Comparing The Perfomance of Leica Dna03 PDF

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I dedicate this research to the memory of my beloved late grandfather OmariUrughu who passed
away on 13rdof March 2011. His memories and happiness will always dwell in my heart forever.

I, Mussa Hussein, hereby declare that, the contents in this report are the results of my own
findings through studying and investigation to the best of my knowledge. They have never been
presented anywhere as dissertation for diploma or degree or any other academic award in any
higher learning institution.


Mussa, Hussein.

Bachelor of Science in Geomatics.

Department of Geomatics.

Ardhi University

….......................................... ….……………...................

Dr. Elifuraha Saria Dr .Chaula J.A

Supervisor Head of Geomatics Department

I would like to express my deep gratitude toDr.Sariaregarding his major contributions, his
unlimited patience and the valuable guidance he has provided. Thanks to all the staffs of the
Geomaticsi.e , MrKwimbere, my classmate (GM & GI, 2010-2014) and the best friends of mine
BakariMrisho, Charles Onesmo, MabibaMumwi, Emanuel Michael,ChopiEringo and Julius
Jofrey for their collaboration and encouragement.
Finally, I wish to direct my heartfelt and profoundly thanks to my lovely parents,my lovely wife
A. Nkungi, brothers and my sisters for their kindness, love and support.

Precise leveling carried out using different instruments depending on the availability. These
leveling instruments may have different manufacturer precision as well as operation, which may
also bring errors depending on how well operator experienced; however there has not been effort
to compare their precision. This research seeks to compare the precision of Wild N3 to the Leica
DNA03 precise leveling instrument base on standard error as well as the error obtained from
field operations.

In this research, the error from each instrument was studies and compares. In the same way the
fieldwork comparison was made. The operation involved design of one km leveling route and
install four intermediate points TBM1, TBM2, TBM3 and TBM4. This route was surveyed using
both precise leveling instruments and pass through four preinstall intermediatepoints.

This research bear in mind for the operation and procedure of precise leveling instruments which
includes time of observation, using of umbrella on sunny days, backsight and foresight distance
should be equal and in gusty or windy conditions stop leveling because there will be uncertainty
in the readings. At each intermediate points the reading were made twice in one leveling loop
and averaged. The results of these intermediate points as well as final misclosure were obtained
after reduction from both observations.

The results show that the misclosure at TBM1 is -0.03mm, TBM2 is -0.07mm, TBM3 is -0.64
and TBM4 is 0.07mm. Given the misclosure at each TBM points is less than 1mm, this research
conclude that there is no significant different when using either Leica DNA03 or Wild N3
instrument. The only difference may depend on quick or easier the operation of each instrument

Table 1.1 Technical data ................................................................................................................. 9
Table 2.2 Technical Data of DNA03 ............................................................................................ 13
Table 2.3 Technical Data .............................................................................................................. 14
Table 3.1 show Two Peg Test for Leica DNA03 digital level...................................................... 18
Table 3.2 show Two Peg Test for Wild N3 .................................................................................. 19
Table 4.1 forward leveling ............................................................................................................ 21
Table 4.2 backward leveling ......................................................................................................... 21
Table 4.3 comparisons of forward leveling and backward leveling ............................................. 22
Table 4.4 show distribution of error in leveling route and adjusted height .................................. 23
Table 4.5 height obtained by averaging adjusted height of forward and back leveling DNA03 .. 24
Table 4.6 forward leveling obtained by Wild N3 ......................................................................... 24
Table 4.7 backward leveling obtained by Wild N3 ...................................................................... 24
Table 4.8 comparisons of forward leveling and backward leveling ............................................. 25
Table 4.9 height obtained by averaging height of forward and backward leveling Wild N3 ....... 26
Table 4.10 comparison of averaging result obtained in DNA03 and Wild N3............................. 26

Figure 2.1: Invar rod reading (1.48647).......................................................................................... 6
Figure2.2: Segment of a precise leveling staff.............................................................................. 10
Figure2.3: Determining Collimation Error – Step 1 ..................................................................... 16
Figure2.4: Determining Collimation Error – Step 2 ..................................................................... 16

DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................................ i
DECLARATION ......................................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................................. iv
LIST OF TABLE ......................................................................................................................................... v
LIST OF FIGURE ...................................................................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER ONE ......................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the problem. .............................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Objective. ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Significance of the research ........................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Dissertation structure ..................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................................ 4
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Concept of leveling. ....................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Precise Leveling. ........................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Leveling Instruments ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.1 Optical Precise level ................................................................................................................ 8
2.3.2 Digital precise level................................................................................................................. 9
2.3.3 Invar staves ........................................................................................................................... 10
2.3.4 LED Invar Staff Illumination. ................................................................................................ 11
2.4 Leica DNA03 Digital Precise Level ......................................................................................... 11
2.4.1The Measure Modes ............................................................................................................... 12
2.4.2 Characteristics of Leica DNA03 Digital level ........................................................................ 12
2.5 Wild N3 Precision Level .......................................................................................................... 13
2.6 Error Sources and how to eliminate them. .................................................................................... 14
2.6.1Generally instrumental, observational & natural ..................................................................... 14
2.7 Determining Collimation Error: ................................................................................................... 15

2.8 Leveling Adjustment.................................................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 18
METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................................... 18
3.1 Data search .................................................................................................................................. 18
3.2 Survey Planning and Monumentation ........................................................................................... 18
3.3 Instrumentation ............................................................................................................................ 18
3.4 Two peg test ................................................................................................................................ 18
3.5 Data Collection ............................................................................................................................ 19
3.6 Data Processing ........................................................................................................................... 19
CHAPTER FOUR ..................................................................................................................................... 21
RESULTS AND ANALYSIS........................................................................................................................ 21
4.1 Results ......................................................................................................................................... 21
4.1.1 Results of elevation obtained from data collected by DNA03................................................. 21
4.1.2 Distribution of error in route observed by DNA03 ................................................................. 22
4.1.3 Results of elevation obtained from data collected by Wild N3 ............................................... 24
4.2 Analysis of results........................................................................................................................ 26
CHAPTER FIVE ....................................................................................................................................... 28
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................... 28
5.1 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................. 28
5.2 Recommendations........................................................................................................................ 28
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 29
APPENDICES.......................................................................................................................................... 30
Appendix A: Leveling Data ............................................................................................................... 31
Appendix B: Specifications of vertical control. .................................................................................. 35



1.1 Background
Leveling is a system of determining height differences between two points referring to a known
datum usually mean sea level.These heights are very usefully in engineering design, topographic
mapping and bathymetric chart. Different methods are employed to carry out leveling among
them being geometric leveling, trigonometric leveling and precise leveling.

