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Homework 3

5.1 (a) Why are constant-envelope modulation techniques preferred for
use on radio channels for mobile communications?
(b) Explain, on the basis of (a), why FM, rather than AM, was adopted
for use with the first-generation AMPS.
(c) Again referring to (a), why do digital mobile wireless systems avoid
using some form of QAM requiring multiple amplitude levels, despite the
ability thereby to attain higher bit rates over the channels provided?
(d) Why are bandwidth and power efficiency important considerations in
the design of mobile wireless systems?
5.2 (a) QPSK is to be used to transmit data over a wireless link operating
at a carrier frequency of 871.5 MHz. The transmission bandwidth
available at that frequency is 1.25 MHz. Sinusoidal rolloff shaping is to
be used. Calculate the data rate that can be used for the following rolloff
factors: r = 0.25, 0.5, 1.Whatwould the comparable rates be if PSK were
to be used? Would the results differ at a different carrier frequency?
(b) Repeat (a) for a bandwidth of 30 kHz centered about the same carrier
frequency. Again, would the results differ at a different carrier frequency?
5.3 (a) Choose an input sequence of ten or more binary digits to be
applied to a QPSK modulator as in Fig. 5.11. Map them to the five
appropriate QPSK signal pairs using Table 5.1. Sketch the corresponding
output QPSK signals using the signal representation of (5.7). Ignore the
shaping function for simplicity. Let the carrier frequency be some
multiple of 1/T. Note the times at which π-radian and π/2-radian phase
shifts occur. Correlate these with the input bit pairs.
(b) Repeat (a) for the OQPSK modulator of Fig. 5.15. What is the
maximum phase shift in this case?
5.4 (a) Focus on QPSK. Explain, using a specified sequence of binary
digits, the effect on phase transitions of changes in the sign of first, one,
and, then, both of the coefficients ai and bi appearing in (5.7).
(b) Show, for the same sequence as in (a), how OQPSK differs from
QPSK. What is it about this result that makes OQPSK preferable to
QPSK for mobile communication?
(c) Compare MSK with QPSK for the same sequence as in (a).
5.5 (a) MSK modulation is defined by (5.8) or by Fig. 5.16. Show that
(5.8) may be expressed in the equivalent forms of (5.9) and (5.10).
(b) Explain, by example, the statement in the text, that only one of the
coefficients ai and bi can change at a time with MSK. Why is the
maximum phase change then only π/2 radians?
5.6 Consider the MSK modulator shown in Fig. 5.16. Sketch the output
MSK signal for a sequence of at least ten input bits, arbitrarily chosen.
Demonstrate that the signal does have a constant envelope. Do any phase
discontinuities appear at the bit transition points? Explain.
5.7 (a) The analysis of MSK detection following (5.10) shows that if f =
R/4, as in (5.10), successive values of ai and bi will be uniquely
recovered using the FSK detector of Fig. 5.17. Carry out the analysis,
filling in all of the details left out, and demonstrate the validity of the
argument used.
(b) Continuing the discussion in (a) of the FSK detector of Fig. 5.17,
show, as suggested in the text, that for all possible values of ai (bi)
correctly established, the detector will, an interval T/2 later, uniquely and
correctly produce the value of bi (ai) that may have been transmitted.
5.8 Equation (5.13) represents the effect of shaping a binary pulse of
width D by a gaussian filter whose impulse response (characteristic in
time) is given by (5.11) and frequency spectrum by (5.12). Plot (5.13) as
a function of time for various values of BN = BD, including specifically
the value 0.3, as well as values above and below that value. Show the
effect of reducing bandwidth B is to introduce more
inter-symbol interference, as indicated in the text. You will need to use a
software package, or a table, of the complementary error function erfc(x)
defined by (5.14).
5.9 Consider π/4 DQPSK as described in the text. The initial phase of the
system is set to start at zero. Let the incoming bit stream be 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1, ordered from left to right. Show the points on the constellation
diagram of Fig. 5.20 through which the modulator moves as these bits are
processed, one after another 5.10 A transmission bandwidth of 2 MHz is
available. Nyquist rolloff shaping is used in transmitting data.
(a) Find the bit rates that may be transmitted over this channel using PSK
for rolloff factors of (1) 0.2, (2) 0.25, and (3) 0.5.
(b) Nyquist rolloff shaping of 0.25 is used. It is desired to transmit at a
rate of 6.4Mbps over this channel. Show how this may be done. Repeat
for 9.6 Mbps.

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