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Teacher Support Programme | Egypt

Learning Technologies Assignment Coversheet

Submitted by Mohamed Balbaa Marked by (Trainer signature) William Boyes

Date 1st June 2020
Word count 512

Assessment criteria M/PM/NM Comments

Create a unit map that clearly balances the The unit map is clear and written with the end user in mind. The
synchronous and asynchronous tasks in a instructions are very clear and the different aspects are clearly labelled
unit and promotes learner autonomy. and colour coded.
The content chosen for edmodo/asynchronous learning is appropriate and
there are consolidation exercises provided, including with the use of a
study buddy.
No clear signposting of how they will practice the vocabulary and grammar
in the class- only that it will be revised and they will receive listening
practice. You could, for example, provide a brief description of a speaking
activity to show the students that there will be opportunity to practice in an
engaging manner in the synchronous class.

Plan a full 90-minute lesson that clearly links M There’s some improvement Mohamed, your lesson had much more details
to asynchronous activities as in the unit map and was easier to understand. You clearly linked the tasks in the lesson
and encourages communication in the
classroom. with what was assigned beforehand. You included many tasks that
required communication as well.

However, think more about your time allocation, grouping, and ways of
delivering feedback. In the lesson plan, I believe the time allocation was
unrealistic in certain stages, for example the first stage. Also ensure that
the students are always working in pairs or groups of 4 “maximum” to
ensure everyone is participating enough.

There was improvement in your choice of freer tasks. However, you need
to reconsider your controlled tasks and the choice of language review
Teacher Support Programme | Egypt
Learning Technologies Assignment Coversheet

Write a rationale that includes evidence of Better Mohamed. You included more reasons why you decided to do the
background reading on the flipped classroom/ tasks a certain way.
blended learning approaches and/or learning
technologies, and how these principles are
You mentioned one reference, however, there still wasn’t enough justification to
realised through the unit as planned. your decisions using references.

Work presented in appropriate format; word-

length, accuracy, bibliography of sources Inaccuracies in the lesson plan and some run-on sentences in the
consulted (where necessary) etc. rationale.
One reference is used , but not enough.
Word length meets the minimum requirement.
The unit map is appropriately laid out, labelled and colour coded.

Overall comments

Thank you Mohamed. The unit map is definitely a useful working document for the students, and really makes it clear what you
need them to do before class and gives a lot of support in the ‘how’ as well. You have done a much better job on the plan and
rationale as well. Your plan had much more details but check my notes above for more detailed Feedback. Also, the rationale
included more details and information about your choice of tasks, but you included one reference only and didn’t support all your
decisions with readings.

M – all criteria fully met, PM – criteria partially met, NM – criteria not met

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