In geometric leveling the difference of height between two points is determined by differences of
readings to the leveling rod placed on those points. The readings are made with a leveling

Trigonometric Leveling: The difference in elevation between two points is determined by

measuring distance (slope or horizontal) and vertical angle.

Precise leveling may be required in certain instances in construction such as in deformation

monitoring, the provision of precise height control for large engineering projects such as long-
span bridges, dams and hydroelectric schemes and in mining subsidence measurements. For
example, a dam that has been in place for many years is unlikely to be moving. However, should
the dam fail the results would be catastrophic for those on the downstream side. Being under the
pressure of water when full, the dam may be liable to distortion. The behaviour of the dam must
therefore be monitored. One way of monitoring any vertical movement along the dam is by
leveling. Since early warning of small movement is required, (Wilf Schofield, 2006)

In previous the precise were carried automatic level (Wild N3), by present many modern
instruments which can be used in precise leveling such Leica DNA03 digital level. However,
there are no information about the performance of the automatic level and the digital level.
This research aimed to compare the performance of these instruments that Wild N3 and Leica
DNA03 digital level in precise leveling. By adhering the condition of precise leveling which is
sight distance should be less than 60m, using umbrella in sunny days, foresight and backsight
should be near equal and staff with supporting in order to avoid seeking of the staff.

1.2 Statement of the problem.
Before a survey any instrument, he/she need to be acquainted with capabilities and limitations of
such an instruments being total station, leveling instrument or GPS receivers. In case of leveling
Instrument, particularly the digital level almost all errors related to the observer are eliminated
by field procedures. However surveyor may need to check for collimation error and or standard

Precise leveling carried out using different instruments depending on the availability. These
leveling instruments may have different manufacturer precision as well as operation, which may
also bring errors depending on how well operator experienced; however there has not been effort
to compare their precision. This research seeks to compare the precision of Wild N3 to the Leica
DNA03 precise leveling instrument base on standard error as well as the error obtained from
field operations.

In this research, the error from each instrument was studies and compares. In the same way the
fieldwork comparison was made. The operation involved design of one km leveling route and
install four intermediate points. This route was surveyed using both precise leveling instruments
and pass through four preinstall intermediate points.

1.3 Objective.
The main objective of this research is tocompare the performance of digital precise level against
precise manual level Wild N3 on an established system of benchmark.

1.4 Significance of the research

The result of this research will help student to known the better instrument used to determine
elevation height. It is important known which level instrument they meet the degree of accuracy
required by leveling specifications of the specified project.

1.5Dissertation structure
The literature review in Chapter 2will illustrate the current directions, regulations and best
practice guidelines for the use of digital level (DNA03) in purpose of determination of elevation.
Also in this chapter we will discuss performance of Wild N3 with the speciation.Chapter 3 the
methodology it covers methods and techniques applied in carrying out the research. It elaborates
the research design and methodology used such as data collection techniq1ues. The research
procedures show how data are collected, analyzed and presented. It shows how the research was

conducted in achieving the objectives. Chapter 4, is on Data analysis and Discussion, it takes a
deeper look on data analysis and discussion of the research results. The chapter aims at
reviewing whether the objectives of the study have been attained.Chapter 5, is on Conclusions
and Recommendations, it covers conclusions and recommendations that provide general
observations on the use of levels DNA03 against Wild N3.



2.1 Concept of leveling.

In 1864, a Swiss recommendation for the execution of a connected network of precise levels over
a large part of Europe was adopted by the International Geodetic Conference. The methods of
observation and the use of a mean sea level datum were included in the resolution. For the
observations on this project, a precise spirit level instrument was designed by Kern of Aarau,
Switzerland; these instruments were widely used in Europe and later several were used by the
Corps of Engineers in the United State. (Berry, 1976)
In 1875 the U.S. Lake Survey (Corps of Engineers), having requirements for precise elevations
above mean sea level for the water levels in the Great Lakes and for bench marks in the adjacent
harbor areas, made a serious effort to carry geodetic leveling into the Great Lakes area.
Observers F. W. Lehnartz and L. L. Wheeler ran "duplicate" levels, in the same direction, from
bench mark "Gristmill" at Greenbush, N.Y., along the Erie Canal to Higginsville, along wagon
roads toFish Creek, and along the New York and
• Use of metric rods (centimeter divisions with millimeters estimated).
• Requirement that two independent observations of section between adjacent
bench marks must not diverge more than 5 mm. \/K (K in kilometers).
• Limitation of sight length to 100 m.; difference between foresight and backsight
distances not to exceed 10 m.

In 1877, the principle of “double-simultaneous" running was introduced by the Corps of

Engineers. The method used two pairs of rods with one Kern instrument; the line of levels was
carried forward with two independent observations of backsight and foresight, on separate
turning points, at each instrument setup. The method generated two independent leveling of the
route but required only one observer and one level, thus providing continuing checks on the work
as the observations progressed.

Previous to this innovation, the standard procedure was to read when the bubble was nearly
centered, noting the actual number of divisions that the bubble was off center, and subsequently
applying corrections for this eccentricity. Detailed instructions for the new procedures were

published by the Mississippi River Commission in 1891 and are reproduced in Johnson (also
discussed, by 0. W. Ferguson in the 1892 Report of the Mississippi River Commission), These
instructions specify that the double running of a section between adjacent bench marks shall
agree within 3mm. times the square root of the section length in kilometers (3 mm. \/X), but the
section length is defined as the distance from one mark to the next and return, i.e., K is twice the
distance between the two bench marks. This is equivalent to 4.2 mm. -\/K if K is defined as the
single distance between bench marks.

Although Kern levels Nos. 1 and 2 are definitely stated to be manufactured by Kern in Aarau,
Switzerland, Johnson states that the term "Kern level" was later used to designate a design type,
some of which were manufactured by F. E. Brandis& Sons Co. in Brooklyn, N.Y. Although
equipped with a tilting screw, the instrument was basically a Y level and had to be used with
care; its constants had to be predetermined frequently to compensate for wear on the collars and
pivots, and corrections, therefore, had to be applied to the observations. Further details
concerning instruments and methods used by the Corps of Engineers are given by Molitor,
especially the "MendenhalT' level made by Buff and Berger. (Johnson, 1902)

In precise leveling we aim to achieve high orders of accuracy such as 1 mm per 1 km

traverse.The precise leveling was carried out by automatic level (Wild N3) or Leica DNA03
digital level. However, there are no information about the performance of the automatic level and
digital level. This thesis aimed to compare the performance of these instruments that Wild N3
and Leica DNA03 digital level in precise leveling. The figure below show how the readings of
precise level are taken.

