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From the two quotes I borrowed from George Orwell’s essay "Notes on Nationalism" that says,

“While nationalism can unite people it must be noted that it unites people against other
people" and “Nationalism focuses on the state while patriotism focuses on the people,” try to
reflect on those two quotes and come up with your own understanding. Create a
poster/illustration/drawing that would better explain those two quotes. After the
drawing/poster/illustrations write your simple understanding per quote.


“While nationalism can unite people it

must be noted that it unites people against
other people."

Any person’s fondness towards his

country is a double-edged sword. In our
conquest to find peace, our love for our
country drives us to be more accepting of
others in order to foster mutual growth. But,
like any other form of love, nationalism is
also capable of pushing us to take drastic
measures to protect what is ours. Much like
how our ancestors united to fight for
freedom, our love for our country will
continue to spark our willingness to uphold
our pride and dignity in the many ways that
we choose to take. As depicted, nationalism
either makes us one with each other, or one
against others.
“Nationalism focuses on the state while patriotism focuses on the people.”

In their essence, patriotism is the manifestation of our love for our country while
nationalism displays our loyalty for our nation. Despite the almost interchangeable usage of the
terms, the thin line separating the two terms is drawn in the origins and directions of these
feelings. Nationalism stems from our willingness to serve and protect and is directed towards
defending our nation. Patriotism, on the other end, stems from our hope and admiration for the
country that drives us with the desire to uphold our identity and culture. The blank scroll on the
drawing is a symbolism that under the differences and similarities, it all comes down to our
choices on how we will define and carry out our idea of nationalism and patriotism in the ways
that benefit the country and its people.

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