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Lesson 6: Digital Cameras: Exposure Triangle: ISO

Sensitivity to Light: Get it Right

Exposure Triangle

 A photograph is made up of three elements to make an exposure

 E=IxTxS
 Exposure = Intensity x Time x Sensitivity

What is ISO?

 ISO is the amount of sensitivity the image sensor (CCD or CMOS) in your
camera has to light.
 The term ISO is a hold-over from the days of film cameras when film was
rated for its sensitivity.
How Does ISO Work?

 For most cameras 200 is the default outdoor ISO for bright sunny days.
 But many cameras work best at ISO 100 for bright sunlight. You will need
to experiment.
 Indoor situations have less light, so they call for a higher ISO number -
usually 400, but you might need more.
 Indoor situations have less light, so they call for a higher ISO number -
usually 400, but you might need more.

Activities: Performance Task

Capture (2) photo/picture with yourself using applied ISO 100 and ISO 1600 in
the phone settings. Send your work on USB.
(15 points.)

P.S. Download and use Open Camera Application in Play store to capture an

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