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A project titled “Stabilized Design Electric Unicycle’’ was prepared and submitted by
Syakir Akmal Bin Sharif in partial fulfilment of the requirement for Bachelor of
Mechanical Engineering with Honors is hereby approved and accepted.

........................................................ Date: ............................

Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing
Faculty of Engineering,
Universiti Putra Malaysia.

........................................................ Date: ............................


Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing
Faculty of Engineering,
Universiti Putra Malaysia.

........................................................ Date: ............................


Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing
Faculty of Engineering,
Universiti Putra Malaysia


I am hereby declaring the project is based on my original work, except for citations

which have been duly acknowledged. I authorize Universiti Putra Malaysia to lend

this thesis to other institutions or individuals for the purpose of scholarly research.

Student’s Signature,




I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank everyone that

had given me all the supports and guidance throughout the whole period of

completing this final year project. First and foremost, special thanks to Universiti

Putra Malaysia and my Final Year Project coordinator, Associate Professor Dr. Che

Nor Aiza Binti Jaafar for the coordination and necessary arrangements that had been


I must also take this chance to express greatest appreciation to my supervisor,

Dr Muhammad Azim bin Azizi for the endless help and continuous support from the

beginning until the end of the whole period while completing this final year project.

His guidance, sharing expertise and advices were very valuable and very much


I would also like to thank the lab technician in UPM, especially Mr. Mohd

Saiful Azuar Md.Isa from Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department

for their help in preparation and advices during the development of this project.

Finally, many thanks to my parents, Haji Sharif Bin Said and Hjh Siti Baizura

Binti Mohamad and my siblings for the support and contributions that had been given

to fulfil my project. Not to be forgotten, thanks to my fellow colleagues and friends

who directly or indirectly involved throughout the completion of this project.


This project is continued from the previous final year project which is to make

improvement for self-balanced electric unicycle model. This is because many electric

unicycles that had been established in the market are quite difficult to handle in terms

of stabilization. The problem regarding stabilization arises during the start-up of the

ride and also along the ride. After having some discussions and research, additional

support wheel (rubber type) are added to overcome this problem. Besides that, one

major improvement which is the usage of adjustable spring to the main wheel is also

added in this project. The usage of spring is implemented in this project because it is

widely used as a shock and vibration absorber in vehicles. The spring will be

compressed when force is applied to it, and it will return to the original shape when

the force is released from it. Thus, smooth journey while riding the unicycle can be

achieved by having this type of improvement. Besides that, the spring also helps in

maintaining stabilization while the unicycle is about to make a right or a left

cornering. Spring that is attached to the main wheel will cause the supporting wheels

to touch the ground too to create a larger surface area and thus prevent the tendency of

user’s falling down while cornering. As a result, this improvised prototype is more

stabilized and provides easy handling for users compared to the existing model in the



Projek ini merupakan kelangsungan daripada projek tahun akhir sebelumnya

iaitu untuk membuat penambahbaikan kepada model ‘electric unicycle’yang

seimbang sendiri. Ini adalah kerana kebanyakan ‘electric unicycle’ yang telah ada di

pasaran agak sukar dikendalikan dari segi kestabilan. Masalah berkaitan kestabilan

muncul pada ketika ingin mula naik dan juga ketika menunggangnya. Setelah

melakukan perbincangan dan penyelidikan, roda sokongan tambahan (jenis getah)

telah ditambah untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Selain itu, satu penambahbaikan yang

utama iaitu penggunaan spring boleh laras yang dipasangkan kepada roda utama juga

telah ditambah. Pengunaan spring diimplementasikan dalam projek ini kerana ianya

telah digunakan dengan meluas sebagai alat untuk menyerap kejutan dan getaran pada

kenderaan. Spring menjadi mampat apabila daya dikenakan ke atasnya dan ianya akan

kembali kepada bentuk asal apabila daya dilepaskan darinya. Oleh itu, perjalanan

yang lancar semasa menaiki ‘electric unicycle’ akan dapat dinikmati dengan adanya

penambahbaikan ini. Selain itu, spring juga membantu dalam mengekalkan kestabilan

apabila ‘electric unicycle’ ingin membelok ke kanan atau ke kiri. Spring yang

dipasangkan kepada roda utama akan membuatkan roda tambahan juga cecah ke

tanah ketika ingin membuat pusingan. Hal ini menjadikan permukaan tapak yang

terkena pada tanah lebih luas dan sekaligus mengurangkan risiko penunggang untuk

jatuh ketika membelok. Hasilya, prototaip yang telah ditambah baik ini adalah lebih

stabil dan memberikan kendalian yang lebih mudah kepada pengguna berbanding

model sedia ada yang telah wujud di pasaran.



PROJECT APPROVAL FORM ................................................................................. i


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. iv

ABSTRAK .................................................................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... vi

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem Statement .......................................................................................... 4

1.3 Objectives ........................................................................................................ 4

1.4 Scope of study ................................................................................................. 5

1.5 Thesis Outline ................................................................................................. 6

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................. 7

2.1 Generalised Product Idea ................................................................................ 7

2.1.1 Category of Electric Unicycle .................................................................. 7

2.1.2 Concept Stabilised Implement in Transportation ................................. 10

2.2 Main Part of Electric Unicycle ...................................................................... 12

2.2.1 Electric Motor ........................................................................................ 12

2.2.2 Sensor Unit............................................................................................. 14

2.2.3 Battery .................................................................................................... 15

2.3 Spring Application in Suspension System .................................................... 16

2.3.1 Adjustable Gas Spring ........................................................................... 16

2.3.2 Helical Spring ........................................................................................ 18

2.3.3 Leaf Spring............................................................................................. 20

2.4 Summary ....................................................................................................... 21

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ........................................................................... 22

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 22

3.2 Project Flow Chart ........................................................................................ 22

3.3 Research and Investigation............................................................................ 24

3.4 Conceptual Idea ............................................................................................. 24

3.5 Modelling and Simulation Process ................................................................ 27

3.6 Stability Experimental ................................................................................... 28

3.7 Product Design Specification (PDS) ............................................................. 29

3.8 Conceptual Design ........................................................................................ 30

3.9 Design Selection ............................................................................................ 33

3.10 Final Design .................................................................................................. 34

3.11 Design Analysis............................................................................................. 36

3.12 Parameter of Spring Custom ......................................................................... 41

3.13 Costing .......................................................................................................... 43

3.14 Fabrication Process ....................................................................................... 46

CHAPTER 4: RESULT AND DISCUSSION.......................................................... 48

4.1 Final Fabricated Product .................................................................................... 48

4.2 User Manual for Electric Unicycle..................................................................... 48

4.2.1 Planning before riding the electric unicycle ................................................ 48

4.2.1 Steps to ride the electric unicycle ................................................................ 49

4.3 Validation Test ................................................................................................... 49

