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Gestational Conditions Affecting Pregnancy Outcomes

Vaginal Bleeding during Pregnancy ● It is the ​termination of pregnancy before

● Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is viability that is before 20 weeks AOG from
always a​ deviation from normal. LMP​ and the fetus weighs ​500 grams.
● It is ​potentially serious and ​may occur at ● Early abortion
any point​ during pregnancy. ○ termination of pregnancy before 12
● Gestational condition of pregnancy weeks AOG
○ Health difficulties that happens ● Late Abortion
throughout the duration of ○ termination of pregnancy ​between
pregnancy 12 to 20 weeks
○ Affects the baby and mother's ● Classification based on weight
wellbeing ○ Below 500 grams- ​Abortus
○ Recommended: constant and ○ 501-1000 grams- ​Immature
consistent maternal check up ○ 1001- 2,500 grams-​ Preterm
● Hemorrhage​- A rapid loss of more than 1 % ○ 2,500 above grams – ​Full term
of body weight in blood.
● Hypovolemic shock​- blood loss to 1.5 to 2 Fetal Causes of Abortion
liters. ● Defective Germ Plasma
● Perinatal hemorrhage​- occurs during ○ Imperfect ova - irregularities and
pregnancy, labor and delivery defects will eventually affect the
physiologic development of the
Classifications fetus.
1. Ante partum hemorrhage ○ Trisomy 16 - defective sperm;
○ It occurs anytime during pregnancy chromosomal abnormalities, in
before 20th weeks. which there are 3 copes of
○ Commonly caused by ​abortion and chromosome on the pair 16 rather
ectopic pregnancy than 2; most common trisomy
2. Intrapartum hemorrhage leading to miscarriage
○ It occurs ​during labor. ● Implantation Abnormality
○ Commonly due to abruptio placenta, ○ Inadequate placental circulation that
uterine rupture, uterine inversion, would alter and affect the expected
and even the abnormal adhesion of physiologic response of pregnancy;
the placenta will not sustain and even maintain
3. Postpartum hemorrhage the needed demands of the
○ It is when blood loss is greater than pregnancy
500ml in NSVD or ​1000 ml in
Cesarean Section. Maternal Causes of Abortion
● Advanced maternal age.
Bleeding Disorders of Pregnancy ○ After 35 years of age and maternal
1. First Trimester nutrition
○ Abortion & Ectopic pregnancy ● Maternal infections like Rubella virus & UTI.
2. Second Trimester ● Inadequate progesterone production by the
○ H- Mole & Incompetent cervix. corpus luteum.
3. Third Trimester ● Abnormal reproductive organ like inverted
○ Abruptio placenta and Placenta uterus.
Previa. ● Incompetent cervix.
○ Cannot handle the pressure of the
Abortion weight during pregnancy
● Over fatigue.
● CHF (congenital heart failure), GDM ○ Maceration
(gestational diabetes mellitus), Severe HPN ■ softening, amniotic fluid is
(hypertension) greenish to brownish; fetus
could be 2 weeks dead.
Threatened Abortion ○ Mummification
● It refers to the ​possible loss of the products ■ fetus will become leaner-like
of conception. appearance, could be about
● Early​: Under 16 weeks 2-4 weeks dead
● Later:​ 16-24 weeks ■ Can lead to womb stone or
● Signs/Symptoms and Management. lithopedion
○ Can be prevented if treated ○ Lithopedion
immediately ■ Stony appearance
○ Vaginal bleeding - bright red, scanty ■ Dead more than a month
to moderate amount ● Signs/Symptoms
○ Cervical dilatation - none , closed ○ Fetus dies in uterus but is not
cervix expelled
○ CBR for 24-48 hrs (complete bed ○ Absence of FHB, no fetal parts on
rest) palpation
● Sexual Intercourse is ​restricted for 2 weeks ○ No increase in abdominal size, signs
● Hormonal Therapy​- Duvadilan (vasodilator, of pregnancy disappear
can relax the uterus; treatment of premature ○ Anorexia with nausea and vomiting
labor), Bricanyl -save Pregnancies with brownish vaginal discharges
● Nursing Management: ​Monitor uterine ○ If the mother did not come for check
contraction and Fetal heart beat up after 2 weeks, she may suffer
from hypofibrinogen or sepsis
Inevitable Abortion infection that can affect both the
● Unknown reasons but possibly poor mother and the fetus
placental attachment.
● Bleeding in the first trimester Ectopic Pregnancy
● Most of the time, the conception products ● It is ​implantation of the zygote outside the
are not expelled and extra cervical contents uterine cavity or in abnormal location inside
are present at the time of medical the uterus
examination ● Pregnancy ​outside the uterus, ovary, cervix,
● Signs/Symptoms fallopian tube and intestine.
