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No Homework, No good

(pinalitan lead)

Department of Education (DepEd) has expressed their support towards the ‘no homework policy’ proposed by
lawmakers that is said to be beneficial towards the learners as it seeks to provide balance between the academic
development and their personal growth through having quality time with their family. It may seem nice to hear
that there are no tasks to be taken home from school, however this is going to affect the method and
application of learning that had earned negative reactions not only from teachers but also students.

Three separate bills have been filed regarding this policy, two in the congress and one in the senate. They all
seek to provide one thing and that is to give students the chance of having quality time with their family.

House bill 3661, proposed by House Deputy Speaker Evelina Escudero, states to remove homework on
weekends to provide learners a time for relaxation and quality time and the same goes with the HB No. 3883
filed by Quezon City Representative Alfred Vargas. As for Sen. Grace Poe’s Senate bill 966, she favors in giving
assignments to students on weekends as long it will only take 4 hours or less to be finished.

Nevertheless, they disregarded the fact that teachers only do so for it is part of the K-12 program. They’re not
issuing these activities to burden their students but rather to comply with the guide given by the curriculum in
order to provide a great quality of education.

“It’s not about pagkuha sa time ng mga bata, yun ang pamamaraan para matuto sila” said Mrs. Evalyn Maqueda,
Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (ESP) teacher. Giving out these homework is a way to enhance the capability of a
student to apply what they’ve learned and assess if they understood the topic well.

In school, teachers are only given an hour to discuss a lesson and provide a performance task for the learners,
and sometimes their activities are not done within the period that’s why they tend to make it as an assignment.
The given time will never be enough if they want them to comply and make them well-educated about the topic.

In an interview with a student she showed her rage against the policy saying that her only hope in answering the
math problems given to her is by turning it into as a take home activity. They have a lot of time to finish their
task at their houses and also, they’ll have the chance to discover techniques regarding the lesson.

Instead of proposing a law banning homework, they can revise the curriculum that’s going to minimize these
tasks to be done for this is the reason why there are many activities taken home. Improvising to make it more
flexible to the teachers and learners but still produce high quality of learning.

They can try to minimize the group works and give it individually to avoid conducting groupings. In that way, at
home they can seek help from their parents and make it a sort of a bonding for them.

Also, teachers can team up and produce one project to be given to the students and that’s’ going to cover all
their subjects. In this way, students are going to give all their efforts in only one project and the remaining time
is going to be allotted for their relaxation and their parents.

Removing homeworks are not going to do good to the learners, it should not be seen as burden but rather an
obstacle to overcome. As the late Miriam Defensor Santiago once said, “Seek to endure the difficulties in doing
your homework so that you’ll learn to be tough in facing whatever challenges your future holds.”
Remember discipline

Discipline of the students are very essential to define what values they've learned not only in their school but
also inside their homes. But this has been ignored.

Recently, Kapayapaan Integrated School (KIS) faced different issues over the misbehaviors of students. Hence,
unmindful acts of students are needed to aid immediate attention such as smoking inside school, using foul
words that makes other people irritated, throwing trash on streets and wearing improper school uniforms.

Before the first quarter ends, there are group of boys from Senior High that were reported directly in the
principal's office due to usage of cigarettes and vapes inside school comfort rooms as well as during class hours.
When in fact, there is a smoking ban inside and outside the school premises.

Another is about the comment on a Facebook Page of Brgy. Canlubang where KIS was mentioned with regards
to the student's use of foul words and annoying noises during hours of PM session dismissals. Considering that
they just got from the schools, it is assumed that they maintain their values and able to control themselves
throughout the day.

In addition, students who are not wearing proper school uniforms like those who wears shorter skirts and black
slacks were one of the scenarios encountered by the school principal, Mr. Arnaldo Forteza. Even though,
uniforms were not considered as hindrance for the students to learn. The said experienced was not good for the
eyes of other people who expects the children to be prim and proper inside classrooms.

Strengthening the implementation of DepEd Rules and Regulations stated in the Students Handbook and
providing sanctions are suggested in order to avoid bad feedbacks on the school.

Educating discipline among students are difficult especially today. That is why the schools are conducting
seminars for Parenting, for them to be more aware of the common misconduct of their children inside the

Behavior of students is not the solely put to the school's responsibility. There were many factors that affect the
youths such as Environment, friends and family. It is true that the school is the second home of every child but,
it must not be the venue of those who are only exploring and practicing disobedience.

