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Teacher Support Programme | Egypt

Teacher: Mohamed Balbaa Lesson Vocabulary and Grammar
(Language focused adjectives describing weather
and people + past simple with verb to be)
class: Elementary 2

Class profile (a brief description of the class)

The class consists of 10 students, 7 females and 3 males, all of them are of Egyptian nationality.
Most of the students are adults, except for Ahmed and Mustafa who are still in university but they
do work. All of the students either have jobs or are stay at home parents. Overall, the group is
active; they enjoy working together in small groups and specifically practicing pronunciation. The
class as a whole will benefits from revising grammar points mainly because it is one of their weakest
points. Ahmed, Mustafa and Israa are all focused on improving their grammar due to having IELTS as
a goal to apply immigration. Others in the group also aim to improve their English for better job
opportunities or to take the IELTS and immigrate. Also some students such as Nuha and Manal could
use upgrading of language through adding more adjectives to their sentences.

Aims for the lesson (language/skills/other aims)

Main aim: By the end of the lesson, students have practiced using adjectives in the context of
describing pictures
Secondary aim: By the end of the lesson, students will have revised the past simple in the context of
talking about past memories through speaking activities.

Personal aims (base these on your action points from your last observation and discuss them with
your observer in your pre-obs meeting)
1. Minimise TTT.
2. Use third-party websites moderately when needed with the goal of supplementing a need
not covered by tools offered by Zoom.
3. Utilize Zoom’s tools in an engaging and flexible way.
Timetable fit (why you are giving this content at this point in the course)

British Council | Teacher Support Programme | Egypt

Previous lessons introduces them to daily routines, hobbies and activities which could all be used
with adjectives to describe feeling regarding them so students are introduced/practice describe
things at a basic level. As for the past simple, it is helpful to build on being introduced to the
present simple in previous lessons, as well as, prepare them for the upcoming lessons, which they
talk about life events in the context of movies.

Anticipated problems and solutions

(activities/behaviour/other things which may disrupt your lesson)
-Students might come late due to connectivity issues.
Will begin the lesson with a GTKY activity to build rapport and a connection with the students, as
well as, use it to buy time for the late students to join.
-Students might have connectivity issues.
I can ask the student's buddy to recap any missing information for him/her.
-Students use phones instead of computers and are unable to download files.
Share screen and have students take a screen shot of the questions.
- Students might misplace stress on the word ‘fantastic’.
Drill if needed.
-Some students might not be familiar with spelling of some adjectives.
Introduce students to the written form and highlight any spelling errors to have it corrected by

- Face2Face elementary student's book
- Power Point
-Zoom tools
Stage & Aim(s) Procedure Interaction Observer’s notes
Warmer To engage and build  Welcome the students and briefly build rapport. T/s
rapport and to revise  Ask students if they would like to play a quick
Lead in the assigned game.
5-7 mins asynchronous task.  Model two truths and 1 lie using adjectives and
the past simple with verb to be, type them in to
the zoom chat.(I was tired yesterday./Breakfast
was Fantastic yesterday/It was hot last week.
 Introduce and explain the game to students.
 Have them guess which sentence is the lie.
 Give the students 3 minutes to write their
sentences and instruct them to not use my
adjectives or sentences.
 Students will then write their own sentences and
when they have finished will be asked to read
and then vote each student’s sentences and
choose the one believed to be the lie using a
zoom poll.
Revising TL To review assigned TL that  Present students with the pictures from page 138 T/Ss
assigned students are expected to have (Appendix 1)
before the gone over before the lesson.  Use the pictures to play a game with students to
check if they covered the Vocabulary. Also to Ss/T
5-7 mins check for any pronunciation issues and drill if
 Instruct students that you will choose one of the
pictures and say the letter and the first person to
say the word wins. If there are dominant
students, weaker students can be nominated.
Controlled To check students’  Divide the students into teams of 2. T/S
practice understanding of the TL and  Instruct them that they need to put the adjectives
give them chance to examine into three groups (people/places, Weather,
8 mins it extensively objects/things) and use fantastic as a model with
the table (Appendix 2) and elicit from them the
answers and then go over how it can works for
all the categories.
 ICQ:
Are we working alone or together? Together
How much time do you have? 4 mins
Can we put the adjective in more than 1 group?
 Send students to break-out rooms and monitor
by joining each room for minimum 30 seconds
to ensure that students are on task.
 Take Feedback from the students and write their
answers on the Model while presenting it using
share screen.

