Pre Work Exercise VF1

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Pre-work Exercise

Choose one person, spouse/ relative/ someone at work, and ask them about how they perceive
your presence.

Mentioned below are a few questions to guide you in having a conversation about your presence as
perceived by them. Ask for examples for better understanding.

1. When you met me for the first time what was your first impression? If somebody asks about
me, how would you describe my impression on other people? What are the unique qualities
in me?

I asked one of my seniors,

First impression- objective and quick learner
Unique qualities- work management, soft spoken, aggressive at work and meeting goals

2. Please describe how I handle difficult/complex conversations/ situations? What is my first

reaction? How do I generally deal with tough situations?

As per one of my seniors, I remain calm and confident. Try to contain the situation , not playing
blame game . and keep up the team confidence.

3. How would you describe my style of communication? What do you think I am better at
written or oral communication? Do I convey well what I have to express?

Better in written communication as compared to oral communication.

Sometimes , I am unable to make myself express because I speak sometime in a very low

4. How would you describe my listening skills?

Good and able listener

5. Does my body language seem synchronous with what I speak? Do my facial expressions and
physical actions help or hamper communication?

Yes, and it helps the communication in a way.

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