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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings





The 2005 earthquake who destroyed a large part of the KPK elevated queries aboutthe suitability
of frame structure to struggle powerful movements, because most building endured considerable 
damage or collapsed. A nonlinear finite element pushover analysis was performed to evaluate the 
reliability of rc frame during expected future earthquakes. A  2-
story frame structure with a ground floor was examined to accomplish this goal. The conclusions 
drawn from such a research showed that properly constructed frames loaded with gravitational
force will execute possibly the best up to a certain level under earthquake loading.
Positive response variables anticipated was correlated with one another from each pushover

 analysis resulting from Gravitational & Earthquake load patterns.  The major results from the 

research indicate that only the accuracy of the data of the pushover depends significantly on the a
xial load, the structure's properties, as well as the features of the ground shaking.

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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

The seismic doesn't really disrupt or crumble the building simultaneously, but in some
productive drifts which always occur over a period of time. Therefore the dwelling prevents the

landslide at the starting and is preserved, but after certain circumstances and occasions, the 

building proceeds to collapse depending on the selected configuration and the building becomes 

inadequate for housing conditions after a little amount of destruction. The disruption must 
therefore be reviewed and afterwards retrofitted via the assessment process.
SAP2000 has conducted analyses. The reliability of the observations focuses on the guesstimates 
included in the classical theories, structural properties and features of ground movement. Lineara
nd nonlinear static analysis have been used to undertake  the simulations.

Keywords: Non-linearsstaticsprocedure; nonlinearshingesproperties; pushoversanalysis; RCC


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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

Appendix Buildings Summary Datasheet

Tier 1 Checklists
Life Safety BasicsConfigurationsChecklist

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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

Life Safety Structural Checklist for Building

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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

Chapter 01


Since before the devastating earthquake of October 2005, structural engineering professionals,
government agencies and even the general public have reached the conclusion that earthquake 
monitoring of the urban landscape is a major concern. The disastrous effects of recently
earthquakes, in terms of deaths,severe & longterm economic damages, however exacerbated 
understanding of the situation. This dilemma can become critical currently, not because of
complexity of the situation, and because the culture is shifting to strengthen its systems. Seismic
investigation is a subsetsof auxiliary assessment and the figuring of the reaction of a structure to
tremors. Itsis essential for the cycle of basic plan, quake designing or auxiliary evaluation and
retrofit (see basic designing) in areas where tremors are pervasive.

have indicated that old structures just as of late built structures can be genuinely harmed or can
implode making death toll the inhabitants. Investigations of the basic exhibition during these
ongoing seismic tremors have unmistakably shown that basic frameworks must not just have
adequate solidarity to oppose sidelong powers, yet they additionally should have adequate
flexibility, or the capacity to keep up their honesty when focused on past their yield point so as to
ensure human life.

Repair is the re-establishment of the underlying quality of harmed auxiliary individuals

and the re-foundation of the in cement and stonework structures because of fine breaks which are
brought about by the seismic tremor and are difficult to reestablish.

Fortifying is the wise change of the quality or potentially solidness of auxiliary

individuals or of the basic framework to improve the structure's presentation in future quakes.
Fortifying for the most part incorporates reestablishing the quality or malleability of individual

Retrofitting is the presentation of new or upgradation of current auxiliary components to

fundamentally build se include making chosen basic individuals more vulnerable to improve the

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association of the basic individuals and forestall untimely disappointment of a more fragile
neighboring part.

A seismic retrofit is the expansion of at least one auxiliary upgrade that will help keep a
structure, its laborers, creation hardware and stock safe from the impacts of seismic movement
that happens out of x basic anchors or material changes.

Each structure is an extraordinary framework and its harm in a seismic tremor, will be not quite
the same as different structures, requiring custom fix and reinforcing arrangements and
subtleties. The choice of the restoration (fix, fortifying and additionally retrofitting) strategy and
the proper ry work, building prerequisites, cost, and the necessary degree of seismic wellbeing.
The dynamic is one of the most mindful undertakings in the recovery cycle of a harmed

1.1 Background

Seismic evaluation and retrofitting of building has been created throughout the previous 50 years
or more. Various procedures and strategies used to dissect the structure for seismic inadequacies
and afterward and afterward retrofitting the structure after seismic exercises harms ends up being
viable and cost effective, helping in making the structure remain longer. In the event that the
structure isn't retrofitted or re-fortified after been hit by a seismic action in could bring about loss
of important human life and cash. Examination has indicated improvement in retrofitting
methods as it turns out to be more savvyal improve productivity and practical.

1.2 Objectives

 The principle goal of this task is to give a Potential Grading to Seismic Risk. It
distinguishes load ways and additionally Critical Structural Weaknesses and to take a
gander at the norm of development, the degree of enumerating. It likewise decides the
most vulnerable point inside the ment or something different. Furthermore, it additionally
decides the eventual fate of the structure. Also, the Detailed Seismic Assessment
Provides Confirmation of the Grading for Seismic Risk. It likewise evaluate the structure
in the event that it can continue the cutting edge quakes and its relativity to the
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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

development and more protected structure configuration codes. In the event that the the
structure ought to be retrofitted to fulfill the cutting edge construction regulations and
withstand the more impressive quakes of todays. The target of the undertaking can be
summarize as:

 To evaluate structural and structural weaknesses in the structure. 

 Design seismic techniques of low-cost retrofitting, using local materials and skills. 

 Justifying methods for retrofitting with modern scientific understanding;

1.3 Significance
A Seismic Retrofit furnishes existing structures with more protection from seismic action
because of quakes. In structures, this cycle regularly incorporates reinforcing frail associations
found in y it is a smart thought to examine structures developed preceding adjusted building
regulations, as they were worked before current basic codes/prerequisites (1997 UBC). Various
kinds of structures may profit by a seismic retrofit, including different structure structures, spans,
dams, and so on The essentialness of seismic appraisal and retrofitting are following:

1) Marketability of a structure is improved. Purchasers are pulled in to the security of a

seismically retrofitted structures. The quantity of potential banks increments.

2) The danger of injury and lawful case is diminished. Proprietors can lose significant
measures of cash on the off chance that it tends to be demonstrated that they knew that the
structure required auxiliary work, however had no arrangement set up to address the issue. A
careful seismic retrofit gives significant serenity and resource insurance.

3) Insurance organizations later on may not compose inclusion for tremors due to past
misfortunes and different functions. Rates have expanded 3 to multiple times since 2005!

1.4 Methodology
The normal age of PWGSC's structures is more than 40 years, for example a considerable lot of
these structures could be powerless against moderate to solid tremors. A basic aspect of the

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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

PWGSC's seismic risk GSC structures can be retrofitted in a financially savvy way. As a rule, a
structure would experience a three-venture measure before thought is given to seismic retrofit,
specifically screening, assessment and retrofit.

a) Screening:
Screening involves evaluating structures to discover their degree of seismic
danger following a streamlined technique whose principal objective is to decide whether the
structure ought to or ought not to be dependent upon a more definite examination (for
example stage 2). Main considerations to decide the screening are building area, soil
conditions, type and utilization of the structure, clear structure inconsistencies, the presence
or nonappearance of nonstructural dangers, building age, and building significance and
inhabitance qualities. The seat mark building is chosen which is intended to the present day,
safe seismic codes to think about the screening building condition.

b) Evaluation:
Point by point assessment is proposed for structures which are substandard
compared in a specific way when contrasted with the benchmark building. A nitty gritty
examination is performed on structures with medium to high need because of the screening
exercise. ASCE-41- a presentation assessment is to distinguish the weakness of the auxiliary
and non-basic frameworks and their parts to seismic burdens.
c) Retrofit:
Seismic retrofit gets important in the event that it is indicated that, through a seismic
exhibition assessment, the structure doesn't get least necessities together to the current
construction regulation and may endure serious harm or even breakdown during a seismic
function. Seismic he issue close by. Changes in development advancements and
advancement in retrofit advances present added challenge to engineers in choosing an in fact,
financially and socially worthy arrangement. Regular redesigning methods generally
incorporate the expansion as well as reinforcing of existing dividers, casings and
establishments. Receiving these proposals frequently prompts hefty destruction, protracted
development time, recreation, and inhabitant movement with all the related immediate and
circuitous expenses. It is regularly the aberrant costs, the ecologically antagonistic

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methodology, and the bother related with traditional procedures that dissuade building
proprietors and overseers from focusing on seismic retrofit. In under 10 years, much
advancement has ificantly, applied in seismic retrofit ventures. As most construction laws,
are moving from prescriptive to objective based, greater adaptability in meeting expressed
execution prerequisites is permitted and supported. The utilization of imaginative innovations
loans itself well into embracing the new code improvement measures.