Figure 2.1: Invar rod reading (1.48647)

2.2 Precise Leveling.

To achieve higher order of accuracy, special care must be performed to minimize errors in
leveling. For the most accurate work, the so called “precise leveling” method is used. The
procedure and the equipment used in precise leveling are more refined and details are paid more

Special levels and rods are used. The rods have scales graduated on invar strips, which are only
slightly affected by temperature variations. Precise level rods (also call “invar rods”) are
equipped with rod bubbles to facilitate plumbing, and special braces aid in holding the rod
steady. Rods usually have two separate graduated scales. This helps us to check the readings and

The following procedures should be adhered to when carrying out precise leveling:

• Precise leveling can be manpower intensive, and therefore expensive to undertake. It is
important to carry out a full reconnaissance of the proposed leveling route prior to
observations being taken to ensure that the best possible route has been chosen.
• End and intermediate benchmarks should be constructed well before leveling starts to
prevent settling during leveling operations.
• Steep slopes are to be avoided because of the unequal and uncertain refraction effects on
the tops and bottoms of staves.
• Long lines should be split into workable sections, usually each section will not be more
than about 3 km, because that is about as much as a team can do in one day. There must
be a benchmark at each end of the line to open and close on. The length of each line will
depend upon terrain, transport, accommodation and other logistical considerations.
• Each section is to be treated as a separate line of leveling and is checked by forward and
backward leveling. This will isolate errors and reduce the amount of re-leveling required
in the case of an unacceptable misclosure.
• On each section, if the forward leveling takes place in the morning of day 1, then the
backward leveling should take place in the afternoon or evening of day 2. This will
ensure that increasing refraction on one part of the line in one direction will be replaced
by decreasing refraction when working in the other direction. This will help to
compensate for errors due to changing refraction effects.
• On bright or sunny days an observing umbrella should be held over the instrument and
tripod to avoid differential heating of the level and of the tripod legs.
• Take the greatest care with the base plate of the staff. Keep it clean. Place it carefully
onto the change plate and do not drop the staff. This will avoid any change in zero error
of the staff. When the staff is not being used, it should be rested upon the staff-man’s
clean boot
• The distances of foresight and backsight must be as nearly equal as possible so as to limit
the effect of the Earth’s curvature, refraction and bad instrumental collimation. This will
also avoid the need to re-focus the level between sightings.
• Take care when leveling along roads or railways. Stop leveling when traffic or vibrations
are heavy. When the staff is not being used, it should be rested upon the staff-man’s clean
boot. Vibration may damage the staff base plate and so change its zero error. On tarmac

and soft ground the instrument or staff may rise after it has been set up. This may be
apparent to the observer but not by the staff person.
• In gusty or windy conditions stop leveling because there will be uncertainty in the
readings. In variable weather conditions consider leveling at night.
• The bottom 0.5 m of the staff should not to be used because of unknown and variable
refraction effects near the ground.
• If a precise automatic level is to be used, it should be lightly tapped and rotated before
each reading to ensure that the compensator is freely operative. This will reduce errors by
ensuring that the compensator always comes from the same direction. Some automatic
levels have a press button for this purpose.

2.3Leveling Instruments
A level is basically a telescope attached to an accurate leveling device, set upon a tripod so that it
can rotate horizontally through 360°. Normally the leveling device is a bubble, but modern ones
incorporate a pendulum.

2.3.1 Optical Precise level

To improve accuracy a parallel plate micrometer can be fitted over the telescope objective. The
parallel plate micrometer permits direct readings to 0.1mm and estimated readings to 0.01mm.
This makes the ideal precise level for deformation studies or industrial measuring tasks.
Manufacturer quote: “standard deviation less than 1mm pre double run of levels over a km” can
be considered as precise. Glass diaphragms (eye piece) –vertical line, leveling line and two stadia
line (upper and lower). (Z. Mohamad, FSPU)

Table 1.1Technical data

standard deviation for 1km double-run leveling depending on type of staff Up to 0.7mm
and on procedure
With parallel-plate micrometer 0.3mm
Telescope Erect image
Standard eyepiece 32×
FOK73 eyepiece (optional) 40×
FOK117 eyepiece (optional) 25×
Clear objective aperture 45mm
Field of view at 100m 2.2m
Shortest focusing distance 1.6m
Multiplication factor 100
Additive constant 0

2.3.2 Digital precise level

Digital automatic levels are precise instruments used for precise leveling. Operation of digital
levels is based on the digital processing of video information from the coded staff. At the
beginning of measurement a visual pointing of the instrument to the surface of leveling meter is
performed. After that the instrument automatically points the focus of its optical system on the
surface of the meter and then a rough correlation calculation is performed followed by the
precise correlation. According to the data received in the processor of the instrument an exact
distance from the axes of the instrument to the surface of the level meter is calculated. According
to the information received by decoding the data from the photoelectric matrix the height of the
level placing is calculated in the processor. During this operation the coded view of the meter is
compared with that saved in the memory of the instrument. A true meter’s height position is
determined according to the shift of the image in the photoelectric sensor (pixels) matrix. (D.
Rekus, V. C. Aksamitauskas& V. Giniotis,2008)

Advantages of digital precise level;

• Level are recorded automatically

• Reduce human errors (reading and booking)
• Reduce observation time
• Include processing software

2.3.3 Invar staves

The leveling staff for surveying work requiring highest accuracy. With the precision invar
leveling staffs, Nedo has set new standards in terms of accuracy and reliability. They are used for
first-order leveling and on large-scale construction sites with stringent requirements. The invar
can also be BAR CODE staff.

Figure2.2: Segment of a precise leveling staff

Features of invar staff:

• Body of the invar staff made of rigid aluminium profile with anodised surface;
• Yellow lacquered graduation side; print protected by polyester coating (1 mm thick);

• Invar tape seated in a protection groove of staff profile and tensioned by soft spring to
compensate extension coefficient of staff profile. Extension coefficient: < 1.5 x 10-6;
• Foot plate slightly protrudes from staff body;
• Foot plate of chrome-alloy, chemically nickel-plated steel; hardened and ground;
• Equipped with circular bubble and fold-away handles as a standard. Handles
zinced and powder-coated.(

2.3.4 LED Invar Staff Illumination.

LED Invar staff illumination for Nedo high precision invar staffs. The Invar Staff Illumination
allows measures to be made with the invar staff and a digital level in absolute darkness. It can be
used for example in mines, tunnels, night-time construction sites and for building monitoring.
The measurement results are just as precise as measurements in daylight. Thanks to its compact
design and integrated power supply, the mobility of the invar staff is not reduced. Highly
efficient LEDs in combination with a specially designed lens and an optimized electronic unit
ensure a long operating life. The lighting does not weaken during the battery running time, so
dependable measurement is always possible. The system can be fitted to an invar staff by the
customer himself using standard tools, and requires no maintenance. The circular level of the
invar staff is additionally lit to permit precise measurements. (

2.4 Leica DNA03 Digital Precise Level

The DNA03 use a magnetically damped compensator based on the model used in the NA3003.
Due to the none-magnetic characteristics of all parts of the pendulum system the magnetic field
of the earth does not influence the compensator.

