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I.D #: (12695)
Table of Contents
Problem Statement:...............................................................................................................................4
Research Questions:..............................................................................................................................4
Research objectives:..............................................................................................................................4
Scope and significance:.........................................................................................................................4
Theoretical frame work:.......................................................................................................................5
Literature Review:.....................................................................................................................................6
Research Methodology:.........................................................................................................................6
Sampling population:............................................................................................................................7
Sample size:........................................................................................................................................7
Sampling method:..............................................................................................................................7
Sampling type:...................................................................................................................................7
Statistical tool:...................................................................................................................................7
RESULTS AND ANALYSIS....................................................................................................................7
Descriptive Statistic...........................................................................................................................8
Model Summary................................................................................................................................9

As the food market is getting developed day by day and so the competition. People are getting
more concerned about the food which includes their environment, staff, table setting, and
enjoyable / friendly staff members and how they treat their customers. Buyers arrogances
towards food depends on various qualities, which touches in many ways on their preferences and
the main is acceptance and excellent of a product, and refusing others. The growth of a suitable
marketing policy needs knowledge of buyer’s tastes and quality. An essential part of buyers
behavior in food market is to rising funds to encounter needs, which can observed as conditions,
without the development of ingesting do not occur. These achievement takes place in the market
for their purchases.
The explores of J. [ CITATION Szw03 \l 1033 ] shows that factors in the chain of command of the
decision made by the purchaser in any case are tangible estimations of the item, the
accompanying ones: cost, dietary benefit and wellbeing, states of procurement, just as data and
advertising exercises which, in the escalation replacement measures among gatherings and inside
items, assume an expanding job. Thus, as indicated by concentrates by B. [ CITATION Grz07 \l 1033
] buyers' market choices with respect to the determination and acquisition of a specific item, are
typically the consequence of a showdown of their needs and capacities of the item highlights and
potential advantages that can address those issues. The expanding pace of progress of these
requirements and the components, of which impact are framed causing a wide assortment of
purchaser conduct on the lookout. The examination shows that reviewed shoppers are picking
food items for the most part coordinated by tangible qualities (smell, outward presentation,
surface), agreeability and propensity. While the bit size, toughness and brand were not huge
determinants of market choices of shoppers. [ CITATION MGr09 \l 1033 ]in his explores
demonstrates that buyers frequently as the main variables while picking food items considered:
value, quality and the experience of the principal buy. The most un-significant shows promoting
and bundling and individual data (item information). It additionally demonstrates that the
customer focuses on a wellbeing item, tangible attributes, just as products delivered by the most
recent ensured quality frameworks. Comparable outcomes were acquired by[ CITATION MNo08 \l
1033 ], demonstrating that the taste, brand and cost have the best effect on buying choices of food
items. As per [ CITATION BLe04 \l 1033 ]shopper when shopping and choosing explicit items for
the most part does this deliberately, yet this cycle may influence various variables which
customers are accidentally controlled. These variables are gathered as follows:
• Mental (needs, inspirations, learning, convictions, perspectives, character),
• Social life, social gatherings, reference gatherings, family, societal position,
• Segment and financial (age, sex, occupation, schooling, monetary movement, monetary
conditions, spot of home, way of life, and family status).
Problem Statement:
In now a day’s fast food culture is uprising trend among the youngsters. Even though, its impact
exits on the whole society, which belongs to all classes. But at the side of this thing today there is
no appropriate definition of fast food. According to prominent websites, fast food is the term
given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly while described fast food as quickly
prepared, reasonably priced and readily available replacements to home cooked food.
We can find different tracks of restaurants, in stadiums, in airports, in schools and as well as in
universities, and even in hospitals. Fast food industries helped us to transmute not only our diet,
but also impact on economy and in culture as well. Fast food now becomes a regular part of our
diet and an average of almost one third of our youths takes fast food on a daily basis.

Research Questions:
Q1. Is the location of the restaurants are important for customers?
Q2. Are customers prefer good environment of the restaurants?
Q3. Can customers compromise on quality of food?
Q4. How much taste & flavor is important for customers?

Research objectives:
1- To find out the relationship between taste and customer satisfaction.
2- To find out the relationship between quality and customer satisfaction.
3- To find out the relationship between environment and customer satisfaction.

