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The advantages and disadvantages of the

From my point of view, there are many advantages as well as
disadvantages, regarding the internet.
One good thing about the internet is that we can find a lot of information
about all kind of stuff, but this thing can lead to a disadvantage. A lot of
people, like my mother, instead of seeing a professional doctor, they would
search up on the internet according to the symptoms that they have and
diagnose themselves. My mother has some knowledge of medicine, so most
of the time she diagnoses herself correctly, but most people don’t, so they
panic and treat themselves. This unauthorized treatment can harm their
Another advantage of the internet is that we can recreate seeing a movie or
a documentary, but this thing can get addicting. My ophthalmologist advised
me that after one hour of working on my computer to look out the window at
the beautiful landscape of ten minutes.
The most useful thing is that we can connect with other people and talk
with them on the internet. This can help our mental state in our actual

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