EIC RW How To Be Happy

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Nama : Rizka Safira Fanani

NIM : G000204289

How To Be Happy

Eat Your
Be Let Go of
Smile Grateful grudges

First, make sure you smile with joy. Because when you smile, your heart will feel calm.
Smile is included in worship. Without being noticed, there is actually a party going on in the
brain, when we are smilling wether the smile is genuine or not. Yes, the brain will naturally
activate the nerve centers that regulate human emotions and feelings of happiness. Here’s how to
started a smile activates the release of neuropeptides tiny molecules that mediate between nerve
cells to communicate to relieve stress.

With be grateful you will get reward from Allah SWT, because Allah SWT said in QS.
Al-Baqarah : 153 : “O you who believe! Ask for help (to Allah) with patience and prayer.
Indeed, Allah and those who are patient.”

Let go of grudges can be used you feel relieved at all the problems you are facing right
now. Negative thinking happens to all of us, but if we recognize it and challenge that thinking,
we are taking a big step toward a happier life.

Eating is one of the great pleasure of life. Enjoying our favorit foods can be a real
pleasure and something that makes life truly worthwhile. Food affects the pleasure and reward
centers in the human brain as well as the performance of drugs. That is, both drugs and food can
cause humans to experience problems or happiness.

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