Improvements made in regard to the circular level were incorporated in the DNA03/DNA10.

Its platform was shifted closer to the telescope and close to the bottom of the telescope housing.

The location guarantees a higher stability of the bubble under the influences of temperature

The staff image is captured by a new high sensitivity CCD linear sensor that is sensitive in the
visible light spectrum. The incoming light is split into a portion for the visual measurement
(visual path) and a portion for the electronic measurement (CCD). The electronic measurement

uses the spectral range, which is partly within the visible light spectrum. The light from
incandescent or halogen lamps is suitable for the staff illumination when measuring in dark
conditions. (Felix Schneider & David Dixon, 2002)

2.4.1The Measure Modes

The measure modes implemented in the NA3003 were well accepted by the users. These modes
are also found in the DNA03 and DNA10. They consist of the single measurement, the mean
mode, the median, and the mean mode with predefined standard deviation. A new mode has been
added, the "repeated single mode" which can be compared with a tracking mode but with each
measurement being a full single measurement. This mode allows the user to investigate the
tendency of a measurement situation and to stop and accept the last measurement when the
conditions have stabilised. (Felix Schneider & David Dixon, 2002)

2.4.2 Characteristics of Leica DNA03 Digital level

• Limited target distance <30m
• Minimum ground clearance of >0.5m required to minimized refractionary influences of
ground proximity.
• Double observance (BFFB, aBFFB) to increase the reliability of measurement and to
reduce possible errors caused by staff sinking
• Applying alternating observations procedures (aBFFB=BFFB FBBF) to eliminate
horizontal tilt (residual error of automatic compensator)
• Use of an umbrella in strong sunlight.

Table 2.2Technical Data of DNA03

standard deviation height measurement per 1km double run

With invar staff 0.3mm
With standard staff 1.0mm
Optical measurement 2.0mm
Telescope magnification 24×
Compensator setting accuracy (standard deviation) 0.3”
Resolution height measurement 0.01mm
Range; 1.8m-110m
Electronic measurement
Optical measurement From 0.6m

2.5 Wild N3 Precision Level

The Wild N3 Precision Level is an outstanding instrument for all first order leveling work.
Designed originally for geodetic networks it has been adopted universally as the ideal level for
the precise measurement required in dam deformation surveys, industrial installations, aircraft
fuselage assemblies and vertical displacement determinations. The plane parallel plate
micrometer is mounted in front of the objective lens as a built-in feature of the N3 and is
available in metric and non-metric models, giving reliable and simple estimation to 0.01 mm and
0.0005 inch, respectively.

The reticule has part of its-horizontal line in the form of two wedge-shaped lines, converging
towards the center allowing the staff graduation to be split or straddled, depending on the
circumstances and on which part of the cross-hair is used. Collimation errors are corrected by
means of a rotation of the objective lens cover glass which enables an exceptionally sensitive,
but simple, adjustment to be made. Interchangeable eyepieces provide the possibility of
observing with either an inverted or an upright image. (Wild Beerbrugg Ltd, 1965)

Table 2.3Technical Data

(standard deviation) in mm per km - double run ±0.2mm

Telescope magnification 42×
Shortest Focusing distance 2m
Sensitivity of level bubble per 2 mm 10”
Field of view at 100 ft. (in feet) 1.8
Telescope length 295mm

2.6 Error Sourcesand how to eliminate them.

2.6.1Generally instrumental, observational & natural

• Gross reading error.
Standard practice to close work to detect mistakes
Use semi-permanent changes points, or small loops
• Staff errors i.e. datum (zero) error, or graduation error
Small datum or zero error
Scale of the staff different with respect to the base e.g. staff badly worn at the base.
When single staff used, does not affect difference in height between 2 points
Graduation error: requires calibration against accurate tape
• Non-verticality of the staff
Serious source of error
Use of a bubble required; and bracing rods or support tripod
• Staff distortion or warping.
Effects similar to non-verticality
• Collimation errors
Dependent on length of line.
Necessary for leveling instrument to be kept in proper adjustment
Maintain equal BS & FS distances
• Effect of Earth’s curvature; effect of refraction
Refer diagram for curvature effects
Refraction value varies with temperature & height above ground

Usual to combination curvature & refraction correction into one formula
Not applied to standard spirit leveling if backsights and foresights are equal.
• Temperature errors (include staff illumination)
Temperature effects only relevant on precise work.
Use of an invar staff (i.e. low coefficient of expansion)
Staff illumination error can arise, where sun aspect is apparent
• Bubble or compensator sensitivity
Set to an appropriate sensitivity.
In geodetic level, bubble capable of being leveled with standard error of 0.25”, equivalent to
0.1mm at about 100m.
Vibration can be problematic if present.
• Sinking of instrument or staff
Staff or instrument gradually sinks during leveling round.
Stability of the setup, and location of setup to be considered. Speed of readings essential
• Wind & heat shimmer
Wind causes vibration
Heat shimmer makes staff difficult to read

2.7Determining Collimation Error:

Collimation error is much more significant than the other errors. It should be kept as small as
possible so that one need not be too precise in ensuring that fore and back sights are of equal

It is possible to determine the collimation error and reduce its size using Two-peg test.

There are three steps involved in this procedure:

Set out and mark on the ground two point some 30m apart. Set up the level exactly mid-way
between them:

Figure2.3: Determining Collimation Error – Step 1

dh1 = b1 – f1 = (b + sb.α) - (f + sf.α)

= b - f + α.(sb – sf)

= b - f (because sb = sf )

Next, move the level to a position just beyond the fore staff position (about 5m):

Figure2.4: Determining Collimation Error – Step 2

Then repeat the readings. In this case, sb = 35m and sf = 5m. Then:

dh2 = b2 – f2 = (b + sb.α) - (f + sf .α)

= b - f + α.(sb – sf)

≠b - f(because sb≠sf)

The difference dh2 – dh1 can be used to calculate what the true back sight reading would be for
the second setup, if collimation error were not present:

= − ℎ − ℎ

= − ℎ − ℎ

The purpose of the adjustment is to reduce the size of this error. If the discrepancy dh2 -dh1 can
be reduced to around 2mm this is perfectly adequate, provided sight lengths are there after kept
reasonably similar.

