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AUTODESK’ EXPERT ELITE » AUTODESK’ 3DS MAX’ Autodesk 3ds Max 2021 Basic Level Modeling Book Serdar Hakan DUZGOREN About me Serdar Hakan DUZGOREN | Autodesk Expert Elite | was born in 1980 in Istanbul, | graduated from Umraniye Industrial Vocational High Schoo! Building Department in 1996. | first entered the computer world using Autodesk AutoCAD. For 3 years until 2000, | supported many companies in the fields of consultancy, project and implementation on AutoCAD. Between 2000 and 2004, | worked in both Autodesk AutoCAD and 2D design and printing areas in the digital printing systems sector (CorelDraw, Freehand, Quarkexpress, Adobe Photoshop.) Since 2004, Autodesk 3Ds Max, rendering engines and 3D design training and I have been providing consultancy and training in many local and foreign companies as a consultant and continue my business life. Since September of 2014, Turkey Autodesk and Autodesk Commnity | have been working on-site counseling training. Autodesk also held in Turkey for the first time on 10 December 2014 the University | took part as a speaker at the 2014 event. | conducted 7 webinars on 3Ds Max training and render-rendering systems in 2014-2015 at Autodesk Comminity. in year 2015 which granted only 240 people in the world with the title of Autodesk Expert Elite 2 people in Turkey, "I have someone from AUTODESK’ EXPERT ELITE rN AUTODESK UNIVERSITY 2014 E-mail: You can reach from the e-mail address. Also; To attend my training seminars, you can visit, blog., community. Social medi Twitter : @SerdarHakan Facebook: —_ ‘Autodesk Authorized Instructor Information: ‘Autodesk Education Identity ID Numer 5102634 ‘Autodesk Education Instructor ID Numer :46753 Thank you 4 To my dear brothers and bosses, Hasan Serdar TOMURCU and Huseyin Ferdag TOMURCU, who taught me everything, to improve myself, tobe successful in my professional life and to “© Mylife partner, my dear wife, Selda SAHIN DUZGOREN, the biggest thank you for never withholding your support. + To my best father and old friend Ali GUNDOGDU, who criticized me mercilessly, who gave me the title of uncle when | had no chance to become the best software developer and uncle Thanks again to everyone Serdar Hakan DUZGOREN AUTODESK’ EXPERT ELITE Preface Hello everyone, in this book, we touched on the modeling elements and modeling techniques in 3ds Max for beginners, and also explained the usage of ready-made elements. Now let's briefly look at the topics in our book; * Creating Geometry Basics of Creating and Modifying Objects Geometric Primitives Architectural Objects Shapes Compound Objects ‘Systems Point Cloud Object © Surface Modeling Working at the Sub-Object Level Subdivision Surfaces Soft Selection Rollout Collapse Utility Graphite Modeling Tools Editable Mesh Surface Editable Poly Surface Patch Objects NURBS Modeling Tools for Low-Polygon Modeling Serdar Hakan DUZGOREN Autodesk Expert Elite | Autodesk Offical Member | Autodesk Int. Moderator | Autodesk Consultant AUTODESK’ EXPERT ELITE Table of Contents Creating Geometry....... Basics of Creating and Modifying Objects. Varying the Parameters... Collapsing Primitives to Base Geometry. Mapping Coordinates. Using the Create Panel. The Creation Process Create Panel Interface. Identifying the Basic Building Blocks....... Geometty TPES nnn Shape Types... To Create an Object: Standard Primitive or Extended Primitive....... Assigning Colors to Objects...... Object Color Dialog........ 9 Using Random Color Assignment 9 Defining Custom Colors. 8 ‘Switching Between Palettes, 9 Procedures 10 Interface 1 Color Selector Dialog 12 Procedures .... 2B Interfa6e oo ssnnnmnnnnnnnnnnnnnninnnnnnnnnnenn 14 Color Selector for Autodesk Materials and Shaders... 16 Color Clipboard Utity..... v Procedures 7 Interface 18 Adjusting Normals and Smoothing 19 Viewing and Changing Normals 19 Viewing Normals. 20 Unifying Normals. 20 Flipping Normals... 20 Viewing and Changing Smoothing... 20 Viewing Smoothing Groups... 2 Automatically Smoothing an Object... 2 Manually Applying Smoothing Groups 22 Selecting Faces by Smoothing Group... Geometric Primitives... Creating Primitives from the Keyboard. Procedures... Interface Standard Primitives 24 Box 25 Procedures 25 Interface 26 Creation Method rollout .. 26 Parameters rollout... 26 Cone ... 27 PrOCEMUTE vn 27 Interface... Creation Method rollout 27 Parameters rollout 28 Sphere 30 Procedures 30 Interface 31 Creation Method rollout .. 31 Parameters rollout... 31 GeoSphere.... 33 Procedures 34 Interface... 34 Creation Method rollout .. Parameters rollout Geodesic Base Type group. 35 Cylinder 36 Procedures 36 Interface 36 Creation Method rollout .. Parameters rollout... Tube... Procedures ... Interface... Creation Method rollout .. Parameters rollout... Torus. Procedures Interface... Creation Method rollout a Parameters rollout a2 ‘Smooth group. 43 Pyramid 43 Procedures 44 Interface... Creation Method rollout .. Parameters rollout... Teapot... History of the CG Teapot. Procedures Interface Creation Method rollout Parameters rollout Plane, Procedures ....... Interface..... Creation Method rollout .. Parameters rollout... 49 TOXtPIUS one 50 PrOCEMUTE vn 50 Interface 50 Interpolation rollout 50 Layout rollout 51 Parameters rollout 52 Geometry rollout 54 Animation rollout Values as Teo... Set Values as Text using TextPlus.... Procedure ....c 58 Interface... 59 Defined Values group... 59 Value Options group. Value Type group ... Display As group. Extended Primitives... 60 Hedra 2 Interface 63 Torus Knot 65 Procedures 65 Interface 65 Creation Method rollout .. 65 Parameters rollout... 66 ChamferBox... Procedures... Interface... Creation Method rollout 69 Parameters rollout 70 ChamferCyl 70 Procedures nm Interface n Creation Method rollout .. 71 Parameters rollout... 72 OilTank... B Procedure .. 74 Interface... 