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Teacher: Rosca Simona Angela

Date: May 29th, 2009
School: Şcoala Generală Pocruia
Grade: 2nd
Topic: Holidays in the USA
Time: 50 minutes
Methods: explanation, re-writing; blank-filling.
Aids: worksheets, chalk, blackboard, notebooks, pens
Aims: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
O1: answer the teacher's questions
O2: read with the appropriate intonation (stress)
O3: use the appropriate verb tense
O4: fill in blanks with the suitable verb form
O5: revise the Past tense simple
O6: learn a new vocabulay
O7: have information on Past Continuous tense

Aims Lesson stage Activity forms of aids time

O1 Warm-up Students answer the Individual 1 min.
teacher’s questions
regarding the pupil son
duty, the absents, the
homework they had to do
(if necessary).

O2 Presentation T allows Ss have a look at Individual English 12 min.

O6 the text and read it, books,
translate the lesson topics dictionaries
(Ss have to discuss on the

O1 Presentation T asks some Ss to answer Class as a English 7 min.

O6 the questions about the whole/ books,
pictures. Individually notebooks,
O3 Then the T asks the Ss pens
about the Past tense
simple (in contrast with
Past Continuous tense,
which is about to be
O4 Ss are asked to write Individual English 5 min.
O5 down different forms of books,
Past tense (both for notebooks,
regular/ irregular verbs). pencils

O3 Presentation T teaches The Past Class as a Blackboard, 10 min.

O7 Continuous Tense and whole/ chalk,
gives examples Individual notebooks,
concerning its adverbials, paper work
afterwards hands the
children a worksheet to
fill in the blanks with the
suitable verb form.
O7 Presentation T presents the tenses in Class (as a Blackboard, 5 min.
contrast : Past Simple (its whole) chalk,
adverbials) and Past notebooks,
Continuous (its English
adverbials, as well). books

O3 Feed-back T hands in each S a Individual Worksheets, 7 min.

worksheet to fill in the pens
blanks with the right tense
(Ss have to make a
difference between Past
Tense Simple and past
Tense Continuous)
(finally the worksheets
are to be discussed by the
T together with the Ss)

Closure T announces the Individual 3 min.

homework Ss have for
their next class, gives
them indications.
WORKSHEET (2nd grade)

I. Exercise: Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Continuous Form (Puneti verbele
din paranteza la forma de trecut continuu)

a. She (to read) a book at this time yesterday.


b. I (to listen) to my radio, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.


c. While I (to write) the email, the computer suddenly went off.

d. We (to study) while he (to make) dinner.


e. While I (to watch) a movie, my friend called.


f. She always (to come) to class late.

WORKSHEET (2nd grade)

Past Tense Simple and Continuous in contrast

1. I. Exercise: Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Continuous Form
(Puneti verbele din paranteza la forma de trecut simplu sau continuu)

a. Susan (to read) while Sam (to eat).


b. His sister (to sleep) when the phone (to ring).


c. My parents (to talk) to my sister at this time yesterday.


d. The grandparents (to come) when she (to see) them.


e. I (to eat) my breakfast while my brother (to play) football.


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