4.3.1 Testing 1 (Board electric at the top of unicycle) ......................................... 50

4.3.2 Testing 2 (Board electric at the side of unicycle) ........................................ 51

4.3.3 Testing 3 (Board electric at lower part box) ................................................ 52

4.4 Modification in Future and Recommendation ................................................... 53

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION.................................................................................. 55

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 56

APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................. 59


Figure 1.1 Velocipedes Monocycles Patent (USA Patent No.242161,1881) 2

Figure 1.2 Unicycle Electric (European Patent No. EP2362842B1, 2012) 3

Figure 2.1 InMotion V10F One Wheel Personal Transporter 8

Figure 2.2 Inmotion V3 Pro BI-Wheel 9

Figure 2.3 Handle bar and seater electric unicycle 10

Figure 2.4 Yamaha Nike Motorcycle with suspension system. 11

Figure 2.5 Bicycle with tyre support 12

Figure 2.6 Cross Section of Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) 13

Figure 2.7 Location of BLDC motor in electric unicycle 13

Figure 2.8 MPU 6050 component (Devaskar, Dubey, Prince, Abhange, & 14

Prof, n.d.)

Figure 2.9 Illustration operation principle of a Li- ion cell (Miao, Y., Hynan, 16

P., Von Jouanne, A., & Yokochi, A., 2019)

Figure 2.10 Adjustable gas spring suspension system (USA Patent No 17

.6,095,541, 2000)

Figure 2.11 Specification of term in compression spring. 18

Figure 2.12 Seat of vehicle using tension spring (USA Patent No 4,334,709, 19


Figure 2.13 Leaf spring as suspension in vehicle (Morris, 1986) 21

Figure 3.1 Flow Chart of the methodology 22

Figure 3.2 Automated stand for electric unicycle 25

Figure 3.3 Static structural coil spring suspension (Pawar & Desale, 2018) 26

Figure 3.4 Adaptive steering control (Li, Y. Y., Tsai, C. C., & Tai, F. C, 27


Figure 3.5 Experimental stability using plain wood and brick 28

Figure 3.6 Conceptual Design Number 1 31

Figure 3.7 Conceptual Design Number 2 32

Figure 3.8 Conceptual Design Number 3 33

Figure 3.9 Assembled Design of Prototype Electric Unicycle 34

Figure 3.10 4 View Angle of Assembled Design of Prototype Electric 35


Figure 3.11 Equivalent Stress ( Von- Misses) of spring 37

Figure 3.12 Total Deformation of the Spring 38

Figure 3.13 The equivalent stress for the part A 39

Figure 3.14 The equivalent stress for the part B 39

Figure 3.15 Total Deformation Part A 40

Figure 3.16 Total Deformation Part B 40

Figure 3.17 Illustration main tyre and supporting tyres touching the ground at 41

an angle of 30o.

Figure 3.18 Custom Spring Parameter 42

Figure 4.1 Fabricated assembly of stabilized electric unicycle 48

Figure 4.2 Electric Unicycle Prototype with Electric Board on Top 50

Figure 4.3 Electric Unicycle Prototype Vs Original Electric Unicycle 51

Figure 4.4 Electric Unicycle Prototype with Electric Board at the Lower 52
Part Box


Table 3.1 Costing of Raw Material 43

Table 3.2 Cost of Manufacturing 44


PMD Personal Mobility Devices

CAD/CAM Computer Aided Drafting / Computer Aided Manufacturing

CATIA V5 Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application

Version 5

ANSYS Analysis Systems

BLDC Brushless Direct Current

IMU Inertial Measurement Unit

MEMS Micro Electro Mechanical Systems

SUV Sport Utility Vehicle

LQR Linear Quadratic Regulator

PDS Product Design Specification

GMP Good Manufacturing Practises



1.1 Background Study

Uni- is word term commonly referring as “one”. Unicycle is a vehicle that

consist of single-wheel that can travel from one point to another point. Unicycle

became popular when it is used in circus performances. The development of unicycle

is started from the invention of the bicycle by Comte De Sivrac in 1790 that is known

as “Celerifere”. “Celerifere’ is a part of the wheel that combined with wooden beam

and become a wooden horse. Over the years, bicycles are upgraded step by step for

more efficiently usage.

Many years later, unicycle is created and first patented by Fredrick Myers in

1869 that is known as Velocipedes (USA Patent No .87355, 1869). Later on, the

inventor, Battista Scuri made further improvement in unicycle and it was patented in

1881 (USA Patent No.242161,1881) which is known as Velocipedes “Monocycle”.

During late 1980, unicycles are modified to become more extreme and versatile in

application such as mountain unicycling, trials unicycling and street unicycling.

Figure 1.1 shows an improvised design that was patented by Battista Scuri.

Figure 1.1 Velocipedes Monocycles Patent (USA Patent No.242161,1881)

In this modern era, the concept of traditional unicycle evolves and finally

become electric unicycle. The critical improvement is adding the new feature into

unicycle self-balancing mechanism that includes gyroscopes, accelerometer, and

electric unit. Nowadays, this type of unicycle is practical as it can be used especially

when there has traffic congestion. This new invention also has advantages in energy

saving and can reduce environmental pollution, when all people use for short distance

journey. Figure 1.2 shows the current design of unicycle that had been patented by

Polutnik and Aleksander (European Patent No. EP2362842B1, 2012) which include

the new features in the electrical system.

Figure 1.2 Unicycle Electric (European Patent No. EP2362842B1, 2012)

There are many inventors that also patented their unicycle electric and all this

are for one reason which is to yield better performance and stability. Therefore, this

unicycle can be classified as a new short distance transportation that is environmental


Currently, electric unicycle is popular in all walks of life in the communities.

The perceptions that unicycle is only for the clowns in the circus are being reduced

time by time. This can be proved by the statistic shown from that 2019 electric unicycle market’s share is growing

rapidly with recent trends, development, revenue, demand and forecast to 2024. One

of the reasons why unicycle is being chosen rather than a bicycle is because the

parameter size is compact and portable. This is convenient to be one of the

alternatives for the pedestrian either to go to work or for a walk.

1.2 Problem Statement

Currently, the use of electric unicycle had become a phenomenon in the world

along with the development of technology. Electric Unicycle is categorised as

Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) (Faulks, Irwin, Howitt, & Dowling, 2013). Some

of the reasons of unicycle for being preferred nowadays are because it is now electric-

powered device which is portable and have widely usage in daily life. Therefore, it is

convenient to be one of the alternative transports which is suitable for short distance

and also eco-friendly to the environment. However, riding electric unicycle for the

first time is not that easy. Users especially beginners may require some training while

riding it to make sure it is balanced when they started to ride it and also balanced

when making a cornering. This is important as the loss in balance while riding the

unicycle will cause the users to fall down and getting injured. Therefore, stabilization

is a great issue being raised by the users and this is one of the aspects that need to be

improvised in this project. Hence, a stabilized electric unicycle is going to be develop

in this project in order to overcome the problems being mention previously.

