1characterization of Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties of

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Chemical, Molecular, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:10, No:4, 2016

Characterization of Metallurgical and Mechanical

Properties of the Welded AISI 304L Using Pulsed
and Non-Pulsed Current TIG Welding
A. A. Ugla

  maintain a stable arc [5]. By contrast, in CCTW, the heat

Abstract—The present paper aims to investigate the effects of the required to melt the filler and base metals is supplied only
welding process parameters and cooling state on the weld bead during Ip pulses allowing the heat to dissipate into the base
geometry, mechanical properties and microstructure characteristics material [6]. PCTW has various good aspects over CCTW
International Science Index, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:10, No:4, 2016 waset.org/Publication/10004892

for weldments of AISI 304L stainless steel. The welding process was process, such as arc stability,  reducing the amount of heat
carried out using TIG welding with pulsed/non-pulsed current
techniques. The cooling state was introduced as an input parameter to
input, and reducing the residual stresses of stainless steel
investigate the main effects on the structure morphology and thereby welded parts [7], [8]. Ramkumar et al. [9] used the pulsed and
the mechanical property. This paper clarifies microstructure- conventional TIG welding to study the weldability of AISI
mechanical property relationship of the welded specimens. In this 904L stainless steel. They demonstrated that the PCTW
work, the selected pulse frequency levels were 5-500 Hz in order to generally offers better tensile properties as compared to
study the effect of low and high frequencies on the weldment CCTW weldments. Prasad et al. [10] used pulsed current in
characteristics using filler metal of ER 308LSi. The key findings of
this work clarified that the pulse frequency has a significant effect on
micro plasma arc welding process to study the quality of
the breaking of the dendrite arms during the welding process and so different types of stainless steels. They concluded that the
strongly influences on the tensile strength and microhardness. The AISI 304L achieved better quality characteristics compared to
cooling state also significantly affects on the microstructure texture AISI 316L, AISI 316Ti, and AISI 321. Dinesh Kumar et al.
and thereby, the mechanical properties. The most important factor [11] used Taguchi method to analyze and optimize the process
affects the bead geometry and aspect ratio is the travel speed and parameters for pulsed TIG welding process of AISI 304L
pulse frequency.
stainless steels. They showed that travel speed and current are
Keywords—Microstructure, mechanical properties, pulse the most important parameters which affect the response
frequency, high pulse frequency, austenitic stainless steel, TIG variables.
welding. From the literature review, it was observed that there is a
huge need for improving the quality of the ASS sheet
I. INTRODUCTION weldments, which are used for various applications such as

T HE austenitic stainless steels (ASS) are probably the most pressure vessels, automobile and aerospace industries. It
commonly used material of all the stainless steels seems worthwhile to select the most suitable welding
especially the 300 series. AISI 304L is an important grade of parametric combination that would be able to create
the ASS, which is commonly used in many of important microstructural changes and weld bead characteristics and
industries such as containers of transporting chemicals, oil thereby improving the mechanical performance weld quality.
refinery, nuclear reactor tanks, dairy industries, and textile The present paper highlights an experimental comparative
industries [1]. Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding is the most study carried out to describe in detail the effects of pulse
widely used process for joining the stainless steel components frequency and continuous water cooling system on the weld
[2]. It is very suitable for thin sheets due to its easier area (HAZ and bead width), depth of penetration and finding
applicability, flexibility, and better economy [3]. The the optimal aspect ratios. Furthermore, microstructural aspects
improving in the weld quality depends on the improvement in of the HAZ and weld metal and mechanical properties such as
process parameters which requires the use of improved tensile strength and Vickers's micro-hardness of TIG
welding techniques and materials. Pulsed current TIG welding weldments using AISI 304L ASS were investigated and
(PCTW) is a variation of continuous current TIG welding correlated to the effects of process parameters on the
(CCTW) where involves cycling the welding current at a microstructure of the weldments of CCTW and PCTW in low
given regular frequency from a high level to low level [4]. In and high frequencies.
PCTW process, the peak current (Ip) is selected to melt the
filler and base metal and to generate adequate penetration, II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
whereas the base current (Ib) is set at a level sufficient to A. Material and Welding Procedure
In this work, a 3.8 mm thick of AISI 304L stainless steel
A. A. Ugla, Assistant Professor, is with the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Thi-Qar, Al-Nasiriyah, sheets have been welded by TIG technique. The filler metal
Iraq (phone: +9647801324058; fax: +903423601104; e-mail: adnanugla76@ selected for welding was ER 308LSi stainless steel solid wire