○ Loss of the products of conception ● Also called as​ tubal pregancy
that cannot be prevented ● Causes
○ Vaginal bleeding become profuse ○ Narrowing, constriction of the tubes
○ Uterine cramping increased due to inflammation (salpingitis) ,
○ Cervical dilatation- present or open kinking and congenital narrowing of
cervix or dilatation of cervix. the tubes
○ Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
Missed Abortion ● Types
● retention of all products of conception ​after ○ Tubal - more than 95% occur in the
the death of fetus​ in the uterus. fallopian tube.
● Stillbirth / IUFD (Intrauterine Fetal Death) ■ Ampulla - common site of
● Will know she had miscarriage when she implantation 55%.
will subject herself into a medical visual ■ Isthmus​- 25%
examination ■ Fimbria​-17%
● Degenerative changes in fetus
○ Ovarian - Management is embryo and form when the
oophorectomy sperm fertilized an empty
○ Abdominal - Implantation outside the egg.
tube or abdomen ■ HCG develop rapidly;
● Signs and Symptoms enlargement of uterus
○ Early pregnancy, amenorrhea. ○ Partial Molar pregnancy
(absence of menstruation) ■ In most cases the mother 23
○ Late pregnancy, there is severe chromosomes remain, but
sharp, knife like stabbing in the right there are two sets of
or left lower quadrant radiating to chromosomes from the
the neck and shoulder father, so the embryo has 69
○ Hard beardlike abdomen. chromosomes instead of 46
○ Cullen’s signs or bluish discoloration chromosomes.
of the umbilicus due to the presence ■ Development is not complete
of blood in the peritoneal cavity ● Signs and Symptoms
○ Signs of shock; cyanosis, pallor, cold ○ Excessive nausea and vomiting due
clammy skin, rapid pulse rate to increase or elevated HCG
○ Cervical pain during internal ○ Large abdominal size not proportion
examination. to AOG (too big)
■ Cold synthesis ○ Brownish vaginal bleeding with
■ Aspiration of bloody fluid some passage of grapelike vesicles
■ HCG testing around 4th month
○ Transvaginal ultrasounds (tvus). ○ Bleeding from spotting to profuse
■ Can reveal an extra uterine hemorrhage
pregnancy and serial HCG ○ Presence of quickening but no FHT
and fetal skeleton
● Surgical interventions ○ Ultrasounds reveal a mass of fluid
○ Salphingotomy filled vesicles
■ removal of pregnancy and ○ HPN, edema and proteinuria
preserving the tubes ○ High or elevated HCG beyond 100
○ Salphingectomy days when it is supposed to have
■ removal of pregnancy and already declined
the tubes
○ Salphingectomy with Oophorectomy Premature Labor
■ removal of tubes & ovary ● It is when the ​uterine contractions occurs
between 20-37 weeks AOG.
Hydatidiform mole ● Cervix begins to dilate and pregnancy is lost
● Abnormal proliferation of trophoblastic cells; at about 20 weeks.
fertilization or cell division defect. ● Signs and symptoms
● It is a ​benign disorder of the placenta ○ Contractions occurs every 10
characterized by ​degeneration of the minutes without pain
chorion and death of the embryo. ○ Low abdominal cramping without
● The chorionic villi rapidly proliferate and diarrhea
become grapelike vesicles that pr​oduce ○ Low back ache pain.
large amounts of HCG ○ Increased vaginal discharge-pinkish
● Types tingled
○ Complete Molar pregnancy ○ Leaking BOW.
■ have only placental parts, ● Immediate Actions
there is no baby or no
○ Empty the bladder & lying on left ○ Bright red bleeding may be
side position, bed rest intermittent
○ drink 3 to 4 cups of water ○ Placement of the placenta in the
○ Monitor uterine contractions, if 10 lower segment which prevents fetal
minutes refer to hospital head from entering the true pelvis
○ Administer tocolytic agents . ○ Decreased urinary output
■ Drugs that help stop uterine
contractions Abruptio Placenta
■ Ritodrine or ritopar ● It is the premature separation of a normally
■ Terbutaline implanted placenta after 20 weeks of
■ Magnesium sulfate gestation​ and ​before delivery of the fetus.
■ Betamethasone ● Deciduas tissues and the blood vessel
undergo the term necrosis, blood vessels
Placenta Previa rupture, bleeding occurs, blood escaping
● Abnormal implantation of placenta near or from these ruptured vessels collects
over the Internal OS​-mouth of the cervix. between the deciduous and in the placenta
● It is common bleeding disorder of the third ● This collection of blood creates ​increasing
trimester​ of pregnancy amounts of pressure against the placenta
● Third trimester - lower uterine segment that pushes the placenta further away
begins to stretch and shorten in the thereby enlarging the degree of placental
preparation for labor separation from the deciduas.