1.3 Objectives

1) To design part that can be improvised from the existing electric unicycle to make

it stabilised.

2) To analyse the suitable angle electric unicycle for cornering to be implemented in

the stability design of the prototype.

3) To fabricate stabilised electric unicycle prototype.

1.4 Scope of study

The study is focussing on the development of stabilized electric unicycle

prototype to accomplish the objectives. The sequences of the design must be followed

in order to construct the prototype. It begins with designing, simulating, fabricating

and testing. The process of designing and simulating can be carried out in laboratory

CAD/CAM faculty of engineering for the availability of licensed software such as

CATIA V5 and ANSYS. The design is based on the existing unicycle, therefore it is

constrained with the unicycle limitation. After that, fabrication process will take

place. This step can be conducted in the laboratory Material Forming faculty of

engineering because fabrication necessarily need the usage of machining process and

some material forming to build the prototype. This step will require a lot of time to

make sure that prototype design is corresponding with the parameter that is outlined.

Last but not least, testing process which is the critical part of the sequence will take

place. This step is to test the prototype that will be the outcome of this study and will

determine whether the objectives are achieved or otherwise. Therefore, the prototype

is developed based on objectives and this can be proposed to the factory

manufacturing or to be patented to create easy handling for electric unicycle’s users in

the future.

1.5 Thesis Outline

An analysis prototype of stabilized electric unicycle is conducted based on

part structures which can be improvised. Literature review could replace the electric

category unicycle that had been in the market, such as main parts of electric unicycle

and also the application of springs that suit for transportation. The methodology will

contain geometrical design and flow chart to conduct the prototype. Then, selection

process are selected based on the characteristics that being demanded. Results and

discussion chapter contains developed prototype experiments and followed by

conclusion and recommendations of the findings.



2.1 Generalised Product Idea

Since the prototype of stabilised electric unicycle should be innovated, there are

several condition to make sure the product satisfies the community needs. This

includes some research about the existing product that has been implemented and to

identify the obstacles. This will make the inventing products more reliable and will

get a better understanding of its operation manual. Besides that, not only concept of

electric unicycle should be investigated, other transport that can accomplish the

objective of unicycle could be used as a framework idea of the new stabilised electric


2.1.1 Category of Electric Unicycle

a) One –wheeled

This type was one of the first electric unicycles that being created through

evolution from the original unicycle. The characteristic of this type commonly

used a big one tyre size in order to stabilise it. This type are applicable to

becoming ideal personal transport in a compact size which suits customer needs.

The cons that must be considered for this type, it is unsuitable for under age

because it is quite dangerous for them to ride alone without personal monitoring

or coaching. Other than that, some unicycle is not suitable for off-road. Figure 2.1

shows the one-wheeled electric unicycle in the present market.

Figure 2.1 InMotion V10F One Wheel Personal Transporter

b) Twin- Wheeled

Twin- wheeled or double-wheeled are practicable for the new user or

beginner. These made based on demand from the customer that wants demand to

use and more stable unit. In addition, these type are also known as the user

friendly for family. Stability could be achieved if the contact area is lower to the

ground. Regardless, the cons of this type are more weight are added for the

additional wheel, and it will consume more electric power. Figure 2.2 shows one

example of twin-wheeled electric unicycle.

Figure 2.2 Inmotion V3 Pro BI-Wheel

c) Handle bar and seater electric unicycle

This feature is unique because it uses concept of bicycle that include handle

and seater to give more comfortable and confidence to the user. This design is

focus for convenient to use for the younger and older age. This design is also

being equip with bottle holder and other small compartment that make it

interesting and unique rather than the other. Furthermore, advantages that is

implemented in this design is the seater and the handle bar it is adjustable

according to the human height. This model is hardly to be seen because the cost is

high especially for the maintenance. Figure 2.3 shows the example of handle bar

and seater electric unicycle.

Figure 2.3 Handle bar and seater electric unicycle

2.1.2 Concept Stabilised Implement in Transportation

The invention of this product is to improvise the same existing type of product. From

the other model concept, it may give benefit to the additional conceptual idea before

starting to fabricate. This section will show the type of transportation that implement

stability and explains more about the factors that affect the stability.

a) Yamaha Niken Motorcycle

This is one of the new models that being released for the Yamaha Company in

2019. The type of model is quite similar to the twin-wheeled electric unicycle but

the differences is this model equipped with the suspension system. The suspension

system plays the role when riding on bumper or pothole passes where the

suspension spring allows vertical movement of wheel, so it will make the user to

adjust for have the same level of the platforms. (Mark. Richardson, 2019). Tuning

with the right parameter or coordinating the height base on the vehicle is

important to make sure the tyres are in contact with the surface of the road. One of

the advantages in using suspension is to prevent the structure from becoming

damage or wear. Figure 2.4 shows the model of Yamaha Nike Motorcycle with

suspensions system.

Figure 2.4 Yamaha Nike Motorcycle with suspension system.

b) Bicycle with tyre support

The bicycle with tyre support is commonly used by the kids to train

themselves to gain stability in other words they would not fall. There are steps

attaching to this tyre support, for the beginner. The tyre support are align with the

main tyre which contact with the ground. The height of the tyre support can be

adjusted (increased) whenever the kid has learned to handle or to ride during

doing cornering. This concept idea may be used to improve electric unicycle for

the new user. They should also learn from the beginning before handling the

electric unicycle. Figure 2.5 shows the example of bicycle with tyre support.

Figure 2.5 Bicycle with supporting tyres

2.2 Main Part of Electric Unicycle

Electric unicycle includes many components electric that suitable based on its name.

These include a motor for locomotion, sensor unit, battery, controller unit, wheel,

casing, and structure. This part of section will discuss the operation of these part

component for electric unicycle can functioning.

2.2.1 Electric Motor

Motor is the critical part that includes in electric unicycle. This is because

motor will produce motion for the wheel of unicycle electric rotated based on

coordinate from the controller. Current motor that used are known as BLDC which is

brushless DC motors. Figure 2.6 shows example Cross Section of Brushless Direct

Current (BLDC).

