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cp pees Se UI ee ne oe cece Ronen ec Gem etn ace mn CO Peer er anata etn are IN LOM a ero ee Ce enc A cS Rice ier Nias ny mmo Cee eecn meet te Tc a Creech Mie cer car ee ca a Ae se cet teen nnn ae eee meena teat era toes CR ce ea reenter eee ea Te Ug Perera nena ck eet Cr Re CO ee een on ee Un oe ea Ue Cee terre crite Oe en CR RU ee Peete eee ic Rc Cae en cern ca a eas Rone tee ate eee a cect a TCG Cee On Lc Pee Mtn meres eee ee NOL eee at ce ee kU Pent nes ee ee enon Reet ee core grea ae comnrnn Cree ees ue ee mete ern Tn UO Peete: Sa rT aa Pte ees ee ee Pee mera U eee nn a ec eee eres ec Coron Pc em aren Ce cee Peer ee cr none eye neh Toni Rachatme Coe ano) (om Patstahatu 4 € 20 Pee Ue SEES Ee TATU SE eS FINLAND Te ere) | oak I la aa Biers Rene SV orate MI COan Me Metco ny PU e ee ree rot nm CD comes limited to 500 handnumbered esc omn onan a Since es omee oie nd ME oe Ne Oy CUM cunt ce NUTS DCP Cee Yaa 02 Records, Postfach 32, 04541 Borna, Coa Zia A scr ose Ue Teo ees La PT Throne, but nothing is sure yet. "Goatlord" should also be out in See een Co eee Rte Pee parece keen sacs ey interviews from bands like Mysticum, Immortal, eeu EIR Oe Ure SOM U Saray ad it’s really worth of it, The Skogen nanie has now Src Poh e eOR oeRUecaeRR mag, Dark Age ‘mag #3 is planned to be out sometime in 1996. Datk Age ‘mag, Sascha Falquet,’ Bree ELPA Te NLL 2019 NO Rearengnia INTHE WOOD PVA DYN EVin ocr Sienna Pyare cv Cora 5 Dee henner) oo Amortization “mag. #2 SSG Sunes (wees), Sens Peete Pees on es ee cd er ee sero pe erat ier pene oes nal peasy ees er ees Ss Ok, Magus Wampyr Daoloth, how ce you feling now in there Greece snd do you have anything new to say bout” Necromantia? Ai ‘generally how do. you fee living in Greece, Athens? Couple of years bak there was a house-search in your home (because of the Erte tao sao’ | Muekene Sellente Supremacy Does in Greece happen much of satanic” erimes and do. you support any lke those? ‘Wannpye Daoloth: “The latest, page 4 news are that we are now working on & ‘mini CD which will be recorded in March! Povterful dark stuff as always! Life hee is average with positive and egalive aspects! Theres alot of inesponsibilty which T hate totaly ‘Also, the. chtistan religion is very powerful here! Police already knows about my Satanic believes, bands, Imusic ee, but they cant touch me because belief is a personal mate, Except some minor troubles with my | ‘mail! Fuck them! hei ein wil s00n be over! Yes there were some socalled “satanict crimes ftom teenagers that actually wanted o get fee fick and money! No serious religious background. No 1 don't support these actions because they work the exact opposite way! ‘They gather Xilans together and make authorities to make new laws against Satanism and detend ut more. A ‘Satanst has to work from the inside and below! To change minds and souls fand when the time comes, Ragnarok ‘ill happen! Patience and inflation!" Some (long) time ago, you released an 7"EP. "Prom the Past We ‘Summon Thee", so are you satisfied to it totally and how does it difter from the debut "Crossing..", docs it hhave totally new songs? Ifo, do the songs’ structure differ in anyway from the entiers? It was released by DARK SIDE RECORDS, to how were they, how do they differ for instance {rom Osmose? ‘Magus Wampyr Daoloth: "Our EP ‘was ust some of our early recordings (promo 90) put to vinyl with sculptured cover limited in 2000 copies Just for the people that appreciated uch our earir songs. With DARK SIDE was only one release co- ‘operation. We'll stay on OSMOSE. "They doa great job! are five of you, so how did you ‘manage with threetwo members, were there ever any problems concerning the line-up? Do you think now that the present line-up is perfet? Sometimes you used session, ‘what about them aad why did Slow Death leave? Did he have any major ‘Do you think ‘Necromantia and what do you nd from N. members? Do you care much from the ageeolor/ rligion? Mages Wampyr Dacloth: Our line- up is weird. Me and Baron Blood ae the main core of NECROMANTIA, ‘The other guys got their staff and knowledge, bit everything, must get ‘mine and Baron Bloods. approval! Every one inthe band has large music perspective, that's why we make ‘original music Slow Deaths departure was his decison, ICS a loss, but more in a paychie and not musical way, We're