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Chemical, Molecular, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:10, No:4, 2016

wiith a diameterr of 0.8 mm. Suggested shielding gas wass argon andd so resulting iinto sound quaality welded jooints. Some oof the
wiith 99.90% puurity with 12 l/min. 304L stainless steell plate proccess parametters were kept k as connstant during all
annd the filler m
metal were cheemically analyyzed, and the rresults experiments suchh as welding ccurrent of 1755 A, peak tim me of
off the analysis were listed inn Table I. Plaates were cutt using 50%%, backgroundd current of 877.5 A, arc lenggth of 4 mm, stick
poower hacksaw w cutting m machine. Foor bead on plate out of 15 mm, aand the anglee enclosed bettween the feeeding
exxperiments, reequired plate ddimensions w were 100 mm x 200 wiree and surface of the plates (feed angle) w was kept at ᵒ40. In
mm whereas foor square butt jjoint configurration requiredd plate this study, fourr process pparameters w were selected for
dimensions werre 100 mm x 50 mm. Prrepared platess were inveestigating thee effects of process paraameters on bead
joined by CCT TIG and PCTIIG processes using modernn TIG geometry and m mechanical perrformance. Thhe range of each
weelding machinne, which cann operate in diifferent modes such proccess parameteer levels was selected based on trial weldss and
ass conventionall TIG weldingg and pulsed cuurrent TIG weelding. proccess parameteers such as travvel speed (TSS), wire feed speed
Prrepared specim mens were joined with/withhout filler mettal and (WF FS), pulse freqquency (F), annd introducingg the cooling state
wiith/without ussing a cooling system. Traavel speed annd arc (Cs)) as a new facctor. Thus, the sets of processs parameters used
lenngth were conntrolled using CNC machinee, whereas wirre feed for investigating the effects oon the aspect ratio (AR = bead
raate controlled uusing external wire feed maachine. In the ccase of widdth/depth of peenetration), microstructure
m ccharacteristicss and
International Science Index, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:10, No:4, 2016 waset.org/Publication/10004892

ussing the coolinng system, 3044L plates weree placed on a ccopper mecchanical propeerties are summ marized in Tabble II.
baacking plate aas shown in F Fig. 1. The coopper backingg plate
coontains internaal passages, wwhich were m machined by ddrilling
the plate to prooduce water ppassages in a similar way to the
heeat exchangerr. The water interred to the passagess with
temmperature aboout 20 °C to increase the cooling rate of the
molten metal. T The temperatture was meaasured by placcing a
thermocouple nnear the fusionn line of the w welding (see FFig. 1).
Tyype K thermoocouple is the most suitablee one for meaasuring
the temperaturre during thhe welding pprocess [12]. The
temmperature reaadings were m measured using an industriaal data
logger, which records
r the teemperature at an interval oof one
seecond. The pullsed current mmode used in thhis welding maachine
is shown in Figg. 2. A number of trial runs were carried out in
Fig.. 1 TIG weldingg experimental setup
orrder to fix thhe process paarameters lim mits and to prroduce
saamples with ann adequate fuusion of the baase metal withh filler
ment %C %Si %Mn %S %P %Mo %N Ni %Cr % Fe Others
SS304 actual composition 0.015 0.528 1.011 00.0107 0.02 0.053 8.2002 18.164 R
Rem. V=0.10,, Cu=0.031, Ti =00.01
R308LSi as deposited compositionn 0.018 0.556 1.358 00.0331 0.033 0.115 9.412 19.557 R
Rem. Co=0.941; Cu= 0.181, Ti=00.057

Input faactors Responsee signs
Exp Weldinng
No. processs F
Frequency Asspect S/N Cooling raate Heat input H
Cs TS (mm/s) W
WFS (m/min) Peak temperaturre ᵒC ᵒ
F (Hz) ratioo (W/P) ratio C/sec J/mm
1 CC TW W *0 1 0 0 44.47 -13 1046.45 7.12 1815.6
2 CC TW W **1 3 2 0 55.55 -14.9 1044 29 605.2
3 LF-PCT TW **1 2 0 5 22.83 -9.03 829 24 681
4 LF-PCT TW *0 3 4 5 77.33 -17.3 1028 13.23 454
5 HF-PCT TW **1 1 4 500 2
2.6 -8.3 919 13.6 1361.7
6 HF-PCT TW *0 2 2 500 33.29 -10.3 986.5 8 681
*Without coolinng system; ** Withh continuous water cooling system

