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Unit Music of East China

The music of China has one of the most ancient traditional and cultural music
practices that gave great contributions and influences to other Asian countries music.
The Chinese local traditions and regional musical styles differ widely in history, theory,
aesthetics, instrumentation, practice, and philosophy. This is based on the doctrines of
some Chinese philosophers like Confucius.

The Chinese called the musical notes as lus, and name the tones for their
position rather than their specific pitch ( just as Do can be applied to any Western note
and called it tonic). Pentatotic, a five-tone scale is mainly used in Chinese music. Each
lus has musical implications equivalent to colors, planets, substances, directions, or
animals. The five notes are kung, shang, chiao, chih, and yu. The melody is not fixed in
key and may vary in monthly basis. For example, a particular melody may begin in C
key signature in January, and on D in February.

Vocal Form

Chinese vocal music is based on levels of pitch that recognize the close relationship
between music and the spoken word. Forms of poetry are delivered through chant. The
singing of the narrative songs like that of shadow puppet plays is very prevalent.

Operas such as the Beijing opera are sophisticated among urban places. The vocal
style of Beijing is primarily nasal falsetto, high in register, and is performed by males.
Performances may involve acrobats, dancers, colourful costumes, and dramatic effects
on stage.


Folk music includes dance piece with lively melodies and rhythms on lyrical, and
occasionally. erotic songs.

The melody and tone color are very prominent features of Chinese music. The Chinese
musicians give emphasis on the proper articulation of each music tone. Pentatonic is
the main scale used in their melody followed by heptatonic scale.

Instrumental Music

The Chinese musical instruments have eight categories according to the material used:
bamboo,wood, silk, gourd, stone, metal, skin, or clay. Like the tones, the instruments
have associations with a particular substance, direction, season, and power. For
example, the drum is related with the north, winter, water , and skin, while the bell
symbolizes the west, autumn, humidity, and metal.

The percussion instruments were given significance for the color of their sounds rather
than for their rhythmic importance. Indeed, the Chinese rhythm is less complex than the
music of other countries like India or Africa. There is no system like that of the Indian
tala or West's strong rhythm.

The instruments can be played solo, ensemble, or large orchestra in court. Instrument
classifications are according to the sounds created.

1. Bowed Strings

 Erhu - This is one of the famous Chinese instruments. This is a two-string, violin-
like instrument played with a bow. This has a melancholic sound. This usually
plays the solo part in a composition.

2. Plucked Strings

 Pipa - This has four strings and thirty frets on a gourd-shaped frame. This is a
Chinese version of the mandolin or ukulele.

 Zheng - This is an ancient Chinese instrument with thirteen to twenty-one

strings stretched over individual bridges. This has a range of three to four

 Guqin - This is a seven-string zither without bridges. This is the most ancient
Chinese instrument with over 3000 years of history. This is literally called qin
yet commonly known as guqin, where gu stands for all string instruments today.
Confucius was a great master of this instrument.

 Guzheng - This is large with eighteen to twenty-three strings. Usually

played by a female. This is commonly played in streets or parks. This
accompanies opera and concert performances. This is similar to
Japanese koto.


3. Winds

 Dizi- This is a bamboo side-blown or transverse flute with six

fingerholes. One hole is covered with a membrane to produce a
buzzing sound or rattling effects.

 Xiao - This is a vertical and blown flute made of bamboo. This is played to
accompany long, quiet, and sentimental music.

 Suona,Laba,or Haidi - This is a blowing instrument like a horn. This

has a keen resonant sound effect needed for drum music, local opera,
and ballad performances.

 Sheng - This is considered one of the oldest Chinese musical

instruments. This is a mouth organ similar to a panpipe instrument with
twelve to thirty-six bamboo pipes. Each pipe is of different length with a
brass reed at the bottom and fingering holes to produce variety of
sounds. This can play a melody with chords simultaneously.

4. Percussion

 Ching and Chap - These are small cymbals. They signal the
entrances and endlings of a composition.
 Yu - This is a tiger-like animak resting on a sounding box. This is
played to mark the end of a strophe.


Cantopop is Cantonese popular music. This is sometimes referred to as HK-pop,

short for "Hong Kong popular" music. This was first described as Cantorock, meaning
rock music in Hong Kong" by Billboard correspondent Hans Ebert in 1978. The term
was then revised to Cantopop by Ebert after noting its characteristics as a soft rock.


The Japanese firmly preserved their music cultures and traditions. Hogaku which
literally means " music of one's homeland," is their traditional music based on the early
Chinese and Buddhist music. The Buddhists created chants based on religious hymns
called Shimyo. This is free in form and is sung acappella.

