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Chapter 31

Antimicrobial Phages
David R. Harper1, Malcolm McConville1, Frank J. Anderson2 and Mark C. Enright3
AmpliPhi Biosciences Corporation, Sharnbrook, UK, 2Defence Threat Reduction Agency, Ft. Belvoir, VA, USA, 3University of Bath, Bath, UK

and when passed through those same porcelain filters the

resultant filtrate was capable of killing bacteria [4]. Unlike
The first observation to suggest a potential for the use of Twort, d’Herelle maintained and developed his interest in
bacteriophages for antibacterial applications was reported his discovery. It was d’Herelle who invented the name bac-
by Ernest Hanbury Hankin, although the nature of the teriophage to describe the new bacteria-destroying agent.
agent was unclear and was to remain so for many years. In 1919, d’Herelle extended his work to the investigation
In 1896 under the title ‘L’action bactericide des eaux de of an epidemic of fowl typhoid, which is caused by
la Jumna et du Gange sur le vibrion du cholera’ [1], Salmonella gallinarum. His work demonstrated that bacter-
Hankin suggested that an antibacterial substance in the iophages had a role in natural control of the infection, and
River Ganges in India helped to control the spread of also that they could be used to treat the disease. Moving on
cholera. Viruses were a new discovery at the time, and from this, d’Herelle treated several patients with dysentery.
were known only as infectious agents able to pass the fine Safety was assessed by giving high doses to medical staff
porcelain filters, developed to filter out bacteria, known before dosing the patient a somewhat more basic approach
as Chamberland candles. The Russian scientist Dmitri than what is required in drug development today. The results
Ivanovsky had used these to demonstrate the sub-bacterial of these treatments were apparently successful, which led to
nature of tobacco mosaic virus in 1892, but studies of great interest in the potential of these agents. It should be
viruses were very much in their infancy and the nature remembered that at this time the best available antibiotics
of the infectious agent was entirely unknown. were compounds such as Salvarsan, an organic arsenic com-
The next steps were taken independently, approxi- pound. The appearance of a less toxic alternative was thus
mately 20 years later, by two workers. First, Frederick well received. Reflecting this, the 1925 novel ‘Arrowsmith’,
Twort at the University of London reported the isolation written by Sinclair Lewis, was awarded the 1926 Pulitzer
of an agent from Staphylococcus cultures which could Prize (though Lewis declined the accolade). The story was
produce clear areas within bacterial colonies and which based around the use of bacteriophages as antibacterial
could then be passed on to new bacterial cultures. Once agents at the fictional McGurk Institute in New York and on
again, the ability of this agent to pass Chamberland filters the similarly fictional Caribbean island of St. Hubert.
was key to its identification [2]. His studies were limited, Although d’Herelle performed a great deal of the early
both due to funding issues and to the First World War, work with bacteriophages, he was not the first to publish
during which he served in the Royal Army Medical on their use as antibacterial agents. That was achieved by
Corps. As a result, although Twort made and reported the Bruynoghe and Maisin, who in 1921 published a report on
first direct observation of such agents, he did not follow the treatment of six patients with staphylococcal skin dis-
up on his original findings until these had been duplicated eases [5]. It was shortly after this that d’Herelle published
elsewhere [3]. It is often stated that Twort’s finding his book, ‘Le Bactériophage son rôle dans l’immunité’,
remained unknown, though this is difficult to reconcile which reported his earlier work in detail, and which also
with the publication of his results in The Lancet in 1915. defined much of the basis of modern virology [6].
The French Canadian Felix d’Herelle, working inde- Following on from these initial successes, matters
pendently of Twort at the Institut Pasteur in Paris in 1917, became rather more complex, with commercial exploitation
isolated an agent from patients suffering from dysentery. going alongside, and often ahead of, the development of sci-
As with Twort’s work, this destroyed dysentery bacteria entific knowledge.

Molecular Medical Microbiology. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-397169-2.00031-7

© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 567
568 PART | 5 Antibacterial Agents

FIGURE 31.1 Use of bacteriophages to prevent cholera deaths in Assam, India, 1927 1931. Adapted from reference [7].

Ciuca in Belgium and Kabeshima in Japan, proposed an

alternative hypothesis, in which ‘the bacteriophage’ was
Following their discovery, and given the limited alternatives actually a cascade of lytic enzymes produced by sequen-
available for treating bacterial diseases, bacteriophages tial lysis of its bacterial target, releasing more enzymes
were used to treat a wide variety of infections including with every cycle. Such theories found some support in
typhoid, cholera and bubonic plague. In one of the largest Twort’s work, which left open the possibility that the
studies, Lieutenant-Colonel Morison directed large-scale activity was enzymic in nature.
work aimed at controlling cholera in two regions of Assam, There was also considerable controversy over who had
India, which is often stated to have treated over a million actually discovered what came for some time to be known
patients. However, since the population of the treated area as the ‘Twort-d’Herelle Phenomenon’ [3]. Additionally,
was around half that number at the time this is difficult to d’Herelle’s interpretation of the role of bacteriophages
understand [7]. Whatever the numbers, this was a massive in bacterial disease was seen as denying the role of the
study and while the controls were not strictly segregated the immune system in resolving disease, thus placing him in
effect on cholera in the region where bacteriophages were opposition to established (and still current) medical views.
made widely available is genuinely striking (Fig. 31.1). It has been suggested that d’Herelle’s didactic and very
From 1927 onwards, commercial products were offered personal insistence on this may have played a significant
for sale by multiple companies including Laboratoire de role in distancing the use of bacteriophage preparations as
Bactériophage/Robert et Carriere in France, Medico- therapeutic antibacterial agents (commonly abbreviated to
Biological Laboratories in the United Kingdom, Antipiol ‘phage therapy’) from mainstream medical practice [8].
in Germany, Saphal in Switzerland, and Lilly, Parke- It is often stated that the controversy over the nature of
Davis, Squibb and Swan-Myers in the United States. bacteriophages was finally resolved when, in 1940, Ernst
Unfortunately, all of this work was undertaken with Ruska used his newly developed electron microscope to
almost no understanding of what bacteriophages actually obtain the first direct images of bacteriophages [9], and that
were, let alone of how they worked. these definitively showed them to be viruses. However,
Looking back, d’Herelle’s insistence based on the evi- the year after Ruska obtained these images, a major
dence then available that this new agent was a virus that and influential report for the US Council on Pharmacy and
infected and killed its bacterial targets seems entirely rea- Chemistry on ‘The Bacteriophage: Its Nature And Its
sonable. It must be remembered, though, that at that time Therapeutic Use’ stated that while ‘d’Herelle built his
there was very limited understanding of what a virus entire theory of bacteriophage around the concept that it
really was, or even of how genetic information was trans- is a living ultramicrobe, parasitic on bacteria’, the preced-
mitted. As a result, D’Herelle’s theory remained contro- ing 8 years of work had shown with ‘some finality’ that
versial for many years. Other workers, notably Bordet and ‘Phage is a protein of high molecular weight’ [10].
Chapter | 31 Antimicrobial Phages 569

