-dated or pre-dated the as from Hengistbury Head, though found a little to
dismantled about 390 to 180 Cal BC (Wk19120). Iron Age structural features, but the presence of the To the south-west of the post-hole alignment, there the west; of Sicilian origin, it is somewhat later in
The second four-post structure was roughly overlying cultivation soils would argue for the was a slight depression in the surface of the pre- date than the strumento. But elsewhere in north-west
rectangular in plan with dimensions of 3m by 4m; former. Approximately 25% of the cultivation soil Roman cultivation soil, which may have once Europe we do have an undoubtedly secure
the post-holes were of a similar size to that of the was set aside for wet sieving down to 4mm mesh formed a muddy hollow that had clearly been Mediterranean object, broadly contemporary with
earlier structure but in all three instances the post- with the aim of recovering cultural material. churned up by the passage of traffic. This was Salcombe. This is a razor in the hoard from
pipes did not survive. Generally speaking, this only served to recover fairly mainly indicated by the presence of a mixture of Ommerschans in the Netherlands, also known for its
abundant amounts of heat-fractured stone and human footprints and animal tracks that overlay one outsize blade in the form of a dirk similar to the
occasional pieces of worked flint - the latter clearly another. The sequence appeared to suggest that the example from Oxborough, Norfolk, currently on
being residual. Artefacts were generally limited to earliest imprints were human footprints in a mixture display in the British Museum. The Ommerschans
stone objects (heat fractured stone, flint-work, of sizes from possible children/small female feet to razor also belongs to a type that occurs in Sicily.
sharpening stones and a fragment of quern stone), average-sized male footprints. On two examples,
but some small fragments of ceramic (possibly there was a suggestion that these pedestrians had Brendan O’Connor
Cheshire stony VCP) were also recovered along with been wearing footwear and in one instance it was
a corroded iron object that awaits analysis for possible to suggest that the imprint of hobnails was Dear Dr Brück,
identification. It is conceivable that the artefacts visible. The human footprints were overlain by a
recovered from the cultivation soils actually relate to series of three narrow wheel ruts that were probably PAST 55
occupation of the earlier structures described above. formed by a small cart. Finally, there was a series of
animal tracks (some of which were possibly hoof How on earth can Italian colleagues have assembled
The upper surface of the pre-Roman cultivation soil
prints from cattle) that could clearly be seen to have such a collection of words (meaning, roughly,
was found to contain undulations in several areas of
post-dated both the human footprints and the wheel instrument with a socket like a cannon) to describe
the excavation and it became clear that these
ruts. These footprints and tracks were sealed beneath the Bronze Age thing recovered recently off the
anomalies represented the remains of buried
a thick layer of fairly sterile red sandstone brash that Devon coast? Surely it is clear what it is and it
earthworks that pre-dated the construction of the
was thought to have functioned as a make- should be described accordingly: a potato peeler –
amphitheatre. This was most clearly demonstrated in
up/levelling layer immediately prior to the beginning sbucciapatate.
the area between the back of the Nemeseium and the
of the construction of the amphitheatre. They would
amphitheatre’s outer wall, where a series of ridges
probably not have been preserved in the Nicholas Thomas
and furrows were recorded. Roughly six parallel
archaeological record if they had been left exposed
furrows were identified in this area running on an
for any length of time and this implies that the
Rim sherd from a Cheshire stony VCP vessel recovered from the east-west alignment, and spaced at c.1m intervals. THE 2007 EUROPA LECTURE
footprints and tracks formed only weeks or days
pre-Roman cultivation soil The best preserved examples of this earthwork were
before the construction of the amphitheatre was
uncovered after the removal of the Roman seating
To the south of the four-post buildings, two begun! The 2007 Europa Lecture took place on May 23 and
bank deposits immediately adjacent to the inner face
segments of a circular gully were also found to be cut was given by Professor Lars Larsson of the
of the amphitheatre’s outer wall, which are
into the natural subsoil. The southern extent of these For more information visit University of Lund, in Sweden. Introducing
associated with the earliest phase of amphitheatre
gullies had been removed by the construction of the Professor Larsson, the President referred to the wide
construction. Further to the north, this ridge and
amphitheatre arena during the 1st century AD, but range of his interests and the extraordinary number
furrow earthwork could be seen to have survived in
enough survived to suggest a circular enclosure with Dan Garner, Senior Archaeologist, Chester City of his publications. It is good to know that the text
a slightly more truncated state. The overall
a diameter of about 10m. This has been tentatively Council of his lecture will be added to the list and will appear
impression is that this system of earthworks
interpreted as the remains of a roundhouse. Within in our Proceedings.
represents part of a Late Iron Age cultivation
the surviving interior of this enclosure was a single THE SALCOMBE FIND – SOME
technique that is often referred to as ‘cord-rig’ (when
post-hole that was filled with charred cereal grains The lecture was on ‘Ritual buildings in prehistoric
that still await identification and analysis. A single
it has been found further north beneath Roman forts COMMENTS FROM READERS Scandinavia’ and covered an enormous range of
on Hadrian’s Wall).
sherd of Cheshire stony VCP (briquettage associated different projects, some of them conducted by
with the pre-Roman Cheshire salt trade) was The Late Iron Age/Roman interface Dear Editor, Professor Larsson himself. It began with his
recovered from one section of the gully and this In an area between the two outer walls of the later Mesolithic cemetery at Skateholm and ended with an
represents the entire artefact assemblage for this Roman amphitheatre, a series of five small post- The article on Salcombe in April PAST extraordinary temple dating from the first
phase of the excavation. holes were identified cut into the pre-Roman (‘Mediterranean bronze found in English waters’; see millennium AD at Uppåkra just outside Lund where
cultivation soil. These post-holes formed a clear also British Archaeology, November/December he is excavating at the moment. The lecture even
The Late Iron Age northeast to southwest alignment that did not 2006) states that the enigmatic strumento is ‘the first featured a gold ring found a week earlier.
During the excavation of the pre-Roman cultivation respect the line of the amphitheatre wall. No secure object of Mediterranean origin and Bronze
soil, varying excavation conditions led the artefactual evidence was recovered from these post- Age date to be found in north-west Europe’. We The lecture covered an enormous period of time
excavation team to identify slight changes in what holes and their dating remains debateable. They are await full publication of the Salcombe context, but from the Mesolithic period to the Viking Age and
had originally been assumed to be a single deposit. In unlikely to represent timber scaffolding related to the this sweeping statement writes out of prehistory at drew on many revealing examples: the specialised
some instances, these changes might not have been construction of the amphitheatre wall as they were least one other secure find. buildings associated with Mesolithic graves in
real; however, what is certain is that all of these soils removed prior to the excavation of the wall’s Scandinavia; the first earthen long barrows to be
overlay the earlier Iron Age structural features foundation trench and they do not continue further Still on the south coast of England, it is not clear found in southern Sweden; the timber and stone ‘cult
described above and also sealed a multitude of linear to the north-east. It is therefore more likely that they whether the shaft-hole axe found at Southbourne in houses’ of the Neolithic and Bronze Age; and the
813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 10

of interest! Further details will be announced later. Prof. John Coles ‘Visions of power and virtue: making the significant
The Society’s AGM will also be held on this day, Joint Prehistoric Society/Society of Antiquaries of dead in Early Bronze Age Britain’, Dr Paul Garwood
immediately before the presentation of the Europa Scotland Joint Prehistoric Society/Sussex Archaeological
prize at the start of Barry’s lecture. Society
Thurs. 11th Oct. 7.30pm Price: £2. Places must be booked in advance.
We are confident that these new-style Europa day- Cheques should made be payable to ‘Sussex Past’,
Lecture: Aberdeen
meetings, taking place in regional locations as well as and sent to Lorna Gartside, Sussex Archaeological
Venue TBC
in the capital, will provide a fitting context for the Society, Barbican House, 169 High Street, Lewes
'Forgotten sites and elusive images: prehistoric rock
presentation of our Society’s most prestigious prize. BN7 1YE.
carvings of southern Scandinavia'*, John Coles
Joint Prehistoric Society/ Society of Antiquaries of
PREHISTORIC SOCIETY Scotland Fri. 18th-Sun. 20th April
MEETINGS AND EVENTS 2007-8 Conference: Bournemouth
The programme for next year’s lectures and Weds. 24th Oct. 5pm Venue: Bournemouth University
meetings is coming together. We have decided to Lecture: London ‘The British Chalcolithic’
make a few changes - more day conferences, fewer Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly A major conference on the Neolithic-Bronze Age
events in London, more collaborative lectures. The seventh Sara Champion Memorial Lecture: ‘A transition - not just Beakers!
