Antimicrobial Prescribing Guidelines For Pigs PDF

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for pigs
Funding for these guidelines was provided by the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA), Animal Medicines
Australia (AMA), the Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources through the Australian
Biosecurity Response and Reform Program (ABRR), and by Australian Pork Limited (APL).
These guidelines would not have been possible without the considerable expertise and efforts of the
Expert Panel authors: Dr Ross Cutler, Dr Bernie Gleeson, Dr Stephen Page, Professor Jacqueline Norris,
and Professor Glenn Browning.
Additional in-kind contributions were made by the Australian Veterinary Association and Animal Medicines
The work of Project Managers Dr Amanda Black and Dr Sarah Britton is gratefully acknowledged, as are
the contributions of the project Steering Committee members Professor James Gilkerson, Dr John Messer,
Dr Phillip McDonagh, and Dr Melanie Latter.

Foreword – antimicrobial
prescribing guidelines for pigs
Antimicrobials have been a catalyst for of Australia’s First National Antimicrobial
unprecedented medical and societal Resistance Strategy 2015-19 (National Strategy).
advancement. However, the revolutionary healing The antimicrobial prescribing guidelines for pigs
power of antibiotics has resulted in widespread addresses the second objective of the National
and often inappropriate use. This has led to the Strategy.
development of resistance to antimicrobials This objective requires us to ‘implement effective
in many bacteria, with subsequent treatment antimicrobial stewardship practices across human
complications and failures, and increased health and animal care settings to ensure the
healthcare costs for both human and animal appropriate and judicious prescribing, dispensing
health. The Australian veterinary profession and administering of antimicrobials’. These
and livestock industries have a long history guidelines for the Australian pig veterinarian
of addressing antimicrobial resistance (AMR). are a handy ‘go-to’ resource, as they have been
Their previous and ongoing work—a result of developed specifically for Australian conditions
partnership across the animal sectors—has and contain the most contemporary knowledge
resulted in relatively low levels of AMR in our available on AMR. I commend the work of all
food animals. involved in the development of these guidelines,
In more recent times, we have been responsive and urge every pig veterinarian to become familiar
to national and international guidelines to with these to deliver the best possible veterinary
address this complex global challenge. In service to the Australian pig industry.
particular, the veterinary profession has worked
in close cooperation with animal industries and Dr Mark Schipp
governments to implement the seven objectives
Australian Chief Veterinary Officer

Expert panel members

Dr Ross Cutler BVSc PHD

Ross Cutler is a veterinarian who has spent his career working somewhere
in the world with a swine or agriculture subject matter focus. He has worked
with governments at local, state and national levels, industry organisations,
universities, research agencies, small holder producers, large and small
farming businesses, pharmaceutical companies, and in aid programs with the
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and the World Bank in
South East Asia and Papua New Guinea. He is a graduate from the University of
Melbourne (BVSc) and the University of Minnesota (PhD).

Dr Bernie Gleeson BVSc (Hons)

Bernie Gleeson graduated with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science from The
University of Sydney in 2002. He then completed a Graduate Diploma
in Veterinary Clinical Studies, studying ruminant medicine, also from The
University of Sydney in 2003.
Prior to studying Veterinary Science Bernie was a farmer for ten years near
Gunnedah in north–west NSW and also managed a piggery in Western
Bernie has been a veterinarian in the pig industry since 2004, consulting to pig
farms throughout Australia on all matters of swine health and production and
on-farm quality assurance.

Dr Stephen Page BSc(Vet)(Hons) BVSc(Hons) DipVetClinStud

MVetClinStud MAppSci(EnvTox) MANZCVS(Pharmacology)

Stephen is a consultant veterinary clinical pharmacologist and toxicologist and

founder and sole director of Advanced Veterinary Therapeutics– a consulting
company that provides advice on appropriate use of veterinary medicines
to veterinarians, veterinary organisations (Australian Veterinary Association,
World Veterinary Association, World Organisation for Animal Health), state and
national government departments and statutory bodies (APVMA, Department
of Agriculture, Department of Health, US Environmental Protection Agency),
and global organisations (OIE, FAO, Chatham House).
He is a member of the AVA Antimicrobial Resistance Advisory Group (ARAG),
a member of the ASTAG committee on antimicrobial prioritisation; in 2017 he
became President of the ANZCVS Chapter of Pharmacology, and is a member
of the World Veterinary Association Pharmaceutical Stewardship Committee.
He has more than 100 publications on which he is author or editor, including
chapters on antimicrobial stewardship, clinical pharmacology, adverse drug
reactions, use of antimicrobial agents in livestock, and antimicrobial drug
discovery and models of infection.
He has been a teacher and facilitator of courses at the University of Sydney on
food safety, public health and antimicrobial resistance since 2003.
He is regularly invited to speak nationally and internationally at a broad range
of conferences and symposia, especially on the subjects of antimicrobial use,
antimicrobial stewardship and risk assessment. He gave his first presentation
on veterinary antimicrobial resistance and stewardship at the AVA Conference
in Perth in 2000 and remains passionate about improving the use and 4
effective life span of antimicrobial agents.
Expert panel members

Professor Jacqueline Norris

BVSc MVS, PhD, MASM, MASID Grad Cert Higher Ed.
Jacqui is a Professor of Veterinary Microbiology and Animal Disease, and
Associate Head of Research at the Sydney School of Veterinary Science, at the
University of Sydney. She is a registered practicing veterinarian and is passionate
about practical research projects and education programs for veterinary
professionals, animal breeders and animal owners. Her main research areas
include: 1) Development of diagnostics and treatments for companion animal
viral diseases; 2) Q fever; 3) Multidrug resistant (MDR) Staphylococcus species;
4) Infection prevention and control in veterinary practices; 5) Chronic renal
disease in domestic and zoo Felids and 6) Factors influencing antimicrobial
prescribing behaviour of vets and health professionals.

Professor Glenn Browning BVSc (Hons I) DipVetClinStud

Glenn Browning is Professor in Veterinary Microbiology, Director of the Asia-
Pacific Centre for Animal Health and Acting Head of the Melbourne Veterinary
School at the University of Melbourne. He completed a Bachelor of Veterinary
Science with First Class Honours at the University of Sydney in 1983, a
postgraduate Diploma of Veterinary Clinical Studies in Large Animal Medicine
and Surgery at the University of Sydney in 1984 and a PhD in Veterinary
Virology at the University of Melbourne in 1988.
He was a Veterinary Research Officer at the Moredun Research Institute in
Edinburgh from 1988 to 1991, investigating viral enteritis in horses, then
joined the staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Science at the University of
Melbourne, and has been a member of teaching and research staff there since
He teaches in veterinary and agricultural microbiology. He is a Life Fellow
of the Australian Veterinary Association, a Fellow of the Australian Society
for Microbiology and Chair Elect of the International Organisation for
He is a co-author on 235 peer reviewed research papers and book chapters,
has edited two books on recent progress in understanding the mycoplasmas,
and has co-supervised 50 research higher degree students. His research
interests include, the molecular pathogenesis and epidemiology of bacterial
and viral pathogens of animals, the development of novel vaccines and
diagnostic assays to assist in control of infectious diseases, and antimicrobial
stewardship in veterinary medicine.

The 5R Framework for Good Antimicrobial Stewardship









ent P







L S Plan















Derived from: Page S, Prescott J and Weese S. Veterinary Record 2014;175:207-208.

Image courtesy of Trent Hewson, TKOAH.


Core principles of appropriate use of antimicrobial agents 9

1. Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines for veterinarians working with pigs 13
1.1 Introduction 13
1.2. Reducing antimicrobial resistance and improving
the quality of antimicrobial use in animal production 14
1.3. Many producers worldwide have already reduced antimicrobial use 14
Diseases considered 17
Dose rates 18

2. Lameness in neonatal pigs in the first week of life 26

2.1. History and predominant clinical signs 26
Differential diagnoses 26
Diagnostic tests 26
Preventative strategy 26
2.5. Treatment 27
Top tips 27
For peri-urban practitioners 27
2.8. Case study:
Reducing neonatal lameness by improving the flooring 28

3. Diseases where the main clinical sign is diarrhoea in newborn pigs up to four days of age 29
3.1. History and predominant clinical signs 29
Differential diagnoses 29
Diagnostic tests 29
Prevention 30
Treatment 30
Top tips 31
For peri-urban practitioners 31
3.8. Case study:
Using vaccines to reduce the severity of E. coli disease in neonatal pigs 32
3.9. Case study:
Eliminating ceftiofur use on a pig farm 33

4. Diseases where the main clinical sign is diarrhoea from five days of age until weaning 35
4.1. History and predominant clinical signs 35
Differential diagnoses and tests 35
Predisposing causes 35
Preventative strategies 35
Treatment 36
Top tips 36
For peri-urban practitioners 36
4.8. Management: Diarrhoea in piglets between five days of age and weaning 36
5. Diseases where the main clinical sign is diarrhoea after weaning 38
History and predominant clinical signs 38
Differential diagnosis 38
Preventative strategy 39
Treatment 42
Top tip 42
For peri-urban practitioners 42
5.7. Case study:
Controlling Lawsonia intracellularis 43

6. Diseases where the main clinical sign is coughing 44

History and predominant clinical signs 44
Differential diagnosis 44
Preventative strategy 45
Treatment 45
Top tips 45
For peri-urban practitioners 45
6.7. Case study:
Reducing antimicrobial use for respiratory
disease in growing and finishing pigs 46

7. Diseases where the main clinical sign is sudden death in pigs between
weaning and ten weeks of age 48
History and predominant clinical signs 48
Differential diagnosis 48
Preventative strategy 49
Treatment 49
7.5. Top tips 49
For peri-urban practitioners 49
7.7. Case study:
Controlling systemic disease in weaner pigs without antimicrobials 50

8. Diseases where the main clinical signs are skin lesions 52

8.1. History and predominant clinical signs 52
Differential diagnosis 52
Diagnostic tests 52
Preventative strategy 53
Treatment 53
Top tips 53
8.7. For peri-urban practitioners 53
8.8. Case study:
Reducing trim loss at slaughter without sustained
antimicrobial use in finishing pigs 54

9 References 55
Core principles of appropriate use of antimicrobial agents

While the published literature is replete with discussion of misuse and overuse of antimicrobial
agents in medical and veterinary situations there has been no generally accepted guidance on what
constitutes appropriate use. To redress this omission, the following principles of appropriate use have
been identified and categorised after an analysis of current national and international guidelines for
antimicrobial use published in the veterinary and medical literature. Independent corroboration of
the validity of these principles has recently been provided by the publication (Monnier et al 2018) of a
proposed global definition of responsible antibiotic use that was derived from a systematic literature
review and input from a multidisciplinary international stakeholder consensus meeting. Interestingly,
22 elements of responsible use were also selected, with 21 of these 22 elements captured by the
separate guideline review summarised below.


1. Disease prevention AND PLAN

Apply appropriate biosecurity, husbandry, 5. Therapeutic objective

hygiene, health monitoring, vaccination, and plan
nutrition, housing, and environmental controls. Develop outcome objectives (for example
Use Codes of Practice, Quality Assurance clinical or microbiological cure) and
Programmes, Herd Health Surveillance implementation plan (including consideration
Programmes and Education Programmes of therapeutic choices, supportive therapy,
that promote responsible and prudent use of host, environment, infectious agent and other
antimicrobial agents. factors).

2. Professional intervention DRUG SELECTION

Ensure uses (labelled and extra-label) of 6. Justification of

antimicrobials meet all the requirements antimicrobial use
of a bona fide veterinarian-client-patient Consider other options first; antimicrobials
relationship. should not be used to compensate for or mask
3. Alternatives to antimicrobial agents poor farm or veterinary practices.

Efficacious, scientific evidence-based Use informed professional judgment balancing

alternatives to antimicrobial agents can be an the risks (especially the risk of AMR selection
important adjunct to good husbandry practices. & dissemination) and benefits to humans,
animals & the environment.
7. Guidelines for antimicrobial use
4. Accurate diagnosis
Consult disease- and species-specific
Make clinical diagnosis of bacterial infection
guidelines to inform antimicrobial selection
with appropriate point of care and laboratory
and use.
tests, and epidemiological information.
8. Critically important antimicrobial agents
Use all antimicrobial agents, including those
considered important in treating refractory
infections in human or veterinary medicine,
only after careful review and reasonable

Core principles of appropriate use of antimicrobial agents

9. Culture and susceptibility testing 16. Record keeping

Utilize culture and susceptibility (or equivalent) Keep accurate records of diagnosis
testing when clinically relevant to aid selection (indication), treatment and outcome to allow
of antimicrobials, especially if initial treatment therapeutic regimens to be evaluated by the
has failed. prescriber and permit benchmarking as a
10. Spectrum of activity guide to continuous improvement.

Use narrow-spectrum in preference to 17. Compliance

broad-spectrum antimicrobials whenever Encourage and ensure that instructions for
appropriate. drug use are implemented appropriately
11. Extra-label (off-label) antimicrobial therapy 18. Monitor response to treatment
Must be prescribed only in accordance with Report to appropriate authorities any
prevailing laws and regulations. reasonable suspicion of an adverse reaction
Confine use to situations where medications to the medicine in either treated animals or
used according to label instructions have farm staff having contact with the medicine,
been ineffective or are unavailable and including any unexpected failure to respond to
where there is scientific evidence, including the medication.
residue data if appropriate, supporting the Thoroughly investigate every treated case that
off-label use pattern and the veterinarian’s fails to respond as expected.
recommendation for a suitable withholding POST-TREATMENT ACTIVITIES
period and, if necessary, export slaughter
interval (ESI). 19. Environmental contamination

DRUG USE Minimize environmental contamination with

antimicrobials whenever possible.
12. Dosage regimens
20. Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance
Where possible optimise regimens for
therapeutic antimicrobial use following current Undertake susceptibility surveillance
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PK/ periodically and provide the results to the
PD) guidance. prescriber, supervising veterinarians and other
relevant parties.
13. Duration of treatment
21. Continuous evaluation
Minimise therapeutic exposure to
antimicrobials by treating only for as long as Evaluate veterinarians’ prescribing practices
needed to meet the therapeutic objective. continually, based on such information as the
main indications and types of antimicrobials
14. Labelling and instructions used in different animal species and their
Ensure that written instructions on drug use relation to available data on antimicrobial
are given to the end user by the veterinarian, resistance and current use guidelines.
with clear details of method of administration, 22. Continuous improvement
dose rate, frequency and duration of
treatment, precautions and withholding Retain an objective and evidence guided
period. assessment of current practice and
implement changes when appropriate to
15. Target animals refine and improve infection control and
Wherever possible limit therapeutic disease management.
antimicrobial treatment to ill or at-risk
animals, treating the fewest animals possible.

