England's Most Eccentric Dresser

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England’s most eccentric dresser

1.  Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives from the box.

Weird tasteful funky flamboyant elaborate

Dull baggy bold futuristic

a. He is a little strange in the way he dresses, I have to admit. He looks weird


b. Her designs are characterized by a lot of details which are carefully

arranged. Her designs are elaborate.

c. She loves clothes which are very loose like her favorite baggy jeans.

d. The landscape lacks brightness because it was painted in dull colors.

e. The designer is a visionary and his clothes are way ahead of their time, so
not a lot of people will decide to wear them now. They are too futuristic.

f. His behavior as well as his way of dressing attract a lot of attention

everywhere he goes. He’s got a really flamboyant personality.

g. They look stylish and elegant, and so does their house. It’s very tasteful.

h. No one would decide to wear such an attention-grabbing Halloween

costume as Jane. But she is known for her strong, vivid and bold designs.

i. He loves wearing fashionable and unconventional clothes. He loves funky

 Watch the first part of a video
[https://youtu.be/8q7D4EmbSCw ] (to 04:42) and complete the notes
about Daniel Lismore with one to two words each.

o Daniel Lismore lives his life as an artwork.

o He was brought up in a small village in Fillongley and raised by his

grandparents who were antiques dealers.

o At the age of 17, he moved to London to become a model. Then,

he went to study photography.

o When he gets dressed he thinks about color, texture and shape.

o He often comes up with his ideas when he sleeps.

3. Watch the second part of the video (from 04:43) and answer the

a. What objects does Daniel Lismore use in his outfits? Give three examples.
Plastic crystals made with diamonds, beer cans and royal silk.

b. What do people think Daniel Lismore is?

Performer or drag queen.

c. How do people respond to what he does?

They say they love or absolutely hate.

d. What has he struggled with during his life as an artwork?

He was bullied, abused, spat at and rejected.

 Discuss the questions.

● Have you heard of Daniel Lismore before you watched the video?
No, I have not.

●What do you think about his outfits?

I think it’s too bulky and hard to wear. But maybe because of those
shiny things and weird shape it kind of look fascinating.

● Can you describe one of your favorite outfits?

Comfortable, loose but stylish would describe my favorite outfit the best.

● Do you agree with his statement that “everyone is capable of creating their
own masterpiece”?
Yes, I do agree. Everyone can create their own artwork relating to

5. Match the words from box A and box B to create the pairs of


Weird tasteful funky flamboyant elaborate dull

baggy bold futuristic


Pale tight conventional vintage modest simple

bright tacky ordinary

Weird- Ordinary Bold- Pale

Tasteful- Tacky Futurist- Conventional

Funky- Modest

Flamboyant- Vintage

Elaborate- Simple
Dull- Bright

Baggy- Tight

6. Choose 5 adjectives from the previous exercise and write

sentences with them which relate to fashion and clothing.

The vintage dress had been stored in the small trunk.

I think these days, designers would choose futuristic style rather than
conventional style.

Tight-fitting jeans come in a range of styles.

The clothing he was bright colored but simple.

His flamboyant clothes were grabbing everyone's attention who were passing by.

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