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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

Chapter 2


2.1 ASCE 41-13

The ASCEs41-13 "Seismic Evaluation and retrofitting of Existing Buildings", is

an extensive report on discerning quantifiable seismic and retrofitting of prevailing structures of
solid, brick work and wood development, and to the latest enhancement in seismicsappraisal and
retrofitting. A short outline is given in the future, zeroing in on the angles pertinent to the
appraisal of solid structures.
This norm for the SER of Prevailing Buildings, alluded to thus as "this norm," indicates relevant
arrangements for amending inadequacies distinguished in a seismic assessment comparative with
a chose Performance Objective. Seismic assessment and retrofit of existing structures will
consent to prerequisites of this norm for directing the seismic assessment or retrofit to exhibit
consistence with, or accomplishment of the chose Performance Objective. This standard doesn't
block a structure from being assessed or retrofitted by different techniques dependent on
reasonable strategies for investigation as per standards of mechanics and endorsement by the
authority having ward.
The methods contained in this standard are explicitly relevant to the assessment and retrofit of
existing structures to learn consistence with a chose Performance Objective and, by and large,
are more fitting for that reason than are codes for new structures. Codes for new development are
essentially planned to control the plan and development of new structures; all things considered,
they incorporate numerous arrangements that support or require the advancement of plans with
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highlights significant for good seismic execution, including normal setup, auxiliary progression,
bendable enumerating, and materials of fitting quality. Many existing structures were planned
and developed t and retrofit of all structures paying little mind to significance, inhabitance,
noteworthy status, or different characterizations of utilization. Notwithstanding the immediate
impacts of ground shaking, this standard likewise addresses, somewhat, other seismic dangers,
for example, liquefaction, slant disappointment, surface deficiency crack, and impacts of
neighboring structures.

The seismic appraisal of building is a three stage measure. The three stages or levels makes
ready for retrofitting. These means quickly shows the seismic lacks of building. The three levels
are following:




2.2 Analysis Procedure

An investigation of the structure including the restoration measures will be led to decide the
powers and disfigurements prompted in segment of the structure by ground movement relating to
the chose with Tier 1 I-e Screening is accomplished for all the structures which are to be broke
down, and if the plan proficient is happy with the information been gathered in level 1, he pulls
of the appraisal however in the event that he isn't happy with the degree of information and need
to get a more short and point by point level of information, at that point he can continue to Tier 2
and 3.

2.2.1 Tier 1 (SCREENING)

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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

The reason for the Tier 1 screening period of the assessment cycle is to rapidly recognize
structures that follow the arrangements of this norm. A Tier 1 screening likewise acquaints the
plan proficient with the structure, its possible insufficiencies, and its expected conduct. A level 1
broadcast is a Tier2sor Tier3sassessment at that point centers, at any rate, on the Potantial
insufficiencies recognized in Tier1. On the other hand, the Designsproficient may decide to end
the examination and Report the insufficiencies, after Consultation with the proprietor, may
decide to continue to a retrofet Design withoutsplaying out a Tier2 orrTier3 assessment. PerformancesLevels

a) "A restricting harm state for a structure, thinking about basic and non-basic segments",
utilized in the meaning of Performance Objectives. An objective Performance Level will
be characterized before leading a seismic assessment utilizing this norm. Execution
Levels is characterized as "The structure execution model/level is a sorted out assortment
of information important to characterize building resources that are in danger and
powerless against
alfway basic execution ranges. The discrete basic exhibition levels are prompt
inhabitance, life wellbeing, breakdown counteraction, and not considered. The middle of
the road basic execution ranges are the harm control range and the restricted security
range. Acknowledgment rules for execution inside the harm control basic execution
ranges will be gotten by inserting between the acknowledgments rules accommodated the
middle inhabitance and life security auxiliary execution levels. Acknowledgment rules
for execution inside the restricted security auxiliary execution range will be acquired by
adding between the acknowledgments rules accommodated the existence wellbeing and
breakdown anticipation basic execution levels.

b) ImmediatesOccupancy StructuralsPerformancesLevel:
Structuresperformance stage, tenancy, will be described as the poster earthquake damage
state wherein a structure remains safe to occupy, essentially retains its preeearthquake
layout energy and stiffness and compliance with the acceptance standards specified in
this preferred for this structural overall performance level. Structural performance level,

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intermediate of the constructing hold almost all in their pre-earthquake power and
stiffness. The hazard of lifestyles threatening harm due to structural harm could be very
low, and even though a few minor structural maintenance can be appropriate, those
would normally no longer be required previous to occupancy.
c) DamagesControl StructuralsPerformance Range:
Basic execution range harm controlswill be characterized as the nonstop
scopesof harm states between the existence security auxiliary execution level and the quick
inhabitance basic execution level. Plansfor the harm control auxiliary execution reach mightsbe
attrective to limit fixstime and activity interference, as a fractionals methods for ensuring
significant hardware and substance are to safeguard significant noteworthy highlights whensthe
expense of plan for sure fire inhabitence is exorbitant.

d) LifesSafety Structural Performance Level:

Structure execution level, life security, will be characterized as the
post-quake harm state beginning of a halfway or complete breakdown, and is in the consistance
with the acknowledgment models determined in this norm for this basic presentation level.
Basic execution garbage dangers, either inside or outside the structure. Wounds may happen
during the tremor; be that as it may, the general danger of perilous injury has an aftereffect of
auxiliary harm is relied upon to be low. It should be conceivable to fix the structure; be that as it
may, for financial reasons this may not be useful. In spite of the fact that the harmed structure
isn't an unavoidable breakdown hazard, it is judicious to actualize basic fixes or introduce
impermanent propping preceding re inhabitance.
e) Life Safety Structural Performance Range:
Basic execution range restricted security, will be characterized as the ceaseless scope of harm
states between the existence wellbeing basic execution level and the breakdown avoidance basic
execution level.

f) Collapse Prevention Structural PreventionsStructural PerformancesLevel:

Opposition to crumble and is in complience with the recognition criteria designated in this
fashionable for this buildings overall performance degree. Structural overall performance degree
collapse prevention way the submit-earthquake harm state. Substantial harm to the shape has
came about, ssure-resisting system, huge everlasting laterel deformetion of the building and to
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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

greater restrained extant degredation in carrying ability. So all extensive parts of the gravety-
load-resesting machine must maintain to hold their gravity masses. Signeficant hazard of enjury
because of faling dangers from structural debris may additionally exist. The building might not
be technically sensible to restore and isn't always safe for re-occupancy, as aftershock

Figure 2-1: Target Building Performance Level and Ranges

Table 2-1: Building performance Levels by FEMA 356

Fig 2-2: Performance Level Graph showing the damage done in different levels SeismicsHazard Level

The seismic danger due to groundsshaking will be primarily built on the vicinity of the
structureswith teristics, and the specefied Sesmic Hezard Levels. Assesment of thessite-faliure
risks due to earthquake-prompted gelogic and getechnical situations.

Seismic risk resulting from groundsshaking will be described as accelaration rasponse spactra or
groundsmotion acceleration histores decided on both a probebilistic foundation.

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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

Table 2-2: Seismic Hazard Levels for the Three Tiers

As the seismic danger degree is baseson the region of the bulding with appreciate to cusative
faiults, the local and placement-particular gelogic and getechnical characteristics and the floor
motion ll be described as floor movement decided on both a probabelistic. The determine
indicates the contour of seismic activities been recorded and examine from the historic statistics.
The map inside the determine shows the height floor acceleration achieved all through possible
earthquake within the region. If short maps are to be had of the seismic history, then the risk
stages may be without difficulty diagnosed.
Fig 2-3: Peak Ground Accelerations Contour of Pakistan

Figure 2-4: Map showing the seismic zones of Pakistan

Table 2-3: Shows the Peak Ground Acceleration of the Seismic Zones of Pakistan Levelsof Seismicity

The Level of Sesmicity of the buildingsshall be definedsas Low, Modarate, or Haigh.