Professor Larsson (right) with the President
Details of a number of events have yet to be crystal world from weeping stone: considering the Joint Prehistoric Society/Bournemouth University
finalised and all details will be posted on our relationships between Neolithic cave art and Archaeology & History Group
pagan temple at Gamla Uppsala described by Adam website, together with contact details and booking monument construction on Mendip’*, Dr Jodie
of Bremen in AD 1076. It was with Uppåkra that the forms as applicable, as soon as they become Lewis Sat. 17th May
lecture concluded, and that is entirely appropriate, available. We are also planning some one-day field Day conference and Europa Lecture: Oxford
for work at this extraordinarily rich site is still in visits to ‘live’ projects but these may be organised Dec. TBC Venue: TBC
progress. at fairly short notice and will be very much on a Day conference: ‘Britons in the Celtic world: contrasting
first-come-first-served basis, so for all events do Venue TBC perspectives’ followed by the 17th Europa Lecture:
Proposing the vote of thanks after an outstanding keep checking the website. Booking forms will be Research Strategy for Prehistory Prof. Barry Cunliffe ‘A race apart? insularity &
lecture, Richard Bradley commented, with a certain included in later editions of PAST. A day of papers to launch English Heritage’s connectivity’*
envy, on the Scandinavian definition of prehistory, Research Strategy for Prehistory NB There will be a fee for the conference (TBC) but
Members, please note that the loss of our office in Joint seminar Prehistoric Society/English Heritage
which does not end at the Roman period but the Europa Lecture will be free to members; £3 to
London also resulted in the loss of our phone
continues until AD 1000. Few prehistorians could non-members
though the postal address remains. If you do not
carry out research over such a broad field, but
have easy access to the website you can also contact 2008
Professor Larsson is one of them. The lecture was a Fri. 23rd-Sun. 25th May
Julie Gardiner about obtaining details of events
perfect demonstration of his wide range of interests. Sat. 12th Jan. Study Weekend:
(events inquiries only please!) on 01722 343413
Lecture: Norwich Venue: Dillington House, Ilminster, Somerset
who will pass your inquiry to Tessa. All meetings
Venue TBC Iron Age or Celtic Britain?
marked with * are free to members (£3 on the door
EUROPA 2008: A NEW for non-members). Just turn up on the day! All
Title to follow*, Speaker to follow Picking up on the theme of the Europa conference.
LOCATION, A NEW FORMAT other meetings must be pre-booked via the contacts
Joint Prehistoric Society/Norfolk & Norwich Lectures on Friday and Saturday followed by a field
AND A MAJOR EVENT Archaeological Society trip on Sunday.
given. Please book early to avoid disappointment.
For details please contact Wayne Bennett,
Jan. TBC Dillington House, Ilminster TA19 7DZ. Tel: 01460
The Society is delighted to announce that the 2008
2007 Lecture: Exeter 52427, email:
Europa Prize will be awarded to Professor Sir Barry
Venue TBC
Cunliffe of the University of Oxford. Next year will
Thurs. 11th Oct. 1-5pm Title to follow*, Speaker to follow
also mark a significant break with tradition in that June TBC
Field trip Joint Prehistoric Society/Devon Archaeological
the accompanying Europa lecture, rather than being British Study Tour:
Venue: Cissbury, Sussex Society
held in London on a Wednesday evening, will form Venue: TBC
the centrepiece of a day-conference on a related The Archaeology of Cissbury and Chactonbury:
Sat. 2nd Feb. We are exploring possibilities, most likely for a trip
theme. guided walk, led by David McOmish
Day conference: London to several of the Hebridean isles (subject to
Joint Prehistoric Society/Sussex Archaeological
Society of Antiquaries, Burlington house, Piccadilly availability of suitable accommodation) - details to
The first of our new annual Europa day-meetings ‘The view from above, the view from below: follow
Price: £3. Places are limited and must be booked in
will be entitled ‘Britons in the Celtic world: advance. Cheques should made be payable to surveying the prehistoric landscapes of England’
contrasting perspectives’. It will draw together ‘Sussex Past’, and sent to Lorna Gartside, Sussex A review of how major large-scale aerial Fri. 15th-Sun. 17th Aug
archaeologists, geneticists and linguists, featuring Archaeological Society, Barbican House, 169 High photographic mapping, ground survey and Budget study weekend:
two speakers from each discipline with rather Street, Lewes BN7 1YE. geophysical prospection is revolutionising our Venue: Based in Bath
different views, before culminating in Professor understanding of prehistoric landscapes. Prehistory of Mendip
Cunliffe’s own lecture, entitled ‘A race apart? Price: £30 inc tea & coffee Following the success of our day visit from
Weds. 10th Oct. 7.30pm
Insularity and connectivity’. Dillington and the Sara Champion lecture, we
Lecture: Edinburgh
Venue TBC Sat. 9th Feb. 2pm propose a ‘budget’ weekend based at Bath YHA
The meeting will be held in Oxford on Saturday, 'Forgotten sites and elusive images: prehistoric rock Lecture: Lewes exploring the prehistoric landscape of Mendip, led
May 17, 2008, and we are anticipating a great deal carvings of southern Scandinavia'*, St Thomas a Becket church hall, Cliffe High St, Lewes by Dr Jodie Lewis.
813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 10

of interest! Further details will be announced later. Prof. John Coles ‘Visions of power and virtue: making the significant
The Society’s AGM will also be held on this day, Joint Prehistoric Society/Society of Antiquaries of dead in Early Bronze Age Britain’, Dr Paul Garwood
immediately before the presentation of the Europa Scotland Joint Prehistoric Society/Sussex Archaeological
prize at the start of Barry’s lecture. Society
Thurs. 11th Oct. 7.30pm Price: £2. Places must be booked in advance.
We are confident that these new-style Europa day- Cheques should made be payable to ‘Sussex Past’,
Lecture: Aberdeen
meetings, taking place in regional locations as well as and sent to Lorna Gartside, Sussex Archaeological
Venue TBC
in the capital, will provide a fitting context for the Society, Barbican House, 169 High Street, Lewes
'Forgotten sites and elusive images: prehistoric rock
presentation of our Society’s most prestigious prize. BN7 1YE.
carvings of southern Scandinavia'*, John Coles
Joint Prehistoric Society/ Society of Antiquaries of
PREHISTORIC SOCIETY Scotland Fri. 18th-Sun. 20th April
MEETINGS AND EVENTS 2007-8 Conference: Bournemouth
The programme for next year’s lectures and Weds. 24th Oct. 5pm Venue: Bournemouth University
meetings is coming together. We have decided to Lecture: London ‘The British Chalcolithic’
make a few changes - more day conferences, fewer Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly A major conference on the Neolithic-Bronze Age
events in London, more collaborative lectures. The seventh Sara Champion Memorial Lecture: ‘A transition - not just Beakers!
Professor Larsson (right) with the President
Details of a number of events have yet to be crystal world from weeping stone: considering the Joint Prehistoric Society/Bournemouth University
finalised and all details will be posted on our relationships between Neolithic cave art and Archaeology & History Group
pagan temple at Gamla Uppsala described by Adam website, together with contact details and booking monument construction on Mendip’*, Dr Jodie
of Bremen in AD 1076. It was with Uppåkra that the forms as applicable, as soon as they become Lewis Sat. 17th May
lecture concluded, and that is entirely appropriate, available. We are also planning some one-day field Day conference and Europa Lecture: Oxford
for work at this extraordinarily rich site is still in visits to ‘live’ projects but these may be organised Dec. TBC Venue: TBC
progress. at fairly short notice and will be very much on a Day conference: ‘Britons in the Celtic world: contrasting
first-come-first-served basis, so for all events do Venue TBC perspectives’ followed by the 17th Europa Lecture:
Proposing the vote of thanks after an outstanding keep checking the website. Booking forms will be Research Strategy for Prehistory Prof. Barry Cunliffe ‘A race apart? insularity &
lecture, Richard Bradley commented, with a certain included in later editions of PAST. A day of papers to launch English Heritage’s connectivity’*
envy, on the Scandinavian definition of prehistory, Research Strategy for Prehistory NB There will be a fee for the conference (TBC) but
Members, please note that the loss of our office in Joint seminar Prehistoric Society/English Heritage
which does not end at the Roman period but the Europa Lecture will be free to members; £3 to
London also resulted in the loss of our phone
continues until AD 1000. Few prehistorians could non-members
though the postal address remains. If you do not
carry out research over such a broad field, but
have easy access to the website you can also contact 2008
Professor Larsson is one of them. The lecture was a Fri. 23rd-Sun. 25th May
Julie Gardiner about obtaining details of events
perfect demonstration of his wide range of interests. Sat. 12th Jan. Study Weekend:
(events inquiries only please!) on 01722 343413
Lecture: Norwich Venue: Dillington House, Ilminster, Somerset
who will pass your inquiry to Tessa. All meetings
Venue TBC Iron Age or Celtic Britain?
marked with * are free to members (£3 on the door
EUROPA 2008: A NEW for non-members). Just turn up on the day! All
Title to follow*, Speaker to follow Picking up on the theme of the Europa conference.