Core principles of appropriate use of antimicrobial agents

Each of the core principles is important but CORE PRINCIPLE 11 Extra-label (off label) Antimicrobial
Therapy can benefit from additional attention as veterinarians, with professional responsibility for
prescribing and playing a key role in residue minimisation, must consider the tissue residue and
withholding period (WHP) and, if necessary, export slaughter interval (ESI) implications of off-label
use before selecting this approach to treatment of animals under their care (Reeves 2010; APVMA
2018). The subject of tissue residue kinetics and calculation of WHPs is very complex requiring a
detailed understanding of both pharmacokinetics (PK) and statistics, as both these fields underpin the
recommendation of label WHPs. Some key points to consider when estimating an off-label use WHP
include the following:

1. The new estimate of the WHP will be 5. Tissue residue kinetics may be quite different
influenced by (i) the off-label dose regimen to the PK observed in plasma – especially
(route, rate, frequency, duration); (ii) the the elimination half-life and rate of residue
elimination rate of residues from edible depletion. The most comprehensive source
tissues; and (iii) the MRL. of data on residue PK is that of Craigmill et al
2. Approved MRLs are published in the MRL 2006.
Standard which is linked to the following 6. WHP studies undertaken to establish label
APVMA website page: WHP recommendations are generally
node/10806 undertaken in healthy animals. Animals
3. If there is an MRL for the treated species, with infections are likely to have a longer
then the WHP recommended following the elimination half-life.
proposed off label use must ensure that 7. There are many factors that influence
residues have depleted below the MRL at the variability of the PK of a drug preparation,
time of slaughter. including the formulation, the route of
4. If there is no MRL for the treated species, then administration, the target species, age,
the WHP recommendation must ensure that physiology, pathology, & diet.
no detectable residues are present at the time 8. The following figure provides a summary of
of slaughter. typical effects on elimination rates associated
with drug use at higher than labelled rates
and in animals with infections.

Core principles of appropriate use of antimicrobial agents

An example of the relationship between the maximum residue limit (MRL) and tissue depletion following
administration of a veterinary medicine. In a healthy animal (A), tissue depletion to the MRL often occurs
at a time point shorter than the withholding period (WHP) that has been established for the 99/95th
percentile of the population. In such an individual animal, if the dose is doubled, tissue depletion (B)
should only require one more half-life and would most likely still be within the established WHP. However,
if the half-life doubles due to disease or other factors, depletion (C) would now require double the normal
WHP and may still result in residues exceeding the MRL (adapted from Riviere and Mason, 2011)

APVMA. Residues and Trade Risk Assessment Manual. Version 1.0 DRAFT. Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines
Authority, Kingston, ACT, 2018.
Craigmill AL, Riviere JE, Webb AI. Tabulation of FARAD comparative and veterinary pharmacokinetic data. Wiley-Blackwell,
Ames, Iowa, 2006.
Monnier AA, Eisenstein BI, Hulscher ME, Gyssens IC, Drive-AB. WP1 group. Towards a global definition of responsible antibiotic
use: results of an international multidisciplinary consensus procedure. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2018;73:3-16.
Reeves PT. Drug Residues. In: Cunningham F, Elliott J, Lees P, editors. Comparative and Veterinary Pharmacology. Springer
Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010:265-290.
Riviere JE, Mason SE. Tissue Residues and Withdrawal Times. In: Riviere JE, editor. Comparative Pharmacokinetics Principles,
Techniques, and Applications (second edition). Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 2011:413-424.

Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines
for veterinarians working with pigs

1.1 Introduction These practices also resulted in to mitigate AMR in human

a culture of controlling enteric pathogens is low to very low.
and respiratory diseases Nonetheless, it is reasonable
One of the key objectives of
with antimicrobials, rather that antimicrobial use should
any antimicrobial stewardship
than attending to underlying only be implemented when
program is to reduce the use
management, housing or necessary.
of antimicrobials. Eliminating
hygiene deficiencies. Production Food production practices do
the unnecessary use of
policies that focus on financial intersect with human health. For
antimicrobials is an essential
returns per square metre animal production, antimicrobial
part of this equation. While
compromise not only the use and resistance issues
other objectives include
biological performance of do relate to environmental
ensuring appropriate
the herd, but also its health, contamination. Resistance
prescribing practice (such as
and encourage greater develops in commensal bacteria
using the narrowest spectrum
antimicrobial use. In a world and that increases the risk of
of antimicrobial activity and
where there is little likelihood transferring resistance to human
minimising the duration of use)
of novel antibacterial drugs pathogens. Of course, using
and ensuring optimal infection
becoming available for use in antimicrobials in pig production
prevention and control, the
food animals, this production systems increases the risk of
best way to secure the use of
paradigm must change. further resistance developing in
antimicrobials for the future and
to reduce selection pressures In addition to these pressures, porcine pathogens.
favouring resistant organisms is there is close examination
to reduce the overall amounts locally and globally of animal Antimicrobial v Antibiotic
used. production practices that
might contribute to transfer Antibiotics are substances
Best practice pig farming relies
of antimicrobial resistance produced by one organism
on raising animals under high
to human pathogens and the to inhibit or kill another.
standards of hygiene, air quality,
effects that interventions to Antimicrobials refers
nutrition and management.
reduce antibiotic use in food- to drugs, such as the
These elements contribute
producing animals might have sulfonamides, that affect a
to raising animals in ways
on the level of antimicrobial wider range of organisms.
that reduce the reliance on
resistant organisms in They can also include the
antimicrobials. It is fair to say
humans and animals.1 The semi-synthetic drugs such
that in the past, pigs have been
evidence suggests that as amoxicillin and fully
placed in environments that
many of the antimicrobial synthesised drugs such as
have often failed to completely
resistance problems in human florfenicol. Zinc oxide is also
meet the pigs’ requirements.
medicine are not related to antimicrobial, but few would
For example, it has long been
antimicrobial resistance in class it as an antibiotic. In
recognised that the best
animals, and WHO,2 having general, we have used the
responses to antimicrobials
commissioned two meta- term antimicrobial to include
were seen under conditions of
analyses of available published both the antibiotics and their
poor hygiene. In addition, when
literature,1,3 concluded that the synthetic cousins that, on
diets were balanced for lysine,
quality of evidence supporting application to living tissue or
growth and feed efficiency,
recommendations on reduced by systemic administration,
performances were no different
antimicrobial use in animals will selectively kill or
from those achieved using
carbadox. prevent or inhibit growth of
susceptible organisms.
Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines
for veterinarians working with pigs

1.2. Reducing antimicrobial In seeking to reduce It will, however, be possible to

resistance and improving the antimicrobial use, producers substantially refine and reduce
quality of antimicrobial use in will be increasingly obliged to antimicrobial use.
animal production renovate their plumbing systems Many producers and
to enable medications to be veterinarians are using novel
Antimicrobial stewardship delivered to specific sheds or ingredients as alternatives to
programs are one way specific areas in each shed to antibiotics in feed or water. For
that the animal production properly deliver medication to example, the acidification of
community can demonstrate its the target group. In addition, feed or water has been shown
commitment to producing food industry supported research will to be effective for prevention of
in a way that does not place be helpful in guiding efficient post-weaning diarrhoea caused
environmental or human health delivery systems which minimise by enterotoxigenic Escherichia
at risk, while ensuring that this water wastage. Along the way, coli.4-6 The use of directly fed
shared resource is available modification and improvements microbial products, such as
when needed to protect animal in cleaning programs and probiotics, to combat enteric
health and welfare. ventilation systems, reductions disease, has some theoretical
in group sizes, together with support, with some information
The easiest and most effective
staff training, will drive further available on use in other animal
ways to reduce the use of
improvements in antimicrobial industries or in conference
antimicrobials in food animal
use. proceedings, but rigorous
production is to remove them
from animal feeds. Many studies published in refereed
Australian pig producers 1.3. Many producers journals are lacking. These
stopped using antimicrobials worldwide have already novel ingredients or products
in feed for growth promotion reduced antimicrobial use may offer new alternatives for
during the late 1990-2000 effective disease control but
period. It may not have been controlling disease outside
Many farms worldwide with of laboratory studies is very
part of a policy decision at
a conventional health status difficult and has not yet been
industry level, but veterinarians
successfully produce pigs convincingly demonstrated.
around the country noticed
with little use of specifically Hence the use of probiotics, for
changes in their clients’ herds to
targeted medication by using example, have not been strongly
the point that veterinarians were
commercially available vaccines, endorsed in the sections in this
including antibacterial drugs in
housing systems that meet best guide on prevention strategies
feed for disease control, largely
practice, and batch systems or however, the generation of
of Lawsonia intracellularis and
all-in all-out pig flows. It is not evidence to support the safe
respiratory disease, and not for
the intention of stewardship and effective use of alternatives
growth promotion. The effect
programs to develop animal is strongly encouraged. The
on performance and the impact
production systems that never medication strategies outlined
on resistance development may
use antimicrobials. This is in this publication are supported
have been the same, but the
not yet possible with current by the global technical literature
focus had changed.
knowledge and resources in and have already been applied
On many farms, pig producers groups of many thousands of in Australia.
lack the facilities to medicate animals, although small groups
via water across all age groups may be produced in this way.
of pigs.

Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines
for veterinarians working with pigs

Table 1: Antibacterial agents registered for antibacterial use in pigs by APVMA


Amoxicillin Moderate spectrum penicillin low
Apramycin Aminoglycoside med
Chlortetracycline Tetracycline low
Erythromycin Macrolide low
Flavophospholipol Bambermycins NHU*
Florfenicol Amphenicol low
Lincomycin Lincosamide med
Neomycin Aminoglycoside low
Olaquindox Quinoxaline low NHU*
Oxytetracycline Tetracycline low
Penethamate Narrow spectrum penicillin low
Penicillin (and salts) Narrow spectrum penicillin low
Salinomycin Ionophore low NHU*
Spectinomycin Aminocyclitol med
Sulfadimidine Sulfonamide low
Tiamulin Pleuromutilin low NHU*
Tilmicosin Macrolide low
Trimethoprim + sulfonamide DHRI + sulfonamide med
Tulathromycin Macrolide low
Tylosin Macrolide low

* No human use (NHU) of the antibiotic class in Australia

# Importance according to Australian Strategic and Technical Advisory Group7 (ASTAG) list
DHRI Dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors

Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines
for veterinarians working with pigs

By formally developing a The WHO priority list varies

Ceftiofur is a third generation treatment priority, it is possible from the ASTAG list, as it aims
cephalosporin that is rated to preserve more important to address global issues, rather
by ASTAG as having HIGH medications, the drugs of high than the Australian context. The
IMPORTANCE, a rating or critical importance, so that authors have elected to follow
assigned to “… essential their antimicrobial efficacy is the ASTAG rating system as it is
antibacterials for the preserved. most relevant to the Australian
treatment or prevention of situation.
This concept is well developed
infections in humans where
in human medicine, where a In Australia, registered
there are few or no treatment
wide range of antimicrobial veterinarians are permitted to
alternatives for infections.
agents are available for use, but prescribe a medication for pigs
These have also been termed
with relatively few medicines if it is approved by the Australian
“last resort” or “last line”
available for pigs, and neither Pesticides and Veterinary
colistin, fluoroquinolones nor Medicines Authority (APVMA)
Ceftiofur is not registered by cephalosporins registered for for use in other food animals
APVMA for use in pigs. It is use in pigs, there are fewer in Australia. Veterinarians are
registered for use in cattle and to prioritise. For this reason, also permitted to prescribe a
carries the label restraint “DO this guide provides advice on medication approved for use in
NOT USE for mass medication: primary and secondary levels of pigs at levels or for durations
for individual animal treatment treatment, but not tertiary levels that vary from those on the
only”. Label restraints take of treatment. label if a suitable withholding
precedence over the rights period (WHP) can be applied,
In developing treatment
of veterinarians to prescribe the prescription can be justified
priorities, the importance rating
off-label. scientifically, and provided that
of the Australian Strategic
Within a framework of and Technical Advisory Group7 the use does not contradict a
antimicrobial stewardship, (ASTAG) on antimicrobial restraint statement included
use of ceftiofur in pigs should resistance has been consulted. on the label. For example,
be reserved for rare and This rating ranks antimicrobials amoxicillin soluble powder is
exceptional circumstances as having high, medium or only registered for use in poultry,
in individual pigs where low importance for use in but it can be prescribed for pigs
culture and susceptibility humans. There are two other to treat Haemophilus parasuis.
testing of appropriate clinical categories of minimum human Salinomycin is registered for
samples indicates no suitable use (MHU) or NHU, (Table 1). use at 25 ppm (zero days WHP)
alternative. The need for The World Health Organisation but is prescribed for pigs at
ceftiofur should be considered (WHO)8 list is numbered from 60 ppm to control Brachyspira
an alert to closely examine one to five, or highest to hyodysenteriae. However,
management practices and lowest of importance. First there are no publicly accessible
to develop and implement line treatments, for example studies in pigs supporting
a health plan to prevent those initiated while waiting for a WHP for this drug at this
infection and improve animal laboratory results, should use dose rate in pigs, and it is
health without the need the lowest rated medications therefore the responsibility of
for antibacterials of HIGH that are likely to be effective. the prescribing veterinarian to
IMPORTANCE. determine a suitable WHP. At
the same dose rate in feed fed
continuously to chickens there is
zero WHP for meat. Where there

Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines
for veterinarians working with pigs

is an efficacious antimicrobial first two. Because of this, the 1.4. Diseases considered
approved for pigs, the authors Australian industry has lost the
have favoured that product capacity to fully control swine
In any program considering
over an off-label prescription. dysentery using medication
a reduction in use of
Monensin is not registered in programs. The susceptibility
antimicrobials, it is prudent to
pigs and not recommended for of E. coli has changed little
focus on the “low hanging fruit”.
use as no Maximum Residue over the last 20 years. Four
These recommendations focus
Limit (MRL) has been approved antimicrobial drugs (apramycin,
on the most common diseases
for pigs anywhere in the world. neomycin, amoxicillin and
that veterinarians combat with
The treatment priority list is potentiated sulfonamides)
antimicrobials. In addition,
outlined in Table 3. Although still have reasonable levels
the focus is on removing
there are only one or two first of efficacy.9 Solutions for the
medications from feed because,
line treatments listed, any of control of these three diseases
currently, this is how most of the
the medications classified as will rely increasingly with
medications are administered
low importance, NHU or MHU approaches that by-pass the
and generally requires a
can meet this criterion. The need for antimicrobial drugs.
longer and less controllable
higher importance rating of They will rest with vaccines,
duration of antimicrobial
lincomycin, spectinomycin and housing management, hygiene
use and greater potential for
trimethoprim should be noted. and dietary manipulation. For
environmental contamination.
These rankings imply a need for all the other pathogens the
Table 2 shows the common
significant changes from current available antimicrobial drugs
diseases of pigs and the
practice, with these drugs being still offer good therapeutic
common age groups they affect.
used less frequently than they outcomes. The main issue
The disease and treatment
currently are. associated with antimicrobial
priorities are presented in
use in animal production
While the long-term focus Table 3. The common diseases
remains the environmental
must be to reduce the level are represented. Others can
risk. That too is affected by
of antimicrobial use in be added in due course as
the quantity of veterinary drugs
animal production, from a success is demonstrated in the
used as well as the use of
therapeutic perspective, the first phase of the stewardship
products such as zinc oxide
most problematic pathogens program.
or copper sulphate, which
for pigs are Actinobacillus are added to diets for their Table 4 shows the antimicrobial
pleuropneumoniae, B. antimicrobial activity. susceptibilities of common
hyodysenteriae and E. coli. Australian porcine pathogens.
These pathogens severely affect Australian susceptibilities
pig farming profitability. Globally are presented where they are
A. pleuropneumoniae isolates available, and where they are
are increasingly resistant to not available international peer
the available treatments. For reviewed data are included.
B. hyodysenteriae, Australian The Danish Veterinary and Food
laboratory susceptibility testing Administration publishes a table
shows that common isolates are of priority treatments much
no longer generally susceptible the same as is presented in
to tiamulin, lincomycin or tylosin, these guidelines in Table 4.9 In
although there is still some
field efficacy evidence for the

Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines
for veterinarians working with pigs

addition, the advice provided in for veterinarians prescribing

these guidelines is consistent these antimicrobials at dose
with the recommendations of rates consistent with efficacy
the joint scientific opinion of the published in the scientific
European Medicines Agency literature, there is no readily
and the European Food Safety available data base that informs
Authority.10 veterinarians of required WHPs
It is obvious from the published to meet the MRL. It places any
literature that there is a food animal veterinarian in
dearth of recently published a quandary regarding WHPs
information on the susceptibility when prescribing, off-label,
of common Australian porcine an antimicrobial at an optimal
pathogens to antimicrobials. level for efficacy, and hence,
For this reason, veterinarians minimising both the risk of
will, in prescribing medications, developing resistance and
necessarily draw insight from potential residues that may
both the global scientific affect trade. A solution to this
literature and local laboratory challenge will likely require input
susceptibility testing. The need from veterinarians, scientists,
for ongoing surveillance of pharmaceutical industry,
resistance is clearly important. and the APVMA. A summary
of antimicrobial dose rates
approved by APVMA at the time
1.5. Dose rates of product registration together
with literature based specific
This document provides off label use for products used
guidance to veterinarians on in pigs are presented in Table
prevention and treatment 5. Readers are referred to the
options for bacterial disease APVMA web site and search
including the selection and engine PUBCRIS26 for product
use of antimicrobial products specific information regarding
registered in Australia for use in dose rates and WHPs.
pigs. Registered dose rates and  
corresponding WHPs are rarely,
if ever, revised once a product
is first registered. Based on
recently published research in
horses and small animals it is
likely that best practice dose
rates are not aligned with label
dose rates for at least penicillin,
potentiated sulfonamides
and amoxicillin.11 These
products were first registered
over 50 years ago. Even

Table 2: Common pathogens or diseases of pigs and the ages in weeks at which they are most commonly seen
Age in weeks
Enterotoxigenic (non-haemolytic)
Escherichia coli
Clinical signs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Clostridium perfringens Diarrhoea
(Rotavirus) Diarrhoea
(Coccidiosis) Diarrhoea

Enterotoxigenic and enterotoxaemic Diarrhoea, sudden

(haemolytic) Escherichia coli death

(Mulberry heart disease) Sudden death

Meningitis, lameness,
Streptococcus suis
sudden death

Polyserositis, lameness,
Haemophilus parasuis
sudden death

Mycoplasma hyorhinis
sudden death
Diarrhoea, sudden
Mycoplasma hyosynoviae Lameness
(Porcine circovirus Sudden death,
associated disease) Ill thrift

Lawsonia intracellularis
ill thrift, sudden death

Brachyspira hyodysenteriae Diarrhoea

Coughing, sudden
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae +
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae+
sudden death
Diamond skin lesions,
Erysipelas lameness,
sudden death

+ Includes secondary invaders, such as Pasteurella multocida, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Streptococcus suis and Klebsiella pneumoniae, which may exacerbate primary infections. Diseases or pathogens in parentheses are included
for veterinarians working with pigs
Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines

for completeness, although they are not treated with antimicrobial drugs. In the last 20 years the global impact of the porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) vaccines has been significant. In Australia, as elsewhere, their deployment has

facilitated reduced reliance on antimicrobial treatments and metaphylaxis. In apparently normal herds PCV2 vaccines have reduced post weaning mortality rates by 3-6% without the need for concurrent antimicrobial treatment.12
Table 3: Common Australian pig pathogens and antimicrobial treatment options13 and priority

Primary treatment Secondary treatment

Pathogen/disease Clinical signs Preventative elements Notes
choice choice

Florfenicol, tilmicosin,
Actinobacillus Vaccine, air quality, space Cephalosporins not
Coughing, sudden death Penicillin, amoxicillin lincospectin
pleuropneumoniae allowance recommended

Brachyspira Monensin is not

Diarrhoea Hygiene Tiamulin Lincomycin
hyodysenteriae recommended

Hygiene, thermal
Cephalosporins not
Clostridium perfringens Diarrhoea comfort, colostrum Penicillin, amoxicillin+ Florfenicol, tylosin

Fluids + trimethoprim-
Enterotoxigenic (non- Vaccine, hygiene, thermal
Fluids + oral neomycin or sulfonamide
haemolytic) Escherichia Diarrhoea comfort, colostrum
apramycin (sulfadimidine/
coli management
Live oral autogenous
Enterotoxigenic or Trimethoprim-
vaccine, thermal comfort,
enterotoxaemic sulfonamide Cephalosporins not
Diarrhoea, sudden death diet, organic acids in feed Neomycin, apramycin
(haemolytic) Escherichia (sulfadimidine/ recommended
and/or water, bromelain
coli sulfadiazine/sulfadoxine)

Erysipelothrix Diamond skin lesions, Tylosin,

Vaccine Penicillin, amoxicillin
rhusiopathiae lameness, sudden death lincomycin

Sudden death, Air quality, space

Haemophilus parasuis Penicillin, amoxicillin Florfenicol, tulathromycin
polyserositis, lameness allowance, vaccination

Hygiene, prophylactic
Isospora suis Diarrhoea Toltrazuril
for veterinarians working with pigs
Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines

Table 3: Common Australian pig pathogens and antimicrobial treatment options13 and priority
Primary treatment Secondary treatment
Pathogen/disease Clinical signs Preventative elements Notes
choice choice

Diarrhoea, ill thrift, Tetracycline, tiamulin,

Lawsonia intracellularis Vaccine, hygiene Tylosin
sudden death olaquindox, lincomycin

Mycoplasma Vaccine, air quality, space Tylosin, tilmicosin,

Coughing, sudden death Tiamulin
hyopneumoniae + allowance lincomycin, tulathromycin

Polyserositis, sudden Air quality, space

Mycoplasma hyorhinis Tetracycline, tiamulin Tylosin or lincomycin
death allowance

Air quality, space

Mycoplasma hyosynoviae Lameness Tetracycline, tiamulin Tylosin or lincomycin

Chlortetracycline, Trimethoprim-
Air quality, space oxytetracycline, sulfonamide
Pasteurella multocida Coughing, sudden death
allowance florfenicol, penicillin, (sulfadimidine/
amoxicillin sulfadiazine/sulfadoxine)
Hygiene, thermal
sulfonamide Cephalosporins not
Salmonellae Diarrhoea, sudden death comfort, organic acids in Neomycin
(sulfadimidine/ recommended
feed and/or water
Florfenicol, tylosin,
Meningitis, lameness, Air quality, space Cephalosporins not
Streptococcus suis Penicillin sulfonamide
sudden death allowance recommended
Tiamulin, trimethoprim-
Staphylococcus hyicus Exudative epidermitis Hygiene Penicillin, amoxicillin
for veterinarians working with pigs
Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines

Table 4: Common Australian pig pathogens and their antimicrobial susceptibility

Pathogen Clinical signs Susceptibility
Actinobacillus Coughing, Australia 2015: 75% tetracycline resistance, 25% tilmicosin resistance, 8.5% amoxicillin and penicillin resistance
pleuropneumoniae sudden death
Clostridium perfringens Diarrhoea Australia 1985: no resistance to penicillin, 75% of isolates resistant to tetracycline, 41% resistant to erythromycin and lincomycin.
Multiple resistance common.
Brachyspira spp Diarrhoea Australia 2002: for 76 Australian isolates tested by broth dilution, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)90 for tiamulin was 1
mg/L; for valnemulin was 0.5 mg/L; for tylosin was > 256 mg/L; for erythromycin was > 256 mg/L; for lincomycin was 64 mg/L; and
for clindamycin was 16 mg/L.
Erysipelothrix Diamond skin lesions, Australia 2018: highly susceptible to amoxicillin. 20% isolates resistant to tetracyclines, 0.75% isolates resistant to lincospectin,
rhusiopathiae lameness, sudden death penicillin and erythromycin
Escherichia coli Diarrhoea, Australia 2004: widespread resistance to tetracycline and moderately common resistance (30–60%) to amoxicillin and sulfadiazine.
sudden death 9
Denmark: 2016: susceptibility based on MIC90; to amoxycillin in 67% of isolates; to apramycin in 78% of isolates; to neomycin in 72%
of isolates; and to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in 65% of isolates.

Haemophilus parasuis Polyserositis, Australia 2014: elevated MICs for amoxicillin (1% isolates), penicillin (2% isolates), erythromycin (7% isolates), tulathromycin (9%
sudden death isolates), tilmicosin (22% isolates), tetracycline (31% isolates,) and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (40% isolates).
Lawsonia Diarrhoea, ill thrift, USA 2009: when tested for intracellular activity, carbadox, tiamulin and valnemulin were the most active antimicrobials, with MICs of
intracellularis sudden death ≤0.5 mg/L. Tylosin (MICs ranging from 0.25 to 32 mg/L) and chlortetracycline (MICs ranging from 0.125 to 64 mg/L) had intermediate
activities and lincomycin (MICs ranging from 8 to >128 mg/L) had the least activity. When tested for extracellular activity, valnemulin
(MICs ranging from 0.125 to 4 mg/L) was the most active against most L. intracellularis isolates. Chlortetracycline (MICs ranging
from 16 to 64 mg/L), tylosin (MICs ranging from 1 to > 128 mg/L) and tiamulin (MICs ranging from 1 to 32 mg/L) had intermediate
activities. Lincomycin (MICs ranging from 32 to >128 mg/L) had the least activity.
Mycoplasma hyorhinis Sudden death, Japan 1996: tiamulin had the highest activity with MICs of 0.2 to 0.78 mg/L, and 10% of isolates were resistant to all macrolide
polyserositis, lameness antibiotics tested.
Mycoplasma Lameness USA 2011: clindamycin (a lincosamide) had the highest activity and was most consistent inhibitory of all isolates, with a MIC50
hyosynoviae of ≤ 0.12 mg/L. The MIC50 of tiamulin was ≤ 0.25 mg/L. For the macrolides, the MIC50 of tylosin and tilmicosin was ≤ 0.25 mg/L
and ≤ 2 mg/L respectively but was ≤16μg/ml for tulathromycin. Spectinomycin and neomycin had an MIC50 of ≤4μg/ml. The MIC50
of tetracyclines was ≤ 2 mg/L. The MIC50 of florfenicol was ≤ 1 mg/L. All isolates were resistant to penicillin, amoxicillin, ceftiofur,
trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, and sulphadimethoxine.
Mycoplasma Coughing Thailand 2006-2011: resistance to antibiotics is increasing. The MIC of tiamulin was < 0.013 - 0.78 mg/L, with an MIC90 of 0.1
hyopneumoniae mg/L; the MIC of lincomycin was 0.025 - > 12.5 mg/L, with an MIC90 of 0.39 mg/L; the MIC of tylosin was 0.025 - >12.5 mg/L, with
an MIC90 of 0.39 mg/L; the MIC of oxytetracycline was 0.78 - 12.5 mg/L, with an MIC90 of 6.25 mg/L; the MIC of chlortetracycline
was 3.12 – 100 mg/L, with an MIC90 of 50 mg/L; and the MIC of florfenicol was 0.2 - 6.25 mg/L with an MIC90 of 1.56 mg/L.

Pasteurella multocida Coughing, Genetic basis for the resistance or elevated MICs of the majority of isolates of Australian porcine respiratory pathogens to amoxicillin,
sudden death penicillin and tetracycline.11 In the EU resistance is evident in 22% of isolates to tetracycline, 3% to potentiated sulfonamides and 1%
to amoxicillin.24
Salmonellae Diarrhoea, Australia 1975-1982: in porcine salmonella 4% of isolates were resistant to neomycin, 3% to ampicillin and 29% to tetracycline.
for veterinarians working with pigs
Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines

sudden death
Streptococcus suis Meningitis, lameness, Europe 2014: 81.8% of isolates were resistant to tetracycline. Resistance to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, ceftiofur, enrofloxacin,
sudden death tiamulin and tilmicosin was absent or <1%. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole resistance was seen in 3 - 6% of isolates.
Table 5: Approved dose rates27,28 and recommended off-label dose rates where the product is not registered for use in pigs
Drug Route of
Dose rate Duration WHP**(Export Slaughter
Interval [ESI])
Notes and evidence for off-label use 1
Amoxicillin IM 7 mg/kg Daily for 3-5 days 14-28 days (no ESI issued) WHP varies. Refer to product label.
15 mg/kg (long acting) Repeat after 48 hours if 28-30 days

Amoxicillin Oral in water** 20 mg/kg 3-5 days 14 days (no ESI issued) Off-label. Dose and WHP taken from UK
Range: 2-14 days for registered product Stabox50% Oral Soluble
different products Powder Pig for use against Actinobacillus
Amoxicillin Oral in feed** 20 mg/kg 5 days 14 days (no ESI issued) Off-label. Dose and WHP taken from UK
500 ppm in feed registered product Perlium Amoxival for use
against S. suis30,31
Apramycin Oral in water 25 mg/kg for neonates 3 days 14 days (no ESI issued) Do not use for more than 14 days
12.5 mg/kg for 7 days
Chlortetracycline Oral in feed 400 ppm in feed Maximum 7 days 7 days (no ESI issued) In feed oral dose at odds with dose via water
Chlortetracycline Oral in water 25 mg/kg 2-5 days 7 days (no ESI issued)
Erythromycin IM 2-6 mg/kg 3-5 days* 7 days (no ESI issued) There are no label recommendations for
duration of treatment
Florfenicol IM 15 mg/kg Two injections 48 hours 12 -18 days (ESI 12-22 days) Check specific product label for ESI
Florfenicol Oral in water 10 mg/kg 5 days 12 days (no ESI issued) Label recommendation for respiratory disease
treatment only
Florfenicol Oral in feed 10 mg/kg 5 days 12 days (ESI 15 days) 15 mg/kg detailed in Burch10 but there are no
200 ppm WHP published for this dose

Lincomycin Oral in water 10 mg/kg Treat for 5 days after the 2 days (no ESI issued)
33 mg/L disappearance of bloody
stools (swine dysentery) for a
maximum of 10 days

Lincomycin Oral in feed 40-110 ppm B. A maximum of 21 days or, in 1 day for 110ppm Highest dose (110 ppm) for clinical swine
hyodysenteriae the case of swine dysentery, 2 days for 220 ppm dysentery. 40 ppm for metaphylaxis of swine
220 ppm M. until clinical signs disappear dysentery and controlled exposure of Lawsonia
(no ESI issued) intracellularis.
for veterinarians working with pigs
Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines

Table 5: Approved dose rates27,28 and recommended off-label dose rates where the product is not registered for use in pigs
Drug Route of Dose rate Duration WHP**(ESI) Notes and evidence for off-label use

IM 15 mg/kg total 3 days 21 days 1
spectinomycin combined antibiotic (No ESI issued)
Lincomycin- Oral in water 6.3 mg/kg Daily for 3-7 days 8 days (no ESI issued) Do not use this medication simultaneously in
spectinomycin Total combined both feed and water
antibiotic of 63 mg/L of
Lincomycin- Oral in feed Total combined 3-7 days* 1 day (no ESI issued) Do not use this medication simultaneously in
spectinomycin antibiotic of 44 ppm both feed and water
Neomycin IM 2-4 mg/kg Every 6-12 hours for 3-14 15-30 days (no ESI issued) Check product label – WHP varies
days as indicated
Neomycin Oral in water 8-22 mg/kg 3-5 days 20 days (no ESI issued)
Neomycin Oral in feed 8-22 mg/kg 3-7 days 20 days (no ESI issued)
100-200 ppm
Olaquindox Oral in feed 100 ppm for pigs 3-10 12 -24 hours Metaphylactic treatment of proliferative
weeks of age (ESI 28 days) enteritis at 50 ppm
50 ppm for 11+ weeks
Oxytetracycline IM 20-30 mg/kg Single treatment 28 days (ESI 28 days) Check product labels for dose, WHP and ESI
Long acting Engemycin: 10 mg/kg Engemycin 10 days
(no ESI issued)
Oxytetracycline IM 4-9 mg/kg Daily for 3-5 days 8 -14 days Check product label – WHP varies. Some do
short acting (ESI 8 days) not have an ESI.