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Table 2-4: Shows levelsof Seismicity

where SDS and SD1 are definedsas follow:

Where Fa and Fv are site coeffecients detrmined in accordance to the valus of the rasponse
aceleration perameters SS and S1

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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

Table 2-5a

Table 2-5b

1. SitesClass A: Hardsrock with averagesshear weve velocity, vs > 5,000ft./s;

2. Site Class B: Rock with 2,500 ft./s < vs < 5,000 ft./s;

3. SitesClass C: Vary danse soil and softsrock with 1,200ft./s < vs ≤ 2,500ft./s or with either
standerd below count N > 50 or undraned shearsstrength su > 2,000 lb./ft2;

4. Site Class D: Stuff soilswith 700 ft./s < vs ≤ 1,300ft./s or with 16 <N ≤ 50 or 1,000 lb./ft2
≤ su < 2,000 lb./ft2;

5. Site Class E: Any prefile withsmore then 10 ft. of softsclay defined asssoil with
plastecity indax PI> 20.

6. Site Class F: Soils requiring site-specific evaluations: BuildingsType
The typesshall be categorised as one or greater sorts, primarily baised on the leteral-force-
resesting gadget(s) and the diphragm type. Seperate constructing sorts will be used for buildings
with exceptional lateral-pressure-resisting systems in different directions. Separate checklists for
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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

every of the common building kinds are protected on this fashionable as well as trendy that don't
match the descreptions of the commonplace building sorts. Benchmark Building

The method in this widespread is appreciably well suited with bulding code provesions; howver,
the technique is such that whole compatibility might not be possible. From found earthquake
damage, it is able to be positive constructing sorts building codes may overall performance. The
reason of this phase is to solve this incompatibility by means of recognizing shape types and
code variations that have supplied Life Safety-degree overall performance in beyond

Althogh Banchmark Buildings want no longer proced with similarly structural evalution, it
should be cited so no longer actually exempt from the standards of this wellknown. The design
expert have to decide and document that the building complies with the benchmark constructing.

The additives have been observed automatically to have been designed, hooked up, or changed
without enforcement of applicable constructing code provisions (Masek and Ridge 2009),
benchmark provisions do now not apply to assessment of nonstructural additives. A layout expert
may also pick to parform a structurl Tiers1 screning, even supposing the buildingsmeets the
benchmark constructing necessities. ExistingsDocuments

Reveiw of the report drawiengs of the shape will be completed to affirm thatsthe number one
factors of the sesmic-force-resesting machine and their detailling had been meant tobe desiegned
according withthe relevant provesions. Selection and Use of Check List

The evaluetion stataments furnished within the checklests shape the middle of the Tier 1
screning technique. These assessment statments are based on located earthquake structural
harm for the duration of real earthquakes. It become aware of the reaction of the structure to
groundsmovement; at some point of an earthquake. A whole check listing is supplied in the
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Result and Analysis segment. Please check with appendix for a complete checklists as an
instance for this phase.

2.2.2 Tier 2 (DEFICIENCIES)

The layout expert is to decide thru similarly analyzes and evaluetion if a capacity defeciency
diagnosed in Tier1 screning is certainly a defeciency or if allsstructural systems, factors,
conections, and information related to the potantial defeciency are ok. There is no Tier2
technique for a partecular Tier1 checklist assertion, the layout profesional may additionally
either terminate the evaluation or don't forget a retrofit degree for that deficiency. The objects
with out Tier2 methods typically contain loss of structural load direction or interconection such
thatsthere may be no device to analyze or compare. Tier 2 Deficiency Based Evaluation Procedure

1) General:

a) Load Path: A whole load path is a fundamental requirement for all buildings
evaluated using this preferred. If the design professional does not identify a entire load direction,
a Tier 2 deficiency-based totally evaluation isn't always sufficient. The absence of a entire,
properly-defined load route does no longer mean that there is no seismic pressure load course.
Alternate load paths via the secondary elements may be gift. In that case, the constructing calls
for a Tier 3 systematic assessment to assess the adequacy of any alternative load paths. The
layout professional ought to use judgment to determine if the trade load direction is so
egregiously deficient that the Tier three assessment would offer little brought price and the
evaluation must be concluded.

b) Adjacent Buildings: The design professional desires to research the

structure to decide tale drifts of the constructing, or as an alternative, to increase a conservative
top bound for the glide value. Similarly, the layout professional has to expand an estimate of the
float for the adjoining building. The widespread recognizes that to be had information for the
adjacent building can be constrained and an estimate may also want to be evolved using
approximate methods suitable for the facts to be had. The estimate ought to be conservative if
now not based totally on evaluation procedure and attractiveness standards. assist the belief and
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as a consequence comparable isn't always essential to acquire Life Safety Performance Level.
However, the reaction of a stiff building adjoining to a bendy constructing may be extensively
amplified by way of which there exests inadequate separation, inspite of matching ground levels
and heights.
c) Mezzanines: The design professional wishes to perform sufficient
evaluation and evaluation to determine if there may be an adequate load course to switch
forces related to the mass of the mezzanine to the principle seismic-pressure-resisting
gadget. The evaluation must include connections to the elements of the main shape and
their adequacy to deal with the mezzanine forces. Particular interest must be paid to
transverse forces on columns, out-of-aircraft forces on partitions, and susceptible axis
bending of unbraced beams.
2) Building Configuration:

a) Weak Story Irregularity: An analysis of the whole structure is needed to

determine the seismic demands at places of strength discontinuities. Calculations of call for
-capability ratio (DCR) for elements if lenear approaches are relevant given the iregularity and
(2) decide if the tale electricity is greater than one-half of the overall pseudo seismic force at that
story and for this reason cloth over-electricity.

b) Short Concrete Columns: Also termed as "stub-columns," this is typically a

defect in concrete buildings. It includes columns that were designed as having full-storey top
however which, due to later additions of spandrel beams or wall sections between the columns,
have an powerful peak drastically less than the full-storey top. The impact of the wall or spandrel
beams is to growth the bending stiffness of the columns, so they entice a lot greater lateral load
than they were designed for. Often this results in brittle shear failure of the columns. This is an
mainly excessive trouble whilst the stiffening beams or walls are not located symmetrically, so
that the shear forces are even extra concentrated. A standard example is probably an older
parking garage with 1- to two-m high barrier partitions. The presence of a seismic hole between
the columns and stiffening partitions or beams could suggest this aspect want now not be carried
out. A concrete column may be considered "brief" whilst its uncovered height is less than 4
instances its width.

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c) Soft Story Irregularity: A dynamic evaluation of the whole structure is needed to

determine the seismic demands at places of stiffness discontinuities. The elements of
the seismic pressure-resisting device are required to fulfill the Tier 2 reputation
standards. The assessment is simplest required at non-compliant memories. This
refers to intense reduction of stiffness resulting from discontinuous shear walls and
openings. It usually seems as one storey with dramatically much less stiffness than
most of the others. A smooth storey may be considered one wherein the lateral
stiffness is approximately 1/2 or much less than that inside the storey immediately
above. Examples are shear walls or infill partitions now not non-stop to the muse.
Soft storeys are hard to confirm without understanding of how the building turned
into designed and the way the lateral forces are to be transferred from storey to storey,
this is, e.G., shear partitions in the building that are not visible from outdoor.
However, if there's doubt, it's miles first-class to be conservative and indicate the
existence of a tender storey. Use an asterisk and the Comments segment to give an
explanation for the supply of uncertainty.
The first storey is frequently tender because of huge window or openings for display
functions. Assume that, if one storey is especially tall or has home windows on all
aspects, it is a smooth storey if the storeys above have many fewer windows. If two or
three adjoining walls at that storey height are stable or only have small openings, then
the torsion irregularity have to be used.
d) Geometric Irregularity: Geometric irregularities affect the dynamic reaction of
the shape and may result in unexpected higher mode outcomes or concentrations of call for. A
dynamic evaluation is required to calculate the distribution of seismic forces greater as it should
e) Mass Irregularity: Mass irregularities affect the dynamic reaction of the
structure and might lead to sudden higher mode results or concentrations of demand. A dynamic
evaluation is needed to calculate the distribution of seismic forces greater appropriately.
f) Vertical irregularity: If the constructing has abrupt adjustments in plan dimensions
over its top (see Figure 2-6) or if the walls are not perpendicular to the floor, then the
vertical irregularity issue applies. If the building is on a steep hill, so that over the
width of the constructing, the hill rises at the least by means of one storey in height, a

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problem may also exist due to the fact the stiffness on the downhill side is different
from the uphill facet. In this case, the above-stated issue must also be implemented.
Irregularity is a tough characteristic to outline, and large judgement and experience
are required for identity functions. Basically, if the building appears unusual within
the vertical dimension in a few essential way, has discontinuities in load paths, or has
principal setbacks, then this aspect applies.