Partnership between the school staffs and parents were expected to reduce the issues being encountered inside
school premises. Hence, student’s discipline is very essential to define what values they've learned not only in
the school but also inside their homes.
Welcome to ROTC

Department of Education (DepEd) has now welcomed the revival of the mandatory basic Reserved Officers
Training Corps (ROTC) to be implemented on the SHS students. This news gained the approval of teachers along
with students.
HOUSE BILL 8961 or the ROTC Act institutionalizes ROTC training program for students enrolled in grades 11 and
12 in all educational institutions whether public or private that serve as requirement for graduation.
Exempted from the said program are students who are physically and psychologically unfit, athletic scholars who
chose to be represented by the school and other valid reasons approved by the Department of National Defense
(DND). The program considers the students who suffers illness not to join hard trainings that can trigger their
According to Mr. James Garcia, MAPEH teacher and former head of CAT (Citizenship Advancement Training),
CAT which is the former program in the curriculum mainly revolves around community service that made him
conclude that ROTC is much better choice for this focuses more on serving the students the military experience
and also act as preparation for their career.
In addition, DepEd Secretary Briones stated that this program is going to instill nationalism among the students
and its curriculum involves the Philippine history and protection of the country. Briones also said that what she
likes about this is most of girls are now involved.
“Seryoso, mas gusto ko itong ROTC at payag akong iinclude ang mga babae dito kasi nagpapakita ng
pagkakapantay-pantay” said by Abegail Abuloc, Grade 12 STEM student. Including girls in this training shows
how the country is promoting equality among all.
Indeed, it is much better than the previous program made by DepEd, but still they need to consider and explain
further to the students the importance and purpose of this training. They have to be fully oriented first before
stepping in to this kind of preparation and to also conduct first medical examination to test their conditions.
Saying yes to ROTC to be brought down to SHS is necessary to prepare and educate students on their patriotism
by showing their support and participation in the implementation. It paved a way to instill and introduce
something that is now slowly fading away – nationalism.
Value Education
(grammar; paragraphs)

Ethical actions are a must for the improvement of our community and needs to be taught in every individual in
the society especially the young generation. School is a place to learn all forms of education and values is one of
it, but the truth is this should start at home.

The school held a seminar about parenting and tackled about how them as parents is a great factor in the
welfare and behavior of their children. It is great to know that the school support them in conducting this as
now they’ll be enlightened about the fact that the action of their child is not just affected by their peers but is
mainly caused by them

“Tandaan po natin tayo ang gumawa, sa atin nang galing, maraming contribution tayo sa ating mga anak.” said
by Mrs. Heidee Fernando at the conference held. It is true they have a major contribution with their child’s
values for they’re the ones who supposedly guide us in our life and the ones who raised us.

Parents go through challenges such as the hardship of commanding their child to do chores but in the end they’ll
be the one doing it rather than waiting. But still, despite of these they should not forget to imply the good
manners and conduct the kids have to learn in their life.

This kind of seminar is needed annually to help them on how to handle and educate their children properly with
the right values needed. Also, educating them how the new generation of youth works and how they’re going to
be managed is going to be helpful knowing that they came from different timeline and their way of raising a
child differ.

The children are the future, the one to conquer the world. It is only right and just to proper educate them not
only in school but also at home and show them how to value - values education.
Passion over practicality
(grammar; paragraph)

(papalitan yung quote na ginamit sa dyaryo ang insert yung last paragraph)

Money is a powerful thing but doing what you love or passionate about leads directly to a real successful career.

An interview was conducted to the Senior High School (SHS) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) strand resulting to only 12 out of 41 students from prefer taking the strand mentioned for better job
opportunities and not because it’s what they like or passionate to work at. Just like Noriel Fondevilla, one of the
student interviewed, stated that his passion was writing poetries and film-making, but he didn’t chose Arts and
Design to be a writer or a film-maker because his mother told him to take the STEM strand to become an
Engineer in the future.

According to some research conducted b GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) or A-Levels, various
young people make decisions on their future. 84% of young people are not pursuing their passion and 49% of
the participants are incompetent to job requirements settling a wall to their career opportunities.

Based on the study of Belinda V. de Castro about skill mismatch on employees work productivity, she
hypothesized that, skill mismatch affects job satisfaction negatively and consequently the result of her study
was, 82.9% of the employees do not match the skills needed in their workplace which matches to her

This study concludes that employees have poor competencies on their job, they do not pay attention to make
better outputs, therefore it will leave them unsatisfied.

Also the study depicts that if a worker has a commitment to the job it will increase the jobs’ productivity.
However mismatched employees who are not satisfied with their jobs results less productivity due to lack of
knowledge and skill on how to perform the job.

First, people should acknowledge the talents and skills of everyone. Their high potentials can help them grow
and develop the company they are in. The tasks that are given to them can come up with better ideas because
they can exert extra effort to the job that they are inclined to.

Second, selecting your passion to be your career is much easier to put responsibility. It is easy to be responsible
to the task that you care about. A person will go beyond the requirement of the certain tasks because they enjoy
and give their best.

