PC-1 FORM Revised 2005 Government of Pakistan Planning Commission Pc-1 Form (Social SECTORS)

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Planning commission of Pakistan issued so many Pc’s form for projects and the completion

of the projects and for some other purposes. Following is the explanation of some Pc’s forms
along with the propose of its usage and Importance.

PC-1 FORM Revised 2005


(Social SECTORS)
This form/proforma is used for Development projects (social sectors).which includes
Education, Training and Manpower, Health, Nutrition, Family Planning & Social Welfare,
Science & Technology, Water Supply & Sewerage, Culture, Sports, Tourism & Youth, Mass
Media, Governance Research. It is revised in 2005 by Government of Pakistan Planning
commission. It has several contents which is necessary for the investor or any person who
wants to invest or start their projects on the above mentioned social sectors must be filled.
Following are the contents of the pc-1 form(Social sector):

 Name of the Project

 Location
 Authority responsible for: (Sponsoring, Execution, Operation and maintenance,
Concerned federal ministry)
 Plan Provision
 Project objectives and its relationship with Sect-oral objectives
 Description, justification and technical parameters
 Capital cost estimates
 Annual operating and maintenance cost after completion of the Project
 Demand and supply analysis
 Financial Plan and mode of financing
 Project benefits and analysis (Financial, Social benefits with indicators, Employment
generation (direct and indirect), Environmental impact, Impact of delays on project
cost and viability)
 Implementation schedule
 Management structure and manpower requirements including Specialized skills
during execution and operational phases
 Additional projects/decisions required to maximize socio-economic benefits from the
proposed project
 Certified that the project proposal has been prepared on the basis of instructions
provided by the Planning Commission for the preparation of PC-I for Social Sector

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After fulfilling these requirements it must be signed by following persons/authorities along
with their designations, name and phone number.

i. Prepared by _______________________
Name, Designation & Phone #

ii. Checked by _______________________

Name, Designation & Phone

iii. Approved by _______________________

Name, Designation & Phone #
When it signed then the investor now start their projects .These are some requirements of pc-
1 forms that should be filled. If it cannot be filled the no one can legally start their project on
these areas.

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PC-1 FORM Revised 2005

(Production SECTORS)

It is another type of pc-1 form. This form/proforma is used for Production sectors which
include Agriculture Production, Agriculture Extension, Industries, Commerce and Minerals.
It also have several contents which are necessary for the investor or any person who wants to
invest or start their projects on the above mentioned Production sectors that must be filled.
Following are the contents of the pc-1 form (Production sectors):
 Name of the project
 Location
 Authorities responsible for:
i. Sponsoring
ii. Execution
iii. Operation and maintenance
iv. Concerned federal ministry
 Plan provision
 Project objectives and its relationship with sector objectives
 Description, justification, technical parameters and technology transfer aspects
(enclose feasibility study for projects costing Rs 300 million and above)
 Capital cost estimates
 Annual operating and maintenance cost after completion of the Project
 Demand and supply analysis
 Financial plan and mode of financing
 Project benefits and analysis
i) Financial
ii) Economic
iii) Social benefits with indicators
iv) Employment generation (direct and indirect)
v) Environmental impact
vi) Impact of delays on project cost and viability

 (a)Implementation schedule
b) Result Based Monitoring (RBM) Indicators.
 Management structure and manpower requirements including specialized skills during
construction and operational phases
 Additional projects/decisions required to maximize socio-economic benefits from the
proposed project

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 Certified that the project proposal has been prepared on the basis of Instructions
provided by the Planning Commission for the preparation of PC-I for production
sector projects.

After fulfilling these requirements it must be signed by following persons/authorities along

with their designations, name and phone number.

i. Prepared by _______________________
Name, Designation & Phone #

ii. Checked by _______________________

Name, Designation & Phone

iii. Approved by _______________________

Name, Designation & Phone #

These are some requirements of pc-1 forms that should be filled. If it cannot be filled
the no one can legally start their project on these areas.

