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"A Practical Exercise For Approaching Women (Part 3)"

Dear Syndlle,

So...if you have been following my exercises, by now you

should have approached at least 30 women and "taken notes"
for at least 50 more. If you haven't reached these numbers yet,
get busy now!

Today I'm going to combine exercise 1 and 2 to give you

exercise 3.

Once you have finished the first two exercises, I want

you to go to a busy place and ask women for directions. But
this time, before you approach her I want you to do a quick
bodyscan and generate a quick comment for something intriging
about her. (Just like in exercise 2) Then when you approach her
for directions, I want you to thank her when she finishes
and give her your comment. Then tell her you "better be going"
and leave the scene without looking back. Do this to at least
5 women a day.

A typical scenario may look something like this:

YOU: Excuse me!

(Women stops.)

YOU: Do you know if there are any pay phones around


WOMEN: Yes. They are just down the hallway over there.

YOU: Thank you. By the way...nice earrings. They are


(You leave before she can answer.)

I've been getting a lot of questions about these

exercises. I promise you I am going to send out an
explanation detailing the concept and "purpose" behind each
exercise next week. So for now...just DO them without any
questions. Believe me, you will soon know what you're working


P.S. Do NOT do this exercise until you have finished

exercise 1 and 2.

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