with very poor quality control or the use of inappropriate

formulations which could inactivate their contents. There
are anecdotal reports that d’Herelle tested 20 bacterio-
phage preparations and did not find a single active bacte-
riophage in any of them.
One major problem with interpreting the results of
early studies was that most of the preparations used
were relatively impure, with high levels of bacterial mate-
rial remaining. Such material can produce significant
immune-mediated effects, complicating therapeutic out-
comes, and this was cited as a flaw with many early stud-
ies [12]. In this context it is interesting to note that
Delmont Laboratories Staphage Lysate (SPL), often cited
as a bacteriophage therapeutic which was available until
the 1990s, was actually classified by the manufacturer as
FIGURE 31.2 Advertisement for a bacteriophage therapeutic from the an immunotherapeutic, acting by virtue of its content of
1920s. Reprinted with the kind permission of Dr James Soothill. bacterial lysate. In their 2000 submission to the US Food
and Drug Administration in respect of this product, the
With so little understanding of just what bacterio- manufacturer stated ‘The in-house research conducted by
phages were and a similar lack of knowledge of how they Delmont indicates that SPL has the capacity to stimulate
worked, many attempts to use bacteriophage-based medi- the production of immunocompetent cells, thereby trig-
cines were based more on guesswork than on sound gering immune responses that might be useful in treating
knowledge. A good example of this is seen in an adver- certain diseases’.
tisement for ‘Enterofagos polyvalent bacteriophages’, as
supplied by Medico-Biological Laboratories of London
(Fig. 31.2). This lists a wide range of conditions that can
be treated with the product, including herpes (caused by a All of the above factors, combined with a then unavoid-
virus), urticaria (an immune-mediated condition), and able ignorance of what bacteriophages were and how they
gallstones (which are crystalline accretions of bile compo- worked, meant that much early work was of dubious
nents). It is unlikely to say the least that any specifically value. An extensive analysis of this work was carried out
antibacterial agent, however polyvalent, could have such by Monroe Eaton and Stanhope Bayne-Jones in 1934 in a
broad activity. This simply reflects an earlier era of medi- series of papers published in the Journal of the American
cal advertising, when claims for the benefits of a particu- Medical Association [12,13]. Their analysis concluded
lar medicine owed more to what might help to sell the that these studies provided little convincing evidence for
product than to any genuine medical evidence. It was this efficacy, and that the majority of the published work had
kind of claim that led to the start of today’s tightly regu- a variety of flaws. In particular they noted a lack of sup-
lated systems, notably with the passing of the Food, Drug porting data indicating efficacy in animal models, a lack
and Cosmetic Act in the United States in 1938. of adequate controls or patient numbers in human treat-
Alongside inflated claims, early uses of bacterio- ments, and the potential for immunological effects caused
phages as therapeutic agents were compromised by poor by bacterial components present in the crude preparations
understanding of the agents and their use in inappropriate in use at the time. As they stated in their final report,
ways. As well as uses where no bacterial infection was ‘The material called bacteriophage is usually a filtrate of
present, these included a widespread belief that ‘the bac- dissolved organisms, containing, in addition to the lytic
teriophage’ was a single activity, capable of destroying principle, antigenic bacterial substances, products of bac-
any bacterial target. In fact, bacteriophages are exquisitely terial growth and constituents of the culture medium. The
specific, with their activity very often restricted to spe- effects of all these components must be taken into consid-
cific strains within a single bacterial species. While some eration whenever therapeutic action is tested’ and that
bacteriophages may infect across multiple species, this ‘The favourable results reported may have been due to
often reflects the presence of common, plasmid-borne the specific immunizing action of bacterial proteins in the
receptors [11], or simply the limitations of bacterial tax- material used and to non-specific effects of the broth fil-
onomy, where definitions of a species can be highly vari- trates’. They expressed concerns over whether activity
able. Without knowledge of their highly specific nature, it against bacteria in vitro actually occurred in vivo, and
would be close to impossible to use them effectively. In concluded ‘Only in the treatment of local staphylococcic
addition, many early preparations were manufactured infections and perhaps cystitis (due to colon bacilli and
570 PART | 5 Antibacterial Agents