74 Creation Method rollout .. Parameters rollout 74 Capsule 76 Procedure 76 Interface 76 Creation Method rollout 76 Parameters rollout... 77 Spindle... 78 Procedure .. 8 Interface... 79 Creation Method rollout .. Parameters rollout... L-Ext.. Procedure ... Interface .. Creation Method rollout... Parameters rollout Gengon. Procedure Interface Creation Method rollout Parameters rollout... C-Ext nn Procedure ... Interface... Creation Method rollout .. Parameters rollout RingWave Procedure Interface Prism, Procedure ...... Interface..... Creation Method rollout .. Parameters rollout... Hose... Procedures... Interface Hose Parameters rollout. 95 Spring 99 Procedure 99 Interface 100 Spring Parameters rollout. 100 End Point Method group. 100 Binding Objects group...... 100 Free Spring Parameters group... 101 Common Spring Parameters group... 101 Wire Shape group. 102 Damper... 103 Procedure .. 108 Interface .. 1104 End Point Method group... 1104 Binding Objects group. 104 Free Damper Parameters group 105 Common Damper Parameters group 105 Cylinder Parameters group 105 Piston Parameters group. 106 Boot Parameters group... 107 Architectural Objects... 108 AEC Extended Objects... 108 Working with AEC Design Elements ... 109 Doors and Windows... 109 Allowing Non-vertical Jambs. 110 Additional Parameters. 110 Animating Doors and Windows 110 Creating Stairs and Railings 110 The Railing Object 110 Creating Walls. a Usage Tips. a1 Foliage... 113 Tips... 113 Procedures... 114 Interface... 114 Object Name and Wireframe Color rollout. 114 Keyboard Entry rollout 114 Favorite Plants rollout 115 Parameters rollout 116 Railing 118 Railings and Materials....... 119 Procedures... 119 Interface... 121 Name and Color rollout... 121 Railing rollout... 121 Posts rollout... 123 Fencing rollout... Wall Inserting Doors and Windows in a Wall Walls and Materials... Tips Procedures Interface Keyboard Entry rollout Parameters rollout Editing Wall Objects Interface... Edit Object rollout .. Edit Vertex rollout .. Edit Segment rollout... Edit Profile rollout Stairs. Stairs and Materials. Procedures Interface Object Type rollout... Name and Color rollout..... Parameters rollout... Stringers rollout... Carriage rollout... Railings rollout L-Type Stair Procedures Interface Parameters rollout Spiral Stair Procedures .... Interface Parameters rollout... Center Pole rollout. Straight Stair... Procedures nu 124 126 126 126 127 127 a1 aan 132 1132 133 133 133 134 136 137 138 138 139 139 1.139 139 140 141 142 143 143 143 143 145 146 146 M6 149 149 150 Interface..... Parameters rollout... UsType Staion Procedures... Interface Parameters rollout Doors Doors and Materials Making an Opening for a Door Procedures ... Interface... Object Type rollout... Name and Color rollout... Creation Method rollout .. Parameters rollout Leaf Parameters rollout Pivot Door Interface Parameters rollout Sliding Door... Interface..... Parameters rollout... BiFold Door.... Interface..... Parameters rollout .. Windows. Windows and Materials. Making an Opening for a Window. Procedures Interface Object Type rollout... Name and Color rollout... Creation Method rollout .. Parameters rollout... ‘Awning Window... Interface 150 150 152 152 153 153 155 156 157 157 158 158 159 159 160 161 163 164 164 164 165 165 166 167 167 167 168 170 170 an 17. 1m an 178 174 175 Parameters rollout... Casement Window Interface .. Parameters rollout . Fixed Window. Interface Parameters rollout Pivoted Window Interface Parameters rollout... Projected Window... Interface... Parameters rollout . Sliding Window... Interface Parameters rollout Shapes Using Shapes. Creating Shapes Create Shape from Edges.. Editable Splines .. Renderable Shapes.... Shapes as Planar Objects..... Extruded and Lathed Shapes... Lofting Shapes....... ‘Shapes as Animation Paths. Splines, Extended Splines, and Compound Shapes Procedures Interface Object Type rollout (Splines and Extended Splines). Name and Color rollout... Rendering rollout. Interpolation rollout... Creation Method rollout... Keyboard Entry rollout... Splines. 17S 175 177 177 7 179 179 179 aa 281 181 183 183 184 185 185 186 186 186 187 187 187 188 188 189 189 189 190 191 191 191 192 2195 195 196 196 Line Procedures Interface .. Automatic Conversion to an Editable Spline .... Rendering and Interpolation rollouts. Creation Method rollout Keyboard Entry rollout Rectangle Procedure Interface... Rendering and Interpolation rollouts.. Creation Method rollout .. Keyboard Entry rollout .. Parameters rollout . Circle. Procedures Interface Rendering and Interpolation rollouts. Creation Method rollout Keyboard Entry rollout .. Parameters rollout... Ellipse ... Procedures Interface... Rendering and Interpolation rollouts.. Creation Method rollout Keyboard Entry rollout Parameters rollout Arc. Procedures Interface Rendering and Interpolation rollouts. Creation Method rollout... Keyboard Entry rollout .. Parameters rollout... Donut... 196 197 198 198 198 198 199 199 200 .-200 .-200 .-200 .-200 .-200 201 201 201 201 202 202 202 202 1202 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 204 204 205 205 205 206 Procedures Interface .. Rendering and Interpolation rollouts.. Creation Method rollout... Keyboard Entry rollout Parameters rollout NGon Procedures Interface Rendering and Interpolation rollouts.. Creation Method rollout .. Keyboard Entry rollout...... Parameters rollout . Star. Procedures Interface Rendering and Interpolation rollouts. Keyboard Entry rollout Parameters rollout Text ann Using Text Shapes... Procedures Interface... Rendering and Interpolation rollouts.. Parameters rollout .. Helix Procedures Interface Rendering rollout. Creation Method rollout Keyboard Entry rollout .. Parameters rollout... Converting Helices into Meshes. E 9G con PrOCEdUTE enum Interface 206 1-207 207 207 207 207 207 208 208 208 208 208 208 209 209 210 210 210 210 211 211 2a 202 22 212 2a 21a 215 215 215 215 215 216 216 217 218 Rendering and Interpolation rollouts. Keyboard Entry rollout .. Parameters rollout . SeCtiON ron Procedures Interface Section Parameters rollout Section Size rollout. Freehand. Interface... Rendering and Interpolation rollouts. Freehand Spline rollout, Create mode....... Freehand Spline rollout, Modify mode... Procedures... Extended Splines. WRectangle Spline Procedures Interface Rendering and Interpolation rollouts. Creation Method rollout .. Keyboard Entry rollout..... Parameters rollout... Channel Spline. Procedures... Interface... Rendering and Interpolation rollouts. Creation Method rollout Keyboard Entry rollout Parameters rollout Angle Spline Procedures .... Interface Rendering and Interpolation rollouts. Creation Method rollout... Keyboard Entry rollout... Parameters rollout... 