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Vidyaa vikas college of Engineering

technologies. There and Technology
is no doubt that
mobile ECE
communication is
still one of the most dominant rapid-
businesses in the near
future. When high-speed data service
becomes widely available and
VLSI Signal Processing for affordable to mobile subscribers, the
Wireless Communication wireless technology could edge the
long-stand competition against the
wireline systems. In the author’s
Abstract: point of view, there are probably two
major driven forces behind the ever
Wireless communication system is a improving wireless systems, VLSI
heavy dense composition of signal technology and advanced digital
processing techniques with signal processing.
semiconductor technology. With the
ever increasing system capacity and Semiconductor technology is the
data rate, VLSI design and physical supporter behind wireless
implementation method for wireless communication and
communications becomes more
challenging, which urges researchers signal processing. Complementary
in signal processing to provide new MOS technology (CMOS) has been
architectures and efficient algorithms dominant in dynamic digital logic
to meet low power and high since the late 80’s. It has the
performance requirements. This advantages of low power and high
paper presents a survey of recent noise margin that are two key
research an development in VLSI characteristics for dynamic digital
architecture and signal processing devices. Accompany with the
algorithms with emphasis on wireless advancement of high-density wafer
communication systems. It is shown fabrication and verification
that while contemporary signal technologies, VLSI actually turns the
processing can be directly applied to complicated communication systems
the communication hardware design into reality. At the early stage of
including ASIC, SoC, and FPGA, much radio communication, the terminals
work remains to realize its full were in the size of a brief-case, while
potential. It is concluded that an the state-of-the-art mobile device
integrated combination of VLSI and can be clipped in the pocket. On the
signal processing technologies will analog side, Gallium Arsenide (GaAs)
provide more complete solutions. design is a major technology
breakthrough in recent years that
Introduction eliminates the old-fashion “tuning
radio” systems. A high performance
Since the concept of wireless mobile GaAs IC can operate at several Giga
systems was invented at the Bell Hertz while drawing only a minimal
Laboratories in the mid of twentieth amount of power from a low-voltage
century, it has been revolutionized supply. This results in a more
into a multibillion dollar industry that compact design for base stations and
changes the way people mobile terminals. As the
communicate with each other development and manufacturing
everyday . As Cloude Shannon yields improve further, GaAs will
incepted the fundamental dominate the radio frequency (RF)
mathematical theory of device market. On the digital side,
communication , modern wireless CMOS wireless transceiver becomes
communication technology has also available because of the rapid
been developed extensively in both progress in semiconductor and the
information theory and digital digital IC technologies. As the analog-
communication areas. It has gone to-digital (A/D) and D/A moving
through an evolution of three closely to the amplifier and antenna
generations including AMPS,
side, it facilitates the digital speed performance and power
implementation of transceiver. consumption of ASIC or ASSP are
Meanwhile, the application-specific much better than general DSP
integrated circuit (ASIC), fueled by processor. While signal processing
the VLSI technology, is developed to research supplies the algorithms to
accommodate both requirements in further improve the quality and
clock speed and gate capacity. capacity of wireless communication
Recent announcement by IBM shows systems, VLSI design and
that ASIC design is approaching GHz implementations play a crucial role in
clock-speed and hundred-million turning theory into reality. Therefore,
gates capacity. It can be predicted both signal processing and VLSI
that heavy-dense single-chip digital technologies should be iteratively
transceivers will be the next developed in a parallel form.
attractive competitions among the
major wireless infrastructure Because of its widespread practice in advanced
suppliers. With the ever increasing computer and communication technologies,
gate size and computational DSP algorithms themselves are being
capacity, ASIC technology evolutes subjected to more demanding innovations. As
into system-on-a-chip (SoC), a information-age industries constantly reinvent
technology trend that would ASIC chips to pursue high-performance lower-
eventually change the methodology power design, there is a constant need for
of traditional hardware design. research collaborations in VLSI signal
processing. The research in this subject is to
General digital signal processing design and develop new architectures,
(DSP) processor becomes widely algorithms and techniques for VLSI
used these days in almost every implementation of signal processing.
market of consumer electronics,
computers, communications and Another important aspect of VLSI signal
networking systems. Retrospectively, processing research is to investigate the
it is found that DSP system was also fundamental building blocks (or library cells)
driven by VLSI design and for telecommunication system, commonly
semiconductor technology. Since the referred as intellectual properties (IP).
