Proposed Project To Develop Students Social Awareness

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1. Proposed Project to Develop Students Social Awareness

This question below shows the proposed measures of researchers to develop Grade 8

Students of BINHS in Social Awareness.

Problem 5. What project maybe proposed to develop Social Awareness of Grade 8 students


Table 6. Proposed Project to Develop Students Social Awareness


Limitation in Users, and the Grade- For us to be on the safe The student and the
using social 8 students in Bilogo users in negative users should have a
networking Integrated National benefits of social seminar about the
sites High School networking sites action.
Say no to Teachers, students, The object of social To come up with this
cyberbullying parents and those networking sites is to action, first students,
people who using prevent cyberbullying parents, teachers and
social media. in all of the people who those people who
seems to experience using social networking
this kind of bullying. sites must have a
No cellular School head or The objective of this To come up with this
phone in the faculty, parents and law is to prevent action, first the school
student students. different kind of crime head or faculty must
policy that happens in social come in the seminar to
networking and to address this policy to
focus in their studies seminar.
instead of using social
Say yes to Barangay officials The objective of this To come up with this
recreational youth and elders law is to enjoy the life action, first the
activity and become healthy barangay official must
not only to be youth have a meeting to
but also to elders promote recreational
activity or to have a
recreational activity in 26
their barangay

I. Conclusions
Either for conclude, social networking sites is a grate invention that can help us in our

daily basis. But we most know its advantage and disadvantages for us to be developing social

awareness. It good to acknowledge both advantage and disadvantage of social networking sites

because they can aid take the essential steps to enjoy the social networking and be on the

developing in positive and negative benefits and social networking sites.

Based on the findings, the researcher arrived at this conclusions:

1. Most of the students are now using social networking in their life as student.

2. There’s a lot of effect of social networking sites. There are negative and a positive benefits of

social networking sites that can affect all of us if we don’t do the right things.

3.The programs that can be utilized has a great effect not only for the users of social

networking, but also to the people in the country.

II. Recommendations

Based on the conclusion, the researcher endorses some ways to develop the
student’s Social Awareness.

1. For guidance counselling, it is suggesting to develop more association and support groups

that would accompany the students dealing or using social networking sites so that they be on

the awareness of negative benefits of social networking.

2. For the parents, we suggest to always talk to their children about their school and in their

social life. Always make sure that their family member is in good condition and parents should

put more concern in their child about their everyday doing, to make sure that they are in good

condition and in the safe awareness of social networking sites.

3. For the future researchers that want to talked about this topics qualitative and intelligence

method are recommended to make or to get an excellent answer from the respondents.

In this paper a result of the survey of the social awareness using of social networking

sites has been presented and discussed. It is found that students are very fond of using

Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Messenger, Viber, Tiktok and also the Computer games.

Where they affect their social awareness and the issues will go a long way toward keeping the 28

negative and positive benefits of social networking sites.

However, students are now addicted through social networking. Which more also

comes with hurdles, including the fact that many of students still block access to such sites

within their walls? Most of the information put on the social media is fake, or half-truth. While

going on through this information we feel annoyed on one hand and develop the social

awareness to lead information on the other. The students are getting addicted to the sites day

by day the number of users is on the rise. This prove that e-world is taking its toll over the real


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