Figure 2.6 Cross Section of Brushless Direct Current (BLDC)

The part name called brushless because it is not contained with brushes and

this motor used direct current as of their powered. From the figure above stator coils

is constant or stationary in its location. The rotating part include permanent magnets

and work as move electromagnet to the stator and this produces the electromagnetic

field. The rotational speed when using BLDC motor can be control by the user and

this are dependent of the motor torque. The difference BLDC motor compare to the

brushed electric motor are this are lighter because the size is smaller and this are

suitable for electric unicycle. Figure 2.7 shows the location of motor in electric


Figure 2.7 Location of BLDC motor in electric unicycle

2.2.2 Sensor Unit

Typically, inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors include two or more

components. These are accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and altimeter. The

MPU6050 gas 6 DOF (Degree of Freedom) or is a six-axis IMU sensor, providing six

values as output, three values from the accelerometer and three values from the

gyroscope. The MPU6050 is a MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems)

technology-based sensor. In a single chip, both the accelerometer and the gyroscope

are mounted. This chip uses the interaction protocol I2C (Integrated Circuit)

(Devaskar, Dubey, Prince, Abhange, & Prof, n.d.). Figure 2.8 illustrates the example

of the MPU 6050 component.

Figure 2.8 MPU 6050 component (Devaskar, Dubey, Prince, Abhange, &

Prof, n.d.)

A gyroscope is used to determine the current angle between the electric

unicycle vertical and the floor. This can be achieved because the gyroscope tends to

keep the same position regardless of the electric unicycle direction. This component is

known as to measure angular velocity. In another way, an accelerometer is a compact,

non-gravitational acceleration measurement device. The accelerometer is designed to

respond to the vibrations associated with such movement when the object is integrated

from a standstill to any velocity. Accelerometers are important components for

devices in the quantified self-movement that track fitness and other measurements.

2.2.3 Battery

Both electric vehicles must be constantly provided with a source of electricity.

Li-Ion batteries are the most common solution used in the case of electrical unicycles.

In comparison with characterizes lead / acid batteries, nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal

hydride batteries, these are much less hazardous (especially in terms of direct human

interaction with what they contain) and almost 100% recyclable. Li-ion batteries can

generally be defined as energy storage systems that rely on injection reactions from

both electrodes where lithium ions serve as a charge carrier. Despite this broad

definition, the Li-ion battery community contains many different cell chemistries.

Many Li-ion batteries use a negative electrode made mainly of carbon (for example,

graphite) or lithium titanate (Li4Ti5O12) with a number of novel materials under

development, namely Li metal and Li(Si) alloys. The electrolyte used varies

depending on the selection of electrode products, but is usually made of a

combination of lithium salts (e.g. LiPF6) and organic solvents (e.g. diethyl carbonate)

to facilitate the conversion of ion (Miao, Y., Hynan, P., Von Jouanne, A., & Yokochi,

A., 2019). Figure 2.9 below shows the flow of operation ion charge, a separating

membrane is used to enable lithium ions to pass between the electrodes while

avoiding an internal short circuit.

Figure 2.9 Illustration operation principle of a Li- ion cell (Miao, Y., Hynan, P., Von

Jouanne, A., & Yokochi, A., 2019)

2.3 Spring Application in Suspension System

Typically, spring are commonly known as an elastic machine element that can deflect

under the application of load that applied. In the real industry, spring can be applied in

many situation case for instance automotive, compressors, vehicle suspension and

mattresses. This is because the function of spring is related to absorb shock load, store

energy and measure pure force.

2.3.1 Adjustable Gas Spring

In the past, suspension systems have been commonly used in many

applications, including impacts of cushioning, vibrations or other disruptions endured

by vehicles and machinery. Basically, it is applied for use of bicycle and motorcycle

suspension systems.

The new invention, weight gains have been rendered in the suspension

systems, such as motorcycle suspension forks, by using a gas spring as a spring

mechanism instead of heavy spring mechanisms such as steel coil springs and the like.

The flow of works in this system like compression of the telescopic leaders of the

suspension system compresses the fuel of air-spring suspensions. This is because of

the nonlinear spring speed of gases ("spring frequency" can be characterized as the

amount of force needed to compress or extend the suspension system over a given

distance) the spring force generated by the gas chamber may increase dramatically

towards the end of the track of the telescoping members travel. The adjustable gas

spring suspension system being patented and design by Paul H. Turner, Michael

l,McAndrews & Ricardo R. Baldomero (USA Patent No .6,095,541, 2000). Figure 2.10

below shows illustrate design of the adjustable gas spring suspension system.

Figure 2.10 Adjustable gas spring suspension system (USA Patent No .6,095,541,


2.3.2 Helical Spring

The helical springs consist of a helix-shaped wire. The wire cross-section of

the spring may be round, triangular, or rectangular. There are two main type of helical

springs, one of this are compression spring and tension spring. Basically, the

appearance of this two type are almost same, but different application used for this

spring. The main purpose of helical compression springs have applications that can

withstand applied compression forces or store "pressure" energy in the drive state.

Usually, helical springs are used in applications such as bouncers and shock absorbers

for vehicles, or as a means of closing the lid or gate automatically after opening.

Figure 2.11 shows the specification of term in compression spring.

Figure 2.11 Specification of term in compression spring.

Lo indicates of sign free or unloaded condition known as free length

compression spring. Other than that, pitch as a distance between the front and middle

of the wire in the effective coils adjacent. Wire diameter (d) is diameter of wire that

wound into helix. There is also calculation for spring index, proportion of diameter of

small coil to diameter of wire. A weak index implies a strong wrapped spring (a

relatively large wire diameter wound around a relatively small mandrel with a high

rate). Lastly, deflection occurs when having the application of loads are applied on


Tension spring operates counter with the compression spring which is the

spring stiffness was designed to withstand stretching. They often have a hook and an

eye to add to another part. The spring can return naturally to its original shape after

stretching. Normally tension springs are used to stabilize or to cover a gap

spontaneously or to hold two things attached. Application of tension spring are being

adapted in seat cushion of vehicle. This figure below shows the rear pad is mounted

on the springs for secured to a cushion frame. This are including for a making

comfortable seat for a vehicle which fits seated men of various sizes. Other than that,

this for less adjustment by which a front cushion is shifted forward or backward. The

seat for vehicle being patented and design by Yoshinori Akiyama and Shyichi Ueno

(USA Patent No 4,334,709, 1982). Figure 2.12 below shows illustrate seat of vehicle

using tension spring.

Figure 2.12 Seat of vehicle using tension spring (USA Patent No 4,334,709, 1982)

2.3.3 Leaf Spring

A leaf spring is a basic spring shape widely used in wheeled vehicles for

suspension. The spring leaf consists of an arc-shaped, slender piece of steel that is

packed in smaller sizes with the same material and tied together to build a

strengthened bow-like object. Commonly, the purpose of leaf spring to provide

support for a vehicle. This to ensure smoother riding and become one of the elements

of absorbing from bumps or potholes in the lane of road. Other than that, leaf spring

also can manage height of the car for sustain the tires aligned and touch the ground.

Leaf springs are in high demand due to their advantages. Casual travel is just one of

the aspects in which leaf springs added to our transport industry. In heavy commercial

vehicles such as buses, SUVs and vans, leaf springs are more popular these days.

