Data Overview - Postdoctoral Researcher Data Engineering For Conservation

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Postdoctoral researcher, data engineering for

The University of Helsinki is a multidisciplinary research university that ranks among the best in the world
and the top ten among European universities. The university has some 36,000 degree students.

The Department of Geosciences and Geography (

geosciences-and-geography) at the Faculty of Science is the leading research and education unit in its
field in Finland. In addition to research in geology, geophysics and geography, research into seismology
and official duties in the field of seismology is carried out at the department. The staff at the department
numbers some 100.


The Helsinki Lab of Interdisciplinary Conservation Science (

helsinki-lab-of-interdisciplinary-conservation-science) at the Department of Geosciences and Geography
at the Faculty of Science of the University of Helsinki, situated on the Kumpula Science Campus, is
seeking applicants for a one-year fixed-term postdoctoral researcher position, potentially extendible to
two, in Data Engineering for Wildlife Conservation starting 1.1.2021 or earlier. A six-month trial period
will be applied.
The ideal candidate should have a PhD in a relevant field and a good set of technical skills, including an
adequate experience in programming languages and tools, primarily Python, Web Services and NoSQL/
SQL database (MongoDB/Postgres). Additional experience in R, JavaScript, ReactJS, Mechanical Turk
would be advantageous but not essential for the application. Responsibilities for the postdoctoral
reseacher will include (i) creating and maintaining optimal data pipeline architecture; (ii) assembling
large, complex data set and set up annotation tools; (iii) building the infrastructure required for optimal
extraction, transformation, and loading of data from a wide variety of data sources; (iv) keeping our data
secure and compliant with privacy requirements; (v) creating data tools for analysis and scientific
requirements in the team; (vi) assisting in machine learning and data science projects. The ideal
candidate will be willing to work in an interdisciplinary team carrying out research in conservation science
that can help address the global biodiversity crisis. We hope the candidate appointed could start on the
position as soon as possible.

The starting salary of the candidate will be ca. 3300–3700 euros/month, depending on the appointees’
qualifications and experience. Furthermore, the University of Helsinki offers comprehensive services to
its employees, including occupational health care and health insurance, sports facilities, and
opportunities for professional development. University assists employees from abroad with their
transition to work and life in Finland (

How to apply

Please submit your application consisting of (1) a cover letter, (2) a statement of previous research and
programming experience, (3) a curriculum vitae and a publications list, along with details of two referees
in a single pdf file using the University of Helsinki Recruitment System by clicking the Apply for the
position button below. Applicants who are employees of the University of Helsinki must submit their
application via the SAP HR portal.

The application deadline is November 15, 2020.

For more information on the position, please contact Associate Professor Enrico Di Minin, enrico.di.


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