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Eur J Anaesthesiol 2019; 36:342–350


Genetics and postsurgical neuropathic pain

An ancillary study of a multicentre survey
nin, Be
Pierre Blanc, Emmanuelle Ge line Jesson, Claude Dubray, the EDONIS-gene Investigating

group, Christian Duale

BACKGROUND Neuropathic pain following surgery could processes of peripheral neuropathic pain, a set of 4599
be a useful model for the study of the genetic mechanisms of single nucleotide polymorphisms was tested on an Illumina
peripheral neuropathic pain. chip. We carried out the association tests, based on an
additive model, on 4422 single nucleotide polymorphisms.
OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to identify genetic
predictors of persistent postsurgical neuropathic pain. RESULTS After correcting for type-I error inflation, only one
suggestive association was reached for one single nucleo-
DESIGN An ancillary study from a prospective cohort.
tide polymorphism, the rs2286614, which we had selected
SETTING Eighteen French university hospitals. to tag KCNK4. This gene encodes for TRAAK, a two-pore
domain background Kþ channel involved in the modulation of
PATIENTS Five hundred and sixty-one patients at risk of
the primary thermoreceptors of the transient receptor poten-
persistent postoperative pain who underwent scheduled
tial channels family.
surgery were classified as 159 cases and 402 controls.
CONCLUSION This is the first genetic association study
INTERVENTION Pre-operative blood sampling for DNA
specifically investigating the occurrence of persistent post-
analysis and questionnaires sent at the third and sixth month
surgical neuropathic pain. Its results help target future
after surgery.
research to better understand the mechanisms of peripheral
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES The phenotype was the neuropathic pain.
report of pain at the site of surgery with a positive response
in the DN4 questionnaire within 6 months after surgery. Out
of a list of 126 candidate genes involved in the initial Published online 11 March 2019

Due to its high prevalence,1 its negative effects on the neuropathic pain.6 In a previous cohort that underwent
quality of life2 and the poor efficacy of the available thoracotomy, postsurgical investigation showed that,
medication,3 neuropathic pain needs to be better under- although a nerve lesion was frequent (65% with sensory
stood. In particular, studies into its mechanism need to deficit 2 weeks after surgery), nPSPP was much less
clarify the nature of the primary lesion of the nervous frequent at the same time (11% of mechanical allodynia),
system for secondary central sensitisation (spinal or and the report of spontaneous pain 4 months after surgery
supraspinal), and supraspinal integration of the nocicep- (36% of the cohort) was associated with persistence of a
tive information.4,5 We are particularly interested in sensory deficit.7 This suggested that in patients under-
persistent postsurgical neuropathic pain (nPSPP) as a going the same surgery for the same disease, the devel-
model in which individuals are exposed to a standardised opment of nPSPP seemed to be influenced by factors
peripheral nerve lesion, but only a few express other than the initial nerve aggression, for instance

From the AP-HP, Genetique m

edicale, Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades (PB), INSERM, UMR1163, Paris (PB), INSERM, UMR1078 (EG), CHU Brest, EFS (EG), Universit
de Brest, Brest (EG), HELIXIO, Groupe Hybrigenics, Saint-Beauzire (BJ), CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Centre de Pharmacologie Clinique (C. Dubray, C. Dual
CIC1405 & UMR1107 (C. Dubray, C. Dual e), Universit
e Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France (C. Dubray)
Correspondence to Christian Dual
e, Centre de Pharmacologie Clinique – CIC, CHU de Clermont-Ferrand, 58 rue Montalembert, Clermont-Ferrand 63000, France
Tel: +33 4 73 17 84 18; fax: +33 4 73 17 84 12; e-mail:

0265-0215 Copyright ß 2019 European Society of Anaesthesiology. All rights reserved. DOI:10.1097/EJA.0000000000000986