218 218 219 219 220 221 221 222 222 1223 1223 224 226 227 228 228 228 229 229 229 1229 229 230 1-230 2231 231 231 231 2a 232 232 232 1232 233 233 233 Tee Spline Procedures Interface .. Rendering and Interpolation rollouts.. Creation Method rollout Keyboard Entry rollout Parameters rollout Wide Flange Spline Procedures Interface... Rendering and Interpolation rollouts.. Creation Method rollout .. Keyboard Entry rollout .. Parameters rollout . Shape Booleans. Interface Boolean Parameters rollout. Operand Parameters rollout ‘Seam Parameters rollout. Procedure... Predicting Results. Editable Spline .... Show End Result....... Procedures ... Interface... Rendering and Interpolation rollouts. Selection rollout. Soft Selection Selection Info. Geometry rollout Editable Spline (Object)... Interface Rendering, Interpolation, and Selection rollouts... Geometry rollout... Editable Spline (Vertex)... Procedures ....... 234 234 234 234 234 235 235 235 236 236 236 236 236 236 237 237 237 238 2a2 242 243 243 244 244 245 245 249 250 251 21 1251 251 251 282 256 256 Interface..... Soft Selection rollout Geometry rollout Editable Spline (Segment)... Procedures Interface Rendering, Interpolation, and Selection rollouts Soft Selection rollout Geometry rollout ‘Surface Properties rollout. Editable Spline (Spline) .... Procedures Interface... Rendering, Interpolation and Selection rollouts... Soft Selection rollout Geometry rollout Surface Properties rollout Shape Check Utility Interface Compound Objects Boolean Compound Object..... Interface... Boolean Parameters rollout...... Operand Parameters rollout... Procedures... Booleans and Materials Best Practices for Working with Booleans Boolean Explorer Menu bar Select menu. Display menu Tools menu... Customize MENU... Surface Modeling. Working at the Sub-Object Level..... 287 287 287 265 266 266 266 266 266 2m 2M 27 278 273 273 2a 280 2a 2a 282 282 1.283 1283 284 .-290 201 201 293 204 204 204 204 1298 295 295 FTW setecing sub-objects 296 How to Enable Sub-Object Selection....... 297 Storing Sub-Object Selection Sets. 298 Using Sub-Object Selections 298 Transforming a Sub-Object Selection. 298 Cloning Sub-Object Geometry. 299 Animating Sub-Object Geometry. 299 Subdivision Surfaces... 299 About OpenSUbdiv «nnn 300 To Work with OpenSubdiv. 300 Using Multiple Objects with CreaseSet... 308 Troubleshooting OpenSubdiv 309 OpenSubdiv Modifier... 310 General Controls rollout. 310 OpenSubdiv Controls rollout 311 Adaptive Subdivision group. 314 Mesh Controls rollout 315 Crease Modifier. 316 Interface... 2316 CreaseSet Modifier... . 317 Selection rollout... 317 Select by Face Angle group... 318 Crease Sets rollout... 319 Crease Sets list right-click menu. 320 Options rollout 321 Crease Explorer 322 Crease Explorer toolbar. 322 Crease Explorer Columns 323 Soft Selection Rollout... . 323 Soft Selection Controls in the Caddy.... 325 Procedure ... 325 Interface oneness 327 Edit Soft Selection Mode... 328 Paint Soft Selection group. 330 Collapse Utility. 331 Procedures Interface .. Graphite Modeling Tools... Modeling Tab. Polygon Modeling Panel Interface Soft Panel Interface PaintSS Panel Interface... Topology Dialog... Interface... ‘Symmetry Tools Dialog... Interface... Modify Selection Panel Interface Edit Panel Interface Use NURMS Panel. Interface Render group... UV Tweak Options Panel Interface... Geometry (All) Panel. Interface... Slice Mode Panel. Interface [Sub-object] Panels Vertices Panel Interface Edges Panel Interface Border Edges Panel... Interface... Polygons/Elements Panel... Interface BBL 332 2333 334 334 335, 340 340 342 1342 343 oo BA3 346 347 348 348 357 387 363 363 366 366 366 367 367 374 374 375 375 375 379 2.380 387 388 391, 391, Loops Panel... Interface .. Loop Tools Dialog... Interface... Ad Subdivision Panel ional Panels Triangulation (Tris) Panel Align Panel Visibility Panel Properties Panel Editable Mesh Surface Procedures Interface... Modifier Stack display... Selection rollout Named Selections. Selection Information Soft Selection rollout Edit Geometry rollout Selection Rollout (Editable Mesh)... Interface... Editable Mesh (Object)... Interface... Selection rollout... Edit Geometry rollout... Surface Properties rollout Subdivision Presets group & Subdivision Method group. Editable Mesh (Vertex) Procedures Interface Selection rollout. Soft Selection rollout .. Edit Geometry rollout... Surface Properties rollout... Editable Mesh (Edge)...... Procedure ... 