Holocaust Magazine #8 1995

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Hts the eight time we meet and’ the present scene looks exactly like we expected it to be. The Death Metal trend is dying and now there's a big Black Metal trend coming. And Tiere’s nothing we can do about it, 30 why bother? Of course that's a very bad thing seeing little kids jumping in MAYHEM or EMPEROR t-shirts, but what can we do about it? Just nothing, even if we would kill ten idiots there will be ten times as much others instead... And they are so stupid... they think it’s a fun to jumping around in ‘No Oysten Aardseth’ shirts. how nothing they understand! We have just to wait when the trend will be over and J really hope we'll meet again somewhere in better times. Til then, support only those who really deserve it and remember, by supporting a bad band you are KILLING the scene and you are making it worse and more trendy, so think twice before you call someone's music GOD! misanthropically yours opinion and nothing else. ship or anything and we do not absolutely care if youlagree with it or not! six... ‘ef SIX..... sickness!!! WARNING: Foerything w fs jn sif-tne is somebody's The whole book by Tomasz, all typing. ay out. reviews, interviews (except where morked) All Rights reserved Pagan Productions, 1995 Thanks to all bands who answered our questions (0 this issue and all folks who Felped ond supported us ia any way over the years. you now who you are. Thanks for contributing: Nethor(GORGOROTH aad TRELLDOM interviews). Nergal_ (UNPURE, VLAD TEPES ond 1/2 HADES interviews). Lukasz Kawecki (NIGHTFALL interview). ‘Adem Henzel (ANCIENT RITES interview), Michal (MARDUK interview). And of course the biggest thanks goes to my lovely wife. without whom this wouldn't be possible! HOLOCAUST MAG. c/o Tomasz Krajewski Floakag om « blecle see Orin the potsomak water Drowning eoving iy ong ire Senses rag sami dying Eadering “a Vath AOA gil vi votes Seal te ceed surpace We Raburn. Faby Faphness Mean 4 wajey HS gta Becoming poet of ih. Solange voices Uahatig the pours die, Coun waver ognin deste She uth Pale Dod My tarayon Real mei saftey ones, $0 Gald $0 Doak 50 Endless he pear in Ue is Duala ts the neetren Lige as ti Buk diath goes o Hare yom the sheng, Live fe aunct ¥ Fear subines souily Mo need Fer lire Stare gor ebernty “Peat se nereeaig vatap Op, Urge gor ensoars fio Boe bo waste Lipe ie maze = eseape a! Entrace he ed, If somebody ever ask me about any ori- ginal Belgian band that's worth the at- fantion Ill say without thinking tice ANCIENT RECES. Here talk to iasistvoealist Gunther Theys, welcome Amongst the bands that ualeabed thelr stm very glad yon think so. Well, wT very” glad you think so... Wel, deco alin ork om roating Our om Sound which ts neccessy fora band fo Gatrotioal der the yrs we spent tte imderground, after recording a demo, EPs after many compilations td spit, there nas the highest time for recording cur fil album. "he Diabolic Seronades* sas recorded ata Yer good, professional Stedio tat asualy works wid classical iauile, orcas and 9 on Weve boot Ihe ra tl ban fo ater the se lo and wag a vary nrg ting fo te igwork mh comed giveth profusional milan Hoole over fiat man s also the omer ofthe audio THe perfectly understood our Dark mute dnd headed some classe. poh ele ‘mons thet works out great twas lite 1 alkng in bro diferent dlects of the Some’ language - Our goals were the Sime, toma a dabolbel asc. We invested all our money in the recordin, but it was worth any price. We wos elena pote rotons a fof cnet including. Kerng or Mea Hammer. We ‘cided tore he aan on After Darke. because they ra mdi keto Sa agreed all-ourconltions. They wore tr terested in releasing ur album only 02 D, buts far as I know many people pre- Gor LPs 50 we decided to teloase The rable Serenades" on vi! tha Midian Creation. We don't want 10 make mon Gat of tt wshe. the tie andergrom dont folow the stg ofthe $ In your ive Forcanple, we ool to sirte mir Garman company ho works wih Ukr os GCCEPE "or Lou Roa! Besse we co ‘tint accept thelr condions. ANCIENT es ee RITES isn't a commercial band, so we said NO! The underground Black Metal Cult rules eternally Let's talk for a moment about your be- fnings with the baud. The fit recor- CTehing that deal with our band “Bresthing that deals with our band co- ines fiom Black Metal and it's Begining in 1981. To the present day I listen tothe ands that fiscinate me at that tine VENOM, DATHORY, POSSESSED, He- THAMMER (CELTIC. FROST,’ POF SON, MERCIFUL Fire, SODOM, DE- STRUCTION, INFERNAL MAJESTY. Before that in the 7's were imder the BLACK" SABBATH(with sy), TANG, ANGELWTICH, “MOTOR. HEAD ete. 1 think weve a it 10 do with these bands and ies hearable our se. Maybe it's also a reason for “ANCIENT. RITES being 20 diferent from the most of today’s Band [sill belive tat on our dono ‘Dark Ritual which we recorded in ihe original line up Grom only myself still lay inthe band) we sounded fess bral, Be the atmosphere was darter and the ries were more stan. Dark Ritual is Pmusical testament of ny brother Philip (guitar) who dled shortly afer the recor. Ginga Whats teresting we Gell more co- es of that ape today than at the time ‘then Ht wert out the reason fs quite simp- te Tae Bc el ot more Poplar. Iremenber when a ot of people ere tamed ther backs to Black Metal nd. they listened to Hardcore and Cros- Sover, back in the 80%. Thats so. diss. Ting, ane day they find black cithes, pon- tagrams, spikes chains and soi the- ‘Yhe Black Metall We just cannot believe that, weve never followed any trend, weve always Boon onrselver. Then we released a EP ‘Evil Presale" for Fallen Ange! aa, this 7 was late rereleased Drough itd Rags Ree. with diferent cover and pov any poole dsconored AN ELEN RIES," eae ery popular in the underground what gave. us @ deal wits Colonblan Warmaster Ree dnd the split LP. In. 1993 we released anoter 73 fo Mtr Dark, Tea aud fom Lave Alt these releases sold really well and we decided 10 record’ ‘The Diabo- tical Serenades. Weve aimays wanted 10 rane something new anu we felt that the ming fh tr ak Doom Tey’ out rleke 0 Black Meda bth @ toch of Doom and Desh Meta. What do you expect after releasing “The Diabotic Serenades"? What differ to- day's ANCIENT RITES from the old ‘ANCIENT RITES? © Today ANCIENT RITES is a comple- iely diferent band. New musicians diferent Took at some things than T do. in F was. completing the lineup I ware ted to find progressive people who would bring more brutality whch I lost for mela choly and atmosphere. We grew up as ‘musicians and in opposite to other bands ‘were not looking for clear and smoot and, we only want to be more and mon treme. Were stronger band than befor ane more dedicated fanatic. I work wih Bart (gitar) and Walter (drs) for three ‘years and I feel this isthe strongest Tne up Jor ANCIENT RITES ever: If only Philip, ‘nas still alive weld be perfect group. Unfo Pamately the life went as Went So. ‘Are you ultimate happy with the songs ‘and is there anything you would like 10 change on “The Diabolic Serenades.” S"T dont know a man who would be ultimate happy with everything. I. guess {if we had more time and money the album Should sound better... But Tm not un- happy. We all are truly satisfied with the result and compared t0 our former releases ‘The Diabolic Serenades" 1s a huge step head. After Dark is a young, small abe), that do you think about them, do you Fea they are able to do good promoiton for your album? What about Harache, wffer Dark put aot of 5 ta lo of money in our [promotion hee people work bv the Seppo for siya om, Their 1008 copie of “The Diabote Serene sold in 1,5 week. Only time should tell if AK an -r x Dark did a good promotion for us. 1 (fatal Says sopord ANCIENT RITES ax much as they can. We never reat about signing to big labels T now ier “clot of misundersendngs ance situations, lost hopes. who meeds that?! ‘we don't expect the bright and happy futu- re..Melive too chaotic lifes, we live fast, ipl oo din ef pig ly te conve the nara fe Wa vo Tmonot a pecymist, [don't wish death to ‘anyone, I just moan we don't care about ‘ourselves, that's 1c On the other hand dint want to live my last days le an old erpple man... When our time comes, wwe ust die OF mescgaione Lyrics are very important thing and 1 Jenow how much they mean to you Tell {us about this side of ANCIENT RITES, b 3 kind of impression do you need to tea song? MT remember thot Ive always been fas- inated by econ nd edi! hon) Sand occatiom.- nays whor Tn on for Sith the Band or travel atone I ty to it cot ene olor. mr Scume.T have alot of respect for the inight of the’ old civilisations and eu res, now covered by the dust of centuries {nd millenia Jn my songs fapeak abo- ‘ut Satanic codes of fe ( death), about true Evil f speak aboot topes that are Clase tomy sou For me it not difical to tiritsa brie, thats a mature of a. his toy’ Teswon ‘and Satanic perversion For cumple Morbid Glory ils De Ra is)' talks about the famous french prince > Gilles De Rais who ight with Joanna Dire cit ged He" appreciated music and good ar he was very Bra nd scm he on tne om fant a ince at night, dr Speers rin eld aloof 0g Jeti loys nd the Rig. When thoy {ot him, he hve alot of ney in is jy ek Ww what comes out of such deals sooner or ~ ‘ow death, He builded a large stage to let everyone see his execution. He standed fathe said Tam 7 igi Party for his cym money and right all mp crinet Another song scurly Reig ells of Mander) tls Sie oso horde hich fied nny tam tw comeries ago. They" trnndat ‘nal towns ae villages, buon. char- hes down and fled the hearts of chris Sian wth far When they cached someo- ie ee’ weve ey me for May po Die died impaled. Ti waz very hart to fetch thon eva thy lived the noma ves jot the night comes iey changed tne atone horde sling cisions They wera really strong orgs Snisation with oinos! army’ dstiptive tnd rigour De Boltendors has how they wore call) aacel wo tee (placer at one night and that’s wy it fs ay hard wget hy no that fone of my ancestors also 0 that Sect. "Well all these things proves that ‘when writing bries I don't have. to write bout fenasis, demons or dragons crea {ed in dark atmosphere, Because our histon ris already a tre horror fal of vl Ten tat ng Free Beynd he Gr ‘is rage in nd a ae hem for ANCIENT RITES, and very im- portant track for the band, please tell us Seca ha i ee pet teem thn ae tee Ripsiess See ronal nie idee [enber sok "Whig Hoagie! whieh teks ae! Bg cise Sook, june, Hag ic cee small the way from love to hatred really is. sae we fam eee aly ve' speaks about a person that feels the bee ee epee se Se ae bee irae eee fe ose loeb Be che pore ecg nee oe erie aid acan com, eject is pee ein od eae cre hs eee Ri as, cel oY a ¥ Its somewhat symbolic story about how love is dangerous. One of my. best friends killed a person being depressed by the fact his girlfriend leaved him. Love Brought him a to crime and jail. Love 1s fall of tre evill ‘You said once, Thate bands that say to others what to do and what to believe in, you will not change the world serea- ‘ming to your microphone’? = Yes, and I still think this way. T don't belive false intelectuals who th his ‘arrogance believe that World only awaits them. I never tried fo make people follow ‘my way. T write about many different things but Tm not going. to make any- body a brainwash, I don't understand po- litical bands, hard core idiots who criici- 2 people for eating meat or drinking al- ‘cohol and they sing about freedom and tollerance. They totally cannot accept ‘pe- ople with other views... Practice what jou (preach or sit down and shut the fuck up! ANCEENT RITES int a apy On SRC RITES Sa ham an net a a aaa? cee te aye ce “lo ef problems and tows, cence or slain els oll Soe! hws, eles ing ow sos cers om cio, be netic ba soem oo a sam Ma se cree ‘was death of Philip ina car accident. In we dee Cia ocx ae ie atl So cag ffs, siege merle, ae ware ce Pee eich te es epi al ne a dele Tee fila! Oe Woe eet ber cpl sn el et ll buy fans and place in magazines, we work beast ie mac Do you belive i destination? Pal my Ie hasnt been easy, Ihave Spon men dis pte, sometimes T ity had hare thn 1 ti srong personal ‘when was howpal betas. of ame Itemal” nection the doctors dtvonrel Grouse my had aed were Won ding thats a cons or not 1 as fo fine Sith tem asking ‘hey gos, ht ore ou goma ot ott. Td 2a het shit nd msi civ Some pe ple safer when te oes have te et al re ‘ge happen fo now? T think thal destination ts aba ih me, Bronone ma de, sooner or ‘on Your life motto is Crowley's ‘Do ‘what thou wilt, but many people under stand this the way they have right to kil atl evil Prevails!!! pot (7 “ = What 12 ke to say, there ae people iwhocan keep contol over themselver nd lve are people ho cant You should abaya listen to your Heart and stint, Sno the other fand you also have to be: tr the responsi Jor your eatons. T itd in ‘mle several very ‘important choices 10 make, bu Tve never fol sorry how my octons fe fre soul Tam mit ‘oxy sold when it comet to work, Tam la Beso! camot ard a lot of things, e= Dense cars bythe ay dnt have ny Ear) oF living in villa. These are only mydreams. ive ina smell, elaan mati al House, Ihave alway something to at, (ovwash ond cope aon Ks onl anythng mare know Till never bee amiliieer bu its ob yay. T Slecomftociom, T am not fies Got stho drive porsche, they are nothing but Slaves tn the factories, oft, corpora. tions Thor's the prce of gh sandard of iifesMoneyts oni aay 10 survive, they dnt have any Bigger value to'me. Ott starve Bare works ard to iy a ca, Food motorcycle, he's going. to build house, That of that hs om choice World is myhome and fol rich in aj J Tave never Towle anybody wi my finger not even sing about mi Me Be ‘that thou wile bt don't compla- inter, Pw re your fangs eth rst situation in Norway? ST know many people from te Norsegian | ‘cane, from bands like MAYHEM, EMPE- ROR ENSLAVED, BURZUM., They have ‘aways supported ANCIENT RITES. Sa- ‘moth of EMPEROR dedicated. their EP tour guitarist Pip, Earoromons was | selling our records in his shop. I appre- | ite the Norwegian scene very much, but | {ust cant understand why Count Gris- | tingle murdered is teicher Baron. 