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Task 02.

Transform cardinals
into ordinals and vice versa
1. I had the third favorite toys in my
childhood. _______

2. Was it your two attempt to enter this

university? _______

3. Although she is seven she studies in

three form. _______
Task 01. A bit of Mathematics
4. Her one husband was a tough military
1. Thirty-seven minus fifteen is equal to ______________. guy. _______
2. Sixty divide by three is equal to ________________. 5. They need ninety-ninth users more to
start testing. _______
3. Twenty multiply on five is equal to _______________.
6. She looks gorgeous though she is sixty-
4. Six hundred sixty-six minus eleven is equal to _______________.
first. _______
5. Two thousand divide by two hundred is equal to ______________.
7. It was his five hour of useless waiting.
6. Thirty-three multiply on eleven is equal to ______________. _______

7. Eleven plus forty-nine is equal to ______________. 8. The seven concert of this group
impressed me most of all. ________
8. Three thousand five plus fifty-six is equal to ______________.
9. The one hundred anniversary of this
9. Ten thousand divide by five is equal to ______________. company is in July. _______

10. Eight hundred twenty-one minus thirty-one is equal to ____________. 10. Don't give up, bring your apologies for
two time. _______

Task 03. Put the necessary numbers

1. He received the bronze medal because he was the __________ to finish the boat race last year.
2. She is seventeen. Because of that I think that she studies in the __________ form.
3. Who was the ___________ man who stepped on the surface of the Moon?
4. He has two sons. His __________ one is always disappointed because he has to wear his elder brother's clothes.
5. After two hundred twenty tries he didn't want even to think about ________________.
6. __________ century is the age of high technologies, information and useless social networks.
7. Alexandr Pushkin was a Russian genius of literature from the _________ century.
8. His __________ birthday he celebrated in the restaurant. He didn't like it and said that next year, when he is
nineteen, he'll do it absolutely another way.
9. The legends say that the ___________ life is any cat's last one.
10. This actor was married four times and got divorced. I'm not sure he will try his luck for the __________ time.
11. ____________ step to cook this soup is to boil three eggs and a couple of potatoes.
12. ____________ Century Fox is one of the world famous film production companies with the richest history.
Task 04. Dates or numbers Task 05. Exclude the strange one
1. St.-Petersburg was founded in (1703) 1. Thirty-eight, sixth, one hundred and two, seven thousand
____________________________________. two hundred
2. I have (1340) _________________________
reasons to create this book. 2. Eightieth, third, seventieth-first, fifteenth

3. What happened in (1945) _______________? 3. First, eighteenth, second, third

4. Next Olympic Games will take place in (2016)
______________________________. 4. Twelve forty-two, nineteen hundred, six hundred eighty-
five, eighteen sixty-three
5. His number of successful attempts is (1306)
____________________________________. 5. Thirteenth, eighteenth, thirty-third, sixteenth
6. I sent (1450) _________________________
e-mails last month. 6. Three hundred seven, four hundred nine, eight hundred
fifty-five, two hundred two
7. In (2000) ____________________________
the population of our city was twice less. 7. Eight hundred, nineteen, eighteen, eighty
8. What happened after you collected (2014)
______________________________ points? 8. Ninety-three, twenty-six, fifty-one, thirty seven
9. The first jeans were produced by this company 9. One thousand thirty-three, twenty-second, forty-eleventh,
in (1976) _____________________. seventy-first
10. The Soviet Union collapsed in (1990)
____________________________________. 10. Sixty-ninth, nineteenth, seventy-third, thirty-nine

Task 06. Choose the best option

1. Our ____________ goal is to become league champions (a. one, b. oneth, c. first)
2. Dan's company was established in ____________. (a. ninety seventy-seven, b. nineteen seventy-
seven, c. nineteenth seventy-seven)
3. He will have ____________ more tries to get the result. (a. one hundred sixty, b. one hundred
sixtie, c. one hundred sixtieth)
4. His ____________ child is a Math genius. (a. the second wife's, b. twoth wife's, c. second wife's)
5. Our friend's ____________ birthday is going to be a two day party. (a. twenty-first, b. twentie's
first, c. twenty-first's)
6. Paul the ____________ became an emperor in ____________. (a. First, eighty hundred, b. Oneth,
eighteen hundred, c. First, eighteen hundred)
7. They need at least ____________ reasons to overcome their ____________ result. (a. fifth, three, b.
five, third, c. fifth, third)
8. Every sportsman tries hard to get ____________ prize at Olympic Games. (a. first, b. firsth, c. the
9. The ____________ anniversary of the ____________ World War was in 2005. (a. sixtyth, Second,
b. sixtieth, Second, c. sixty, Second)
10. Hi, it's Jason and this is my ____________ call to your support service. (a. fourth, b. fird, c. four)
Task 01 Task 02
1. Twenty-two 1. Three
2. Twenty 2. Second
3. One hundred 3. The third
4. Six hundred fifty-five 4. First
5. Ten 5. Ninety-nine
6. Three hundred sixty-three 6. Sixty-one
7. Sixty 7. Fifth
8. Three thousand sixty-one 8. Seventh
9. Two hundred 9. One hundredth
10. Seven hundred ninety 10. The second
Task 03 Task 04
1. Third 1. Seventeen zero-three (date)
2. Eleventh 2. One thousand three hundred forty (number)
3. First 3. Nineteen forty-five (date)
4. Second 4. Two thousand sixteen (date)
5. Two hundred twenty-first 5. One thousand three hundred six (number)
6. The twenty-first 6. One thousand four hundred fifty (number)
7. The nineteenth 7. In the year two thousand (date)
8. Seventh 8. Two thousand fourteen (number)
9. Ninth / Seventh 9. Nineteen seventy-six (date)
10. Fifth 10. Nineteen ninety (date)
11. The first / The second
12. The twentieth
Task 05. Task 06
1. First (c)
1. Sixth (ordinal) 2. Nineteen seventy-seven (b)
2. Seventieth-first (no such number) 3. One hundred sixty (a)
3. Eighteenth (not irregular) 4. Second wife’s (c)
4. Six hundred eighty-five (not a date) 5. Twenty-first (a)
5. Thirty-third (not teen number) 6. First, eighteen hundred (c)
6. Three hundred seven, four hundred nine, 7. Five, third (b)
eight hundred fifty-five, two hundred 8. The first (c)
two 9. Sixtieth, second (b)
7. Nineteen (no digit 8) 10. Fourth (a)
8. Thirty seven (two numbers)
9. Forty-eleventh (no such number)
10. Seventy-third (no digit 9) / Thirty-nine
(not ordinal)

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