Fig 2-6: Irregularity in elevation (Vertical)

3) Geologic Site Hazard and Foundation Components:

a. Foundation Performance: The significance of differential movement in the basis shall

be evaluated. The adequacy of the structure will be evaluated for all gravity masses
and seismic forces in aggregate with the forces induced with the aid of the capacity
differential movement of the foundation.
b. Overturning: For shallow foundations, the shear and second potential of the
foundation factors need to be evaluated for adequacy to resist calculated seismic
forces. The vertical bearing pressure of the soil underneath seismic loading conditions
as a result of the full gravity and overturning hundreds should be calculated. For deep
foundations, the vertical capacity of the pile or pier under seismic loads ought to be
determined. The foundation potential, shall then be as compared with the demands
because of gravity hundreds plus overturning.
4) Procedures for Seismic-Force-Resisting System:
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a) Redundancy: Tier 1 Quick Checks aren't enough if there is a loss of

redundancy. When tales do not meet the redundancy necessities, the layout expert have to carry
out evaluation to compare the adaquacy of the systems, factors, and conections of the sesmic-
pressure resesting gadget.

b) Tier 2 Deficiency-Based Retrofit Requirements

It is for use most effective by means of a layout expert and most effective take delivery manner,
inclusive of the development of suitable as-built facts, proper layout of retrofit strategies,
(as decided by means of a Tier1 screning or Tier2 assessment) may also use this defeciency-
based totally retrofit approach to obtain the chosen Building Performance Level only if the
ensuing retrofit paintings gets rid of all large vertical and horizontal irregularities and effects in a
building with a complete seismic-pressure-resisting load course.
For simple homes with particular deficiencies, it's far possible and really useful to prioritize the
rehabilitation measures. This step is often beneficial wherein retrofit production has limited
funding or have to take vicinity while the building is occupied. In both those conditions, it's far
optimal to accurate the worst deficiency first.

The ranking became based on the subsequent characteristics of every deficiency organization:

a) Most cretical: Global constructing systems: people with a descontinuous load direction and
lettle redundency.Building neighborhood componants: people withlow electricity and occasional

b) Global constructing systems: people with a discontinuous load course however sizeable
redundancy. Building nearby additives: those with widespread power however low ductility.

c) Global building structures: those with a considerable load course however little redundancy.

d) Building local additives: those with low energy however giant ductility.


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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

The Tier 3 modern-day situation for the structural systems and for non-structural components.
The technique is comparable in scope and technique to the Systematic Rehabilitation technique
contaned in ASCE forty one-06.
Even in which Tier 3 is needed for assessment, the layout expert is endorsed to use the Tier 1
assessment method to gain a popular information of the constructing and capacity defeciencies
before emberking on a Tier three evaluation.
Where Tier3 is taken into consideration as a observe-as much as a Tier1 or Tier eveluation, the
selection approximately whether or not to use this Tier three assessment requires judgment
concerning the chance of locating that Tier 1 or Tier 2 reviews are consarvative and regarding
whether there could be a great financial or other benefit to a greater particular evaluetion. Data CollectionsRequirements

Data will be acquired from available drawings, specifications, and other documents for
the prevailing production. Data amassed from to be had files shall be supplemented and
demonstrated by using on-website online investigations, together with nondestructive
exam and checking out of constructing materials and components as required on this

Data on the as-built condition of the shape, additives, website, and adjoining buildings
will be gathered in sufficient detail to perform the chosen evaluation procedure. The
volume of records accumulated shall be consistent with minimum, ordinary, or
comprehensive levels of understanding respectively. The required stage of knowledge
will be decided thinking about the selected Performance Objective and evaluation
procedure according with Table 2-6. To account for any uncertainty related to factor as-
built facts, a understanding element κ shall be used inside the potential evaluation. The
extent of trying out or use of know-how component is allowed to be waived if it's miles
determined that on the time of production there have been good enough trying out or
inspection tactics in region to justify the properties exact within the design drawings.

a) Minimum Data Collection Requirements: As a minimal, series of as-built records

shall include the following:

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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

1. Information shall be acquired from design drawings with enough facts to analyze
aspect needs and calculate thing capacities. For minimum information collection, the
design drawings shall show, as a minimum, the configuration of the gravity load device
and seismic-force resisting device and traditional connections with sufficient detail to
carry out linear analysis strategies. Where design drawings are available, facts shall be
validated by means of a visual condition evaluation.

2. In the absence of enough records from layout drawings, incomplete or non-existent

facts shall be supplemented by using a complete circumstance assessment, such as
unfavourable and nondestructive research

3. In the absence of material test records and first-class warranty reviews, use of default
fabric properties will be permitted.

4. Information wished on adjoining buildings, shall be gained thru area surveys.

b) Usual Data Collection Requirements: Usual Data Collection Requirements Usual

collection of as-built statistics shall consist of the subsequent:

1. Information shall be received from design drawings with sufficient data to research
issue demands and calculate thing capacities. For normal data series, the design drawings
shall display, as a minimum, the configuration of the gravity load device and seismic-
force resisting device and standard connections with enough detail to perform the
selected evaluation manner. Where layout drawings are to be had, statistics will be tested
via a visible circumstance assessment.

2. In the absence of enough data from design drawings, incomplete or nonexistent facts
shall be supplemented through a complete circumstance assessment, consisting of
adverse and nondestructive research.

3. In the absence of material check facts and great warranty reviews, cloth homes shall be
determined by means of ordinary substances checking out.

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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

4. Information wanted on adjoining buildings, shall be received via subject surveys and
research of as-built information made to be had by using the proprietor of the subject

5. Site and foundation facts shall be collected.

c) Comprehensive Data Collection Requirements: Comprehensive collection of as-

constructed facts shall include the following:

1. Information will be received from creation files together with design drawings, specifications,
fabric test information, and great assurance reports masking original creation and subsequent
changes to the shape. Where creation files are to be had, records will be verified by means of a
visible condition evaluation.

2...If production documents are incomplete, missing information shall be supplemented by way
of a comprehensive situation evaluation, such as negative and nondestructive investigation.

3. In the absence of cloth check facts and nice assurance reviews, material residences shall be
decided by means of complete materials testing.

Four. Information needed on adjacent homes, shall be gained through field surveys and research
of as-constructed records made to be had by using the proprietor of the concern building.

Table 2-6: Data Collection Requirements. Knowledge Factor

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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

To account for uncertainty in the series of as-built information, a know-how issue, κ, shall be
decided on from Table 2-6, thinking about the selected Performance Objective, evaluation
system, and statistics series method. Knowledge factors shall be decided on, based totally on an
individual issue aspect all through records collection.
The knowledge element, κ, used to expres the self assurance in which calculating issue
capacities. The fee of the component is set up from the understanding acquired based totally on
get admission to to original construction documents or circumstance tests, including adverse or
non-destructive testing.
a) Linear Procedurs: Whereslinear techniques aresused, facts colection steady with the
minimal stage of know-how will be permitted.