137! Thats horrible, Burorymous ts de- fad, Faust isin prison for ling a ho- Imosezual, Count Grishnacth is also ja Ted, Samoth is suspected for chirch PS cron. Rate poe Killing inthe name of god, holy wars, r= Tiglousfanatism..? ‘Religions are ersatad whew people dre detperate, sad heogpotead. Seta Ilo uses" only a Smbol ofthe goa, and nothing else. Sotantem represen ail the ‘nl tha isn man this Ls something. mo- re than way of ife Being honest with yo- [eee tians, do you remenber what happen writ’ Sciam “Rushdlwha he wee his Regie Voie mains aya i {fren storie, thats ok wit me, but hate ‘people saying others howto fe what to P7You, already sid you ke traveling very uch, you tld me'also about your tp £0 [Atiesfet us now mare abou! that? es tad Nor onan for remnants of the oncentciii fem Tl wa dng arses onde Incltaorots the desert in Hiling ssht- nn. I visited runs, very impressive places. So when are you going to visit Poland then: = T already did it in the winter! liked your country very much, T stayed for = — 4 wil nPoran and ta as voy ei feting Tell ce there once egal wil plesar Last peor als wot Greede, Porugal, Germany, France, land Qouring th the Band), T have fast vsti Greate one more time and T did tome into Pal ston and TY. Tinant postbly-the best promotion for cnr record, 30 unless Tm not on four ‘th the band, Tefen travel alone doing Promotion and visting historical places. {Any plans forthe fture with ANCIENT S? oe plan a big tour, Poland, Cesch Re- public! Slovakia; France Spain, Portugal, Germany and Tay, may be Finland to. We have five new’ songs for our second bum ready, these tracks differ abit fom ‘The Diabolic Serenades! but well nl ise sapeit cur olf ens’ The ney songs “rctures are just more comple, but dre as poweril as the old tacks: Well ne- ver give up the energy! Well I think we should stop here Gunt- = It was pleasure to talk to you Adam, L guess I answered extensively to all your (questions, Diabolic regards to everyone eading this! Iam going away to darkness, ‘EVIL PREVAILSIIE Peete ROCK CLUB Zxirozaneramo Naat pace Naaaietrgen ei ‘A. KHOIZOY 100 (AINAA ETA KTEA) recite i Intervie by Ada Hance ANCIENT RITES ive faring Pete of ‘ORDER PROM CHAOS - robrething. 1 really like your mini CD ‘Under the: Moonspell” but T am wondering hy this Ise mink only? T mean, by ad ding two tracks more you would get ‘full album? Stn the begining when we have released ‘our first promo track Serpent” Angel, Scit”ander” the “name MORBID GOD, ‘Adipacore Records offered us a TEP de- al Then, we released our demo tape ‘Are tno satan’ and Christian told uit was better to do‘a-mini CD." MOONSPELL never wanted {odo an album first, bee r ‘cause we thought we were not ready to do 4 ful lenght album. We prefered to. do ‘yn CD tht could be pec, sted ofan album that would be nothing more than yet another abun! And so Under the mioonspel!” came owt. (and sure i ‘not an usual CD! ED) ‘There's a lot of strange sounds and dite ferent instruments on the MCD, tll us mora! ha OX? s Yes. we were’a bit experimental! \, donot want to be misunderstood but 1 ‘ink we did in this mint CD, wht CEL- THC RAOST once il no the Pande ‘monium’ In my point of view se Hea- Dial ae it Oat Fae atts Prom linktatve expression of the in sa oe ne on an i isa on limiatve expression Saree soforme it docont patter ft mate Blacker rife a Death Metal Wf. {Speed Metal rift vas long as they sound fotdtocll of us. That i the seme wilt Sie diferent tntramonts end sounds We hve cluded in our mint CDI They pat @ crtta atmonphere end oblate (0 tur maste coats mystcton (I heard. that you also used a real ope- ra artist for some vocal parts... = Yes, that is true! We have used an opera “ats which from the oly of oe of ‘our members. She has a great voice, ar it wag "a very good experience fo, work with er, for Both ses. wll definitely MOONSPELL is the best band [rom Portugal at the moment. Meir mini CD Under the Mo- onspell’ on Adipocere Records brings some really excellent close to Black Metat music... Mantus (guitar) tells us mo- re about this band... What is “Lasitanian Occult Philoso- hea "Metal" about ? is MOONS- BELL not’ Black: Metal. band anymore’? Well as I told you already, we Gre nok tine nds Wee {0° enticize everything. everyone, a hove ail ourselves, This way. we con nove step forward in eventing. So, Ding Black Metal label on or ma: fe, 1s very limite! ‘stant Occult Philoroptea! Metal (¢ maysound. abit pathetic.) 18 where MOONSPELL, as ‘sito 2s individuals, and as a oe fe movel Lusitanta is our adored and, Metal i our musical rots, Ocal Pht Iesophicals about the eolopeal part of ourselves! under ihe Moonspell 1 sce. you don't get slong very good vith the Norwegian bands wha Is the son for that? =No, T think it is the inverse. the No- rwegian bands as I know... I really do not carel People always hate what they most fear, $0. Tdon't want to feed this A AI childish thing! Let them say what they seat! Ar you followers of Anton Sandor La Vey? "Fre are no followers of no one but our- Seivest understand the words of Anton Sandor LaVey, and 1'sce him 2s voy wise man who “have discovered and See many things about the nature of man! Fre ony bad Ding ts ofcourse cpt {alse part of it But T- rather buy & good Lavy hook, than an end Black ue atbum, lie the many we ee today! Why do you like Quorthon so much ? 1 hae to sy that T was very disappointed by his solo album, what do you think about this? "Tail Quordhon and all his works!! He is beyond everything! He is a genius What con we say more about Hin?! The Quortion solo” album 4s excellent! Of course, if we see this album, as a Black Metal clbum.: is an afd resord, but if wwe sce just as “anotier Quorthon al- br. wat can Tsay? That’ it! We can over sce Quorthon as Black Meta- ler. asa Rock NRoll musician. No! We must’ see Quorthon as Oxorthon above everythingil! As a viking. vill never the ie word he sg 0 me when "was hve in Portugal'Staycomguistar ore Heat” Meet Stay coma ‘Why did. you steal the artwork for ur “Anno Satane’ demo from EL's Blood Ritual album 7 = Ah, oh, abl We did’ mot steal the art ‘work from SAMABL. we probably toot the same artwork from the same’ place, ‘where SAMABL took theirs! But even if sre have stold ft. aren't there many p= {ings in diferent albums?! Does the tite “Allah Akbar! La Allah Ella Allah’ has anything in common ‘with the islam religion or something ? = It is_kinda complicated 10 explain this, but Lill ry to explain this in a few ‘words. Allah Akbar! La Allah Fla Alla" of course. has something in common ‘with the Islam religion! It means: ‘only ee —— God is Goi! People may see itas an Ironic statement, or a blasphet ste foment it-even'may sound eontaitory Welt we Nave put this, because we wa- ited {0 follow “the concept and the at- mosphere of the introduction! This con Cophof Go triology =the dialectel What's wrong in the scene today - your spinion ? SPT have asked my self that question so- sera tmes end ine ihe mn problen ln this sone i hen we worry more abo- Sth theese da, dof wrorning more about we can dol T dan ive fick to what the others are ding T dont have ning to do. about itt Evo. ‘none ts free 10 do what heshe wants There wil ehways be good bands and bad lands, true Bonds ond fale bonds. So vwiy worn? The true oes are those, who Just care about hi heart and plays asong a3 it woul be the Last time they stow play it! dont care about thers. ‘What we should know about your ‘yo other projects - EXTREME UNC- TION and MONASTERIUM RE- CORDS... +E am” not playing anymore in EX- TREME UNCTION! Is nat that T don't MOURNFUL CONGREGATION ‘Weeping demo 94 The flyers say this is a Doom band and it right appear as that after the fist. Tis ten. But ifyoa listen to it more and mor you_notice. that MOURNFUL CON- GREGATION are also influenced by De- ath Metal bands as well, and the sound structure comes from the Doom school, no doubt, but the dirty, brutal o- und and deep heavy vocals ae in pure Death Metal manner. Each of the four songs of the work is very heavy and bloody slow, almost CATHEDRAL (Ist LP) or THERGOTHON like speed. I ‘wish there was some more originality and variety and also less monotony on this demo, but its a not bad debut work from aabant Inever ever heard before, Box 149, Loxton S.A.5333 AUSTRALIA DESOLATE ‘Deface And obliterate’ demo'93 ‘advance demo'94 DESOLATE is a wio ffom Masse cinoets fstring Jeremy on pit toca, Jey on bs end Exe of drims Yocas, we looks ike oae of he guys om CROWBAR1 bt they have ce ‘Tong. way a8 8 band, bu dey are nl Bod tre 1 havea tape with thir de- Bet deme aaa ht ed tape (et untied). aust adit fo not egestas and te tant resson if not. 10 be fon DESOLATE proposesons Death for coumols gutsy ‘work rose for example thepuitr ‘work eins of Swedish bands Tes not pial and Semana rd ie te ‘ay ral are done, espciiy on Serta demo tere ae vo guy stging ‘wi two. efferent voices, Bu dis ban ans beter prion Jeremy Kitort Hampstead PL ator, ‘Mase 1351 USA Sp nn ~— want to, but I don't have time to! T am music ina high school of arts, ‘and 1 am ring Monesterum Records Tdont have’ mich time to do anything le! EXTREME UNCTION are sll very ave though, and soon we wll lve good ro abo them! Aut astra cords, wel, the tinge are gong very we ‘wh the DECAYED. CD = ‘The Conjura- tion ofthe Souther Cele, and Fil e- lease soon the new Hey Metal’ Gods FILIT MIGRANTIUM INFERNALIOM! ‘Also, 1 am. looking forward for good tad Si soporte at paca to my addres. (@rin- iad bélow BD) It scems like some new bands that cl im to be Black Metal have a fascist ati- tude, what do you think about this ? Sam not fascist at all! Probably tho- a @aletatorship, 30.1 how what fata fing about As Aleister Crowley said in his "The Book of the Law". 'Man has the right to think what he will to speak the will: 10 write what he will to draw, paint, carve, ech, mould, build as hhewith to dress as, ‘he will. thou hast NAHASH. ‘Noctitula Hecate’ demo Formed under the Pagan moon NA- HASH is together with POCCOLUS the ‘best Black "Metal band from brotherland of Lithuania. They are not a thoughtless ‘copy of the norwegians, they seem to have something to say and trying to find their ‘own style. I expect good things from them in the future, but beter production isa novoesarity! The sound on this demo is more rehearsal like and the songs suf= fer of it, Well, o point out their best si- es, these are" vocals and unusual work of lead guitar with long and really non Black Metallish solos. Vytas Stankus ‘Traka 5-2, 3000 Kaunas “LITWA. ‘THRONIUM ‘North Storms ofthe Bestia! Goatsign’ demo 1994 1 guess the title says it all, huh ? THRONIUM comes out of Sweden and Ties inthe Black Metal vin. Thee tracks with good sound are contained in this demo, Thave to say Tam focvourebly i= ‘by, this product, considering it All has been done by one. man. only! ‘THRONIOM is led by” guy called Ty- phew who handles. all instraments and ‘who's also doing his Grimosum de Oceal- wine The music is not chatio, but tore mid paced riffs, and this is non stop violent aggression as here exists 0 aS Rt no right but 10 do thy will. Do that, and no other shall say nay’! Do yon thik itis possible to follow these wise words in 4 fascist regine? (1 think i ts impossible 10 truly follow them whereever you live it this world today...» ED) The Euronymous - Grishnackh thing...? -Frally never liked the soap-operas (tay tna momspe Wan ar at P aent to tank you gh Tent, egret potest rer bedmgt oh esi mn Mr tae to car's Uo he Monell het Bet oi nol EBS Fo aise ake sen owl ond ileal hid eat ctr ma er i a txt oma Be Leib eathet 3 tie HOOKS it P.0, Box 1072 ey st Antonio Cavalieros "2670 Loures PORTUGAL =< me ind of atmosphere too, Perhaps if See Keyboards wold be add it wo- Ud” made the things beter. The demo Costs $ 5 and its wort geting. The debut atu for Hilland’s Necromantic: Gallery should follow soon. D. Munoz, Axgatan 12, 43140 Molndal_ SWEDEN ENGRAVED demo 93 ENGRAVED slong. with FUNERAL WINDS is my fave Black Metal band fiom Folland. This demo was recorded in December ‘93 and contains 4 pretty Jong tracks tht runabout 25 minutes. 1 tis’ many slow parts sounding. almost Tike sorta Black Motal ballads, and also some faster anes which T'd0 no like too rich. prefer these slower ones with fccoustic gui, dark Keyboards ‘and depressive vocals. T really hope they wil concentrate on them in the fare tad of lying ast chat ha every single new Black Metal bands does. You ean gt the demo for 8 6 from: Vorpherous, Groene Hilledij 224, 3074 ACRoWerdam HO) CRUENTUS, "When The World Ends To Be' demo ‘This second demo of Taian CRUEN- TUS with its “brillant production and singed 10 songs Is. mare ike an P. Their 1992 debut 'Secking “The ‘Truth’ brought out some Power/thrash ‘Meal and they Keep more or less the sa- Re ncon on ois now eee. Mi Byeything is stich beter hee. the Fine; Vay interesting seas and igh fe eto musta states. Check it out You are looking for some non commer= ial but well done Metal, $ 6 (ppd. ‘ntonclo Maggi Via Archimede 6 40126 Bard HEALY ———— band GORGOROTH. After havin; all over the world, they practicalh but album "Pentagram’. GORG' have later been replaced by the Your vocals on ‘Pentagram’ are great, do you have any special influences, any” ‘one you admire concerning vocals? ITT have no vocal influences, 1 my in her fedinge, and a product of my hate Hla hoe ecrerevocale How is the atmosphere within GO- RGOROTH, do you work well toget- her? = Yes, the new line yp works very well to- gether. We are all true worshippers of Black Metal. ‘ell us about your relationship with Satanism, what is tt yo, and how do pou practise 2CORGOROE hax a very dark ont sil concep th vy stron Sate released a demo of poor sound yursted all. barriers evil corpse paint (paint...) and blood runs ‘The name GORGOROTH is taken from J.R.R. Toliden's "Lord of the delighted to know that GORGOROTIH's next album, "Gorgoroth part IL cally very Tolkien inspired. On their first CD, sharp ears have probably managed to pick up on the barely’ hes- ‘rable, sickening sounds of Infernus's heart beats and some church bells in ned fo contain some much more complicated sound effects to ereate the atmosphere of the GORGOROTH battle- field after the battle if everything goes right. So well just have to wait and see, and hope... a tr ~ Gorgoroth Blackness, Total blackness. That's the only way to describe the atmosphere around the Norwegian True Black Metal walt and spreading their ‘name and reputation ‘of brutality when they recorded and released tieir de ROTH have been in the dark scene for some years now, and are a very well '_ established and respected band these days. It started out with an evil foursome from the not still existing baste core of the band, Hat and Infernus, and Goat ‘infamous figures of Frost SAT" Nowadays, Hat does all lyries and of course vocals, and Infernus writes most of the music. GORGOROTH have gai ned fierce repataion rom thie Hie et as they are moot often sen surrounded by fet tol darkness which soon to be. tplight by black candies casting evil light upon decapitated animal heads and severed sls Swords, axes, pin-elubs and other medieval weapons ma about, then nothing is. Does literature mean anything to you, do you read many books? = Yes, reading is a natural and important