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hapter #6:

Case study Bahria town – phase 6

Task was to design the water supply scheme for bahria town phase-6 by keeping in mind various
parameter and figures, and task is finally fulfilled.

Water Supply Scheme

Design criteria:

Step 1: calculation of per capita water demand :

average daily usage of water per capita, which is different for different areas depending upon the;
 Availability of water
 Climatic parameters like temperature, rainfall etc.
 Life style of the population

Water Supply Scheme

First, should know the per day per capita demand for water, then estimate the population for
whole building, then decide for how much time/years you are going to design the storage tank,
then decide for how many days you want to store the water, consider the population growth rate

Per capita demand depends upon the various factors such as:
• Cost of water
• Metering
• Standard of living etc.
Water used per capita is the sum of all types of uses such as:
• Domestic purposes
• Non-domestic purposes i.e., for commercial areas (15% of domestic purposes)
• Unaccounted water (10% of domestic)
• Fire demand (5 lpcd)

Considering all these parameter we calculate the per capita water demand

Places Per capita water demand

Houses 170 lpcd

Mosque 50 lpcd

Commercial area 50 lpcd

Monument 7 liter/m2 per day

Parks 7 liter/m2 per day

Green belts 7 liter/m2 per day

Bahria heights 50 lpcd

Step 2: design population:

1- houses having area (50 x 90) ft2 = 16 Marla .

take population per houses=12 person

2- house having area (30 x 75) ft2 =9 Marla

Take population per house =10 person

3- take population of mosque= 250 person

4- population in commercial area=5 person per shop

Step 3:minimum residual pressure:

Water Supply Scheme

Minimum residual pressure=14m

Step 4:velocity of water in pipe:

Consider velocity of water in pipe 1 m /sec

Step 5 Roughness coefficient :

Take roughness coefficient =100 for PVC pipe

Demand multiplier:

We calculate the average daily demand but we are going to design the water supply scheme on
peak hourly demand so to convert average daily demand into peak hourly demand, demand
multiplier will be 2.25

B-Draw pipeline:

Water pipes should be laid out in loops to avoid dead-ends that create stagnant water. Water pipes
must be buried at least 48 inches below the ground surface in Ohio to protect them from freezing.
1- draw pipeline throughout the plan and draw node where two pipe meet and layout pipeline
according to grid iron system or looped system
2- name each length and node of having elevation 220 m
3-Measure length of each pipe
4- calculate demand on each node in litre per sec
Overhead tank :
locate the tank near mosque on meadow with
initial level =17m
maximum level=18m
ninimum level = 15m
Demand on each node:
1-Calculate demand of each block , ,mosque, commercial area, baheria height
By formula
Total demand = population x per capita water demand
Calculate demand of each green belt , park, monument
Total demand = area x 7 litre per m2 per day
2- divide demand of each block, commercial area, beheria height, mosque , green belt, mosque by
no of nodes serving them
For example demand of A block is = 50160 litres/day

Water Supply Scheme

Block A is served by three node n1 ,n2,n3
So demand per node for A block = 50160/3= 16720 liter/day
Now examine each node serving blocks etc
For example node 1 serve block A and green belt 6
Demand per node =demand per node for A block + demand per node for G 6
= 16720 +2550.3 = 19270.13 liter/day =0.22liter/sec

Figure 1 map with pipeline and junctions

Water Supply Scheme

Figure 2 designation of each pipe and node

C- application of hardy cross method.

Water Supply Scheme

Give value of diameter for each length and run it on EPANET it will apply hazen William
equation and hardy cross method up to head loss in each pipe become 0.001m it will show u
which pipe has problem and then correct the diameter of that pipe and run it again until run is

Figure 3 pressure at nodes

Water Supply Scheme

Figure 4 diameter at links

After the assigning values of base demand and diameter on links we run the project on EPANET
and run was successful .its gives the pressure value at nodes.which is minumn required.
Finally we had designed the water supply scheme for bahria town phase -6 with minimum
residual pressure at each node and diameter of each pipe having head loss less than 0.001 meter

Water Supply Scheme

Figure 5 final designed of water supply scheme

Water Supply Scheme


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