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PC-1 FORM Revised 2005

(Infrastructure SECTORS)

It is another type of pc-1 form. This form/proforma is used for Infrastructure sectors which
includes Transport & Communication,Telecommunication,Information Technology ,Energy
(Fuel & Power),Housing, Government Buildings &Town Planning, Irrigation, Drainage &
Flood Control. Any person who wants to invest or start their projects on the above mentioned
Infrastructure sectors must filled some requirements. Following are the contents/requirements
of the pc-1 form (Infrastructure sectors):

Name of the project

Authorities responsible for:

i. Sponsoring
ii. Execution
iii. Operation and maintenance
iv. Concerned federal ministry

Plan provision
Project objectives and its relationship with sector objectives
Description, justification, technical parameters and technology transfer aspects
(enclose feasibility study for projects costing Rs. 300 million and above)
Capital cost estimates
Annual operating and maintenance cost after completion of the Project
Demand and supply analysis
Financial plan and mode of financing
Project benefits and analysis

i) Financial

ii) Economic

iii) Social benefits with indicators

iv) Employment generation (direct and indirect)

v) Environmental impact

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vi) Impact of delays on project cost and viability

Implementation schedule
b) Result Based Monitoring (RBM) Indicators
Management structure and manpower requirements including specialized skills during
construction and operational phases
Additional projects/decisions required to maximize socio-economic benefits from the
proposed project
Certified that the project proposal has been prepared on the basis of instructions
provided by the Planning Commission for the preparation of PC-I for Infrastructure
sector projects.
After fulfilling these requirements it must be signed by following persons/authorities along
with their designations, name and phone number.

i. Prepared by _______________________
Name, Designation & Phone #

ii. Checked by _______________________

Name, Designation & Phone

iii. Approved by _______________________

Name, Designation & Phone #

These are some requirements of pc-1 forms that should be filled. If it cannot be filled the no
one can legally start their project on these areas.

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PC-IIFORM Revised 2005

Proforma for Development Projects


It is another type of form which is issued or given by planning commission of Pakistan. This
form/proforma is used for the survey and feasibility study of Development projects. Any
person who wants to invest or start their projects on the Development sectors must filled
some requirements. Following are the contents/requirements of the pc-II

 Name by which survey/ feasibility will be identified

 Administrative authorities responsible for

i) Sponsoring
ii) Execution

 Details of survey/feasibility study

i. General description and justification
ii. Implementation period
iii. Year wise estimated cost
iv. Manpower requirements
iv. Financial plan

 Expected outcome of the survey feasibility study and details of projects likely to be
submitted after the survey.

After fulfilling these requirements it must be signed by following persons/authorities along

with their designations, name and phone number.

i. Prepared by _______________________
Name, Designation & Phone #

ii. Checked by _______________________

Name, Designation & Phone

iii. Approved by _______________________

Name, Designation & Phone #

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PC-III (a) Form
(Revised – 2005)
Government of Pakistan
Planning Commission
Implementation of Development Projects
(Physical Targets based on PSDP allocation)
To be furnished by 1st July of each year

This PC III form is given by planning commission of Pakistan. This form/proforma is used
for Implementation of Development Projects (Physical Targets based on PSDP allocation) to
be furnished by 1st July of each. It has some requirements which must be filled.Following \re
the Requirements:

 Name of the Project:

 Approved capital cost ___________________________(Rs.Millions)

 Expenditure up to the end of last financial year (RS.Million )

 Actual  Accreud  Total

 PSDP allocations for the current year (Million Rs)

Total Local Fec

 Annual Work Plan

As per PC1 Achievements Target for

up to end of last current Year
Items Units Quantities

 Quarterly work plan based on annual work plan

Items Units Ist Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

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 Cash Plan (Rs.Millions)
Ist Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

 Output indicators:

To be determined by project director on the basis of indicators given in the PC I.

These are some requirements of PC III form that is necessary to be filled .If it is not filled
properly then it has no worth.So its necessary that fill the above requirements properly.

(Revised 2005)

Government of Pakistan
Planning Commission
Implementation of developments projects
(To be furnished 5th day of Each Month)

This PC III (B) form is given by planning commission of Pakistan. This form/proforma is
used for Implementation of Development Projects to be furnished by 5th day of each month. It
has some requirements which must be filled. Without filling this form a penalty has been
charged by pc.

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PCR – 01







It is another type of form which is issued or given by planning commission of Pakistan. This
form/proforma is used for the Project completion..Following are some requirements of this
To be furnished immediately after completion of the project regardless the project
accounts have been closed or not.

