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Aim:- Georeference an imagery with the help of Georeferenced image by using IDRISI

 StartAll programsIdrisiIdrisi

 Idrisi windowMain menu BarReformatRESAMPLE Resample DBX Opens

 Resample DBX:

 Go to Resample file Specification select the radio button against Raster select the
input file (the imagery file to be geo referenced)

 Go to Ground control points select the input reference (the imagery file to be geo
referenced) and Output reference file (the imagery which is already geo-referenced).

 Go to the input reference image  select a feature which appears sharp in both the
input and output reference imageries zoom to proper extent by using Zoom window
Tool and Restore original window Tools  Otherwise u can also use
navigation Tools provided in Composer DBX

 After selection of sharp feature: Page 1

 Click on input Digitize GCP then input GCP appears in the center of the input
reference imagery window  move that to the proper position.

 Follow the similar procedure for output reference point by selecting Output Digitize
GCP option

 Similar passion measure minimum four GCP in the both imageries.

After measuring four GCPs we will notice RMS value in the Resample DBX if RMS value
is less than 1 Go to mapping function select radio button against Linear Go to
Resample Type select radio button against Nearest neighbor.

 Go to Resample file Specification- Give a name to the output Rectified File.

 Select Background Value as Zero.

 Click on Output Reference Parameters Tab Reference Parameters DBX opens.

 Then Click on the check box copy from Existing fileBrowse the imagery which is
used as output referenceOK Page 2

 Then the IDRISI window appears like below

 Click OK in the Resample DBX

 After Resample the resample image would appear on the IDRISI window. Page 3

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