B) Nonlinear Procedures: Where nonlinear strategies are used, records series consistent with
either the usual or comprehensive ranges of information will be performed. Nonlinear methods
may be used in initial evaluations with out trying out as long as the specified trying out is carried
out before implementing the retrofit. If the assessment does no longer require retrofit, the testing
will be accomplished earlier than finalizing the assessment document. Nonlinear Procedures In
some instances, the accuracy of the material residences can greatly affect the constructing’s
nonlinear response. Care must be taken when delaying checking out till the end of the reviews.
Delaying the fabric trying out until the begin of the retrofit production ought to result in the
capacity for reevaluation or redesign of the retrofit due to differences among the assumed cloth
properties and people decided by means of testing.
C) Assumed cost of the Knowledge Factor: It will be accepted to carry out an evaluation
before the records series manner the usage of an assumed fee of κ, supplied that the price of κ is
substantiated by way of statistics series, earlier than implmantation of the ratrofit techniques.
If the asumed cost of κ isn't supported through next data series, a revised κ regular with the
records accumulated. If an evaluation the use of an assumed value of κ effects in no required
retrofit of the shape, the price of κ shall be substantiated by means of records series, earlier than
the analysis is finalized.
The Tier 3 systematic assessment can be used as a observe-as much as a defeciency-based
evalution (Tier1or2) or as an preliminary assessment where defeciency-based processes are not
relevant expert. The Tier3 method consists of an assessment and evaluation of chosen

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Performance Objective. The structural structures to be analyzed, as well as the techniques for
studying the structural additives. Tier3 Retrofit Requirements

The Tier 3 retrofit procedure shall consist of an evaluation of a building, consisting of

retrofit measures, to demonstrate compliance with a particular Performance Objective.
Where seismic deficiencies relative to a particular Performance Objective are identified by
an evaluation accomplished according with ASCE forty one-thirteen or by using other
permitted methods, a preliminary retrofit scheme will be developed using one or extra of the
retrofit techniques.

An analysis of the constructing then will be completed, inclusive of the retrofit measures,
primarily based on the system laid out in ASCE 41-thirteen or with the aid of other
authorized strategies. The consequences of this analysis shall be used to confirm that the
retrofit layout meets the chosen Performance Objective.

The Tier three systematic retrofit manner is supposed to be entire and contains all necessities
to attain any specific Performance Level. Systematic retrofit is an iterative manner, much
like the design of recent buildings, wherein changes of the present structure are assumed for
the functions of a preliminary layout and evaluation, and the outcomes of the analysis are
proven as proper on a issue basis. If either new or present components still prove to be
inadequate, the adjustments are adjusted, and, if vital, a new evaluation and verification
cycle is executed. A preliminary design is needed to outline the extent and configuration of
corrective measures in enough detail to estimate the interaction of the stiffness, electricity,
and publish-yield conduct of all new, changed, or existing additives to be used for seismic
force resistance. The designer is encouraged to consist of all components with great lateral
stiffness in a mathematical version to make certain deformation capability under practical
seismic drifts. However, simply as in the layout of latest homes, it is able to be decided that
sure additives will now not be taken into consideration part of the seismic-pressure-resisting
device, so long as deformation compatibility tests are made on these components to ensure
their adequacy.

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A mathematical model, evolved for the preliminary design, ought to be constructed. These
processes are the linear strategies (linear static and linear dynamic) and the nonlinear
processes (nonlinear static and nonlinear dynamic). With the exception of the nonlinear
dynamic technique, ASCE 41-thirteen defines the evaluation and retrofit design processes
sufficiently that compliance may be checked by way of an authority having jurisdiction in a
way similar to design evaluations for brand new homes.

Inherent in the idea of Performance Levels and degrees is the idea that overall performance
can be measured the use of analytical outcomes along with tale waft ratios or electricity and
ductility needs on person components. To allow structural verification at the chosen
performance level, stiffness, energy, and ductility traits of many not unusual components
were derived from laboratory exams and analytical studies.

ASCE forty one-13, specifies two trade technology: seismic isolation and power dissipation, to
be used in seismic retrofit of homes the usage of the Tier three systematic retrofit method.

2.3 Retrofitting

A Retrofit gives present systems with more resistance to seismic hobby because of
earthquakes. In buildings, this manner commonly includes strengthening vulnerable
connections located in roof to wall connections, continuity ties, shear partitions and the
roof diaphragm.

In the past, building codes have been much less stringent in comparison to these days’s
standards, as a result it is a great idea to investigate buildings constructed previous to
1998, as they have been built prior to modern-day structural codes/necessities (1997
UBC).Numerous styles of systems might also gain from a seismic retrofit, inclusive of
various constructing systems, bridges, dams, and many others.

Retrofitting of present systems with inadequate seismic resistance money owed for a
main part of the whole fee of risk mitigation. Thus, it's miles of crucial significance that
the structures that want seismic retrofitting are recognized efficiently, and an ideal
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retrofitting is carried out in a cost effective style. Once the choice is made, seismic
retrofitting may be executed via several techniques with diverse targets inclusive of
growing the burden, deformation, and/or electricity dissipation ability of the shape.

I. Significance of Retrofitting

Generally talking, the subsequent constructing systems need to be evaluated and retrofitted.
(1) The homes whose serviceability or electricity can't meet the requirements
of structural codes or regulations, because of misuse, abnormal protection,
growing older of materials and systems.
(2) The buildings which have fine or protection problems due to layout flaws or
deficiency in construction nice. These troubles are frequently met in new creation and
existing homes.
(3) The homes in which structural damages are due to disasters inclusive of
earthquakes, strong winds, fires, and so forth.
(4) Those ancient buildings and memorial buildings that need to be
rehabilitated and protected.
(5) The buildings to be able to be reconstructed, or have additional tales built.
(6) The homes whose structural members may be modified all through
maintenance, which may additionally impact the overall performance of complete
structural device.

II. Retrofitting Procedure of Buildings Structures

The retrofitting method of a constructing shape is as follows.
(1) Inspection of mechaniacal properties of structural substances:
Generally the material houses can be obtained from design documents and production every day
information, specifically the checking and accepting document upon completion of the
undertaking. If there is doubt concerning material electricity, testing of substances is vital.
(2) Assessment of structural vulnerability and protection:
Vulnerability assessment is to evaluate serviceability of a constructing shape with the aid of
analyzing the arrival of participants and structural machine to offer a basis for maintenance and
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rehabilitation of the building. The safety evaluation evaluates the power of members and
structural system via structural analysis and phase checking in line with related design code to
offer a basis for structural retrofitting of the constructing.
(three) Working out the retrofitting scheme:
After completing the evaluation of structural vulnerability and protection, an in depth retrofitting
plan can be laid out by comprehensively considering the carrier necessities of the constructing,
destiny life-cycle of the constructing, creation circumstance, cost difficulty, and many others.
(four) Design of retrofitting creation drawings:
Usually the development drawings can be achieved according to the retrofitting scheme
collectively with targeted interest paid to connections between new structure and current shape,
as well as the safety difficulty of existing structure during the retrofitting construction phase.
(5) Inspection at some point of creation and acceptance checking after retrofitting:
Designers and inspectors are required to visit the construction website to solve numerous
problems which have took place. Especially when the existing structure does now not coincide
with the construction drawings, the designers need to visit web page and adjust their layout
drawings as a result. The recognition checking after retrofitting is as crucial as it's far for brand
new creation. In a few instances size after retrofitting is also essential, especially for very
important and huge-scale construction.

a. Methods

Two number one methods are used to connect FRP composite materials to concrete structures
(and to masonry, timber, and even steel systems) for "retrofitting" functions.
One method employs in step with-synthetic rigid FRP strips (approximately 4 in. (one hundred
mm) huge and in. (1.6 mm) thick) which might be adhesively bonded to the surface of the
structural member.
The other approach, known as "hand layup", consists of in situ forming of the FRP composite on
the floor of the structural member using flexible dry fiber fabrics or sheets of width about 6 to 60
in. (one hundred fifty to 1500 mm) and liquid polymers.
In latest years a new version of the pre-synthetic strip approach known as Near Surface
Mounting (NSM) has been developed. In this method, a thin, slender FRP strip (3 by means of