LOCATION, A NEW FORMAT other meetings must be pre-booked via the contacts
Joint Prehistoric Society/Norfolk & Norwich Lectures on Friday and Saturday followed by a field
AND A MAJOR EVENT Archaeological Society trip on Sunday.
given. Please book early to avoid disappointment.
For details please contact Wayne Bennett,
Jan. TBC Dillington House, Ilminster TA19 7DZ. Tel: 01460
The Society is delighted to announce that the 2008
2007 Lecture: Exeter 52427, email:
Europa Prize will be awarded to Professor Sir Barry
Venue TBC
Cunliffe of the University of Oxford. Next year will
Thurs. 11th Oct. 1-5pm Title to follow*, Speaker to follow
also mark a significant break with tradition in that June TBC
Field trip Joint Prehistoric Society/Devon Archaeological
the accompanying Europa lecture, rather than being British Study Tour:
Venue: Cissbury, Sussex Society
held in London on a Wednesday evening, will form Venue: TBC
the centrepiece of a day-conference on a related The Archaeology of Cissbury and Chactonbury:
Sat. 2nd Feb. We are exploring possibilities, most likely for a trip
theme. guided walk, led by David McOmish
Day conference: London to several of the Hebridean isles (subject to
Joint Prehistoric Society/Sussex Archaeological
Society of Antiquaries, Burlington house, Piccadilly availability of suitable accommodation) - details to
The first of our new annual Europa day-meetings ‘The view from above, the view from below: follow
Price: £3. Places are limited and must be booked in
will be entitled ‘Britons in the Celtic world: advance. Cheques should made be payable to surveying the prehistoric landscapes of England’
contrasting perspectives’. It will draw together ‘Sussex Past’, and sent to Lorna Gartside, Sussex A review of how major large-scale aerial Fri. 15th-Sun. 17th Aug
archaeologists, geneticists and linguists, featuring Archaeological Society, Barbican House, 169 High photographic mapping, ground survey and Budget study weekend:
two speakers from each discipline with rather Street, Lewes BN7 1YE. geophysical prospection is revolutionising our Venue: Based in Bath
different views, before culminating in Professor understanding of prehistoric landscapes. Prehistory of Mendip
Cunliffe’s own lecture, entitled ‘A race apart? Price: £30 inc tea & coffee Following the success of our day visit from
Weds. 10th Oct. 7.30pm
Insularity and connectivity’. Dillington and the Sara Champion lecture, we
Lecture: Edinburgh
Venue TBC Sat. 9th Feb. 2pm propose a ‘budget’ weekend based at Bath YHA
The meeting will be held in Oxford on Saturday, 'Forgotten sites and elusive images: prehistoric rock Lecture: Lewes exploring the prehistoric landscape of Mendip, led
May 17, 2008, and we are anticipating a great deal carvings of southern Scandinavia'*, St Thomas a Becket church hall, Cliffe High St, Lewes by Dr Jodie Lewis.
813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 12

Oct. TBC bronze spearhead, and that for its shaft, suggests that
Weekend study tour: the spear was in circulation for a period of between
North Wales 70 and 410 years before being deposited, perhaps as
The 4th student study tour part of a ritual ceremony, at Priest Hutton. This
length of use, although apparently long, corresponds
Weds. 29th Oct. to similar use-lives found in hoarded objects
Lecture: elsewhere in Lancashire.
Venue: TBC
8th Sara Champion Memorial Lecture* TBC Taking data from seven hoards for which the
NB may be outside London typology of the contents could be determined, it was
possible to assess the age range of the contents (see
Dec. TBC graph). In the case of the Winmarleigh hoard, found
Conference: London at Pilling Moss, the oldest objects were also pegged,
Venue: Geological Society, Burlington House, socketed, leaf-shaped spearheads, similar to the one
Piccadilly found at Priest Hutton, and also dating to the Penard
Coastal erosion and prehistory phase on typological grounds. The youngest objects
A major conference exploring the effects of global in the hoard, for example the Yorkshire-type
warming and coastal erosion on the prehistoric socketed axes, date to the Ewart Park phase of the
archaeology of the UK. Late Bronze Age (Period 7, 1000-800 cal. BC). Thus
Joint Prehistorc Society/Geological Society meeting, the oldest objects in the hoard were between 150-
subject to agreement and confirmation 500 years old at the time they were deposited in the
The surviving wooden spearshaft. The shaft is made of ash and was moss. Although the dating is approximate, it is clear
In the planning stages: budget study tour: Isle of found inside the socket of the bronze spear. A hole had been drilled that, even using the most conservative estimate of
Wight; field trip and lecture: Cresswell Crags; field through the shaft, seen most clearly in the centre illustration, to age, the oldest object must have passed through
accommodate the peg that would have passed through the hole in
trip: Silbury Hill; day conference: recent The Priest Hutton spear. Type: pegged, socketed, leaf-shaped blade the spearhead to secure it to the shaft. several generations before it was deposited. Similarly
developments in Palaeolithic archaeology, the with single midrib. Note the missing tip and damage to the blade lengthy periods of circulation were found amongst
impact of Aggregates Levy funding; day conference: edge, possibly due to prehistoric use. objects deposited in hoards at Congleton, Beeston
cave archaeology - what’s new?; day conference: AMS radiocarbon assay Castle and in the River Ribble.
environmental techniques: recent applications for detectorist, Mr Matt Hepworth. Thanks to his Dating was undertaken by Dr Gordon Cook and
interpreting archaeology; day conference: foresight, he had retained both bronze spear and Philip Naysmith of the Scottish University Support for the hypothesis that objects circulated
Prehistoric London reviewed; conference: wooden shaft, making possible their detailed study. Environmental Research Council (SUERC) over long periods of time prior to deposition is
archaeology & astronomy The spear and its shaft were found at Priest Hutton, radiocarbon laboratory. The process required provided by analysis of use-wear. Repeated
Carnforth, Lancashire (OS ref SD 5260 7450, c. 40m HOD). chemical pre-treatment of the shaft, which had been resharpening of the edges of objects has been noted
preserved by the finder in cooking oil, to remove all
DATING A PEGGED, SOCKETED, traces of contamination.
elsewhere in the European Bronze Age. In
Description of the spear and spear shaft Lancashire, a number of instances of resharpening
LEAF-BLADE SPEARHEAD FROM The find is of a pegged, socketed, leaf-blade can be identified in spears. Objects can also be
LANCASHIRE: SOME spearhead with single midrib. The spear measures On typological grounds alone, the bronze spearhead modified: Bridgeford cites an example of a sword
175mm long, 40mm wide (across the blade) and is dates to the Penard phase (Period 5) of the Bronze that ended up as a dagger. In the area surrounding
IMPLICATIONS FOR THE 23mm thick. It is generally in good condition. There Age. This period equates to the Middle Bronze Age, Morecambe Bay, I have identified a Group II dirk of
REGION’S BRONZE AGE is slight wear and some damage to the blade edge. 1300-1150 cal. BC. However, radiocarbon assay of Acton Park phase (Period 5), the butt of which has
Such damage has been widely reported in bronze the wooden shaft produced a date in the range 1080- been reworked into a broad tang and then drilled
Introduction spears and is associated with use in the prehistoric 890 cal. BC. This corresponds to the with a secondary hole for re-hafting. With each
Bronze weapons and tools are a defining period. It is likely that the tip to the spear, which is Wilburton/Blackmoor/Ewart Park phases (Period event, the artefact acquired additional meaning
characteristic of the Bronze Age period. Although missing, was similarly lost during use. The artefact 6/7) and the transition from the Middle to the Late imbuing it with individual character, so that we can
much energy has been invested in their description has a dark brown patina, with areas of green where Bronze Age. The difference between the dates for the begin to think of these objects as having
and categorisation, from which relative typological corroded. ‘biographies’.