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Genetics and postsurgical neuropathic pain 343

differences in the way the nervous system reacts thoracotomy and inguinal herniorraphy were already
to aggression. known to induce nPSPP.6 The ability of other procedures
(sternotomy, caesarean section, laparoscopic cholecystec-
Among these factors, genetics needs to be explored, as
tomy, saphenectomy and knee arthroscopy) to cause
has already been done in many fields of chronic pain.8–10
nPSPP was only suspected on the basis of published
Given the relatively small size of the available cohorts,
data. The general noninclusion criteria were an antici-
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays provide a
pated difficulty in understanding or completing the ques-
scalable tool to investigate hundreds of candidate genes.
tionnaires and being potentially unreachable during the
However, although a few human association studies of
planned follow-up.
posttraumatic peripheral neuropathic pain have been
published,11–13 several association studies of persistent A questionnaire was mailed to participants on the third
postsurgical pain (PSPP) have been conducted, without and sixth month after surgery, in which he/she was asked
consideration of the neuropathic aspect. They have so far if pain was felt in the operated area. If yes, a set of
failed to provide convergent results.14,15 In a prospective questions about the characteristics of the pain were
study of 2009–2010,16 we reported a 20%-rate of occur- asked, including the items on the DN4 questionnaire,
rence of nPSPP within the 6-month period following one a tool validated to screen the neuropathic origin of
of a range of procedures at risk, and we identified risk chronic pain.17 nPSPP was defined as self-reported pain
factors such as a history of peripheral neuropathy prior to in the operated area with at least four out of the 10 items
surgery, a younger age or psychological factors. We there- on the DN4 being positive. A ’case’ was a participant
fore conducted an ancillary genetic study from this reporting nPPSP in either the third or sixth month after
cohort. By including a broad panel of procedures favour- surgery and a ’control’ did not report nPPSP at any of the
ing persistent pain, we anticipated a reduction in homo- two measurement points. Patients for whom there was no
geneity, but an increase in the ability to detect any complete information about persistent pain at both times
genetic factor of nPSPP, while the precision of the of assessment were not considered further. We assumed
phenotype was unaffected. Due to the short follow-up that the proportion of controls likely to develop nPSPP
after surgery, we hypothesised that the observed cases of beyond the fixed period of 6 months was negligible. We
nPSPP represented an individual susceptibility to also considered that this 6-month period was the initial
express a phenotype for pain following a nerve lesion, phase of neuropathic pain as a chronic disease, and
regardless of later evolution to cure or permanence, thus therefore was unlikely to be influenced by environmental
minimising the impact of environmental factors on the factors. Details of patients included in the genetic study
pain phenotype. We then selected genes involved in the are given in Table 1.
function of the peripheral nerve fibre, or in the first spinal
The final sample size was determined by the willingness
relay of the nociceptive pathway.
of both the centres and the patients to participate. Blood
withdrawal was performed during the hospital stay for the
Materials and methods scheduled surgery, pre-, intra- or postoperatively,
This manuscript adheres to the applicable STREGA depending on the centre’s preference. The 2  5-ml
guidelines. The details of the methods of the main EDTA samples were identified by a label with the
epidemiological study are already published.16 Briefly, individual code for the study and the sampling date.
this multicentre French study was approved by the They could be stored at ambient temperature until
appropriate Institutional Review Board (CCPPRB shipment to the Clinical Investigation Centre (Cler-
d’Auvergne/CPP Sud-Est VI; Clermont-Ferrand, France mont-Ferrand, France). Within 48 h of sampling, the
ref. AU657) on 03 July 2006, and written informed tubes were placed in a freezer at –808C with continuous
consent was obtained from all participants. The study monitoring of the temperature.
was declared to the French General Direction for Health
The candidate genes setting was designed to address the
on 25 July 2006, and was registered at
early time-window of the neuropathic pain process, spe-
(NCT00812734). In each centre, an anaesthetist coordi-
cifically the damage-induced peripheral fibres response
nated and the anaesthesiology department conducted
and spinal adaptation.5,18 We ruled out most of the
data collection. This ancillary genetic study was con-
supraspinal processes, such as integration of chronic pain,
ducted only in those centres wishing to participate,
descending controls or mediation for psychological stress,
and for which the shipment of blood samples was easily
mood and affective states. These selection criteria led us
possible. A specific written consent was asked for each
to target 126 candidate genes (Table 2 and Supplemental
individual genetic study, in addition to the consent for
Digital Content 1,
the main one. All the participants in the genetic substudy
provided signed consent for blood sampling, DNA stor- For some of these genes, variants were previously associ-
age and research-based genetic testing. Those enrolled ated with phenotypes related to pain in humans (noci-
were patients over 18 years of age scheduled for one of ceptive sensitivity or pain expression in normally painful
nine selected procedures. Breast cancer surgery, conditions), either from candidate-gene or genome-wide

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2019; 36:342–350

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
344 Blanc et al.

Table 1 Description of patients from whom DNA was extracted for genetic analysis.