There are two different scales created based on Shimyo. These are the Yo-sen
( hard mode/male scale) and the In-sen ( soft mode/female scale ). Each has seven
tones, but only five are used. The other two serve as auxiliary tones.

Even if the youth get interested with pop and rock music, the Japanese still
perform their traditional music, especially the festival and folk music, epic singing,
percussion instruments, and theatrical palys.


J-pop is an abbreviation for Japanese pop or Japanese popular musical genre that
started in Japan in the 1990's. Modern J-pop has its origins in traditional Japanese
music, but significantly in 1960's pop and rock music, such as The Beatles and The
Beach Boys.


Gagaku Orchestra

A Japanese orchestra is called gagaku. This orchestra provides instrumental

performances as well as accompanying music for dance presentations. This consists of
wind, string, and percussion instruments. They create a distinct sound because of the
quality of the materials used for the instruments.

1. Plucked Strings

 Koto - This is a plucked table zither instrument with thirteen strings. Played
either solo or an ensemble, this is used to accompany singers. This is one
of the instruments originally produced in China.

 Biwa - This is a lute pear-shaped with four or five strings and frets made of
wood. This is used to accompany singing, narratives, and storytelling.

 Shamisen - This is a long-necked plucked instrument with three strings played

with a bow. This has no frets. Its major function is to accompany singers of
geishas and kabuki performances.

2. Winds

 Shakuhachi - This is an end-blown five-fingerhole flute used to accompany

Gagaku music.

 Sho - This is a set of seventeen bamboo mouthpipes.

 Hichiriki - This is a short bamboo double-reed pipe with nine


 Ryuteki - This is a flute instrument.

3. Percussion

 Kakko - This is a kind of small drum whose both ends are covered with
animal skin. This is played using two sticks.

 Tzuzumi - This is a shoulder-mounted hand drum used in the Noh play.

a. Kotsuzumi - This is the smaller drum.
b. Ootsuzumi - This is the larger drum.

 Shimedaiko - This has a short but wide body. The drum drumheads are
covered with animal skin on both its upper and lower sides. This is
suspended, played with sticks called batchi.


There are many types of traditional Korean music and it is divided into main
groups of court music and folk music. Court music is performed based on the type of
ceremony. Folk music performances vary and are based on singing, dancing, and
acrobatics with instrument playing.

Korean music is greatly influenced by Chinese music. The Koreans adapted

music descriptions such as:

1. A-ak is an elegant vocal and instrumental music.

2. Huyue is a foreign music.

3. Suyue popular music.

4. Yayue is an elegant ritual and ceremonial court music.

Even Chinese tunes were used by the Koreans. They built pentatonic scales commonly
used in court ceremonies and for entertainment.


K-pop is an abbreviation for Korean pop. This is a modern form of South Korean
pop music genre consisting of dance, RnB music, electronic, hip-hop, electro pop, and

Samul Nori

The word Samul Nori was initially the proper name for the original four-man group,
meaning literally " four things" ( Sa and Mul) and "to play" ( No and Ri), referring to the
musicians playing and dancing with four percussion instruments. This is the Korean
percussion ensemble.

The group combines several traditional Korean music genres into modern
interpretations for today's stage audience.

Samul Nori is directly inspired by Pungmul Nori ( wind objects) or Nong'ak

( farmer's music)


Percussion Instruments of Samul Nori

There are four (4) basic instruments used, and each instrument represents an
element of nature.

1. Kkwaenggawari or Ggwaenggawari - This is a small handheld gong. This is

struck with wooden mallet. This represents lightning.

2. Jing or Ching - This is a large hand-held gong. This is struck with padded
mallet. This represents wind.

3. Janggu-Janggo - ( Changgu or Changgo) -This is a double headed,

hourglass drum. This represents rain.

4. Buk or Puk - This is a barrel drum. This represents thunder.

There are other Korean sections of music instruments used in different

ceremonies and festivities. These are the following:

1. String

 Kayagum or Gayageum - This has twelve strings stretched along a wooden

board with movable strings. This is similar to the Japanese koto and ku-chen and
Chinese ch'in.

 Haegum or Haegeum - This is a bamboo string instrument played with a bow.

2. Winds
 Chottdae - This is a bamboo flute with six finger holes. This has the same
physical appearance as a flute or recorder.

 Hyang-piri - This plays the main melody in the music ensemble.

 Saeng- hwang- This is a seventeen-pipe bamboo mouth organ.


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