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1. Visual studio Latest version will be used.


AI for Everyone:

Course Objectives

Two types of AI

ANI and AGI ???

ANI More work in it.

Task based Application through AI

Smart speakers self driving cars

Humans and Machines activities have to do the same work. Machines have to think lilke hunman

What is Machine learning ??? Predictions through data . Roibotics

Supervised learning: Input & OP to machine. Aftwr teaining he will automatically predict the OP

E.g Training of Google translator

Input OP mapping or A to B mapping

Use and Misuse of data

More relible data OP will perfect

Garbage IP Garbage OP

Difference between Data science and machines learning

Hard core programming is not required for basic model in ML

Deep Learning

Iput layer ……………. Features

Second layer……………

Third layer

Last layer_______________ OP Layers

In between Hidden layers. The programming performed with hidden layers is deep neural networks

Neural networks consist of layers and neurons

Deep neural networks and deep learning

Data problems Incorrect labels and missing values

Datascience and AI difference

Data identification is data science and data processing and decisions is AI

Key Steps of Data science projects

1. Collect data

2. Analyze data

3. process data

AI Tranfornmation playbook

Unsupervised Learning

AI & Society

AI Winter

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