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Facebook Vs You Tube: How Facebook Videos are better for your

Are you one of those who only upload your ad films only on you tube? Creating ad films just
for You Tube?

Have you heard of Facebook?

Yes Facebook. With changing internet dynamics, the video marketing trend is also changing
every day. While a properly made video ad film is a sure shot way to attract viewer’s
attention, if you aren’t placing it right you are losing on a lot of revenue generating
opportunities. One such video hosting platform that brands tend to forget is Facebook.

You would be thinking why Facebook? What’s about a social media app that is not even
designed for video content in the first place?

So let’s find out together The benefits of Facebook Video Marketing for your business.

The benefits of Facebook Video Marketing for your business

It’s Unique

No one, absolutely no one around you is thinking of hosting their video directly on to the
Facebook creating content around a typical Facebook audience.

But if you do, you have quite a bit of leverage there.

Your competitors or other brands might be focusing on only You Tube that’s why when you
will host your video content on Facebook it will get a special or undivided attention.

But What if your competitors are there on Facebook? What kind of advantage it has over
You Tube?

Facebook is Bigger Than You Tube

Yes times change. Facebook is slowly emerging as top online video hosting platform.
Facebook’s public nature for a social media app and extremely vast user base means short
video content/ ad film can get great views & engagement than You Tube. Since videos can
also be shared within the application, it naturally increases brand awareness & visibility.

10x Viral Reach than You Tube Links

According to a study by Social Bakers Facebook videos tend to have a higher Engagement
Rate of 0.22% on average than YouTube links with 0.10%
One of the most important finding of the study was that Facebook videos achieved a 10
times higher viral reach than YouTube links did! (Viral Reach is the percentage of people
reached via a user-generated story through likes, comment, share). 

Facebook Videos Rank Higher than You Tube Links

If you are thinking of creating YouTube video & posting link on Facebook will give you more
engagement then you are extremely wrong. According to analysis by TGT Digital Marketing
& Creative Agency Facebook Prioritizes Videos directly uploaded to the site than You tube

The order of priority goes like this

1. Video Content
2. posts with uploaded images
3. text only posts
4. YouTube links. 

The latest craze or viral content is live video stream which is gradually ranking higher than
the video content.

The Autoplay feature in the feed

One of the most amazing & business friendly feature in the Facebook is the autoplay feature
in the newsfeed. While one scroll downs the feed, the video automatically starts playing
calling for greater attention from the viewers. Also a very nice way to increase views

This feature becomes useless if you post a YouTube video on to your page.

Call to Action Link

Facebook allows you to add your own clickable link at the end of the video. With this option,
when the video ends you can easily redirect your viewers to your website or shop. It even
allows you to address your viewer with the following call to action words: Book Now,
Download, Learn More, Shop Now, Sign Up, Watch More.

Full Video Notification

One of the inventive aspects of Facebook Video marketing is the notification. Unlike You
Tube which just puts it in a single line for instance xxx has commented/ shared your video in
Facebook you get the full video title when your Friends are liking or commenting on your
All Other You Tube Features

You get related content, autoplay feature, video quality control & create video playlist as
well. Pretty much everything that you can do on You Tube. Guess what! Now you can even
upload 240 minute long video on Facebook as well.

Why Makemyfilm?
It isn’t that You Tube is bad or less resourceful. But the fact is Facebook Video Marketing can
be used in more ways than it is usually expected to be.

Try us Makemyfilm, Top Digital ad Filmmaker in Hyderabad & discover newer ways to create
& advertise video ad films

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