first DSP processor introduced by Shrinking circuit feathers and rising transition
Texas Instrument in 1988, its density have spawned the astonishing large
spectacular expansion in the system-on-a-chip (SoC). Transistor
applications is facilitated by the deployment and simulation has surpassed the
exponential growth complexity capacity of an ASIC design team. Modern SoC
offered by the integrated circuit design method has to surpass the register
technology, commonly known as transport level (RTL) design process. To build
Moore’s law. As the semiconductor a system on a chip, a design house or
evolutes from micrometer (μm) to semiconductor company will have to use a set
nanometer (nm) technologies, the of multiple IP cores acquired from out-sourced
DSP processor clock rate has been IP providers. Many research institutions and
elevated from a few to hundreds of companies have contributed extensively on the
megahertz (MHz). While general DSP IP development for wireless communications,
still remains popular in many areas including digital radio transceiver, voice over
today, signal processing is reaching IP (VoIP) protocol, intelligent antenna (IA),
to a point far beyond that general Viterbi decoder, turbo decoder, digital IF
DSP processor can handle in terms of channel filter, Bluetooth chipset and many
capacity and performance others. These IP cores are usually designed,
requirement, especially in the synthesized and laid out with VLSI tools, and
communication and networking area. become marketable stand-alone packages.
ASIC or application-specific signal Those ready-to-use IP cores are well
processor (ASSP) can be uniquely positioned in the frontier of the communication
designed to implement the complex industry. The research works in this direction
signal processing algorithms using are likely to continue and grow along with the
highly pipelined multiprocessing presence of new signal processing algorithms.
architectures. With less consideration
of general programmability, the The successful story of general-purpose DSP
in the last decade is well known in the
industry. However, VLSI signal processing the actual implementation of the
implementations are far beyond the concept algorithm on given hardware
and structure of general purpose DSP platform hardly reaches the same
processors. level of performance as indicated in
computer simulations. There are
In telecommunication networks, a simple several possible reasons that could
system usually consists of many signal contribute to the discrepancies
processing devices varying in size and between design and simulation. The
capacity. These devices include ASIC, FPGA, algorithm simulation, generally
ASSP, DSP, PLD and et al. A general DSP performed using high-level
processor normally has the advantage of languages with floating-point
software controlled programmability, but it operations, has potential issues while
generally has very limited computational matching with a fixed-point hardware
resources with only a single or dual built-in design. For a large system such as
processing threads. Complicated signal the entire physical layer of mobile
processing algorithms for telecommunication communication, it is difficult to
require high-performance large-capacity simulate the entire system to the
device to accommodate the implementations. level of details for each bit or symbol.
Therefore, hundreds of millions of ASIC chip From VLSI design point of view, there
sets are designed and manufactured to carry are also challenges to model and
the processing task in commercial simulate a multi-million gates ASIC or
telecommunication systems. These arguments SoC to process a relatively large set
demonstrate that VLSI design method and of data samples. This section
semiconductor technologies are mainly driven presents the contemporary issues
by the high-density integration of signal and challenges for VLSI signal
processing implementations. In contrast, VLSI processing in wireless
chip design provides a hardware platform to communication.
apply the advanced signal process algorithms
to real-time systems. As semiconductor
industries move towards nanotechnologies, it Bit-exact design
will create ampere space for researchers in modeling
signal processing to implement extremely
complicated algorithms. In prospective, VLSI The hardware design process is to
signal processing remains as one of key translate the sophisticated signal
technical areas that requires both the processing algorithm into fixed-point
knowledge of VLSI and digital signal hardware gates or standard library
processing to design more affective and more cells. Generally a high-level signal
efficient telecommunication systems. processing algorithm designer does
not always consider the effects of
fixed-point quantization issues. Even
though a design of floating-point
Contemporary Issues In arithmetic logic unit has been
Wireless available for a long time, a complete
design of signal processing flow in
Communication floating-point does not yet exist
Hardware Design largely due to its design complexities
and hardware costs. Bit-exact
Most of the signal processing or
modeling of a sophisticated signal
communication algorithms are not
processing algorithm to match
initially targeted for VLSI
hardware design is still a remaining
implementations. In recent years,
issue in VLSI signal processing
researchers in wireless
communication area have developed
a considerably large amount of
An emerging technique, called C-model, is
advanced algorithms through
getting attraction from both algorithm and
modeling and simulation. These
circuit designers. It keeps the property of using
algorithms are generally proposed
high-level language for simulation and
and initialized with significant
modeling that favors the traditional algorithm
performance improvement.