staphylococci) has evidence at all convincing been pre- himself spent a year working in Tbilisi, and his book ‘The
sented.’ Overall, their conclusion was that the case had Bacteriophage and the Phenomenon of Recovery’ was
not been made for the therapeutic use of bacteriophage by translated into Russian and Georgian by Eliava. As was
the studies conducted to that time. normal with books published in the Soviet Union at that
Even with the appearance of antibiotics, use of bacter- time it was dedicated to ‘Comrade Stalin’. Despite this
iophages continued. The appearance of Prontosil (a sul- and his leading position in this work, being an intellectual
phonamide precursor) in 1932 was followed by a range of and travelling to the West brought suspicion in its wake.
sulphonamide drugs, including sulphanilamide in 1936. In 1937, at the height of the Stalinist purges, Georgiy
By the time of the Second World War American soldiers Eliava was executed as an ‘Enemy of the People’.
were trained to treat any open wounds with topically Unsurprisingly, d’Herelle never returned to Georgia, but
administered ‘sulfa powder’. In contrast, both the German left as his legacy and that of Eliava a thriving industry
and the Russian armies used bacteriophage preparations, developing and manufacturing bacteriophage therapeutics
in particular to treat dysentery (which was treated with for use across the USSR.
‘sulfa pills’ by the US military). However, despite its rela- Underlying this was the fact that while antibiotics
tively widespread use, the German therapeutic in particu- were becoming dominant in the West, their availability
lar was often criticized as being ineffective. and use in the Soviet bloc was much more limited. As a
With penicillin arriving in the clinic in 1942, followed result, bacteriophages were used, and used widely. From
by a steady stream of chemical antibiotics, the continuing Tbilisi and other manufacturing centres, bacteriophages
controversy over everything from what bacteriophages were exported across the Soviet bloc countries, and stud-
were to whether they had any therapeutic value made ies were carried out in Russia, Poland and elsewhere. The
their use increasingly questionable. Flaws with much of studies conducted were of course in line with the local
the early work with bacteriophages were thrown into requirements at the time. These were not the controlled
sharp contrast when compared with the development of clinical trials that were now becoming common in the
antibiotics such as streptomycin, the development of West. Added to this, the reporting of the work was limi-
which effectively defined the modern clinical trial in ted, and was rarely made widely available. At the time it
1946 [14]. was also rare for these reports to be translated into lan-
The arrival of safe, effective and properly trialled guages suitable to aid their availability overseas.
chemical antibiotics effectively ended the first bacterio- It cannot be denied that by the standards applied at the
phage era. Despite some very careful and promising work time of this work many patients were treated with suc-
during and after the Second World War, in particular with cess. Despite this, evidence of safety and efficacy from
typhoid in North America [15,16], the use of bacterio- these studies is not in a form that is acceptable to Western
phages as therapeutic agents was side-lined in Western medical regulators. This contrasts sharply with attitudes
Europe and the United States. Antibiotics came to domi- in the former Soviet bloc, and with the belief in those
nate antibacterial therapy in the West, although some regions where they have been widely used that bacterio-
small-scale applications of phage therapy continued. In phage therapeutics are both safe and effective.
contrast, in the Soviet bloc this remained very much
mainstream medicine.
A decade or two after World War Two, the triumph of
chemical antibiotics in the West was effectively complete.
Georgiy Eliava of the Georgian Institute of Microbiology, Despite this, concern was being expressed about the
had noticed that the water of the Mt’k’vari (in the local phenomenon of antibiotic resistance as it had been from
Georgian language, ) River in Tbilisi had a bacte- the earliest days of their use. Alexander Fleming, the
ricidal action, mirroring the earlier findings of Hankin discoverer of penicillin, stated in his 1945 Nobel Prize
regarding the Ganges in India. Since d’Herelle’s work lecture [15] that ‘there is the danger that the ignorant
had now suggested a method by which such action man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his
occurred, Eliava travelled to Paris where he worked with microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug make
d’Herelle on this emerging technology. them resistant’. This concern was echoed elsewhere, but
d’Herelle had travelled widely, but was encouraged by the outlook was still one of optimism that bacterial disease
Eliava to collaborate with him to establish a centre for was defeated. In a good indication of the spirit at the time,
bacteriophage research in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi. it is widely reported that in 1969 the then US Surgeon
Eliava was successful in persuading the Soviet govern- General, William Stewart, said, ‘It is time to close the
ment to provide a large facility on the river Mt’k’vari to book on infectious diseases. The war against pestilence is
which d’Herelle sent materials and equipment. D’Herelle over.’ Despite many efforts it has proved impossible to
Chapter | 31 Antimicrobial Phages 571

identify the source of this quote, and Stewart himself

never admitted saying it [16], but nonetheless it remains a
good indication of the optimism of the time.
It is undeniable that a combination of better sanitation,
hygiene, vaccination and effective drugs has removed
infectious diseases from their former position as the lead-
ing scourge of mankind. But that particular war is by no
means over.

BACTERIOPHAGES AS A SCIENTIFIC TOOL FIGURE 31.3 Morphology of the tailed bacteriophages (Caudovirales).
From the 1940s onwards, bacteriophages become one of
the main tools used in developing the emerging science
of molecular biology, notably in the work of Max
Delbrück’s Phage Group [17]. The relative simplicity of
their bacterial hosts and the ease with which they could
be grown allowed studies using bacteriophages to identify
and explain many of the basic processes of life. As with
d’Herelle laying the basics of virology in the 1920s, this
work provided the tools on which much of our current
understanding of biology is based. Inevitably, as they
were used to clarify the processes of their replication, the
biology of the bacteriophages themselves also became
much more clearly understood.
Examples of findings from this work [18] include:
G The Hershey Chase experiment, that showed that
DNA is the genetic material
G Spelling out of the genetic code
G Demonstration of messenger RNA function
G Significant findings on the mechanisms of the control
of gene expression
G The discovery of genetic recombination
G Use of conditional lethal genes for genetic mapping
G Identification of bacterial restriction and modification
G Identification of virus-induced metabolic pathways
G Understanding of the processes of virus assembly
G The discovery of lysogeny the latency of bacterio- FIGURE 31.4 Functional regions of a tailed bacteriophage
phages within the host genome. (Myoviridae).
As a result of this, by the time interest in bacterio-
phages as therapeutics returned in the 1980s, this was those identified to date fall into the broad category of
based on a level of understanding of their nature and the ‘tailed bacteriophages’, grouped as the virus order
function which those working 50 or 60 years earlier sim- Caudovirales. These all have double-stranded DNA gen-
ply could not have imagined. omes ranging in size from a few tens of thousands to sev-
The fundamental nature of this work with and on bac- eral hundred thousand base pairs. The order Caudovirales
teriophages was recognized in the award of the 1969 contains the families Myoviridae (with long, rigid, con-
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Max Delbrück, tractile tails), Podoviridae (with short, non-contractile
Alfred D. Hershey and Salvador E. Luria ‘for their dis- tails) and Siphoviridae (with long, flexible, non-contractile
coveries concerning the replication mechanism and the tails) (Fig. 31.3). The basic functions of the components
genetic structure of viruses’. of a tailed bacteriophage are shown in Figure 31.4. The
It is now clear that there are many different types head contains the genome, the tail fibres mediate binding
of bacteriophage, with both DNA and RNA genomes of to receptor on the surface of the bacterial target, and the
varying size and structure. However, more than 90% of tail is involved in entry of the genome into the host cell
572 PART | 5 Antibacterial Agents

FIGURE 31.5 The lytic and

lysogenic life cycles.