2.8 Leveling Adjustment

Determining corrections to measured elevations, or differences between elevations, of points in a
leveling network so that the resulting elevations or differences in elevations are the best
obtainable under the given conditions of observation. The adjustment removes the
inconsistencies in a network that result from accumulation of small random and systematic
errors. (Kevin B. Amacker 2005).



3.1 Data search

The benchmarks that are close to area of work were selected. These benchmarks were checked if
are stable and not critically tested. The height of these benchmarks was searched in survey store.
After got the elevation value, the BM71 benchmark was chosen because it is stable also located
close to the work area.

3.2 Survey Planning and Monumentation

The planning stage involved identification of routes for leveling network. The route chosen has
1KM from Ardhi University to Mlimani City along University road. There are four bench marks
which are established and monument in this route i.e. TBM1, TBM2, TBM3 and TBM4.

3.3 Instrumentation.

The following instruments were used for carrying out field observation.

• Full set of Digital level DNA03

• Full set of manual precise level Wild N3.

3.4 Two peg test

The "Two Peg Test" is the most common means of checking an instrument in the field, and can
be done for both optical and digital levels. If this error is corrected with a transit, it also improves
the accuracy of its vertical angle readings. This error was computed by using the observations
shown in table 3.1 below in distance of 60m between two pegs i.e. peg A and peg B.

Table 3.1show Two Peg Test for Leica DNA03 digital level.

Peg A RA =1.37458 R’A =2.02574

Peg B RB= 1.74326 R’B =1.66031
Difference ∆h1=0.36868 ∆h2=0.36543

Collimation error, is ∆h1 − ∆ h2

= 0.36868 − 0.36543

ε = 0.00325m

If distance between two pegs is 60m and the error is 3.25mm then collimation error is 3.25mm
per 60m.

Collimation correction is3.25mm ÷ 60m

= 0.05 /

Table 3.2show Two Peg Test for Wild N3

Peg A RA =1.42382 R’A =1.93814

Peg B RB= 1.78439 R’B =1.58008
Difference ∆h1=0.36057 ∆h2=0.35806

The error is0.36057 − 0.35806

= 0.00251

The collimation error in this instrument is 2.51mm per 60m i.e. 0.04mm/m

3.5 Data Collection

Data collection was conducted by DNA03 digital level from the benchmark BM71 at Ardhi
University, through all points which were established along University road to TBM4 at Mlimani
City. This was forward leveling after that collection data of backwardLeveling through the same
route from TBM4 at Mlimani City to BM71 at Ardhi University. This all was done by using
DNA03 digital level instrument.

In order to achieve the objective of research also data was collected with Wild N3. In this case
observation was started at BM71 through all proposed benchmarks to TBM4 at Mlimani City as
forward leveling.

3.6 Data Processing

After collecting data process of getting the results of the study began. I made a calculation to find
different of forward leveling and backward Leveling at same route in each benchmark which
observed by DNA03. Also made a calculation to find differences in the forward Leveling and
back Leveling to the data available for Wild N3. This process gives as the accurate of leveling

run in each instrument. After that obtained data were adjusted in order to get the clear result. The
error which occurred during the field is distributed to each benchmark by using the formula

# = &

Where # = error distributed to the benchmark.

e = error obtain during the field due to random and systematic errors.

L= total distance of the route.

&= distance between benchmark.

Since this research concern with the comparison of the two instruments, an average of DNA03
and Wild N3 was calculated to find differences of this data in order to get the result of my
research. Therefore calculation involved overall accuracy was done in order to get total accurate
of the work. The formula below was used to get total standard deviation



'= standard deviation

∑e2 = summation of misclosure squared

∑l = total distance of route.



4.1 Results
The results of this research were summaries in tables for each instrument observation data. This
made easer comparison of both instruments according to the result obtained.

4.1.1 Results of elevation obtained from data collected by DNA03

The leveling route which was done by using Leica DNA03 gives the elevation for forward and
backward as shown in tables below. These elevations were obtained direct from the reading
because Leica DNA03 compute reduced level every point.

Table 4.1forward leveling

Benchmarks Elevation(M)
BM71 47.676
TBM1 41.01279
TBM2 42.39108
TBM3 40.52764
TBM4 38.24766

Table 4.2backward leveling

Benchmarks Elevation(M)
TBM4 38.24766
TBM3 40.52766
TBM2 42.39110
TBM1 41.01284
BM71 47.67702

In order to know how much errors associated during the field work. The errors i.e. random and
systematic which occurred during the field observation is calculated by taking differences of

forward leveling and back leveling at every benchmarks. Then the closing error was obtained by
take starting reading of BM71 and closing reading as shown in table 4.3

Table 4.3comparisons of forward leveling and backward leveling

Benchmarks Elevation of forward Elevation of backward Misclosure(M) (Misclosure)2

leveling(M) leveling(M) (mm)2
BM71 47.676 47.67702 -0.00102 1.04
TBM1 41.01279 41.01284 -0.00005 0.0025
TBM2 42.39108 42.3911 -0.00002 0.0004
TBM3 40.52764 40.52766 -0.00002 0.0004

To calculate standard error of this section by using below formula


∑$ = 1.04 + 0.0025 + 0.0004 + 0.0004

= 1.04333

∑& = 2.25+


= 0.68mm

The standard error of leveling route done by using DNA03 digital level is 0.68mm which is
exceeding the limits of 0.3mm. Since standard error is exceeding the limit, they distributed
through all points.

4.1.2 Distribution of error in route observed by DNA03

The closing error of this observation result is -0.00102m in total distance of 1.125KM in route.
This error was distributed proportional to the distance leveled to all benchmarks by using the

# = &


# = error distributed.

e = total error of route

l= distance of benchmark from starting benchmark.

L= total distance of leveling route.

The adjusted heights were obtained after distribution of error to each benchmark was done. This
result was tabular in table as shown below.