Oxytetracycline Oral in feed 25 mg/kg 7-14 days 4 days Check product label – WHP varies
550-1100 ppm for (no ESI issued)
20 mg/kg
450 ppm other
Penicillin: short IM 12-15 mg/kg Daily for 3-5 days 5 days Higher doses up to 20 mg/kg are suggested in
acting (procaine) (no ESI issued) Diseases of Swine32 and Veterinary Medicine33,
but there are no published Australian WHPs for
this dose. FARAD offers 50 days.34

Penicillin: long IM 13 mg/kg total Single dose 30 days Higher doses up to 20 mg/kg are suggested in
acting (benzathine) penicillin Diseases of Swine, but there are no published
for veterinarians working with pigs
Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines

Repeat after 3 days (No ESI issued)
Australian WHPs for this dose. FARAD offers
50 days.
Table 5: Approved dose rates27,28 and recommended off-label dose rates where the product is not registered for use in pigs

Route of
Oral in feed
Dose rate

60 ppm for swine


WHP**(Export Slaughter
Interval [ESI])
Nil for 25 ppm
Notes and evidence for off-label use

Toxic in combination with Tiamulin

dysentery prophylaxis No WHP stated for 60 ppm Statement of field efficacy35
in pigs No adverse effect on human health or the
(no ESI issued) environment.36 Burch10 states 15-60 ppm, but
no WHP recommended. Zero WHP for meat of
chickens at 60 ppm.27
Tiamulin Oral in water 8.8 mg/kg – 25.5 mg/ 3-5 days 5 days Do not use concurrently with salinomycin or
kg per 400L water for 6 days (no ESI issued) other ionophores
B. hyodysenteriae Dose rates for B. hyodysenteriae, M.
17.6 mg/kg – 25.5 hyopneumoniae and L. intracellularis vary
g/200L water for M.
Tiamulin Oral in feed 50-100 ppm for 5 days 5 days Do not use concurrently with salinomycin or
treatment and control 10 days (No ESI issued) other ionophores
of B. hyodysenteriae Dose rates for B. hyodysenteriae,
100 ppm for treatment M. hyopneumoniae and L. intracellularis vary
of M. hyopneumoniae
Tilmicosin Oral in water 15-20 mg/kg 5 days 7 days
Tilmicosin Oral in feed 8-24 mg/kg 14 days 14 days Feed 7 days in advance of anticipated disease
outbreak Bentonite may affect product efficacy
Tulathromycin IM 2.5 mg/kg One dose 14 days Do not treat again until at least 8 weeks after

(ESI 26 days) the last treatment. Culture and sensitivity

Tylosin IM 5-10 mg/kg (B. Do not exceed 3 days 3 days
hyodysenteriae) treatment
Tylosin Oral in water 25 mg/kg (B. 7 days (No ESI issued)

6-12 mg/kg (L.

Tylosin Oral in feed 40-100 ppm Up to 21 days for treatment Nil In practice 50 ppm in feed will permit
for veterinarians working with pigs
Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines

of ileitis at 100 ppm (No ESI issued) controlled exposure to L. intracellularis37

*The labels for these products are unclear as to the recommended treatment duration. The durations here have been adjusted based on a consensus of best practice
**Always confirm and follow the WHP advice on the label of the registered product selected for use
Lameness in neonatal pigs
in the first week of life

2.1. History and predominant After the first week of age, the 2.3. Diagnostic tests
clinical signs incidence of new lameness
cases decreases significantly.
The lame pigs are easy to pick
Lameness in piglets in the By this stage, superficial carpal
by observation alone. The less
first 3 days of life is common and hock abrasions have mostly
thrifty pigs are often missed
in those reared on abrasive completely healed. Arthritis
as lameness cases, so it pays
concrete floors. The pigs suffer may also have its genesis in
to pick up the individuals and
both abrasion of the skin over infectious disease caused
examine them. It’s important
the carpus and the hock and by Haemophilus parasuis or
to look beyond any carpal
erosion of the sole of the foot. Streptococcus suis, or following
abrasions, which are very
The prevalence of erosions can teeth clipping or poor umbilical
common in new born pigs, to
be as high as 60%. Arthritis hygiene. This section refers only
specifically check on the health
occurs in about 6% of pigs.37 to the problem of abrasive or
of the foot itself.
Pigs raised on wire floors can injurious floors.
have traumatic penetrating
injuries to the interdigital skin, 2.4. Preventative strategy
2.2. Differential diagnoses
and subsequent ascending
infection. Approximately 1.5% of The problem relates to rough
pigs die from arthritis before or • Lameness and arthritis
abrasive floors, so the solution
within two weeks of weaning.38 following sole abrasions
lies with resurfacing with
The affected piglets show a • Arthritis following teeth polymer, rubber mats or large
painful shifting lameness from clipping or umbilical amounts of bedding.
the time of the erosion on day infection
When the condition presents in
one and struggle to compete Arthritis following teeth clipping many piglets, veterinarians often
or get to the udder quickly or umbilical infection occurs prescribe penicillin, given at the
enough to suck before milk let later than lameness and same time as iron during piglet
down is completed. In time, arthritis following sole abrasions processing, to provide ‘antibiotic
many progress to weakness due to rough floors. Umbilical cover’ around the same time
and succumb to starvation, infections should be apparent at as the lesion is initiated. From
diarrhoea or septicaemia, or the same time as any arthritis an antimicrobial stewardship
are overlain. Others survive only if the septicaemia has resulted perspective, this is not
to be euthanised as unviable from an ascending umbilical recommended and instead the
animals at weaning or soon infection. These pigs don’t veterinarian should recommend
after. necessarily have abrasions of environmental change
The pathogens recovered the sole. (attending to floor surfaces) as
are comprised largely of soon as this is possible.
streptococci and staphylococci,
with E. coli in a minority (about
5%). These pathogens are
mostly susceptible to penicillin.

Lameness in neonatal pigs
in the first week of life

2.5. Treatment

Procaine penicillin or benzyl

penicillin formulations given
according to label directions
as soon as lameness or foot
injury are detected provide
a rational response, but are
often administered too late to
clinically affected pigs to permit
a complete recovery.

2.6. Top tips

Sole abrasion is a consequence

of coarse concrete floors.
Producers often fail to recognise
the problem in pigs in the first
three days of life and must be
shown the lesion.

2.7. For peri-urban


Polymer products are

available to resurface abrasive
concrete farrowing pen floors.
Alternatively, extra straw
bedding will also resolve the

Lameness in neonatal pigs
in the first week of life

2.8. Case study floors with terracotta tiles for the In a Swedish study41 involving
Reducing neonatal lameness solid floor area. These are easy a herd with three different
by improving the flooring. to clean and provide a non-slip farrowing systems, 37 litters
surface for the sows. They are (390 piglets) were followed until
In old farrowing houses with also safe for piglets. Others have 3 weeks of age to detect the
deteriorating concrete floors, the sealed worn farrowing crate presence of skin wounds and
cement wears away to expose floors with resin to useful effect. abrasions. The most severe
the aggregate. For newborn Following these measures to abrasions on the carpus and the
pigs the surface is rough and improve the comfort, health and soles were seen in the system
abrasive. It soon wears away welfare of the pigs, preweaning with a new solid concrete floor
the tender soles of the feet. mortality rates can be with slats over the dunging area.
The injuries and bruising are maintained well below 10%. The lowest level of injuries was
clearly visible if the feet are Experiments administering long seen in a deep litter system
inspected. If new concrete acting penicillin to neonates with peat. Sole bruising was
hasn’t had a steel float finish a at processing demonstrate more common in the systems
new floor surface can also be subsequent reductions in with concrete floors than in
damaging for piglets. It is often requirements for lameness the deep litter system with
exacerbated by the addition of treatment before weaning. In a peat, and the difference in
oat husks as bedding as it has study in Victoria39 involving 150 prevalence was significant. The
a sandpaper-like effect on the litters, the number of treated overall prevalence of lameness
feet. piglets was reduced from 0.33 was highest in the system with
per litter in controls to 0.08 new solid concrete floors with
Wire mesh floors can cause
per litter in the pigs given long slats over the dunging area
penetrating wounds of the
acting penicillin in the first (9.4%), followed by the old solid
interdigital cleft. Sometimes,
five days of life, and from 0.76 concrete floor (7.5%). A lower
partly in error and partly to
treatments per litter in controls prevalence (P < 0.05) was seen
provide sows with firmer footing,
to 0.34 treatments per litter in in the deep litter system with
wire mesh is installed upside
those given long acting penicillin peat (3.3%). Lameness was
down, with the result that the
between 5 days and weaning diagnosed in every fourth litter
little spikes associated with hot-
(P < 0.05). There was no in that system and in every
dipped galvanised iron coating
effect on litter weaning weight, second litter in the systems with
penetrate the feet of neonatal
deaths per litter or deaths due concrete floors.
pigs. Claws are also often
damaged by sharp edges or to arthritis. The reduction in Where producers stop teeth
joints that do not quite fit. antibiotic treatment suggests clipping, published reports
the likely benefits if the floor show no difference in post
Producers faced with this
surfaces could be improved weaning performance.42 Field
problem eventually recognise
and there was a reduction reports from farms that stop
that the best alternative is to
in foot infections. Alleviation teeth clipping show no change
replace the floor surface of the
of foot injury or arthritis and in preweaning mortality rate
farrowing pen with plastic slats
subsequent lameness improves and indicate a reduction in
or plastic-coated expanded
the capacity of the pig to polyarthritis, with a consequent
metal. Cast iron slats under
compete at the udder and suck. reduction in ill thrifty pigs
the sow and plastic or wire
For example, a Bendigo study40 and reduced treatments for
mesh slats at the end of the
found that 50% of the pigs dying lameness (Cutler unpublished
creep area complete the floor
with enteritis had intercurrent data).
construction. Some producers
disease or disabilities, such as
have had excellent results from
arthritis, respiratory disease,
renovation of old farrowing pen
small birth weight or overlaying.
Diseases where the main clinical sign is diarrhoea
3 in newborn pigs up to four days of age

3.1. History and predominant 3.2. Differential diagnoses Even after exhaustive
clinical signs investigation, undifferentiated
diarrhoea sometimes
• E. coli is a likely cause if
Look for watery diarrhoea. It remains as the diagnosis for
the herd is unvaccinated.
is the predominant clinical neonatal diarrhoea. Globally,
Some strains produce
sign. Affected piglets can transmissible gastroenteritis
an adhesin involved in
dehydrate rapidly. They are virus and infection with
diffuse adherence (AIDA)43
unable to compete at the udder, porcine epidemic diarrhoea
and colonise the lower
become progressively weak virus warrant inclusion in the
gastrointestinal tract. They
and die from dehydration or differential diagnosis, but
produce enterotoxins,43 but
are overlain by the sow. The neither of these pathogens is
appear to lack fimbriae.
common aetiological agents present in Australia.
They could cause E. coli
are ubiquitous, so the litters diarrhoea in vaccinated
of gilts, which may not have herds. A Canadian report 3.3. Diagnostic tests
been exposed previously, suggested an AIDA E. coli
are at higher risk. Where the pathotype prevalence of
sow is unwell, some degree 20% in week old piglets with No thorough herd investigation
of lactation failure will be a E. coli diarrhoea. is complete without a necropsy
likely consequence. High risk and histopathology, together
• Rotavirus infections are not with analysis of fresh tissues
piglets are those that have uncommon, but rarely cause
been fostered before receiving and gut content from several
fatal disease unless other untreated, euthanised
colostrum, those fostered after pathogens are present.
24 hours that cannot compete representative piglets, or freshly
for a teat, and those sucking a • Disease caused by dead piglets, by culture and
non-functional teat. Lightweight Clostridium perfringens is susceptibility testing. Rapid
pigs are always at risk. difficult to diagnose. It relies screening ELISAs for E. coli
on demonstration of toxin in and PCR assays for the genes
the intestinal contents. for the enterotoxins are readily
• Clostridium difficile is available (Table 6). Toxin tests
offered by some as a cause for the clostridia are available
of neonatal diarrhoea, but from specialist laboratories.
it is difficult to culture and
the evidence to support
a role for it as a common
pathogen, except where
neonates have been treated
with cephalosporins at birth,
is not strong. Its presence
in clinically normal animals
confuses its direct role in
causing disease.44

Diseases where the main clinical sign is diarrhoea
3 in newborn pigs up to four days of age

Table 6: Laboratory tests for diagnosis of diarrhoea in neonatal pigs

Culture, serotyping,
Disease Necropsy, histopathology antimicrobial susceptibility Other tests
ELISA for toxin,
Escherichia coli   PCR for toxin genes

Rotavirus  ELISA

Clostridium difficile   ELISA, toxin test

Clostridium perfringens   Toxin test, ELISA

3.4. Prevention 3.5. Treatment

As with any enteric disease, The first level of treatment must sows, and particularly gilts, to
farrowing pen hygiene (or focus on colostral intake and faeces from affected litters or
fresh straw and a new site for access to a functional teat. At pens or from young weaned
outdoor sows) is a pivotal issue. the same time, piglet vigour pigs likely to be excreting
Thermal comfort in a draft-free must be optimised through rotavirus offers a way forward
pen is essential. Vaccination of provision of a warm creep area. by immunising the sow and
the dam is a core element for The next step is to deliver increasing the likelihood
E. coli prophylaxis in very young fresh clean electrolytes, of colostral immunity in
piglets through production of supplemented with glucose, in subsequent litters.
IgG in colostrum and hence drinking bowls in the affected The evidence base for treatment
neutralisation of early E. coli farrowing pens twice daily. of the clostridial pathogens is
colonisation of the gut. In older Individual piglets can be treated very poor. Alternatives, such
piglets the IgG effect has waned, orally by stomach tube if as penicillin treatment of
and the piglets are reliant on required. affected litters and probiotics
lactogenic IgA. for prophylaxis or treatment,
Antimicrobial treatments based
Any factor affecting sow health on culture and susceptibility are anecdotally interesting but
and well-being will probably testing of E. coli isolates with poorly researched. They lack
affect lactation performance. relevant fimbrial antigens formal confirmation of their
Udder soundness must be is consistent with good value in the published literature.
confirmed. The incorrect timing practice. Although fluid-based Pending culture and
of any induced farrowing treatment without supporting susceptibility testing, in
treatments must be ruled out. antimicrobials may ideally be the the case of E. coli the first
goal, current texts recommend line of treatment is oral
early antimicrobial treatment to neomycin or apramycin, or
remove the pathogenic E. coli.45 potentiated sulfonamide by
Rotavirus infections are best injection or oral pump, at
dealt with by provision of oral label recommendations.13
fluid therapy delivered by bowl Cephalosporins are NOT
drinkers. Where the problem recommended. Their use in
persists, exposure of pregnant pigs is off label and contrary
to the label restriction against
mass medication. Selection

Diseases where the main clinical sign is diarrhoea
3 in newborn pigs up to four days of age

for extended spectrum beta 3.6. Top tips 3.7. For peri-urban
lactamase or ESBL (for example practitioners
cephalosporin) resistance is
Thermal comfort, good hygiene,
considered a significant adverse Enterotoxigenic colibacillosis is
colostral intake, fostering
effect and the result of poor usually a disease of the litters
management and sow nutrition,
antimicrobial stewardship. of parity one sows. It is unusual
fitness and health underpin
For prophylaxis efforts in basic prevention of diarrhoea in to see it in litters of sows of any
environmental husbandry neonatal pigs, as its aetiology is parity farrowing in well-bedded
and sow farrowing house often multifactorial. Provision of huts on clean pasture or
management, especially in fluids and electrolytes is critical paddocks. In the unusual event
terms of sow soundness and in any treatment. of a pet pig requiring diagnosis,
fostering management, are a faecal sample for an ELISA is
likely to be rewarded. Vaccines a good start. In the absence of
against alpha and beta toxoid this, potentiated sulfonamides
containing C perfringens type and fluids for three days are the
A were protective in laboratory way forward. Fluoroquinolones
studies in Germany46 but, in and cephalosporins are NOT
Australia, these vaccines are recommended.
only available for poultry and
their use untested in pigs.

