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Business and society

Business and society are like twin brothers. A society is group of individuals involved in
continuous social interaction, or a large social group of sharing the same same space or
social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural
expectations. Societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations)
between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may
be described as the sum total of such relationship among its constituent of members. In
the social sciences, a larger society often exhibits stratification  or dominance pattern  in
subgroups Persons belonging to a particular society usually obeys norms and practices
of that society. Business fulfills the needs of the society and society pays back the
business by way providing them some gains, usually profit. 
Both society and business have certain responsibility to each other. The primary
responsibility of business is to provide goods or services to the society as per the desire
and need but must remember not to sell something which is not approved by the
society, like drug or alcohol. Business should not cheat its customers or the the society
in any way, like charging them high prices during the some crisis time (like Coronoa
virus related days(.) Business should also not cheat the government by not paying
proper taxes. Usually family background plays an important part in shaping the
character of people in the business. 
The role of government is also important for people in business. Government should
play the role of facilitator which means it should help business by providing proper
logistic support or giving the security of their business, not charging unusual taxes or

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