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 

  noun
 noun  noun   noun
         
 noun       noun  destruction  noun
 tion     destruction   
 pollution  education hospitalizationnoun 

 noun
chair, glass, place, machine, mobile, table, mountain, Shakespeare, book, file etc

  noun
  noun
Proper noun

Common noun

Abstract noun

Material noun

Plural noun

Collective noun

Countable noun

Uncountable noun

Common noun  Proper

boy     Nile river K2 mountain  
           Lahore  city Ali
      mountain     
      K2      K2
  proper noun     common noun
 proper noun common

Abstract noun

  Anger    abstract noun    
    hatred  emotion    pleasure    pain

Material noun

plastic    material noun  
    iron    wood    glass

Collective noun Plural noun

river booksbook boysboy    plural noun
 collective noun    es  s   rivers
       flock 
  cluster 
  pack 
  team 
 collective noun team plural noun players
Table of plural and collective noun

 irregular  regular   plural noun

Irregular noun  Regular noun
 noun   plural noun   Irregular noun  Regular
girls girl boys boy  regular noun  es  s  
  plural
    es  s 
  plural   tables table
tooth geesegoose feetfoot mice mouse   irregular noun
  teeth

Uncountable noun  Countable noun

  school book  table chair boy ball  noun  Countable
Countable   salt  sugar  air  oil  water Uncountable nouns

many   much Uncountable nouns  many nouns

  much cold  much salt  much sugar many tables many boys  books

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