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Crammed Story

It was a usual autumn day that completely changed her life. Rachel lost everything,
she had worked on for so many years. It was her family. Her husband went to
another woman. It wasn’t a break, it was a divorce. She always wanted to take
charge of everything and everyone, and her husband could no longer humble
with it. And he talked about his new fiancée, that she has been really quite human.
Rachel made the decision to move from her husband on the same day she saw
through his betrayal at once. Her morning began with two bottles of red or three
gin tonics. Rachel stopped watching her appearance, became obese, became
depressed and drank almost constantly. Every day, Rachel went to a fictional work
because she was kicked out of a real scandal, traveled from the Ashbury suburb to
London, and returned to her room every night by an old university girlfriend. One
day, she drove by train to one house, and while she was standing at the traffic light,
she saw a couple in love through the window. She set eyes on them. Every
morning and every night, from the train window, stopping at the traffic lights,
Rachel watched the residents of Blenheim Road, 15, the perfect family couple who
drank their morning coffee on the terrace and sip red wine before dinner. And this
story was repeated with her every time she passed this house. Day by day she was
able to see for a few minutes how they were talking, hugging and doing something
together. Rachel even came up with their names - Jess and Jason. These
relationships took her breath away and became a symbol of her broken love.
Watching them became her personal daily ritual. Five homes from the perfect Jess
and Jason, at Blenheim Road, 23, were housed by ex-husband Rachel Tom in their
former joint home with his new wife, Anna, and their daughter, Ivey. After that, at
home, she sat alone and flooded the memories of her former happiness with a
bottle of gin. One morning, on the perfect family terrace, Rachel saw something
that turned upside down and, before that, her world was not too stable. And one
day, Rachel saw Jess have kissed a stranger. The next morning the perfect Jess,
who was actually called Megan, disappeared, and Rachel woke up at home with a
broken head and bruises all over her body…
Rachel has taken on a mission to help find Megan in every way, even if she has to
stay sober to remember the details of that night, which is not so easy, and even if
she has to run into her ex during the investigation. Rachel realized she is really
well aware of investigations. Looking for Megan, Rachel began to find herself, but
the path of self-discovery was not so easy… To be continued

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