399 399 407 408 au au 412 414 415 416 ANB ANB 419 419 a19 a19 420 420 420 420 A 23 M23 23 a4 425, 426 426 226 428 1 A28 A28 428 429 430 430 Interface..... Selection rollout... Soft Selection rollout . Edit Geometry rollout... Surface Properties rollout Editable Mesh (Face/Polygon/Element). Interface Selection rollout. Soft Selection rollout Edit Geometry rollout .. Surface Properties rollout Edit Geometry Rollout (Mesh)... Interface... Attach Options Dialog... Interface Tips Troubleshooting Problems with Vertex Colors or Mapping. ut and Slice (Editable Mesh) Procedures Interface Cut and Slice group.. Editable Poly Surface. Overriding Actions with Press/Release Keyboard Shortcuts Toggling Between Sub-object Levels... Editable Poly Workflow... Procedures Interface Stack Display. Selection rollout. Soft Selection rollout Edit (sub-object) rollout... Edit Geometry rollout .. Subdivision Surface rollout...... ‘Subdivision Displacement rollout... Subdivision Presets group & Subdivision Method group..... Paint Deformation rollout. ABZ ABZ 432 433 433 434 434 434 434 435 436 438 38 48 ag 449 450 450 450 1 AS2 ABZ 453 ASA ASA 455 455 456 456 456 456 ASE 457 487 487 487 487 To Create a Polygon MESH wan Selection Rollout (Polymesh). Converting Sub-object Selections. Interface... Editable/Edit Poly (Object) Edit Geometry rollout Subdivision Surface rollout. ‘Subdivision Displacement rollout Paint Deformation rollout Editable Poly (Vertex)... Procedures .... Interface... Edit Vertices rollout... Vertex Properties rollout... Editable Poly (Edge). Procedures Interface Edit Edges rollout Editable Poly (Border) Procedures ..... Interface... Selection rollout... Edit Borders rollout... Edit Geometry rollout... ‘Subdivision Surface rollout... Subdi Paint Deformation rollout. n Displacement rollout Editable Poly (Polygon/Element) Interface Selection rollout. Edit Polygons/Elements rollout. Edit Geometry rollout .. Polygon: Material IDs rollout..... Polygon: Smoothing Groups rollout... Polygon: Vertex Colors rollout... Subdivision Surface rollout. 487 458 458 460 467 467 468 468 468 468 468 69 469 AT8 475, 475 480 481 489 490 490 490 490 494 494 494 494 494 495 495 495 504 504 505 506 506 Subdivision Displacement rollout 506 Paint Deformation rollout 1 506 Edit Geometry Rollout (Polymesh and Edit Poly)..... 1506 Interface... 507 Subdivision Surface Rollout (Polymesh). 517 Interface 518 Subdivision Displacement Rollout (Polymesh) 521 Interface 522 Subdivision Presets group & Subdivision Method group. 523 Paint Deformation Rollout (Polymesh)... 523 Procedures .... 523 Interface css ssn sn sennnesesnnn 52M Editable Poly Settings. 1526 The Caddy Interface, 526 Settings Persistence. 528 Editable Poly Settings. 529 The Caddy Interface. 529 Settings Persistence. 531 Bevel Polygons (Polymesh) 531 Interface 582 Bridge Borders/Polygons (PolyMeSh).....nnnsnsnnnnntnnn 533 Interface oneness 534 535 Bridge Edges (Polymesh)...... 536 Interface... 1536 538 Chamfer Vertices/Edges/Borders (Polymesh) 539 Interface 539 Connect Edges (Polymesh) 543 Interface 544 545 Extrude Polygons Along Spline (Polymesh). 546 Interface cuss 546 347 Extrude Polygons (Polymesh)... 548 Interface 548 Extrude Vertices/Edges (Polymesh). Interface .. Hinge From Edge (Polymesh)... Interface Inset Polygons (Polymesh) Interface MeshSmooth Selection (Polymesh)..... Interface... Preserve Map Channels Dialog (Polymesh) ... Interface... Relax (Polymesh) Interface Tessellate (Polymesh) Interface Weld Vertices/Edges (Polymesh)..... Interface... Smart Extrude... Patch Objects. Editable Patch Surface ‘Show End Result Procedures Interface Selection rollout. Soft Selection rollout .. Geometry and Surface Properties rollouts. Selection Rollout (Editable Patch) . Interface... Editable Patch (Object)... 549 549 350 350 551 551 552 552 553 553 553 554 554 554 555, 556 556 557 557 587 558 558 559 559 560 560 561, 561, 561, 564 564 564 564 565 565 568 Interface..... Selection rollout......... Geometry rollout Surface Properties rollout... Editable Patch (Vertex) Procedures Interface Selection rollout. Soft Selection rollout Geometry rollout ......... Surface Properties rollout. Editable Patch (Handle). Interface..... Editable Patch (Edge)... Procedures Interface Selection rollout. Soft Selection rollout Geometry rollout Editable Patch (Patch) Texture Mapping Patches: Interpolation in Curved Space. Interface..... Selection rollout... Soft Selection rollout .. Geometry rollout... Surface Properties rollout Editable Patch (Element) Interface Selection rollout. Soft Selection rollout Geometry rollout Geometry Rollout (Patch)...... Interface... Patch Grids... Surface Tools... Editable Patches. 568 568 569 .-570 571 571 573 573 573 S74 S75 576 S77 S77 578 578 578 578 579 579 580 581 581 581 582 583 585 585, 585, 585, 586 586 587 596 397 597 Procedures Interface .. Quad Patch Procedures... Interface Name and Color rollout. Keyboard Entry rollout Parameters rollout Tri Patch, Procedures ... Interface... Name and Color rollout... Keyboard Entry rollout .. Parameters rollout . Tools for Low-Polygon Modeling Show Statistics Procedures Interface Level of Detail Utility Procedures... Interface... Optimization Modifiers .. Batch ProOptimizer Util... Batch ProOptimizer Rollout. Interface... Batch Optimization Dialog Interface Batch Optimization: Source Files Panel. Interface Batch Optimization: Optimization Panel. Interface Batch Optimization: Optimized Files Panel Interface... 597 597 597 598 599 599 599 600 600 600 601 601 .- 601 602 602 602 602 602 603 604 605 607 608 609 610 610 611 611 612 612 613 614 615 Creating Geometry The solid 3D objects in the scene, and the objects used to create them, are known as geometry. Usually, geometry comprises the subject of your scene and the objects that you render. Villa with a swimming pool was created using a variety of geometry. This section describes the types of geometry you can create using the Create panel. Basics of Creating and Modifying Objects This section provides an introduction to techniques for creating and modeling objects. The Create panel contains controls for creating new objects, the first step in building a scene. Despite the variety of object types, the creation process is consistent for most objects. Typically you create objects interactively with the mouse; alternative methods are available. For details, see Creating an Object. The Modify panel provides controls to complete the modeling process. You