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Healthy nutricion x Obesity

We know that good nutrition is very important for health,but have a diet rich in fruits, vegetables
and fresh salads is becoming something hard. Nowadays people have your running routine and
this lack of time does the population looking for ‘fast foods’ and others non- healthy foods.

The problem is that obesity rates have increased because of it and food education in the houses
became more difficult also increasing childhood obesity .

Obesity is a condition of excessive fat accumulation in the adipose tissue of the body .
The underlying cause is a positive energy balance when the calories consumed exceed the
calories expended. In order to help people determine what their healthy weight is, a simple
measure of the relationship between weight and height called the Body Mass Index (BMI) is


<18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Healthy weight
25 - 29.9 Overweight
≥30 Obese

In America, more than a third of adults (34.9 percent) were obese as of 2011 to 2012.
More than two-thirds of adults were overweight or obese (68.6 percent)
Nearly 40 percent of middle-aged adults, were obese (39.5 percent), which was more than
younger adults, (30.3 percent) or older adults. More than six percent of adults were severely
obese (BMI:40).More women than men, have obesity and extreme obesity (36.1 percent and
8.3 percent versus 33.5 percent and 4.4 percent)

Rates of obesity now exceed 35 percent in three states (Arkansas, West Virginia and
Mississippi),22 states have rates above 30 percent, 45 states are above 25 percent, and every
state is above 20 percent.

In brazil, The Ministry of Health released a survey that found that nearly half the population is
overweight, higher in men.The survey also says that overweight men begins in youth.Not known
about the costs spent for this problem, but it is known that are high.

The Ministry of Health also shows that most Brazilians eat a lot of meat with fat , drink coke five
times a week. Furthermore , physical inactivity increases with age.

The health consequences of obesity and overweight are many and varied, ranging from an
increased risk of premature death to several non-fatal but debilitating and psychological
complaints that can have an adverse effect on quality of life. The obesity predisposes to
diseases other:

- Type 2 diabetes
-Cardiovascular diseases and hypertension
-Respiratory diseases (sleep apnea syndrome)
-Some cancers
-Psychological problems
-Alteration of the quality of life

Most of these problems can be improved with relatively modest weight loss , especially if
physical activity is increased too
 Eat every three hours
 Eat fruit and high-fiber foods
 Eat salads
 Drink water
 Avoid fried foods, fast foods, condiments
 Bet on flaxseed , nuts and legumes
 Make physical exercises
 Go to the doctor and nutritionist

Bibliografia :

Cecil- Tratado de Medicina Interna

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