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UAL L3 ED Actors

Acting For Camera

Character Workshop Assessment

Actor’s Name: Ella

The aim of this activity is to present a character that is as different from the actor presenting the
character as possible and should inform the basis for your assessment decisions awarded below.

Peer Feedback
Describe how my performance of this character is similar to me?

The way you stood

Facial expressions

Describe how my performance of this character is dissimilar me?

Intense staring at the camera

Raising your voice

Explain what I need to change to get myself out of the way and let this character emerge

- Move around a bit

Assessment Points
 Place your point score in the box next to each category.
 When completed, add up all the points and place them in the Total Points Score Box.
o There are a total of 135 points available so place your total points in this space
below: Here/135
UAL L3 ED Actors
Acting For Camera
Character Workshop Assessment

Assessment Points Totals

Gesture x 1-10 6 Voice x 8 Posture x 5 Movement 4 Use of 3
1-10 1-10 x 1-10 space x 1-
Mime 7 Breath 8 Facial 9 Creativity 12 Difference 10
Technique x 1- x 1-10 Expressio x 1-20 of
10 n x 1-10 character
s x 1-20
Imagination x 1- Points Total Point Score: 79 /135
15 7

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