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18 mm) or small-diameter spherical FRP bar (6 mm) is inserted and then bonded adhesively into
a machined groove at the floor of the concrete member.
FRP retrofitting has been used with bridge and constructing structures to reinforce static and
quasi-static loads (inclusive of will increase in lifeless or live load in a bridge or building shape),
and for dynamic loads (along with strengthening for progressed seismic or blast reaction in a
bridge or constructing shape). FRP composites had been used successfully for flexural
strengthening of concrete beams and slabs, shear strengthening of concrete beams, and axial
strengthening and ductility enhancement of concrete columns. Jacketing present beams, columns,
or joints with new bolstered concrete, metal, or fiber wrap overlays can be finished. The new
materials will be designed and built to behave compositely with the present concrete. Where
strengthened concrete jackets are used, the layout shall offer detailing to beautify ductility.
While retrofitting columns, FRP sheets may be wrapped at the column as referred to in Figure 1.
In sheet technique columns are wrapped with the aid of FRP sheet of certain width and with a
sure overlap. In tape method sheets are applied constantly with out the want of any overlap. The
second approach is effective because it reduces the cost of production via saving substances and
also it's miles more potent as it does not have any joint. Advanced composite materials which
includes carbon fiber bolstered plastic (CFRP) is plenty stronger and lighter than steel. The
inherent non-corrosive characteristic of CFRP makes CFRP reinforcement a completely
powerful alternative to metal reinforcement for reinforced concrete systems, specifically whilst
reinforcement corrosion is a chief subject for the performance and durability of the shape.
Analytical and experimental outcomes have proven that, wrapping structural components
(together with columns, beams and walls) with CFRP sheets improve their power and ductility
without including stiffness to the elements. Ease of installation, that is much like putting up wall
papers, makes using CFRP sheets a very fee-effective and efficient alternative inside the seismic
retrofit of existing constructing.

Fig 2-7: Stress strain in different FRP Composites and steel.

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Table 2-7: Important Characteristics of FRP Components

2.2.2 Conventional Retrofitting Techniques

Conventional retrofitting strategies consist of addition of new structural elements to the system
and enlarging the present participants (Newman, 2001). Design of Shear wall, section
enlargement I-e column and beam jacketing or addition of a column members to remedy vertical
irregularities. Friction damper, such as specifically coated metallic plates being bolted together,
is typically part of a metal brace system that is installed inside a column-beam frame. The
fundamental studies want associated with traditional strengthening strategies is optimization of
the retrofit design to attain a best structural performance stage at a minimal value primarily based
on reliably characterized seismic call for and structural capacity. Considering the excessive
mechanical overall performance of composite substances blended with their lightness, it becomes
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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

really appropriate to companion them inside the composition of the concrete contributors, to
higher face up to outside loading.

Fig 2-8: Conventional strengthening methods used for seismic retrofitting

Fig 2-9: Application of conventional Strengthening Methods

a) Confinement of Column by embedded composite grid

The pathological take a look at of vulnerability of concrete structures
led toward the use of composite substances as reinforcement making sure a recovery of stiffness
and strength. Considering the excessive mechanical overall performance of composite substances
blended with their lightness, it will become sensible to companion them inside the composition
of the concrete contributors, to higher resist external loading.

b) Friction Damper

Friction damper, which includes specifically coated metallic plates being bolted collectively, is
normally a part of a steel brace device this is installed inside a column-beam frame. The usually
used friction damper structures are inside the form of an X (friction damper being at the center of
the X) or a diagonal (friction damper being alongside the diagonal) inside a rectangular column-
beam frame. Such a friction damper gadget is attached to the structural body through connections
on the column-beam joints. Friction damper system’s characteristic is much like that of a shock-
absorbing system in a vehicle. Earthquakes launch power thru floor shaking motions, which
induce seismic masses to a building structure. Friction dampers absorb the earthquake-prompted

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electricity (or load) whilst the steel plates slide in opposition to every other at pre-determined
slip load, i.E. Dissipating the earthquake-caused electricity via friction-generated warmness
energy. Adding friction dampers to an present building growth the seismic load wearing capacity
of the building shape by means of decreasing the demand of seismic resistance ability upon the
building’s current load wearing elements. Similar in characteristic to that of friction dampers,
fluid viscous damper is every other sort of passive tool that can be used within the seismic
retrofit of present homes. The objective of structural manage is to lessen structural vibrations for
stepped forward safety and/or serviceability below wind and earthquake loadings. Passive
manage systems reduce structural vibration and related forces through electricity dissipation
devices that do not require outside strength.
A special difficulty concerning using strength dissipation gadgets in systems with high
characteristic variability is the fact that the effectiveness of such devices is depending on the
deformation ability of the structure. For systems that suffer from insufficient seismic detailing,
which translates into inadequate deformation potential, high-quality warning ought to be
exercised in use of these devices for seismic retrofitting. A feasible solution may be to mix this
approach with deformation enhancement measures to ensure their effectiveness. This constitutes
an vital research location with precious ability contribution and excessive capacity advantages.
Fig 2-10: Supplemental energy dissipation devices

c) Grouting Process:
It is the system of setting a material into cavities in concrete for the reason of increasing
the load bearing capacity of the structure, grouting restores the monolithic nature of the structure.
Primary grouting materials and their common makes use of are:

Fig 2-11: Grouting Materials and their Uses

d) Post Tensioning:
External pre-stressing is now widely advanced for concrete strengthening within the
United States, Japan &Switzerland. External pre-stressing techniques have been hired with
fantastic success to accurate excessive and undesirable deflections in current shape. They have
also been used to reinforce existing concrete systems to carry extra loads. It may be used on tile

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internal of field girders or the out of doors of “I” girders to growth the potential of present
bridges and to offer stepped forward resistance to fatigue and cracking.

e) Bonded Steel Plates:

In this approach of strengthening steel plates or different steel elements are

glued to the concrete floor by means of a aspect epoxy adhesive growing a three-phase concrete
glue metal composite device. The wide recognition and at the equal time splendor is because of
negligible changes to overall dimensions of the structure and minimal disruption to its use. At the
identical time, good enough layout, specification and execution of the process will ensure the
important composite motion for the designed loading range. It turned into validated that metallic
plates bonded to the anxiety face of the concrete beams can lead to boom in flexural capability,
together with boom in flexural stiffness and related decreases in deflection and cracking.

Fig 2-12: Effects of various retrofit measures on structural performance

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Chapter 3

3.1 Introduction:
The plan proficient requirements to dissect the structure to decide story floats of the structure, or
on the other hand, to build up a moderate upper headed for the float extent. Also, the plan
proficient needs to build up a gauge of the float for the adjoining building. The standard
perceives that accessible data for the contiguous structure might be restricted and a gauge may
should be created utilizing estimated techniques proper for the data accessible. The gauge should
be traditionalist if not founded on investigation system and acknowledgment standards.
Perceptions from past quakes uphold the idea that if structures have comparative auxiliary
frameworks, and subsequently comparative solidness, and the floors adjust, at that point the
endorsed division isn't important to accomplish Life Safety Performance Level. Notwithstanding,
the reaction of a firm structure contiguous an adaptable structure might be essentially enhanced
by beating from the adaptable structure and the other way around where there exists lacking
partition, even with coordinating floor levels and statures.

II.2 Building Information:

The constructing is a three story (ground plus two) mixed use condo constructing with
shops on the ground. The constructing’s average dimensions 60’ wide by means of 90’ lengthy
and it's far approximately 31.5 feet tall. The building has a bolstered concrete moment frame
structural system with unreinforced brick masonry walls and an eccentrically placed bolstered
concrete core. The brick masonry walls are 4.Five inches thick. The foundations are bolstered
concrete spread footings. The constructing is old and some repairs with out a condition checks
have been made.

