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MAMALIAS GEC 103 November 09, 2020


If not because of this subject, I would have not known what corporation really does
mean. I have heard of it, but I did not mind its meaning, all I know before was it was just added
to the name of big businesses.
On the first part of the documentary, it was defined by the experts what it means together
with the CEO of some companies. I was baffled how a corporation could have the rights as a
person. As I watch further, I have learned that it was made that way to gain more profit for the
company owners.
There are many negative impacts of what the corporation have done to all aspect on its
development since the dawn of World War Two which can still be observe up to these days.
Abuse to human rights and injustice it gave to the workers are simply unacceptable but sadly it
still exists until today. The environmental damages these companies have contributed may have
already been penalized but it did create major destruction that affected human health that also
affected the biosphere.
With the exposure I had with this documentary, I have concluded that greed is the culprit
that hides behind the mask of what we called a corporation.

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