flement in my life. What do_you think of the ‘Pentax ‘ram albuin, are you totally satisfied ‘vith i? How wll your next work be? 5 Patagran"s ny pion one of ‘an brutal Black Meta This ts Black Me- tal as it always. was’ meant to be. And Ses, we are satis with this product. ‘Gur nese wor wl bee, wa nd sol ‘Are there any special reasons why ‘you want to be in a Black Metal band, ‘and not any other type of Metal bands? = Black Metal and ts lifestyle has aba ys been a part of our minds. So it was natural for us to form GORGOROTH as a Black Metal bind, and use it as an Instrument to spread out the feelings and thoughts that have been created in our is since we were born into this earthly sori. YN opular’ westeoast of Norway, consisting of the ir) and Kjettar (only (CON) and layed On the Ist demo) who Samoth (EMPEROR, churchburning). their show threatening real, as Hat sereams out his eu- rses and hatred with the intensity of a legion of demons inside this one man, All band members wear the most rom. their eyes and mouths. If this is mot what the true Black Metal is Rings bool, and Tolkien fans wil surely be , will be both lyrically and mus een the songs, Their next CD is plan- Ma's your opinion about the Norwe- Black Metal scene? Is it mostly Iusic and image, or more serious sata- nic tendencies? = Personally 1 think (know) that the Norse Scenes the best. No other countries hax Ye created so many killer bands, like DARKTHRONE, MAYHEM, EMPEROR, GORGOROTH, SATYRICON... Of course shee areola ere who don't tae lack Metal ‘seriously (asin every scen They have just jumped on the tend. But ‘most of the bands. are serious and true Taya al ia os wl nd naw trend to jump on. Hopeilly they wi all die and sarin eternal pain. Anything to cose this interview with? SGORGEROTH and Black Metal are my goals inthis eaibly if GORGOROTH interview with Hat (vocals) and biography by Neth. GORGOROTH C/O DAC BOKS 48 5944 SORBOVAG NORGE ye J 4 sl Yay. LORD ABADDON In the Eternal Light and Shadow of the r ‘Mighty Master demo'94 ‘This is interesting, Lepeted some vi dently Hstng Bock Met toca ba tha eat ke tint The dene ffl of melanchofe atmosphere wih ao of gt 3, very much in the last BU- DOME TP vets, bt with no vos. ah reins he MORTHS si slot Hed Sven has by eas zn only. Ths stu T would not call as A thelr ray ec. Peles but pecans ia ike. ie Elstny ways More arity is nided aya you se, opening the same ‘hythm and melody, faster and slower all Brig sous tone ed pots bo ng Dot LORD ABADDON ison the ‘gt yn the Hera Lights de Gets ‘Cont Grains ind OF: SERBLUT.- who claim fo be Geman Black Metal mnin gp ere you are YY tan goby sending bk SOsapo mds IRs ot 83 em ictal Gehrke, Rr Mebring 10 Saar Sunt, GERMANY MAGGOTY CORPSE Baptisma demo'%3 We reeled quite much tapes fom J pen for as pte bees ther band Frm tere and thei pmol iialous = MAGCOTY CORPSE: bay hal I do no now where people gl sch stupid hice muames from’. Phe “musi i abit beter thane ane (hank pod in ela ie al wry. fom orn pty Mths is average Death Meta wilh Bowing vous a fing tat as, est Sey aye before and MAG™ Gory CORPSE dent make ant to sulin thir pressor they net Seu mican Be hope er fare fekacs wil bo mor exettog Bat new Tame alter han well Bato Yoshida, 612-36, noe Shame, Chiba Cy Che it JAPAN 2 ae v v t MORTIFY And Darlness Was Upon ‘demo 2/1993 Tttook over three years for MORTIFY to came up with the fallow up to their gro- St debut Dizrnes ofthe Occlt and Tne- ‘er expected to hear from thee Greeks gain, There was some line up changes swith the most important one - the deper- ture of Morbid. Without is mystic spo- een vocals MORTIFY suifered more than Sis bi, Tink, They sll ve no Eis demo was done by Gothmog of THOU ART LORD. 1 feel I. ike thir debut, beter, but © And Darkness Was ‘pot is nota bad ape by any means! 1's SiN good, prety orginal and absolutely {trendy pieee of Dark Doomty Death MORTIFY .0.Box 75006 17202 Himittos Athens" REECE ‘TERROR SQUAD ‘The Birth of the New Rage fron, one it ium coun ines Pamcninhil aan 2 soiree i Eaiewer, tae ee tic tatee mee ae ay masts et peer oabeay Te ther favs use to do DARK AN Sa A meee eth patentee we Serr clesbieles tee Sormae Sa ae Seetrierttak Peers ea a HAUNTED 1 once woke up and put on the excel- lent debut LP from KING DIAMOND Fa- tal Portrait. 1 was listening to the song "Haunted, (this house is forever haunted, there's nothing you can do.." remember?) ‘And later that day I received a promo. ‘ckage from US band called HAUNTED! tut hore its much beter don, it oaks Hike Somebody has stolen smcbolys Kes. Lyrically HAUNTED ‘lags out Some and chin Basphemios sh ite Dismember Joous Chit, demo web Go wch i it me, mt the sie ot is sa ‘Ameria DesthvGrnd boring tnd tly fading at anginal and cies Soin Key, 2610. Charloe St PottownyA 19464 USA SULLIGUM DIABOLI ‘demo 2 1994 «One of the best lace Meta bands in lind sow as tbe SILICON DIABOLI” The. band is by fhe dak souls amely. Pte Desc forguar, bss, dune) and Hsin Grim nr Goes), This duo donot follow this now oile of Black Metal as their source tf inspirations ar oder fans like HEL~ THAMMER (wise classeThe. Thicd Of the Stomad they covered on this tape) tid of couse thy almighty BATHORY and oven a bit of MAYHEM. The vo- {als of Him-Grnie have some cabo on ‘and le mse ate ple, et Compltatd, tee sno wae of keyboards Sage old fashioned lnc wt god ound. Tike it and appreciate they do hot copy Norwegians as many of the Ends ow do. You can check 1 out for §5,Pete also doing ‘ane called Due $Ucking Hell, o you can ask him abot i foo, the debut demo ‘Descent Into Heit fom 1992 isnot avilable sym. {eso Jo not sed fo that on! SIGILLUM DIABOLL PO Tox 54 35961 Pirkkala FINLAND DAWN AN ‘The Darkness Within demo 1993 resist ee te SAS amet acs ES Tuaeee ee at ican res Sem EO aA ce Eerie, bi ieloee erie, omer mees eae ng the roc pe Death Meth Eciri Gaaantes Bee tet Sas ee Oe ee ee Saree eg Shh oe oat EGE i octane = } LUCIFER, Strange, ci? The covet of this dee ori Jge Otter 6 d Empereur aks ime the same as cover of BU- grit Neuboten GERMANY by Ste Ns 2 jr ee A bere we TALK TO EMPEROR PoscRIPTOR MAGIKUs, DRUMMER, FORCE Behind TUIO GREAT US OCCULT VocaList AND The ‘ABSU was formed in late 8 and EQU- {MANTHORN came into existenee four arian hon digiestart ab ndine2,fase oben day of oct flared growp allel Aih- G08 Waite Twain LACUS, Lute (sit and yt) and | wee oriinaly eeen a dure od desecrate Block Métal band called EQUBMANTHORN tn dp 1998 Soin un as ABSU and EBOAANTHORN wacmaticay formed sf APS a oi i rwaltng orm all oe, cult) Metal so we’ wanted 10 aim for an bln nd vend i Mesopotamia, and. experimental” mast BOUNANTHORN, “Be American’ Band, thal gong. 10 be ike nohng ever heard om ho as she nh ‘how, recorded evo dens ad te promo toma rack, and te LPCD for Cond Iinernanonal "Records which is) tiled Ninna Nmshinshargl Ei Ira EQUIMANITORN 1s te hat. Irormetone whe sees last through co Tea hate the est Yor cendletigh cod lst forth con Can you say now what made you to ta- ‘ke your interest in occult, mythology and” suchlike topics?” What made you ‘to begin your seeking for the truth? =" Off course, the moon, the Thoth, Si- ‘men's’ book, and our ancestral blood of Gaelic and celtic way’ is only our truth ? Do you take EQUIMANTHORN as a serious band or more like a side pro- ject of ABSU? 21 take EQUIMANTHORN as a serious side-project, but not as serious as ABSU, ‘even though some humans prefer EOUE- ‘MANTHORN over ABSU. the three me- ‘mbers of ABSU are currently doing some rather "ineresing solo” projets ich will take the place of the next EOUIMAN. THORN album, but nothing for sure as of jet id_you expected such great response yo recived ith the ABSU album? It inoke Tike a Tot of people like It very io you expect such a spontaneo- in for EQUIMANTHORN? 7 Tike sold) some humans prefer ABSU ‘over BQUIMANTHORN and some’ prefer ‘EQUIMANTHORN over ABSU.. The AB ‘SU album has done exceptionally ‘wel ‘mean "very good, along with the BOU- IMANTHORN 100, It ig. strange how both ends of our abyss really works. ‘The US (Gothic) version of the ABSU album has a different cover to the Euro- pean (Osmose) version, why? "The Gothic release” of Barathram: TETRIOL ts the original cover for ‘the album. “And it “yas! going to be the ‘original cover for the Osmose release aswell, but we had problems that. were not even “our. faulis: Osmose lost) the ‘artwork. from the presing plant that was Pring theCD ad ip covers 0 Harve Zskad me to get a negative slide from Got- Tie RecondsSwho atl had te ofa ar ‘ork at the time. Enrique fold me that he ‘would get fo me ond fold him that Herve needed it fast due to a deadline date for The release dnynoy, Enrique never at tne ose Oma andi aly che Cvrting up. we got tcephone Zl jrm Hove Sig th he had oo her dolce but o ve @ photograph asthe Coverinstat ofthe orbal ervork, A SAARI Ta sry ipset about this, but I cast hy Promet- ion pel pon Gai, ears bene ou te gro photo. raphael covert It cael The Sriginal artwork ts the ony monument Behind Baration. which to the queen Op Dlsgues i Tels nttogy. SLoLOL OTOL OTOL LOLOL OLOLOLOLOLOLOK LOL LOT LPO You don't label the musie of AB- SU/EQUIMANTHORN as Black Metal, ‘ut_you're often called so. Do you mind it poaple call you as that’? = Tes itis Black Mota, but we have ta- ‘ken our vast knowledge and branched off into somethings bit more intelligent and acon ihe cal Sloial Gc ‘ult Metal” played ina cold fashion. Inste- fad of ivered crosses, our muse and lyri. fal patos tend 10. deal with pure Oo fall and thaxmaturgcal myhology, nee. Tonomical sorcen). the Dominion be- lief of ThotvRont Om’ Pax,” CelticrGa- clic mythology, rare magick, Sume- Fa BANOS ABSU AND ECQUIMANTHORN... rianimespotamian —occuligm Call sed in SOUBEANTEOR, ‘noon rainations Ob cll as Black etal, but "rd oar chants know ont Blood amd to now what Ts real, Corre es da ‘What's happened with your label - Ish- nigarrab Records? You had some plans to release cassette EPs win MOCK and ‘SEPHIROTH? = Black Massth, who is the old keyboar- dist for ABSU, ran that label Tr la fo tate ove tnx yar Th on inancial backgrounds establis- hed. Thave witnessed too many labels say ‘they are going do things for their bands and never’ do; one, in particular. Tam also upset Because Black Massith promi- Sed these cassette EP deals vith SEPHT- ROTH and MOCK and he did not suc- ceed with what he said he was going to do. lek Maca’ Blod was green and lt not fit in both of our ‘anyway, 50 let him vacillate himself atleast he should of released the MOCK EP, because the are {real Norse kult to be indulged by. T have read some reviews ofthe 'Nin- ‘tinugga-" album where people ‘descri- bed the sound of EQUIMANTHORN a8. mizture of ABRUPTUM and NEC- ROMANTIA'Do you fs you sound Tike at? "in some ways, yes. If we are going 10 bbe compared to thin: make sure it's co- paring to NECROMANTIA's 1990 promo Gussette and ABRUPTUM's Evil" 20. ven-inch. we are really influenced by (as Peg ie go cally) anc BLAS, Tinney COW, ZERO kabel, JACULA, BRIAN ENO, SLEEP. CHAM- BER, “CAPTAIV BEBPHEART, DARK. ‘NESS ENSCHROUD, DEAD CAN DANCE ‘and EGYPT. ‘How often you rehearse with ABSU and how often with EQUIMANTHORN ? = ABSU ritualizes their sound five times 4 ‘week and EQUIMANTHORN summons ‘five times a year. How is your opinion about LP. Love- ‘craft? What do you think about his con- nections with the book ‘Necronomicon’ ? = He fictionalized the book and turned into something a bit different. Only Si- ‘mon's ideas are rel. Did you ever read the Bible ? + Yes, the one [wrote called Xoltol Et Al- lasitos: The Path tothe Serpent's mind. | Too mens sceuft Death metal! What excites you so much in thelight ofa candle? freeing darkness that ‘lee ai and my lst for Queen Ereshkiga. You seem to be very bus Mth the both bands, what Things have you been up to inh ina tal fhe ysterd ina tal fhe ysterd Sits ented “THE SUN OF TAWARETH (FOR OF THE HIGHEFOLD. STAIQ" and ‘howl be released atthe Be. mg of aay 1993.1 lt be ihe codex approach to- Mord “thotogieal” Oeeutt Rockploged ne an 80s Black death/Speed/Thrash soe Hatta voces where We ong. ted our minds. Ths alban and the rd vil als be on Osmo- te Pretec ay ello, We recorded fom of tast Ud fre called Never Ble Gut The “astern Candle, sl apps on onptaion fer: Oomose 100, Tren we Wil record a sent tn we i fet the mm Fanta ing To the Sn Of the P lan ae Benet ein everything goes as planned. Also, he three re- I members of AP2U Bisel. Shape and” Equant) alt a dg separite solo pro- Sec tha willy ake ie the net BOUT oR LP ei ox all combine ail three Goris and put them out on Grecian The solo forts sre mone ll have Spee Sime ut ight no BSE tony past ves that il remain pebmancnt ino the st vou we hop buy Do yu stil care about Death Metal? Do you listen much foie I mean ot course RUAL | Death Mera. ith bands’ ike IMMOLATION, SADISTIC, INTENT, MOR- BID-ANGEL and of the great old ones; SODOM, ia orc te See Fah Se he et a lot of thy drumming skills as 2 ft rn il ar pee ELI Fey fr and Reed StMark from Begin i, He a ean ore mh her Be al Fey Pa Me ae aoe crate a ie ars co HATO a Be an ft teh a TEN ean SS Bond). ely ick a a ra a fale an god hy ei he darkness. not only do I lis- detec iy a ee fal oe een BE Hae GOR SEER ATA ROA Ditty Mom Sg Coto teh, CU SOT Sead ‘What are your felings about 2 gay called. count Grish- “Pucting pussy OLD PUNE RAL paying child shits who ‘ink’ he te ‘Rng, alle is cromed in jail for2t yo: fra geting buck by ig ee low sho have nom ‘ramon am so sick ofall tr the From a review of EQUI- MANTHORN album in some magazine; ‘anybody who as sumes such pseudonyms and gives such tiles to the tracks Is either a megalomaniac or an artist..., what do you think you ave ? = Simply both because I guess the music is really characteri- zai by power and grandeur. I often see RQUIMANT- HORN featured in ‘zines as EQUIMANTARON, does it you off when people 't” get your band name right? “YES. What do you usually do at christmas ?