Scope and significance:

The study will look at how the factors will impact the customer's satisfaction/comfort level from
the beginning of the food to its completion. This study is conducted to understand the factors that
lead to customer's satisfaction towards the fast food in the food market.
It is important to first know and understand that which type of factors can attract customer
satisfaction. By knowing and understanding the factors that attract the customer satisfaction, the
market ore can plan and develop those marketing strategies that can easily meet the customer's
needs and satisfaction. The restaurant owners should ask to their customers that if they are
comfortable or not, if they want any other thing. By getting good feedbacks the restaurant can
earn profit easily. As it is seen that youth has a large base of young consumers who are doing
jobs or any other kind of work especially women, they hardly get time for traditional cooking so
they go for the packaged of fast food products and so by this they also save their time. As there is
more working population so it is a benefit for the food market to gain enough profit from this.
Food market is now so developed that people are highly recommending this and food market is
now a priority for majority of the people. And the time is no far away that food market will be
the most leading thing all over the world.

Hypothesis is based on the research objectives which are as follows:

H0: A significance and positive relationship don’t exits between trusts towards food market.
H1: A significance and positive relationship exists between trusts towards food market.

H0: A significance positive relationship don’t exits between qualities towards food market.
H2: A significance and positive relationship exists between qualities towards food market.

H0: A significance positive relationship don’t exits between environments towards food market.
H3: A significance and positive relationship exists between environments towards food market.

H0: A significance and positive relationship don’t exits between speeds of service towards food
H4: A significance and positive relationship exists between speeds of service towards food

Theoretical frame work:



Literature Review:
The food industry has become highly aggressive as customers have become more demanding due
to sufficient knowledge and information they have about the different trends of restaurant which
causes marketers to implement effective marketing strategies to get the competitive advantage
and better understand the needs and wants of the customers Numerous fast food restaurants are
now paying attention on studying, assessing and implementing the marketing strategies with the
aim of gaining maximum market share of customers and improving customer retention to
improve the monetary performance for the organization. Customer satisfaction, contentment,
retention, quality and excellence are global matters that influence all organizations.
Customer satisfaction is vital to the restaurant management because it is normally assumed to be
a noteworthy determinant of replicate sales, customer loyalty and affirmative word of mouth.
The more pleased the customer is the larger is the retention rate. The impact of customer
satisfaction on customer retention is momentous and positive.
Quantifying service quality is a difficult task because the idea of service quality is intrinsically
insubstantial in nature and complicated to define (Kincaid, & Busser, 2009).The concept of
service quality comprises the tangible and intangible fundamentals that are most essential to
consumers. Service quality has been related to customer satisfaction, contentment and loyalty as
well as the business performance, success and profitability.
Researchers have acknowledged customer satisfaction, service quality and the loyalty to be
equally important for marketers, because they are responsible for determining dining satisfaction
Customer satisfaction and the quality of food also have long been acknowledged as essential
functions for success and endurance in competitive marketplace that have been connected to
consumer purchase behavior, loyalty, and their willingness to spread positive word of mouth,
recommendation, and compliments
Each restaurant has its own strategies to get the competitive edge in the market. Supporting a
firm's competitive benefit and enduring productivity and profitability possibly better relies on the
incorporation of customer satisfaction into the service organization’s strategies and operations
that helps the restaurant management to look their positions in the long run completion in

Research Methodology:
The methodology used in this research is descriptive research and hypothesis. Most of the data
was already available and research was already done in the market, while those factors that were
not listed are hypothetically assumed as per the situation. Moreover its co-relational to the
consumer behavior, as if the impact is negative on one side then other will be positive and vice
versa. Study setting of this research is non-contrive in nature, as data is gathered more than one
time from different places as per the requirement.
Sampling population:
The target population of study was the children, students, employees, managers, and housewives.

Sample size:
Here researcher selected 250 respondents as sample size.

Sampling method:
The sampling method which we used is probability sampling.

Sampling type:
For population researcher used simple random sampling techniques which provides every
individual have equal rights to nominate.

Statistical tool:
SPSS software was used for sampling.



Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Male 68 56.7 56.7 56.7
Female 33 27.5 27.5 84.2
3.00 19 15.8 15.8 100.0
Total 120 100.0 100.0

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Below 20,000 10 8.3 8.3 8.3
21,000-30,000 22 18.3 18.3 26.7
31,000-40,000 12 10.0 10.0 36.7
41,000-50,000 24 20.0 20.0 56.7
51,000 & Above 52 43.3 43.3 100.0
Total 120 100.0 100.0
In this research as shown in Table that about 68 people (56.7%) responses belongs
from the gender Male and having 33 responses i.e (27.5%) from the responses
belongs from the gender Female.
In the table of income we can see the income stats of respondents from 21,000 to
30,000 having frequency of 22 contrary 51,000 and above is having a greatest
frequency of 52 respondents i.e about 43.3% respondent having this category of