chronologies have been constructed, we still know
comparatively little about their precise absolute The spear came to light with a portion of the
dating. The problem is that metal is not conducive to wooden shaft in situ. Prior to radio carbon assay,
radiocarbon dating methods, which require organic which is a destructive process, the shaft was drawn.
material for analysis. A rare exception to this rule What was most significant was that the shaft,
occurs where metalwork is found still attached to although in a state of decay, still retained evidence of
wooden shafts or handles. In those cases, it is a hole drilled through it in order to accommodate the
possible to use the technique of Accelerator Mass peg which would have secured it to the spear, thus
Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon assay to determine confirming the link between the two artefacts. Dirk, modified for rehafting. Found at Foulshaw/Helsington Peat
Moss, Cumbria. Kendal Museum KMA 1979.28
dates for the wood, from which dates for the Analysis of the wooden shaft, undertaken by Dr
attached metalwork may be inferred. Jennifer Miller of Glasgow University Interpretation: The consumption of metalwork
Archaeological Research Department, confirmed the during the Bronze Age
This paper reports on the results of an analysis of a author’s initial interpretation that the shaft was Length of circulation of metalwork prior to deposition in hoards. The deposition of the Priest Hutton spear in the Late
wooden spearshaft found partially intact by metal made of Fraxinus sp. (ash). Number of artefacts examined = 46. Bronze Age came after a long period during which it,
813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 12

Oct. TBC bronze spearhead, and that for its shaft, suggests that
Weekend study tour: the spear was in circulation for a period of between
North Wales 70 and 410 years before being deposited, perhaps as
The 4th student study tour part of a ritual ceremony, at Priest Hutton. This
length of use, although apparently long, corresponds
Weds. 29th Oct. to similar use-lives found in hoarded objects
Lecture: elsewhere in Lancashire.
Venue: TBC
8th Sara Champion Memorial Lecture* TBC Taking data from seven hoards for which the
NB may be outside London typology of the contents could be determined, it was
possible to assess the age range of the contents (see
Dec. TBC graph). In the case of the Winmarleigh hoard, found
Conference: London at Pilling Moss, the oldest objects were also pegged,
Venue: Geological Society, Burlington House, socketed, leaf-shaped spearheads, similar to the one
Piccadilly found at Priest Hutton, and also dating to the Penard
Coastal erosion and prehistory phase on typological grounds. The youngest objects
A major conference exploring the effects of global in the hoard, for example the Yorkshire-type
warming and coastal erosion on the prehistoric socketed axes, date to the Ewart Park phase of the
archaeology of the UK. Late Bronze Age (Period 7, 1000-800 cal. BC). Thus
Joint Prehistorc Society/Geological Society meeting, the oldest objects in the hoard were between 150-
subject to agreement and confirmation 500 years old at the time they were deposited in the
The surviving wooden spearshaft. The shaft is made of ash and was moss. Although the dating is approximate, it is clear
In the planning stages: budget study tour: Isle of found inside the socket of the bronze spear. A hole had been drilled that, even using the most conservative estimate of
Wight; field trip and lecture: Cresswell Crags; field through the shaft, seen most clearly in the centre illustration, to age, the oldest object must have passed through
accommodate the peg that would have passed through the hole in
trip: Silbury Hill; day conference: recent The Priest Hutton spear. Type: pegged, socketed, leaf-shaped blade the spearhead to secure it to the shaft. several generations before it was deposited. Similarly
developments in Palaeolithic archaeology, the with single midrib. Note the missing tip and damage to the blade lengthy periods of circulation were found amongst
impact of Aggregates Levy funding; day conference: edge, possibly due to prehistoric use. objects deposited in hoards at Congleton, Beeston
cave archaeology - what’s new?; day conference: AMS radiocarbon assay Castle and in the River Ribble.
environmental techniques: recent applications for detectorist, Mr Matt Hepworth. Thanks to his Dating was undertaken by Dr Gordon Cook and
interpreting archaeology; day conference: foresight, he had retained both bronze spear and Philip Naysmith of the Scottish University Support for the hypothesis that objects circulated
Prehistoric London reviewed; conference: wooden shaft, making possible their detailed study. Environmental Research Council (SUERC) over long periods of time prior to deposition is
archaeology & astronomy The spear and its shaft were found at Priest Hutton, radiocarbon laboratory. The process required provided by analysis of use-wear. Repeated
Carnforth, Lancashire (OS ref SD 5260 7450, c. 40m HOD). chemical pre-treatment of the shaft, which had been resharpening of the edges of objects has been noted
preserved by the finder in cooking oil, to remove all
DATING A PEGGED, SOCKETED, traces of contamination.
elsewhere in the European Bronze Age. In
Description of the spear and spear shaft Lancashire, a number of instances of resharpening
LEAF-BLADE SPEARHEAD FROM The find is of a pegged, socketed, leaf-blade can be identified in spears. Objects can also be
LANCASHIRE: SOME spearhead with single midrib. The spear measures On typological grounds alone, the bronze spearhead modified: Bridgeford cites an example of a sword
175mm long, 40mm wide (across the blade) and is dates to the Penard phase (Period 5) of the Bronze that ended up as a dagger. In the area surrounding
IMPLICATIONS FOR THE 23mm thick. It is generally in good condition. There Age. This period equates to the Middle Bronze Age, Morecambe Bay, I have identified a Group II dirk of
REGION’S BRONZE AGE is slight wear and some damage to the blade edge. 1300-1150 cal. BC. However, radiocarbon assay of Acton Park phase (Period 5), the butt of which has
Such damage has been widely reported in bronze the wooden shaft produced a date in the range 1080- been reworked into a broad tang and then drilled
Introduction spears and is associated with use in the prehistoric 890 cal. BC. This corresponds to the with a secondary hole for re-hafting. With each
Bronze weapons and tools are a defining period. It is likely that the tip to the spear, which is Wilburton/Blackmoor/Ewart Park phases (Period event, the artefact acquired additional meaning
characteristic of the Bronze Age period. Although missing, was similarly lost during use. The artefact 6/7) and the transition from the Middle to the Late imbuing it with individual character, so that we can
much energy has been invested in their description has a dark brown patina, with areas of green where Bronze Age. The difference between the dates for the begin to think of these objects as having
and categorisation, from which relative typological corroded. ‘biographies’.
chronologies have been constructed, we still know
comparatively little about their precise absolute The spear came to light with a portion of the
dating. The problem is that metal is not conducive to wooden shaft in situ. Prior to radio carbon assay,
radiocarbon dating methods, which require organic which is a destructive process, the shaft was drawn.
material for analysis. A rare exception to this rule What was most significant was that the shaft,
occurs where metalwork is found still attached to although in a state of decay, still retained evidence of
wooden shafts or handles. In those cases, it is a hole drilled through it in order to accommodate the
possible to use the technique of Accelerator Mass peg which would have secured it to the spear, thus
Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon assay to determine confirming the link between the two artefacts. Dirk, modified for rehafting. Found at Foulshaw/Helsington Peat
Moss, Cumbria. Kendal Museum KMA 1979.28
dates for the wood, from which dates for the Analysis of the wooden shaft, undertaken by Dr
attached metalwork may be inferred. Jennifer Miller of Glasgow University Interpretation: The consumption of metalwork
Archaeological Research Department, confirmed the during the Bronze Age
This paper reports on the results of an analysis of a author’s initial interpretation that the shaft was Length of circulation of metalwork prior to deposition in hoards. The deposition of the Priest Hutton spear in the Late
wooden spearshaft found partially intact by metal made of Fraxinus sp. (ash). Number of artefacts examined = 46. Bronze Age came after a long period during which it,
813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 14

just like the objects found in bronze hoards, must rendered impossible. The insight offered by the
have passed through the hands of several owners. analysis into the world of the prehistoric inhabitants
Insight into the social significance of these weapons of Lancashire is thought-provoking. It suggests that
can be gained from a reading of comparative there is still much that can be learnt through detailed
ethnography which leads one to consider this scientific analysis and the application of
behaviour in terms of ‘consumption’. Consumption ethnographic case studies.
