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Dubinan east, Santiago City Isabela 3311 Philippines


Prepared by : Aguilar, Alexis Antonio

MW – 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

At the end of the lesson the student’s should be able to:
a) Know what is all about geography, the meaning of it and what all is
about and then, the difference between physical geography and human
b) Develop analytic tools and how they will engage their selves in their
communities as individual person.
c) Gain deeper understanding about geography and apply what they’ve
been learned about this subject
d) Exhibit full compliance of the policies and behave according to
Salettinian way of life.
Topic: Geography


 Human Geography
 Physical Geography

References: Getics, A. (1998): Introduction to Geography. Wm.C.Brown Publisher

Pidwirny, M. (2006). “Introduction to Geography “. Fundamental of


Geography, 2 nd edition.


Materials: Visual aids ( cartolina ), Paper and pens, Boardmarker, Eraser, Double-Sided
tape and scotch tapes.

Methodology: Inductive methods



“Good morning class”. “Good morning ma’am!”

“Stand and let us pray…”

Miss Picaza may you please lead us into a prayer ( Miss Picaza will stand up and lead the class in
to a prayer )
Let us pray, in the name of the Father and the to
the Son and to the Holy Spirit, Glory be to the
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as
be, world without end it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
“Kindly pick up the pieces of papers under your
(Students will pick up the pieces of paper under
Arrange your chairs properly and be seated. their chair and sit down )

( student’s raise their hand and say present as the

“ Say present as I call your name ” teacher calls in their name )

a) Preparation

b) Motivation

“ Now, I will divide you into a 3 groups. So ( Student’s will count 1 2 and 3. )
counting 1 – 3 ”

“ now that you have your own group, Pick one ( there are 3 students go in front and get their
leader and go in front and then choose one puzzle puzzle )
and wait for my signal when you start to connect
the puzzle”
“ Group 1 will be the first one who finished the ( The group of Picaza will the first one who
puzzle , 20 points and the group 1 and 2 got 10 present what they have been notice )
points. ” Now , Explain what you have notice on
that picture and give brief explanation what is
that. ”

a. Discussion
“ Why do we need to learned about geography ?” “ For us , to be known what is all about
geography and to be aware on what actions we
does ”
“ Right ,Miss Picaza, Class we are studying , “ Geography is the one subject where we can
geography not only to aid in localization, but to study about an area in detail. To live in a area we
also analyze our surroundings and perceive them should know the weather condition and
in a different way. environmental condition of that area. So that we
Without our extensive study of geography can adopt to that area easily.”
throughout mankind’s history, our world would be
a very different place, where no one would know
where to go and how to get there.
In fact, we would all be living like this without
“ Mr. panganiban , would you mind to define “ Ma’am , the study of the physical features of
what is geography? ” the earth and its atmosphere, and of human
activity as it affects and is affected by these,
“ Thank you , Mr. Panganiban”. including the distribution of populations and
resources, land use, and industries.”
“ How about the physical geography and human
geography ?”

“ Yes , Miss Salvador”

“ Right, Physical geography looks at the natural ( Miss Salvador raise her hand to answer the
processes of the Earth, such as climate and plate question )
tectonics. “ ma’am Luckily, geography is split into two
Human geography looks at the impact and main areas that make it easier to wrap your head
behaviour of people and how they relate to the around: Physical geography looks at the natural
physical world. processes of the Earth, such as climate and plate
However, it is important to remember that all tectonics. Human geography looks at the impact
areas of geography are interconnected: for and behavior of people and how they relate to the
example, the way human CO2 emissions affect physical world.”
the climate is part of both physical and human
geography. The main area of geography that looks
at the connection between physical and human
geography is called environmental geography.
Physical geography
Areas of physical geography include:
Geomorphology: the shape of the Earth’s surface
and how it came about
Hydrology: the Earth’s water
Glaciology: glaciers and ice sheets
Biogeography: species, how they are distributed
and why
Climatology: the climate
Pedology: soils
Palaeogeography: how the continents have moved
over time
Coastal geography: how the ocean and land affect
each other
Oceanography: the oceans and seas
Quaternary science: the geography of the last 2.6
million years, including the last ice age
Landscape ecology: how the landscape affects
things like the distribution of plants and animals
Geomatics: gathering, storing and processing
geographic information – for example, making
Human geography
Areas of human geography include:
Cultural geography: how things like religion,
language and government vary across the world
Development geography: standards of living and
quality of life across the world
Historical geography: how people have studied
and thought about geography in the past
Population geography: how populations grow in
different places and people migrate
Urban geography: cities and built-up areas
Much of human geography examines the
relationship of other fields to geography, such as
economics, health, tourism and politics.”

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