Choose the kind of work that will make you happy and fulfilled. Learn to balance between career growth and
passion development. Set out yourself to the goals you really want to achieve and in the end you will be

When choosing between two things always remember to be honest with yourself and what you want.
Warning: Task Overload!
(overload suffers title nito dati HAHAHA)

“Edi wow”, “Hallelujah”, “Nakakapagod” these are the words of some teachers to show their expression towards
their various work as an educator and adviser. This kind of profession demands a lot of things aside from
teaching, there are other responsibilities they need to accomplish inside and outside the school premises that
comes with bunch of paper works which they consider as an overload.

In an interview with Mrs. Jonalyn C. Potot, a grade 10 peace adviser of the school said that overloaded works are
indeed present in schools. Among these are, home visiting, making of grades, lesson plans, presentations,
instructional materials and if there is an advisory class an additional work is needed to be accomplish like the
monthly SF2 attendance and many more.

A teacher from the Senior High School department, Ms. Noime Libo-On stated workload is harder when a
teacher has an advisory unlike her who doesn’t have one. She sees her co-workers more stressed than she is for
they are not only teaching but also, they guide their students throughout the whole year.

Now that the school is under the process of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certification all
things have been standardized such as the proper ways on how to do a specific task. Some teachers believe,
that this influenced their handling of paper works that has really been stressful for them.

However, Mrs. Potot explained that the application of this standardization, is not to add stress to teachers but to
standardize every output. Teachers may not be used to this process, but eventually they’ll be able to adapt with
the changes in the school.

Time management is one of the keys to overcome stress with all the work they had accomplish such as working
on the priorities first than the not so urgent ones. Smiling and praying can help reduce the pressure felt as
advised by Mrs. Potot.

Also, dividing the work into chunks is helpful. An example of this is that teachers right after the activity they
made, coding immediately the raw scores can really help lessen the work that will be piled up by the end of the

Teachers have lots of responsibilities daily in their household, classes and their advisory section. Being aware
and to complete tasks is a must but should not be too serious about it because at the end of the day problems
should be there for us to solve and not to stressed us out. Don’t let problems stressed you out but instead let
the problems be stressed of your perseverance.
Wanted: Student Police
(aid of student police title nito dati HAHAHA)

Due to the increasing rates of students with misbehavior with cases in the guidance office, Supreme Student
Government (SSG) has proposed the revival of having student police in school. This seeks to aid them in
implementing and maintaining discipline in the campus.

Way back school year 2012-2013, it was stopped by the higher authorities despite the intention is to provide
disciplinary actions to the delinquent students. In an interview with Mr. James Garcia, former adviser of police
student said that they couldn’t push through the implementation to the following years as it was seemed to be
an act of child labor in accordance to the policy.

In addition, he added that this has a three in one purpose: punishment, a form of discipline; and engagements in
school activities. During recess time their job is to guide students to throw their trash in the designated cans,
maintain orderliness in line of the canteen and to report students that they see cutting classes to the office. Also,
whenever there is an event/program they collaborate with the C.A.T Officers of the school to maintain peace
and order.

“Para makita ng mga bata yung mga attitude na negatibo ay pwedeng ma convert sa positive na pananaw na sa
sila ay pwedeng makibahagi sa school sa pagbabago sa paagyos ng school, Di sila bahagi ng kaguluhan” said by
Mr. James Garcia, former adviser of the past student police. In this way it’s never too late for these students to
change their perspective that they’re not meant to create troubles in school but they can be part of creating
peace, order and discipline.

In separate interview with a student of KIS, he’s worried that these assigned pupils might just tolerate the wrong
doing of their peers and will not correct them. However, the main goal is to teach them a lesson and let them be
a help not a burden in school it is assured that teachers are still going to monitor them to check if they are really
doing their responsibility.

To achieve harmony in the school the implementation of the police is an option. Mr. Garcia puts decision of the
implementation to the higher authorities when he said “Depende sa nakakataas. Dapat may goal signal”.
Whereas, the authorities of the school need to be informed that this kind of program will be a help not only to
the students but also the school. Considering the policy governing the violation of child labor, SSG is asked to
review the said program and clearly understand the benefits of the implementation.

If the program was approved by the authorities for more efficient work than student police officers 2012-2013,
that selection of officers should be per grade level because there are thousands of students in the school than
before and Senior high school was added. Once the officers were selected, they need to coordinate with
teachers in all levels for more efficient outcome in regard with peace and order.

The idea of the program being re-implemented is a big opportunity for the school in regards with discipline of
the students and teachers. It will benefit also the grades of the officers for as they can realize that they can have
a positive output or work in school.

Everyone deserves a chance to do good no matter how bad they have done, and this is what the school is doing.
They need to continue on passing this proposal so that the stubborn ones are going to be taught a great lesson
they’ll carry on for the rest of their lives – good conduct.

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