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ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPERS 1 & 2 TIME: 2 hours 45 minutes

PAPER 1 TIME: 1 hour 45 minutes

SECTION A: ESSAY [50 marks]

Answer one question only from this section. All questions carry equal marks. Your
answer should not be less than 450 words.
You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.
1. Write a story ending with the expression: ‘Since then I have always tried to
avoid bad company.’
2. Write an article for publication in one of your national newspaper on the
activities of smugglers and traders in your country. Discuss the effect of the
activities of such people on the government and people of your country.
3. You have gained admission to a famous overseas university. Write a letter to
your wealthy uncle giving at least, three reasons which can convince him to
sponsor you.
4. You are the main speaker in a debate on the topic: ‘The Social Media is
responsible for the high rate of indecent behavior among our youths.’
5. Write a letter to the Minister of Education in your country discussing at least,
three ways by which the quality of education could be improved.


You are advised to spend about 25 minutes on this section.
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.
The second semester examination came and went and the students were now
leaving for the Easter holiday. The few who loitered about were either those who
had exhausted their pocket money and had no means of going home or fun-loving
students who wanted a last-minute frolic on the campus.
Inside his room, Alli sat bleary-eyed on the bed, wondering what he was going to
tell his parents. He still found it difficult to believe that he had been rusticated for
cheating in an examination! It was unbelievable! Had his father not said that he
was the most intelligent of all his children? Had he not beaten even the most
intelligent of his rivals throughout his primary and post-primary education? At the
end of his first year at the university, had he not won the award reserved for the
most outstanding student in the Faculty of Engineering? That was a feat that
earned him the respect of other students in the faculty and had made his course-
mates elect him unanimously as their representative in the Student Union
Government. He had repeated the same feat in the third year and was expected
to do the same thing now in his fourth year. But now, he had been sent packing
for cheating in an examination. Only a year to go and he would have become a
chemical engineer. “Engineer Alli Okon”, people would have called him. But no,
he had cheated. What devil ever got into him to make him cheat?
He could never forget the incident. It had been such a shameful affair. He had
written on a piece of paper with an empty pen so that no obvious mark might be
left on it. Only on close examination could one notice any imprints on the paper. A
casual observer would only see a plain and harmless piece of white paper, but the
invigilator was eagle-eyed. The moment he brought out the piece of paper to
copy an answer to a correctly anticipated question, the invigilator was onto him.
He scrutinized the paper and discovered his trick. He did not hesitate to send him
out of the examination hall, in spite of pleas from his shocked mates.
Later, alli mentioned the problem to his friends in the Axe Confraternity, but
rejected their suggestion of writing a threatening letter to the authorities to
discontinue investigation into the case. He knew that such a letter would only
serve to expose his identity as a secret cult member. Alli did not want to blame
the invigilator. The man was just doing his duty. It was unfortunate that he was
the only one caught in this “common prank” of cheating.
a) State two problems that worried Alli as he sat in his room.
b) How did Alli’s mates honour him for his brilliance?
c) What goal had Alli set for himself before now?
d) What evidence is there in the passage that Alli was a brilliant student in the
e) Why did Alli refuse the suggestion to write to the authorities?
f) “Had his father not said that he was the most intelligent of all his children?”
What literary device is contained in the expression above?
g) “. . . that earned him the respect of other students in the faculty”
i) What grammatical name is given to this expression as it is used in the
ii) What is its function?
h) For each of the following words, find another word or phrase which means the
same and which can replace it as it is used in the passage:
i) exhausted ii) reserved iii) incident iv) obvious v) imprints
v) pleas.