Diseases where the main clinical sign is diarrhoea
3 in newborn pigs up to four days of age

3.8. Case study: Using vaccines

to reduce the severity of E. coli
disease in neonatal pigs

This is well established news The litters of gilts were most at This case study, although
now. Most veterinarians, risk, so herds that had high gilt now quite old, heralded the
producers and people working populations regularly endured arrival of the first of the new
on pig farms will not have known outbreaks of E. coli diarrhoea pig vaccines, including those
a time when E. coli vaccines and preweaning mortality against the bacterial pathogens
were not available. In the late rates often exceeded 20%. The M. hyopneumoniae, A.
1970s the discovery of the role success of the E. coli vaccines pleuropneumoniae, H. parasuis
of the adhesins in pathogenicity in controlling the disease in the and L. intracellularis, and those
and their immunogenicity led litters of parity one sows was against porcine parvovirus and
to the development of the first recorded by Fahy et al47 and is PCV2. They demonstrate an
killed E. coli vaccines. The first presented in Table 7. early prophylactic approach to
commercial vaccines against disease control and, over 30
E. coli became available in years ago, a shift away from
Australia in the early to mid- therapeutic approaches using
1980s. Until then between 5 antibiotics.
and 15% of all piglet deaths
were due to enteritis. Those
pigs that developed diarrhoea
in the first 2 to 4 days of life had
a mortality rate of about 22%.

Table 7: The effect of killed E. coli vaccines given to sows on diarrhoea, treatments and deaths
in piglets before weaning

Parameter Whole cell vaccine Purified pilus vaccine Control

Number of sows 97 97 94
Piglets born alive 944 906 902
Litters with diarrhoea (%) 19.6*** 21.6*** 50
Scour days/litter 125*** 166*** 523
Severity score 54** 76 **
Total treatments 133** 145** 1162
Deaths associated with 5.0%*** 6.1%*** 22.2%

***Significantly different from controls (P < 0.001, Chi-squared test)

**Significantly different from controls (P < 0.01, Student’s t-test)

Diseases where the main clinical sign is diarrhoea
3 in newborn pigs up to four days of age

3.9. Case study: Eliminating

ceftiofur use on a pig farm

The farm
The farm is a medium sized The prescriptions specifically for
Key points
commercial sow breeder farm. “piglet scour” were Scourban®
It has conventional intensive (proprietary blend of neomycin Antibiotic use can be
housing, with facilities of sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, significantly reduced
varying ages and types. Sows sulfadimidine, sulfadiazine, and refined following
are group housed for all of hyoscine hydrobromide, pectin, investigation of apparent
gestation. Litters are farrowed calcium gluconate, potassium overuse by:
in conventional farrowing crates chloride, magnesium sulfate • Confirming the diagnosis
with a combination of plastic and sodium chloride), neomycin
• Assessing management
and metal flooring. The heating sulfate injection, trimethoprim-
system, heat lamps and heated sulfadiazine injection and • Reviewing hygiene
flooring are controlled by a ceftiofur hydrochloride injection. practices
remote system. The latter, which is not • Developing and
The herd has a conventional registered for use in pigs, but implementing protocols
health status. There are no is used off-label, came with the to improve management
particular health challenges in specific instructions from the • Introducing a targeted
the sow herd. The prevalence of herd’s prescribing veterinarian treatment plan
clinical signs of diarrhoea (5% for use with “non-responsive
of litters) and ill-thrift in piglets scour – use only as last resort”.
(5%) falls within industry norms. Routine veterinary review of
The breeding herd is vaccinated animal health and treatment
to control porcine parvovirus, effectiveness following a change
leptospirosis, erysipelas and of ownership found a higher
neonatal colibacillosis. than expected use of ceftiofur
at this farm. Inspection of farm
The issue
records and questioning of staff
The management and treatment revealed that all piglets were
program for piglet scours receiving a dose of ceftiofur by
comprised routine antimicrobial injection at 1 to 2 days of age,
treatment of scouring litters. regardless of clinical signs of
The farm had been prescribed diarrhoea. In using ceftiofur
different options for treatment, outside the specific instruction,
depending on the age at onset staff stated that, “scours have
of diarrhoea and the severity of been bad recently.” They had
clinical signs. confidence that ceftiofur was
effective for control.

Diseases where the main clinical sign is diarrhoea
3 in newborn pigs up to four days of age

Clinical findings Sow feed intakes also varied. Colostrum management and
Review of the farm records Many sows were over-eating early fostering of piglets were
revealed that piglet mortality soon after farrowing. They had reviewed. Staff were re-trained
rates had increased over the hard or engorged udders. in best practice techniques.
previous 4 weeks. Weaning Resolving the case All piglets were allowed to
weights were below target. consume adequate colostrum
The temperature control of
Inspection of the animals and from their birth mother and
the piglets’ heated area was
facilities revealed a prevalence fostering of piglets was only
immediately reviewed. It
of neonatal diarrhoea up to 10% used if the piglet did not have
came to light that no staff had
in piglets from 1 to 4 days of a functional teat to use and
routinely checked the calibration
age. Records indicated that all it could be moved to another
of the controlled set point
sows were routinely vaccinated litter within which a functional
against the actual temperature
pre-farrowing for E. coli. Culture teat was available. No piglet
in the pens. The temperature
of rectal swabs taken from was moved more than once.
settings were re-calibrated and
untreated piglet diarrhoea cases Only emergency moves were
a protocol agreed to routinely
yielded no bacterial pathogens. performed later than 24 hours
check temperatures against set
after birth.
Production had been good points.
recently, with more sows Outcomes
Routine hygiene practices were
farrowing than expected. This reviewed. A cleaning, drying Pre-weaning mortality decreased
meant that turn-around time and disinfection regimen was by approximately 3%. Recorded
in the farrowing facilities was agreed. It allowed time for deaths caused by “scour”
shortened to fit the extra sows these operations and more reduced from 30% of all deaths
in, meaning that cleaning, timely movement of sows due to less than 5% of all deaths. All
drying, disinfecting and “resting” to farrow. Disinfectant use and piglet treatments were reduced.
time between litters was dilution rates were reviewed. Total antimicrobial drug use on
reduced, thus compromising No change to the routine piglets reduced from a high of
hygiene. Necropsies of dead disinfection with glutaraldehyde approximately 1.2 doses per
piglets revealed that few piglets and a quaternary ammonium piglet born alive to less than
had died as a direct result of compound was considered 0.1 doses per piglet born alive.
diarrhoea, and that the elevated necessary. Piglet diarrhoea was soon
mortality rate was due to an considered to not be an issue at
A drying agent was introduced
increase in overlays. Inspection this farm.
as part of the disinfection
of the facilities revealed that The most common treatment
process - commercial product
piglets had abnormal resting now for any piglet diarrhoea is to
of chloramine, iron sulfate and
patterns, away from the heated provide electrolytes and review
copper sulfate in a bentonite
creep areas, putting them the environment. Antibacterial
base. No sow was moved into a
at higher risk of trauma from treatment of piglet diarrhoea is
pen that was still wet.
the sow. limited to oral dosing of affected
Periparturient sow feeding was
The temperature of the heated piglets with Scourban®.
reviewed. Sows were offered
areas varied from 38oC to Ceftiofur was removed from the
50oC, when the recommended minimal feed on the day of
farrowing and “stepped up” routine treatment list. Its use
temperature for neonatal piglets was eliminated from the farm.
is 30oC to 32oC. each day to limit over-eating.
The farm has not used any
ceftiofur for more than 2 years,
with no detrimental effect on
pig health.

Diseases where the main clinical sign is diarrhoea
4 from five days of age until weaning

4.1. History and predominant 4.2. Differential diagnoses 4.3. Predisposing causes
clinical signs and tests
There is a knowledge gap about
Diarrhoea in piglets older than • Escherichia coli predisposing factors for this
one week of age may have a • Isospora suis group of diseases. A failing
similar morbidity rate to that or diminution of lactogenic
• Clostridium perfringens
seen in younger piglets, but antibody, or even a disturbance
type C
the mortality rate is lower. of the microbiota, is possibly at
Hygiene factors play a role, Where deaths are involved, the the heart of diseases caused by
but are more likely to affect aetiology is likely to be E. coli. both E. coli and C. perfringens.
coccidiosis than colibacillosis.45 Otherwise I. suis joins E. coli For coccidiosis, hygiene is a
Sow health factors are less in the differential diagnosis of major factor for all pigs. Rather
likely to be involved. Pathogenic diarrhoea in pigs between 5 than the sow being an important
E. coli will have F4 (K88) days of age and weaning. C. source, as is likely with E. coli
fimbriae. The serogroups of perfringens type C causes acute and C. perfringens, pen floor
the E. coli commonly involved necrotic enteritis in pigs around and wall contamination is an
include 0139, 0141 and 0149, 10 days of age, so should be important coccidiosis risk factor.
amongst others. Sudden death included on the list of possible
where diarrhoea may or may diagnoses, but it is much less
not be evident is a feature of common than colibacillosis or 4.4. Preventative strategies
acute infection with E. coli in coccidiosis.48
this age group. Sudden death, Involvement of E. coli Thorough cleaning and drying
commonly with haemorrhagic is confirmed by culture, of farrowing pens before new
diarrhoea, is also a feature serotyping, and toxin typing sows are introduced remains
of infection with Clostridium by PCR. Susceptibility testing the cornerstone of control of
perfringens type C in pigs at is useful for treatment. I. suis all three of these diseases.
around ten days of age. oocysts are evident in faeces, For outdoor sows, moving the
The earliest coccidiosis but they may only be found farrowing hut for each farrowing
(Isospora suis) can occur in about 30% of submitted and providing ample clean
is dependent on the age of samples. Histopathology is also bedding yields the same result.
infection. If the piglets ingest helpful. Identification of the Where E. coli are involved,
oocysts during their first day C. perfringens type C toxin in the sows can be vaccinated
of life, then it is possible intestinal contents remains the with a live autogenous oral
that infection of the ileum by definitive diagnostic criterion, vaccine during pregnancy
intermediate stages of the but this is a task for specialised if the disease persists. C.
parasite can occur by day 5. laboratories. Globally, perfringens type C toxoid
More usually, coccidiosis affects transmissible gastroenteritis vaccines have been developed
pigs between 7 and 10 days of virus and porcine epidemic in Europe. Two separate studies
age. Most commercial herds diarrhoea virus warrant demonstrated that the vaccines,
use toltrazuril prophylactically inclusion in the differential one experimental and one
around days 3 to 5. By diagnosis but neither of these commercial, improved survival
targeting the intermediate two viral pathogens is present in by 30% and prevented further
stages, the disease is effectively Australia. losses from C. perfringens in
prevented.44 field outbreaks. The vaccines
were used in the face of
outbreaks on different farms
once the disease had been
diagnosed.49,50 In Australia the
Diseases where the main clinical sign is diarrhoea
4 from five days of age until weaning

only registered C. perfringens 4.6. Top tips 4.8. Management: Diarrhoea

type C vaccines are approved in piglets between five days of
for sheep and cattle. While age and weaning
Thorough cleaning and drying
their use is theoretically sound
of farrowing pens or provision
these vaccines have not Enterotoxigenic E. coli (O149,
of clean ground and straw
been assessed in controlled F4 [K88], toxins Sta, Stb and/
before new sows are introduced
laboratory or field studies or Lt) cause acute disease in
remains the cornerstone of
in pigs. 7 to 10-day old pigs. Many die
control for enteric disease.
Other approaches (probiotics, suddenly in a state of shock,
acidification of sow diets and with blue extremities and low
administration of exogenous 4.7. For peri-urban body temperature. Often the
proteases for neonates) lack practitioners E. coli are resistant and do
credible field studies. not respond to any registered
It is unusual for enteric disease antimicrobial drugs.
to cause disease in piglets in The differential diagnosis
4.5. Treatment
very small herds in which only includes mulberry heart
one or two sows are farrowing. disease, S. suis septicaemia and
Prompt treatment, at first As numbers increase coccidiosis H. parasuis, but the presence
with neomycin or apramycin may emerge. If this is suspected of diarrhoea, dehydration and
at label recommendations, and toltrazuril is not available, the isolation of haemolytic E.
and then based on culture the best approach is to provide coli, together with the absence
and susceptibility testing for ample fluids and give the pigs of other lesions, leads to rapid
E. coli, together with fluids, is time to recover naturally. At the diagnostic resolution.
recommended. The clostridia same time hygiene and bedding
Oral fluid therapy, with
generally respond well to practices can be overhauled.
electrolyte replacement
penicillins. Cephalosporins
solutions containing glucose,
of any generation are NOT
is useful for the treatment
recommended due to label
of dehydration and acidosis.
restraints. In any case the
Prevention of enteric E. coli
narrow spectrum penicillins
infection should be aimed
are favoured over the broader
at reduction of the numbers
spectrum cephalosporins.13
of pathogenic E. coli in the
Toltrazuril given about 4 days
environment by good hygiene,
ahead of the first expected
maintenance of optimal
clinical signs contains
environmental conditions, and
coccidiosis effectively.
provision of a plentiful supply of
colostrum at birth and ensuring
a high level of immunity.44