| S"T do not know, guess what I do everyday, which is asscomancy. Well, that’s it, Thank you for your” ansirers, any lo sing Spells ? = Thank you for this interview Tomasz dnd thank you finally fejgome decant giestions on beth fox ul hank ou for giving the decent ans- iwers to them! - ED) T enioyed discussing. these issues With thee and remember, Salve the ‘hot Imhullu winds of annihila tion and destruction. my sword Diadem gleams with the ble ding coast (abyss) of the Apzu Salve De Septentrol ABSU / EQUIMANTHORN 2.0, Box 143307, ‘TX. 75374-3307, 2 all Janta! i tat ou ae at vey ld banyan you tls ‘out Ge bepng of HADES? fell HADES as formed by out gle player Sor he ma {ed fo for a band tht doc ‘lay tnd ping rie bet Pagan, majestic nd anciphe rietmeiode Tis coed Se Terap prosiens) tt dng Imi but then T3023 te tne up hat been come esto bend bl ig afer Ror of Tie Alone Wat a hich ook place Pine 188 we fred ofr Cond” gutarit Nagel We smh Sd enther quarto tai, bw are ots (ot ta se are dong per ety el thon aon. } Fie il crea HADES... did you take that name from that BATHORY track ? Do you know about hat US Thrash band called HADES who have some records out? “"The name HADES was Jom's idea. I doubt if he took it from the BATHORY alban, Idhink he (jut liked the name. It does not Imean fo us. anything special, it is just a normal name for a band. Thnow there was some bands called HADES’ before us and Tpersonally wanted to call us HECATE, I also came up with ‘lot other names, but Jorn aid not like them Does HADES pay live, plen fy af Black Meal horde rete 2 ay ies what Jour ope niga ‘ener and he ie that ny thats oil ne Le shone are ty prec ad Shows, he fis was on home ‘oun Bergen of December 18 (i993 = the oer ne at Sin Est hope ne wll Play more shows ie fre Maven oer the sp ts com sited ih ed tr layer Sig, who. jomed’ the Seas thats Before we en- tld go easier. 7 Iered the studio, everthing sho- Right now Tam listening to ‘Alone Wallgyng’ and T ean he~ baie inne of, seh Gods BATHORY around the “‘Hammerheart’ masterpiece pe- vod. That album has tobe your ‘main influence, is 2 You are right. the music on ‘Hammerhcart alum isthe best imusle ever ereated! We are inf- A. feed ofcourse by a lot of oer stuf do not think we fave copied anyone xy, I-did not say thal» ED) “guess we are doing our own ‘thes. CA 2 _N ‘Wa- some time Segre Love » signed a aa Be Nergl ral Soe Is HADES a part ofthat Timer Cree? Hew does i e- dle erway? ite support te acts. The Timer Chee stl aft. Many Black Metal bands of today talk shit ‘about Death Meta, do you still care about hat Kind of music ? In my opi- tnlon there stil is a few great, ‘non wimpy bands. "7 do not talk shit about Death ‘Metal, but do net pay mach at- antion to it either There are silane oF to Death Meal ands that ‘or example BOLT THROWER - my favourite Death Metal band. ee = es) ‘The Ipries are not included with the demo, please tll us About them. Well, on the demo there son 1y one poem that was writen by its That 13 'Unboly Congrega- Tin, which isthe very fist song ‘HADES. ever wrote Thal one is about the Witches’ Sabbath The ns, tde rack on ‘lee Wallyng’is an old poem that was writen thet cnt (thats alo wy the spling is GALRING. The song B- cally about suicide or the mo. Ine just before it Hecate is ipure invocation to this foddess that I found ina Aout Blak Magic, Oar mew speak about ancien, "no pea nd am doing the ‘Aout te demo cover tive 1 pofesonl, ars you sti Hedi the way th tape tc ined out 7nd wo di tat {pectin mista wi the word atid eh Mie have prety no. int cover noling ely ‘povelWomded Love Record oma ¥ ink hat Bands lf rtigik ain Ihave done a great job with that tape [think AB. for WAL YING! it is nota spelling mis- take, it is an old English word and if means the same as WALKING. 1s ‘Northern Blasphemy’ is your music? Would not itbe easier to call just Black Metal ? = We do not call our music as ‘that. It is just aterm we wsed on cur flyers. But ir isa Blasphemy {from the Northern realm. Some call it Black Metal, some others Barbaric Pagan Metal and that is ok fo us, our stuff ts Black, Dark, Blasphemous and Pagan. You recorded the demo a hat famous Grieghallen. studio. T rust say that i 8 one of the Dest sounding demos T have ver heard, a us some words ‘bout your work atthe stud. 27 tied Grieghalen saci 1 great place to work at. The recer Pyten, have worked Before ‘with this musie sje Bands lite. DURUM AAT. HEM, IMMORTAL, ENSLAVED and EMPEROR have all been ‘eordng at Grieghllen. The thing hake mods thet Py te doesnot ke Black Metal pe- ‘onal. That makes hi more pen and he Tite othe mae ‘tac diferent way than one who Iola ths tft spent fie dos afte so (rear, ding & ‘eal wo soriad oases off but we are very yi the rsa We hase sAPabout 1060 copes a What do you think about the Grieghallen phenomena, 1 me- san so many Black Metal bands recorded at that place and they all sound. differnt, Just to men- tion’ MAYHEM, BURZUM, IMMORTAL, ENSLAVED ? _Lrealy ye) orn ith Poe den, he KNOWS wat he is doing, and he swierstands that every Sand is very individual and ne- ed their ow sound fo express their musio and individual foe- tines Giglio ee fs, ine trendy like i happened with Sialiht and Aorrisound De Te id anor fer slo to record ther al uns and demos at Give us all the inf about yo- tr dsiut album on Fullnoon Tight Productions, where it you record Hand all hat sear? "Our album i called. Again ‘Sha Bend we recorded ok 50 at Greghallen Studio I tok spo tree wel oul 59 ato mix We are very sai ‘ed with teresa the album is imide the way we wanted fo do IT do not sea single hing we could do beer. Why id you cows US based Ielio sign to? Did you rece veany other oer? Ti cored Filingon Ligh Frodusins base ey oe aw. good deal nd etd Sr ia es his 9 rest fis do tot’ do. We could se as mich fei the sos we weed We sed he bil lta hen fed ero ing De eed gue ot mon Sorthe studio butt as not Sproat ee a ober compen afer 4 deal for example Necropolis. ‘Hendie Found Deaf Records Showed th ierest HADES Iie choosed lingam Light ‘Your band plays really Dark and Byilmusic, do you concider yourselves as Satanists? "HADES is not a Satanic band ‘and none of us is a Satanist 1 fama true defender of the An- tent Northern Gods. So are the ‘vo others. But we have not ‘gaint Satanic bande at al, ba- Sealy he message Is the same = ‘DEATH 10 CHRISTIANITT! 1 EROD. Conre aes Tae spfor USA 4 4 L POLLUTION Darkilight demo Italys POLLUTION used to be MASS POLLUTION in the past. Despite their father Hardcorish name thelr musi is cool. It is Uased firmly in the Thrach camp For riginalitss2- ko this band is lacking, however Tike the guitar work on this eleas On the sag rei ie it cio Impo' changes? Clean production, But ihe sound eouid be heavier I feel. Olay, POLLUTION does not give me very ‘much of emotions, ut they are not bad, dm average release. Did [say it has a pro- fessional duplication and cover 1 $6 (Et- rope) $7 (world). Massialllano Paceag- nel, Via Rochemolles, 15, 10146 Tpo- Hino (10) TTALTA Maszachist MASOCHIST Frost of the Diabolical Forest demo Wiat we have ee ip MASOCHEST sums weet sahil Sects st cong gn soa an a icone cass) they say tay a aly te Sak Slate! et in ed aoe the Bk al a er eet aie Pee is ik Ee er ately ‘this trio plays pretty original music that net Ae abe ane And hy samt ee he te a ee Cae ee Dg cater ea eee ot este cco. coun Gey tay ee ee tte on SEIS foe sno Oe Ss re ee ‘Couttess Bathory by VENOM! ‘ebore Lal Lasipg Avenue reat eae Se fob FORGOTTEN woops ‘promo 1994 ‘More Black Metal the Norse way... FO- RGOTIEN WOODS like most of the ‘bands from the land of Thule are able to ‘create that special combination of EVIL and. MELANCHOLY, that’s the trade- mark of Norwegian bands. This tape features two songs In My Darkest Vision’ AA and 'As the Wolves Gather’ performed FORGOTTEN WOODS sorrowfull style, ‘The vocals have a lot of echo on them and are one of the most depressive ones Ihave, fever heard! BURZUM has to be “one of their influences... EXCELLENT! Watch fut for their CD As the Wolves Gat- her (whore by the way these two songs ‘were taken from) out on, German No Co- Tours Records and also for their new EP 'Sjel Av Natten’ out soon on Pagan Re- corsdalliit Rune Vedas, Opheim 5580 Olen, NORWAY « (CATHARSIS demo 1°94 CATHIARSIS is British three piece fom Kent, the Band i very Joong md ths 3 song debut demo wad pul tgst fe in mid‘Apa4 ‘These gs play fin inf bath Ml ied onring on brat Tivash. "They have 2 ler sbagp guitar sound on he demo fue ely pel stu ats wl presented and [think is a realy good FEstatempt and these ove fave ply of promise. Tony would sigest em 10 Chae their aes son as pestle, theyre sith tnd in my ape calstion folly under fhe name of CATHARSIS Ep inno a be Uefa ou pps Tes CATHARSIS "130 Princes Pane Bromley’ Kent, DR2 SD" ENGLAND FROZEN SOULS Flesh In Armour demo'94 een aoa asad are RODS cos Ses pi cui Bat Sate oe oe rere tee See ey oar ete ei ey 2a a dr mae ee cee oe ee Sane ene aa ee EME Psa Sia ee ee i aerate ae eee ee gee pe es da IMU HERETIKA, Master of Death demo HERETICA comes aya ei sty is someting prety close to. Death Metal with plenty eevee. You Kaw when you ten to this demo forthe at timeeverything seem ok, good clear pro- diction, musieanship ‘and prety intr tng sags ete. But after af the i tens you fel that something important is Tncking ‘ere. ‘These guys sound Tike they enplecly donot fel what they are pl yng mean, they are not ad msn, nt this msi has no emotions at all mosphere Its lie payed by not hn fins but machines! all fo gentle, too polsted. "No real bali noi ‘And tis tile “Master of Deat, ana cliche, [do nt neod it HERETIKA Via 8 Andrea N.150 58049 Viareggio (LU) KTALY EXTERMINIO Epitaph demo EXTERMINIO is the first Argentinian band [ever herd and must “confess | fam not impressed. at all. This is =o interesting, you cent find anything tnore typical” Again, CANNIBAL. COR™ PSE ae th ai nfaence ci, You wy ve avery ithe fitie nls You Sart doing’ something more nga. Firt_at all change the vocals and take {at upside down eross fom. Your log. realy doesnt ftto your goefpoieal ‘image, Femande Gippo, Venema 240 Vila tare, Bucs Aires ARGENTINA POCcoLUs demo '93/ rehearsal '94 Lithuania has never_been known to cliumn out great bands, but POCCOLUS {s something to watch, They have only been together a short whl, but they are. ay showed their talent creating great Imoopheric Black. Meta, Do ‘not thing they ae influenced by Norwegians boca. se they arent! Tho yl is slow, doomy ‘rth plenty Gothic invences anda toch oftheir naive folk music ies are ma- ny ding with ancient umian Wy o€Pagan belief Interesting. and. pet crigial suf The only rca Ihave $s that ofthe prodetion whieh i almost ‘existing bur can ive with that becamse Imusic is superb, The sad thing is that do ‘ethoow ft tnd sl ale yous jer receiving this, great tape Tf them a deal bit T never heat from then again since that. POCCOLUS Audrius Simlanas Selin24-1. 4910 Utena LITWA A AM __A_4 oe oN Nergal On the cover of your brand nev album 'SVENTEVITH (Storming Near the Ba Ino) there's a statement ‘BEHEMOTH sits on the highest throne’, cam you exp- Jain us the meaning behind that? NERGAL: = Were one of the first (not the first) true horde of darkness in this ‘country (not including the Gods KAT. During all these years we worked recy ‘hard, nd we fel that we reached a certa- in level position that anyone in Poland ‘won't reach for’ a longtime! We want {Oca of rm ay Kind of rasta? ‘circles’ that are pomping out {ere as masrooms these rend days. e “ect tat BEHEMOTH ovr tis hts Joun. Releasing SVENIEVITH (Stormin Waar the Balt’ we sit on the highest ‘throne, lt this album be @ sacrifice to the tron of pagan and tue Black Me- tal! BAAL: - The words ‘BEHEMOTH sits ‘on the highest thrones statement that 1" often use in my leters 10. Yust formed last eck stare of called Polish Black Meal sone! This my grower 0 these ‘arroganis. They think if thy fobn Sheet lie or any ote Black Mee {al circle they will antomatically be ba Ae TRUE and REAL. Do you kids realy rea- lize to whom you talk to?! You can take this statement as a symptom of my contei- teice or pride, but Tm sure itll make ‘some of the kids who claim to play TRUE ‘Black Metal fucking angry! ‘The Iyrics, cover, the ttle of 'SVEN- TEVETH (Storming Near the Balti it all is very deep in the tradition, euitare otpagan Slave with, some traditional satanism, How much are. you interes- {ed in the culture of your land, are you ‘proud tobe Slav? NERGAL: - When i comes to my person, Tm totally influenced by the. hisiory of Ip conn and he ancient ties of la paganism are the dimention I lve i Ax often as I can T travel to. diferent his ‘orieal places, ising ruins and on Siowtmcumenis Io rata abo- tthe Old Days it alli a huge influence iipon my work, my songs and poems. The Cie Sta Ivey tech as rat {o tae the inspirations from it Yes! feet to be vary attached in spirit with my ane- Siors and Tm proud to. be. thelr son! This is my tradition ad Tim gonna go this ‘ayn my fe 2» Yes, Im proud, because of the beauty and wild culture of our ancestors. 1 loathe people who destroyed the pride of ‘the pagans, I loathe people who are desec- rating It right now, mixing it withthe fas- ‘cist ideology. Tse re on rm 3m et Bee ates ELA Sa SES a at hd se he oP tat i Be et ay iy es Sus a” ie cetera and anti-BEHEMOTH. But these people ee ee Seer a A bit eh bat fe nes way irnga fice ths tnd of Set know Feb Darker for about 4 ie ws and we ead tht eal ag ch Se Pt eae i cesar BEHEMOTH Behemoth have Recently unLeAshed their FiRst FULL Lenght cd, encicLed ssventevich [storming NeAR Che BALtic}, concaining ABout FIFTY minutes OF PURE PAGAN BLACK METAL ART. The ALBUM ts AVAILABLE ON PAGAD RECORDS AND HERE GE TALK TO DERGAL AND BAAL OF Behemoch... Baal Arca lang that fact Hall to GRA aa BAAL: - There ain't no conflict betwe- ‘a us atleast when it comes to Rob Dar fe, whom 1 concider as GRAVBLAND. jase rumours are creating and. sprea- ding By some stupid fascist cole, mex nially trained by Capricommus (GRAVE- TAND's drummer - ED) with who I have (had?) very exciting disscussion.... We ‘aren't going 10 join their silly ‘circles’ or ‘other nazi movements, where in thelr opi- ion BEHEWOI would sit perecty ‘Jor show! or something, like, that, No, ‘we think these people are brainless idiots. Any of your releases doesn't have the title song, even on SVENTEVITH (Sto- ming Near the Baltic the tide compo- sition is only a bonus track, why that? NERGAL: ~ Well, honestly I've never been thinking about that, probably Becau- 32 we don't care that much about the song tt BAAL: We ually thnk about the tle forthe album when all songs are finis- Ed os one oth ote er would describe the best all songs. The t- He of the album should be essence of ‘what the whole work is all about, not {ust one song. sh ss yo 4 ae And how's it going with Jour MLE. ‘hod the "os Fests Dream Hera reo: Fed for tallan Entra Re- Cords Int Summer? Mit ie se actor ha preted vy hat been closed and ‘Snape was Jere odo a Mit CB ise LF Friok We are ot hap. oy bol tha al eco Find he Fors Dream Ber aly as meant a int LP Tans think yon should ok tis gusto ta tom Entropy by tie way ne Koren rected our records dee Fie new album was rear ded aga in vo me ine up, ts it'was when DERE MOTH started. Do you have any plans for adding someone {o tis line-up? And why aid Frostlett? NERGAL: - Orcus nor Frost Cases we reared, our dlono From the Pagan Vast bande ty never were true tmonibers of BEHEMOTH. We recruited ‘them for mal ‘ur sound more 2omples, ac ‘ding second! guitar, but we