Design of leaf spring must be priority in functional, use specification parameter that

suitable to vehicle and also ease for maintenance (Morris, 1986). Due to that, leaf

spring can be considering for include in electric unicycle. Figure 2.13 show example

of leaf spring.

Figure 2.13 Leaf spring as suspension in vehicle (Morris, 1986)

2.4 Summary

Literature review consists of an overview of this project from other sources,

research and journal about the value and main component electric unicycle in the

market. This is because for more understanding the concept and specific issue that

finally can be interpreted into decision making. Identify the main objective are

important especially in part literature review for make sure more focus on these

characteristics. Evaluation have been made after reviewing the context from the other

problem that can be counter by improve the structure and additional component for

make stabilised electric unicycle



3.1 Introduction

This chapter is discussing specifically on the procedures and techniques to

achieve the project’s objectives. Methodology is a vital part to ensure that the project

run in a timely manner and successfully. Project flow chart act as a guideline for

researcher to complete the task. Briefly, this chapter consist of procedures that had

been ran through realistically during developing this special electric unicycle.

3.2 Project Flow Chart


Problem Statement Defining the objectives Research and


Develop Conceptual design Finalize decision of an Brainstorming Idea



Select the best design and Yes

Develop a prototype
analysis Trouble

prototype? No




Result Finding


Figure 3.1 Flow Chart of the methodology

The process of developing a project started with problem statement, objective

defining and research and investigation steps. It was followed by brainstorming the

idea, finalizing the decision of the idea and developing the conceptual design steps.

Next, the best design was selected and analysis was done before developing a

prototype. After that, fabricating process was done. Finally testing method was done

to ensure whether the electric unicycle is well functioning and could achieve it utmost

stability. Therefore, each method must be justified precisely in order to gain the best

results to fulfil this project. This flow chart had become the guideline of the whole

working processes. Throughout this procedures, some trouble issues had been

encountered with proper solving methods.

3.3 Research and Investigation

Researches and investigations on the electric unicycle had been carried out. It

involved market surveys and further researches on the existing model in the real

market. Hence, stability experiment was carried out based on the customer feedbacks

received in previous reports in terms of ease of use of the electric unicycle prototype.

In addition, for better understanding in the operations, the components in each parts

that made up the electric unicycle were also studied. Therefore, some modification of

the parts was made to achieve the objective of developing a stabilised electric

unicycle. This method had clarified the sketch of the project.

3.4 Conceptual Idea

This part of section as tree of conceptual idea from brainstormed and

discussion that being made. Analysed the best option to be chosen for proposed in

prototype stabilised electric unicycle is the part that being covered. Therefore, adding

some feature or improvement some feature is required in conceptual idea that being

brief at the below part of section.

a) Automatic stand

Automatic stand is an option that could be added to build a stabilised electric

unicycle. This added feature is relying on sensor that could detect the motion speed of

the unicycle. Once the speed limit is achieved, this automatic stand will be actuated

and triggered. This is important as it helps to maintain stability and to avoid users

from falling down when trying to ride the unicycle. In fact, many features could be

setup to the sensor to ensure automatic stand is well in used based on the data that had

been calculated. Figure 3.2 showed the example of automatic stand that had been

attached to the electric unicycle.

Figure 3.2 Automated stand for electric unicycle

b) Spring for suspension system and support wheel

Spring is used to withstand applied compression forces or to store "pressure"

energy in the drive state. In fact, spring mechanism could as well function as a shock

absorber for any vehicle in order to avoid the structure from being worn out easily

when encountering bumper or pothole during the ride. Besides that, the spring helps

to maintain stability during cornering when the main and supporting tyres touching

the ground. Furthermore, the existence of supporting tyres will create a larger contact

area and thus creates stability. A helical compression coil spring used in three

wheelers transport is part of the Indian automobile market's medium category (Pawar

& Desale, 2018). Figure 3.3 showed the example of static structural coil spring


Figure 3.3 Static structural coil spring suspension (Pawar & Desale, 2018)

c) Adaptive steering control of an electric unicycle

Another option can be added feature are development and installation of an

adaptive steering system using a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) solution and an

advanced friction adjustment process to achieve self-balancing and speed monitoring

of an electric unicycle with unknown friction coefficients and specific riders weights.

There are two key contributors to the material addressed. Firstly, with LQR and the

Lyapunov stabilization principle, the proposed control rule is well developed. Next,

the proposed controller is shown to be experimentally effective and efficient in

producing virtually reliable driving output for various riders and conditions, namely

that the proposed controller is resilient against weight variance and different surface

forms of surface (Li, Y. Y., Tsai, C. C., & Tai, F. C. 2014). Figure 3.4 shows the

example adaptive steering control of an electric unicycle.

Figure 3.4 Adaptive steering control (Li, Y. Y., Tsai, C. C., & Tai, F. C, 2014)

According to the three conceptual ideas that stated, spring for suspension system

and supporting tyres are chosen for the invention of feature that added. This is

because due to criteria stabilized, easy to manufactured, compact size, low cost and

fabrication idea still don’t have at the market. Therefore, these feature are most

suitable to include.

3.5 Modelling and Simulation Process

The drawing method used to create 3D prototype design must have the same


with the finished concept. Currently, the most suitable software program used to

create the prototype design was CATIA V5. By using this software, the shape and

dimension of the parts that need to be improvised were created and justified. The parts

must be suitable and could be equipped perfectly with the current electric unicycle.

After that, simulation process was carried out to justify the properties of the design in

terms of strength, deformation and appropriate materials used. Simulation was the

last process being completed because this sequence method has to simulate the

chances of failure for this design. The software used to stimulate the strength of the

design and to analyse the potential failure was ANSYS. The parameters that had been

conducted were coil helical spring and tyre support.

3.6 Stability Experimental

Experimental Stability was conducted to determine the best balanced position to

place the foot rest. It was determined from the distance cross sectional main tyre by

using plain wood and brick. Factors that had been taken into consideration for this

experiment were the compactness of this new unicycle invention and its stability.

Distance parameter that had been analysed were 10 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm from the

middle point of the main tyre cross sectional area. Thus, the result obtained to place

the foot rest was decided to be 10 cm. This was the best distance compared to the

other two because it provides comfortability and enough stability for users. On the

other hand, this stability experiment was used to assist the designation of spring based

on the distance that had been finalised. Figure 3.5 showed the stability experiment by

using plain wood and brick.

Figure 3.5 Experimental stability using plain wood and brick

3.7 Product Design Specification (PDS)

The Product Design Specification (PDS) is a framework that was produced

at the beginning of the design process. Specifically, it was developed during the issue

description operation. It will determine the conditions to be fulfilled in order for the

product or process to be successful. PDS serve as the groundwork for all engineering

design projects and assures that all relevant factors are taken into account and that all

participants are understood (Pugh, 1991).

1) Safety requirement

 These criteria is the first step that should be included in any design.