(although this involves different mechanisms for the three host cell, usually integrated into the host bacterial genome,
families in the order). and persist there for a variable number of bacterial genera-
tions. This is known as a lysogenic infection. When acti-
vated by an appropriate triggering event, the lysogenic
SENSITIVITY OF THE BACTERIAL HOST bacteriophage can switch to a lytic infection and kill the
host cell. Bacteriophages that can be either lytic or lyso-
One aspect of bacteriophage biology, which is of parti-
genic are known as temperate bacteriophages. A bacterio-
cular relevance to phage therapy, is their high level of
phage that was obligately lysogenic would of course cease
specificity. This is still not fully understood although it is
to be an independent bacteriophage and become a perma-
not simply a property of the bacteriophages themselves.
nent part of the bacterial genome many such remnants
A lot of attention is focused on the presence of the right
are known to exist.
receptors at the bacterial surface, and this is of course
One significant issue in regard to phage therapy is that
essential to allow a bacteriophage to bind to its target, but
lysogenic bacteriophages can pick up and transfer bacte-
this is by no means the whole story. Even once infection
rial DNA from around their insertion site by a process
of the host cell has occurred, bacteria have a number of
known as specialized transduction. Uncertainty about
systems to combat bacteriophage infection. These range
whether a temperate bacteriophage will actually kill its
from the restriction/modification systems which were dis-
bacterial target, along with the increased risk of bacterial
covered in the 1950s and which underlie much of modern
gene transfer means that lysogenic bacteriophages are
genetic engineering technology [19], to the much more
generally considered to be far less suitable for therapeutic
recently discovered CRISPR/Cas adaptive response sys-
use. Knowledge of this is an important element in the
tems [20]. Both result in degradation of the invading
selection of a candidate therapeutic bacteriophage.
genome. Such systems have evolved in bacteria at least in
part to deter viral predation. Consequently, evolution of
the infecting viruses has occurred to sidestep these
defences [21], for example by the use of unusual base ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE AND THE
sequences to prevent cleavage by restriction enzymes [22]. BACTERIOPHAGE RENAISSANCE
Resistance to antibiotics had been known about almost
since their first therapeutic use and even before that from
LYTIC OR LYSOGENIC laboratory studies [15]. Despite this, awareness of the lim-
An essential part of understanding how bacteriophages rep- its this might place on the use of antibiotics as drugs was
licate was first reported in 1936. While some bacterio- much slower to emerge. However, by the 1990s, awareness
phages function much as was imagined by the early of the problem was widespread, and in the years that fol-
workers in the field, infecting and then killing their hosts, lowed a problem was to grow into a crisis [24].
others do not have to destroy their target. Rather, these The seeds of the on-going revival of interest in bacter-
bacteriophages can enter one of two basic lifecycles iophages were sown in the 1980s. William Smith and
lytic or lysogenic [23] (Fig. 31.5). In the lytic cycle, infect- Ernest Huggins had conducted a well-controlled series of
ing bacteriophages destroy (lyse) their bacterial target and experiments on mice and calves, looking at the efficacy
produce hundreds of new, infectious bacteriophages. This of bacteriophages against experimental infections with the
can take as little as 20 minutes. Bacteriophages that can bacterium Escherichia coli [25 27]. Unlike those that
only lyse their targets are referred to as obligately lytic, or had received such criticism in the early days of phage
virulent. However, many bacteriophages can persist in the therapy, their experiments were both carefully designed
Chapter | 31 Antimicrobial Phages 573

and meticulously conducted. Their work led to some very In addition to this, in recent years a number of bacterio-
positive conclusions; the title of one of their papers sets phage preparations have been entered into clinical trials in
this out very clearly: ‘Successful treatment of experimen- Western Europe and the USA. Most of these are phase 1
tal Escherichia coli infections in mice using phage: its safety trials, and to date only one phase 2 trial of efficacy
general superiority over antibiotics’ [25]. Unfortunately, has been completed.
at that time the antibiotic crisis was still forming. In addi- While it is of course necessary to treat patients with
tion, the veal calves, which formed the basis of their the target bacterial infection to evaluate the efficacy of a
expanded work, are an economically driven market with drug, for bacteriophage therapeutics this is also true in
different concerns to those caused by antibiotic-resistant most cases for evaluation of safety. With dosing in the
infections in human patients. As a result of these factors range of nanograms to micrograms in the trials reported
this work, while recognized as important, did not lead to date, bacteriophage replication is required to generate
directly to any commercial development. the therapeutic dose so that the actual level, which will be
By the 1990s, as recognition of need grew and with attained in clinical use, is not reached unless such replica-
Smith and Huggins’ data in hand, there was a revived tion takes place. This is similar to the situation with live
interested in the apparent success of bacteriophage thera- vaccines, where a failure of the small administered dose
peutics in the Soviet bloc countries. Taking a commercial to replicate generally prevents any detectable effect. This
lead in this was the US company, Phage Therapeutics, means that safety trials in patients lacking the bacterial
which tried to access this experience by setting up colla- host will usually deliver a significantly lower dose than
borations with Georgian phage researchers. Other compa- what would be seen in infected patients. Thus, a key stage
nies worked with groups as far afield as Poland, Moscow to developing the field as a whole was the completion of
and Bashkortostan. Unfortunately, very little came of this a fully regulated phase 2 clinical trial. The first such trial
surge of enthusiasm. Certainly the Eastern European was reported in 2009 [30].
groups had bacteriophages and a great deal of experience Details of the clinical trials undertaken in Western
in their use. However, the requirements of moving Europe and the USA are given below.
from the procedures, materials and facilities that were
available in Eastern Europe at the time to what would be
needed to satisfy Western regulators such as the US
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European The US Dutch company Exponential Biotherapies
Medicines Agency (EMA, formerly EMEA) were simply Incorporated laid claim to carrying out the first trial con-
too challenging to be practical. There were also significant forming to current Western standards. The details of this
clashes of attitude between the newly arrived Western trial have not been reported, but personal communications
companies and the Eastern researchers. As a result of indicate that this was a phase 1 (safety) trial involving the
these problems, none of these companies was successful intravenous administration of 5 3 106 bacteriophages tar-
in progressing this technology into clinical trials in the geting Enterococcus to 12 healthy volunteers. The trial
West at that time. However, matters have now progressed was carried out in the United Kingdom in 1999. This
and in 2009 the food multinational company Nestlé began work was based on previous studies adapting bacterio-
a locally regulated trial in Bangladesh comparing Western phages to survive in the blood [31]. However, all of the
and Russian bacteriophage preparations for the treatment administered bacteriophage was cleared by 9 days after
of diarrhoea caused by E. coli, following on from earlier treatment (though it should be noted that this was in the
work carried out in Switzerland [28]. absence of its bacterial target, so that it could not repli-
An alternative approach was taken by another group cate). This was apparently not a promising enough result
of companies. These elected to be informed and encour- for the work to proceed.
aged by the Eastern European work, but to proceed with
these approaches based entirely upon Western technolo-
gies, on occasion with the recruitment of Eastern
European staff. It was this group of companies that was The first published report of a modern clinical trial came
prominent in carrying out (though not always reporting) from the food multinational Nestlé. In 2005 they reported
the first Western clinical trials. a small phase 1 safety study among Nestlé workers in
Switzerland [28]. Fifteen healthy volunteers received a
single dose containing 1.5 3 105 or 1.5 3 107 bacterio-
REACHING THE CLINIC phages orally in mineral water. A single type of bacterio-
The use of bacteriophage therapeutics continues in the phage T4, targeting E. coli was used. No adverse events
former Soviet bloc countries, and work at a clinic in were attributed to the study product. Bacteriophage was
Poland is continuing as a locally regulated trial [29]. detected in the stools, indicating that it had successfully
574 PART | 5 Antibacterial Agents