now tying to finda permanent drummer! White male anichristan between 20—30 yeas oF age (Well hat tells ital ed," 1 think Necromantin really got known by their split. Ip with ‘Varathron,altough the 1990 promo tape was loved by the people. Stl how do you now react for ¢ and to the Black Power Ree. who released it? Do you think you ‘have much improved from those days, both musically and ineiectuely?: How about the lyrics, much difference with them? And how about the Greek labels, how are you anyway involved Violent and powerful Sound than ou previous. Its faster though more atmospheric and feasome! Epic othe, italic pus faging pure black metal ‘with the NECROMANTIA orginal! The tte ofthe slbum res the connection of the Night with Vampyrism, smessiahs, apocalypse and the Truth about the Nature of Gods snd Demons, Of cours in a symbole way! To make the fas think." ‘Among Neeromantia. you have also many ‘ther bands for MAGUS WAMPYR DAOLOTH fassuce "towing (BAss/vocaLs) with the Greek seene? ‘Magus Wampye Daoloth: “ike our split LP a lt, because i's a par of iyyself. But we have improved a ot since! More complex music, beter Sound ‘AS for the lyric, the sprit is the ‘same, but now more wellwsten! Labels? UNISOUND is prety O.K. 1 start my own label now called HYPERVOREA recs. and out fist releases will be AGATUS CD and ‘ZEMIAL MCD in March I'm prety involved in the scene! I write in to big metal mags and | workin a metal record store! So every new band or activity pases from me eventually!" ‘There have slso been releated NECROMANTIA‘: sccond_ ful: Jenght album entied "Scaret Evil, Witching Black", so how are you fond of the final result? How does It differ from the standard metal ‘music and how would you deseribe its muse style, without using any Black Metal ete. words? And in ‘generally what are the diferences explain the name's meaning of the 2d album, and how do you usvally invent the names? ‘Magus Wampyr Daoloth: “Our new album isa fucking bm. masterpiece! Fist of all it has a far better, more Christ, Thow Art Lord,” Diabolos i ete. «80 do you have any spare tme at all? Do You see that you have any "hobbies" | and-any permanent job or how do page 5 for myself for various reasons. NAOS. ismy solo band. Algo 8 new gothic band WAMPYRE SHADOWWOLF energes with a CD From Diabols Rising, What project you are doing with Lattinen from Impaled Nazarene, there i coming (already out) a somekind of video! movie, s0 could you aive’s details. about i. Te willbe directed professionally ete, 10 ‘where ae you going to get the money for i Concerning to this you hardly” support any “true underground! hhidden rules", oF do lo Mika is vs often blamed as a betrayer BARON BLOOD from the black Metal (8-STRING Bass) genre, so how do you feel ‘shout working with him? Magus Wampyr Daoloth: "All this you make your living? Do you do any tise "UG" work besides thore bands eg. the” some years back Blasphemous mag.? There fs Project namely NAOS, is that any serious and what kind of music iit? ‘Magus Wampye Duoloth: "My spare time is very limited and only in weekends (Sot always) AS ssid before, I work ina record shop and here and. there as 2 sound enginee producer. | know thar the projets are ‘lot, but | have fo create mesic. want to expand my horizons as an art! “Masie isthe main part in my lif, ice Darkness i, Ike reading. movies and share my views with my fiends and my ilfiend (whois ofthe Nigh oo). 160 ‘other things oo, which I prefer t keep that say for Mika, is bunch of bullshit! He's a guy of extreme mind sand honesty! He has guts to speak an that's what annoys the kids! OSMOSE wil pay forthe 35 min D, RISING video. twill be based on the lyrics of our latest album! Fucking. | extreme Iyties, so if things go at planned await for a prety extreme ‘ideo! In flesh and soul!” Greek scene differs « tot from the Northern one, it could be called a8 2 totally difrent syle, 20 now I would like you to tell's about it. There ean bbe found bands as Zephyrous, Varathron, Rotting Christ. 