Freer Practice using the TL in a  Students will be shown a picture of a beach T/Ss
Practice meaningful context. (appendix 3) and asked to describe it.
15 mins  If students did not use more than one adjective,
prod them and try to elicit more than one. Ss/Ss
 Reach the conclusion we can use more than one
adjective for a picture.
 Upload a word file with 7 pictures that can be
described using more than one adjective.
 Have students download them explain to them
that they have 8 minutes to work as a team and
make as many sentences as possible using
adjectives that can be used with each picture.
 The winner is the team that creates the most
sentences with different adjectives for each
 ICQ:
Can we use the same adjective for the same
picture? No
Can we use different adjectives for the same
picture? Yes
How much time do you have? 8 mins
Do we need to write the sentences? Yes
Does everybody write the sentences alone? No,
 Class feedback, every team members take turns
reading some of the sentences to check its
validity, tally up the number of sentences and
declare the winner.
Checking To Check students’  T Chooses one of the sentences made by the T/Ss
students’ understanding of the past students from the earlier freer practice and
production simple as it was assigned to rewrites it starting with “Yesterday”.
of TL be reviewed asynchronously.  T asks the students to do the same thing with 2 Ss/T
before lesson sentences of their choice.
(grammar)  T monitors the chat to find out any problems
10 mins pertaining to the past simple.
 Check for common mistakes and grammar
 T does whole class feedback and error
correction where needed.
Controlled To have students revise and  T Reminds students of the listening that was T/S
Practice forming sentences and assigned asynchronously and elicit from them
17 mins questions using past simple. information about the speakers and topic.
 T Presents students with the stems of one of the
sentences said by the speakers and use it to
model the exercise.
Example: I/go/birthday/party

I went to an amazing birthday party.

 Students are reminded that the speaker was

talking about a past event and so they need to
use the past simple, as well as, adding an
adjective to it.
 T Uploads Worksheet to Zoom chat and
instructs students on how to download it.
 Students are divided into groups of 3 and are
given 5 minutes to finish the sentences.
 After that, T gets feedback from students and
error corrects where needed.
 T presents one of the sentences and T elicits the
sentence’s question form (asks students what the
second speaker asked the first to get this
Example: Yesterday, I went to an amazing birthday party.

What did you do yesterday?

 Depending on the student’s level they can be

provided with the table from face2face page 41
Ex 7 a (appendix 4).
 Students are divided again and are given 5
minutes to construct the question form.
 T nominates students to participate during
feedback and error correction

Freer To provide students with  Students are provided with 6 different events T/S
Practice more room to practice the (1-birthday/2-wedding/3-Exam/4-job
11 mins language naturally. 5-interview/6-graduation) and are grouped into
pairs where they roleplay the two speakers from
the listening (a grand pa and his grandchild).
 T models rolling dice to students using, then based on the
number a question is asked regarding that event.
(e.g: the dice lands on 2, where was your
wedding at?)
 A student is then asked to answer the question
and to try to use at least 1 adjective in it.
 T then sends the students the online dice link in
the Zoom chat and sends them to break-out
Feedback To provide feedback on  Present any mistakes noted when monitoring T/Ss
and Error students' production and use and give them 2 minutes to try and notice the
Correction of language mistakes alone first.
5 mins
Appendix 1: Page 138 Ex 5.1 Face2Face Elementary:

Appendix 2: Categorize adjectives table (made by me):

Places/People Weather Objects/things

Appendix 3: Example of a picture that can be described using multiple adjectives

Appendix 4: Table to introduce students to creating questions in the past simple.

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