passed through the acidified stomach environment. dose containing 1 3 105 infectious units of each of six
Bacteriophage titres recovered from stool provided evi- bacteriophages targeting P. aeruginosa, and 12 with pla-
dence of bacteriophage replication in vivo, presumably in cebo. The therapeutic appeared to be safe and well toler-
E. coli in the normal gut flora. ated, with no adverse events attributed to the study
This is now being followed by a series of trials in product. Improvement was apparent in the majority of test
Bangladesh which are still underway at the time of writ- group patients with apparent resolution of disease in 25%
ing, and which are planned to involve a total of 450 within 6 weeks, even though patients in this group had
patients treated with rehydration alone, or with rehydra- proved refractory to conventional antibiotics and had
tion plus a Russian-sourced bacteriophage mixture, or been ill for up to 40 years. Bacterial numbers were also
rehydration plus a novel proprietary bacteriophage mix- reduced.
ture, both mixtures targeting E. coli [32]. These report-
edly incorporate both local phase 1 safety trials and a
larger phase 2 safety and efficacy trial in the target group
of infants with diarrhoea. A phase 1 safety trial conducted by the UK company
Phico was not actually a trial of a bacteriophage therapeu-
tic, but rather of a non-replicating, bacteriophage-based
Southwest Regional Wound Care Center gene vector that carried a gene capable of shutting down
Another safety (phase 1) trial was reported by Rhoads bacterial DNA metabolism. The outcomes of the trial
et al. in 2009 from a study carried out in Texas using bac- have not been reported to date.
teriophages supplied by the US company Intralytix [33].
Forty-two patients with chronic venous leg ulcers were CLINICAL TRIALS AND THE REGULATORY
treated, of whom 39 completed the trial. Patients were
treated with 4 3 109 infectious units of each of eight
bacteriophages once a week for up to 12 weeks, the It is clear that work in Eastern Europe maintained interest
mixture containing individual bacteriophages targeting in the therapeutic use of bacteriophages during the period
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and E. since the discovery and exclusive use of antibiotics to
coli. Treatment was co-administered with other ulcer ther- treat infections in the West.
apies and no adverse events were attributed to the study However, despite intense efforts by both Western and
product. Although this was a phase 1 trial, some monitor- Eastern researchers to bring this technology to clinical
ing of efficacy was undertaken, but since only a small trials in Western Europe and the USA, it became clear
minority of patients had the relevant bacterial flora that the materials, techniques and clinical procedures used
(Wolcott, personal communication) no evidence of effi- in the historical work in these locations differed from cur-
cacy was obtained. rent Western requirements. It was also clear that it would
require a great deal of expensive and technically demand-
ing work to modify the on-going work to meet current
Belgian Army
EU (EMA) or US (FDA) regulatory requirements, and
A small phase 1 trial carried out by the Belgian military that even the inclusion of historical data will not be
used a single dose containing 3 3 109 units of each of viewed favourably in submissions to these regulators.
three bacteriophages (two targeting P. aeruginosa and In this context, it is essential to define what will be
one targeting S. aureus) applied to burn wounds. The trial required for a bacteriophage therapeutic to progress
has never been formally reported, although a short section through clinical trials that will be acceptable to the EMA
in a paper on the production of the bacteriophage mixture or the FDA. The answer to this is quite simple: the same
used refers briefly to the trial, noting that eight patients as is required for any new medicine. Thus production will
had been treated, with no adverse effects reported. The require careful product characterization and compliance
bacteriophages used were sourced from Georgia, but were with good manufacturing practice (GMP). Studies must
produced locally. move from high-quality preclinical studies into well-con-
trolled, adequately powered clinical trials using appropri-
ately defined end points. These must progress from the
Biocontrol small-scale phase 1 or phase 1/2 trials into the larger
The first trial of the efficacy of a bacteriophage therapeu- phase 3 trials that will provide sound statistical evidence
tic was reported in 2009 [30] targeting chronic, antibiotic- for safety and efficacy and support applications for mar-
refractory ear infections in a combined phase 1/2 clinical keting approvals. In all cases this will require on-going
trial. This was a double-blind randomized trial, involving interactions with the relevant regulatory bodies and com-
24 patients. Twelve patients were treated with a single pliance with established processes of drug development.
Chapter | 31 Antimicrobial Phages 575

There have been a number of attempts to lobby for consider how to develop this. The three basic approaches
modification of the regulatory process for bacteriophages, taken are detailed in Table 31.2 and the applicability of
based on the accumulated evidence from nearly 100 years these is under active discussion [34]. Bacteriophage cock-
of therapeutic use. However, there are many medicines tails have been used in the majority of trials (including all
with long histories and with expectations of efficacy efficacy trials) undertaken to date, not least because of
based upon apparently successful historical uses, such as experiences with the use of single antibiotics and the con-
immunotherapy or vaccination. But each new medicine sequent generation of resistance. Cocktails in this setting
has had to prove itself through fully regulated clinical are directly analogous to the use of combinations of anti-
trials before gaining widespread acceptance. The same biotics to prevent the development of drug-resistant bacte-
needs to be done for bacteriophages. ria. With ‘phage banks’, this could allow for ‘personalized
medicine’ with a therapeutic tailored in individual infec-
SUITABILITY OF PHAGE THERAPY FOR tions. However, for such uses issues regarding the produc-
tion and approval of acceptable collections and the
SPECIFIC INFECTIONS definition of suitably predictive in vitro tests remain to be
When considering whether an infection may be addressed in detail.
suitable for treatment with a bacteriophage therapeutic, Another relevant consideration is that where very low
there are a number of issues that need to be considered. concentrations of the bacterial target are present (as, for
A summary of these is presented in Table 31.1. example, on a recently cleaned wound surface) it is likely
If, after considering these, the use of a bacteriophage to be necessary to use much higher levels of bacterio-
therapeutic is found to be appropriate, it is necessary to phage simply to ensure that bacteriophage and target