of objects, including metalwork, can be one of the
David A. Barrowclough MA PhD, Fellow, Wolfson
factors that emphasises similarities and differences
College, Cambridge
within a community: just think of how we regard
motor vehicles in our own society, and how what we
drive - a 4x4, a Rolls Royce or a third hand Ford - CONFERENCE NEWS
determines how we regard others, and how we are
regarded by them. In the Bronze Age, ownership of 9th Annual Conference of the British Association for
certain bronze weapons and associated activities, Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology
such as deposition, could become social markers Department of Archaeology, University of Reading,
used in group affiliation. Deliberate deposition of September 14-16, 2007
particular objects suggests that they had specific
meaning; this meaning came about during the life of This year’s BABAO conference is open to both
the object. This implies that during its life an object members and non-members: students, professionals
is likely to undergo transformations of meaning. In and the public alike. Papers are invited for inclusion
order to become valuable, and earn the right to be in three themed sessions as well as an ‘open’ session
ritually deposited, they should fulfil specific in which papers and posters on any topic can be
expectations. If they do not fulfil the expectations, presented. The titles of the themed sessions are:
and follow the life-path considered appropriate, they - Ethical, Scientific and Cultural Issues in the
may lose their significance. This is something which Repatriation of Human Remains Plan of part of the Holme Pierrepont excavation, showing the pit-alignment running roughly north-south through a palimpsest of features,
has been recorded for several ethnographic case - The Patter of Tiny Feet: the bioarchaeology of many of which belonged to successive episodes of historic land-use, from Early Saxon on (just a scatter of pits, but none of the rings or other
ditches, and certainly not the pit-alignment, can be proven prehistoric). The line of hachures marks the southwestern edge of the river-
studies on the use of valuables elsewhere in the infants and children terrace, while the stippled ditches were cut into an adjoining alluvial plain. Scale 1:1000.
world. - Mortuary Matters: the cultural aspects of death
southern end of the alignment (at the edge of the AN INKA ADMINISTRATIVE
and disposal
In the case of metalwork, it is unclear whether gravel-terrace), these cut through a pair of earlier
Registration details, conference arrangements,
ditches that yielded glazed medieval sherds. Indeed, SITE IN THE ANCASH
objects began their lives as commodities, later session abstracts and guidelines for abstract
transforming their status to that of valuables, or submission are available at
some would consider it distinctly conservative to dub HIGHLANDS, NORTH-CENTRAL
this pit-alignment ‘post-medieval’ rather than
whether they existed from the beginning as Abstracts for spoken or poster presentations should
valuables. Some even argue against the distinction. It be sent by email to The
is likely that bronze objects may have been both gifts deadline for abstract submission is Wednesday 1st During extensive survey and trial trenching in the
At first sight, this revelation of a shockingly new pit-
and commodities with different spheres of exchange August. For any further enquiries please contact: Dr Cordillera Negra of the north-central Ancash
alignment in the Trent Valley may seem curious fare
co-existing. As Mauss has shown, during gift Mary Lewis ( at the highlands of Peru, we discovered an important Late
for readers of PAST, though it should be obvious
exchange an object is to some extent seen as imbued Department of Archaeology, SHES, University of Horizon (AD 1480-1532) Inka administrative site.
enough that such very late dating carries serious
with the presence of the former owner, hence the Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 227, Reading RG1 The site, known locally as Intiaurán, is located in the
implications for those prehistorians whose interests
inalienability of the object. It becomes to an extent 2SA. Tel: 0118 8927, Fax: 0118 378 6718. Chaclancayo Valley. This highland region is
lie with landscape studies in the various corners of
personified. Godelier has argued that in the case of ecologically categorised as a tundra/sub-Alpine
Britain where pit-alignments occur, often as
valuables perceived as very special, objects are not (3500-5100m) zone of steep vertical gradients, small
only seen as signalling the presence of former A SHOCKINGLY NEW PIT- cropmarks, undated other than through analogy and
preconception. This will be particularly poignant for highland plains and short narrow ravines fed by fast,
owners, but of very special persons, and even ALIGNMENT ON THE TRENT students of the final millennium BC, the supposed seasonally active, high-energy water streams.
ancestors or gods.
GRAVELS age of many a pit-alignment. And now, in light of the Historically, this region fell under the sway of the
The transactions themselves are hard to recognise latest from the Dee Valley, it is perhaps also pertinent
archaeologically. One way that we may identify the PAST 54 brought news of a shockingly old pit- to those who study much earlier events. On the other
existence of spheres of exchange is to examine alignment in the Dee Valley of Aberdeenshire, hand, the relatively wide spacing of those pits in
objects in hoards. Valuables are likely to have passed created, it seems, in the 8th millennium BC or Scotland (about 5m can be inferred, as compared
through several hands and to have accumulated thereabouts, having previously been ascribed to the with an average of 1.5m at Holme Pierrepont)
complex biographies before being deposited. They Early Neolithic (PAST 50). Well, contrasting, and suggests that more than one phenomenon is
are therefore likely to have achieved considerable age equally startling news has lately come out of the masquerading under our ‘pit-alignment’ epithet.
and to bear the marks of circulation at the point of Trent Valley in Nottinghamshire, where excavation
deposition. ahead of gravel-extraction at Holme Pierrepont A summary account of the multi-period results from
encountered unambiguous evidence for construction this 5-hectare excavation at Holme Pierrepont has
Conclusion of a pit-alignment no earlier than the 18th century recently appeared in the county journal,
This study highlights the importance of apparently AD - yes, AD. Not only did some of its pits contain Transactions of the Thoroton Society of
insignificant fragments of wood. Without the potsherds of that century (or possibly the early 19th Nottinghamshire vol. 110 (2006), pages 15-48.
foresight of the finder, the wooden shaft may well - anyway residual, not intrusive) but, where the plan
have been discarded and the detailed dating analysis shows several of the oblong pits coalescing near the Graeme Guilbert, Trent & Peak Archaeological Unit Map of survey area

813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 14

just like the objects found in bronze hoards, must rendered impossible. The insight offered by the
have passed through the hands of several owners. analysis into the world of the prehistoric inhabitants
Insight into the social significance of these weapons of Lancashire is thought-provoking. It suggests that
can be gained from a reading of comparative there is still much that can be learnt through detailed
ethnography which leads one to consider this scientific analysis and the application of
behaviour in terms of ‘consumption’. Consumption ethnographic case studies.
of objects, including metalwork, can be one of the
David A. Barrowclough MA PhD, Fellow, Wolfson
factors that emphasises similarities and differences
College, Cambridge
within a community: just think of how we regard
motor vehicles in our own society, and how what we
drive - a 4x4, a Rolls Royce or a third hand Ford - CONFERENCE NEWS
determines how we regard others, and how we are
regarded by them. In the Bronze Age, ownership of 9th Annual Conference of the British Association for
certain bronze weapons and associated activities, Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology
such as deposition, could become social markers Department of Archaeology, University of Reading,
used in group affiliation. Deliberate deposition of September 14-16, 2007
particular objects suggests that they had specific
meaning; this meaning came about during the life of This year’s BABAO conference is open to both
the object. This implies that during its life an object members and non-members: students, professionals
is likely to undergo transformations of meaning. In and the public alike. Papers are invited for inclusion
order to become valuable, and earn the right to be in three themed sessions as well as an ‘open’ session
ritually deposited, they should fulfil specific in which papers and posters on any topic can be
expectations. If they do not fulfil the expectations, presented. The titles of the themed sessions are:
and follow the life-path considered appropriate, they - Ethical, Scientific and Cultural Issues in the
may lose their significance. This is something which Repatriation of Human Remains Plan of part of the Holme Pierrepont excavation, showing the pit-alignment running roughly north-south through a palimpsest of features,
has been recorded for several ethnographic case - The Patter of Tiny Feet: the bioarchaeology of many of which belonged to successive episodes of historic land-use, from Early Saxon on (just a scatter of pits, but none of the rings or other
ditches, and certainly not the pit-alignment, can be proven prehistoric). The line of hachures marks the southwestern edge of the river-
studies on the use of valuables elsewhere in the infants and children terrace, while the stippled ditches were cut into an adjoining alluvial plain. Scale 1:1000.