can rework any object, from its creation parameters to its internal geometry. Both object-space and world-space modifiers let you apply a wide range of effects to objects in your scene. The modifier stack allows editing of the modifier sequence. In 3ds Max, you model basic parametric objects into more complex ones by: = Changing parameters = Applying modifiers ‘+ Directly manipulating sub-object geometry Varying the Parameters Unlike physical objects, with a fixed shape and size, you can change the creation parameters of objects and shapes to dramatically alter topology. Here are some examples of changes you can make: + Tum a cone into a four-sided pyramid by reducing the number of sides and tuming the ‘Smooth option off + Slice any cit ular object as if it were a pie. + Animate almost all creation parameters, and interactively change their settings during animation playback. + Render splines directly at any assigned width. ‘+ Break, detach, and divide wall segments. ‘+ Change the number of risers without affecting the overall rise of the stairs. Collapsing Primitives to Base Geometry You can collapse a geometric primitive or shape to one of a variety of base geometric types once you no longer need access to its creation parameters. For example, you can convert any standard primitive to an editable mesh, editable poly, editable patch, or NURBS object, and you can convert a spline shape to an editable mesh, editable spline, or NURBS object. The easiest way to collapse an object is to select it, right-click it, and choose a "Convert to” option from the quad menu > Transform quadrant. This lets you use explicit editing methods with the object, such as transforming vertices. You can also use the Modify panel to collapse a primitive, Mapping Coordinates Most Geometry objects have an option for generating mapping coordinates. Objects need these mapping coordinates if you plan to apply a mapped material to them. Mapped materials include a wide range of rendered effects, from 2D bitmaps to reflections and refractions. See Mapping Coordinates and Example of Using Maps. If mapping coordinates have already been applied to an object, the checkbox for this feature is turned on, Using the Create Panel The Create panel provides the controls for creating objects and adjusting their parameters. To access the Create panel: 1. Click IRM (Create tab) on the command panel By default, this panel is open when you start 3ds Max. If the command panel isn't visible, choose it from the Customize Display right-click menu. Alternatively, open the Customize menu, then the Show Ul submenu, and choose Show Command Panel. 2. Click an object type to display its Parameters rollout, The Creation Process The actual creation of objects is accomplished with a single click of the mouse, a drag, or some combination, depending on the object type. This is the general sequence: + Choose an object type. ‘+ Click or drag in a viewport to create an object of approximate size and location. ‘+ Adjust the object's parameters and position, either immediately or later. See Creating an Object, Create Panel Interface Controls in the Create panel vary depending on the kind of object you are creating. However, certain controls are always present, and others are shared by nearly all object types. Category Buttons at the top of the panel access the seven main categories of objects. Geometry is the default category Subcategory A list lets you select subcategories, For example, subcategories under Geometry include Standard Primitives, Extended Primitives, Compound Objects, Particle Systems, Patch Grids, and NURBS Surfaces. Object Type A rollout contains labeled buttons for creating objects in a particular subcategory, plus the AutoGrid checkbox. Name and Color The Name shows the automatically assigned name of the object. You can edit this name or replace it with another. (Different objects can have the same name, though this is not, recommended.) Clicking the square color swatch brings up an Object Color dialog to change the color of the object as it appears in viewports (the wireframe color). Creation Method This rollout provides a choice of how you use the mouse to create an object. For example, you can use either the center (radius) or edge (diameter) to define the size of a Circle shape. ‘A default creation method is always selected when you access the tool. If you want to use an alternate method, choose the option before you create the object. The creation method has no effect on a finished object; the options are for your convenience during creation. Keyboard Entry This rollout lets you enter creation parameters from the keyboard for geometric primitive and shape objects, Parameters This rollout shows creation parameters: the defining values for an object. Some parameters can be preset, while others are only for adjustment after an object has been created. Other rollouts ‘Additional rollouts can appear on the Create panel, depending on what kind of object you create. Identifying the Basic Building Blocks On the Create panel, the categories for Geometry and Shapes supply the "building blocks" to combine and modify into more sophisticated objects. These paramettic objects are ready to use. By adjusting values and turning some buttons on or off, you can create dozens of "new' building blocks from the ones listed here, You can choose these types from the sub-categories list on the Create panel. Geometry Types Standard Primitives Relatively simple 3D objects such as Box, Sphere, and Cylinder, as well as Torus, Plane, Cone, GeoSphere, Tube, Teapot, and Pyramid. Extended Primitives More complex 3D objects such as Capsule, OiTank, Spindle, Hedra, Torus Knot, and. Prism, Compound Objects Compound objects include Scatter, Connect, ShapeMerge, Booleans, Morph, BlobMesh, Terrain, and Loft. Booleans combine the geometry of two objects using union, intersection, and