Fig 3.2: Elevation of typical URM Masonry Frame

For the linear and nonlinear finite detail evaluation, the building was idealized as a 2-D
reinforced concrete frame with out brick masonry partitions. Figure three.2 indicates the 2-D
frame version created in SAP 2000, V17.Zero. As unique layout calculations had been not

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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

enough sufficient, consequently ACI-ninety nine became used to design the body factors and
earthquake evaluation became finished the usage of UBC-ninety seven.
Fig 3.3: Idealized 2-D model in SAP 2000 – Without brick masonry walls
The spacing among the columns turned into taken as 18 toes in X-route and 20 charge in Y-
direction and beam sizes had been taken as 9”x24”. The column heights were taken as 10.Five
toes and column sizes from ground to roof have been 12”x18” within the interior center and
nine”x18” inside the outside of the building. Figure three.Three shows section homes and
reinforcement. The slab thickness was considered 6 inches. For Concrete f’c become taken as
2200 psi and for steel fy turned into taken as 40000 psi. Figure 4 shows the strain-strain curves
for the 2 materials.

Fig 3.5(a): Steel Stress-Strain Curve (Grade 40)

Fig 3.5(b): Steel Stress-Strain Curve (Grade 60)

Fig 3.5(c): Concrete Stress-Strain Curve

3.3 Site and Hazard Information

The building is positioned in an area with company soil, in which bedrock outcrops are
frequently discovered near the surface. No regarded active faults bypass through or close to the
web site. The bearing potential of the soil is 2.Zero tons in line with rectangular foot (psf).
  According BCP-SP 2007 building will be design for earthquake with 10% in all
likelihood of exceedance in 50 years
  In BCP-SP 2007 Pakistan has been divided in five zones.
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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

Table 3.1: Seismic Zones with their respective PGA

To find the higher seismicity of the building region, are calculated via the following process.

Seismic Coefficients Ca

Table 3.2: Seismic Coefficient Ca for Soil Profiles

Seismic Coefficients, Cv

Table 3.3: Seismic Coefficient Cv for Soil Profiles

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 Design spectral reaction acceleration parameters (SDS and SD1) are acquired from
mapped spectral accelerations (SS and S1) changed for website class.

Site Class Coefficients, Fa

Table 3.4: Site Class Coefficient, Fa for Soil Profiles

Site Class Coefficients, Fv

Table 3.5: Site Class Coefficient, Fv for Soil Profiles

 Four stages of seismicity are defined in ASCE forty one-thirteen

• Very low, Low, Moderate, High
 These tiers are defined based totally on parameters SDS and SD1
 Where SS and S1 are the response parameters associated with BSE-2N for New homes
 Factor 2/3 is used to convert BSE-2N to BSE-1N

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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

 The better degree of seismicity outline through SDS or SD1 in Table shall govern

Table 3.6

 SS and S1 values aren't directly given in BCP-SP 2007

 These values can be decided from the layout response spectra
 Assuming earthquake with 10% opportunity of exceedance in 50 years correspond to
BSE-1N of ASCE, SS and S1 values are computed by using multiplying values taken from
spectra by way of 1.5
Seismic Zone SS S1
1 0.28 0.11
2A 0.56 0.22
2B 0.75 0.30
3 1.12 0.45
4 1.50 0.60
Table 3.7

Fig 3.6: Design Response Spectra

Level of Seismicity according to BCP-SP 2007

Soil Zone 1 Zone 2A Zone 2B Zone 3 Zone 4

SDS = 0.15 SDS = 0.30 SDS = 0.40 SDS = 0.60 SDS = 0.80
SD1 = 0.06 SD1 = 0.12 SD1 = 0.16 SD1 = 0.24 SD1 = 0.32
Very low Low Moderate High High
SDS = 0.19 SDS = 0.38 SDS = 0.50 SDS = 0.75 SDS = 1.00
SD1 = 0.08 SD1 = 0.15 SD1 = 0.20 SD1 = 0.30 SD1 = 0.40
Low Moderate Moderate High High
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SDS = 0.23 SDS = 0.45 SDS = 0.55 SDS = 0.83 SDS = 1.00
SD1 = 0.13 SD1 = 0.24 SD1 = 0.30 SD1 = 0.42 SD1 = 0.52
Moderate High High High High
SDS = 0.30 SDS = 0.53 SDS = 0.59 SDS = 0.83 SDS = 1.00
SD1 = 0.18 SD1 = 0.30 SD1 =0.342 SD1 = 0.48 SD1 = 0.60
Moderate High High High High
SDS = 0.47 SDS = 0.64 SDS = 0.55 SDS = 0.68 SDS = 0.90
SD1 = 0.26 SD1 = 0.48 SD1 = 0.56 SD1 = 0.72 SD1 = 0.96
High High High High High

F Site Specific geotechnical investigation shall be performed

Table 3.8: Level of Seismicity for the Soil Classes.
So, from most of these calculations and evaluation the soil elegance I-e D, have the following

 The seismic sector in which the constructing lies is 2B

 The soil is class D
 It is taken into consideration to be in high seismic quarter with SDS ≥ 0.50g and SD1 ≥
 The SDS cost for the respective soil elegance is 0.Fifty nine (from table 3.8) and SD1
value for the equal soil elegance is 0.342 (from desk 3.8)

3.4 Initial Evaluation of Existing Building

I. Check List Based Evaluation

The case have a look at crew used a tick list assessment shape primarily based on ASCE
41-thirteen Seismic Assessment of Existing Buildings, to carry out an preliminary
evaluation of the building. This assessment helps us identify the following deficiency, all
of which indicate a capability seismic risk:

• Adjacent building that could pound against the constructing

• Torsion

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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

• Soft/susceptible tale

• Shear pressure test of columns show shear stresses too excessive

• Unreinforced masonry partitions gift

• Overall creation high-quality is fair to bad

• Captive columns

• Any other Structural irregularities

• And non-structural irregularities

II. These checklists includes Summary Data sheet and Basic Check list, Life protection (LS)
Structural Check list, LS Concrete Basic Check list and Non-Structural Check list are
supplied in the appendix of the thesis. The checklists permits in figuring out the seen to
bare eye irregularities and facilitates in, to without trouble apprehend and affirm the
situation of the building.

Fig 3.7a: 2-D Model of the Building showing D/CR with only under the effect of Gravity loads

3.5 Detail Evaluation Using Non-Linear Procedures

Detail evaluation of constructing is finished the use of the non-linear techniques. The special
method for the non-linear technique which we have used is as beneath:

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Seismic Evolution and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

1. Define a Dead NL case. It may be the factor from where the non-linear portion
will start. Add the burden as sample. This case is described in order that shape is
deformed below complete structures load.

2. Define load cases push UX (for X guidelines) the cases will begin operating from
Dead NL case instead of unstressed (0) nation. Make them deformation managed, specify
monitored displacement & DOF (U1 for UX) & the results ought to be saved in more
than one steps.

3. Define load instances push UY (for Y instructions) the instances will begin
operating from Dead NL case instead of unstressed (0) nation. Make them deformation
managed, specify monitored displacement & DOF (U2 for UY) & the results need to be
stored in more than one steps.

4. Now run the evaluation for the all of the instances, after evaluation is completed
check the curves.

5. Now test the rush over curve for IO, LS and CP are the Immediate Occupancy,
Life Safety and Collapse Prevention overall performance tiers, respectively. Fig three.7
indicates the proper push over curve. And fig three.8 and 3.Nine shows he Push over for
the structure in X and Y course respectively.

Fig 3.8: Force-deformation relation for showing the definition of acceptance criteria and
performance states.
Fig 3.9: Push over curve for the structure in X direction.

Fig 3.10: Push over curve for the structure in Y direction .

Geometric Properties
Beam Width = 9 in
Depth = 24 in
Length = 18ft (In X direction)
Length = 20ft (In Y direction)
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Column 1 Dimension = 9 x 18 in
Height = 10.5ft
Steel Area in Column Area of Steel 8 # 8 = 6.28 in2
Rebar % in Column = 2.18 %
Column 2 Dimension = 12 x 18 in
Height = 10.5ft
Steel Area in Column Area of Steel 8 # 8 = 6.28 in2
Rebar % in Column = 1.830
Infill Masonry Wall Exterior Load Supporting Walls Width = 9 in
Interior Partition Walls Width = 4.5 in
Depth = 10.5 ft.
Material Properties
fc’ = 2200 psi for beam and column
Econ = 2673 ksi for beam and column
Table 3.9: Properties of non-linear model.