Diseases where the main clinical sign is diarrhoea
4 from five days of age until weaning

Colostrum and milk contain According to a Danish Dietary acidifiers, such as

non-specific bactericidal factors study, faecal isolates of E. citric, fumaric, lactic, propionic,
and specific antibody (IgG and coli from livestock did not benzoic and formic acids, can
IgA) that inhibit the adherence appear to have developed have beneficial effects in the pig
of pathogenic E. coli to the resistance to benzalkonium gastrointestinal tract. The use of
intestine. If the dam has not chloride, hydrogen peroxide, organic acids in weaned piglets
been vaccinated or exposed to chlorhexidine, formaldehyde or is associated with a reduction in
the pathogenic E. coli present zinc chloride.51 However, Beier stomach pH.4 This will generate
in the environment of the and others detected reduced a hostile gastric environment
piglets, her colostrum and milk susceptibility to chlorhexidine for bacterial survival. It is
lack specific antibodies and in virulent E. coli isolates from tempting to try to reduce E. coli
the piglets are susceptible to newborn pigs with diarrhoea and burdens and hence excretion by
infection. found that this was correlated feeding organic acids to sows.
In support of this, where the with resistance to gentamicin Unfortunately, the technical
disease is problematic, feeding and streptomycin.52 literature provides no support
sows a live autogenous 24-hour Low ambient temperatures for this approach.
culture of E. coli using UHT in the farrowing house also
milk as the culture medium increase the severity of
effectively immunises the disease. In newborn pigs kept
sow, inducing production of at temperatures of less than
IgA antibodies in the milk. 25°C, intestinal peristaltic
Veterinarians in Australia and activity is greatly reduced,
abroad have found this method and passage of bacteria and
effective in overcoming this protective antibodies through
disease. The cultures are the intestine is delayed.53
fed about 5 weeks ahead of Pathogenic E. coli will cause
farrowing to permit the sow time more severe diarrhoea in pigs
to develop antibodies.48 kept at temperatures below
Under experimental conditions 25°C than in pigs kept at 30°C.
transmission can be prevented The same principles apply for
by implementing strict hygienic bigger suckling pigs. A dry, warm
measures, but in the field environment also reduces the
routine cleaning and disinfection moisture available for survival
are usually insufficient to break and growth of E. coli.
the cycle of infection with E.
coli. There are only limited data
on the susceptibility of E. coli
isolates to commonly used

Diseases where the main clinical
5 sign is diarrhoea after weaning

5.1. History and predominant

clinical signs

Diarrhoea is a common clinical High dietary zinc levels Infection with B. pilosicoli, B.
sign in weaned pigs. Depending suppress E. coli populations hyodysenteriae and possibly
on the severity of the disease, but also select for methicillin, other brachyspires can be seen
it may be accompanied by an tetracycline and sulfonamide from about 7 to 8 weeks of age
increase in the mortality rate resistance genes,55-57 which but is more common in older
for the group. The form, colour can be detected in up to 30% pigs. Both cause diarrhoea, but
and presence or absence of of E. coli isolates. Diagnosis mucus and blood in the sloppy
blood or mucus in the faeces, rests on the demonstration of diarrhoea of pigs infected with
together with the age of the the fimbrial antigens and the B. hyodysenteriae are important
affected animals, can provide O serogroups associated with diagnostic indicators.54
a useful guide to differential virulent strains, and detection of Necropsy and histopathology
diagnoses.54 the genes encoding the specific are important diagnostic
Ill thrift accompanies all the enterotoxins associated with elements. Culture and
differential possibilities. Sudden virulence.45 antimicrobial susceptibility
deaths with or without diarrhoea Salmonella Typhimurium and testing are used for all
occur. other Salmonella serotypes pathogens except L.
are not uncommon pathogens, intracellularis, the definitive
either alone or in association diagnosis of which relies on
5.2. Differential diagnosis with porcine circovirus type 2, qPCR on tissue or faeces.
but infection is more common Because L. intracellularis
• Escherichia coli than disease. Infection and is an obligate intracellular
disease are seen at about 6 bacterium requiring use of cell
• Salmonella spp
weeks of age and can persist for culture techniques to grow
• Lawsonia intracellularis extended periods. in vitro, susceptibility testing
• Brachyspira pilosicoli L. intracellularis is ubiquitous is not performed routinely,
• Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and natural infection commonly so treatments (see below)
occurs between 7 and 11 weeks are guided by the scientific
• Trichuris suis literature, rather than laboratory
of age. While most pigs are
In the first 7 to 14 days after infected in this period, many do results.
weaning E. coli is the most not show clinical signs, which is E. coli can be typed using
likely cause of diarrhoea.44 typically a moderate diarrhoea ELISAs for fimbrial antigens
The organisms themselves are of variable consistency. Milder and PCR assays for toxins.
ubiquitous so disease results cases are difficult to detect and PCR assays are performed
from a complex interaction of may manifest as wasting pigs or on cultures to differentiate
predisposing factors. Thermal failure to thrive.58 B. hyodysenteriae from B.
comfort, air quality, food intake, pilosicoli. Culture is difficult
protein digestibility and amino and susceptibility testing is
acid balance, water quality, and expensive to perform.
the loss of lactogenic immunity
may all play a role. Trichuris suis infection can be
confirmed on the basis of gross
pathology and is preferred to
faecal egg counts as these can
be unreliable indicators.

Diseases where the main clinical
5 sign is diarrhoea after weaning

5.3. Preventative strategy

Post-weaning colibacillosis from vaccinated hens, and Decreasing the intestinal pH is

has been researched globally bacteriophages, have been used probably not a primary effect
but clarity about specific in weanling pigs to enhance of feeding organic acids in
predisposing factors, or even growth, feed efficiency and to pigs. Risley et al did not detect
treatments, remain elusive in reduce PWD. The short chain a significant decrease in the
many cases. It is a multifactorial and medium chain fatty acids pH of the small intestine in
disease, with the thermal and long chain polyunsaturated 3-week-old weanling pigs fed a
environment, hygiene, nutrition, fatty acids have been shown diet supplemented with 1.5%
physiological development, to improve gut function in the fumaric or citric acid.64 Addition
weaning stress, preweaning face of inflammatory conditions. of organic acids to weaned
exposure, lactogenic immunity, Supplementation of diets with pig diets can improve growth
weaning age and the gut butyrate may be a promising way performance and health65 as
microbiota all playing a role. Of to promote intestinal health.59,60 well as the local immunity in
these, ensuring thermal comfort, Zinc oxide, once considered the jejunum epithelium. It has
ensuring that dietary protein is a suitable non-antibiotic reported that regardless of the
highly digestible, and dietary antimicrobial substance, faces specific organic acid used in the
acidification are first level environmental heavy metal feed, these compounds reduce
measures that can be applied contamination issues as well the incidence and severity of
on-farm. Live oral vaccines given as selecting for antimicrobial diarrhoea in pigs, and improve
to pigs at 10 to 14 days of age resistance genes.61 Under the the performance of the treated
are successful, but care must conditions of a Spanish study, group compared to that of the
be taken to ensure that the live a single dose of bromelain, negative control group.5
organisms that are inoculated a proteolytic extract from Salmonellae commonly infect
carry the fimbrial antigens and pineapple stems (registered pigs and disease can follow.
are free of the toxin genes, as Detach), given at weaning There is a complex interaction
as determined by PCR. Use of was as effective as in-feed zinc between the intestinal
water or feed acidification as oxide in reducing the prevalence microflora, colonisation with
control measures is supported of diarrhoea and antibiotic Salmonella and disease. Diet
by limited peer reviewed studies, treatments post-weaning and the environment play a
but a clear understanding of compared to untreated pigs.62 role. Improving pen hygiene and
the mechanisms is lacking.5 Dietary acidification with citric, reducing stress by improving
The acids do appear to increase fumaric, lactic, propionic, thermal comfort are time-
water consumption and protein benzoic or formic acids can honoured Salmonella control
digestibility. The latter may well have beneficial effects in the pig measures. The addition of
be the critical factor. gastrointestinal tract. The use of organic acids to the diet or water
In pigs, post weaning diarrhoea organic acids in weaned piglets supply has yielded apparent
(PWD) can be controlled is associated with a reduction prophylactic and therapeutic
using various preventative of stomach pH, but the effects success in the field, but the
strategies without using vary with the acid.63 Organic evidence from the published
antimicrobials (Table 8). Feed acids promote the conversion of literature lacks consistency.66
supplements, such as organic pepsinogen into pepsin in the
acids, prebiotics, probiotics, stomach of pigs, and promote
synbiotics, dehydrated porcine the activity of this enzyme.
plasma, antimicrobial peptides,
specific egg yolk proteins

Diseases where the main clinical
5 sign is diarrhoea after weaning

There is some evidence that the given individually or in liquid is not achieved.58 Historically
gut population of salmonellae is feed or in water using a periods of medication at
limited by acidification. Feeding proportioner, is available and its sub therapeutic levels for six
a coarsely ground meal, rather efficacy in preventing disease weeks have permitted both
than pellets, to pigs changes the is supported in the literature by exposure and the acquisition of
physicochemical and microbial field experiences, but results active immunity but prevented
properties of the content in the can be mixed. Pen hygiene clinical disease. However,
stomach, which decreases the is an important element in given the availability of an
survival of salmonellae during disease control.4 Historically the effective vaccine, antimicrobial
passage through the stomach.67 disease has been controlled by treatments must be considered
There is also evidence that treatments just prior to peak poor stewardship.
inclusion of acids reduces periods of L. intracellularis B. hyodysenteriae and B.
seroprevalence, but, while infection that occurs on pilosicoli are widespread.
it might prevent outbreaks, many farms at around 8-11 Hygiene and space allowance
acidification will not treat weeks. Alternatively, periods are important elements in
outbreaks of disease.68 of about 3 weeks exposure prevention, although both
L. intracellularis is ubiquitous. interspersed with periods of diseases can persist on farms
The age of infection, as in-feed treatment with tiamulin even when these factors are
assessed by serum antibodies, (120 ppm), tylosin (100 ppm) addressed. Boiled rice has been
can be delayed by antimicrobial or lincomycin (110 ppm) can be shown to be prophylactic, but its
treatments for other endemic effective but the disease still availability is limited.69
diseases. A live oral vaccine, occurs if exposure to infection


Diseases where the main clinical
5 sign is diarrhoea after weaning

Table 8: Benefits and limitation of the major alternative feed strategies for the control of
post-weaning diarrhoea in pigs65,70
Strategies Benefits Limitations
Inhibits bacterial adhesion to the
High levels can increase PWD
intestinal mucosa

Zinc oxide Stimulates growth rate Heavy metal contamination of soil

Maintains intestinal mucosal integrity Bacterial resistance selection
Modulates immune functions Co-resistance with antimicrobial drugs
Decreases pH in the stomach Exact modes of action still unknown
Antimicrobial activities differ between
Organic acids Improves growth performance
Reduces PWD
Contradictory studies on their
Improve intestinal health
Lack of information on the potential
Improve growth performance synergism between prebiotics and
Prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics probiotics
Reduce ETEC: F4 attachment to the
ileal mucosa
Reduced diarrhoea
Reduce the markers of intestinal
High cost
Maintain mucosal integrity
Requires rigorous control during the
Spray dried plasma (SDP)
preparation process
Improve growth performance Potential source of viral pathogens
Reduce incidence and severity of
Decrease diarrhoea Bacterial resistance
Reduce the markers of intestinal
Antimicrobial peptides
Enhance immune function
Cocktails of AMPs might be used to
mitigate selection for resistance
Improve growth performance High cost
Antibodies may not be directed against
Specific egg yolk antibodies Decrease diarrhoea the ETEC strains present on some
Maintain intestinal mucosal integrity
Reduce E. coli mucosal adhesion Narrow spectrum of activity
Bacteriophages Maintain intestinal mucosal integrity Development of bacterial resistance
Decrease diarrhoea A combination of phages is needed
Treatment causes proteolytic disruption
to K88 (F4) glycoprotein receptors Treatment efficacy may be limited to
Proteolytic enzyme Bromelain
and prevents E. coli attachment to the about 30 hours62,70
small intestine mucosa
Diseases where the main clinical
5 sign is diarrhoea after weaning

5.4. Treatment 5.5. Top tip

E. coli: In the face of clinical B. hyodysenteriae are resistant Administration of tiamulin

disease, antimicrobial in vitro to tiamulin, tylosin and in feed at 55 ppm for three
treatment based on culture and lincomycin. Field experience weeks or in water at label
susceptibility testing, supported indicates good control and recommendations for three days
by electrolyte supplements and therapeutic effect with tiamulin to weaned pigs in all-in all-out
acidification, are recommended. at label recommendations. B. systems, combined with high
First line treatments include pilosicoli responds clinically hygiene standards, prevents
neomycin or apramycin at to olaquindox, tiamulin and swine dysentery caused by B.
label recommendations. lincomycin, but resistance can hyodysenteriae in growing and
Cephalosporins are NOT occur in this pathogen as well. finishing pigs.
recommended. Once clinical brachyspiral
L. intracellularis: First line diarrhoea is under control,
5.6. For peri-urban
therapy with a range of according to field reports,
drugs, including tylosin, salinomycin at 60 ppm (off-
olaquindox, tiamulin, or the label) in the feed effectively
tetracyclines, is very effective. controls the disease but there The enteric diseases are
Lincomycin is a second level are no approved WHPs for this unusual in weaned pigs in small
medication and is unlikely dose rate and the prescribing numbers in small herds. The
to be superior to tiamulin. veterinarian is therefore highest risk is post-weaning
Olaquindox is problematic for responsible for determining and colibacillosis and this is best
some businesses because of providing an appropriate WHP. averted with high quality diets
occupational health issues. From an international trade for pigs after weaning.
Allergic contact dermatitis perspective using salinomycin
and photocontact dermatitis presents an unquantified risk.
have been reported following However, the product is used at
occupational exposure to this dose rate in chickens with
olaquindox.71 a nil WHP for meat. Monensin
is not recommended because
B. pilosicoli and B.
there is no MRL for this
hyodysenteriae are best treated
ionophore in pigs. Ionophores
on an empirical basis. Routine
(for example salinomycin), and
sensitivity tests are not done,
tiamulin are toxic in combination
but specialised laboratories
in pigs. Concurrent treatment
have found that some strains of
must be avoided.

