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Generalized machine laboratory

Experiment no.(2)

Dynamic simulation
Of three phase induction machine by using
MATLAB Simulink

‫إشراف ست سنابل‬

‫عبدالعزيز مولود خضر‬

‫ماجستير هندسة تقنيات القدرة الكهربائية‬

Dynamic simulation
Of three phase induction machine by using
MATLAB Simulink

Aim of experiment :-
To analyze the performance of electrical induction machine
by Simulink using dq0 transformation .

The dynamic analysis of induction machine can be
described by voltage, current, torque and flux linkage equation.
Hence simulate this parameters by graphical method to explain
the behavior of this machine under different conditions.
A polyphase variables (stator & rotor ) can be replaced and
simplified by d-q transformation.

1- to simulate induction machine have to convert three phase
(a,b,c) system into two phase (d-q) system by drawing and
connecting our source block diagram inserted by transfer
matrix from a-b-c to α-β rotating system
1 1/2 −1/2
vα 2

vβ =
| 0
√ √

|| |
2 vc
1/√ 2 1/ √ 2 1 /√ 2
3 ∗ vb

Valpha (2/3)*(u[1]-(1/2)*u[2]-(1/2)*u[3])
Vbeta (2/3)*((sqrt(3)/2)*u[2]-(sqrt(3)/2)*u[3])

Alpha-Beta transformation block

After than we must convert alpha-beta into stationary d-q
system by written transfer matrix in block function.
cosθ sinθ
cosθ ] |vαvβ|
Vds (u[1]*cos(u[3])-sin(u[3])*u[2])
Vqs u[1]*sin(u[3])-u[2]*cos(u[3])

d-q block diagram

we suppose Vqr and Vdr equal zero because the rotor bars
are shorted .

2- the output of source block (vds,vqs,vdr,vqr) connected to

the Multiplexer, and after that making our simulation block
by written flux linkage and current equations in function
block(fcn) to describe the dynamic behavior of induction
To found flux linkage associated with this circuit


=wb ¿

=wb ¿

We have derivative equations above of flux linkage and

must be integrated by connect integrator block in series
with function , illustrate in fig

To found flux linkage in magnetizing circuit

ψm q= Xm 1∗¿]

ψmd =Xm 1∗¿]

Xm1= 1 + 1 + 1
xm x 1 s x 1r
The sample con not be written in the matlab circuit and

replaced by F latter in function block

Fqs u[4]*(u[2]-(u[3]/u[4])*u[5]+(rs/x1s)*(u[6]-u[9]))
Fds u[4]*(u[1]+(u[3]/u[4])*u[9]+(rs/x1s)*(u[7]-u[5]))
Fqr u[4]*(u[14]-((u[3]-u[17])/u[4])*u[19]+(rr/x1r)*(u[6]-u[18]))
Fdr u[4]*(u[15]+((u[3]-u[17])/u[4])*u[18]+(rr/x1r)*(u[7]-u[19]))
Fmq u[8]*((u[9]/x1s)+(u[18]/x1r))
Fmd u[8]*((u[5]/x1s)+(u[19]/x1r))
Xm 1/((1/xm)+(1/x1s)+(1/x1r))

After find the flux linkage we connect feedback from function

outlet to multiplexer for compute current by following
Iqs= x 1 s (ψqs−ψmq )
Iqs (1/x1s)*(u[9]-u[6])
Ids= x 1 s (ψds−ψmd ) Ids (1/x1s)*(u[5]-u[7])
Iqr (1/x1r)*(u[18]-u[6])
Iqr= x 1 r (ψqr −ψmq) Idr (1/x1r)*(u[19]-u[7])
Idr= x 1 r (ψdr −ψmq)
Simulink block diagram
From above equation of the torque and speed can be
determined as.

Te = 2

Acceleration is resulted by divide torque /inertia . and the

integration of acceleration give us wr, induction motor have two
models torque or wr model in our model the feedback is speed
the motor

Wr=∫ 2 j (Te−TL)

TL load torque on the shaft of motor

Te (3/2)*(p/2)*(1/u[4])*(u[5]*u[10]-u[9]*u[11])
Wr (p/2*j)*(u[16]-u[20])

3- After finish the modeling of machine mathematically we write m-

file parameter and run the program.
M file parameters

TL =0 at no load

Discuss the resultant obtained

1- The principle operation of induction motor, when a stator
winding connected to three phase power source, it produces
magnetic field or flux, self and mutual with other winding,
that flux revolving at synchronous speed, the squirrel cage
of the rotor cutting this field and due to induced emf
generated in rotor bars. The interaction between to fluxes
stator and rotor flux will generate developed torque of
motor and hence the rotor will rotate at rotating speed Wr.
The ratio difference between ws and wr called slip
2- At standstill the rotor is stationary and need huge starting
torque and current may be equal 2.5 or 3 times of load
torque and 6-8 times of steady state current, because this
reason we see disturbance in the stator current ids, and iqs
in the scope

Stator current iqs,ids with time

Form fig above we note the disturbance of starting current until
more 4s the current transfer from transient to steady state and
fixed at rated value.
This behavior show us how effected of starting period of
induction motor on electrical network .
Transient response of Te & Wr with time

At starting period the torque is disturbance because the

frequency of rotor current equal to f supply and s=1
the value of inertia equal to zero
At accelerating time the rotor speed increased linearly from 0
to 4s and hence the speed fixed at rated
Torque , speed plot
The speed relative propartional with torque at sarting period
because the value of inretia equal to zero and increas gradually,
Torque increased until the motor arrive to steady-state speed and
moment of inretia will increased, at this moment the torque
equal or few more the value of load torque.
In this simulation we meet some difficult and problem.
1- We don’t use paper work and write equations immediately
in FCN function.
2- The value of inertia effect on starting period , we don’t
adjust this value.
3- Some of writing equations mistakes such as signs mistake.

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