3.5.1 Loading and Performance Criteria:

Table three.10 shows the SAP input values for gravity and earthquake loading, in addition to key
assumptions. The UBC-ninety seven become used for the seismic needs. As mentioned inside the
Seismic Hazard segment, the constructing become evaluated for Zone 2B seismic hundreds. The
case examine crew taken into consideration both inverted triangular and uniform lateral load
distributions. For the pushover analysis, the group used restart using secant stiffness for member
unloading method with P-Delta consequences for geometric nonlinearity. A existence protection
overall performance criterion changed into decided on for the examine constructing, because it's
miles a normal residential constructing and such buildings are generally evaluated for life safety.
Effective Weight (W)
 Floor place = 5400 ft2
 Slab Thickness = 6”, Projected Beams (nine” x 24”)
 Column = 9” x 18” and 12” x 18”
 Floor finish = 2” thick PCC
 Roof remedy = 4” dust and 1.5” tiles
 Wall Thickness = 9” External and 4.5” Internal and Parapet
 Windows = 6ft x 6ft (Average)
 Doors = 4ft x 8.5ft (Average)

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 Floor load = (6/12*one hundred fifty + 2/12*one hundred forty)*5400 = 126,half lbs.
 Roof Load = (126/12*a hundred and fifty + five.Five/12*120)*5400*3 = 895,725 lbs.
 All Beams Load = 6*19.625*1.Five*1.5*one hundred fifty = 25,987 lbs.
 Wall Stories Load = 5790 ft3 * a hundred and twenty pcf = 694,840 lbs.

Gravity Loads Slab loads transferred to beam were manually calculated and applied to each of
the beams in the 2-D model. 20’-0” span distance between frames assumed.

Dead load: Self weight of frame + 6” thick slab + 2” thick finishes + 50psf
wall load

Live load: 50psf on floor and 30psf on roof

Load 0.2g
Z 5.5
R 0.28 (Ref: Table 3.2) with Na = 1.0
Ca 0.40 (Ref: Table 3.3) with Nv = 1.0

Soil type SD
Table 3.10: SAP loading input parameters

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Chapter 4

Analysis and Results

4.1 Conceptual Solutions Considered

The constructing offered several challenges. It is a industrial constructing, so the answer ought to
be low fee and minimally intrusive. Also, the shops at the ground floor need to be preserved to
the quantity possible. Fig four.1, indicates a few early calculation we executed, consisting of
column wrapping, braces, jacketing and shear walls. Project members first taken into
consideration a retrofit solution within the floor story handiest, however the addition of walls
inside the floor story compelled the failure to arise within the first tale rather. For this motive,
partitions needed to enlarge into the upper flooring. RC shear partitions have been considered
however deemed too luxurious due to the muse work that might be required. The additionally
team tested concrete shear partitions and column jacketing which ended up because the very last
recommended retrofit solution and is described in further element in the Recommended Retrofit
Scheme segment underneath.

Fig 4.1: Early calculations and retrofitting considerations.

4.2 Retrofit Analysis Results

Nonlinear analysis with retrofit measures added to the model became critical to evaluate
different retrofit schemes. The team considered many distinctive alternatives as defined above,
after which many different versions of a spine answer.
The analyses showed that the retrofit solution furnished pleasant overall performance, and helped
determine the residences of the brand new elements. Figure four.2 suggests a assessment
between the pushover curves for the preliminary set of conceptual retrofit alternatives explored

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throughout the working consultation. It is obvious that the backbone or walls must extend high
up into the building to save you a dangerous single-tale disintegrate mechanism from forming.
The spine answers save you a single tale mechanism from forming.

4.3 Recommended Retrofit Solution

The crew selected a shear wall answer, shown in Figure four.2, to prevent a susceptible tale from
forming and to keep fees down. A shear wall acts as a kind of splint to manipulate the
deformation of the shape via forcing it to reply by and large inside the first vibration mode,
which is generally properly behaved seismically. The shear wall is permitted to rock at the
bottom, which reduces eliminates large overturning moments from the muse. Shear partitions can
be constructed of many exclusive materials, and this spine could be built with reinforced infill
panels inside the first tale and above.
Fig 4.2: Concept drawing of the recommended shear wall Retrofit solution

The performance curve of the very last retrofit answer is shown in Figure four.3a, 4.3b, with the
deformed form at the performance factor proven in Figure 4.4.

Fig 4.3a: Pushover Curve with Shear wall

Fig 4.3b: Performance level for the retrofitted building

Because of the brought shear partitions, footing sizes had to be checked for extra loads, and the
results confirmed the sizes to be ok. Therefore, it changed into determined to not to adjust the
footings. The allowed stress underneath the footings to be unfold over a bigger area.

Fig 4.4: Deformed Shape of the Structure Retrofitted with Shear Wall
Team additionally selected a column jacketing solution, shown in Figure 4.Five. This has the
advantage of increasing the member stiffness and is useful wherein deformation are to be
controlled and to hold expenses down. If columns in a constructing are found to be slim, RC
jacketing gives a better solution for fending off buckling issues. Design for strengthening/restore
work is based totally on composite motion between the vintage and the new work. The column
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jacketing gives a better alternative in place of adding a new member to take the weight of the
shape, and are extra value efficient in such cases. The following steps are endorsed for making
use of/using column jacketing.

Structural Repair to RCC columns Using Column Jacketing:

Repair to damaged Columns/Beams/Slabs where carbonation depth of

concrete has reached reinforcement level:
I. Steps for Applying Column Jacketing:

Stepwise collection of technique to be followed is given hereunder

1. Prop and help the shape for you to relieve the RCC column of stresses because of load
coming over it.
2. Remove plaster and finishes all around distressed RCC columns. Thereafter put off free,
cracked and spalled concrete to expose the rusted reinforcement
3. Remove concrete all around the reinforcement in order to get average 25mm air hole all
round i/c behind the reinforcement & clean the reinforcement of concrete and rust by way of
appropriate strategies.
Four. Put extra reinforcement anyplace the reinforcement diameter has been reduced by using
more than 5% with the vital overlap or welding with the existing reinforcement.
5. Fix shear key bars of appropriate diameter at unique spacing in each guidelines over the
floor to be covered with repair materials.
6. Appropriate passivating and bond coat will be applied over the organized floor.
7. Within the tacky duration of bond coat, shuttering and concreting shall be achieved with
distinct and water cement ratio no longer extra than 0.45. The consistency of his concrete will be
flowing and self-compacting which shall be executed via the use of exquisite plasticizer. The
thickness of RCC jacket will be as designated.
Eight. Apply suitable passivating and bond coat over the reinforcement and prepared RCC
surface. Shotcrete the RCC columns inside the time limit specific as pot lifestyles of the epoxy or
tacking length of slurry. The vital shuttering as specified in specification of shotcreting shall be
used for resulting the favored thickness and form of the columns.

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9. 6mm thick completing coat with cement sand plaster 1:3 (1 Cement: 3 excellent sand) (of
as a minimum feasible thickness) if felt important, will be applied within forty eight hours of
utility of shortcreted upkeep.
10. Wet curing will be completed over the completed floor of the shotcrete for a minimal
length of seven days.
Engineering drawings containing the information of the retrofit answer are shown under. Fig
four.2a and four.2b suggests the association and detailing of the retrofitted columns. The
retrofitted column is projected 4” past the authentic column. The jacketing of columns extend the
potential of the column to withstand the future seismic sports and also extend performance of the
constructing as a whole, prolonging its operating lifespan and protection of the population.

Fig 4.2a: Column 1 After Retrofitting Fig 4.2b: Column 2 after


Fig 4.3: Pushover Curve when building was treated with only Column Jaketting

Fig 4.4: Pushover Curve when of the building when treated with both column jackettting and Shear

4.4 Observations and Future Work

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Considering the severity of the destructive results of infill – which can motive crumble –
proper modeling of URM infill walls within RC frames is critical for seismic assessment
and consequently for the choice of ok retrofits solutions to lessen damage and its effects.
The teams additionally analyzed a three-D version of the constructing is also completed as
a separate case take a look at. The SAP 2000 modeling techniques and workings of
ASCE-41, ATC-40 and FEMA requirements for assessment of seismic venerability of
homes are being transferred to other practising college students.

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