Controls (n U 409) Cases (n U 163) Whole sample (n U 572)

Age (years) 57.7  14.4 53.5  13.0 56.5  14.2
Female sex 181 (44.3) 105 (64.4) 286 (50.0)
Body mass index (kg m2) 25.7  4.6 25.0  4.6 25.5  4.6
Breast cancer 50 (12.2) 53 (32.5) 103 (18.0)
Caesarean section 21 (5.1) 14 (8.6) 35 (6.1)
Cholecystectomy 48 (11.7) 3 (1.8) 51 (8.9)
Inguinal herniorraphy (laparoscopic) 32 (7.8) 3 (1.8) 35 (6.1)
Inguinal herniorraphy (open mesh) 56 (13.7) 14 (8.6) 70 (12.2)
Knee arthroscopy 7 (1.7) 6 (3.7) 13 (2.3)
Saphenectomy 38 (9.3) 8 (4.9) 46 (8.0)
Sternotomy 46 (11.2) 5 (3.1) 51 (8.9)
Thoracotomy 111 (27.1) 57 (35) 168 (29.4)

Results are given as mean  SD or number (%).

(GWAS) association studies. For some other genes, subtle Statistical analysis
changes in their quantitative expression and function Association was tested by using the PLINK association
were linked to multifactorial phenotypes for pain.8,9,19 function or the PLINK logistic when sex was included as
Also, even though no association has been reported in a covariate. An additive model and the odds ratio (OR)
humans, a third set of genes potentially involved in the were assumed and a 95% confidence interval was com-
pathophysiology of neuropathic pain was selected, based puted by PLINK. The inflation of type-I error was
on functional studies in animal models. Other genes, corrected with Bonferroni’s correction in the first inten-
although not referenced in the literature, were also tion. However, as this correction might have been too
considered (GFRA1, GFRA3, CACNA1C) due to their conservative because of linkage disequilibrium and the
functional proximity with well-referenced genes. resultant non-independence of SNPs, we also used a
Finally, we added the gene encoding of the fibroblast more liberal correction, using the effective number of
growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1), as fibrosis entrapments independent markers (Me) for the adjustment of multiple
were reported around peripheral fibres in an nPSPP testing, as described by Li et al.26; in this model, the limits
context.20–24 for P-values are 3.320.10 –4, 1.660.10 –5 and 3.320.10 –7,
respectively, for ‘suggestive’, ‘significant’ and ‘highly
Within each gene, the SNPs were targeted either because significant’ associations.
they were reported to be functional or because they were
known to capture the genotype of the surrounding SNPs
(tagSNPs). The functional SNPs were prioritised from
The final analysis involved 561 individuals (159 cases and
the literature based on phenotype association or tran-
scriptional effect. The tagSNPs were representative mar- 402 controls), for which European ancestry had previ-
ously been checked (Supplemental Digital Content 2,
kers of a genomic region, having high linkage
disequilibrium with nongenotyped neighbouring SNPs. The genotyping rate in
the remaining samples was 99.94% with no individual
Genotyping was conducted with the Illumina Inc. tech-
nologies (San Diego, California, USA) and data analysis showing genotype missing rate greater than 1.2%. The
results of the association test with the occurrence of
with PLINK v.1.9 software (Broad Institute, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA). The procedure to identify and nPSPP, with and without adjustment for sex, are given
in Supplemental Digital Content 5,
select the tagSNPs is detailed in the Supplemental
Digital Content 2, In EJA/A196 (full results for the remaining 4422 SNPs, for
unadjusted and sex-adjusted analyses). They are also
total, 4599 tagSNPs were selected, and a custom-array
was designed using Illumina GoldenGate Assay that also illustrated by a Quantile to Quantile plot (Fig. 1), which
suggests a high outlier, the rs2286614 SNP, which lies on
included a selection of 57 ancestry-informative markers
(AIMs) in order to correct for population stratification.25 chromosome 11 (GRCh37: g.64068310).
The final array design included 5329 SNPs; in the output On the forward strand, the ancestral allele is C and the
files, calling results were listed for 4646 SNPs (4599 alternative allele is T. The association test showed a
functional or tag, and 47 AIMS). The complete list is frequency of the alternative allele of 11.0 and 21.9% for
given in Supplemental Digital Contents 3 and 4, http:// the cases and controls, respectively. The unadjusted OR The procedure for quality con- was 0.4413 (95% CI: 0.2991 to 0.6511) and the P-value for
trol is detailed in the Supplemental Digital Content 2, the x2 association test was 2.614.10 –5. The sex-adjusted, as well as the selection of OR was 0.4354 (95% CI 0.2921 to 0.6491) and the P-value
data (SNPs or individuals) before statistical analysis. for the x2 association test was 4.463.10 –5. The association