You are advised to spend 30 minutes on this section.
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.
How does it feel being the youngest child in the family? Is the youngest child an
object of adoration or does the more than normal attention usually given to him
arouse some feelings of envy among his siblings? Do parents show some special
fondness for him or is he expected to be subservient to the older ones?
The youngest child tends to be viewed as the baby of the family and can be
virtually smothered by parental affection. Recalls one woman, ‘I was the youngest
in our family . . . I was babied and fused over quite a bit, even by the older kids. Of
course I enjoyed it, but I do think it held me back a little. It may have kept me from
growing up, facing the challenges.’ Your parents may also go overboard in trying
to protect you. They may allow your older siblings to go out with friends but may
insist that you remain at home – or that you come back so early that you may feel
there is little point in going out in the first place.
Being the youngest, you may attract a lot of unfair comparison. ‘When I’m really
in trouble or just doing some stupid things around the house,’ laments 16-year old
Femi, they’ll say ‘Kunle doesn’t do that.’ And if your older sibling had a rebellious
streak at your age, watch out! Your parents may try hard to prevent history from
repeating itself. ‘I hate the fact that I have to pay for mistakes my older sisters
made,’ complains Ngozi. ‘Just because my sister borrowed the car and went
somewhere she wasn’t supposed to go, I can’t borrow the car!’
Your biggest complain may be the way you are treated by your siblings. They may
show little respect for your privacy or your personal belongings. As the youngest
child, you may also get a greater share of your parents’ attention and affection. If
so, your sibling may feel hostile towards you. ‘I thought my younger sister got
everything she wanted’ says Amina, a first-born teenage girl. ‘I realized I was
jealous of her.’
Nevertheless, being the youngest child has a number of advantages. Your parents
may be better off financially than they were as new parents. You may thus enjoy
material benefits such as having your own room that your siblings did not have at
your age. And while some youths balk at the idea of wearing hand-me-downs,
clothings inherited from older siblings may have endowed you with much larger
wardrobe than some of your peers have.
Another benefit is the experience your parents have gained in child rearing.
Having learned from their past mistakes, your parents may be more relaxed and
secure in their respective roles, less prone to make unrealistic demands. You may
have a measure of freedom that your siblings didn’t have at your age.
Simply having older brothers and sisters is also an advantage. Your older brothers
and sisters can be a source of friendship, companionship and advice. A sibling can
even serve as a role model for you. Are you entering your first year of secondary
school? Your big brother may be able to help you adjust. Have your parents finally
given you permission to wear make-up? Perhaps your elder sister can show you
how to apply it.
a) In three sentences, one for each, summarize the disadvantages of being the
youngest child in the family.
b) In three sentences, one for each, summarize the advantages of being the
youngest child in the family.
SECTION 1 TIME: 30 minutes
From the words lettered A to D choose the word that has the same vowel sound
as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.
1. mauve a. goad b. bough c. mall d. sauce
2. wife a. rich b. pillar c. height d. win
3. bough a. full b. your c. would d. bout
4. claw a. wash b. torn c. class d. wise
5. couple a. boat b. cut c. bow d. soap
6. listen a. women b. wean c. pill d. mine
7. garden a. task b. mango c. mad d. late
8. care a. car b. ear c. chair d. rear
9. tyrant a. year b. typical c. libel d. weird
10. birth a. farmer b. cart c. butter d. kerb
11. cape a. break b. adapt c. hat d. batter
12. box a. dawn b. coffee c. suit d. hurl
13. poor a. moan b. moot c. sure d. loom
14. clear a. bar b. fierce c. fair d. star
15. pocket a. eat b. ice c. met d. fill
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant
sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.
16. gang a. burgle b. range c. brand d. plank
17. prison a. hissing b. ease c. measure d. sure
18. these a. thumb b. seethe c. thin d. thesis
19. job a. merger b. bang c. humbug d. giggle
20. long a. bulge b. fancy c. flank d. sign
21. soothe a. nit b. this c. match d. thyme
22. prize a. nice b. incise c. measure d. force
23. thirst a. throb b. clothe c. then d. mother
24. fetch a. heap b. sugar c. question d. chaos
25. combine a. column b. gnaw c. king d. wrong
26. brain a. bore b. borrow c. chore d. cord
27. yellow a. jail b. universe c. huge d. whale
28. harsh a. champagne b. sign c. bus d. rich
29. genre a. orange b. breathe c. vision d. green
30. kitten a. heat b. know c. cold d. knee
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given
31. brim a. claim b. grim c. climb d. bring
32. cove a. dove b. mauve c. love d. move
33. dangle a. cable b. beagle c. cable d. bangle
34. tore a. law b. tour c. sure d. lure
35. fee a. file b. who c. fear d. quay
In each of the following questions the main/primary stress is indicated by writing
the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters. From the words lettered A to D,
choose the one that has the correct stress.
36. dichotomy
a. Dichotomy b. dichotoMY c. dichoTOmy d. diCHOtomy
37. provisional
a. provisional b. provisional c. provisioNAL d. PROvisional
38. condensation
a. condensaTION b. conDENsation c. condenSAtion d. CONdensation
39. mahogany
a. maHOgany b. MAhogany c. mahogaNY d. mahoGAny
40. infallible
a. INfallible b. infalLIble c. inFALlible d. infalliBLE
In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except one have the same
stress pattern. Identify the one with the different stress pattern and shade your
answer accordingly.
41. a. double b. invite c. campaign d. ascend
42. a. paddle b. shallow c. arise d. tennis
43. a. august b. country c. August d. major
44. a. desperate b. sibilant c. modify d. addition
45. a. official b. jeopardy c. enjoyment d. revision
In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the EMPHATIC STRESS,
is written in CAPITAL LETTERS. From the questions lettered A to D choose the one
to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer.
46. My YOUNGER brother was accused of committing the offence
a. Was your elder brother accused of committing the offence?
b. Was Ngozi’s younger brother accused of committing the offence?
c. Was your younger brother suspected of committing the offence?
d. Was your younger sister accused of committing the offence?
47. NEITHER of them is excited.
a. Who is excited?
b. Are they excited?
c. Which of them is excited?
d. Who is not excited?
48. The three boys arrived by AIR.
a. How many boys arrived by air?
b. Did the three boys arrive by boat?
c. Did the three boys leave by air?
d. Did the three girls arrive by boat?
49. The warm water is full of WORMS.
a. Are there worms in the warm water?
b. What is inside the warm water?
c. Is the warm water full of ants?
d. Is the cold water full of ants?
50. ELEVEN students paid their tuition fees yesterday?
a. When did eleven students pay their tuition fees?
b. How many students paid their sports fees yesterday?
c. Did eight students pay their tuition fees yesterday?
d. who paid their tuition fees last week?
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound
represented by the given phonetic symbol.
51. /ʒ/ a. reason b. tension c. provision d. fashion
52. /Ʌ/ a. view b. good c. cave d. come
53. /æ/ a. bachelor b. bane c. bark d. barometer
54. /m/ a. nasal b. oral c. bosom d. enslave
55. /i:/ a. rich b. practice c. cripple d. peach
56. /au/ a. curb b. loud c. farm d. back
57. /ʃ/ a. fishing b. stand c. sugar d. leisure
58. /z/ a. hasten b. cause c. damsel d. study
59. /dʒ/ a. mute b. zeal c. drain d. jump
60. /ə/ a. great b. abide c. jeans d. peace

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