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Miss Elliott, November 2020

Climate Bingo Clues & Answers:

Climate conditions projected day to day in an area. Ex. Today’s forecast is rain, 10°C, cloudy,
with a wind speed of 10 kmph.

This is described about a region during a long period of time or season. Ex. in the winter in Belle
River, it is cold, snowy, and windy.

A process that is able to be maintained at a certain level without disturbing the Earth.

Carbon Dioxide:
A greenhouse gas that we release when we exhale.

Hail, rain, sleet or snow.

The mixture of gases surrounding the earth.

Air Travel:
This enables people to travel long distances and is the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas
emissions globally.

The result of hot air rising and cold air falling towards the ground, changing the flow of air.

Water in all its different forms on Earth.

A tool that monitors changing conditions on land, in the oceans, and in the atmosphere.

Carbon Sink:
A mechanism or activity that absorbs and stores carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to release
it again when needed. Oceans are an example.

Heat Sink:
A mechanism or activity, such as Earth’s atmosphere, that absorbs heat. Without it, our planet
would swing between freezing and boiling hot.
Miss Elliott, November 2020

Carbon Footprint:
The total amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by your daily activities.

A greenhouse gas that is much more potent than carbon dioxide, even though there is less of it
in the atmosphere. It is produced by cows, rice fields, decomposing landfills and the extraction
of fossil fuels.

Greenhouse Gases:
Nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane and hydrocarbons are common
examples of this.

The type of fuel made from plants and algae.

Climate Change:
Changes to all areas of weather across the world, not just temperature.

Earth’s Tilt
A characteristic of the Earth that results in a change in climate patterns, called seasons.

Weather Balloons:
A tool that measures the temperature, pressure, and humidity at different heights up to 30, 000

Hydroelectric Dams:
Includes large volumes of standing water that are large sources of methane and carbon dioxide.

A term meaning “caused by human activities.

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