 Additional feature such as support tyre will results in higher stability. The

increase of contact area with the ground will decrease the risks and

chances to fall down.

2) Size and weight

 This is among the famous criteria that were demanded by customers in

the aspect of ease to use

 The unicycle is portable. Thus, compactness is the priority.

3) Material

 Material used must be able to withstand maximum load that had been

calculated as it served as an important safety factor

 Low cost material was used for this prototype

4) Maintenance requirement

 Easy to undergo maintenance with inexpensive cost

5) Power consumption

 Low power consumption is emphasized to prevent faster battery draining

3.8 Conceptual Design

Conceptual design is an early stage of the design process which articulates

a broad outlines of purposes and the creation of product. In this section, conceptual

idea that had been chosen will be clarified and will be illustrated into three conceptual

designs. The drawings were performed via software CATIA V5. Those three designs

had been improved in terms of shapes, compactness, mechanism operations and the

structures of the whole designs. Apart of the improvement being made, each designs

is different from one another. Figure 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 displays improvised conceptual


1) Concept 1

This design was featured with absorber shock that was connected to the beam


The suspension concept which was used in this design allows motor to be attached to

the unicycle. The absorber shock was placed at the centre of top main tyre to function

efficiently. On the contrary, this feature needed more beam structure and will in return

increases the design’s weight and thus making it unfavourable to function as a


Figure 3.6 Conceptual Design Number 1

2) Concept 2

The second conceptual design used spring helical as suspension system. This


included 3 springs on the side structure on the main tyre of the electric unicycle.

Therefore, 6 spring helices were used on the both side of the electric unicycle. This

design was more compact and moreover the size and spring’s weight were lighter than

the absorber shock in the previous design. This design structure were attached to the

main tyre to allow the compression of springs to occur. The function of the spring was

to enable the main tyre and one of the supporting tyres to have the same contact area

to the ground when the unicycle is going to make a left or a right turn. Thus,

stabilisation will be achieved.

Figure 3.7 Conceptual Design Number 2

3) Concept 3

The third conceptual design used diagonal positioned spring as the suspension


Two springs were attached to the supporting tyres allowing the three wheels (one

main tyre and two supporting tyres) to be aligned on the ground surface. Thus, this

design was more stabilised and had a good handling when riding on the rough

surfaces. However, the disadvantage of this design occurred when the unicycle is

going to make a right or a left turn as it took bigger space to turn around and thus

increased the weight load. This structure design was tougher than the beam structure

in terms of withstanding the user load.

Figure 3.8 Conceptual Design Number 3

3.9 Design Selection

Among the three conceptual designs mentioned before, only one was selected

to be finalized as prototype. Conceptual designs played significant role in providing

variety of ideas and justification in product design specification (PDS). The usage of

springs and additional supporting wheels in this project was considered as new

invention for electric unicycle in the market. The spring specification must be

complied with the parameter in order for it to operate efficiently. This concept

however had been used in other transportation sectors. After having further analysis

and discussions with Supervisor, conceptual design number 2 was chosen because it

consisted of all the criteria needed to be integrated in an electric unicycle.

3.10 Final Design

The final design consisted of the selected conceptual design and the existed

component of electric unicycle. Based on figure 3.9, the main tyre was not aligned

with the supporting tyres because there was no load being compressed to the unicycle.

Once user or load compressed the springs, all the tyres will be in parallel position and

thus create stabilization. The minimum load needed was 60 kg in order for the

compression spring to function. The overall view of conceptual design number 2 that

had been assembled into an electric unicycle is shown in Figure 3.9 and Figure 3.10

shown 4 view angle of prototype.

Figure 3.9 Assembled Design of Prototype Electric Unicycle

Figure 3.10 4 View Angle of Assembled Design of Prototype Electric Unicycle

3.11 Design Analysis

ANSYS is the original (and commonly used) name for ANSYS Mechanical or

ANSYS Multiphysics, general-purpose finite element analysis software. ANSYS, Inc

had developed a complete range of CAE products, but was perhaps being best known

for ANSYS Mechanical & ANSYS Multiphysics. The advantage of ‘‘ANSYS’’ is the

user-programmable capability. The ANSYS Command Language consist of several

thousand commands relating to creating geometry, mesh, boundary conditions, solver

settings & many other features (Rao, 2011). Therefore, by using ANSYS 18.1, the

static structural effect on the current design could be analysed. Usually, parts were

analysed based on the maximum stress, total deformation and safety factors of the

design. The simulation was divided into two parts which was the spring and the box.

The minimum weight for a person to ride unicycle is 60 kg. Then only the spring will

be compressed and resulting all the tyres to be in parallel position and thus create

stabilization. 6 springs were used in this electric unicycle. Let say one person is

weighted 60 kg, the weight will be transmitted 10 kg equally to each spring. The

bigger the load the better the compression will take place.

The simulation used 20 kg weightage for each spring and the unicycle could

withstand maximum load up to 120 kg. In this simulation 20 kg load was applied to

the spring. Figure 3.10 shows the equivalent stress (Von – Misses) that acted on the

spring’s surface. The load acted on the spring was set to be 20 kg and it was placed on

top of the spring hence, causing the direction of forces to be directed downwards. The

other surface of the spring was selected to become the fixed support. Based on the

results obtained, the maximum stress occurred on the force acted. The value of the

maximum stress is 2292.6 MPa. Based on the figure below, there was no fracture or

body failure occurred when 20 kg of load was acted on the spring.

Figure 3.11 Equivalent Stress (Von- Misses) of spring

Other factors that need to be considered were the total deformation of the

springs. Total deformation shows which part of the spring was affected when load or

force were applied. Red colour area indicated the location of spring that most force or

load being applied. Figure 3.11 shows the total deformation that occurred to the

spring when 20 kg load was applied.

Figure 3.12 Total Deformation of the spring

From the figure above, most affected area was at the top on which load was

applied. The value of maximum total deformation was 97.291 mm which was small. It

denoted that the spring could withstand the maximum load of 20 kg when acted on the


Then, another simulation was focussed on the structural boxes that contained

the spring. Each of these boxes had small holes on them and were differentiated into

two parts which were Part A and Part B. The hole on Part A box was attached to the

supporting tyre shafts meanwhile the hole on Part B box was attached to the main tyre

shaft. Part A and Part B were duplicated on the other side of the supporting tyres. This

made the electric unicycle to had two pairs of structural boxes on each sides. The

purpose of this simulation was to determine the capabilities of the boxes whether they

could withstand a real person weight or not. The simulation was based on the

equivalent stress and total deformation. The force or the load was acted to the circular

hole on the box. The maximum weight acted on each boxes was 60 kg which made

the total maximum weight that could be withstand on one electric unicycle to be

120kg. Figure 3.12 shows the equivalent stress for Part A and figure 3.13 shows the

equivalent stress for Part B.