40 how does Necromantia differ from a those other Greek bands, are you even comparable to each others? Do you also agree on that point that [Norway owas the best scene like most people say? How do you feel about those "Southern (ltaly, Greece) country black metallers who hails the land Norway? Magus Wampye Daoloth: “The Greek bands have originality and personality! And they give more eae to dark atmosphere than sheer, brutality as the Norwegians do. 1 think that Norway and Greece have more worthy back metal bands than ‘other counties! ‘As forthe balers of Norway, is their ‘problem! I prefer to hal my own and ‘which ofthe most ancient ones!" Now we could go back to your debut album "Crossing the Fiery Path. Itwas released now since «wo, thre years buck, so does it stil give the feeling? I, myselfam very much fond of it, but don't you think that it includes some unnecessary parts foex in the song "The Warlock”, “the coming” part? I mean if you really want to hear something lke that you'd better watch some old boring horror movie, agree? Do you page 6 noi Scarlet Paths We Have Wandered..." Magus Wampyr Daoloth: "I love "Crossing the Fiery Pah"! OF course the sound is not to good, but i's a Satanic monument! And if you think that “the coming part” in “Warlock” ‘was not needed. You are wrong (The voice of weakness... -d) NECROMANTIA™ play with the feelings ofthe listener and this partis very intense! (And boring! -e8) ‘We'll continue having non metal pats jn our masicin order to eapture a more mystical sense. Check out our new alum and you'll see (Chave heard, but not sen..-ed)" NECROMANTIA is also a supporter of LaVey and his Chureh OF Satan, 0 could you really explain why? H Crganizations are more or les CONSIDERED as just based on love, lightness, joy ete. and LaVey alse seem tobe alte against using blood and vielence, so if you support the man then why do. you vampyristi statements ike ‘The Life"? What do you then think that this LaVey"s "Modern Satanista like he calli really is? Magus Wampyr Daoloth: “Irs me who actually respects and suppor ‘ch of what Dr. LaVey has writen! ‘And from what you say itis obvious that your knowledge on his writing i either very. limited or distorted! (What! 1 did NOT say any of my ‘personal words about the "Dr." LaVey! only said considered (what other ‘moron people think about him), not my ‘opinions! Hell, totally hate smisunderstandings! And believe me Magus, my knowledge isnt in any way. limited at all about hin “Anyway, bow ean YOU approve’ that he once accepted christians in his ‘chureh, where he doesnt ‘now even belong? -cd) Happiness, love and joy to thore who deserve it (actualy very few!) and cruclty, pain and in diference to. the mass! (Yes, IKNOW!!-ed) AS. LaVey. ssid that blood spilling is ‘unnecessary in ituals and he's against unnecessary, mindless, violence, not ‘war ot violence itselt ‘Aad believe me you don't really know what I mea when I say BLOOD 1S ‘THE LIFE (Oh, 5? -¢)! “The initiate knows only 15 not just “blood”. We ofthe priesthood of Uk mean different! We aways mix rth wth fe for protection (So tha ‘comes a bullshit, ed). T believe in love and hate too, There are some Hove and some hate! Both ave equally powerful and needed. Love is more filling, hough hate is safer (And stronger, trae hate lasts, unlike love. = ed! “Mos ofall love my lif, that's why Fm trying to find ways to extend itt ke the eestassy of war, and the tranquility of peace! DDualism is only forthe morals, not Now — something about your ting. Iyries.. what do mean to you [Necromantia? Is the band's whole meaning in those and can you {imagine what Necromantia would be without them, acd what isthe most Important thing in and’ do you a English? Lately there have appeared such Norwegian language trend, +0 hhow do you react for su! Magus Wampyr Daolot: “Read our lyrics yourself to understand (1 have ‘ead them. -e), For every invidual the decode process ofthe NECROMANTIA ities difers They are very personal and in the same time very universal. 1 gt inspiration Sasortipation “wan. #2 from personal experiences, books, rituals, observations, revelations, inner ‘guest. write them directly in English don’t see anything bad writing in your language like Norwegians do, (What! Tnmy language? -d) Maybe well see some Ancient Hellenic in he future” In your Iyries there appears often Satan, 0 what does it mean (0 you? In what way, do you see what iti? Do you also believe in Heavens and Hells, do you believe in "Life After Death"? Also, why do write about Satan, don't you think 1s a popular? Do you do any rituals and hhow serous are you with them, ‘would you be able to kill for your believes? Could you sacrifice your tv life for somebody or that "world ‘would be a better place to live ‘And could you also tell about your religion and are you in any way at all supertiions? ‘Mages Wanpyr Daoloth: "We need pages for this man, Til put it simple: ‘Afier christianity occupied Europe Satan is the most worthy figure in religious things, He is the symbol of rebellion, power, knowledge, pleasure fd dominion, I don't believe in stupid devil worshipping, heavens and hell. 1 know exactly what's going on affer and therefore I work to extend ty life following the Ancient ways of the Serpent. My rituals and practices are for myst keep. would ill to protect my land, my spirit and my people and 1 mock on Death, because Itouch the wings of |mmoraity. I wil impose my realities ‘othe mortals as planned. But enough | ssid! The ret is mine to keep." Could you explain here what is Nesromanti's music's meanin what do you want to spread through NECROMANTIA? And why was N. any vay borned? Do you think there ane found straight band ialuences inthe music? Also, what do you mean by the aame NECROMANTIA or Puy er ernian ier v¥n ee DauT AWN BTID ABED THE THR, EPPEE OXYMOS TON MYSTHPION, GTO TIA Pere ATOYE;* BK erp oILeN aloe how about with Magus Wampyr | great songs from the stat. The non Daoloth metal tare the easiest and fastest ‘Magun Wampyr Daoloth: “First ofall | make, 1 ike all NECROMANTIA, NECROMANTIA ithe acent art that | matral! Fim raging blakress to dark enables you to communicate with the | woods realm of the deod I's very ancient and | AndI fucking bate the hsat! Especial it was very. popular in. the | summer! Scar.imavies are” lucky NEKPOMANTEIA of ancient Hellas, | peopl!” ‘The band was created because We wanted create original and | You have taken as one lyric from C. Imeresting sinister music.1'smore ofa | BAUDELAIRE to Necromantia, personal expression rather a general | actually the song is "Les Litanies De eee fan" 0 ould you explain Why and "Magus is my rank, Wampyr is my race | what do you think of him, do you ‘and Daoloth my astral identification to | respect him much? And how are you the godhood level anyway fond of the 18th century? If Yyou cou! choose in which era you ase tell now about the making of | would liv, then what would that be? the songs, how long time does it | Doyou have any ese fave "poets"? usually (he Co finish a song end how | Magus Wampyr Droloth: "respect many péople do them? You alzo use | Baudelaire for his heresy, rebelion and many instruments, so does that | passion. But he was a litle bit iffeuk® Do you think. that the | miserable in general for my tse. ike ‘weather influences much to the | only part of him music, and how is the weather in | 1 like Milton, Blake, DeSade, Poe, Greece, does the heatness bother you | Lovecraft and other dark ans, much? How productive are you in | 14 ike to live in Ancient Hella or in feenerally and do thote classical ‘non | Germany between 1914—1944, Into metal’ songs take more time, fex. | the eye of the typhon and Stom!™ ‘Last Song for Valdezire" what 1 really enjoy Have you now ‘much, than ever considered the long Bly scrously at doing 1 2 ones! ae concert, since Magus Lh : you" sometime Wampyr | (AG MAR), : ‘ago anid that you wototh 2 hhave thought Fist we a about what kind stat withthe of it would be? Iyeles that ‘What would the wild stage-show determine | the whole Ea feeling of | a ‘what of a kind? the son. Do you do much Then we | Bea of concerts with stant with the i your other basie is. bands, do. they Most of the include any work is done gp special stage by me and a show? Do you in Baron general ike Blood, ‘The other musicians add thie ‘des in the week for 8 couple of ‘months 10 reach the final result Nedepends We are not spiritual making excellence. ‘many average songs and their choose | I've played some shows with (77 Bad handwriting, -e4). We make | ROTTING CHRIST, no special show. ‘Anyway I don’t ke shows much." Do you now have any major future Dlaas for Necromantia. and other Drojecs? Yeu signed Osmose fer two sibs (including the 2nd), se how ig do Yor think that you wil st, at them? The other an Rotting Christ leaved OSMtOSE. because of some disagreement, how do you feel for that? What are os going todo ater the Osmose del jaye Daoloth: "We stl ‘with OSMOSE for an album more! We are prety satisfied so far and when our contract is off, we see! Maybe we stay on OSMOSE stil! “They are professional and honest! The ease with ROTTING CHRIST is weird (Well what isn't when talking about Nectomantia or you? ed)! Ask the rest ofthe bana! It doesn'teffet me mal ‘Ok, Leannot think anything more to ‘say, this shall end, Bot how do you see, do you have any sort ofeulture ‘what you "HAIL" and could you tell about if? What do you think of the ancient Grecee, the religion and the fold Gods ete.” Wel, anyway thank you, Magus Wampyr Duolath very ‘much from your golden time! And ‘now I shall leave you to your ternity.