TABLE 31.1 Considerations in the Therapeutic Use of Bacteriophages

Issue Explanation Examples

There should be a clear clinical In many instances conventional antibiotics Multidrug resistant Gram-negative infections
need remain effective, making development of have few remaining treatment options. Biofilm-
entirely new agents difficult and often based infections are likely to show increased
commercially unviable resistance to antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is
increasing worldwide, generating an
increasingly urgent need for new approaches

Pathology should be caused by Bacteriophages are highly specific and usually Pseudomonas aeruginosa in mid-stage cystic
one species of bacterium or multiple bacteriophages are needed even to fibrosis lung and in late stage ear infections is
possibly by a small number of target a single species (though exceptions do the dominant infection. By contrast early stage
species exist). The number of bacteriophages needed ear infections are polymicrobial and thus less
to target a polymicrobial infection would be suited to bacteriophage treatment
difficult to manage

Bacteriophages must be The ease with which specific bacteriophages Isolating bacteriophages that are effective
available or able to be isolated may be isolated for individual bacterial targets against Streptococcus mutans or
is very variable Mycobacterium tuberculosis is difficult

Bacteriophages should be For some bacterial species most Bacteriophage targeting Acinetobacter
broadly active bacteriophages affect only a few strains within baumannii may have a narrow range of
the species or only target bacteria from specific activity
geographical locations

Bacteriophages should be lytic, Although lytic bacteriophages are common for Bacteriophages reported to date for
not lysogenic some targets, for others these may be difficult Clostridium difficile appear to be lysogenic
to find. Some types of bacteriophage (such as rather than lytic; for Staphylococcus aureus
the filamentous Inoviridae) may not produce both types are found
lytic effects at all

Bacteriophages should not be Some bacterial species have bacteriophage- Shiga toxin (dysentery) and cholera toxin
associated with toxin transfer or borne toxins, although these are often (cholera) are known to be transferred by
pathogenic effects associated with very specific types of specific lysogenic bacteriophages.
bacteriophage Interestingly, these are two of the earliest
infections to be treated using bacteriophage
therapy, with apparent success
576 PART | 5 Antibacterial Agents

TABLE 31.2 Approaches to the Production of Bacteriophage Therapeutics

Approach Explanation Advantages Disadvantages

Superphage Uses a single bacteriophage with Only one type of bacteriophage Difficult to find, resistance can
very broad specificity needed give complete immunity to

Phage bank Bacteria from patient tested against Proof of efficacy in vitro before use Need for an approved phage bank
a large collection of in vivo of proven safety. Requirement for
bacteriophages, and those that are extrapolation from in vitro to
effective in vitro are used in vivo activity

Phage Uses a mixture of bacteriophages to Required coverage easier to develop, Multiple bacteriophages needed,
cocktail achieve desired specificity can target multiple species, resistance may require adaptation to novel
still likely to leave some bacterial strains
bacteriophages effective

actually encounter each other. One food hygiene product safety profile, which from trials to date appears to com-
using live bacteriophages has been sold in bottles each of pare favourably with that of conventional antibiotics.
which contained twenty trillion bacteriophages. However, A potential advantage that bacteriophages have over
in a clinical setting where an active infection is targeted conventional antibiotics is in the countering of resistance.
the concentration of the bacterial target is likely to be Inevitably, bacteria will adapt to resist any antibacterial
much higher. This can allow even a few hundred bacterio- agent, from penicillin to copper. With a chemical anti-
phages (a picogram range dose) to establish a productive biotic, such resistance is then able to counter any use of
infection and thus to produce therapeutic benefit [35]. that antibiotic. With bacteriophages, a process of antago-
This approach, using a low initial dose of bacterio- nistic co-evolution occurs [37]. By this means, as bacteria
phages and relying on amplification in vivo to generate evolve resistance, bacteriophages themselves develop
the therapeutic dose (similar to the use of a live, replicat- means to counter this by simple Darwinian principles [21].
ing vaccine where replication is required for efficacy) is Those bacteriophages that can grow in the newly resistant
classed as ‘active’ phage therapy. As noted above, this bacteria are able to amplify themselves (and destroy their
can allow dosing in the sub-nanogram range with subse- bacterial host), while those that cannot perish.
quent amplification only where the bacteriophage encoun- Another potential advantage of bacteriophages is their
ters its bacterial host, thus greatly reducing concerns over ability to destroy bacteria within biofilms. The presence
toxicity of the input dose. An alternative approach of of bacteria within a biofilm can raise the concentration of
using swamping numbers of bacteriophages and not rely- antibiotic required for a significant antibacterial effect to
ing on amplification but rather on direct killing from the a level well in excess of that which can be attained in
input bacteriophage is known as ‘passive’ therapy. At clinical use [38]. Since they have evolved to infect their
high enough doses this can be by ‘lysis from without’ hosts in vivo, bacteriophages have the ability to target
where the process of infection itself is lethal to the bacte- bacteria in this commonly encountered form, which is
rial host [36]. This has seen much less use in clinical set- reportedly found in the majority of bacterial infections.
tings, although it would be required if the bacteriophage Bacteriophages appear to have a number of ways to kill
used was unable to replicate, as would be the case in bacteria within biofilms which are not available to con-
some experimental approaches using genetically engi- ventional antibiotics. Penetration of antibiotics into a bio-
neered bacteriophages. film is variable. Furthermore, if only a low dose
penetrates into the biofilm, that may even be counterpro-
ductive, failing to kill the bacteria while actively selecting
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES for resistance. Unlike conventional antibiotics, if bacterio-
Like all therapeutic approaches, the use of bacteriophages phages infect the cells within a biofilm, hundreds of new,
as antibacterial agents has both advantages and disadvan- infectious bacteriophages can be released from every
tages. Some of these are summarized in Table 31.3. infected cell. Following sequential cycles of infection and
One increasing trend in combating bacterial infection release this can lead to very high levels of localized
is that of the informed use of highly specific antibiotic antibacterial activity. Bacteriophages also appear to be
drugs. This actually fits well with the high specificity of able to induce the production of enzymes that can
bacteriophage therapeutics. This, along with the low doses destroy the biofilm matrix, either by coding for these
that can be used due to in vivo amplification aids their directly or by inducing their expression in infected
Chapter | 31 Antimicrobial Phages 577