difference operations. Morphs are animated objects that change one geometric shape into other shapes over time. ShapeMerge lets you embed a spline shape into a geometric mesh, Loft uses shapes as cross sections along a path to produce a 3D object Particle Systems Animated objects that simulate spray, snow, blizzard, and similar collections of small objects. Patch Grids Simple 2D surfaces ready for modeling or repairing existing meshes. Body Objects A generic object format to support geometry created in other applications. Doors Parametric door styles include Pivot, BiFold, and Sliding. NURBS Surfaces Analytically generated surfaces especially suited for modeling surfaces with complicated curves. indows Parametric window styles include Awning, Fixed, Projected, Casement, Pivoted, and Sliding AEC Extended Elements useful for AEC design, including Terrain, Foliage (plants and trees), Railing, for creating custom railings, and Wall, for the production of Wall objects Note: Default materials are automatically applied to Foliage, as well as to the following object types: Railing, Stairs, Doors, and Windows Dynamics Objects Consists of the Spring and Damper object types. Stairs Four types of stairs: Spiral, L-Type, Straight, and U-Type Shape Types Splines Common 2D shapes such as a Line, Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse, Arc, Donut, NGon, and Star. Text shapes support TrueType fonts. Section creates a spline from the cross-section of an object. Helix is a 3D shape. NURBS Curves A Point Curve and CV Curve provide the starting points for complex surfaces. See Introduction to NURBS Modeling, Extended Splines More complex 2D shapes including Walled Rectangle, Channel Spline, Angle Spline, Tee Spline, and Wide Flange Spline, Extended splines can be used in architectural and similar applications. To Create an Object: Standard Primitive or Extended Primitive With some variations, the steps shown in the following images apply to creating any type of object on the Create panel. For specific examples, see the Procedures section in any object's topic. a 1. Radius defined 2. Height defined 3. Sides increased Choose an object category: 1. Click Ill (Create tab) to view the Create panel. Click one of the buttons at the top of the Create panel. For example, Oo (Geometry). Choose the subcategory Standard Primitives from the list. ‘A number of buttons appear on the Object Type rollout. Choose an object type: Choos Preset Create Click the button for the type of object you want to create. The button highlights, showing that itis active. Four rollouts appear: Name and Color, Creation Method, Keyboard Entry, and Parameters, fe a creation method (optional): You can accept the default method and skip this step. Choose a method in the Creation Method rollout. the creation parameters (optional): You can adjust all creation parameters after you create an object. Skip this step if you prefer. In the Parameters rollout, you can set parameters before you create an object. However, the values of parameters you set by dragging the mouse (for example, the Radius and Height of a cylinder) have no effect until after you create the object the object: Put the cursor at a point in any viewport where you want to place the object, and hold the mouse button down (do not release the button). Drag the mouse to define the first parameter of the object; for example, the circular base of a cylinder. Release the mouse button. The first parameter is set with this release. In some cases, such as Sphere, Teapot, and Plane, this completes the object. You can skip the remaining steps. Move the mouse forward and back without touching the mouse button. This sets the next parameter; for example, the height of a cylinder. If you want to cancel: Until you complete the next step, you can cancel the creation process with a right-click Click when the second parameter has the value you want, and so on. The number of times you press or release the mouse button depends on how many spatial dimensions are required to define the object. (For some kinds of objects, such as. Line and Bones, the number is open-ended.) Tip: While creating a multi-step object (between clicks), you can navigate the viewport interactively as follows: To pan the viewport, drag while holding down the middle mouse button. To orbit the viewport, drag while holding down a1 and the middle mouse button. To zoom the viewport, scroll the mouse wheel or hold down ait and ct) and drag forward and back with When the object is complete, itis in a selected state and ready for adjustments, Name the object (optional): 3ds Max gives each new object a default name based on the primitive type and the order of creation. For example: Box001, Sphere030. You can change the name to anything you like using the method described following. Also, to change the number of digits appended to the default object name, edit the ini ion file as follows: add (if necessary) a section named [Preferences] and in that section add the setting NameSutfixLength=#, where # is the number of digits. For example, to use default names like Box00723, add this: [Prefer s) NameSuffixtength=5 To rename an object, highlight the object name in the Name And Color rollout, and then enter a name. This option is available only when a single object is selected. Naming objects is a good practice for organizing your scenes. To name a set of selected objects, see Named Selection Sets, Change the object's display color (optional): The color swatch next to the object name field displays the selected object's color and lets you select a new one, The color is the one used to display the object in viewports. Click the color swatch to display the Object Color dialog. You can also change object colors with Layers. Adjust the object's parameters: You can change the creation parameters immediately after you complete an object, while