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2019; 36:342–350

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2 Gene selection

Encoded protein: definition and function References

Secondary function
Phenotype if mutation report (syndrome) Monogenic /
No. of tested Phenotype in gene-association studies Pain-related Mendelian
Gene SNPs Name Type (MAF) SNP heredity Other
Signal transduction
ACCN1 634 ASIC 1 Acid-sensing ion ch. Fibre: modulation X
KCNC4 11 Kv 3.4; a s/u A-type Kþ ch. X
KCND3 192 Kv 4.3; a s/u
KCNK18 7 TRIK (TRESK) Two-pore-domain background Kþ ch. X
TRPA1 27 TRPA1 Transient rec. potential ch. Fibre: modulation? X X
Enhanced sensitivity to pain
TRPM8 95 TRPM8 Fibre: modulation? X X
TRPV1 35 TRPV1 Fibre: modulation? X X
Altered sensitivity to pain
TRPV2 10 TRPV2 Fibre: modulation? X
P2RX2 1 P2RX2 Purinergic rec. (ion.) Spinal: synaptic transmission X
P2RX4 14 P2RX4 Spinal: microglial regulation X
P2RX7 34 P2RX7 X X
KCNQ5 148 Kv 7.5; a s/u Delayed rectifier K ch. (voltage- Fibre: modulation? X
SCN1B 1 Nav; b s/u (IF 1) Naþ ch. (V-dep.) Regulation of a s/u X
SCN2B 10 Nav; b s/u (IF 2) X
SCN3A 30 Nav 1.3; a s/u Supraspinal
SCN3B 19 Nav; b s/u (IF 3) Regulation of a s/u X
SCN4B 14 Nav; b s/u (IF 4)
SCN8A 30 Nav 1.6; a s/u Supraspinal X
SCN9A 37 Nav 1.7; a s/u Complete insensitivity to acute pain X X X
SCN10A 44 Nav 1.8; a s/u X
SCN11A 23 Nav 1.9; a s/u X
KCNK3 7 TASK 1 Two-pore-domain background Kþ ch. X
KCNA1 3 Kv 1.1; a s/u Delayed rectifier Kþ ch. (V-dep.) X
KCNA2 2 Kv 1.2; a s/u
KCNA3 1 Kv 1.3; a s/u
KCNA5 6 Kv 1.5; a s/u
KCNQ2 19 Kv 7.2; a s/u X
KCNQ3 136 Kv 7.3; a s/u
KCND2 84 Kv 4.2; a s/u A-type K ch. X
KCNJ10 13 KIR 4.1 Inward rectifier-type Kþ ch. Spinal: microglial regulation X
KCNJ3 93 KIR 3.1 Morphine-induced analgesia X
KCNJ6 112 KIR 3.2 X
KCNN1 19 KCa 2.1 Kþ intermediate/small conductance X
Ca2þ-activated ch.
KCNN2 44 KCa 2.2
KCNN3 139 KCa 2.3
TRPC1 9 TRPC1 Transient rec. potential ch. X
CNR2 4 CB2 Cannabinoid rec. X
HCN1 28 HCN1 Kþ/Naþ hyperpolarisation-activated X
cyclic nucleotide-gated ch.
MAPK14 14 p38 MAP-kinase MAP-kinase Spinal: microglial regulation X
P2RY12 21 P2RY12 Purinergic rec. (metab.) X

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Genetics and postsurgical neuropathic pain 345

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 2 (continued )

Encoded protein: definition and function References

Secondary function
Phenotype if mutation report (syndrome) Monogenic /
No. of tested Phenotype in gene-association studies Pain-related Mendelian
Gene SNPs Name Type (MAF) SNP heredity Other
346 Blanc et al.