Figure 3.13. The equivalent stress for part A

Figure 3.14. The equivalent stress for part B

Based on the results above, the maximum stress occurred was 2.1809 MPa and

56.637 MPa for Part A and Part B respectively. These figures proved that no major

failure or fracture occurred on the boxes. However, there was some minor deflection

occurred to the box in Part B when being compared to the actual tensile strength steel

which was 420 MPa. Figure 3.14 and figure 3.15 showed total deformation that

occurred on Part A and Part B Boxes.

Figure 3.15 Total Deformation Part A

Figure 3.16 Total Deformation Part B

The value of total deformation on the box for part A was 0.0025761 mm and

total deformation on the box for part B was 0.21804 mm. The value obtained was

literally low which means that small deflection that had occurred did not affect the

whole part.

3.12 Parameter of Spring Custom

Spring was the main part used for the improvisation of this current electric

unicycle. Therefore, some calculation was done to decide the applicable spring’s

parameter. Based on previous discussion, the supporting tyre must be located at a

higher position than the main tyre so that when load is applied, the spring will be

compressed and thus create stabilization.

Figure 3.16 displayed the illustration of the main tyre and supporting tyre

touching the ground at an angle of 30o.

Figure 3.17 Illustration of the main tyre and supporting tyre touching the

ground at an angle of 30o.


y = x tan 30 = 10 tan 30 y = 5.77 cm

Formula Spring :

F = kx = 600 N = k (5.77cm ) k = 103.98 N/cm

parallel spring ( 6 springs used )

103.98 / 6 = 17.3 N/cm

(for 1 spring stiffness)

Distance Travel =
6 cm

Solid Length = 5.3 cm

Free Length = 11.3 cm

Figure 3.18 Custom Spring Parameter

Based on the calculation, each spring’s stiffness must be customized at 17.3

N/cm. The actual spring dimension was 11.3 cm. Once force was applied to the

spring, the distance travel equals to 6 cm and thus making the solid length to be 5.3

cm. Moreover, the outer diameter of each spring was customized at 2.0cm and the

total number of coils was set for 24.25 and the total number of active coils was set for


3.13 Costing

Costing was one of the vital factor that need to be considered in order to

produce an electric unicycle with reasonable price and as well as to create high

product demand from customers. Most of the materials used were bought from the

hardware store. Table 3.1 showed the listing price of the items’ used for this

improvised electric unicycle. Besides that, in order to minimize the cost, some scrap

materials were used for fabrication process. Most of the prices were obtained through

market survey which sourced from the internet. Therefore, the price range for this

electric unicycle was set to be RM400 – RM450.

Table 3.1 Costing of Raw Material

No Part Name Material/Type Quantity Price Per Unit Total

(RM) (RM)
1 Supporting Tyre 2 unit 55.00 110.00

2 Spring Steel 6 Unit 26.00 156.00

3 Shaft Steel 2 unit 5.00 10.00

4 Beam Structure A Steel 2 unit 10.00 20.00

5 Beam Structure B Steel 2 Unit 10.00 20.00

6 Handle beg Aluminium 1 Unit 8.00 8.00

7 Spray Colour 3 Unit 3.00 9.00

8 Wire (20 cm) 1 unit 6.00 6.00

9 Black Tape 1 unit 2.00 2.00

Total 341.00

Basically, an actual costing for fabricated product or prototype must include

the cost of manufacturing. Thus, with the help of En Saiful; who is a Manufacturing

Laboratory Assistant, the price rate per hour for the operations done by using certain

machines had been given and shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Cost of Manufacturing

No Types of Types of Descriptions Operation Cost Estimated

Operations Machines Time per Cost
Done Used (hours) hour (RM)
1 Cutting Saw  Cutting the bar 3 5.00 15.00
machine based on the
parameter set for
part A and Part B
 Cutting the plate
which act as the
support strength for
 Cutting plate for
base casing
2 Grinding Straight  Done after cutting 2 5.00 5.00
grinding process so that the
wheel surface become
 To grind excess of
welding residues for
better surface
3 Drilling Milling  Making a hole for 2 5.00 10.00
Machine part A box and
another hole for part
B box
Hand drill  Making a hole for 0.5 5.00 2.50
wiring at the casing.

4. Welding MIG  Welding the 3 5 5.00 25.00
welding springs to part A
and another 3
springs to Part B.
 Joining plate from
the main part to the
supporting tyre for
support strength
 Bracket
 Plate for base casing
 Welding handle bag
on top of the
unicycle for easy
5. Labour Cost 12.5 8.50 106.25

Total 163.75

By adding the cost of manufacturing to the cost of materials, the calculated

cost for this unicycle prototype could be determined. Therefore, the total cost would

be RM 504.75 (by excluding the current second hand unicycle price).

3.14 Fabrication Process

This section elaborated how main fabrication process took place on this built

Stabilised Electric Unicycle. The sequences were not in order because there were

some methods that had been repeated after the other processes. (Handbook, Processes,

Press, & Engineers, 2005)

1) Cutting
Firstly, part A and part B boxes must be created before the 6 springs were

equipped inside the boxes. Finding boxes with the same parameter as the

conceptual design was not an easy task, therefore customized boxes were

made by using hollow metal bar. The process of cutting was done by

following the dimension needed and by using Saw Machine. Later on, plate

steel was cut to be attached to the side of the box for Part A and supporting

tyres’ beam to act as a support strength. Then, another plate was cut to act as a

base for the placement of electric device.

2) Grinding
Basically, grinding process was done after cutting and welding processes.

Excess of materials after cutting need to be removed by using straight grinding

wheel. This was to ensure a better and smooth surface finishing.

3) Drilling

Drilling processes took place by using milling machine to make a hole at a

designated area in part A and part B. The purpose of the hole is for joining

another part with the main tyre and with the supporting tyres. Next, hand drill

was used to make a wiring hole at the casing.

4) Welding Machine

Welding process involved the welding of three springs with part A and another

three springs with Part B. Next, the plate was joined between the main part

and the supporting tyres to act as a support strength. Finally, the bracket, the

plate for base casing and the handle bag had been involved in the welding




4.1 Final Fabricated Product

The final fabricated product will be the benchmark for the new era stabilized

electric unicycle. It is equipped with new inventions such as the addition of adjustable

spring, supporting tyre, handle bar, new box for battery and board unit. Figure 4.1

shows the assembled of stabilised electric unicycle fabricated product.

Front View Side View

Figure 4.1 Fabricated assemble of stabilized electric unicycle

4.2 User Manual for Electric Unicycle

4.2.1 Planning before riding the electric unicycle

The foremost thing to do before riding a unicycle is to wear appropriate attire

that is comfortable and protective such as sports outfits, shoes and also a bicycle

helmet if applicable. Besides that, for first time users, it is advisable to choose more

spacious route while riding in order to avoid them form hitting any object that can

lead to an accident. (Manual et al., n.d.)