SRE io he fle persona fies. In eft they didnt do ‘a g00d opinion about the band. Noor we are paying. in core, primordial line wp, fea e furing'me end Beal, whichis ier ate fence tate eels ‘more powerful, complex and pe ete Pass oie Eeagie ma Beri ag pete peer inieae eye ae fie eae i ion Se eo a cores Pape Fels us alot it reherials er ars eee a eae ea fa ieee es a a Be alc mast some kin ia ere Be ee oe oie fate miedo ie ssi Storms Near the Baltic The Death Metal band IN- Chin ha reese fa ums some years ago has re- formed under the name of BEHEMOTH? NERGAL: = Yeah, Tve he- ard. something about that and Tadont really “care about them although weve to take them more seriously than tho- fe shity Swedish, Greek and Brazilian bands that “used to 0 ander the name of BEHE- H. But our style 1s 30 dif ferent from those american tard, 30 don’ think there wail be any problem with the BAL: ~ We and people who like our maste know well that weve Been the first BEE MOTEL Those assholes pro- Irby don Inow aboutus, bu well mate sure they'll now Soon. We are the only BEE Mom What is your opinion abo- ut so called ‘war with chris- tlanity' declaring "by many Black Metal bands? I would say the only war that is to be noticed is a war" between followers of BURZUM with followers of Euronymous..? NERGAL: ~ You have right, alot of Black Metal kids these days play. ‘war’ against ot hers, that's completely stupid, there's definitely too much of bul ling aroun he pic. of Euronymous/ Grish- hhackls and twice a3 more sti pid rumours. I don't ce aso. ince to say more about this, I don't want to create any new rumours, it could be too Serer yours kids. (Dope think any young. Kia ‘wil roading this? ED) BAAL: - War with christianity dwells in me and my music. T ‘fight by doing what Tm go- ‘at- playing drums in an ‘abominable, blasphemous band that is like a spit in the face of every christian. My ruse 1) kn the ne for those who forgot whose. domi- nnlon the earth once was. When it comes to war between ‘clo- nes! of Grishnackh and fol wwers of Euronymous T'don't care about that at all. This ‘war 18 only a_stupid childish thing, waste of tine, and it go- Alot of new Black Metal bands talk shit about old acts such as BEHERIT, BLAS- PHEMY, IMPALED NA- ZARENE.... what do you thinks the reason for that? NERGAL: ~ I think that for the most of such people these TY ands don't exist because they play different ‘wn-norwegian’ Imi J personaly ie and «a big respect for BEHE- RI, iEMY, ROTTING a IMPALED | NAZA- RENE... The truth is, those Bands who talk shit! about them now were not even exis- ting when they recorded killer music. Back then in late 80's and carly 90's BEHERIT... BLASPHEMY... they were a shock for everyone with their extreme music’ and look! The very early BEHEMOTH songs were influenced by those Gods... Also. SARCOFAGO, Ht from Bl wer healt otto forget abou Ty DE- it Re SULEDOLER and Monrart DRAPE. These bends or tre, el, nothing tie at Block Meh tego all tren fo lowers che out INI or Flor’ ge of Doon! thse tibet clase, mat ven compara wth tis" preent trendy Badts only shows how ‘stupid these mindless creatures ave Pro stinking that By they are rue! They mean {fo me even less that all that Shit they talk about BLASP- HEMY, BEHERIT, ROTTING CHRIST and other magnifi- cient bands. Tellus more about your re- cent album ‘SVENTEVITH (Storming Near the Baltic, hhow docs it sound compa red, {0 your previous reles- NERGAL: - We entered the ‘studio in December where we Created a huge piece of extr- sme Pagan Art! Black Metal in the purest, and most extreme ‘forml Lam sure this stuff is Yery original and I can't just stand these idiotic. compari- signs, to EMPEROR and IM- MORTAL anymore! With ‘SVENTEVITH (Storming Near the Baltic)" weare one of the ‘most serious pretenders to the ome is aus ay out, i's ina way’ continu dation of what we did on ‘And ‘the Forests Dream Etemally’ but much better with added omnes and” seus tar. Along with ‘Time’ by ‘YFUL, FATE, SATY- RICON's'Shadowthrone’ and ‘Shall Be’ by HADES, VITH (Storming Near ‘the Baltic)" is the best album 1 Ihave heard this year! BAAL: = This's the best stuff {han vr heal Tea complex, but abo- ‘minable and blasphemous. Our proto reeaes souns wry ime compared to 'SVENTE- VTE. This time you didn't record cover song, hu? Ate Noi wl be te id to do a cover song with dur every nent retest, an a What_bands from, Poland you think are worth attan- tion and support? As we an ‘notice there's more fama more posers and follo- wwersof the trend? NERGAL: = You see To- inast, 108 a waste of tine fo {alk about this scum poiso- ring or sone tee de, Tn Sure the time aed our ignore ince will desiroy these trendy Idiots I usualy don't even a Ssnero"the sly letters from Sic aol and dont really ‘care what this fucking bela "dergrod thinks ‘bout me! Ian Somatines if his scum know what they are din? ‘answer is total isan dnd olation fom all hs cv lied erap! Ok, gerting back to ‘your question P dont seein Poland any tntresting bands, some strong hordes ike inOrHt, GRAVELAND, MASTIPHAL he Danzig nell), DAMNATION Guthoby ‘rue Death Meal) AGONY. The rest isnot im portant at all.” Ok, Palmost Forgotthe ‘mighty “HERME, inhi will surprise everyone i ihe fre! BAL: I only lie GRAVE TAND. (Rob),” DAMNATION, MASTIBHAL and CHRIS? AGONY, the rest can die, T don't care. From what_I know you are totally into TYPE O NEGA- vo — v TIVE, DANZG, hat tind of Stu would yoke t play thar ian ot aust smeline ine ure? Ran a a ge mice ofthese Bandy To Met tlan'to the excl den ut 1 out have Wal to cresting. ‘schlke toate bat teat hy The neve? ought aboxt trate gs that things he ‘tips OF tne NEI, LOVE ike. BLOOD, SOI, Inert Stes OF MERCY (od are loser omy It ih ete col, goles ste Tdi: - Yeah eqctally 1 sande i fac cepee, opel O'NBEATIVE.T listen to them Since they sried and Gen ‘Bei end Petr Stele np Teme am of pi. eBay, ya gerard plovng We cen their "ven would be stupid mgrdersanng ad Io uld only fail miserably. But To, inn sto, obow nang acecthng i theveh Of Gothic Rock and probably Tuo'sucha tg sone. YYour opinion about this pre- Sent fascist_moverent™ In Back Metal? NERGAL: «Waste of tine. BAAL: = [disdain fascism as ces i om Gin tom feel of inteligence This movement is stronger and ‘stronger these days, th Gris- Imackh as a star,” but it do- ‘esn't meance my person and my music, 30 I can only make imy middle finger up to all the- 0 fascist pagans BEHEMOTH hordes: clo Ne Pomorska {4 G9 ‘80-333 Gdaviske POLAND clo Baal Pomorska 14 F/33, 180-333 Gdasisk POLAND For merchandise write to: PAGAN RECORDS ‘c/o Tomasz, P.O, Box 12 86-105 Swiecie 5 POLAND Always enclose LR.C, or $ for sure repiy! Vv The realm of Diabolis was cert ly lan strong. po- mers when the Gods of” fee ZFRELLDOME unleashed their Dare freezing demo "Disappearing of the Burning Moon. ihe tongy and ma- terial ‘on the demo is a bit old now, amd the band hardly eve play thent no. longer. these days. Sul you can feel the pagan touch of cold in these songs, that were the first to be writ- fenand | performed |x them. TRELLDOM consists of Gaahl (vo- cals, lyrics) and. Tyrant (guitars), ‘who first started the band, and Taa- Kelieim (bass), and Goat (drums, known from GORGOROTH). In a conversational interview with Ga- ‘ahi, he told me that their next demo will be. quite different trom their First. ICH be much faster, more ressive, and more pure, Cold Blac fetal, they already’ have, the songs written aid. the demo will not be as profesionally recorded, ag, their ist, and the title will be Take’. this tape will only he available the true ones in & limited edition. ‘This ‘means that all trendfollowers and kids that, "wanna be Evil’ can just Keep their money, or send them Jor nothing in return! T asked Galil, who is. a sinister poet him- self, what he thought about other bands lyrics, good or bad.. oT never remember bad lyrics, I just Jgnore thom. But to mention & band ith Sadly bad Iprics, be it BATHORY. besides them most’ death Metal bands too. After all, most Black Metal bands. do. not print ine ipics on their releases, so who ‘Your lyrics are very personal, can tee wat hey spent? a ke for. example “one of my songs in gis Galled Truth, Pan aed Deh tt is'abou just thats truth pain and dea ‘whic allan that meas am al So in short, your Iyries are about you and ‘what you represent ? Wo o> = Yes, you con ats tl @ pom it sites ipa fate asf ee mere Yon Ggk ner ig "Yen of course, there i nothing bright stent ny mere. 7 ‘What opinions have you about all those Satanic movements, like the Church of Satan and others ? 2"Tdo_ not really know too much about What they are up to, or what they are, but 1 think they are mosily weak people flocking like rats, afraid of standing alone. In true solitude one has the strenght of le- gions, which 1s. stronger than a horde. ‘weakmindeds. Anton Lavey and his, fol- Towers are incredibly ridiculous. It all so childish, I wil not waste my breath on disoussing them. Burning churches, what do you thnk of at Sill, personally I don't mind it at all it I feat that i might ‘cause among. peo- le “fear of nition and cnt christian Miows that Black Metal represent, and tn That wey lead neutral people 10" stbco- ming 10 chrstendom because that is what they accept and don't want to loose. I ini isthe wrong wa to proceed. 1s there something you would rather Bam sur aaa terre those moses et ana 'pread ard the word” They sal Oh ees fm te fice of as ca teu fade ene re ot tere era barr of Sere county the egy one Soltek a when of a ‘roel dat regan, ch dey lias he dps Poti rey Are there any historical events that ap- peal to you, that you'd like to hail? Peter. was this chap called Hitler, who had an aera of greatness and power, 4a pity it ended so early... Besides him Td like to. hail the anctent Roman enpe- rors; Caligula, Julius, Augustus and Ne- ro. Te efortnaely never again be ike i once was. Haill Do you read a lot ? Do you have many ‘books in your library ? Santina: T do, somatines 1 dont 1 "t really owe that many. books, but I ‘oy reading things that concer me, like ancient history and religions, and Evil. At the present time I am_ reading the Necro- homtcon. But I find the biggest pleasure n ‘writing mse That's poetry and philosop- hy Jar beyond what any book could give So you read out of sheer curiosity, whi- Te you create your own dark and philoso- phical world in your own works ? Byes. Fneed no writen work but my own ‘And J think that many Books that were ‘originally geniously wrtton, have lst thelr Yelte due fo poor translations. About TRELLDOM's music, do you have imag nln on i? = Yes, Td say so. Tyrant writes it, but I flp coordinate i end compose it concer ning lenght of the riffs and such. It has to ‘it with my Iyries. But Ld say that the vo- ‘ale are totally essential for the music. es not possible to make good music wit- Ihout supreme vocals. So T do have much influence oni, yes. ‘Are there bands you favour more conce- ‘ming vocals ? S"GORGOROTH of course, DARKTH- RONE. too, as they have a very unique style and sound. And old bands like HBL- HAMMER, old CELTIC FROST stuff and such. And of course DEINONYCHUS, who Here's ALTAR. Holland, 1. i calle a Ee lo You are frequently compared to DEICIDE and VADER, do you feel there Is a reason for sch comparisions ” “Yes, 1 can imagine someone com- ‘paring ux to such bands, because Se all listen to their albums and ti ply et, reo rl but well pl th Metal ik VADER and DEICIDE do. Why there is so little of new ‘material on your album, most of the songs are re-recorded old ‘demo tracks ? =H see the tracks on our debut CD all. as new tracks, the demo ta- pe we recorded earlier, we did it any for promotional use for record les. Besides there are four tracks on it that most people riever Iheard before and the sound on the ‘album is much tighter and better ‘produced than on the demo tape. Many. people, concider, your tnd God Created Satan." demo asa elassie Death Metal demo, do ‘you coneider it as that ? 2 We think there is still room for Sls Benth Mat, we oe proud ‘ur stile of music and you can eerie in our aogier lr tening to blasting ‘classic® Death than bore myself with all the Seome Osmase shit, (are you reo got my anesthe win ? = You say that ALTAR against all religions, right ? But don't you think that one can see you as Sa- tanie band "cos of the” inverted ‘cross in your logo? Also on the inlay CD photo you are keeping ‘goat skull? = We are in ALTAR are egoists, hot satanists, We do and play what ‘we like, we follow no trends or be ‘slaves to a religion. As far as. the inverted crass conceméd, our logo is probably the only one’ where it suite perfectly. It gives our name ipower against anyone. The skull Is purely an ornament, evil, but no (farther meaning. Did you ever had any prob- ‘Yecnuse of your aatiehris- tite? fe have printed, sit with "Youth Agrinst Christ on the back Some Lids who wore them at schoo! were send back ome tnd Kicked tut of school hi hil At some Shows (one with DEICIDE) in or meghbouriood were diehard cri- Sans to prot, but we coud play anys. I really like that picture on your album which shows the brain wwith barbwire and spikes... What ‘does it present and who came up with the idea ? NT eame up with it and it symbo- tags the hatin bran’ when ‘someone thinks in such way, he wi Show too much weakness and his ‘Stupid, narrow-minded thoughts ‘will be butchered as soon as he ‘ants to, practise them in real Ife. Just like Jesus. Why do you think hat religions Mejias who docs not thf : dos nt thin for himself bt follows Teader oF all dargerous. Do: not rst Sipone bur yous Has comme mom or cht doe ching oo! for gon? yl hem Br God he dos not food you What separates "Youth Against Crist” fom all ofthe other e- 1 Gp mod inom, it depends on the "7 do nol low, it depends ont ae Our tc Gat original, ‘bat good! People Iie that more than beng new but bering en you comet play well, aonal bring out an albu! 18 Me id wit] iti-christian Pepe pet tad debut alban ‘and some other things... album Have you heard about that of- her ALTAR from Sweden? ="When we came up with our na- ‘me, we never had heard about that Swedish group. We do not care, Tet the fans decide who is the reai How do you see the Death Metal scene today ? Do you think there will be any bands playing this style in 3-4 years ? "Yes, of course. As long as Ili ye, T'will listen to brutal music and I'am not the only one. Bi 8 for instance stil exists, how old sit? A humdred years ? Will ALTAR remain Death Me- {al forever or change your direc- tion into more modera, proggres- sive style? Like many of the bands today that mix Death Me- tal with industrial, hardcore... 