world. - Mortuary Matters: the cultural aspects of death
southern end of the alignment (at the edge of the AN INKA ADMINISTRATIVE
and disposal
In the case of metalwork, it is unclear whether gravel-terrace), these cut through a pair of earlier
Registration details, conference arrangements,
ditches that yielded glazed medieval sherds. Indeed, SITE IN THE ANCASH
objects began their lives as commodities, later session abstracts and guidelines for abstract
transforming their status to that of valuables, or submission are available at
some would consider it distinctly conservative to dub HIGHLANDS, NORTH-CENTRAL
this pit-alignment ‘post-medieval’ rather than
whether they existed from the beginning as Abstracts for spoken or poster presentations should
valuables. Some even argue against the distinction. It be sent by email to The
is likely that bronze objects may have been both gifts deadline for abstract submission is Wednesday 1st During extensive survey and trial trenching in the
At first sight, this revelation of a shockingly new pit-
and commodities with different spheres of exchange August. For any further enquiries please contact: Dr Cordillera Negra of the north-central Ancash
alignment in the Trent Valley may seem curious fare
co-existing. As Mauss has shown, during gift Mary Lewis ( at the highlands of Peru, we discovered an important Late
for readers of PAST, though it should be obvious
exchange an object is to some extent seen as imbued Department of Archaeology, SHES, University of Horizon (AD 1480-1532) Inka administrative site.
enough that such very late dating carries serious
with the presence of the former owner, hence the Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 227, Reading RG1 The site, known locally as Intiaurán, is located in the
implications for those prehistorians whose interests
inalienability of the object. It becomes to an extent 2SA. Tel: 0118 8927, Fax: 0118 378 6718. Chaclancayo Valley. This highland region is
lie with landscape studies in the various corners of
personified. Godelier has argued that in the case of ecologically categorised as a tundra/sub-Alpine
Britain where pit-alignments occur, often as
valuables perceived as very special, objects are not (3500-5100m) zone of steep vertical gradients, small
only seen as signalling the presence of former A SHOCKINGLY NEW PIT- cropmarks, undated other than through analogy and
preconception. This will be particularly poignant for highland plains and short narrow ravines fed by fast,
owners, but of very special persons, and even ALIGNMENT ON THE TRENT students of the final millennium BC, the supposed seasonally active, high-energy water streams.
ancestors or gods.
GRAVELS age of many a pit-alignment. And now, in light of the Historically, this region fell under the sway of the
The transactions themselves are hard to recognise latest from the Dee Valley, it is perhaps also pertinent
archaeologically. One way that we may identify the PAST 54 brought news of a shockingly old pit- to those who study much earlier events. On the other
existence of spheres of exchange is to examine alignment in the Dee Valley of Aberdeenshire, hand, the relatively wide spacing of those pits in
objects in hoards. Valuables are likely to have passed created, it seems, in the 8th millennium BC or Scotland (about 5m can be inferred, as compared
through several hands and to have accumulated thereabouts, having previously been ascribed to the with an average of 1.5m at Holme Pierrepont)
complex biographies before being deposited. They Early Neolithic (PAST 50). Well, contrasting, and suggests that more than one phenomenon is
are therefore likely to have achieved considerable age equally startling news has lately come out of the masquerading under our ‘pit-alignment’ epithet.
and to bear the marks of circulation at the point of Trent Valley in Nottinghamshire, where excavation
deposition. ahead of gravel-extraction at Holme Pierrepont A summary account of the multi-period results from
encountered unambiguous evidence for construction this 5-hectare excavation at Holme Pierrepont has
Conclusion of a pit-alignment no earlier than the 18th century recently appeared in the county journal,
This study highlights the importance of apparently AD - yes, AD. Not only did some of its pits contain Transactions of the Thoroton Society of
insignificant fragments of wood. Without the potsherds of that century (or possibly the early 19th Nottinghamshire vol. 110 (2006), pages 15-48.
foresight of the finder, the wooden shaft may well - anyway residual, not intrusive) but, where the plan
have been discarded and the detailed dating analysis shows several of the oblong pits coalescing near the Graeme Guilbert, Trent & Peak Archaeological Unit Map of survey area

813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 16

Inka Empire during the late fifteenth century AD, actually be ‘on the pad’ in consideration of camelid discovered at this site prove that their use and range process which gradually penetrated from
becoming part of the Huaylas province. anatomy). The low rectangular enclosures, or elaboration prevail for much longer than the Anatolia, via Greece, into the Republic of
possible corrals, associated with the upper plaza and conservative chronological estimates given to Macedonia. Associated changes across various
The Inka site of Intiaurán was probably an kallanka would seem to suggest the latter type of Andean ceramic styles. Either through reuse or categories of material culture include the appearance
administrative site created to consolidate imperial storage. A series of small (c.1m x 1m), roughly continued manufacture, ceramics in this area of decorated ceramic vessels.
control across an important transit zone linking the rectangular enclosures located between the two main demonstrate an affinity and use that straddle the
coast with the fertile Santa Valley to the east. Until areas of the site and running parallel to the Rico Middle Horizon through to the end of the Late This research aims to assess the extent to which
now, this region of the northern and north-central River might also be the remains of stone-lined Intermediate Period and probably beyond. elements of visual similarity in ceramic decoration
Andes has very few verifiable Inka sites and no terraced pools used for the production of chuño indicate the spread of the Neolithic from Anatolia to
recognised administrative centres along the whole of (freeze dried potatoes used as food). A mixture of A crucial piece of evidence for Inka occupation Macedonia, and also to examine how local
the Cordillera Negra. The nearest known Inka rectangular-, oval- and round-shaped buildings in though comes from a singular pottery fragment. This traditions of pottery production which gradually
administrative site is along the coast, this being Intiaurán indicated both an initial local and is a coarse-grained, dark grey-coloured base; this developed their own individual character were
Chiquitoy Viejo located in the northern Chicama subsequent Inka occupation of the site. thick-walled fragment constituted the base of an created. For this purpose, detailed analysis was
Valley at a distance of over 150km. Towards the aríbalo, a typically Inka ceramic form (see photo). carried out on the decorative motifs present on the
west, in the Santa Valley, apart from another possible The ceramic material recovered was particularly The coarse-grained nature of this base and its rather painted vessels from the Early and Middle Neolithic
small Inka administrative site in the lower southern crucial in providing an important relative asymmetrical form suggest that this might well have found on recent excavations from the northern and
half of the valley at Pueblo Viejo, there are again few chronology for the dating of Intiaurán supporting been a provincial Inka copy. It also serves to cement eastern part of the Republic of Macedonia. A large
indications of imperial Inka installations. Given that the interpretation of the radiocarbon date collected the site’s association with the Inka; this is further number of vessels and fragments were examined,
it is very probable that a lateral Inka road existed from the excavation. Trial-trenching at Intiaurán supported by a single date obtained from the providing information on the ornamentation and the
linking the coast to the highlands, it is conceivable uncovered two fragments of Akillpo-style ceramics; excavation calibrated to AD 1545±95. This date development of motifs and compositional systems
that the newly discovered site of Intiaurán was the this places the site within the context of the local came from a burnt layer associated with the floor of used in the Neolithic as a means of visual
main conduit for this route suggesting an important indigenous Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000- a residential unit within the excavation. It is possible identification and communication.
thoroughfare here across this coastal cordillera. 1480). A third fragment was indicative of coastal that this layer could be dating a final destruction
Casma Incised Ware and again suggests a Late level associated with the abandonment of at least this The beginning of the Neolithic in the Republic of
Intiaurán’s identification as an Inka administrative Intermediate Period date. structure if not the site. The large amount of broken Macedonia is currently dated to the middle of the
centre is undisputed. The site is located at the ceramics associated with the floor level and the burnt seventh millennium BC, and even in its earliest
transitional agriculture-herding boundary set at layer would seem to support this supposition. phases painted vessels were present. In the earliest
3900 to 4100m and is divided into two discrete period, almost throughout the entire region, vessels
areas, one to the east and the other to the west. At To conclude, all the evidence from the site of were painted with white decoration similar to that
the centre of each of these areas were two well Intiaurán indicates a pattern of use that stretched from Thessaly in Greece. However, vessels which
defined Inka kallankas (administrative buildings), from an indigenous Middle Horizon through to the employ motifs known from the Neolithic of Anatolia
facing in each instance an open area or plaza. While establishment of a Late Horizon Inka administrative are also known, demonstrating the remarkable
the western kallanka faced an area of agricultural or centre. In the Spanish Colonial Period, there are chronological and geographical range over which
habitational terracing that included a large natural suggestions of an abrupt abandonment of the site. As aspects of material culture could be transmitted.