TABLE 31.3 Advantages and Disadvantages in the Use of Bacteriophages as Antibiotics

Advantages Disadvantages
High specificity High specificity

Avoids killing of non-target or ‘friendly’ bacteria Need to know the nature of infection and cause of pathology

Lack of reported side effects Delivery of viable agent required

Due to high specificity and low initial dose Cold chain likely to be required

Amplifies in vivo at site of infection Regulatory issues

Able to produce therapeutic dose only at infected sites from a very No bacteriophage therapeutic has yet progressed to market
small input dose, allowing dose-independent administration in the West, so the pathway is as yet undefined at later stages

Able to counter the development of resistance Potential for gene transfer

Bacteriophages undergo antagonistic co-evolution with their bacterial Need to avoid lysogenic bacteriophages and confirm lack of
targets, countering the development of resistance by a variety of means transduction

Bacteriophages can be grown to high titres in vitro Requirement to use multiple bacteriophages

Facilitates manufacture Need to assemble multiple agents into a single therapeutic

Able to target and destroy bacteria in biofilms

By amplification within the biofilm, induction of biofilm dissolution by

infected bacteria, and ability to infect persister cells

Destroy their target bacteria by entirely different routes to existing


Bypassing existing antibiotic resistance mechanisms

Able to complement conventional antibiotics

By opening up biofilms to drugs that would otherwise be ineffective

bacteria. Finally, bacteriophages are able to target the more limited [43,44]. However, in animal models it has
inactive ‘persister cells’ deep within the biofilms that, been shown that bacteriophages can be delivered systemi-
being metabolically inactive, are resistant to antibiotics, cally and are then able to penetrate barriers within the
infecting them and lysing them once they activate [39]. body, as exemplified by the successful use of intraperito-
One potential disadvantage that has to be considered neally administered bacteriophages to control systemic
results from the simple size of bacteriophages, which are infections with P. aeruginosa [45 48]. The evaluation of
nucleoprotein complexes, massing from one to hundreds such delivery methods for therapeutic use is continuing,
of megadaltons, and at least 50 megadaltons for the tailed underpinned by studies of clinical efficacy where direct
bacteriophages of the Caudovirales. As a consequence of delivery is possible.
this they have very different diffusion properties to small- A significant issue with the systemic use of bacterio-
molecule antibiotics, and this must be considered in eval- phages is their interaction with the various effectors of the
uating how they should be delivered [40]. immune system. Bacteriophages, as virus-sized masses of
It is possible to administer bacteriophages directly protein, clearly have the ability to induce specific, adap-
onto body surfaces or to the infected site [30,33,35]. Oral tive immune responses given sufficient time and loading,
administration for delivery to the gut has also been but what is not known is how ablative these would be on
evaluated [30], while the potential for aerosolized any realistic therapeutic use. Delivery of nanogram to
delivery into the lung has also been demonstrated in microgram quantities of unadjuvanted protein has a lim-
experimental models [41,42]. ited probability in and of itself to generate major immune
Systemic delivery via the blood is more complex and response, but the potential for combination of amplified
challenging. Bacteriophage therapy in Eastern Europe bacteriophage with immunogenic bacterial components
routinely utilized delivery to body surfaces and oral remains to be clarified. It may be possible to use modifi-
administration, but reports of systemic use were much cations such as pegylation [49], which is used to prolong
578 PART | 5 Antibacterial Agents

the life of antibodies in the circulatory system. It is also growing within the cells of the vaccinated individual) in
possible that such effects will be moderated by the induc- controlling and even eliminating human disease, this was
tion of immune tolerance by exposure to bacteriophages not the case. It is also informative to note the success of
in the gut content, where they are present at around monoclonal antibodies. Like bacteriophages, there are
107 109 virus particles per millilitre [50]. many billions of potential therapeutics (1031 is an often
quoted number for the global population of bacterio-
phages, but is of necessity a rather broad estimate), each
one of which is a complex biological agent, with applica-
THERAPEUTICS tions deriving from a technology base that was originally
A variety of formulations have been evaluated in experi- in the public domain. Despite this, the combined market
mental studies. These include the simple solutions used in value for monoclonal antibody drugs is now many tens
most clinical trials to date [28,30,33], as well as attach- of billions of dollars per annum, with high market
ment to solid matrices and encapsulation for aerosolized growth rates.
oral delivery [51]. Delivery has traditionally involved Another issue which turned out to be far less signifi-
neutralization of stomach acid, though other approaches cant than was anticipated by some was that of the use of
such as encapsulation or rectal delivery are possible. mixtures of bacteriophages known in this context as
However, it is clear that at least some bacteriophages are ‘cocktails’ that may be necessary to achieve useful cov-
able to survive transit through the un-neutralized acid erage of the varying strains of the bacterial target. It had
environment of the stomach [28] and pass into the gut been suggested that the regulators would be reluctant to
even at relatively low doses. accept such mixtures. Again, by analogy with live viral
When considering formulation, the dose-independent vaccines such as the trivalent polio vaccine or the com-
nature of a self-amplifying agent must be borne in mind. bined measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine (MMRV),
The initiation of even a single productive infection can at it is unsurprising that this proved not to be the case, with
least theoretically result in the rapid delivery of a thera- the majority of trials to date using such cocktails in both
peutic dose in sites where the host bacterium is available. the EMA and the FDA jurisdictions.
Thus it is possible to take the position that the only dose It is the progression of bacteriophage therapeutics
that is too low is no bacteriophage at all, even though through careful product characterization and well-
higher efficacy might result from more substantial deliv- controlled clinical trials, and from there onto the market
ery. Trials reported to date have used between 1.5 3 105 that all questions can be answered. This process is now
and 3.2 3 1010 infectious units in total, with from one to well under way and should, once completed, produce a
eight bacteriophage strains administered. Animal studies much needed and powerful weapon against bacterial dis-
have used as few as 400 infectious units [35]. When opti- ease at a time when the need has rarely been greater.
mized bacteriophage cultures in vitro can readily produce
1012 PFU per litre, thus simply increasing the input dose
may make more sense than seeking a more efficient but
complex formulation. Bacteriophage genomes were the first to be sequenced.
The sequence of the single-stranded 3569 base MS2 geno-
mic RNA was reported in 1976 [53] followed by that of
the single-stranded 5375 base ΦX174 genomic DNA [54].
While there are multiple products approved for agricul- Sequencing capability has moved on considerably since
tural or food safety applications [52], as yet there are no that time. Ten years later, a 125 000 base pair double-
bacteriophage therapeutics approved for human or veteri- stranded DNA genome took several years to sequence.
nary therapeutic use in the United States (by the FDA) or With pyrosequencing and the even faster approaches now
in Western Europe (by the EMA). Until such approvals available a genome of the same size can easily be
are in place there will always be uncertainties regarding sequenced in a single day.
the regulatory path. However, it is undeniable that many In determining the suitability of bacteriophages for
of the accepted ‘facts’ regarding phages have turned out therapeutic use, a genome sequence has always been
to be incorrect. Before bacteriophage therapeutics regarded as the gold standard in determining lysogenic
entered modern clinical trials there was a substantial potential (by the presence or absence of the relevant genes
body of opinion that held that the regulators would be and control sequences) and confirming the absence of
unwilling to accept the complexities of biological agents toxin genes and bacterial DNA. With costs for the
in such applications. Unsurprisingly, given the very real sequencing of a whole genome by commercial organiza-
successes of live viral vaccines (which are of course live tions now down to approximately $1000 (and likely to
viruses and unlike bacteriophages, are capable of drop further in the near future), there is little reason not to
Chapter | 31 Antimicrobial Phages 579