7 = We are not an act, we play AL~ TAR's music becuse we are ALTAR. ‘And the more people will ask us this question, the more pissed off brutal our sound will bel ‘Was Displeased Records the only Wr offer-you got? = No, we talked with Steam- Jammer, Nuclear Blast, Osmose, ut we signed with Dispteased by many reasons ? Do you do any ‘Dlasphemies* du- ring your live performances ? e Yeah, we curse everyone we do not like, we let all our adrena- Tine’ and aggression follow but ‘without make-up, we show our ‘int faces, hal La Tad forth Pant you and the readers for he intrest ur als ha, ha iTyourse/ seal ALTAR Spaanskamp 83 7771 BN Hardenberg HOLLAND } i ' t Dw las inly added iy rong. poe nly a iamgerously stron} mers when “the Gods of fee TRELLDOM unleashed their Darl freezing demo "Disappearing of the Burning Moon’. The songs and ma- terial on the demo is a bit old now, and the band hardly even play then no. longer’ these days. Stil you can Feel the pagan touch of cold in these songs, tat were the first to be writ- fen and. performed by them. TRELLDOM consists of Gaahl (vo cals ries) and Tyrant (guitars), ‘who first started the band, and Taa: Keheim (bass), and Goat (drums, known from’ GORGOROTH). In a conversational. interview with Ga- ai, he told me that their next demo will be quite different from their first 1 be much faster, ‘more. ag- ssive, and more pure, Cold Blac fetal. they already. have the. songs written and the demo will not be as Profesionally, recorded, ay, their first, and the title will be "Taake'. this ‘tape will only be available for the true ones in a limited edition. ‘This ‘means that all trendfollowers and Kids that ‘wanna be Evil’ can just Keep their money, or send them for nothing in return! I asked Gaahl, who is. a sinister poet him- self, what he thought about other ‘bands lyrics, good or bad., = 'T never remember bad rics, I just lgnore them. But to mention @ band ‘vith Sadly bad lyrics, be it BATHORY. besides ‘than most death Metal bands foo. After ‘all, most Black Metal bands do. not print their Iyrics on their releases, 30 who knows. Your lyrics are very personal, can you tlie wat they aoa ike Yor. example one in inglsh eld Tru, Ba tnd Deo {s"about just tha truth, pain and death, ‘whichis all, and that's me, as Iam al ‘So in short, your lyrics are about you and ‘what you represent ? an Sa «= Yen, you om abst If poo written by me, as | am the oe ‘them all, mine Yourke "Yes, of course, there is nothing bright about my innerself. a ‘What opinions have you about all those, Satanic movements, like the Church of ‘Satan and others ? 21 do. not really know 100 much about what they are up to, or what they are, but I think they are mosily weak people flocking like rats, afraid of standing alone. In true solitude one has the strenght of le- lon, which stronger than a horde of ‘weakmindeds. Anton Lavey and his, fol- Towers are incredibly ridiculous. It all ‘so childish, Twill not waste my breath on “disoussing them. Burning churches, what do you think of that? = Well, personally I don't mind it at all, bbue Lfear that might cause among peo- ple fear of nihilism and anti christian Stews. that Black Metal represents, and in that way lead neutral people to" subco- ‘ming’ 10 christendom because that is what they accept and don't want to loose. I think t's the wrong way to proce. Is there something you would rather urn than a church ? 2 Nindead, there're all those maskees that ‘are spread around the world. They shall fll be erased from the face of this earth! He must fst deserinas the new reli, glons thai are trespassing the borders, of ‘ur proud country, the foreign ones, Islam {for instance. And finally, when rid of all those, we must do our own religion, chris- tianity, which has the deepest roots in No- way. ‘Are there any historical events tha peal to you, that you'd like to hail? «tie, ah shape, ier, ‘who Iiad an aera of greainess and power, 4 plo tended 30 ear. Besides im Pd Tike to. hail the ancient Roman empe- rors; Caligula Julius, Augustus and Ne- 1. et wrtinaely never agin be ike ‘ones was. Hail Do you read a lt ? Do you have ma books in your library ? ” P"Sometiner I do, sometimes I don't. 1 don't realy one that many ‘books, but tj reading things that concern me, like ‘thtent history and religions, and Bil. At ihe presen time Tam reading the Necro- horton. Bu find the biggest pleasure In ‘writing myself Tha’s poetry and philosop- I far beyond what any Book could give ‘So you read out of sheer curiosity, whi- Je you create your own dark and philoso- phlcal world in your own works ? £ Yes, I need no written work but my own. ‘And I think that many books that were originally geniously writen, have lost their Value due to poor translations. ‘About TRELLDOM's music, do you have ‘much influence on it? = Yes, Tid say so. Tyrant writes it, but I fp coordinate it and compose it concer ang eh of the riffs and suc, It as to {ft with my lyrics. But Yd say thatthe vor gale are teal essential for the asic. Bis not posible to make good music wit- Trout supreme vocals. So T do have much influence oni, yes. ‘Are there bands you favour more conce- ming vocals? GORGOROTH of gown, DARTH. oo, as they have a vary unique Sole an sound. And old bands like HAL ‘old CELTIC FROST stuff and Such. And of course DEINONYCHUS, who are superb. So you do not like many fore: ‘gn bands, only Norwegians ? Yes: mostly. The Swedes could make it a le frer i hey jst stoped, copying tach other, many of tham Sound very mc fhe sama." al the sme th Pls ‘bands for example, many of them tr 0 so- tite bles Neca ba, ke IMMORTAL, DARKTHRONE ete. But the- re are two exceptions, BEHEMOTH and INKERNUM be thetr names! T have to mention the infamous charac- fer mio fs now in Jal! for the murder of Euronymous and ehurchburaings, Varg Viernes What have you got to sy abo: {thin do you suppord his ews 2 wis muste is not the Ki T sen 10 of- io bln crn act 9 a sod, very depressive. An a BisS tons aed tons. Hea noble cha cterand a pont aad. can agit ee Se een acaear ‘iomtes, But f anyone would" succeed, ee ata 5 ‘What is Satanism to you ? =I see it as something religious, biblical ‘As god of the bible has his followers and Marti Sy worshippers, has te Devil, The bth nt ofthe same religion. 1 worship the ‘Devt of my oom dark. being. Tam my ovm Tam my vn Satan ido call that tana ot Satan ing by those terms. Maybe you can cll it Gat Wham ea ha, ha} How is the relationship between the ‘members of TRELLDOM ? = Quite good, Id say. There has of course ‘bean agreements and disagreements, bul Wt has. always sorted out, 0 we work very ‘well together now. ‘That's god, finally are there anyone you ‘wish olor curse? "There ar ely someone 1 il or furs expecially subhumans ges, mo es ee es are il Leischenschrel (OPFERBLUT /LACE- RATED GODS) and the German Black Metal brotherhood. And GORGOROTH Jor relasing such a masterpiece Penta- ‘Walking some deep, abandoned forest, rhe weeld yon care fo have. fer 3 See nobaly bt ol alto 4 appreciate the company of ou as Tei Ae slide com be ace a 30.08 two, bu not three Ax my abode ‘proticalyis inthe deep woods," cons irae EOE MortiS "Fodt Til a Herske" CD $ 20 / 32zt (Polska) SS "The Song of a Long Forgotten Ghost" demo '93 (special East European re-edition with completely different cover to the first version, very limited! ) $ 5 / 621 (Polska) PAGAN RECORDS c/o Tomasz Krajewski, P.O.Box 12, 86-105 Swiecie 5, POLSKA. bee Lt der myself as a part of it. An eternal Branch of ase de, OTOH ‘Such_are the words of Gah, and for those ‘wanting to know more about the dark world of this evil poot, I ean tell nothing but to advice you to hope for him reles- sing his poems in some dark collection some day and read what Ihave read. IPy0 Wish to order the demo, you can write to one of the following addresses: TRELLDOM P.O, BOX 108 6840 VASSENDEN NORWAY TAAKEHEIM clo TRELLDOM P.O. BOX 30 6982 HOLMEDAL ‘NORWAY ‘Demo price: SOkr (Norge), $ 6 (Europe), S T (world) CT have made it clear as to why VOND came into existence: ( think's0 = ED) It looks like MORTHS is more than awed Band, you also mrite a lt for MORTHIS it feature in And now we talk t9' Mortisrnte es ner EMPEROR member, see maior bead ea eles me Fee oe hose ier es. Gh Ron teat bebe rt peng | en A Sas fe Langwass dart ae an ex. sember ofthat famous SitEROke “Lea i oo ny people de fs ienien Bate We Betehettsae ts ee 3 po recon 16, mind, Solo Look igi ieaenple of the KISY monbers rake Bi donot thnk how theft ee a Teme that girl on the p oe with you ‘you're naked In ed betyoom? eb ¢ blood spe bie tae un 19 the YOND,pho- eatin tet cme fatto Peet one ee ee ees Rebeetite 1 Tia EE en Ie Sd tog weet ear eae thing. Behe cas of cone ‘this photo, of n bia roa fe oe er corner ‘used bt beer aie, tae: mS > e ae pro ae See again. i apart ee stare as gpa Do vou use any other musi tee fo MOTHS and’ HAVARD. YOND, 0 ‘lone? ryt edfaregtias fr kien ited for er hal A ai 1s VOND (ex HAVARD-VG progetto a ieee at = 181 too mach x re NDioa poe feling apt | fe eoeeir aes pare ne ‘MORTIB ey, tae we Sp, are amply De you mind people th tke interest ne de ge Ses eee erate ar ee : ue Holland. The CD is gece ‘Mal concent b sects x EL eed noon here i etter dherlenoy ine e es rant ‘everybody to a Sigel aU ees re though. al in preduction In the meantie aa es Jor f'n marca cts in gevtral, Thank you for the “interesting intervie, Tomas, intelligent irs eo are welcomel = ED tay rf ciernal blessing’ of the tower be IT'S KRIGERE | c/o. Anghel, latsen 10, 302 71 Halmsiad, ~~ here's no doubt about tt, MITSANTAROVPE tsa social bands. c fast lion either Co thet é ible debut LP "Variation on Inductive Theories (Holy Records) on ‘Meracle: Totem Taboo! out on the same rere on viewed below - infomal) alte ai Co es tik ey ome gon a oth ato ‘Eee Uh tc one in hi aed siege mse a Ho ae ee in ei ed DB Sd hae che he Team ceil Cee el ihe ort fT oy i rd Hamish Hes rg ht er ind i ecg 0 Fen tg I fe te ete oe Sal matin Fal ed firs tae be je Lore Semmnee rh i rae rt a Ny tay ig a oo toe tiny Ba hee Hy Ra ede yi oie cps fe deo ad es ee hits Tere See sr wee i a tl Tee Doser tant Foe / ‘Front ofa record company. ‘What these symbols of christian religion (ish, cross, roses) on the cover of your debut album are about ? Ts there any Kind of connection between music ttle, lyrics and artwork ? ="The caver represent the choice between Heaven (the rebirth ina world of harmo WC oo is its, crital. prison: connection 10 the ‘song. “quariun). Bverything_ is connec= ted, the roses aré humanity’ failing down fone by one, redone are mortal ones, the white ones are the dead. It's very com pples. Each detail is a fantasy vision of one & the album song. Seserine of Holy Rec. did it, She's a fantastic artist No?! derground in front of our musical situa- tion. You know, a trend never existed at that time in France because there was no Ssoene, but nowaday’ all the CANNIBAT, CORPSE fans are into IMMORTAL, and MAYHEM, over here, you just can't belie- ve it's incredible how a way’ of life could bea real fashion. Can you explain the me: term you use to define your ‘Avanegarde Doom Death Metal’ ? We ‘choose firstly to PMOTIONAT, CLIMATE to “have nothing. connected with the metal scene, but after a few res (ponses from ‘zines, mags etc. vie chan- fod that and use the Avant-garde words Were more so ealled avant-gardish band than [think we are. Really” nobody ex- cept CELTIC FROST was avant-garde back then. You are cult then one day you fall into. weak recording and people ‘reat you as posers and money sucker. Hey Of course Iwas vith her the dy of the ore thos ive all ny Ha of is Erection, we dit 36 shows in light 36 Shots angi. Eventing ts natural and ind mea by er Tc wt itn on a LP size, Bat this Ln planned at {ie moment Tit covers are weasel fre Pe di Slvr ds gor Ecole lay-out wih me. sine our Ve atlon On Inctve Theores dau, Became more royal with an asian emotion ‘fsa pencration, wa ond ee the- (oi Grain yo mag 9 San seu thre ts pact omose heen tte band and the Lal tn front of art & promotion. ‘Your style changed drastically compe- Teityour deme recordings tothe current a why" dd ju play Gare Death ‘Main the past? Only because its po- platy? reyes I was bored to. play shity aah Det oto etn ing 20 withthe opportaniy of noe Incr if asthe peer tine 0 change my mind and clear ap all the musi lines Of MMSANTHROPE. I always tried to hoy rat ee, ook ly ox tnt, yes [found prety interesed our de~ brat jeconding Back in tne. But f ne- ver tinkd of paplarty o something like Ta We have boon aay lone nt rman, stop the madness, we have the rights to do what wwe want or the rights to define ‘ourselves as Doom Death. You know me Since some years, Tomasz. may be 4 or 5 Sears and T still am there, where all my Friends and bands from the same times ‘are ultra popular or splited. With around only ‘and childish... Please let ‘me laugh ofall this mascarade YYou don't want to call “Miracles :To- {em taboo! as your second album, but in fect its your second album release? Aosolitely not, t's mare 3 mint CD's in ‘ne han something ese. OF course if I Stas an Peaceile T would do thre aif re i D1 me ism inoney, but no wap! We hed ver) fo recording tn stock ane wasn't absolutely not ready for second album so Seveine “ecided to bring MISANTHROPE in st dis for 30 minutes of brand new, anrelea- sed‘ stffand add two. reveconded rem Ser and "four unreleased godly, 1992 Jongs which have only bean avatlabl on init nonce ib, the remalning of my past ature and pre= Sent Our real secon albion wil be out in Serober 1995 on Holy Rec. 8 song are drat finch, but we need some more fie bcs we are proaring fr some thing special Only the promotion of To- fen Baboo! CD have heen bigger than Jy IL ry A ‘Variations... for the rest i's something weird and ver) deep inside of me. The To- ten aboot gale 1 the manor, of friend. It's a lyrical symbolization Sion, Cidlood Momorias Die- fique courtoise’. The cover itself is the Totem. of Taboo... The Kamasuby temples? in India! & & The bres of ‘cata Men ! dnd ‘eroquecoortase ate ver el Stmeniat csi ty i ert any ind how my by Prisha odo il nama fe mye pero Tha toa peaont eden ak if your mother or dash Braap ones fom ta agin Pe fos, Your muibic is fall ot emotions, eXpres. Sour ae fat cel Special... As” ihe main ereator of all musie and Iyres tell me something. mare about the process of songwriting. Where the in- Eptrations come fron ST te all songs alone ‘pest solitude “and sanglty of the night. T write most of the stuff at night‘on- By with my guitar ahd stereo t6 record and relist the riff Then sit ddim aid lis- ten carefy. the whole things picking, up the besttnes end work'on arvarigoment The most important to me is fo change the Structure from song ta, song. All inspirations come rom in sme that f listentsince 19 yea Why don singin enh mines 2 hgingsits far more Ramantte and poetic dam not quite sre yo are that good on Solis, fend“ D}. Testo. pre my ro- dis, and my elini's blood fo make me as T fam. just sing 2595. of the songs. in ‘ronch. Th rest is perfect english because ‘people have to understand our misanthro- Boras or my ftre ans have ro ipossbilites; one's to compose everythin in rnch, the other ne todo the rench and English version of the same alban weil MISANTHROPE, with such a name ou don't seer (9 bet man who hes People right 2 What annoys you most Ir" eman andi te vane fate? Nething crmoys me, the aman sdaad of talon woriy, Tou naw hen yo Sot ng od peg id of your Te pow acrid that ou are diferint of thir 20 callat sel predetermined fe spie I hte rapt Find fe the sex ating el ood plo {mend saad cope | a hr snih gure an upon eveytng cd igh 9 The doy of Jon and happiness Foe the mower | chmove tht noting 10 oq Dena te hater of manting ¢ hint UiBANHIROPE specter row end ated. We are not oto = wr Fam no sotr the ayy Mot ol bu the ead the prers Grurders??). — ‘What about the feeling of love ? = For humans this feeling do not exist in ‘mel Nobody Is enough perfect 10 be lo- ° fan evglish-or polish for example (ha, 1 ier-have be- (HS he best languagafor si 7 v yw vad. If you hear something else, these ‘are nothing but lies! With he band you use studio musi cians, is Philippe Courtois De L'Argilie~ fe MISANTHROPE ? The band and your person isthe same? "Mfbotutey not MISANTHROPE ts @re- al band we pay ive and rehearse 3 hours Story wesk ob the 3 other members are plang nthe mighty tecno etal band galled KRAKKBRAIN, but where is the Grobion ? 