rock that might have acted as an ushnu (ritual such, the site serves to fill an important gap in our These ceramics do not have a direct analogy with the
platform or dais) situated in the centre of the plaza, understanding of Inka colonial strategy in the north- Early Neolithic painted vessels from Anatolia, but
the eastern kallanka was built opposite a series of central Andean region. Continuing surveys and instead bear remarkable similarities with motifs
low rectangular-shaped walls. Without further study Base of Inka-style aríbalo from excavation at Intiuarán excavations planned for this year will advance our present on wall paintings and reliefs, and also
it is impossible to define the function of these knowledge of community organisation, subsistence engraved on stamp seals and figurines in the latter
rectangular spaces, although they could conceivably The rest of the assemblage was more varied. The use strategies and importantly Prehispanic hydraulic region. Particular similarities can be identified with
be corrals used to amass animals either as part of of a recurved neck for a large jar or olla suggests a technology in the area. iconography found inside the buildings at Çatal
ritual, annual shearing, transport or tribute. late Middle Horizon (AD 600-1000) date, although Hüyük, where painting was almost entirely
the use of recurved vessels extends well beyond this Kevin Lane, University of Manchester concentrated on the walls of buildings rather than on
Intiaurán was also the site of convergence of two horizon itself. An important discovery was that of a Gabriela Contreras Ampuero, Universidad Nacional
clearly defined roads, one coming up from the coast fine-pasted, pale orange ceramic fragment with a Mayor de San Marcos, Peru
and another heading north-west in the direction of black-orange geometric design. This geometric
the adjacent northern valley of Jimbe. Although the design shares close parallels with vessels ascribed to
coastal road skirted the lower kallanka, it met the the Middle Horizon Nepeña Black-White-Red Style; DECORATION ON THE
other road at the upper plaza. Both roads were the design and composition of the paste suggest a
clearly marked and had well defined stone steps and Middle Horizon date for the ceramic, perhaps a local NEOLITHIC PAINTED VESSELS
a kerb; both of these are well known Inka highland variation of the coastal polychrome Black- FROM THE REPUBLIC OF
architectural road-building features. White-Red Style, which still remains ill-defined.
Similarly, other decorated fragments are reminiscent
The coastal road was serviced by two chasquiwasis of late Middle Horizon decorative techniques.
(Inka runner way-stations) located at the middle of The Republic of Macedonia is known as a region
the site between the upper and lower plazas. The The identification of Middle Horizon ceramics where the process of Neolithization was highly
lack of identifiable qollqas (storage houses) suggests associated stratigraphically with Late Intermediate active and from which it was dispersed through the
either that storage was located in individual houses Period ceramics is significant in that it demonstrates northern part of the Balkans. Numerous excavations
or, as befits an agro-pastoral economy, storage was the conservative nature of indigenous cultures and from the last six decades have shown that Early Neolithic vessels from the Republic of Macedonia:
Neolithization in this area was the result of a long- Amzabegovo: 1-3; Velushka Tumba: 4, 6; Porodin: 5
conducted ‘on the hoof’ (in the Andes this would their ceramic forms. The Middle Horizon ceramics
813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 16

Inka Empire during the late fifteenth century AD, actually be ‘on the pad’ in consideration of camelid discovered at this site prove that their use and range process which gradually penetrated from
becoming part of the Huaylas province. anatomy). The low rectangular enclosures, or elaboration prevail for much longer than the Anatolia, via Greece, into the Republic of
possible corrals, associated with the upper plaza and conservative chronological estimates given to Macedonia. Associated changes across various
The Inka site of Intiaurán was probably an kallanka would seem to suggest the latter type of Andean ceramic styles. Either through reuse or categories of material culture include the appearance
administrative site created to consolidate imperial storage. A series of small (c.1m x 1m), roughly continued manufacture, ceramics in this area of decorated ceramic vessels.
control across an important transit zone linking the rectangular enclosures located between the two main demonstrate an affinity and use that straddle the
coast with the fertile Santa Valley to the east. Until areas of the site and running parallel to the Rico Middle Horizon through to the end of the Late This research aims to assess the extent to which
now, this region of the northern and north-central River might also be the remains of stone-lined Intermediate Period and probably beyond. elements of visual similarity in ceramic decoration
Andes has very few verifiable Inka sites and no terraced pools used for the production of chuño indicate the spread of the Neolithic from Anatolia to
recognised administrative centres along the whole of (freeze dried potatoes used as food). A mixture of A crucial piece of evidence for Inka occupation Macedonia, and also to examine how local
the Cordillera Negra. The nearest known Inka rectangular-, oval- and round-shaped buildings in though comes from a singular pottery fragment. This traditions of pottery production which gradually
administrative site is along the coast, this being Intiaurán indicated both an initial local and is a coarse-grained, dark grey-coloured base; this developed their own individual character were
Chiquitoy Viejo located in the northern Chicama subsequent Inka occupation of the site. thick-walled fragment constituted the base of an created. For this purpose, detailed analysis was
Valley at a distance of over 150km. Towards the aríbalo, a typically Inka ceramic form (see photo). carried out on the decorative motifs present on the
west, in the Santa Valley, apart from another possible The ceramic material recovered was particularly The coarse-grained nature of this base and its rather painted vessels from the Early and Middle Neolithic
small Inka administrative site in the lower southern crucial in providing an important relative asymmetrical form suggest that this might well have found on recent excavations from the northern and
half of the valley at Pueblo Viejo, there are again few chronology for the dating of Intiaurán supporting been a provincial Inka copy. It also serves to cement eastern part of the Republic of Macedonia. A large
indications of imperial Inka installations. Given that the interpretation of the radiocarbon date collected the site’s association with the Inka; this is further number of vessels and fragments were examined,
it is very probable that a lateral Inka road existed from the excavation. Trial-trenching at Intiaurán supported by a single date obtained from the providing information on the ornamentation and the
linking the coast to the highlands, it is conceivable uncovered two fragments of Akillpo-style ceramics; excavation calibrated to AD 1545±95. This date development of motifs and compositional systems
that the newly discovered site of Intiaurán was the this places the site within the context of the local came from a burnt layer associated with the floor of used in the Neolithic as a means of visual
main conduit for this route suggesting an important indigenous Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000- a residential unit within the excavation. It is possible identification and communication.
thoroughfare here across this coastal cordillera. 1480). A third fragment was indicative of coastal that this layer could be dating a final destruction
Casma Incised Ware and again suggests a Late level associated with the abandonment of at least this The beginning of the Neolithic in the Republic of
Intiaurán’s identification as an Inka administrative Intermediate Period date. structure if not the site. The large amount of broken Macedonia is currently dated to the middle of the
centre is undisputed. The site is located at the ceramics associated with the floor level and the burnt seventh millennium BC, and even in its earliest
transitional agriculture-herding boundary set at layer would seem to support this supposition. phases painted vessels were present. In the earliest
3900 to 4100m and is divided into two discrete period, almost throughout the entire region, vessels
areas, one to the east and the other to the west. At To conclude, all the evidence from the site of were painted with white decoration similar to that
the centre of each of these areas were two well Intiaurán indicates a pattern of use that stretched from Thessaly in Greece. However, vessels which
defined Inka kallankas (administrative buildings), from an indigenous Middle Horizon through to the employ motifs known from the Neolithic of Anatolia
facing in each instance an open area or plaza. While establishment of a Late Horizon Inka administrative are also known, demonstrating the remarkable
the western kallanka faced an area of agricultural or centre. In the Spanish Colonial Period, there are chronological and geographical range over which
habitational terracing that included a large natural suggestions of an abrupt abandonment of the site. As aspects of material culture could be transmitted.