BDKRB1 8 B1 Bradykinin rec. X
BDKRB2 39 B2
IL1B 7 IL1B Pro-inflammatory cytokine X
IL1RB 17 IL1RB Cytokine rec. X
IL6 9 IL6 Pro-inflammatory cytokine X
ILR6 15 ILR6 Cytokine rec.
LIF 4 LIF Pro-inflammatory cytokine
BDNF 9 BDNF Neurotrophin X
CCL2 4 Chemokine ligand 2 Chemokine Spinal: microglial regulation X
CCR2 3 CCR2 CCL2 rec. X
GDNF 20 GDNF Neurotrophin X
GFRA1 111 GFRA1 GDNF (neurotrophin) rec.
NGF 50 NGF Neurotrophin Congenital insensitivity to pain (HSAN-5) X X X
NGFR 14 p75 (LNGFR) NGF/BDNF (neurotrophins) rec. Spinal: microglial regulation X

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2019; 36:342–350

NTF3 48 NT3 Neurotrophin X
NTRK1 28 Trk A NGF (neurotrophin) rec. Congenital insensitivity to pain (HSAN-4) X X
NTRK2 93 Trk B BDNF (neurotrophin) rec. Spinal: microglial regulation
Peripheral fibrogenesis
FGFR1 14 FGFR1 FGF rec. X
Primary function: at the spinal level
Synaptic transmission
CACNA1A 140 Cav 2.1; a1 s/u X
CACNA1B 39 Cav 2.2; a1 s/u Ca2þ ch. (V-dep.) X
CACNA1C 1 Cav 1.2; a1 s/u
CACNA1E 124 Cav 2.3; a1 s/u X
CACNA1G 23 Cav 3.1; a1 s/u X
CACNA1H 20 Cav 3.2; a1 s/u X
CACNA1I 36 Cav 3.3; a1 s/u X
CACNA2D1 225 Cav a2d s/u (IF 1) X
CACNA2D3 432 Cav a2d s/u (IF 3) Action site of gabapentinoids X X
CACNG2 60 Cav g s/u (IF 2) X X
OPRD1 21 d Opioid rec. Spinal action site of opioid analgesics X X
Modified sensitivity to pain
OPRK1 14 k Spinal action site of opioid analgesics X
OPRM1 82 m Spinal and supraspinal action site of opioid X X
Enhanced sensitivity to pain (0.172)
PRKCG 14 PKC g Protein kinase Allodynia X X
Impaired sensibility for touch and pain
PRKCZ 16 PKC z Supraspinal X
GRIN1 4 NR1 EAA rec., NMDA (ion.) X
GRM1 62 mGluR1 EAA rec. (metab.) X
GRM2 0 mGluR2 X
GRM3 58 mGluR3
GRM4 43 mGluR4
GRM5 148 mGluR5 Descending controls X

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 2 (continued )

Encoded protein: definition and function References

Secondary function
Phenotype if mutation report (syndrome) Monogenic /
No. of tested Phenotype in gene-association studies Pain-related Mendelian
Gene SNPs Name Type (MAF) SNP heredity Other
NKCC1 0 NKCC1 Naþ/Kþ/Ca2þ cotransporter X
TACR1 74 NK1 Neurokinin rec. X
Microglial regulation
CX3CR1 16 r CX3CL1 Fractalkin rec. X
P2RY6 13 P2RY6 Purinergic rec. (metab.) X
TLR2 8 TLR2 Toll-like rec. X
TLR4 15 TLR4
Primary function: at both peripheral and spinal level
GPX1 2 GPX1 Glutathione-peroxydase X
GJA1 5 Connexin 43 Neurotrophin X
GJA4 2 Connexin 37 X
Primary function: other/unknown site
ADRB2 6 b2 Beta-2 adrenergic rec. X X
ANKRD13A 1 ANKRD13A Ankyrin repeat domain Analgesic onset X X
COMT 19 COMT Catechol-O-methyltransferase Catecholamine catabolism / Descending X X
Modified sensitivity to pain (0.25 to 0.5)
FAAH 12 FAAH Fatty acid amide hydrolase Enhanced sensitivity to pain X X
FAM134B 81 FAM134B Family with sequence similarity 134, Progressive loss of all sensations (HSAN-2b) X X
member B
GCH1 21 GCH1 GTP cyclohydrolase Partial analgesia (0.154) X X
IKBKAP 40 IKBKAP Inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene Absence of pain (HSAN-3) X X
enhancer in B-cells
MAOA 4 MAO-A Monoamine oxidases Catecholamine catabolism/Descending X
MC1R 4 MC1R Melanocortin 1 rec. Partial analgesia (0.02 to 0.045) X X
MPZL2/CD3E 1 MPZL2 or CD3E Myelin protein zero-like / Postoperative pain rating X X
T-cell surface glycoprotein
SHANK2 1 SHANK2 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains Adapter protein in the postsynaptic density of X X
protein 2 excitatory synapses
SLC6A2 1 SLC6A2 Solute carrier for noradrenaline Postoperative analgesic onset X X
SLC6A4 1 SLC6A4 Solute carrier for serotonin Postoperative pain onset X X
SLC12A1 15 SLC12A1 Na-K-2Cl cotransporters X X
SLC12A2 17 SLC12A2 X X
SPOCK3/ANXA10 1 SPOCK3 or ANXA10 Osteonectin/Annexin Analgesic onset X X
SPTLC1 15 SPTLC1 Serine palmitoyltransferase (long chain s/ Loss of heat and cold pain sensation (HSAN- X X
u) 1a)
WDFY4 1 WDFY4 WD repeat- & Analgesic onset X X
FYVE domain-containing
WNK1 29 WNK1 With-no-lysine kinase 1 Progressive loss of all sensations (HSAN-2a) X X
ZNF429 4 ZNF429 Zinc finger Analgesic onset X X
LOC100286918/ 1 Unknown Postoperative pain onset time X X
LOC400680 0 Analgesic onset X X