Diseases where the main clinical
5 sign is diarrhoea after weaning

5.7. Case study: Controlling

Lawsonia intracellularis

Love recognised porcine point where, over a 3-6 week In the knowledge that exposure
adenomatosis in growing outbreak, the likely costs can be had largely occurred by about
pigs72 as part of the same conservatively estimated to be 14 weeks of age, finisher pigs
syndrome associated with the $4500 - $9000. were left unmedicated. These
Campylobacter-like-organisms When the disease was well changes, facilitated by the
that caused proliferative controlled with antimicrobial availability of diagnostic tests
haemorrhagic enteropathy in drugs, naïve populations and the desire of farmers to
young breeding gilts.73 Marr of valuable young breeding produce pigs without in-feed
detected wasting and lesions stock emerged, and when antibiotic treatment, led to a
in pigs at slaughter that were these animals were eventually reduction of 85% in the amount
missed as subclinical cases in fed unmedicated diets of antimicrobials fed to pigs on
younger growing pigs on-farm.74 they succumbed to acute these sites.
Through the 1970s and 1980s haemorrhagic enteropathy. In 2004, Kroll and others
the disease was kept largely in demonstrated the efficacy
Control of the disease stagnated
check almost universally by the of an avirulent live vaccine
until McOrist et al76 identified
addition of antimicrobials to against L. intracellularis.78
the aetiological agent and
pig diets, resulting in additional Many veterinarians have
work by Collins et al,77 amongst
growth rates of about 3-10%, successfully deployed this
others, through the late 1990s
depending on age. vaccine in herds in Australia. In
and early 2000s resulted
Periodically veterinarians would in the availability of routine high health status herds free
withdraw antibiotics from pig diagnostic serological and of respiratory disease this has
feeds, but invariably unwittingly PCR assays. Veterinarians facilitated production without
created an environment in then became confident about recourse to antimicrobial drugs
which large populations of removing antimicrobial drugs in-feed after weaning, and,
susceptible pigs were exposed from the diets of growing and in some herds, without using
to this ubiquitous pathogen. finishing pigs. Exposure to the antimicrobial drugs in water
This resulted in substantial pathogen could be monitored either. In these herds, from time
reductions in growth rate and serologically. Treatment could to time, apparent increases
increases in mortality rates that be instituted promptly in water in the prevalence of lesions
resulted in significant losses. in the event of a failure in the of proliferative enteritis at
Every 1% increase in mortality controlled exposure strategy. slaughter to approximately 15%
rate costs a herd about $3.00 Indeed, during this period, occur (Gleeson unpublished
per pig. Every reduction of in large farming systems, data). This is addressed on-
just 10 grams/day in growth medications were removed from farm by attention to vaccination
rate costs about $1.50 per the diet of weaned pigs between technique. It highlights the
pig.75 Hence, in a 500-sow 3 and 10 weeks of age. Tylosin importance of active disease
herd producing about 200 was added to diets of growing surveillance at slaughter,
pigs per week, a mortality rate pigs at 40 ppm between 10 and monitoring health status with
attributable to this disease of 13 weeks of age (depending necropsies, serological testing
2% costs about $1200/week. on the epidemiology of the of high-risk age groups and staff
Add to this a minimum of about organism in the herd,) to permit training in vaccine delivery.
$300/week in weight lost and exposure while containing the
the costs rise further, to the clinical expression of disease.

Diseases where the main
6 clinical sign is coughing

6.1. History and predominant 6.2. Differential diagnosis

clinical signs
• Mycoplasma hyopneumonia
Coughing in pigs is common A. pleuropneumoniae (APP) can and Pasteurella multocida
on farms infected with M. follow M. hyopneumoniae as a • Mycoplasma
hyopneumoniae. The organism concurrent pathogen or can be a hyopneumoniae
has an immunosuppressive serious primary pathogen. When and Actinobacillus
effect and, despite vaccination, it is involved, disease is acute. pleuropneumoniae
on many farms pneumonia is Pigs die suddenly, within 24
a reality in growing pigs.79,80 hours of infection, and bleeding • Actinobacillus
Respiratory disease is the major from the snout is evident pleuropneumoniae alone
cause of morbidity and mortality at necropsy because of the • Ascaris suum or
in this age group. effects of the haemolytic and metastrongyles in
Pigs can start coughing in the necrotising toxins produced by association with the
nursery when they become APP and the resultant fibrinous pathogens above
infected with H. parasuis pleuropneumonia.83 PCV2 can exacerbate
or S. suis. Infection with M. In those animals that survive, respiratory disease after
hyopneumoniae occurs at the forced respiration that infection with either APP or M.
around the same time but is accompanies severe pleurisy is hyopneumoniae, but most herds
rarely a major problem until the commonly evident. Ill thrift is a vaccinate against PCV2 and the
pigs enter the grower phase. common sequela. At slaughter available vaccines are reliably
Respiratory disease is always as many as 40% of the pigs in effective.
worse in sheds holding large APP-affected herds have pleurisy The predominant lesion
populations of animals and to a degree that requires associated with APP is a
in continuous flow facilities.81 trimming at slaughter (Gleeson fibrinous pleuropneumonia.
Poor shed and ventilation unpublished data).
APP and M. hyopneumoniae
system maintenance routines In these herds, despite are differentiated based
make things worse. More vaccinations and medications on necropsy lesions,
than 400 pigs per group is in water, many pigs require histopathology, culture for
a risk factor for lesions at individual treatments. APP and tissue PCR for a
slaughter and increased
Coughing is also apparent definitive diagnosis. Severe
mortality rates.79 P. multocida
in weaned pigs infected with bronchopneumonia and
and B. bronchiseptica,
ascarid intermediate stages pleurisy can follow infection
which are rarely pathogenic
when hygiene is poor. Disease with P. multocida and the lesion
alone,82 often together with
caused by Metastrongylus can be confused with that
resident streptococci and H.
species is unusual but must caused by APP. While generally
parasuis, combine with M.
be considered where pigs reliable, culture of APP can be
hyopneumoniae to cause
are raised on dirt or where difficult, so tissue PCR is always
bronchopneumonia. This affects
earthworms can survive. recommended for diagnosis.
feed intake and feed conversion
efficiency, and commonly results
in death.82

Diseases where the main
6 clinical sign is coughing

Serology for APP and M. of pens in the grower and M. hyopneumoniae is not a
hyopneumoniae can provide an finisher sections of the farm routine laboratory procedure
indication of herd prevalence is necessary. Concurrent and is generally not attempted.
and the age at which animals treatment with non-steroidal However, resistance has
seroconvert. anti-inflammatory drugs been detected overseas to
Migrating ascarid intermediate mitigates against the extreme macrolides and tetracyclines.
stages must be considered inflammatory response and Where secondary pathogens are
in straw-bedded and free- provides pain relief. involved, treatment is based on
range pigs. Lung worms Vaccines for M. hyopneumoniae culture and susceptibility testing
(Metastrongylus species), are partially effective, but do not of these organisms. P. multocida
although uncommon in eliminate the need for therapy. is a common target. Second line
mainstream herds, must be An APP vaccine is also available treatments include injectable or
considered in pigs raised on and effective against some oral potentiated sulfonamides.13
dirt. Faecal egg counts and post common serotypes. Where For treatment of APP, guidance
mortem examinations provide failures occur, an autogenous from culture and susceptibility
useful differentiation. vaccine can be a useful testing is needed. First line
alternative. in-water treatment can be
achieved with amoxicillin,
6.3. Preventative strategy tilmicosin, florfenicol or the
6.4. Treatment tetracyclines.
For any respiratory disease, The roundworms respond well
the underlying environmental The cephalosporins are NOT to levamisole, morantel or
elements of hygiene, air quality recommended at any level. ivermectin.
and space allowance are Even if the primary target is
pivotal. Over and above these, M. hyopneumoniae, treatment
control of respiratory disease 6.5. Top tips
is generally focused on the
is improved in those herds that secondary pathogens. While
can run all-in-all-out systems diagnostics and culture Effective control of respiratory
and group sizes of less than and susceptibility testing disease will languish in the
400 pigs.84 Batch farrowing are proceeding, individual face of poor environmental
systems also provide a way of treatments with injectable and pig flow management. Fix
segregating age groups and penicillin provide the first line of the underlying problem and
managing all-in all-out pig flows. treatment, followed by injectable the respiratory diseases can
Where continuous flow systems amoxicillin, tulathromycin or be controlled by vaccination
operate, and where group florfenicol. Individual treatments and short periods of in-water
numbers are large, respiratory can be supported by water treatment at high risk times.
disease requires considerable medication with amoxicillin.
technical intervention to control
effectively. For M. hyopneumoniae, 6.6. For peri-urban
and when infection is practitioners
Commonly farms are infected uncomplicated, as can occur
with both M. hyopneumoniae in pigs in the weaner section,
and APP. Prompt treatment tiamulin, tylosin, tetracyclines Respiratory disease is rarely
with appropriate injectable or tilmicosin in water for serious in small numbers of
antibiotics is essential because three days for the affected pigs in backyard herds. When
the progression of disease group are all appropriate as coughing is evident parasites
caused by APP is so rapid first line treatments. Culture must be considered.
and therefore daily inspection and susceptibility testing of

Diseases where the main
6 clinical sign is coughing

6.7. Case study: Reducing

antimicrobial use for
respiratory disease in growing
and finishing pigs

The farm
A growing and finishing farm for High levels of antimicrobial
a medium sized breeder herd. KEY POINTS
medication were used in the
Pigs arrived at the farm at 12 weaner phase for control of Antimicrobial use was
weeks of age and were grown respiratory and enteric diseases significantly reduced and
through to market weight. The that were considered separate refined following application
health status was moderate issues to the respiratory disease of good husbandry and
for respiratory disease, with on the finisher farm. In-feed management principles that
historical challenges of endemic medication was used for a total included:
infection with M. hyopneumoniae of 63 days out of the 84 days • A confirmed diagnosis
and APP (single serovar only). placement for the average pig
• Assessing the
The farm routinely vaccinated in the growing and finishing
management of pig
progeny stock (as piglets) against phase prior to mid-2012. This
M. hyopneumoniae. Groups of medication was chlortetracycline
pigs were delivered to the site (400 ppm) and tylosin tartrate • Reviewing piggery
each week and were sold by (100 ppm). This equated to facilities and the
weight. The historical mortality approximately 50 antimicrobial environment
rate for this site varied between doses per 100 kg liveweight** • Developing and
2% and 4%, with seasonal for pigs at this farm. Group implementing protocols
“spikes” to 6%. water medication (amoxicillin to improve the
The issue or tilmicosin) and individual management of pig
injectable medication (penicillin groups and facilities
Respiratory disease was the
or florfenicol) were also used
main health challenge on this • Introducing a targeted
if clinical signs exceeded
farm. Clinical signs of coughing treatment plan
expected prevalence or severity.
and ill-thrift were common
This commonly resulted in an
in the growing and finishing In mid-2012 the mortality rate
extra 8 to 10 doses per 100 kg
phase, with the prevalence of spiked at close to 12%. To
liveweight, resulting in average
clinical signs in different groups control the mortality rate the
antimicrobial usage of 59 doses
ranging from 10% to 20%. Even level of antimicrobial use was
per 100 kg liveweight.
though the herd was known to increased. Further medications
be infected with APP, no specific were added to feed and the
control measures for this frequency of water dosing was
pathogen were in place, except also increased. These measures
for in-feed medications, because increased the average
historically it had not been found antimicrobial use to 92 doses
to be implicated in mortality or per 100 kg liveweight. This
morbidity. increased level of medication
continued through to mid-2013,
but the mortality rate increased
again to 6% (Figure 1).

Diseases where the main
6 clinical sign is coughing

Clinical findings Figure 1: Mortality rate in grow finish pigs per week
The increases in mortality rate,
caused by acute respiratory
disease occurred despite
the increase in treatments.
Necropsies and cultures
revealed mixed infection with
APP, P. multocida and S. suis.
Lungs were PCR positive for
M. hyopneumoniae. Serology
profiles of the population
revealed that seroconversion ** 50 kg pig given 2 label doses of antimicrobial = 1 dose per 100 kg.
to both M. hyopneumoniae and
APP (carrying the ApxIV toxin
from 5 and 20 days of age to 20 Staff training in recognising
gene) peaked around 15 weeks
and 63 days of age. Autogenous early signs of disease and
of age.
APP vaccination was introduced appropriate individual treatment
Until mid-2014, the number at 63 and 84 days of age. was introduced and continually
of pigs placed each week in reinforced.
The pig flow was revised to
the system varied from 452 to
ensure greater consistency Outcomes
2216 each week (mean 1558,
in the number of pigs placed Average antimicrobial use for
standard deviation 185.6).
each week. Since mid-2014, the last 2 years has been 6.2
The temperature settings the number of pigs placed each doses per 100 kg liveweight
for ventilation control varied week has varied from 1790 to (1.7 injectable doses and
between sheds and times 1912 (mean 1840, standard 4.5 in-water doses) using the
of the year. Ventilation deviation 24.5) (Figure 2). same active ingredients as
equipment controllers were
As the site was populated above. The farm now uses no
poorly calibrated and poorly
with pigs vaccinated using the in-feed medication. Respiratory
new program, medications disease on the farm is now
Resolving the case were strategically reduced. well controlled and mortality is
Facility and equipment Continuous in-feed medications stable at around 2%.
maintenance were reviewed. were replaced with strategic
Curtains were repaired or water medication for groups.
replaced. Controllers were
calibrated and repaired to
ensure temperature and
ventilation settings were Figure 2: Number of pigs placed in the system each week
appropriate for each age group.
Batch size and distribution were
The vaccination strategy was
changed to improve respiratory
disease control. The first and
second vaccinations for M.
hyopneumoniae were moved

Diseases where the main clinical sign is sudden death in
7 pigs between weaning and ten weeks of age

7.1. History and predominant 7.2. Differential diagnosis

clinical signs
• Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Oedema disease, caused by
While the mortality rate in coli haemolytic E. coli (serogroup
recently weaned pigs can be • Oedema disease O138, O139 or O141 strains
as low as 2 to 3%, episodes of (endotoxaemic Escherichia carrying the F18 fimbriae), is
higher rates of mortality can coli) included in this group because
occur. On most farms, deaths the disease is associated
in the weaner house occur at a • Haemophilus parasuis with toxaemia.45 If diarrhoea
higher prevalence than in the • Streptococcus suis develops it is of short duration,
growing and finishing sections, • Mycoplasma hyorhinis but it precedes anorexia,
but the reverse can also be swollen eyelids, ataxia,
• Salmonellosis
seen. recumbency and death. The
• Mulberry heart disease degree of oedema varies with
Close examination of the group
in which peak mortalities the strain. There is usually no
occur is rewarding and usually fever. PCR assays can be used
Clinical signs are an indicator
identifies relevant clinical signs. to detect the gene encoding the
of the likely aetiology. In large
Diarrhoea, signs referable to STx2e toxin responsible for the
herds all the common diseases
central nervous system (CNS) toxaemia.
can occur at once.
disease (inability to stand, Pigs with oedema disease are
H. parasuis, S. suis and
incoordination, trembling, usually in good condition. They
M. hyorhinis are common
convulsions, head tilt, respond poorly to treatment.
pathogens of pigs after weaning.
circling, paddling, nystagmus, The lesions of oedema around
H. parasuis and M. hyorhinis
opisthotonos), respiratory signs the stomach and colon, as well
typically cause a polyserositis.85
(coughing, forced inspiratory as in other sites, are highly
S. suis typically causes
effort), and polyarthritis all suggestive of oedema disease.
meningitis, but septicaemia,
signal the common infectious The degenerative angiopathy
arthritis and pneumonia can
diseases occurring in the caused by the toxin explains,
also be seen.86 In older pigs that
post-weaning period between in part, the anorexia when it
recover from the acute disease,
weaning and 10 weeks of age. occurs in the brain hunger
endocarditis is a common
Fever (rectal temperature more centres. It also explains how
finding. H. parasuis also causes
than 40oC) is a common finding. the vascular damage leads to
meningitis, but meningitis is
While most E. coli are part oedema.
not caused by M. hyorhinis. It
of the herd commensal can be argued that polyserositis Sometimes pigs with
microflora, the pathogenic E. is more likely to be seen with enterotoxigenic E coli die
coli associated with oedema H. parasuis than S. suis.80,87 A acutely without showing
disease can be traced to herds definitive diagnosis relies on signs of diarrhoea. Necropsy
of origin. H. parasuis, S. suis necropsy and histopathology, findings will uncover the acute
and M. hyorhinis appear to be supported by culture and signs of a fluid filled bowel
widespread and endemic in susceptibility and PCR on and dehydration. Culture will
most herds. affected tissues. invariably reveal E. coli that are
positive on ELISA for fimbrial
antigens and PCR assays for
toxin genes.