rock that might have acted as an ushnu (ritual such, the site serves to fill an important gap in our These ceramics do not have a direct analogy with the
platform or dais) situated in the centre of the plaza, understanding of Inka colonial strategy in the north- Early Neolithic painted vessels from Anatolia, but
the eastern kallanka was built opposite a series of central Andean region. Continuing surveys and instead bear remarkable similarities with motifs
low rectangular-shaped walls. Without further study Base of Inka-style aríbalo from excavation at Intiuarán excavations planned for this year will advance our present on wall paintings and reliefs, and also
it is impossible to define the function of these knowledge of community organisation, subsistence engraved on stamp seals and figurines in the latter
rectangular spaces, although they could conceivably The rest of the assemblage was more varied. The use strategies and importantly Prehispanic hydraulic region. Particular similarities can be identified with
be corrals used to amass animals either as part of of a recurved neck for a large jar or olla suggests a technology in the area. iconography found inside the buildings at Çatal
ritual, annual shearing, transport or tribute. late Middle Horizon (AD 600-1000) date, although Hüyük, where painting was almost entirely
the use of recurved vessels extends well beyond this Kevin Lane, University of Manchester concentrated on the walls of buildings rather than on
Intiaurán was also the site of convergence of two horizon itself. An important discovery was that of a Gabriela Contreras Ampuero, Universidad Nacional
clearly defined roads, one coming up from the coast fine-pasted, pale orange ceramic fragment with a Mayor de San Marcos, Peru
and another heading north-west in the direction of black-orange geometric design. This geometric
the adjacent northern valley of Jimbe. Although the design shares close parallels with vessels ascribed to
coastal road skirted the lower kallanka, it met the the Middle Horizon Nepeña Black-White-Red Style; DECORATION ON THE
other road at the upper plaza. Both roads were the design and composition of the paste suggest a
clearly marked and had well defined stone steps and Middle Horizon date for the ceramic, perhaps a local NEOLITHIC PAINTED VESSELS
a kerb; both of these are well known Inka highland variation of the coastal polychrome Black- FROM THE REPUBLIC OF
architectural road-building features. White-Red Style, which still remains ill-defined.
Similarly, other decorated fragments are reminiscent
The coastal road was serviced by two chasquiwasis of late Middle Horizon decorative techniques.
(Inka runner way-stations) located at the middle of The Republic of Macedonia is known as a region
the site between the upper and lower plazas. The The identification of Middle Horizon ceramics where the process of Neolithization was highly
lack of identifiable qollqas (storage houses) suggests associated stratigraphically with Late Intermediate active and from which it was dispersed through the
either that storage was located in individual houses Period ceramics is significant in that it demonstrates northern part of the Balkans. Numerous excavations
or, as befits an agro-pastoral economy, storage was the conservative nature of indigenous cultures and from the last six decades have shown that Early Neolithic vessels from the Republic of Macedonia:
Neolithization in this area was the result of a long- Amzabegovo: 1-3; Velushka Tumba: 4, 6; Porodin: 5
conducted ‘on the hoof’ (in the Andes this would their ceramic forms. The Middle Horizon ceramics
813_PAST 56:PAST 56 11-2-07 03:52 Page 2

vessels. This tradition of painterly expression, as it note that in this period there was a complete
spread through the Balkan peninsula, dominated in transformation in the typology of painted vessels, as
the decorated compositions on pottery vessels, well as in the structure of the compositions, which
although the remains of wall decoration can be seen now included new kinds of motifs. The motifs were
inside some of the houses in this area. painted in brown and black; now only a small
percentage was white. Painted compositions usually
Regarding the painted decoration on the Early consisted of extended triangles, spirals, vertical and
Neolithic vessels from Macedonia, a wide range of oblique lines and egg shaped motifs which were
white motifs were employed, creating unique and precisely disposed across the structure of the
rarely repeated compositions. These usually composition. There are few other motifs, nor are
consisted of zig-zag lines, stair-like ribbons, there variations of previously mentioned ornaments,
NUMBER 56 July 2007
triangles, dots and so called vegetal motifs. Some so it can be assumed that the Middle Neolithic
researchers consider that the choice of motifs relate population from this region developed its own THE NEWSLETTER OF THE PREHISTORIC SOCIETY
to the function of the vessels, indicating for example firmly-defined iconography that was reflected in Registered Office University College London, Institute of Archaeology, 31–34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY
pots in which herbal remedies were prepared or various different types of material culture.
which were used during particular ceremonies in
dwellings or settlements. Exceptionally important Recently, there have been several attempts to study THE PETROGLYPHS OF Rock art exists throughout the varied landscape of
are the local styles these motifs create which indicate the function of the vessels and the significance of Kazakhstan, certain concentrations of known sites
that, across the wider area of Macedonia, several their decoration. Because of their petrographic
TAMGALY, KAZAKHSTAN extending into neighbouring countries. The
local communities were established, using features, as well as the time and skill invested in the petroglyphs have a wide date range from the late
decoration as an element of mutual visual production of these vessels, it has been suggested As a result of the interest shown in the article on the third millennium BC to the recent past, but each
‘deer stones’ of Mongolia, published in PAST 54, I

identification. Although there appear to have been that they were exceptionally important for the period has its own style. Such is the international
one or more waves of demographic expansion in the communities that inhabited these Neolithic offer some information on a fascinating rock art site interest in the central Asian sites that a number of
earliest phases of the Neolithic, in its later stages it settlements. It is therefore assumed that they had a in Kazakhstan that is also the site of an excavated collaborative teams of local and foreign
can be seen that distinct regional traditions emerge ceremonial or symbolic character, and that they were ‘deer stone’. archaeologists have been working concertedly in
which are reflected in differences in material culture. used during domestic celebrations, holidays, recent years to document and protect them. The
Hence, there are remarkable differences between festivities and rites. Furthermore, the wide range of initiatives include participants from France,
Early Neolithic decoration in the Skopje region ornaments painted on these vessels were also present Germany, Norway, Poland and the USA, as well as
(northern Macedonia), the Ovce Pole region (eastern on the figurines, stamp seals, altars and on the walls Britain, as Ken Lymer has previously reported in
Macedonia) and in Pelagonia (southwest of shrines dating to the same period, and it is PAST (Nos 9 and 23). Arguably the most significant
Macedonia). therefore thought that they symbolized ideas of rain sites are in the eastern and southern parts of the
and regeneration. country, but it is Tamgaly, a complex with more than
3000 individual petroglyphs, which I wish to
Whatever the case, these objects and their decoration describe.
undoubtedly indicate that the people of the Early
and Middle Neolithic in this region had a high level
of technical and artistic accomplishment. Their Tamgaly is an isolated valley in the dry steppe and
ability to produce these vessels and to paint them so desert landscape that embraces the low foothills of
precisely surely proves that in this period, the level of the southeastern Chu-Ili Mountains, themselves an
visual perception, geometrisation and organization extension of the Northern Tienshan range. It is
of micro-space was highly developed. This way of situated about two and a half hours’ drive west of
creating and maintaining the painterly tradition Alamty, the country’s capital. Extensive rock art was
therefore established specific visual communication discovered here by chance in 1957 by A. A. Popov, a
and symbolic interaction between members of one photographer from an archaeological team working
community, as well as between several communities under the direction of À. G. Màximova who
across the wider region. excavated a local Bronze Age cemetery. The first
account of Tamgaly, published the following year by
Middle Neolithic vessels from the Republic of Macedonia: Madjari: Màximova, used the study of a site in neighbouring
1-5; Gorobinci: 6 Goce Naumov, University of Skopje, Institute for
History of Art and Archaeology, The Republic of Kyrgyzstan (Saimaly-Tash) to attribute the artwork
Macedonia to a number of different periods. Subsequently, more
The situation in the Middle Neolithic changed Email: detailed recording has been undertaken, while
significantly. The decoration on the vessels found in excavations at cemeteries in the area have discovered
settlements across the eastern half of Macedonia is Acknowledgements petroglyphs within graves, which help to date the
very similar, so that identical ornaments can be I am grateful to the Prehistoric Society for different styles represented on the open rock faces.
found in the Skopje and Ovce Pole regions, and also supporting this research through the Research Fund
in other parts of the east of the country. This award. My special thanks to Joanna Brück for The copy date for PAST 57 is 1 October 2007. Contributions to Joanna Brück, School of Archaeology, Newman
suggests that local Early Neolithic communities were helpful comments and corrections on an earlier draft Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Email: Contributions on disc or
as e-mail attachments are preferred (either word 6 or rtf files) but hardcopy is also accepted. Illustrations can be sent
gradually assimilated into one bigger grouping of this article. I would also like to thank to my as drawings, slides, prints, tif or jpeg files. The book reviews editor is Dr Mike Allen, Wessex Archaeology, Portway
which in the Middle Neolithic developed new colleagues from museums in Macedonia for allowing House, Old Sarum Park, Salisbury, Wilts, SP4 6EB. Email: Queries over subscriptions and
elements of visual communication. It is interesting to me to work on previously excavated material. membership should go to the Society administrator Tessa Machling at the London address above.


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