This table provides an overview of the preliminary selected 126 genes of interest, with their respective functions and supposed relationship with the phenotype of the study, neuropathic post-surgical persistent pain. The SNPs that
passed the quality control and were tested are listed in Supplementary Table 2, In the column ‘References/Other’, the underscored ‘X’ signals that the gene has been tested in clinical studies of
either postsurgical persistent pain or neuropathic pain (Supplemental Digital Content 1, for details). BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; Ca2þ, calcium; CCL2, chemokine ligand 2; ch., channel;
EAA, excitatory amino-acid; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; GDNF, glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor; GTP, guanosine triphosphate; HSAN, hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy; ion., ionotropic; Kþ, potassium; MAF,
minor allele frequency; metab., metabotropic; Na , sodium; NGF, nerve growth factor; NMDA, n-methyl-d-aspartate; rec., receptor; rev., review(s); SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; s/u, subunit; V-dep., voltage-dependent.

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2019; 36:342–350

Genetics and postsurgical neuropathic pain 347

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

348 Blanc et al.

Fig. 1

Unajusted Gender-adjusted

Observed (−log10P)

Observed (−log10P)

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Expected (−log10P) Expected (−log10P)

Quantile–Quantile plots of the results from the case–control association test for all the 4422 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that passed
the standard quality control filters. The two tests were conducted either without (left) or with adjustment for sex (right). The observed –log10(P-
values) on the y-axis are ranked and plotted against the expected –log10(P-values) under the null hypothesis on the x-axis. The diagonal line
represents the null distribution and the grey zone represents the 95% confidence interval of the expected distribution of the test statistics. The high
outlier is the rs2286614 SNP.

was not found significant with the Bonferroni’s correc- temperature-gated channels involved in nociception,
tion. However, by using the Me for the adjustment of including TREK-1. Both TRAAK and TREK-1 are
multiple testing, the association was found suggestive expressed in the dorsal root ganglion neurons,27,28 and
(ratio of effective number of tests over observed number act as silencers of the primary thermoreceptors of the
of tests: 3013/4449 ¼ 0.680). TRP family, with which they colocalise. The implication
of TRAAK, interacting with TREK-1, has been demon-
Discussion strated in a rat model of neuropathic pain.29 Although
This is the first genetic study of nPSPP. Our results need these data are all preclinical, it must be noted that in our
to be considered in the context of the available data from study following thoracotomy,7 surgery-induced neuropa-
previously published genetic studies of PSPP. Out of 15 thy was regularly characterised by an impairment of warm
studies, 10 reported significant associations, and eight of and heat sensations, while pain was more linked to an
these followed procedures likely to induce nPSPP.14,15 impairment of warm sensations. Furthermore, some
The published results were not consistent with those of patients noted an ‘altered sensation of heat’, which was
the current study, partly because they used a different often described as a burning pain but without a previous
strategy of gene selection, and also because their phe- sensation of warmth; this symptom was associated with
notype was not selective for the neuropathic aspects of the report of nPSPP. However, there is still a large gap
PSPP. Depending on the study, associations were between the currently observed genetic association, and a
reported with genes related to the major histocompati- clear role of TRAAK in the development of nPSPP; the
bility complex (DQB103:02 haplotype), cytokines nature of the information captured by rs2286614 and the
(IL1R2 and the IL10 haplotype A8), a nicotinic acetyl- functional impact of this information, in particular, need
choline receptor (CHRNA6), various potassium and cal- to be clarified.
cium ion channels (KCNA1, KCND2, KCNJ3, KCNJ6,
The main limitation of the current study is that it centres
KCNK9, CACNG2), a purinergic receptor (P2RX7), a
on multicandidate genes using tagSNPs, as, contrary to a
nerve growth factor (BDNF) and an opioid receptor
GWAS, only a selected list of genes was tested, with a
resultant risk of missing relevant genes. Such bias can be
We report a suggestive association for a SNP tagging reduced however by a selection closely justified by sci-
KCNK4 that deserves some consideration. The encoded entific hypotheses, which was our intention. Neverthe-
protein, TRAAK, is a two-pore domain (K2P) background less, despite this approach being likely to preserve
Kþ channel, belonging to a family of mechano-gated and statistical power, after correcting the type-I error