B. Weld Beadd/Aspect Ratioo Characteristiics bettter, and (3) nnominal the bbetter. In the current work, the
The weld beead profiles oof all specimeens were meaasured weld bead characcteristics such as depth of thhe penetrationn and
caarefully and thhe observed vaalues for beadd width and deepth of beadd width of thee tested weld sspecimens werre identified aas the
peenetration werre used to calcculate the AR R and correspoonding respponse. The deepth of penetrration is consiidered as requuired
S//N ratios as summarized in Table II. The term “ssignal” signn and bead w width is considered as an undesirable sign,
reppresents the ddesirable meann value, and thhe “noise” reprresents therrefore, the asppect ratio (W//P) is considerred as smallerr the
the undesirablee value. Hencce, the S/N rratio represennts the bettter (SB) is used for minim mizing the asspect ratio off the
ammount of variiation. S/N iss the perform mance characteeristics welded parts. Thee smaller the better
b performaance is expresssed
haaving three typpes such as (11) higher the better,
b (2) low
wer the
S/NSB= -100 log {(y12 + y22 + y32 …yyn2)/n} (1)

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Chemical, Molecular, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:10, No:4, 2016

whhere n is the nnumber of repeetition of output response inn the at tthe center of weld metal using Vickerss’s microharddness
saame trial and y is the response. testiing machine. A standard tesst load 300 gr for a dwell peeriod
of 115 seconds waas used with regular intervval distance off 0.5
C. Metallurgiical and Mechhanical Characcteristics
The microstrructure evolutiion in the CC CSMD and PC CSMD
prrocesses was extensively investigated in this studdy for
unnderstanding the differennce in the morphologyy and
microstructure in both proccesses. Opticaal microscopyy was
ussed to obtain tthe microphotoographs. Crosss-section speccimens
weere prepared for metalloggraphic tests using the staandard
prrocedures repoorted in the litterature [13]. All specimenss were
eleectro-etched uusing 10gr oxxalic acid wiith 100 ml diistilled
waater at 9 V forr 30-60 S.
Transverse tensile tests were
w carried out on the subsize
shheet specimenns prepared according tto ASTM: E E8/8M
International Science Index, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:10, No:4, 2016 waset.org/Publication/10004892

staandard [14] w with a gauge length of 255 mm, and a cross-

Fig. 2 (a) Weldinng machine screeen when it is seetup on the pulssed
seection of 6.25x3.8 mm2 (seee Fig. 3). Teests were perfformed currrent state and (bb) Schematic diiagram of a stanndard pulse currrent-
ussing a testing m
machine with a displacemennt rate of 1 mm m.min- tim
me waveform inn the present PC C-TW process; Ip: peak Currentt (5-
. Three experiments weree performed and averageed for 2550 A); Ib: backgground current ((5-95% of the Ip); tp: peak curreent
asssessing the ultimate teensile strengtth (UTS) oof the duraation (ms); tb: bbase current duraation (ms); LF: low frequency (0.2-
weeldments. Miicrohardness studies
s were carried out oon the 1000 Hz); HF: high frequency (5000-2500 Hz); On--line pulse (5-95 %)
crross-section off the weldmennts. The measuurements weree taken

(a) (b)
Fig. 3 Standardd tensile specimeens (a) Sub-sizee specimen; (b) Real tension test specimens prrepared accordinng to ASTM E88/8M standard [14]

IIII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSSIONS Tabble II. The maiin effects plotss for the S/N rratios are show
wn in
Fig.. 5, which shows
s that tthe S/N valuues increase with
A. S/N Ratioss of Aspect Ratio
R Analysiss and Main E Effects
Pllot incrreasing the coooling rate, F and also TS from 1 mm/s to 2
mmm/s. On anotheer hand, S/N values
v decreasse with increaasing
The heat affeected zone (HA AZ) decreasess the strength of the the WFS, and witth increasing T TS from 2 mm m/s to 3 mm/s.. The
weelded parts annd reduce the efficiency of tthe joints due to the optiimal processs parameters have beenn established by
metallurgical changes at thiis region such as grain grrowth. anallyzing response curves of S S/N ratio as shhown in Tablee III.
Most of the tensile test specimens arre failed at HAZ.
M It iss concluded tthat the TS of o 2 mm/s, no n filler wire,, the
Thherefore, HAZ Z should be rreduced to a minimum
m as ccan as freqquency of 500 Hz and coontinuous watter Cs) givess the
poossible by reducing the ccooling time (using the cooling optiimal aspect rattio.
syystem) or usingg pulse currennt welding metthod. Fig. 4 prresents
the weld area ((HAZ + bead width) of thee welded speccimens B
B. Microstructuure Characterristics
ussing conventioonal and PCT TW techniquess. It is obviouus that F
From the aforeementioned ressults in Table II, the heatingg and
wiith high frequuency (exp. 6) 6 the weldedd area signifiicantly cooling curves foor all experimments are show wn in Fig. 6. The
reduces and hennce weldment efficiency impproves. peakk temperature values are lissted in Table III. The coolingg rate
Various aspect ratios of bead width and depth of penettration wass calculated foor temperature drop from peaak to 300 ᵒC.
weere calculatedd experimentallly for all expeeriments as lissted in

