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Apr 10, 2020

1.​If a commission of 10% is given on the marked price of a book, the publisher gains 20%. If the
commission is increased to 15% the gain is (Investment Corporation Officer - 2011)
Let, Original MP = 100.
C.MP = 90
so, CP = 90* 10/12 = 75.
again C.MP = 85..
so, Gain % = (10*100)/75 = 13.33 (answer)

2. ​At a selling price of Tk. 275 a book yield 25%profit. What selling price will yield the profit of
(Investment Corporation Senior Officer – 2011)
SP = 275
required SP = {275*(4/5)*(11/10)} = 242

3. ​If selling price is doubled, The profit triples. Find the profit percent.
SP-CP = Profit
2sp-cp = 3profit
2sp-cp = 3(sp-cp)
SP = 2CP
CP:SP = 1:2
prifit % = (1/1) *100 = 100%

4. ​The difference between the cost price and sale price of an article is Tk. 240. If the profit is
20%, the selling price is
20% = 240
120% = 1440

5. ​On selling 17 balls at Tk. 720, there is a loss equal to the cost price of 5 balls. The cost price
of a ball is
Loss = CP-SP
17CP - 17SP = 5CP
17SP = 12CP
720 = 12CP
CP= 720/12 = 60.
6. ​The profit earned by selling an article for Tk. 832 is equal to the loss incurred when the same
article is sold for Tk. 448. What should be the sale price for making 50% profit?
CP = (832+448)/2 = 640.
so, SP = 640*(3/2) = 960

7. ​If 5% more is gained by selling an article for Tk.350 than by selling it for Tk.340, the cost of
the article is-
5% = 10
100% = 200

8. ​An article is sold at a certain price. By selling it at 2/3 of that price one loses 10%. Find the
gain percent at original price
original SP : new sp = 3:2
2= 90%
3= 135 %
Gain % = 35%.

9. ​An article when sold at a gain of 5% yields TK. 15 more than when sold at a loss of 5% . Its
cost price would be
10% = 15
100% = 150

10. ​10% loss on selling price is what percent loss on the cost price
Let, SP= 100
so, CP= 110.
so, Loss % on CP = (10/110)*100 = 9.09 %

11. ​The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the selling price of x articles. If the profit is 25%,
then the value of x is
Price ratio 4:5
quantiny ratio 20:x
so, (20*4)= 5×X
x= 16
12. ​At what profit percent must an article be sold so that by selling at half that price , there may
be a loss of 30%
Let, SP= 140.
New SP = 70.
70% = 70
100% = 100.
profit % = (40/100)100= 40.

13. ​ The sale price of an article including the sales tax is TK 616.The rate of sales tax 10% If the
shopkeeper has made a profit of 12% , then the cost price of the article is
SP= 616 * 10/11 =560
CP =( 560*110)/112= 500

14. ​When a plot is sold for TK. 18,700 , the owner loses 15% . At what price must the plot be
sold in order to gain 15%
85 % = 18700
115% = 23300

15. ​The percentage profit earned by selling an article for TK. 1920 is equal to the percentage
loss incurred by selling the same article for TK. 1280 .At what price should the article be sold to
make 25% profit?
(1920+1280)/2 = 1600
Required SP = 1600* (5/4)= 2000

16. ​A shopkeeper sold article offering a discount of 5% and earned a profit of 23.5%. What
would have been the percentage of profit earned if no discount was offered?
Let CP = 100
95 = 123.5
100 = 130
Profit = 30 %
17. ​On selling a chair at 7% loss and a table at 17% gain, a man gains Tk 296. If he sells the
chair at 7% gain and the table at 12% gain, then he gains Tk. 400. The actual price of the table
17+12 =29% === 696
So, 100% = 2400

18. ​After deducting a commission of 5%, a T.V set costs Tk. 9595. Its marked price is
9595 *( 100/95) = 10100

19. ​A man buys an article for 10% less than its value and sells it for 10% more than its value.
His gain of loss percent is
Original Cp =100
New CP= 90
SP = 110
so, gain % = (20/90)×100= 22.22%

20. ​A merchant has 1000 kg of sugar, part of which he sells at 8% profit and the rest at 18%
profit. He gains 14% on the whole. The quantity sold at 18% profit is
so, 1000/5 = 200
200*3 = 600

21. ​A shopkeeper purchased 70 kg of potatoes for Tk. 420 and sold the whole lot at the rate of
Tk. 6.50 per kg. .what will be his gains percent?

420/70 = 6 tk/ kg
gain 6.50 6 = 0.50 tk/kg
gain %= (0.5*100)/6 = 8.33 %

22. ​If selling price of an article is of its cost price 3/4 , the profit in the transaction is
CP:SP = 3:4
so, p% =( 1/3)*100= 33.33
23. ​Peter purchased a machine for TK. 80,000 and spent TK. 5,000 on repair and TK. 1,000 on
transport and sold it with 25% profit , At what price did he sell the machine
80000 + 5000 +1000 =86000
S.P = 86000* (5/4) = Tk. 107500

24. ​When a commodity is sold for Tk. 34.80, there is a loss

of 2%. What is the cost price of the commodity

Cost price = 34.80 × 100/98 = 35.51 Tk

25. ​A makes an article for Tk. 120 and sells it to B at a profit of 25% B sells it to C who sells it for
Tk. 198 making a profit of 10%. What profit percent did B makemake

Cp or B = 120 Sp or B = 198 * 10/11 = 180 Profit = 180-150 = 30 Profit% = 30/150 = 1/5 = 20%

26. ​A man expects a gain of 22.5% on his cost price. If in a week, his sale was of Tk. 392, what
was his profit

(100/122.5) x 392 = 320
profit = 392-320= 72

27. ​The cost price of an article is Tk. 7840. What should be the selling price of the article so that
there is a profit of 7%

(7840*107)/100 = 8388.80

28. ​By selling an article for Tk. 100 a man gains Tk. 15 .Then, his gain % is -

Sp= 100
Profit= 15
Cp= 85
Gain % = (15*100)/85
= 17.64%


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