1 formed this bond withthe Masenrop set ender David. Barra, when he decided with Lionel Bolore to Sop the mise to use [00% of ther oe tn tela Sond ent ihe begining # was “ike a Session will © fhe gecording on Variation. but ioe are oy mie? Sidi at eveything 18. perfect 10, Ime: the re secandlbunt Are you romantic, depressive nature ? 2" ‘am absolutely not depressive, that's _ for sure. Depressive people are weak one 00h front of the human asshole. Noway, T ‘ant as strong as I can and tell tothe of- hhors when things go wrong. We do not Ihave to be always cool when things fuck you up. Try to be myself and. liught ‘ach time that I read in a mag that someo- ne sas Feah, Iam pure MISANTHIRO- tein general they're just 15 years old PURVES: Fuck them! About romantism, 1, ths befor Lam not sure tobe is Kind of guy but with no.doube Vent attrde- is et tn yah 0 plex your: byain. ce TOU ein, HATE, the one wbich sail tell you thats! “ist 198 young tg tnderstand 5 though What ari toys kn personal - Mouror maybe ametbing ee? TMeding ometing ere fom the ‘air gle ea cence oper different feelings, person te Sect Chute in Sotitide 1. a rent late 1992 A> V7 Your name sounds yomewatarrstcra- icto my ears ? = In everybody ears 100, don't be afra- {dl Blue Blood really flows overhere, we Haven't. been complately annihilated by 1789 Guillotine slaughter. But I let ‘those detail to my ancient family, RIP. ‘Any person from the past you 'd like to ‘talk have a sex with if you could ? = The mother of us all, the great MARIE ANPOINETTE, NAPOLEON and CHAR LEMMAGNE. AWhat's your favourite band on Holy Re- ls angbayhy ? x es "AlLgay ten Beause 1 ae all per- te ther music it's he only Uh. rey forme steal be completely an ate how could you promote te saméeigit Holf Ree. bands if there ts so- Ia ha yon don ke tat mich, hey ail rule high tn my sky. Yow must to checkout TRISTITIA, SERENITY, GODrALE, TMEGHOUL, MORDOR What do you see the futire of MISAN- THROPE? =e Scere oes ‘pear we will split up! To be true, we ha ie to be short. Truth or lies. You'll soe. don't believe in bright MISANTHRO- PEs future. We are too undergrowd ‘and original for that. ‘The french scene has always been very lame, how are the reasons for that ? =" French people have a lot of talent for (poetries, theatre and art, but for the ine {al except a few, its impassiblé to be born 10 Kill heré. That's the major problem of da such old country as we're. Bul on the ‘other hand i's so sweet 0 walk on those ‘millions dead roads. iperet fo ral satiation you like TRUST. when you're epee! leg Re oe WoO, yon le TRUST, when yess ‘songs for MISANTHROPE is a Kind” ‘escape from thatzlay I will desand won't ‘beable to do aristhing against that Tritt en ‘the’rest of the album. ‘hem onit? = This is not an album, buit more an,snre-932 nh Bore cn re por reerier Fee Mt wala 1979 wth ei Se ese Br ORBLE TRCN RAISIN od hen you ore Sant lt oa he ‘ourtofg sl tit bouge je tabat" (Courto- is (mgi-mame) if'you move I kill you) tnd gmetad emie'a thelr of pring, Ty Fel, % ad compilation of 3 yes Scape urease ae Uk ae a ire eee Aare i ii So a Sour choles yon ae the one Son fae, The ing it thar“Yons of people enjoy this 1995 recording alot more than the new ‘Avant gah one! Erman ae ory ‘are of what’a hirman is doing, in i de inane oy 8 tel Fist ofall I ny 10 be myself before inting’n hat the oer could ca, MISANTHROPE/ 4 BLD GUTENBERG / 93190 LIVRY-GARGAN FRANCE rr ae en — ~~ < ing ic, tts ayo singing ote 4 Pirofanation eer EE 94 (Heh pt Gm stan at std hr ee eae fe PROFANATION " ‘ In Gloom demo'94 Its very fanny to read Iris dealing with fice sow and See fou? a bad hal eo. fs mbt, eae Sngapre an bably never “saw a winter in. the whole life. But ok, musically PROFA- NATION is he Se band ever bead from Singapore. Their syle is Death Metal but what tracts me on itis that PROFANATION sick to the role af that syle, Lhope you all know what 1 gm ing ato, do aot have th ‘noe. am nt vaong, they EEE coud fr ete a ck Ind demo tape called asta.” under their old name = BEHEADED. “in Glo- fom’ as put oat. by Blackwinds Re- cords tnd contains two songs “Entombed {nSorrow and Pagan Grande Blackoinds Rec, Box O47, Bedok Central 5146, SINGAPORE sKEGG demo "94 The very tape was everything I recei- vel in WS peblage fom thse “Sei des 20 T anpot say much about them The tiles on the demo me “Fatrance to Vata and “Decent of Ot but muse cally i has nothing todo wah 30 clled Norther Black Meta. SKEGG plays s0- me. primitive DeatHeayy Metal” mix, that Ss not trendy or aayhing.. ie ‘oblem hee fs the songs ae easly foten Voy umneporbi natal Dost ve up Your day jobs gus! SKEGG, Ba- fhakern 3.79298 Mora SWEDEN FUNERAL CULT In Tristita Et In Lacrimis ‘cassette EP, Finally « good band fom Poland, Tha- Ye boon seeptial about them becaiso af Uheir somewhat unoriginal namo, butt fumed ont better than T expected. They come fom te samo aca as PANDEMO- NIUM and T saw pleniy reviews com: puting thom fo tat and ‘Well these iatahece® they play’ slo do- Pat thats al -Aa ? eink FONE RAL CULT is much better than this now PANDEMONIUM that bred emt: tein the hole of self éxplicaton. But 0, Us tage was recorded five atthe studio tnd lias 4 atmospherics! Doomy/De- athyDask songs with melodic muta and ‘wide range of vocals, but naling like ANATHEMA, MY DYING BRIDE. FU- NERAL CULT sound is moresaW dey do this more tie way BETALEHEM does Good depressive” stulT with original Miws.. They soem to feel these dark mo- tds and shows alot of promis fir the fc fore. Lets hope they oat wast their chance FUNERAL CULT Zgierska2 Rejon 24 Lédz 11 POLAND SATANACHIA , grand général. UGLUK (aother Taken name! look to ine as they ae followers of his present ‘lsc Metal tend. Nor ny the me on this3 song. debut reminds se alt of No- a'tat angage wie Tn ee in‘ language whieh T ind some bit silly, becaise UGLUK comes om aly! Inthe present Biack Met sone ‘when every Single new tomed band lai t bei (which eamot be pas- Sible of cous) its realy hard to sy30- ielhing about” UCLUXS hougless 1% Norwogin sean has detent so 10% 0. fund I gocs for. $5_ (europe) or 86 (Gora), Hei fiers stand, oa foe white acian poople’s0 be carefil When ‘rderingok? "Horde of Saraman, Via G. DecarwNa7, 84100 Salerno ITALY LIER IN WAIT Immersie Obscura ‘The Equinox of the ‘Gods demo Most of you are faniline with tbe name of LES IN WATT because of Wat godly Swedish band. Here. we ave TER IN WATT from Rowsriam, Holland. As they {old me at etme hey fommed bey did ‘Kaywey ey wea good!" AS ng at eile eke oops in te sere Death Metal wort de, teres no dobt ‘wntover, Thso the guj are" dic Tei to hore ts form ofthis spe fo tse the very common slogan ie” way 1° was meant to be Thy pay bra, gressive, atehy long the lines of {Gs MORDID ANGEL, "VADER, MUTILATED, but. without “ripping fnyones. off KILLERY From what f now this band broke up and this dram ter Yuet snow in the Black Mal band FOMSEAL WaNDR Ye tno iis Inserts el sable, bot wie itd ak LIER IN WATT, Nosrderhaven- Inde B, 039 RG Roiterdam HOL” EAND ‘SILENT ‘demo Doyo el ey Tick fo yay Be MARIIEERY, Is TESTAMENT, EXODUS, EXHUMER, you know that Epos eae oe ay pent ual tb as seer Ho ere at TENCE, Their music is basicaly quite ‘ood, also their singer has 2 good soun- “Thsh band of today does i Of, on the pening tne, Winter (ny five) Wo Blame best, baton the other band ho- fs al, $0 am not impressed, die hard Thrash ans ean check out yung, the tape as very go pode tion at cover Ronny Strand, Fuglevik- iva 34, 435 Kestansand NORGE = DEMOLITION ‘When the Tomb Beekons demo I almost haveat_seen DEMOLITION appearing in nes whic I find. stange ebause of to reasons: Fst of, ty ha ween exes fr bl Gy ow, Secondly they are a ‘hat they i mer laments merle ect ig ot ansher Stupid CAN "AL "CORPSE. clone. ie is godly real Death Metal, brutal like it should Felt. Gondor cc vx rngig soreams 10 heavy ro fd tolas tines. Mosty emphasis on Speed bt they do slow down pty en hough the cass s'prety cl, you an stil get it for 87 om Thrash Come Stes. He band is alge appearing wi three new songs on “HO'TO compl tion CD on Roughage Records ‘Thrash Comer; Bax 577 Las Piedras Pacovvm, USA ‘Also avaiable fom Thrash Comer: AS- TARGTHPLost State of Dreams” demo, EXMOLTHS*Bulcers ofthe Urban Fron: tice" demo (see reviews in HOLO- Chust#), “HoxRox oF HORRORS debut CD ad alot mov! Wat for info MORSTICE, Reflections Remain demo 1 am not totally impressed, bat this is sm seg god deat wi an sive th Gand ati woe signed o Det Records (now no longer @ part of Peace- illo) Their debut €D wil be eied "Dreaming the Obscure and it should be cout around Spring 1995. The band tld i dt th fb is ler and 2 big progression ahead not tad mister on this second Jomo, Their ound mixes aspects ofthe Senndinavan nih) Death Metal scene and some ot melodies. Its prety brutal, but also does not lack: melody and some technical ‘i, For thos who ety intligent De- ah Metal as DEMIGOD, MALEDIC- {TON this can appeal interesting Steve, 6 High Crange Rd, Spennymoor COBorham, DLLSSRA, INGLAND WE omse (rh Oer x ‘CRYSTAL AGE promo tape 1994 Do. you remember the interview we had with Swedish Heavy Death Metalers CEREMONIAL OATH in issue 721 Unfo- ‘tunately tat great band broke up, but do not ey because Oscar (gular, Vocals) pie he forces with Hams nd Mosse ‘thy LIERS IN WAIT and new killer act was bom, namely CRYSTAL, AGE Basically their style 8 a continuation (or better ~ combination) of CEREMONIAL, OATH end LIERS IN-WAIT music and CRYSTAL AGE is picking up where the former bands. left ‘off. But” of course some things have changed. Better “musi- ccanship. with wiruosistic guitar sles, ‘lot of energy and more interesting rm Sie, This is probably the best-minture of al god Hen, Metal and Death Mela ver existing, along wit Sc DARe HARGUILLT Ss Shy neefLP of coursel GREAT FURIOUS METAL! You know, some of uy pals compared them to AT THE GATES, well do not really feet they sound alike and CRYSTAL AGE, mules over these gu ‘whose tho rd i the sky is! doubt if 3'song tape canbe obizined by fans, you scan alvays write and ask, hh CRYSTAL AGE rokzzail CRYSTAL AGE Bor 262 463926 Onsala’ SWEDEN 288 Beyond Serenity BEYOND SERENITY Promo tape 1994 Fuck, why are these Danish signed yet {2 Thy are worthy of good. record eal! iis promo tape has two new, excellent Song dat only Teave. me itching for mo- rel This is even better than thet already very good ‘hind the Silence! demo that T could not praise enough in HOLO- GAUST 7, The production is Better and everything is" improved. guess this Stull can be categorized. somewhere in the ranks ‘of Metal, but not as one par- ticular style. Vocals of Carsten Holi are more impressive than before, infact be hia fo be one of my most favourite sin. Be die ot ce, he dss nt grow, he just 3 5 perfet at {batt would highly recommend this band, but not to narow minded ios, bit. to good misie lovers. Labels, come ‘Thotas Maacton, Rolf Keakeve] 8 mas Maaetol 3600 Freverssuad. DENMARK ‘eleptone: 45. 42-310381 DESULPHURIZE [Nibilistic Era demo 1 1994 Se eee ECLA frre tee eee ey ro oe that label, but they are not bad though. Sa ie ty eee Se in ot Ror ne IST. Lyrically they do not deal with Satanism, Cae they, siscon se oes Bat pei ete fo sy a es Ys arate reas as cine a 142'33 Athens GREECE. ‘DARKNESS ENSCHROUD ‘Winter of Sorrow demo DARKNESS ENSCHROUD isthe bent nema, Baron Vo. Abad fon ftom SOKATIC 7 BLACK FUNE- TEAL loti on oer gy eae Ra ‘ier of Seow wane wih sms ‘wpb woes erage noes aad and nbn stat sods ks that ul its nied. et There i tething moral This ‘sey, wed Ie DAMANDA GALAS, ded of Siu Mis ke one mocsuous fot 1 link same god da into. could be do- ‘ne off of it, but it doesn't work as a whole, pect) BEAR FUNERAL tc ne Y q y, DARKNESS EN- SHROUD “hut CD ‘Ancent King Goan shod be ot et now on Mat tend and hope willbe beter Ste aires dhewhte 1a a EVIL GOD REVIVAL demo 1994 Well, wha to say sbout this? The output of tir set ened demo is col and dark, the Iries are block, butT rather Wo- ‘ld hot revommend this to Black Meta Jers The musical pene of EVIL GOD REVIVAL is cific fo be labelled, its Kine inthe vein of bends. like DAN ZING "and TRON MAIDEN (circa “Kil fers’), “but often it shows some ‘ThrachyDeom infences too, Tmt unde fine that this five tracker is very Pro- fesnaly done, bt Tam soy Tam fot impressed. "There's a this Band wnt dont work with me ‘Jerry & Tom, 1800 South 8th Street Philadelphia: PA. 19148 USA DARK WHITE ‘demo 1 1994 oe, ts, ie, re Re NE a ate Saha Aaa Gr Shiite St Ecuichar aaa: eee ere or nam ch cas eater nme are Bog a Seni att oe Buea te dehtaes eran action SESE tote dais na Gea er Sethi Pane © pores Pan Suaeers des BEES toetieitihe Pore ea ee a a originals plus covers of PENTAGRAM aes oad Lo ee Ean OTS 4 Inthe interview for Goats of demonium ‘zine you saids'T am guilt of all charges, I killed this man (. just to see what it was like’. Do you feel_now that your curiosity was worth 14 years of yourlife ? “Everything 1s relative... so therefo- re itis not important whether it Yeas worth it-or not. I did what I wan led, unfortunately it was illegal, so row Fam in jk that 15H, gute sip ‘You have been sentenced for 14 years, but is there any chance you ‘will leave the prison sooner ? =" will most likely leave prison af- ter nearly 10 years of inprisonment. It isa long time, but ax I just said every- thing is. relative... The fact that I dm in jail is absolutely nothing comparing with the cosmas, universe. Do you still take yourself as. the EMPEROR member ? I mean, Hel- hammer tals about ‘replacing’ in EMPEROR, and also the fact 1 you have never ofically got fired... ? 