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International Science Index, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:10, No:4, 2016 waset.org/Publication/10004892

Figg. 4 Macrograpphs of AISI 304L

L joints illustratte (a) Top view of the bead proofile and (b) Crooss-section view
ws of the etchedd specimens shoowing
thhe amounts of bbead width and depth
d of penetraation



S. Perceent
Factor Leveel Vaalue Rank
Mean of SN ratio

No contribbution
-16 Continuous water
1 Cs 2 3 19 %
0 1 1 2 3 coolingg system
2 TS 2 2 mm/s
m 1 47 %
3 WFS 1 No filller wire 4 0.3 %
4 F 3 5000 Hz 2 25 %

0 2 4 0 5 500

Fig. 5 Effects off main factors oon S/N ratio of tthe aspect ratio oof the
weld beead geometry

Fig. 6 Thee heating and coooling curves

From the miccrostructure reesults, it is clear that two diffferent variiation of δ-ferrrite morpholoogy in weld zzone with Css and
kinnds of delta-fferrite (δ-ferriite), namely laathy and skeleetal δ- otheer parameters in CCTW prrocess of experiments 1 annd 2.
ferrrite are form
med in the ausstenitic matrixx. Fig. 7 show ws the Expperiment 1 sshows the m microstructure of a speciimen

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International Journal of Chemical, Molecular, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:10, No:4, 2016

prrepared withouut using the copper strip aand without aadding betwween HAZ annd FZ for CCT TW, LF-PCTW W, and HF-PC CTW
filller metal, whhereas experim ment 2 shows the effects off using weldments withouut using waterr Cs (Cs =0). It is noted thaat the
the continuous water coolinng system andd with addingg filler graiins in HAZ near fusion boundary arre coarse. In FZ,
metal. Fig. 7 ((a) depicts grreater skeletall and vermicuular δ-
m becaause the tempperature gradiient is high, the crystallizaation
ferrrite with highh grain size, annd Fig. 7 (b) reveals
r that thee grain ratee is small (low
w grain growtth rate). For CCTW
C weldmment,
sizze generally was
w finer and a higher conccentration of tootal δ- the low cooling rrate leads to ggrain growth ata the HAZ (F Fig. 8
ferrrite content compared
c to exxperiment 1 (FFig. 7 (a)). (d))) whereas forr the PCTW weldment, F has a signifi ficant
Figs. 8 (a)-(c) show the basse metal (BM)), HAZ, fusionn zone effeect on the soliidified weld ppool and so less grain grow wth is
FZ), and weldd metal (WM) of CCTW, low-frequenccy LF- apparent in the HHAZ than in BM M region (see Fig. 8 (f)). Fiigs. 8
PCCTW, and high-frequeency HF-PCTW welddments (g)--(i) show the mmicrostructuree of the centraal zone of WM M for
respectively. It is obvious tthat all welddments consistt of a the CCTW, LF-P PCTW, and HE E-PCTW resppectively. Fig. 8 (i)
coolumnar denddritic structuree with a verttical fusion liine. It show ws that the pulsed
p currentt with high fr
frequency tendds to
indicates that ggrowth takes places
p along tthe direction of the prodduce a smaller grain size annd a more reffined solidificaation
maximum tempperature gradieent. From Fig. 8 (c), it can bbe seen thann the continuoous current weelding methodd (Fig. 8 (g)). This
that the high ccooling rate associated w with PCTW pprocess miccrostructural ddifference willl be reflectedd in the diffe ferent
International Science Index, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:10, No:4, 2016 waset.org/Publication/10004892

results in a narrrow HAZ as comparing to CCTW C process (Fig. mecchanical behavvior of the threee weldment ttypes.
8 (a)). Figs. 8 ((d)-(f) give thee microstructuures of the intterface

Fig. 7 CCTW (a)) exp. 1 (TS 1m
mm/s, WFS 0, noo cooling systemm), and (b) exp.. 2 (TS 3 mm/s,, WFS 4 m/min,, continuous waater cooling systtem)
Existing of loong dendrites arrms and continuuous network off residual ferritee