- ‘Magus Wampyr Daoloth: hail ny land HELLAS, the Viking tradition for Jes brutality and honesty (not like today, and the Summerian for ‘eit knowledge! The Hellen radiions a inmy opinion the most complete. Fro” ‘war technics to art and slence:t HAIL AND HONOUR T. THS ANCIENT WAYS! HAIL 70 1H: DRAGON GODDESS TIAMATIII" Rememsen, RO RECROMARL IU, Maouse Wunppr Duovorwy om wy OTHEN NAME TO THE ENVELOPE, THE BOX MUMBER WILE DO! P.O. BOR 29006 122.08 HAMITTOS ATHENS, HOeNs ones SAoortisation “mag. #2 page 8 AHA GERMAN RUAGK METAL situation. years old when we made the deed, we | is @ former Absurd member and Hinm, it are yet no more than | won't have got higher sentence as 10 | what kind of feelings do you have for 6 yeais Fe to serve in jal, | years” him wow? How did be actually get to because Twas amested on know of the deed? 5.593, and the 5. May was | Why did you exactly outrage that Jew | JEN: "Yeah, I and the wimp DM. yesterday. and did you use any weapons during | Doom got both a sentence of each 8 Doutilesy the gay we killed | ie? How did you fel when you beated | years imprisonment for murder, the ‘was no worth the result alr | che living shit out of him, any | third one go a sentence of 6 years for ry aesting. I mean, C'm | mighty/mystica feelings daring i? | murder because he was not sine as he imprisoned with all is | JEN: *Wel, the gay was strangled to | id the deed. Well, 1 would not got ‘consequences, and that was | death..why3! Don't ask me... chee is | caught if not DIM, Doom, ex-putarist rot worth that gay. In fcthe | no middle state, just predators and | & vocalist of Absurd, would not have was worth nothing. But surely 1 do | preys. And we love hunting told) the event to other people, stand behind what 've done. I'm no | The deed sucked all energy out of | especially one bitch of him who tld feel right now? Are you free to | Hypocsie.Andit was my damned fault | myself nevertheless the feelings during | the story again to that former Usten/play music there, own TV (like | that Iam in jal yet, because if Thad | the deed wer very strane, the achaic | guitarplayer of ABSURD, and he was ‘Bard Faust) and are those 8 | done the shadow-side of | the guy who betrayed the deed & its sears (now 7) realy worth of that | outrage my innerself | connection to ABSURD tothe Z.0.0- jewish-chrstian? 8 years isn’t stil so | alone and ‘overcame my | police. Hm, the problem we got ater Tongifcomparing to herrGrishmackh | not together mind ike an | out eesing was that D.M. Door, who ‘wi sentenced to 21 years. with DM, {stotally possessed by narism, told the JPN: "Greetings, fiend Toni! Doom, who people from the Z.0.G.polce a relly Yeah, 1am i Jil now since 2 years | i s Tunatie story about the deed, and that, (exacty 2 years and one day), and | responsible e emotions, | guidedtothe fact that we were charged measured ercumstances of my present | for’ our Dp certainty | offist-degree-murder I Doom would Situation Ido fel as good as possible. | arresting. emotions never | have not told such a shit, such a ‘Weil, Ica listen to music of my own | because he ; feted before or | nonsense, t0 the Z.0.G-police , they choice, and certainly play music too.1 | told the ae ‘would never have us charged with Hst- have here a setelte-TV, so 1 could | event to a egree- murder. ‘watch MTY everyday, ha, but Ido not | couple of y You and DM. | Conceming the former eutaplayer of Wish to watch Mud-TV. however, ll | ot he Doom guy got8 | us, well, he was once called "Damien what Te wo suflr ae | persons ye 8 4 | Thom and he uyed to the lack of piysical | wo ho Imprisonment, | play second guitar on our freedom, the lck of sex | betrayed the ae bbut the third | "Death fom te Forest and the lack of alcohol, | whole story y fone got “just” | demotape. We had to otherwise the life in the | then to the 6 why was | kick “him out of jill where Iam is | cops; the Ee that? Do you | ABSURD because he endurable. Ok, that is | Z.0.G.