designer. It also includes the concept of
Unfortunately, it is not unusual to
dynamic range. In practice, it employs integer
learn from the field engineers that
operations with consideration of truncation and worth to include an embedded processor into
saturation effects. The concept of C-model is the design. Furthermore, it is not feasible to
designated to bridge between the algorithm include for ASIC devices relatively small in
simulation and hardware modeling. size. Now, it urges novel architectures and
Preliminary experiments shows that C-model designs to accommodate the requirement of
simulation is about 2~5 magnitudes faster than heterogeneous processing units. A custom-type
hardware description language (HDL) model serial processor design with less logic gates
simulation. The goal of C-model development will prevail in the heterogeneous VLSI signal
is to achieve bit-exact matching with the actual processing architecture.
hardware design. The formal method of this
technique is still not yet defined. The
semantics and grammar extension for C-model VLSI Signal Processing
design requires contributions and acceptance
from both VLSI and signal processing parties. Emulation
Therefore, it is expected that bit-exact Upon completion of signal processing
modeling techniques will attract more algorithm design and simulation,
attentions in VLSI signal processing research VLSI designers undertake the job to
community. implement it with ASIC design
representations. It is well known that
Heterogeneous wafer fabrication is an expensive
process in silicon device
architecture for manufacturing. Therefore, VLSI
signal processing design verification becomes
necessary before release it to the
The pipeline techniques and parallel foundry. The state-of-the-art software
structures have been well studied for simulator is able to load a multi-
implementation of signal flows. In million gates ASIC design synthesis
literature, it reveals many techniques on a powerful workstation providing
to implement signal flow algorithms, enough memory space. But the
such as filters, with a minimal actual simulation time makes it
number of logic gates to produce impractical for design verification.
high throughput. However, many DSP Experiment shows that a standard
algorithms are much more design with 8 million-gates takes
complicated than filters and flow about 24 hours to run through 1000
processing. It involves recursive, samples of data on a 2 GHz
iterative or adaptive algorithms in workstation. In practice, it may
order to solve complicated signal require a complete set of tests with
processing problems. Adaptive many different configurations or
coding in wireless communication is scenarios. The emulation techniques
one example. Traditionally, iterative for VLSI signal processing are
loops can be processed conveniently expected to replace the time-
by a type of instruction-set consuming software simulation.
processor. A heterogeneous
architecture should include high- Signal processing algorithm designers use the
throughput parallel processing units emulation platform to demonstrate real-time
as well as serial processing units for erformance for functional verification. Many
recursive or iterative operations. To practical ASIC implementation issues can be
the author’s knowledge, there is no encountered and resolved at the emulation
existing design method available for stage. This would significantly shorten the
this type of heterogeneous design cycles between algorithm simulations
architecture. and hardware representations. As the clock
speed and gate size of ASIC device increases,
It is not a completely new idea to incorporate it is a challenge for engineers to establish a
an embedded processor (core) into a signal corresponding emulation system. In recent
processing ASIC. However, an embedded years, FPGA device has enjoyed a surged
processor, such as a Power PC core, requires a expansion both in capacity and speed grid. A
large number of logic gates and recourses. If a state-of-the-art FPGA device contains more
given signal processing algorithm involves than 6 million logic gates, and it can operate at
mainly a structure-type processing, it is not more than 800 MHz. This makes a high-speed
large-scale emulation platform physically would degrade the performance of signal
possible. However, there remain many processing noticeably. Error vector magnitude
practical issues to convert an ASIC design into (EVM) is a common measurement on
a FPGA-based emulation platform. It is almost performance degradations in communication
evitable to modify the ASIC synthesis body systems. Lower EVM number is desirable. But
before emulations due to the architectural it generally results in more bit-width of the
difference between ASIC and FPGA. The signals, and it effectively prompts for more
memory hierarchies and instantiations are also logic gates in hardware. Therefore, both input
quite different from each other. In fact, the and output signals should be characterized
clock speed of FPGA devices may never catch properly to obtain the best trade off between
up with ASICs due to its intrinsic complexity, the EVM number and actual gate-size.