sequence the genome of any interesting bacteriophage at THE PROBLEM OF RE-ANNOTATION

an early stage in preclinical development.
While no specific measure is available to quantify the A recognized problem within the genomics community is
increasing number of unpublished sequences, an NIH the static nature of most GenBank submissions. Annotated
Entrez search of bacteriophage genomes present in two genomes tend to have their original annotations present in
major databases (GenBank and RefSeq) showed 582 cur- the reference GenBank file, even after subsequent schol-
rently accessible sequences, though this number is likely arly work has demonstrated more nuanced explanations,
to be a significant underestimation, since Entrez is not more convincing characterizations, and more specific bio-
automatically updated for new submissions [55]. The chemical interactions.
European ACLAME database lists 463 characterized While a mechanism to resubmit genomes is available
bacteriophage genomes [56]. The SEED, a project of through GenBank, it is infrequently utilized for bacterio-
the PHANTOME.org and the Fellowship for the phage genome submission. One causative factor is the
Interpretation of Genomes, provides an alternative data- rapid progress of automated annotation software, such as
base of 660 genomes, in various states of protein anno- RAST [58]. While a specifically bacteriophage-oriented
tation [57]. Overlap between the three databases is version is still in development (phi-RAST), plasmid-based
significant, but many genomes present in one database are methods use ever-improving Hidden Markov Models to
not present in the others. Still, GenBank is the standard position suggested annotations. New comparative tools
reference for all published genomes, in that the accession such as the Artemis Comparison Tool [59] and
number format is ubiquitous and easily parsed by most Phamerator [60] allow comparison of similar bacterio-
software. All other databases provide cross-references to phages to help detect cryptic or degenerate genes which
GenBank when available. are no longer coding, or non-protein-coding genes like
tRNA genes.
The pace of annotation is ever quickening, resulting in
vastly more accurate and sensitive predictions for newly
GENOMIC SIZE AND PROTEIN CODING characterized phages, while some of the early sequences
POTENTIAL languish in obscurity. With no clear solution on the hori-
Among the SEED’s database of bacteriophages, the zon for a more lifecycle-based system of annotation, the
genomic size varies between 2.5 kb (Pseudomonas phage current state can best be viewed as a snapshot of an
phi2954) and 316 kb (Pseudomonas phage 201phi2-1). evolving process of annotation.
They encode, respectively, 4 and 461 proteins. The larg-
est currently known bacteriophage genome, that of
Bacillus phage G, is estimated at 498 kb, somewhat SELECTIVE SCREENING OF CANDIDATE
smaller than early estimates of 670 kb. However, it
remains the second largest virus genome sequenced to
date. Comparisons of results from other sites indicate With respect to the practical considerations raised above,
these are the rough upper and lower limits for genome phage genomics can still very much be considered the
size among bacteriophages. gold standard of certainty where questions of lysogeny
The shortest genomes tend to be single-stranded RNA, and toxin-generating potential are concerned. Without
with just a handful of protein-coding genes. One particu- recourse to expensive clinical trials, the genome can be
larly small genome, that of Enterobacteria phage GA screened for any significant similarity to not just known
(a member of the Leviviridae, the same family as MS2), toxins and lysogenic factors, but to the intragenic domains
contains just three genes: a coat protein, a maturation that provide the conformation required for such activity.
protein and a replicase protein. The largest genomes, like The resolution allowed by this approach is superior to
that of 201phi2-1, contain dozens of tRNA genes, as well observational studies in terms of economics and the safety
as sophisticated regulatory networks, with time-regulated of subjects, although these do retain value alongside more
transcriptional phases and advanced scaffolding genes to molecular approaches.
increase the speed of procapsid assembly. Small genomes Detailed knowledge of the makeup of common bacte-
correspond with very simple ssRNA folds and simple riophage regulatory systems continues to grow, with
morphology (as in the Leviviridae), while the largest gen- widely available databases as mentioned previously.
omes are among members of the Myoviridae with com- Extremely accurate gene predictions have been made, and
plex tailed virions with dsDNA genomes, along with the cross-calibration of similar genomes provides an
significant articulation of the tail, extensively variable tail enhanced ability to detect not just known problems, but
fibres for increased adhesion, and membrane-piercing the likelihood of identifying undesirable traits in unknown
structures to raise the rate of cellular penetration. and uncharacterized genomes.
580 PART | 5 Antibacterial Agents

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