~ think that you | was and sili a wimp only valid for the jail | police wouldn't got | and poser and he didnot where Tam yet the | would caught ifthe | fittous, Wel, he got his situation can certainly | never have form er | revenge by betraying us ‘change from jail to jal; | eaughe me guitarplayer of ‘do know alls where the | Well, 8 ABSURD prisoner is teated Tike a | years sre piece of shit, but | not so long, eoneeming, myself I'm | but because satisfied with my present | we were 17 reason that he ‘Amortization ‘mag. #2 on {0 the police. ‘What I do fel for him yet! Well, tell you something: Everyone who harmed me, wil gt one day what he docs deserve Have you had any problems with other "prisoners er with the suthorites? SEN: "Wel, we have had several ‘problems with especially one guy here in the jal, litle lunatic subhuman ‘who pretend tobe a "Neo-Nazi, but in fact he is nothing else than a piece of shit However, we solved that “problems” With the authorides we have had no special problems vunill today, but tainly. there are people out thee, Pretending to be christians, who ty to destroy” our ‘momentary situation bby babbling. how ‘008 our situation ‘would be compared With the situation of that they wish to see 1s roten in jail for ful Tifetime, But no out, we'll smash such" vermin Tike them away and crush them under our black boots” ABSURD was summoned in January 1992 AB. That is quite near when the "big" Black Metal trend Started, so had that anything to do with Absurd’s forming and what was the actual reason for Absurd? Hat your thoughts changed much at these past years? SEN: "Oh yeah, ABSURD was ‘summoned on 2.1.92 Aano Bastard, ‘and ABSURD was buried more than 3 years later. Yeah you read it right, "ABSURD rest in peace of darkness yet PH explain it later in another answer, Fight now ler's come back 10 your ‘question. now that 1992, ABSURD were one fof the first Black Metal Bends of ‘Germany, besides BAXAXAXA (stl ‘one of the best German B.M.bands ‘ever, aliough BAXAXAXA are cp. since a long. time), UNGOD and EMINENZ. Well and in the spring of 1993 AB, DAWNFALL appeared, to, together with MARTYRIUM, but both bands are worthless ep. So you see, to the time of the foundation of ABSURD, the big trend ‘was no theme, We formed ABSURD shorly afer the "A Blaze in the ‘Northern Sky" appeared and rekindled the sinister flame of Black Metal. We my Nw. ss * Casuaretiint ecogrized tha the time would be right {o grap our instruments and to unleash the Black Metal-lame in Thuringia, too, for the honour of our sinister heathen gods. CCensinly my thoughts have changed very much during he last three years.” ABSURD stands for all the evil within man, especially — within “"Obermensch” says the blo of “Absurd, What doct it exactly mean? Ist that alittle vip-of from Dark ‘Throne as D's Transilvanian Hunger says: "Dark Throne Is For Allthe Evil In Man’ JBN: "At fist | won't deny that we've taken some influences fom Dark Throne, who are without doubt besides VENOM, old BATHORY, BURZUM. ‘and MAYHEM the best Black-Metal- Band ever known. We ar To all the evil” within man, that means that we efor the "negative" emotions of man, his animal sie, his hate, wrath, scorn, anger, crulity, dark dsies. ABSURD oes represent such sinister emotions. ‘And the Ubermensch, the faustian Soul ‘on it's top isthe perfect fusion ofthe ‘Shadow, animal sie of human-aature; fand the tamed side of human nature, ‘means his intellectual, rational thinking side ‘Therefore is within the Obermensch the shadow-side on it's top; and ABSURD {ry to represent this side as 1s bet Jes highest form." Your eh. demo “Out of the Dungeon" was recorded in jail, ‘legally. So how did that? What kind of you havein there? TEN: "Him, 1 don’t know such "Out tape, don't ask me. Maybe that ar old rehersa-ocordings of s, don't Know, haha... we never recorded anything. behind the alls of jai, believe itor not, haha. but I eves you should try 0 take “Out of." more as 8 sign that we were still alive, and not Judge it because of it's musi. Anyway, Fight now its unnecessary to talk too much about such @ °Out of."-ape because how I already. mentioned, ABSURD ate rip. ‘The insruments herein jl are shit. My drumkits as worse as possible, not leven serap. But I hope that the piso authorities will buy soon several new intrumens, certainly after I've