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2019; 36:342–350

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Genetics and postsurgical neuropathic pain 349

inflation, we found only one suggestive association, but El Drayi, CHG Thiers (CcE, IHR-OM, Saph); Bertrand Nougar-
none reached significance. For this reason, our study ède, Centre Jean-Perrin, Clermont-Ferrand (BKS); Martine Bon-
should be repeated. Also, we still have no direct informa- nin, CHU Clermont-Ferrand (Ces); Laurent Vallet, CHG Riom
(CCE, IHR-L); Vedat Eljezi, CHU Clermont-Ferrand (StT);
tion about the gene itself, whether or not its variants are
Franck Ruiz, CHG Vichy (CCE, IHR-OM); Emmanuelle Schaack,
functional, and whether such a function has a relationship Hôpital Ambroise-Par e, Boulogne-Billancourt (Saph); Bertrand
with the phenotype. More precise information would be Guillot, CHU Saint-Etienne (ThT); Brigitte Sokolo, CHG Le
provided by direct DNA sequencing, probably restricted Puy en Velay (IHR-OM, Saph); Marie-Noëlle Falewee, Centre
to a smaller list of candidate genes. Lastly, an additional Antoine-Lacassagne, Nice (BKS); Denis Baylot, Clinique Mutua-
bias is the poor match between cases and controls, due to liste Chirurgicale Saint-Etienne (KnA); Jean-Marc Vedrinne, Clin-
a liberal recruitment of sample donors in the main epi- ique du Tonkin, Villeurbanne (IHR-L); Claudine Chirat, CHG
demiological study. As a result, interaction of factors Montluçon (IHR-L); Lise Brisebrat, CHG Roanne (Ces); Virginie
Cognet, HC Lyon (Ces).
linked to the cause of surgery cannot be excluded.
Excluding unmatched individuals would have consider- DNA extraction: Vincent Sapin & Isabelle Creveaux, CHU
ably impaired the statistical power, but this could be Clermont-Ferrand, Biochimie M
edicale – Biologie Mol
acceptable in a restricted repeat study. Finally, although Universit
e Clermont Auvergne, INSERM, Clermont-Ferrand,
the report of pre-operative pain is currently known as a France.
risk factor for PSPP,30 we intentionally did not adjust our Gene selection: Fr
eric Libert, CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Pharma-
analyses for this factor because it did not predict nPSPP cologie M
edicale, Universit
e Clermont Auvergne, INSERM, Cler-
in our main cohort.16 mont-Ferrand, France.

To conclude, further research is still needed to confirm Clinical data management: Lemlih Ouchchane, CHU Clermont-
the implication of the KCNK4/TRAAK system in the Ferrand, Biostatistiques et Information M
edicale, Universit
e Cler-
mont Auvergne, CNRS, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
development of nPSPP, firstly by a closer exploration
of the surrounding genomic region and by replicating the Institution to which the work must be attributed: CHU Clermont-
study in other similar cohorts, and secondly by back- Ferrand, Centre de Pharmacologie Clinique (INSERM CIC1405),
translation research. Also, a more restricted panel of other 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France.
genes of interest, selected on the basis of our results as
well as those of similar studies, is necessary, with partic- References
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