● Gradual thinning of the lower segment ● As the placenta separates from the uterus,
causes the placental villi attached to the blood supply from the uterus to the placenta
lower uterine wall to tear and eventually will be cut off preventing the proper
separate from its attachment. exchange of substances.
● Detachment of the portion of the placenta ● Deprives the fetus from the necessary
over the cervix causes bleeding oxygen and nutrients
● Types ● Causes
○ Complete or Total placenta ○ Maternal HPN is the most common
■ Placenta completely covers and persistent factors
the internal OS when the ○ Advanced maternal age and grand
cervix is fully dilated multiparty - increased endometrial
○ Partial placenta previa. damage, thinning of the
■ Placenta partially covers the endometrium that prevents
internal OS attachment
○ Marginal placenta. ○ Trauma to the uterus
■ The edge of the placenta is ○ Pressure of the enlarging uterus or
lying in the margin of your rapid decompression of an
internal OS distended.
○ Low lying placenta previa ○ Short umbilical cord
■ Placenta will implant near the ○ PROM causing sudden release of
internal OS with its margin pressure
located about 2 cm to 5 cm ○ Hyperfibrinoginemia
from the internal OS, edges ● Signs and symptoms
can be felt by the examining ○ Vaginal bleeding - dark red, covert
finger type of abruptio placenta
● Signs and symptoms ○ Bright red vaginal bleeding - overt
○ Painless vaginal bleeding between type of placenta
24 -30 weeks
○ A painful rigid board like abdomen. - ○ Hereditary
caused by accumulation of blood ● Management
behind the placenta with fetal parts ○ Roll-over test
hard to palpate ■ assess the probability of
○ Couvelaire uterus- the uterus developing toxemia
becomes bluish-purple, signs of ■ 28-32 weeks AOG
shock and fetal distress ■ Lateral recumbent position
● Types for 15 minutes until baby has
○ Central/Covert Abruptio placenta stabilized
■ separation begins at the ■ The mother will roll over into
center of placental a supine position
attachment. ■ Pressure is measured after 5
■ Blood trapped behind the minutes
placenta ■ BP is taken at 1 minutes and
■ Bleeding is internal, not 5 minutes after having rolled
obvious over
○ Overt/ marginal Abruptio placenta ■ If diastolic increases into 20
■ separation begins at the mmhg or more, patient is
edges of the placenta . prone to toxemia
■ Blood escapes from the ○ Tolerance hyperbaric test (THT)
uterine caity ■ is a new test that can detect
■ Bleeding is external gestational HPN and
preeclampsia 23 weeks
earlier than clinical signs may
Gestational Hypertension appear.
● It is a condition in which ​vasopasm occurs
in both small and large arteries during Polyhydramnios
pregnancy causing ​increased blood ● It is characterized by ​excessive amount of
pressure. amniotic fluid is more than 2000 ml.
● BP140/90mmhg develops for the first time ● The normal amount of amniotic fluid-
during pregnancy but there is ​no proteinuria. 500-1000ml
● Preeclampsia​- hypertension of BP 140/90 ● Signs and symptoms
that develops after 20weeks of gestatio​n ○ Excessive uterine size, out of
accompanied by ​ proteinuria an edema​. proportion to AOG with difficulty
● Eclampsia​- all signs of preeclampsia palpating fetal parts and finding
accompanied by convulsions. FHT.
● Triad symptoms of PIH ○ Shortness of breath caused by
○ Hypertension pressure of the overly distended
○ Edema uterus.
○ Proteinuria (albuminuria) ○ Backpain, varicosities, constipation
● Predisposing Factors of PIH and frequency of urination
○ Age - primipara below 20 and above ● Causes
35 years old ○ Fetal abnormalities
○ Gravid 5 or more pregnancies ■ Anencephaly
○ Low socioeconomic status and ■ absence of fetal skull.
inadequate care. ■ Esophageal atresia
○ Poor nutrition ■ fetal swallowing
○ Preexisting diseases like Diabetes, amniotic.
Vascular disease ■ Spina bifida
■ absence of vertebrae
■ heart failure and congenital
○ Maternal factors
■ Multiple pregnancy and
diabetes mellitus

● It is when the​ amniotic fluid less than 300ml.
● Signs and symptoms
○ Leaking of amniotic fluid when the
cause is rupture of membrane
○ Decreased amount of amniotic fluid
on ultrasounds
○ Uterus is small for gestational age

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