2Sort of. 1 mean, ites the aul rity that forced me 10 leave EMPE~ IR. It was neither my or the rest of the EMPEROR guys wish that show 26 Bard Fast (formerly EMPEROR from vist interfiets) uld leave EMPEROR, so I am still ‘sort of with them in the spirit ‘Are you in touch with other EMPE- ROK members? ~ 1am of course still in touch with Samoth, thsahn and Tohort, and I have Ino plan (0 stop the touch And what about Mortis ? = Yeah, what about him ? He is a fucking loser and I do not wanna waste any of my writing ribbon on im. ‘Are you trying to be active musician in prison ? ~Yes, as much as I can. there isa lou- ‘gy drumset here, so try to play as often as 1 can, but unfortunately {ot all the employees want me to play, but sill I manage to keep my driming in shape. How your day in jail ooks like ? BMY’ days here are only full of row- tines, very boring, but Tvl menoge ‘anycy. In the day Igo t0 school ad inthe evening I spend with lifting = ight. or just ding nothing. Do you get much support from other people, Bands, ct me Pes the support afler my arrest has been enormous [receive fons” of let ters, fanzine, CD's and tapes. shirts tind Kind of items. this Is very encow raging of course, and my mall makes mny divs” go. faster. There has heen et eotconfecatod by the pao, bit got confiscated bythe prison, bu such things hoppen seldom. Sill these onfiscated things will be given 10 me shen I live tis jal. When did your experience with mu- sic start, was STIGMA DIABOLI- CUM your very first band? ~" My" first personal experience with playing’ n.d hand was ith STIGMA MABOLICUM in late 1989 (although T then had been playing drums for five pears) Me and Shore did te band Together with a third guy’ on vocals, we later became THORNS. Why did you decide to quit THORNS ? = J never uit that band. swore jg ned MAYHEM and I joined ROR, so. then we decided 10 put EMPEROR on ice, but now, neverthe- fess, THORNS will rise from the ashes again. the legend! will never die. You said once that you would rat- her support christianity than LaVe- y's Church OF Satan, what do you Think there is so wrong with LaVey ? ado not have anything aginst dn ton LaVey in general. Te ts aver Bright and inteligent person, but It is this Church Of satan ‘thing T dist fe Just do mol have ating odo with satanism. these people are on cecentries. that “warina” be satanists ‘Gand do the black masses. LaVey's sa- tantsm is just an reflexion on the american dream (reach the top and have success), Very superficial (as troyihing oie merle satanion is nevertheless very individual (altho- gh there mus be is) 0 it not fr me to tell people what Satanism ts dnd what it is!nok Let the masses de= ide themselves Varg Vikernes = God ? Ths) that oof Hs mouth co- ines only hes many people have. reac ted sory negate abo al his es la: tely) Angi, he “ie mot, Imporlan he has cut shai of and is Seddng star in the scene. he will Be forgotten soon Don't you feel that Satanism cannot ‘exist without christianity ? By des- troying one you destroy the other? Ft 1s obvious that everything ne- ‘eds an opponent to exist (positive-ne- gative, good-bad, light-dark, night-day ete., etc) and this. is. the ‘same with christianity versus satanism. Each pole depends on the other's exi- ‘tence. Christianity used in the 2 ep ning (and sil ws of course in eMelalist areas) the det fo tern followers. Without hell and the ach ano sere dy purpose, so everyhing et35 ony breedusé of is opponent. You did not call EMPEROR as Black Metal band, but as an Occult Dand, does it mean that you nally’ are more on the Oeeult path ‘than on the Satanic one =") camot remember that I called EMPEROR os.an Occult band EM- PEROR is BLACK FOCKING METAL Ok, back to that LaVey thing... even if you do not totally agree with that man, you appreciate some. bands ‘with’ the LaVeyan ideology like NE- CROMANTIA, TTING CHRIST... = As for NECROMANTIA, I respect them because of their really great mu- sic. and. also for Morbid being honest ‘with himself. He stand for his views. As for ROTTING CHRIST, T do not now they are a LaVeyan band. only ‘fone member of the band claims to be 4 ‘LaVeyan’, that does not neccessarily ‘mean that the whole band agree with this concept. I do not care anyway, ROTTING CHRIST ts great, but fuck ‘ACHERON of course! What gre yo in the biggest ned in Mollet poper for masturbation. f unds interesting - ED), no seriously, T 6b nor now. 1 guess T have what Pne- ed here. What will be the first thing you do when you get out of jail ? "Til bugs huge fap! ‘That is all, anything you would like Atal jst Danks for hein = Not really just inter- view Tomast, keep up the good work! bg 27 You can_get_in touch with Bard at the address below, send him tapes, ‘zines, records, RC’, anything! He needs our support so act now! Bard g. Eithun Ullersmo Landsfengset Boks 2 2040 Klofta NORGE DESCENDENT Descendent demo 1794 “Yes, yes, esl! This is it An excellent debut from young band based in Ohio, USA. that_goes bythe name DESCEN: DENT. Thi foursome plays some killer aggressive Metal that’ is inspired by ‘eek Det Metal cote categorized as either. E i pedect, musicanship and sound. q yp But ‘is overdone and (whats most important) DESCENDENT seem to play that heats out! These to songs (utr tunately short ones!) ‘Orig’ and Ta- ddstriaized are as) brutal and aggrssi- Ye as, KREATOR (crea Terible Ceal- nity’ or ‘Extreme Aggression times) ‘Grea tu, some asses any tata bend Called" PANTERA. is. bral hn, ha! Good. joke!” Check out DESCENDENT sand haar how fucking lame your PA- NTERA. sounds compared ‘PO Box 4184 Toledo, O11 43609 USA PLOW BARREL It Hurts to Breathe demo 2/94 “This has to be a joke, I just dont believe SS these guys can play so fast, tight and te- Spend un hal, baton the tt ‘speeded up in the studio, but onthe and they use a drum machine, s0 who the hell knows. This demo isthe second one from PLOW BARREL and 1 thi its better than their "Bloaded Beyon Blasphemy’ debut. Its also fast, Grind with weird influences, but this has more vocals and less idiotie humour that 1'do not like in usc, Ths s that type of band Earache or Relapse should got their interest én, if this sounds like your cp of tea, you ean check their both de- sos, theyre really good sounding. $5 (world each, PLOW BARREL, 11200 Creek View Lane, Champlin, USA MAITREYA. ‘demo First off, Jet make it lear that MA- TTREYA {snot a ba in te conventional Sense ant its music is notin the coaven- tional sense either, MAFTREYA is pesfo- red by alin bass player Fabio Chez Tsing bass guitar with Korg pocessor, tnd nothing else So eventing re is Played with one instrument ony! ‘Therés oe vices here and there but very litle afi The tel is i ike uta pat fo lap. very aoospher= fal ant dik, the fal tac ‘Proceson Goes i "Ulumte Jeune) tho best one in my opinion and brings to mind medieval enurch musi... Greatt A pa v. and very orginal tape! Fabio Carbefprod of sd, pel wl ie ere mec ft on se this is this Kind of su you Inve to listen fo elon, im the night wih fe ff isan tof hn Your head. At day it just doc wo ‘that well. dais Fabio Gz, Via Boofain, 85 20138 Milan ITALY ABLAZE MY SORROW For Bereavement We Cried demo Deceot Doom/Death from Sweden, This ie ae with ag plano, fe. we ot five songs. Tam reminded of sme clmcay, te aod, la bewey MY DYING BRIDE wilh plenty of new PARADISE LOST, The sijle of sn fing, tsed on this demo i somewhat Black "Metlish, ‘but also very melo- dons. Some variation and originality Syoul'be needed to make things beter Getter production too), bu it already is Sot bad, some parts sound very depressive and oven. romantic! $5, ‘Marcin Gvist, Evert Taubes V.10 311 40 Falkenberg SWEDEN XENOMORPIL Subspecies demo XENOMORPH plays, some good, non generic, Killer Death Metal. Not much rewsness here, but its certainly fst, bra {al and heavy. This, could be a very; very ‘good tapo as the all 3 songs shreed, but Tunfortunatelly this demo is ruined by horrible mix, especially drums suck! The i protesoly po cped and as Rout Boer wel se ks Ses gpesd bee Tw ya _noy fora better mix! The band should hi ‘ve their full lenght recording ready soon, 30 keep your eyes open! XENOMORPH P.O.Box 31851 Omaha, NE 68131-0851 USA’ J. DEATHRUNE. Memories of the Exhumed demo Big. Apple strikes again! This band vas fury ee moe NECRO- IS who. sartng playing as DEAT TIRUNE in early 92° The debet demo ‘Beneath the Cypress Groves was recor. ded the next yeur and afer this tage the fine up has radially changed. This new demo" songs) has an incredible power- fal and clear production. (by Roger om 5 MORTICIAN) which shreds everything 10 pieces. DEATHRUNE do hail to older bal of Death Metal hy ae eta ‘ot thoughtless), they are heavy and ageressve..just_ how Death Metal Stould be played! These guys ate good fiends of thy IMMOLATION and seem to be influenced by them a bit oo. Goodly ‘band! I only look to them for improve the voeals, a litle. more variety in. that epartament would be needed, but that sould not stop you by buying "Memories of the Exhumed for $5 (werld) = good 4 rice! Recommended! ike Saez 27 Claremont Ave, 28, Mit. Vernon, N.Y.10550 USA CONFORMITY ‘Terror Uber Alles demo Shitty demo cover and itiotic tile made me expecting some stupid Punk Iisie, but afer listening fi it tamed out beter ‘than T thought it would be. Industrial isthe best description of what 4s going on here. They say they are ine fluenced ‘by “emotions and this stuf 2 preity original. Slow aud morbid Thiythms with soie dark Keyboards. The 4 production isnot so ho, ap these tracks be suffering Tot from this fact 1 ke Some of the songs, but some dag on For amateurs of werd stuff only. $6 wo GEKADOS PROD. co Larsen ‘Grasveien 10-6011 Alesund NORGE DOMINATION Extincion of Holieness ‘demafreb. ‘This is a band from Denmark that re- cently changed their name into LEGION, ‘The sound on this four track tape is pretty weak, as_ far as. the music goes. Their only lading tar is DEICIDE! Tey also call Glen Benton as their ‘God! which is pretty silly, think To make it short: I Mould not get killed for DEICIDE, so ‘why should like a worse copy of them? Morten Saxtorph, Roshildevej 213 4100 Ringsted, DENMARK Arn \ from USA, net re an net abigne of Bl ugh... She intervie Your biography says that 'ACCURSED united as a pe- rminant project to. cut thro- ‘ugh the filth of typical Death and Gore’. Could you explain It, do you feel your style is I? wwe formed, back in “April 1993, we all wanted to be different’ than all the of. hher stupid childish ‘death’ Bands, particularly the scene here in the USA, and our local scene, here in Wisconsin. There’ are so many Bands who play the same things over ‘and over again, There are so ‘many stupid, ‘hard! Death bands or whatever. Like GORGUTS, INTERNAL, BLE- EDING, JUDECCA, CANNI- BAL CORPSE and many ot- hers. The list goes on forever. We always try to sirive to be Better than all the other shit ‘out there, Originality is a big (part of ACCURSED. We are hot one of those bands that ‘come and go, or release one shitty demo than call it quits. We have released three demos jin one and a half years, and will not quit. AU of our. time ‘and money goes info ACCUR- ‘SED. Our lives are ACCUR- SED, and nothing more You're a relatively new band, but musically I fel you belong to the earlier Death ‘Metal generation with bands as NECROVORE, MORBID ANGEL ‘and iMMOLA- “would you agree ? = Pes? agro, ute, are ‘always. progressing and are ‘not influenced by one style of Imusic, We believe in having an ‘open mind 10 all forms of Imusic. We do not copy bands, or anything for. that matter, We all lke Black’Death, but we al is to ther ams of ma Sic. I like some of the ean Death/Black bands because they were not influenced by this trend, Back in the days, dR Thig is ACCURSED, great bar Jaiked Dest viata that sepa unpaly band lack Mekal Anfluet Ices tho- ler, ungodly stuff! the following is With al (bass & vocals) CARCASS and even NAPALM DEATH were good, now most bands wimped on. “ENTOM- BED. wat very good, when they reese aft Hand Pat, now they are poser gangsters Fuck i ae T have a photo of ou from tue fg ive shes an gone playing the DAI YeTmRDNE nina to. you enjay Black Meta 11 '03® Sie eal ike Black Me. ial buon good, talented ‘lack Meta Bey we Ee good mas no mar what Toto trey "tid," or Soden cont play worth a hai to he ont ira’ has no meaning ny more itis very han otal ‘hat wl be goad thee days. Tyerone saying tis ond that about their music. I feel SloceDeth sas the be, Ba do nt are some tne els sys we ae. Some of the goot Black tal Bande te dt ore BURG, aN. Glen faves. avin, EMPEROR. CRADLE OF FILTH GRAND BiLial’S KE, WOORTAL et ‘Tell us something about your live shows? = Our live shows were very ‘shitty. Fuse the word “shitty” because “our old vocalist (yuan Olsen) was a piece of Shit trendy. Ieemetal por Senastal opel fe woud ry 30 hard fo be ‘Black Meta, ee sie, Serta lant eee ogc ee a eae egies We ihckes and fgg ke ids. We will hopefully do so- me shows out of our state in 1995. We do not wear face pa- = 29 int, on apes enelve inches long. We are gong avery good and original sta- ge. show, but I would rather fot go into detail, do to fear of our ideas being siolen, b Some trendy fucks, who shou not be. reading” your killer ‘ine! (they can even read.) How bs the respnse been STR they were good, SF aw pope hen inpesee ae cow ay at ad Syed tach forme arr aont eter hed lene” (Merror My than mo i Case “Cale Tee hse fer ctl ap eden tedeesiad ok Our new (Lament) is Be ee CURL at rg make, he demo, or whatever, st then tapes ab Saseapalael daseenl cee rT ooo We aly oy make tings the best they can be. We have ‘old about 2000 demos. com- bined, and our new promo is selling good as well, so I sup- ‘pose that is not so bad. ‘Your opinion about this grun- eSeatte shi in Metal 2 ST hate trendy stuff, and basically everthing tat radio, Stations play, These ‘seat’ inands copy each other to the moat tai. etre,” tis imusie. has no point and never ‘rll? mean, how can you $i ont iting ce or chokeing on genital pussys, like CANNIBAL CORPSE > ‘Masic must be good, and have «pon, I's from your heart, nnot your bank accotnt Do you know about that ot- her band called ACCURSED do not! We were around for Sten toes ter sot uscd demas fo Sooe torsos al Fhe ee the any Teo who, ss srl sag alow and z

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