1. Name of the Project/Program/Study


2. Sector


3. Sponsoring Ministry/Agency

4. Executing Agency (s)

5. Agency for Operation & Maintenance

after Completion

6. Date of Approval & Approving Forum (DDWP/CDWP/ECNEC/PDWP/Other)

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• Original

• Revised

7. Date of
a) Implementation Period Date of Completion

• As per PC-I

• Actual

b) Extension(s) in the Implementation Date Period

Period (if any) (Months/Days)

 
 
 
(Rs. Million)

8. Capital Cost PC-I Cost (approved) Actual Expenditure

Local FE/Loan/ * Total Local FE/Loan/ * Total

Grant Grant

• Original

• Revised

* Clearly specify the source and mention exchange rate

(Rs. Million)

9. FE/Loan/*
Financing of the Project Local Total

 Federal Share

 Provincial Share

 Donors/Others

* Mention the Rupee exchange rate, if applicable

10. Project Accounts

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Type Date of Opening Lapsable/

a) Nature of Account Non-lapsable


Assignment Account

Current Account

Saving Account


b) Status of Account  If closed, mention

the date

 If not closed, mention

reasons thereof &
tentative closure date

11. Financial Phasing as per PC-I and Expenditure

(Rs. Million)

Year PC-I Phasing PSDP Allocation Releases Expenditure

Total FE/Loan/* Total FE/Loan/* Total FE/Loan/* Total FE/Loan/*

Grant Grant Grant Grant

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


* Clearly specify the source

12. Physical Targets and Achievements

S.No. Items Unit Quantity Actual *


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(as per PC-I)

* Attach/Annex detailed information for each item separately

13. Item-wise Planned & Actual Expenditure

(Rs. Million)

Items PC-I Estimates Actual Expenditure

(As per PC-I) Total Local FEC Total Local FEC


14. Recurring Cost after Completion of the Project

(Rs. Million)

S.No. Components PC-I Estimates* Actual Expenditure*

Total Local FEC Total Local FEC


* Mention source and agency responsible for financing the recurring cost after
completion of the project

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15. Achievement of Objectives

S. No. As Contained in the PC-I Actual Achievement*

* Attach/Annex detailed information for each objective separately. In case

of not achieving the objectives fully/partially, indicate reasons thereof

16. Year-wise Income from Services/Revenue Generation

(Rs. Million)

S. No. As Estimated in the PC-I Actual

17. RBM Indicators as given in the PC-I

S.No. Input Output Baseline Targets after Completion Impact
Indicator of Project

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18. List of Project Directors (PDs) till Completion

S.No. Name & Designation From To

19. Responsibility/Ownership of Assets (Procured/Acquired/ Developed) after

Completion of the Project

 Indicate Agency
 List of Assets (Moveable/Immoveable)

20. Impact after Completion of the Project

a) Financial
b) Economic
c) Technological
d) Social (Education, Health, Employment, area Development, etc.)
e) Environmental
f) Any other

21. Mechanism for Sustainability of Activities after Completion

Indicate mechanism how the project activities will be continued on sustainable basis

22. Financial/Economic Analysis

S.No. Components As Per PC-I After Completion

a) Financial

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Net Present Value (NPV)

Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR)

Internal Financial Rate of Return (IFRR)

Unit Cost Analysis

b) Economic

Net Present Value (NPV)

Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR)

Internal Economic Rate of Return (IERR)

23. Issues Faced during Implementation

 Organizational Management
 Capacity of the department concerned
 Decision making process
 Any other

24. Lessons learned

a) Project identification
b) Project preparation
c) Project approval
d) Project financing
e) Project implementation

25. Suggestions for Future Planning & Implementation of Similar Projects

Submitted by: Signature

Name &

Telephone No.

E-mail Address

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Revised 2005



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To be furnished by 31st July of each years for 5 years after completion of
Project indicating Projects operational results during the last financial year.

This form is used for the annual performance after the completion of Developments project.
It must be furnished by 31st July of each years for 5 years after completion of Project
indicating Projects operational results during the last financial year. Following are the
contents of this form which is necessary to be filled:

 Name of the Project:

 Objectives & scope of project as per approved PC-I and state as to what extent the
objectives have been met:
 Planned and actual recurring cost of the project, with details:
 Planned & actual manpower employed:
 Planned and actual physical output of the project:
 Planned and actual income of the project:
 Planned and actual benefits to the economy:
 Planned and actual social benefits:
 Planned and actual cost per unit produced/sold:
 Marketing mechanism:
 Arrangement for maintenance of building & equipment.
 Whether output targets as envisaged in the PC-I have been achieved. If not, provide
 Lessons learned during the year in:
o Operation
o Maintenance
o Marketing
o Management

 Any change in project management during the year:

 Suggestions to improve projects performance:

These are some requirements of PCV form that is necessary to be filled .If it is not filled
properly then it has no worth.So its necessary that fill the above requirements properly.

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