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Domingo Jay B.


1. A specified task performed by a user, which results in the affiliate being awarded
commission. Actions include purchasing a product, signing up for a newsletter or
filling in a form. While in revenue sharing campaign, the commission structure
where the affiliate earns a percentage of a sale.

2. Cookies are parcels of text sent by a server to a web browser and then sent back
unchanged by the browser each time it accesses that server. Cookies are used
for authenticating, tracking, and maintaining specific information about users,
such as site preferences or the contents of their electronic shopping carts.

A life time cookie has no expiration date as long as it is not remove by the
user from the computer. Lock-in cookie are a first come first serve system, the
first affiliate to advertise a company's product is locked into the commission for
the life of the cookie even if a user visits another affiliates site later on. I think
lock in cookies might raise the commission levels offered, because the merchant
would only ever have to pay one commission for a sale.

3. Because they will likely receive return on there investment from the affiliates that
they sponsor and increasing traffic to there website makes them a more
desirable hosting site. This will increase the likelihood that the merchants will
communicate with them to make the affiliate program hosted by their website
more effective.

4. Affiliates are digital marketers who are paid on a performance basis. Every type
of marketing strategy will be found in the affiliate world, and affiliates can often be
seen at the forefront of breaking technology and applying it to marketing
strategies. A good way for merchants for avoids overlap with their affiliates
campaign is by securing a list of the affiliates' affiliates and other marketing

5. Payout method
Minimum payout
Reputation of the product/ network
Cookie length

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