its still selected. Or, you can select the object later and adjust its creation parameters on. the Modify panel. While making adjustments, you can use viewport navigation controls like Zoom, Pan, and Orbit to change your view of the selected object. You can also adjust the time slider Complete the creation process: While the object type button remains active, you can continue creating objects of the same type until you do one of the following Select an object other than the one you created most recently. Transform an object. Change to another command panel Use commands other than viewport navigation or the time slider. After you end the creation process, changing parameters on the Create panel will have no effect ‘on the object; you must go to the Modify panel to adjust the object's parameters, See Using the Modify Panel Assigning Colors to Objects 3ds Max is a truecolor program. When you pick a color in 3ds Max, you are specifying 24 bits of color data, which provide a range of over 16 milion colors. Object wireframe colors are used primarily as an organizational tool. Object naming strategies, named selection sets, and object wireframe color strategies provide a rich set of tools for organizing even the most complex scenes. You can use two dialogs to specify colors. ‘+ The Object Color dialog contains two preset palettes of colors that you use to set an object’s wireframe color. This is also the surface color you see in a rendered viewport The two color palettes are Default palette and AutoCAD ACI palette. + The Color Selector is a generic dialog that you use to define any color in the 24-bit color range. For the purpose of defining colors to assign to objects, itis available only through the Default palette The Layers functionality lets you organize your scene and can also be used for assigning object colors. For more information, see Laver Explorer. Object Color Dialog The Object Color dialog contains two preset palettes of colors that you use to set an object's wireframe color. This is also the surface color you see in a shaded viewport. ‘+ Click the color swatch by the object's name in any command panel. © Object Properties / Layer Properties dialog > Click the color swatch. Using Random Color Assignment By default, 3ds Max assigns colors randomly as objects are created. The colors are chosen from the current palette in the Object Color dialog. If you turn on Customize > Preferences > General panel > Default to By Layer for New Nodes, new objects are assigned the color set by the layer. For individual objects, you can click the By Layer / By Object button on the Object Color dialog to change the method used to set the object color. Defining Custom Colors When using the 3ds Max palette, the Object Color dialog contains a palette of 16 custom color swatches. You can define any color for each of the 16 color swatches by selecting a swatch from the Custom Colors group, then clicking Add Custom Colors. Switching Between Palettes You can alternate between two versions of the Object Color dialog at any time by clicking the appropriate Basic Colors toggle: + 3ds Max palette: Contains a fixed palette of 64 colors, plus a custom palette of 16 user- defined custom colors. Use this version when you want to work with a smaller palette of colors or when you want to define custom object wireframe colors. ‘+ AutoCAD-compatible version: Contains a fixed palette of 256 colors matching the colors in the AutoCAD Color Index (AC). Use this version when you want to assign object colors that match the AutoCAD Color Index. Using ACI colors is useful if you plan to export objects to AutoCAD and want to organize them by object color, or when you want a wide selection of colors to choose from, Procedures To set object color: 1, Select one or more objects. 2, On any command panel, click the color swatch to the right of the Object Name field to open the Object Color dialog. 3. On the Object Color dialog, if you see a button labeled By Layer, click it to toggle it to By Object. 4. Click a color swatch from the palette, and then click OK to apply the color to the selection, To create objects of the same color: ‘+ On the Object Color dialog, choose the color you want to apply to new objects and turn off Assign Random Colors Newly created objects appear in this color until you change the setting. To define a custom color: 1. With the 3ds Max palette option active, click one of the 16 custom color swatches. Click Add Custom Colors to open the Color Selector dialog, Define a custom color and click Add Color. The custom color is stored in the selected color swatch of the Object Color dialog and is set as the current color. To copy a custom color from an object in your scene to one of your custom color swatches: ‘+ Drag the Active Color swatch up to one of the custom color swatches. The Active Color swatch is in the Object Color dialog, to the left of the OK button. To select objects by color: + cicklllcsciect By Color) This displays the Select Obits siaiog, All objects that have the same color as the current object are highlighted in the list. Click Select. Interface Palette Choose one of these: ‘+ 3ds Max palette When chosen, the dialog displays Basic Colors and Custom Colors groups, and you have the option to add custom colors. ‘+ AutoCAD ACI palette When chosen, the AutoCAD ACI palette is shown. When you click a color, its ACI# is displayed at the bottom of the dialog. Basic Colors A set of 64 default colors, available only when 3ds Max Palette is active. Custom Colors Displays 16 custom colors when 3ds Max Palette is active. To choose a custom color, lick its swatch, To define or change a custom color, click its swatch and then click Add Custom Colors. Add Custom Colors Available only when 3ds Max Palette is active. Clicking this option displays the Color Selector, which allows you to modify the currently selected