Table 4.4show distribution of error in leveling route and adjusted height

Benchmarks Elevation(M) Distance(M) #(M) Adjusted

Height (M)
BM71 47.676 0 0 47.676
TBM1 41.01279 345 -0.00016 41.01263
TBM2 42.39108 581 -0.00026 42.39082
TBM3 40.52764 821.68 -0.00037 40.52727
TBM4 38.24766 1123.76 -0.00051 38.24715
TBM3 40.52766 1431.91 -0.00065 40.52701
TBM2 42.3911 1680.61 -0.00076 42.39034
TBM1 41.01284 1892.61 -0.00086 41.01198
BM71 47.67702 2250.31 -0.00102 47.676

Final elevations of benchmarks were obtained by averaging adjusted forward leveling elevations
and adjusted back leveling elevations as shown below.

Table 4.5height obtained by averaging adjusted height of forward and back leveling DNA03

Benchmarks Forward leveling Backward leveling Average Height

Height Height
TBM1 41.01279 41.01284 41.01282
TBM2 42.39108 42.3911 42.39109
TBM3 40.52764 40.52766 40.52765
TBM4 38.24766 38.24766 38.24766

4.1.3 Results of elevation obtained from data collected by Wild N3

The observations which were conducted by using Wild N3 was produce the elevations of
benchmark after computing reduced levels of each benchmark. Table 4.6 and table 4.7 shows
forward leveling and backward leveling elevations respectively.

Table 4.6forward leveling obtained by Wild N3

Benchmarks Elevation(M)
BM71 47.676
TBM1 41.01282
TBM2 42.39114
TBM3 40.52828
TBM4 38.24759

Table 4.7backward leveling obtained by Wild N3

Benchmarks Elevation(M)
TBM4 38.24759
TBM3 40.5283
TBM2 42.39118
TBM1 41.01288
BM71 47.67585

Therefore calculation of finding closing error in this leveling route was done. This was done by
taking difference of starting elevation value and closing elevation of benchmark BM71 as shown
in table 4.8 below

Table 4.8comparisons of forward leveling and backward leveling

Benchmarks Elevation of forward Elevation of backward Misclosure(M) (Misclosure)2

leveling(M) leveling(M) (mm)2
BM71 47.676 47.67615 -0.00015 0.0225
TBM1 41.01282 41.01288 -0.00006 0.0036
TBM2 42.39114 42.39118 -0.00004 0.0016
TBM3 40.52828 40.5283 -0.00002 0.0004

The calculation of standard error of this section by using below formula was done.


∑$ = 0.0225 + 0.0036 + 0.0016 + 0.0004

= 0.0311

∑& = 2.25+


= 0.12mm

Since this standard deviation is within the limits of accurate in double run of 1km there no need
of error distribution.

Calculation of averaging forward leveling elevations and backward leveling elevations was done
to obtain clear height of each benchmark.

Table 4.9height obtained by averaging height of forward and backward leveling Wild N3

Benchmarks Forward leveling Back leveling Height Average Height

BM1 47.676 47.67615 47.67608
TBM1 41.01282 41.01288 41.01285
TBM2 42.39114 42.39118 42.39116
TBM3 40.52828 40.5283 40.52829

4.2 Analysis of results

Comparison of averaging results obtained in DNA03 and Wild N3 was done in order to get
misclosure. The misclosures of each benchmark are tabulated in table below and are within
permissible limits except TBM3 which indicate that error associated with observation was
greater at this benchmark. Since we used DNA03 digital level and Wild N3 they have standard
error of 0.3mm and 0.2mm respectively in double run of 1Km. Our observation error must be
within these limits in order to meet high accurate.

Table 4.10comparison of averaging result obtained in DNA03 and Wild N3

Benchmarks DNA03 Wild N3 Misclosure (e) e2(mm)2

elevation(M) elevation(M) mm
TBM1 41.01282 41.01285 -0.03 0.0009
TBM2 42.39109 42.39116 -0.07 0.0049
TBM3 40.52765 40.52829 -0.64 0.4096
TBM4 38.24766 38.24759 0.07 0.0049

The computation for the standard error from leveling route # is

∑$ 2


#= standard deviation

∑e2 = summation of misclosure squared

∑l = total distance of route.

For the above data, the standard error for routes is

∑e = 0.0009 + 0.0049 + 0.4096 + 0.0049

∑& = 2.25


# = 0.43

The results obtained clearly indicate that the accuracy of the precise leveling is very high.



5.1 Conclusions
According to the research has served that the Wild N3 gives the more accuracy result than Leica
DNA03. This can be caused by lack of supported BAR CODE staff. But the standard deviation
of these instruments is less than 1mm, which isacceptable in precise leveling.

The introduction of digital level has found to be beneficial as the technique instrument produced
results comparable to conventional precise leveling and increased the production substantially.
The availability of precise digital level makes the process of leveling easier, automatic and
removes observation and booking errors. However the operator of digital level should consider
the position of the sun because direct sun rays to optical make instrument to malfunction. So
during the high-precision leveling by using digital levels, for example monitoring the structural
deformation, it is important to take into consideration the position of the sun above the horizon,
because the error of the digital level.

5.2 Recommendations
According to the analysis and conclusion of this thesis, I recommend that the digital level should
be used in precise leveling but a staff should be support in order to avoid non verticality of staff.
I also recommend using of support staff in digital level and an umbrella in bright sunlight.

Accuracy Standards of Control Survey (Version 2.0) by Survey and Mapping Office Lands
Department.Sep 2010

Electronic Digital/Bar-Code Leveling User Manual VERSION 2 by Kevin Blake Amacker.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana 2005.

Charles D.Ghilan, Adjustment computations-spatial data analysis fifth edition

Field procedures for determining achievable precision of surveying instruments: levels by Prof.
Jean-Marie BECKER, Sweden

History of Geodetic Leveling in the United StatesbyRALPH MOORE BERRY National

Geodetic Survey National Ocean Survey, NOAA

Leveling and Surveying Pacific Island Hydrology Course, Fiji 2004.

Manual of Leica DNA digital levels by Switzerland, 2006

Precision Levelingby Yong-Won Ahn / University of New Brunswick, Canada

Preliminary Analysis of Precise Leveling Network for TheSourthern Peninsular

Malaysia.Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia, 1997

Structure of surveying instruments byAssoc. Prof. Dr. M. Zeki COŞKUN, 2009-2010

The new Leica Digital Levels DNA03 and DNA10 byFelix SCHNEIDER and David DIXON,

W.Schofield and M.Breach, Engineering surveying sixth edition

Wild N3 Precision level by Leica .AG, Heerbrugg.Swltzerland, 1992.


