Case Study The Flynn Effect Question 1 and 2

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1. Do you believe people are really getting smarter? Why or why not?

The Flynn effect is the substantial and long-sustained increase in both fluid and
crystallized intelligence test scores measured in many parts of the world. Therefore, I
believe people are really getting smarter because of the intellectual ability. Intellectual
ability can be improve through activities that using mind such as thinking, problem
solving and decision making. From this activity, people will be smarter and can create or
design a great things. For example, nowadays, we already have computers, robots,
skyscraper buildings, security technology and so on. I will explain a current situation
based on a student education. Compared to the past, now students can learn at home
instead of school through internet. From the internet, students can learn beyond what is
taught in school. Besides that, they can learn more than one fields or subjects at same
time. They are not only focus on one subject. Example, in Malaysia’s school, students
have to learn two language at the same time; Malay and English. And also, there are
many international schools and colleges which students can learn their cultures,
languages and the way they think and behave.

2. Which of the factors explaining the Flynn effect do you accept?

There are four factors in this case that have been given, which are education,
smaller families, test-taking savvy and genes. Education is the factors that explained the
Flynn effect. It is because the Flynn effect itself is related to the education matter. The
fact is the education keep changing from time to time. Compared to the past, the
education not really expanded. Nowadays, the students use intelligence technology to
learn. For instance, using internet to seek knowledge and information. From that, it can
help the students for studying purpose. Besides that, in school or college, there will be a
test and quizzes to improve the students’ IQ and these young generation know how to do
it well.

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