and retiming technique is necessary to emulate
the design in sub-clock speed domain. 1- 16 16
Ci 16 16
Emulation techniques for VLSI signal bit x1 x1
rc - -
processing play an important role in Re 6 6
ui bit bit Mul
accelerating design verifications. gist Mu Mu
t Ad Ad tipl
er lti lti
El de de exe
Case Study e
pli pli
r r r
er er
we present two design cases to m (10 (20
(10 (20
illustrate the studies of VLSI signal en 0M 0M
0M 0M
processing. Decimation filter design t Hz) Hz)
Hz) Hz)
using pipelined structure is described Nu
with diagrams. For recursive mb
algorithms, such as a IIR filter, er 452 186
sampling rate issues at the hardware 8 662 841 2
of 2 59
implementation stage are discussed. Ga
Case study (I): Pipelined
Polyphase FIR Filter Table 1. Approximate number of gates for
A low-pass filter is designed to each circuit element (TI-GS40)
decimate the sampling data rate
from 92.16 MHz to 30.72 MHz. These Case study (II): Double Sampling
frequency ranges are commonly Rate Recursive IIR
used in CDMA radio transceivers. As Implementation of IIR filter is different from
listed in Table 1 for Texas Instrument FIR because of its recursive property. Simple
GS-40 0.13 μm technology, first-order IIR filters are widely used in
multipliers cost more logic gates than communication systems. It can be used as a
adders and registers. Also, to tracking factor in the automatic gain control
construct the same type of element, (AGC) system block. The system function is
it needs more gates for higher speed stated as,
operation. This is largely due to the
internal pipelines used by high-speed
multiplier or adder.

As shown in Figure 1, the in-phase (I) and in-

quadrate (Q) data samples are pipelined before
entering to the filter structure. Taking If a → 1, it is approximately a step
advantage of polyphase architecture, three response. If a → 0, the output
sections of sub-filters are time-multiplexed to changes gradually with input. Figure
share the same multiplier. This cuts the total 2 depicts the details of an
number of multipliers from 54 down to 9, and implementation of the first-order IIR
it reduced the total gate count considerably. It filter. For general practice, the output
is worth to note that quantization effect has of adder or multiplier needs to be
been considered for the pipelined FIR design. registered before next processing
Simulation has been performed to obtain the element to meet the timing
optimal bit-width at each stage, including requirement. For the recursive
multipliers, adder trees and the final structure in Figure 2, the feedback
summations. Insufficient bit-width resolution signal from the output has to get
through at least one adder and one device clock rate and gate capacity
multiplier. This introduces two delay increases, it relies on the research in
units as minimal. Double sampling VLSI signal processing to fully realize
rate technique is presented here to its potentials.
resolve this issue. The actual
implemented function for the IIR is,
In conclusion, VLSI signal processing
is a promising technique including
both signal processing algorithms
and VLSI design methodologies.
It requires the filter operating at twice the Current research in the area
original data rate. In fact, this double sampling leverages contemporary
rate IIR filter is effectively performing exactly semiconductor, VLSI, DSP and
the same as the original filter. communication technologies in an
effort to support the ever increasing
Generally, pipelined structure can be applied to demand of telecommunication
increase the throughput of the system in the systems. However, there still remain
price of more output delays. Parallel many challenging issues in system
architecture is selected to reduce the number of modeling, architectures, and
circuit elements while increasing its operating emulation techniques. Research in
speed. The recursive system presented above this area is likely to continue making
meet the performance requirement by impact on the next generation
increasing the sample rate. These are common wireless communication systems.
trade-offs and solutions for VLSI
implementation of signal processing
algorithms. References
[1] Q. Bi, G. I. Zysman, H. Menkes,
Conclusion “Wireless mobile communications
Advances in application-specific at the start of the 21st century”,
integrated circuit (ASIC) are IEEE Communication Magazine,
continually moving global pp. 110-116, Jan. 2001.
communication technologies towards [2] J. M. Babaey, R. Brodersen, W.
its ultimate goal: to securely transfer Gass, T. Nishitani, “VLSI Design
data, voice and image information to and Implementation Fuels the
anywhere at anytime. This industrial Signal-Processing Revolution”,
evolution relies on VLSI signal IEEE Signal Processing.
processing research to provide
efficient algorithm and to
accommodate it into silicon dies. This
paper provides a general review of
recent advances in VLSI signal
processing. It mainly includes high-
speed low-power VLSI design for
digital signal processing, DSP and
communication block set IP core
design, and telecommunication ASIC
devices. For next generation mobile
communication, analog components
are pushed towards the front-end
antenna. Digital transceiver is taking
over the main signal processing
tasks. Therefore, VLSI signal
processing plays an important role in
the mix of next generation wireless
communications. Collaborations
between algorithm and VLSI designer
are aimed to reduce the overall
product cycle of advanced signal
processing technologies. As the

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