Constructs No. of items Cronbach’s Alpha

Trust 03 0.797
Quality 03 0.752
Environment 03 0.721
Customer satisfaction 03 0.798

Descriptive Statistic
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
CustomerSatisfaction 4.1861 .77880 120
Trust 3.3167 1.08452 120
Quality 3.9750 .82578 120
Environment 3.7639 .88919 120

In the Table of Descriptive Statistics Customer Satisfaction having Mean of 4.1861 which shows
that the all the responses answered the respondent questions between Agree to strongly agree. As
a hole we can see in the table of Descriptive Statistics that all the Means is between 3 to 4 which
shows that most of the respondents mark their answers between Neutral and Agree.
ction Trust Quality Environment
Pearson Correlation CustomerSatisfaction 1.000 .155 .395 .024
Trust .155 1.000 .210 .052
Quality .395 .210 1.000 -.027
Environment .024 .052 -.027 1.000
Sig. (1-tailed) CustomerSatisfaction . .045 .000 .399
Trust .045 . .011 .286
Quality .000 .011 . .384
Environment .399 .286 .384 .
N CustomerSatisfaction 120 120 120 120
Trust 120 120 120 120
Quality 120 120 120 120
Environment 120 120 120 120

In the of Correlation we can see;

 Relation of Customer Satisfaction with Trust is .155
 Relation of Customer Satisfaction with Quality is .395
 Relation of Customer Satisfaction with Environment is .024

Model Summary
Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .403a .162 .141 .72195
a. Predictors: (Constant), Environment, Quality, Trust

In the table of Model Summary we can see that we are having the value of R i.e. 0.403 which
shows the model is having Negatively Strong Strength as the value of R is less than 0.7. On the
other hand the value of R Square i.e. 0.162 which shows that there is 16.2% variation in
Customer Satisfaction is explained by Trust, Quality, Environment and the other variation is
explained by err

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 11.716 3 3.905 7.493 .000b
Residual 60.461 116 .521
Total 72.177 119
a. Dependent Variable: CustomerSatisfaction
b. Predictors: (Constant), Environment, Quality, Trust

In the table of ANOVAs we can see that we are having the significant value is less than 0.05 so
the researcher will rejects null hypothesis.

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 2.486 .452 5.503 .000
Trust .053 .063 .074 .846 .399
Quality .359 .082 .380 4.372 .000
Environment .026 .075 .030 .353 .725
a. Dependent Variable: CustomerSatisfaction

In the table of coefficient we can say, If we increase one unit of Trust so it impact Customer
Satisfaction with the value of .846 contrary if we increase one unit of Quality so it impact
Customer Satisfaction with the value of 4.372 and lastly if we increase one unit of Environment
so it impact Customer Satisfaction with the value of .353.
As in the above table of Coefficient the t value is .846 which is Less than 1.96 and significance
value is .399 which is less than .05 so in this case researcher will accept null hypothesis.
On the other hand the t value in Quality is 4,372 which is greater than 1.96 and significance
value is less than .05 so the researcher fail to reject null hypothesis.
Lastly in the Environment the t value is .353 which is less than 1.96 and significance value is
greater than .05 so the researcher will accept null hypothesis.
Customer satisfaction is the key element forthe planning marketing activities in view of the fact
that satisfaction does sway customer’s intention to re-patronage the restaurant in fast food
industry. Therefore, marketers are supposed to look into the issues that would have an effect on
customer satisfaction intensity. Besides, as customer prospect are altering over time, it is advised
to determine the customer satisfaction and expectation on regular basis and grip complaints
timely and effectively. Moreover, to know the needs ofcustomers and to satisfy them, managers
and restaurant administration should study customer’s values and must understand how
consumers perceive their restaurant’s products and services, so a study that divulges consumer
perception of all brands is necessary. A study of this type should explain how customers appraise
main brands that help in the managerial and the academic understanding of customers’
assessment process. Restaurants should invest in the training and development of their
employees as they are the ones who in actual are dealing with the customers. Their presence and
approach creates an image in the customers mind. Customer retention is important in the current
competitive environment; restaurant manager should need to take care of the factors that directly
impact the customer retention rate.


Based on above mentioned studies it can be concluded that the most important factors are
responsible of the consumers behavior in the food market are the nutritional value and price,
which remains in certain social groups is an important factor in buying.
Summing up the results of different authors and the result researcher runs in the determinants of
purchasing decisions in the catering services market, it can be concluded that the most important
factors are quality of foods, the environment inside and outside, and similarly to the overall food
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