Appendix A: Leveling Data
Forward leveling of Wild N3

Bs Fs Rise Fall Distance RL Remark

2.23219 0 47.676 BM71

1.32285 1.68291 0.54928 53 48.22528 CP1

0.54981 1.96749 0.64464 52 47.58064 CP2

0.58998 1.6231 1.07329 52 46.50735 CP3

0.81421 2.56599 1.97601 54 44.53134 CP4

0.70224 2.49625 1.68204 36 42.8493 CP5

1.09709 1.68111 0.97887 46 41.87043 CP6

1.57234 1.9547 0.85761 52 41.01282 TBM1

1.8031 1.16233 0.41001 60 41.42283 CP7

1.73211 1.14025 0.66285 60 42.08568 CP8

1.63716 1.50208 0.23003 60 42.31571 CP9

1.39196 1.56173 0.07543 56 42.39114 TBM2

1.29545 1.63705 0.24509 52.3 42.14605 CP10

1.36953 1.84806 0.55261 57.28 41.59344 CP11

1.60172 1.82445 0.45492 48 41.13852 CP12

1.40295 1.98759 0.38587 50.1 40.75265 CP13

1.07932 1.62732 0.22437 33 40.52828 TBM3

1.30131 1.4813 0.40198 60 40.1263 CP14

1.44088 1.82655 0.52524 54 39.60106 CP15

1.67651 1.91832 0.47744 60 39.12362 CP16

1.65405 1.78781 0.1113 35.6 39.01232 CP17

1.28212 2.04092 0.38687 45.78 38.62545 CP18

1.65998 0.37786 46.7 38.24759 TBM4

Backward leveling of Wild N3

BS FS Rise Fall Distance RL Remark

1.70321 0 38.24759 TBM4

1.9763 1.32542 0.37779 47 38.62528 CP1

1.59865 1.61419 0.36211 45.35 38.98749 CP2

1.84561 1.46224 0.13641 35.8 39.1239 CP3

1.81025 1.3664 0.47921 60 39.60311 CP4

1.62734 1.04622 0.76403 60 40.36714 CP5

1.98342 1.46618 0.16116 60 40.5283 TBM3

1.78768 1.759 0.22442 50.3 40.75272 CP6

1.80759 1.55249 0.23519 48.4 40.98791 CP7

1.84803 1.47087 0.33672 57 41.32463 CP8

1.52136 1.12759 0.72044 53 42.04507 CP9

1.14983 1.17525 0.34611 40 42.39118 TBM2

1.16514 1.22419 0.07436 54 42.31682 CP10

1.56845 1.37832 0.21318 55 42.10364 CP11

1.34814 2.11154 0.54309 53 41.56055 CP12

1.95136 1.89581 0.54767 50 41.01288 TBM1

2.12769 1.09373 0.85763 56 41.87051 CP13

2.4975 1.13473 0.99296 46 42.86347 CP14

2.67935 1.01934 1.47816 42 44.34163 CP15

1.90314 0.71247 1.96688 48.7 46.30851 CP16

1.89537 1.25684 0.6463 60 46.95481 CP17

1.68314 1.26073 0.63464 53 47.58945 CP18

1.59674 0.0864 52 47.67585 BM71

Forward leveling of DNA03

BS FS Rise Fall Distance RL Remark

1.77123 0 47.676 BM71

1.67623 1.12176 0.64947 56.34 48.32547 CP1

0.65823 2.11476 0.43853 54.64 47.88694 CP2

0.7023 2.04276 1.38453 58.3 46.50241 CP3

0.78723 2.08676 1.91653 50.23 44.58588 CP4

1.11423 2.67776 1.89053 38.02 42.69535 CP5

1.33223 1.94576 0.83153 45.24 41.86382 CP6

1.78823 2.18326 0.85103 50.32 41.01279 TBM1

1.62923 1.26026 0.52797 48.86 41.54076 CP7

1.12023 1.25176 0.37747 45.64 41.91823 CP8

1.05123 0.85876 0.26147 54.35 42.1797 CP9

1.18923 0.83985 0.21138 48.64 42.39108 TBM2

0.98923 1.43437 0.24514 52.52 42.14594 CP10

1.23323 1.39159 0.40236 56.84 41.74358 CP11

1.44323 1.71247 0.47924 53.64 41.26434 CP12

1.62623 2.17232 0.72909 53.46 40.53525 CP13

1.71723 1.63384 0.00761 35.76 40.52764 TBM3

1.46623 2.01338 0.29615 50.42 40.23149 CP14

1.82223 2.08987 0.62364 59.47 39.60785 CP15

1.81823 2.2948 0.47257 58.8 39.13528 CP16

1.60923 1.96617 0.14794 38.68 38.98734 CP17

1.45923 1.97312 0.36389 49.68 38.62345 CP18

1.83502 0.37579 50.53 38.24766 TBM4

Backward leveling of DNA03

BS Fs Rise Fall Distance RL Remark

1.72314 0 38.24766 TBM4

1.97603 1.34755 0.37559 49 38.62325 CP1

1.59665 1.61192 0.36411 43 38.98736 CP2

1.64861 1.4487 0.14795 36.12 39.13531 CP4

1.77025 1.17605 0.47256 60 39.60787 CP5

1.65764 1.1466 0.62365 58 40.23152 CP6

1.88302 1.3615 0.29614 56 40.52766 TBM3

1.79758 1.87546 0.00756 60 40.53522 CP7

1.82759 1.06845 0.72913 52.3 41.26435 CP8

1.84723 1.34839 0.4792 57 41.74355 CP9

1.62136 1.44482 0.40241 53 42.14596 CP10

1.19983 1.37622 0.24514 40 42.3911 TBM2

1.16894 0.98845 0.21138 54 42.17972 CP11

1.56845 0.9075 0.26144 55 41.91828 CP12

1.34814 1.191 0.37745 53 41.54083 CP13

1.94136 0.82015 0.52799 46 41.01284 TBM1

2.02769 1.09038 0.85098 56 41.86382 CP14

2.5975 0.58947 1.03153 46 42.89535 CP15

2.07035 1.53466 1.69053 42 44.58588 CP16

1.92314 0.83182 1.43822 48.7 46.0241 CP17

1.90537 1.92314 1.06284 56 47.08694 CP18

1.78314 1.90537 1.23853 53 48.32547 CP19

1.13469 0.64845 52 47.67702 BM71

Appendix B: Specifications of vertical control.
FGCS Specifications and Procedures to Incorporate Electronic Digital/Bar-Code Leveling

Geodetic Leveling.