Diseases where the main clinical sign is sudden death in
7 pigs between weaning and ten weeks of age

Pigs with acute salmonellosis administration of E. coli to support its manipulation as

will show characteristic focal probiotics, which act as live a treatment in populations of
or diffuse necrotic enteritis. autogenous vaccines when animals.
Diarrhoea is usually evident made from isolates that do not H. parasuis and S. suis: Disease
in the group. The definitive produce the Stx2e toxin but do caused by these two pathogens
diagnosis is based on culture express the fimbrial antigen. often respond well to penicillin
with supporting pathology. Other central elements relate - particularly the streptococci.
to diets. Some favour low Amoxicillin in water is a first line
protein high fibre diets, but their treatment, but as antimicrobial
7.3. Preventative strategy sustainability is questionable. resistance is a growing problem
Acidification has had equivocal in H. parasuis,88 culture and
This set of post-weaning success in reducing the impact susceptibility testing are
diseases are influenced of oedema disease, possibly needed.
strongly by environmental because of the highly regulated
M. hyorhinis: is increasingly
considerations. The underlying pH close to the mucosal surface
diagnosed aided by the
environmental elements where the E. coli attach1,2.
availability of new PCR assays.
of hygiene, air quality and A commercial vaccine is Tiamulin can be used with
space allowance are pivotal. available for the control of H. confidence, based on its activity
In addition, the requirements parasuis in weaned pigs, but against other mycoplasmas.
of newly weaned pigs for a it can also be given to sows Unfortunately, it is unlikely to be
thermoneutral environment to extend maternally derived efficacious against H. parasuis,
has considerable influence immunity past the high-risk so the diagnosis must be
on performance, even though period post-weaning. The definitive.
experimental studies have success of vaccination is
failed to demonstrate an serovar dependent.
effect of cold stress on the 7.5. Top tips
occurrence of oedema disease.
However, efforts to achieve 7.4. Treatment
Resolution of oedema disease
thermal comfort may also result
cases is time consuming,
in poor air flow or volumes. The cephalosporins are NOT difficult and complex. It involves
While thermal comfort might recommended at any level. working closely with the herd
be achieved, the reduced
Oedema disease: Any nutritionist, in the first instance,
quality of the air can lead to
antimicrobial treatment is based to secure a highly digestible diet.
adverse respiratory health
on culture and susceptibility Attention to the environment for
outcomes. In parallel with
testing. Zinc oxide, once a newly weaned pigs is critical.
these elements, poor hygiene
possibility for prophylaxis, Autogenous vaccines are an
and high concentrations of
selects for multiple resistance to ideal solution, as identified in
ammonia can also contribute
other antimicrobials, so has little the case study below.
to adverse outcomes. Both
long-term future in control. None
elements, together with tight
of the probiotics have been
space allowances and large 7.6. For peri-urban practitioners
shown to be effective. Field
populations, magnify the risk
success with the organic acids
of transmission, particularly
is limited. Consideration of an Colibacillosis in recently weaned
of S. suis, H. parasuis and the
imbalance of the microbiota pigs is unusual. Cleaning
as a predisposing factor is between groups of pigs is a
Prophylactic measures most attractive, but little can be found central element in prevention
likely to achieve results against in the published literature yet and control.
oedema disease include
Diseases where the main clinical sign is sudden death in
7 pigs between weaning and ten weeks of age

7.7. Case study: Controlling

systemic disease in weaner
pigs without antimicrobials

The farm
This was a farrow-to-finish farm Necropsy findings revealed
producing approximately 700 organ changes and generalised
weaned pigs per week. It had lesions consistent with Control of devastating
a conventional health status. toxaemia. Gross oedema of the disease caused by bacterial
Enteric and respiratory disease mesocolon and serosa of the infection in weaner
were well controlled. Progeny stomach were evident. Eyelids pigs when no common
pigs were vaccinated against and facial regions were swollen. antimicrobials were of any
M. hyopneumoniae and PCV2 The presumptive diagnosis of use was achieved by:
as piglets. Weaner pigs were oedema disease was confirmed • Diagnostic investigation
housed in naturally ventilated by culture of toxigenic serotype of causative factors
facility with supplemental heat. O:139 E. coli and positive
• Assessing management
Common post-weaning bacterial PCR assays for the genes for
and housing of pig
infections were controlled by LT1, ST1, ST2, EAST, STx2E,
medication. The mortality rate AIDA and F18. The isolate
(2%) had been stable in the was resistant to amoxicillin, • Review of the feed and
weaner phase to 9 weeks of apramycin, florfenicol, water supply
age. neomycin, tetracyclines, • Development and
The issue tilmicosin, tulathromycin, tylosin, implementation of
lincomycin, and lincomycin/ a management plan
Following farrowing house spectinomycin. The isolate was based on diagnostic
upgrades and alteration of susceptible to ceftiofur. findings and an
the weaner facility to increase
Resolving the case understanding of
capacity, the farm began to see
disease biology
sudden deaths in weaner pigs It was considered inappropriate
about 2-3 weeks after weaning. and impractical to manage • Introduction of a
Commonly the better pigs were this issue with antimicrobial disciplined disease
found dead. The mortality rate treatment. The facilities, management plan
increased from the expected equipment and environment
2% to above 5%, peaking in one for weaner pigs were reviewed.
batch at 10%. Feed and water access were
Clinical findings upgraded. Temperature
and ventilation control were
There were no changes in improved to reduce stress on
clinical signs of respiratory or weaned pigs. Water dosing
enteric disease in any batch. systems were installed for each
Staff could not describe any weaner room.
clinical signs in the pigs that
died. Deaths appeared to be
sudden, without premonitory

Diseases where the main clinical sign is sudden death in
7 pigs between weaning and ten weeks of age

Acid (potassium diformate) E. coli isolate is now routine for Outcomes

inclusion in feed was increased each batch of weaned pigs on The signs of oedema disease
from 2 kg/T to 12 kg/T, with this farm. are now absent from the farm.
some positive effect on disease There was an immediate effect. Weaner phase mortality remains
control, but the mortality Sudden deaths ceased in stable at around 1.5%. The farm
rate still reached 8% in some treated groups. Weaner phase uses no in-feed medication. Acid
batches. exit weights increased by 2 kg inclusion has returned to 2 kg
Repeated culture of rectal per pig on average. Culture of per tonne in feed.
swabs from pigs on this farm rectal swabs from treated pigs
and PCR toxin gene testing yielded both toxigenic and non-
of haemolytic E. coli isolates toxigenic E. coli serotype O:139
eventually identified a single isolates from normal pigs.
O:139 isolate that was PCR The improvement in health and
assay negative for genes for growth of weaned pigs gave
LT1, ST1, ST2, EAST and STx2E. the farm managers confidence
This isolate was PCR positive to remove all antimicrobial
for the genes for AIDA and F18. medication from the feed and
Essentially the isolate bore the use strategic water dosing of
attachment antigens, but not amoxicillin for the control of
the genes for toxin production. common post-weaning bacterial
This isolate was cultured infections such as H. parasuis
and fed to weaned pigs as a and S.suis.
probiotic or an avirulent live
vaccine in the water supply for
one week immediately post-
weaning (1 x 109 colony forming
units per pig per day for 7 days).
Dosing with this non-toxigenic

Diseases where the main clinical
8 signs are skin lesions

Age: All ages

8.1. History and predominant

clinical signs

The most common contagious The organism commonly Rhomboid lesions can also
bacterial skin disease of pigs is reaches the body via the tonsils. occasionally be caused by
erysipelas. The diamond-shaped Septicaemia follows infection. other bacterial species, such as
lesions are commonly seen This leads to widespread members of the Pasteurellaceae
in growing pigs, replacement vascular thrombosis that can that can establish bacteraemias
breeding stock and mature extend to small diamond lesions in pigs.
sows. Sows are vaccinated on in the cortex of the kidney and The early signs of acute
most farms, but the growing localisation of the pathogen on infection, which may appear in a
pigs are usually unvaccinated the cardiac valves. It causes group before the diamond skin
and hence depend on maternal synovitis 4 to 10 days after lesions appear, resemble those
antibody for protection. In naïve exposure, localises in joints of any pig with septicaemia
animals or in herds in which and disease progresses to or viraemia, so a differential
vaccinations have been missed, fibrinous exudation, severe diagnosis that includes classical
both infected neonatal pigs fibrosis and destruction of the swine fever and porcine
and sows can develop diamond articular cartilage over a period reproductive and respiratory
skin lesions. All ages are at risk of months.91 Affected joints syndrome must be considered.
but growing pigs from 12 to 22 can be culture negative, but
weeks of age are most likely to the arthritic lesions continue to
be affected. It is also a zoonotic progress. As a result, trimming 8.3. Diagnostic tests
disease.89 at slaughter due to erysipelas
The disease is caused by may also involve joints. A diagnosis of erysipelas
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. rests on clinical signs,
Up to 40% of growing pigs carry 8.2. Differential diagnosis vaccination history, numbers
the organism asymptomatically, affected, necropsy findings
but clinical disease periodically consistent with a septicaemia,
emerges in 10-30% of a group When the diamond skin histopathology (widespread
of growing pigs. Clinical signs lesions appear in several pigs vascular lesions and
(fever, cutaneous haemostasis, in the same pen the signs are microthrombi), and culture of
inappetence, depression, pathognomonic. From time the lesions or PCR.
diamond skin lesions, lameness to time porcine dermatosis
and abortion in pregnant sows) and nephropathy syndrome,
appear within 24 hours of characteristically associated
exposure. The mortality rate with PCV infection, might be
is variable, but if the pigs are confused with erysipelas,
left untreated it can be high. but lack the uniformity of the
Trimming losses at slaughter rhomboid lesion of erysipelas.
because of the skin lesions are

Diseases where the main clinical
8 signs are skin lesions

8.4. Preventative strategy

Killed vaccines are available Good sanitation is part of Field experience shows that
and while failures occur at an good management practice tylosin at 100 ppm in-feed
individual animal level, vaccine but becomes more important (off-label) protects against
failures are unusual at a herd in controlling the disease clinical disease and has a
level. Protection is best against during and after an outbreak. zero-withholding period. Water
the acute disease and less Contamination of feed or medication for three days
effective against arthritis.92 bedding with Aspergillus spp. with amoxicillin, tylosin or the
The breeding herd should and the release of aflatoxins can tetracyclines is commonly
be vaccinated. In an era of increase susceptibility. effective, although resistance
antimicrobial stewardship, a has been reported to the latter
strong case can be made for two.
vaccinating pigs at weaning. 8.5. Treatment
This will remove the need to
periodically treat individual pigs 8.6. Top tips
The treatment of choice is
with penicillin by injection or add penicillin by injection for
medications to feed or water individual pigs as soon as A punch biopsy in the centre
to contain disease outbreaks. clinical signs are seen. Long of the skin lesion provides
It will also significantly acting penicillin can be used excellent material for culture.
reduce losses due to carcass in young pigs. Older pigs
condemnations or trimming at require a medication with a
slaughter. An attenuated vaccine shorter withholding period. 8.7. For peri-urban
that can be delivered orally has practitioners
Penicillin and tylosin are first
been developed but is not yet line treatments with short
registered in Australia.93,94 withholding periods. Lincomycin Early detection and prompt
The organism survives in soil injections are a second line treatment are the cornerstone
for short periods. It is carried treatment and appropriate for of recovery from erysipelas.
in fish meal and by a wide treatment of cases occurring For many people with just one
range of birds and mammals, close to slaughter because of or two pigs the logistics of
including seagulls, chickens, the very short WHP. vaccination are just too hard
turkeys, sheep and mice. to justify in the face of very
Hence strategies that prevent low risk. A rapid response to
the mixing of species and penicillin is a good diagnostic
awareness of the additional risk indicator.
during mouse plagues assist in

Diseases where the main clinical
8 signs are skin lesions

8.8. Case study: Reducing

trim loss at slaughter without
sustained antimicrobial use in
finishing pigs

The farm
A finishing site taking 400 pigs Pigs inspected at slaughter had
per week from 10 weeks of age normal viscera. Trimmed joints
to sale. All pigs were raised on had excess sero-sanguinous Control of production losses
bedding over dirt floors. The pigs fluid when incised. The synovial caused by sub-clinical
had a high health status – they membranes of affected joints bacterial infection was
were free of M. hyopneumoniae, were grossly thickened. Samples achieved by:
APP, swine dysentery and of joint fluid and synovium were • A diagnostic
internal and external parasites. taken for laboratory analysis. investigation into
The issue Results were negative on culture causative factors
for any bacterial pathogens, • Assessing the
Feedback to the farm from the but PCR positive for E.
abattoir about the trimming of management and
rhusiopathiae. Histopathological housing of pig groups
carcasses revealed an increase examination of joint tissue
in trimming for arthritis or revealed resolving changes • Using strategic
swollen joints. There was also consistent with bacterial medication for short
an increase in skin trimming. At infection. term infection control
slaughter up to 2% of pigs had • Developing and
some skin trimming each week. Resolving the case
implementing a
Leg and joint trimming rose to Despite the absence of clinical management plan
approximately 25% of slaughtered signs on the farm, the main based on the diagnostic
pigs, accounting for a loss of more cause of the joint lesions found findings and an
than 1% in carcass weight across at slaughter was considered to understanding of
sold batches. be erysipelas. A decision was disease biology
Clinical findings made to vaccinate pigs against
erysipelas. The first dose was • Introducing a disciplined
The farm was inspected for any given at 8 weeks of age (pre- disease management
issues that could be causing delivery to the finishing farm) plan that included a
traumatic joint injury. Steps to and the second at 12 weeks vaccination plan
the feed pad were in disrepair, of age, to coincide with the
so some groups had further movement of the pigs between
than normal to step for feed Outcomes
sheds. Finisher feed was
and water. No clinical signs medicated with tylosin (100 Slaughter trimming for arthritis
consistent with erysipelas ppm, nil WHP) for the period or joint and skin conditions
(diamond skin lesions, fever, until vaccinated pigs came returned to normal levels
lethargy) were reported or found through to sale. The steps as soon as the vaccinated
on farm. Treatment records to feed pads were repaired, pigs came through. The farm
indicated that there had not allowing easy access to continues to vaccinate against
been any recent change in the resources for all pigs. erysipelas. No medications have
number or type of treatments for been used for erysipelas control
any group of pigs. Clinical signs since vaccination commenced.
of lameness were absent in pre-
sale and finisher pigs.

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