The changes in microstruccture associateed with the aamount T

The amount off δ-ferrite exiists in WM depends on sevveral
off heat input to weld pooll during the deposition pprocess facttors, the most significant faactors are chem mical compossition
acccording to (2)) [15]: of tthe filler and BM, weldingg procedure, and a the amounnt of
heatt input to the melting
m pool dduring the wellding process [19].
Hi ƞI (2) Furtthermore, the process of raapid solidificaation with a hhigh-
mperature graadient, it iss beneficial to obtain fine
whhere Hi is thee heat input peer unit length; ƞ is arc efficciency miccrostructure. L Low heat inpuut to the weldd zone may resultr
(aassumed to be 0.83) for TIGG welding [12], Vav: the averrage of fromm high TS, uusing the conttinuous coolinng system, annd/or
the instantaneoous arc voltagee. usinng high F. Higgh frequency leads to break the dendritic arms
In PCSMD pprocess, the heeat input can be calculatedd using of tthe ASS and produces uniform structure (see Fig. 8 (i)).
(22) but here thhe welding cuurrent is Iav ass shown in (3)) [16], Mouurad et al. [20] demonsstrated that rresidual ferritte is
[17] and the avverage peak current
c for puulsed current ccan be stroongly influencced by the heaat input. At high
h cooling rrates,
caalculated usingg (4) [18]: whiich result from m the pulsedd current proccess, high TS S, or
continuous waterr cooling sysstem the trannsformation of o δ-
Hi ƞIav (3) ferrrite to austeniite is suppressed and highher residual feerrite
content in the weelding metal iis expected ass shown in Figgs. 8
(h), (i). Fig. 9 desscribes the effe
fects of high-frrequency (5000 Hz)
Iav. (A) (4)
of the
t pulsed cuurrent on coluumnar grains as comparinng to
conventional currrent process. IIt is obvious thhat F significaantly
whhere Iav the avverage current for pulse currrent TIG weldding, tp affeects the dendrrites arms of the solidifiedd structure at WM
is the peak timee (s) and tb is tthe base curreent duration (ss), Ip is andd hence it influuences the tenssile properties welded parts.
the peak currentt and Ib is the bbase current.

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C. Mechanicaal Test Resultss Fig.. 4. Fig. 11 shows that the frequency

f is thhe most signifi
The tensile ttest results arre summarizeed in Fig. 100. It is facttor influencess the microhhardness since it significaantly
obbvious that thee highest UTS S was achieveed at high freqquency affeects the grain size through breaking thee dendrite arm ms as
(500 Hz) and coontinuous wateer cooling connditions (experriment well as the amouunt of δ-ferritee is relatively higher (see F Fig. 8
5)), also high U
UTS was obtaiined at low frrequency (5Hzz) and (i)).. From the Figg. 11, it is obvvious that the cooling conddition
coontinuous watter cooling staate (experimeent 3). UTS iis also alsoo significantlyy effects onn the microhhardness, sincce it
mproved usingg the continuoous water coooling system in the
im incrreases the coolling rate and ccreates a fine sstructure with high
CCCTW process (experiment 22). From Fig. 10, the lowesst UTS residual δ-ferrite content (see F Fig. 7), whichh leads to incrrease
occcurred in the specimens weere prepared using a set of pprocess the hardness of tthe weldmentts. The highest tensile streength
paarameters in eexperiments 4 (see Table III). The deteriooration achiieved during tthis research iis 765.8 MPa at a frequenccy of
off UTS was attributed
a to iinsufficient hheat input whhich is 5000 Hz and usingg the continuoous water coolling system. WhileW
neecessary for mmelting the fiiller and basee metals durinng the highhest hardness obtained is 3008 HV at a freequency of 500 Hz
weelding processs and so leads to incompletee fusion as shoown in andd using the conntinuous waterr cooling systeem.
International Science Index, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:10, No:4, 2016 waset.org/Publication/10004892

Fig. 8 Optical m
microstructures oof (a) CCTW; (bb) LF-PCTW; (cc) HF-PCTW; ((d) WM of CCT
TW; (e) WM off LF-PCTW; (f) WM of HF-PC

F 9 Micrograpphs of the effects of frequency on the dendriticc arms (a) contiinuous current ((experiment 1) and
Fig. a (b) pulsed ccurrent (experim

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reached to 308 HV in weld zone, also achieved at high
750 frequency and continuous water cooling system.
5. From the microstructure analysis, there is no evidence of
Mean of UTS ( MPa)


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675 F
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