custom color. If you click Add Custom Colors with a basic color chosen, the dialog switches to the first custom color before opening the Color Selector By Object / By Layer Toggles between setting an object's color directly or using its layer's color. + By Object - Choosing a new color with the Object Color dialog changes the object's wireframe color in viewports. + By Layer - The object uses the color of the layer it belongs to. The color swatch of an object set to or ‘as shown on this dialog and on the command panel, is black and white: [_. In Scene Explorer, the color swatch of an object is this: To change a layer's color, use Layer Explorer. Unavailable for layers Acit Displays the ACI number for the selected color. Available only when AutoCAD ACI palette is active. ry Bi setect by Color Opens the Select Objects dialog listing all objects that use the current color as their wireframe color. Note: This button is available only if at least one object in the scene has the Current Color as its wireframe color. Assign Random Colors When on, 3ds Max will assign a random color to each object created. When off, 3d Max will assign the same color to every object created until the color swatch is changed. This setting affects wireframe colors only when By Object is tured on as the color method. ActivelCurrent Color Displays the active color (if no object is selected) or current color. When you click the color swatch, the Color Selector dialog opens, where you can mix a custom color. Color Selector Dialog The Color Selector dialog lets you specify a custom color parameter in 3ds Max. You can work simultaneously with three different color models to help you zero in on the exact color you want. ‘* Any command panel > Name and Color fields > Click color swatch. > Object Color dialog > Add Custom Colors button or Current Color swatch. Material Editor > Click any color swatch. + Select or add a light object. > ia} Modify panel > Intensity/Color/(Distribution/Attenuation) rollout > Click color or Filter Color swatch, + Default menu: Rendering menu > Environment > Environment and Effects dialog > Click color swatch for Background, Tint, and Ambient components of Global Lighting, and various components of atmospheric effects such as Fire, Fog, and so on. ‘+ Altmenu: Rendering menu > Environment and Effects > Environment and Exposure Settings > Environment and Effects dialog > Click color swatch for Background, Tint, and Ambient components of Global Lighting, and various components of atmospheric effects such as Fire, Fog, and so on. You can use the Color Selector to specify various color parameters including light colors, material colors, background colors, and custom object colors. (Another way to choose an object's viewport color is to use the predefined colors in the Obiect Color dialog.) In most contexts, the Color Selector is modeless; that i, it remains on the screen until you dismiss it, and you can use other controls or work in a viewport while the dialog is stil visible. In other contexts, the Color Selector is modal, and you must close the dialog before proceeding. The dialog is divided into three different color selection models. You can use the controls for any model to define a color. The three color models are: + Hue/Blackness/Whiteness (HBW) The most prominently displayed and intuitive color model is the HBW model. This mode! represents a natural, pigment-based way of mixing color by starting with a pure color (hue) and then making it darker by adding black, or lighter by adding white ‘The main feature of the HBW model is a large square box displaying the color spectrum Across the top of this box you have the spectrum of pure colors, or hue. Down the side of the box you see increasing levels of blackness, making the color dark as you approach the bottom To the right of the color spectrum box is the Whiteness box, which controls the amount of white in the color, Use higher positions to decrease the whiteness, or lower positions to increase the whiteness. + Red/Blue/Green (RGB) The RGB model adjusts the mix of Red, Green, and Blue to define a color. This model represents the way colored light can be mixed. This is additive color mixing, as opposed to the subtractive color mixing for paint and other pigments. You can adjust values using the color sliders, the numeric fields to their right (via the keyboard), or the spinners to the right of the numeric fields, + Hue/Saturation/Value (HSV) The HSV color model adjusts Hue, Saturation, and Value. Hue sets the color; Saturation (labeled "Sat") sets the color's purity; and Value sets the color's brightness, or intensity. You can adjust values using the color sliders, the numeric fields to their right (via the keyboard), or the spinners to the right of the numeric fields. As you adjust the controls of one color model, the controls of the other two models change to match. The color defined by the color model is displayed in the right half of the Color Output box. The original color, before you began making changes, is displayed in the left half. Procedures To display the Color Selector: 1, Click the color swatch of a color parameter such as the color of a light or of a material component. Note: The object color displayed next to an object's name on command panels uses the Object Color dialog. On the Object Color dialog, clicking the Active (or Current) Color swatch o the Add Custom Colors button displays a Color Selector. 2, Make a color selection and click OK or Cancel, or the Close button IES, If using the Add Color version of the Color Selector, be sure to click Add Color first. 3, To revertto the original color, click Reset. To choose the hue of a color, do one of the following: 1. Click anywhere in the Hue rainbow (the large, multicolored square) 2. Drag the Hue slider at the top of the rainbow.

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