4.2.1 Steps to ride the electric unicycle

1. Keep the handle of the unicycle with one side to ensure it is perpendicular to the


2. Unfold the foot rest into horizontal position. Feet must be parallel on the both side

of the unicycle to make it balance. Turn the Unicycle On.

3. Place one foot on one step and then stand up. Move the weight over, push gently.

Take the other foot off the ground and position it directly onto the other step, so that

the pads can be compressed between the lower legs and straddle the unicycle.

4. Gradually move body weight forward to pick up momentum. Don't just lunge in

5. Shift body weight backwards to stop or slow down.

6. Turn the wheel, lean in the direction you want to go

7. IMPORTANT: Press both feet on the foot rest to achieve balance. Press right feet

onto the foot rest to turn right and vice versa. Try to stabilize the upper body by

leaning, tilting, and turning.

8. To get off, slow down, stop and step off with one foot; grab the handle. Keep your

other foot on the other platform and turn the Unicycle Off.

4.3 Validation Test

Validation is an integral aspect of good manufacturing practices (GMP)

procedures. This is an aspect of the quality assurance scheme, therefore, aligned with

a provided commodity or process. The fundamental quality control standards have

their aim as to manufacture goods which are fit for their intended usage. Those are the

example following principles need to have such as quality, safety and efficiency must

be designed and built into the product. (World Health Organisation, 2006).

However, the validation test for this prototype are focussed on the stabilization

and functionality of the prototype. Self-balancing electric unicycle depends on

gyroscope and accelerometer. The purpose of gyroscope is to prevent the bike from

falling forward and backward during left and right motion which is controlled by the

user inertia's (Ghani et al., 2016). Hence, after fabrication process is accomplished,

electric part should be equipped to the prototype to make it function. Therefore,

several tests are conducted to ensure gyroscope that had been attached to the electric

board is located at the centre of gravity mode. This is because this device is very

sensitive and must be placed on the correct position or else the unicycle will not


4.3.1 Testing 1 (Board electric at the top of unicycle)

Figure 4.2 Electric Unicycle Prototype with Electric Board on Top

This test is conducted with the electric board located on top of the unicycle.

Although all the connection wires are matched and connected correctly, the unicycle

is still unable to function. The identified problems are the movement of wheel is not

stable and the structure parts vibrate vigorously when the power being turned on.

After conducting detailed research, the problems occurred is sourced from the

gyroscope. Gyroscope is a very senstive device, hence it must be placed on the correct

position. Thus, it can be concluded that electric board which is located at the top is not

the correct position as the unicycle is still dysfunctional with this position.

4.3.2 Testing 2 (Board electric at the side of unicycle)

Prototype Electric Unicycle Original Electric Unicycle

Figure 4.3 Electric Unicycle Prototype Vs Original Electric Unicycle

After the first test is failed, second test is conducted by positioning the electric

board exactly on the same position with the original unicycle. However, the problems

arised are still the same such as the movement of wheel is not stable and the structure

parts vibrate vigorously when the power being turned on. The position of shaft motor

must be horizontal according to the original unicycle. As a result, the test proves that

the location of the electric board at the side of upper box is not the best position. This

is because unstable motion occurred when the spring is compressed. Thus, by placing

the electric board at the side of upper box causes the gyroscope to be in a very

unstable position and unable to function well.

4.3.3 Testing 3 (Board electric at lower part box)

Figure 4.4 Electric Unicycle Prototype with Electric Board at the Lower Part Box

Lastly, test is conducted by placing the electric board at the lower part box. This

is to ensure that the gyroscope is at the centre of gravity. The result gained from this

test shows that the vibration is significantly reduced and the stability of gyroscope is

achieved.. As a conclusion, the test is successful and users now is able to stand and

start riding the unicycle without holding any support because stabilization is achieved.

However, there are some limitations that need to be improved in the future. Firstly,

the space had become limited when placing the board at the lower part of the unicycle

and secondly a little unfavourable sound due to compression of spring occurred while

riding the unicycle.

Feedback is collected once the validation test is done. The result shows that

the new innovation of the stabilized electric unicyle that is equipped with adjustable

spring and supporting tyres provides easier handling while riding compared to the

original unicycle. This finding is supported by the reasons that it is easier to step on

both pedal to achieve balance on the stabilized electric unicycle compared to the

original one. This is because the existance of supporting tyres in the new invention

that make it stabilized compared to the original unicycle which requires the user to get

the ideal body balance first in order to prevent them from being slipped of when

starting to ride the unicycle. Besides that, during cornering, the supporting tyres and

spring played their role to maintain stabilization. Once user or load compressed the

springs, all the tyres will be in parallel position and thus create stabilization. However,

there is minor weakness on this final product which is the distance between the pedals

are slightly apart. This causes both of the users leg to be far apart and may cause

tiredness while riding. Other than that, lower part that placed board electric should be

more space for not interrupt when there is compression occurred. Hence , based on

the validation test that had been conducted, the new stabilized electric unicyle had

achieved all the objectives. Further modification in the future can be made to

overcome the minor problem that arised.

4.4 Modification in Future and Recommendation

Modification is known as the action of altering or adjusting something. It

needs to be done to create a better result for a final product. Based on the feedback

gained from the volunteer and the validation test, there is minor change that can be

made to overcome the weakness of this current prototype. Some adjustment must be

done in future with new calculation and specification of the spring to overcome the

distance between the pedals which are slightly apart. This modification will ensure

user to be more comfortable while riding the unicycle. Other than that, the stabilized

electric unicycle will be glow up if it comes with an elegant and futuristic casing that

can cover the exposed parts. This is an additional value for marketing strategy. Lastly,

space for lower part of box should be larger so board electric can be attach without

interrupt the other part when have compression of load. These are all the factors that

must be considered in future to meet users demand. Hence, new modification of

stabilized electric unicycle should be justified by the test to ensure that there is no

problem and it is functional for the new purposed.



In conclusion, the project of stabilized electric unicycle is accomplished

according to scheduled timeline given. The project is started by analysing the

problems raised from the existing electric unicycle in the market. Later on, it is

continued by the modification phase which include designs, analysis and fabrication

steps. Fabrication is a time consuming process because it includes hands on and need

further requirements in order to follow exactly the selected design. Hence, based on

the volunteer’s feedback and validation test results, the new stabilized electric

unicycle has met the objectives of this project. It provides better performance and

experience when compared to the original electric unicycle in terms of ease of use,

stability and the utmost important aspect which is safety. Future modification can be

analysed and justified as stated in the discussions for further improvement in future.

In terms of social and environment, this new stabilized electric unicycle prototype can

be considered as user friendly and as well as an eco-friendly transport to the



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