Network Geometry

Order First First Second Second Third

Class I II I II
Benchmark spacing not more than 3 3 3 3 3
Average bench mark spacing not 1.6 1.6 1.6 3 3
more than (km)
Line length between network 300a 100a 50a 50a 25b
control points not more than (km)
Minimum bench mark ties 6 6 4 4 4

Electronic Digital/Bar Code Leveling Systems, 25km

Electronic Digital/Bar Code Leveling Systems, 10km

As specified in above table, new surveys are required to tie to existing network bench marks at
the beginning and end of the leveling line. These network bench marks must have an order (and
class) equivalent to or better than the intended order (and class) of the new survey.

First-order surveys are required to perform valid check connections to a minimum of six bench
marks, three at each end. All other surveys require a minimum of four valid check connections,
two at each end.


Order First First Second Second Third

Class I II I II
Leveling Instrument
Minimum repeatability of line of sight 0.25”c 0.25”c 0.50”c 0.50”d 1.00”
Leveling rod construction IDSg IDSg IDSgor ISS Wood or
ISS Metal
Leveling and rod resolution (combined)
Least count (mm) 0.1c 0.1c 0.5- 0.1c,f 0.1d 0.1d
IDS – Invar, double-scale

ISS – Invar, single-scale

For Electronic Digital/Bar Code Leveling Systems, 0.40” and 0.01mm

For Electronic Digital/Bar Code Leveling Systems, 0.80” and 0.1mm

If optical micrometer is used

1.0 mm is 3-wire method; 0.5 mm if optical micrometer

For Electronic Digital/Bar Code Leveling Systems, Invar, single-scale

Leveling rods must be one piece. A turning point consisting of a steel turning pin with a
driving cap should be utilized. If a steel pin cannot be driven, then a turning plate ("turtle")
weighing at least 7 kg should be substituted. In situations allowing neither turning pins nor
turning plates (sandy or marshy soils), a long wooden stake with a double-headed nail should be
driven to a firm depth.

According to at least one manufacturer's specifications, the electronic digital leveling instrument
should not be exposed to direct sunlight. The manufacturer recommends using an umbrella in
bright sunlight.

Calibration Procedures

Order First First Second Second Third

Class I II I II
Leveling Instrument
Maximum collimation error, single line 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1
of sight (mm/m)
Leveling rod
Minimum scale calibration standard Nl Nl Nl M M
Time interval between scale calibration
(yr) 3 3 - - -
Leveling rod bubble verticality
maintained to within 10’ 10’ 10’ 10’ 10’

N – U.S. National standard

M – Manufacturer’s standard

For Electronic Digital/Bar-Code Systems, collimation error determinations are required at the
beginning of each day (0.05 mm/m = 10 arc seconds). Collimation data must be recorded with
the leveling data and the daily updated value must be used during the daily data capture

For Electronic Digital/Bar-Code Rods, until the U.S. National Standard Testing Procedure is
implemented, manufacturer's scale calibration standard is acceptable, provided the data used
during the calibration are furnished in digital format.

Compensator-type instruments should be checked for proper operation at least every 2

weeks of use. Rod calibration should be repeated whenever the rod is dropped or damaged in any
way. Rod levels should be checked for proper alignment once a week. The manufacturer's
calibration standard should, as a minimum, describe scale behavior with respect to temperature.

Field Procedures

Order First First Second Second Third

Class I II I II
Section runningk DR DR DR Dr Dr
Difference of forward and backward sight
lengths never to exceed: per setup (m) 2 5 5 10 10
per section (m) 4 10 10 10 10
Maximum sight length(m)l 50 60 60 70 90
Even number of setups when not using leveling
rods with detailed calibration Yes Yes yes yes -
Determine temperature gradient for the vertical
range of the line of sight at each setup Yes Yes yes - -
Maximum section misclosure (mm) 3√. 4√. 6√. 8√. 12√.
Maximum loop misclosure (mm) 4√E 5√E 6√E 8√E 12√E
Electronic Digital/Bar Code method
Use multiple reading option to obtain each 3 3 3 3
observation- minimum number of readings
DR -- Double-Run

D --- Shortest one-way length of section in km

E --- Length of loop in km

For establishing a height of a new bench mark, double-run procedures must be used.

Single-run methods can be used to relevel existing work provided the new work meets the
allowable section misclosure.

Maximum sight length permitted unless the manufacturer recommends a maximum sight length
which is less.

If the standard deviation of the mean exceeds 0.1 mm, continue making readings m until it is
less than 0.1 mm or repeat observation.

Double-run leveling may always be used, but single-run leveling procedures can only be used
where it can be evaluated using published height values, i.e., the difference in published height
values can be substituted for the backward running.

Rods must be leap-frogged between setups (alternate setup method). The date, beginning and
ending times, cloud coverage, air temperature (to the nearest degree), temperature scale, and
average wind speed should be recorded for each section, plus any changes in the date,
instrumentation, observer, or time zone.

The low-high scale difference tolerance for a reversible compensator is used only for the control
of blunders.

Office Procedures

Order First First Second Second Third

Class I II I II
Section misclosures (backward and forward)
Algebraic sum of all corrected section
misclosures of a leveling line not to exceed 3√% 4√% 6√% 8√% 12√%
Section misclosure not to exceed (mm) 3√. 4√. 6√. 8√. 12√.
Loop misclosure
Algebraic sum of all corrected section 3√/ 4√/ 6√/ 8√/ 12√/
misclosures not to exceed (mm)
Loop misclosure not to exceed (mm) 3√/ 4√/ 6√/ 8√/ 12√/

L -- Shortest one-way length of leveling line in km

D -- Shortest one-way length of section in km

E -- Length of loop in km

The normalized residuals from a minimally constrained least squares adjustment will be checked
for blunders. The observation weights will be checked by inspecting the post adjustment estimate

of the variance of unit weight. Elevation difference standard errors computed by error
propagation in a correctly weighted least squares adjustment will indicate the provisional
accuracy classification. A survey variance factor ratio will be computed to check for systematic

Accuracy Standards of Vertical Control Station Surveyed by Terrestrial Survey Method

Class Class description Allowable difference between Misclosure of

forward and backward run levelloop/level line.
V1 Precise Leveling 4√0 mm when K≥ 1 4√0 mm when K≥ 1
(Class 1) 0.9√2 mm when K< 1 0.9√2 mm when K< 1
V2 Precise Leveling 4√0 mm when K≥ 1 4√0 mm when K≥ 1
(Class 2) 0.9√2 mm when K< 1 0.9√2 mm when K< 1
V3 Ordinary Leveling 12√0 mm 12√0 mm
V4 Precise Leveling and ------ 12√0 mm
V5 TrigonometricalHeighting ------ 30√0 mm
(Class 5)
V6 TrigonometricalHeighting ------- 50√0 mm
(Class 6)

K = Total distance run between stations in km.

N = Total number of set-up


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