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catch on – became popular

catch on – understand

catch up with – succeed in reaching

catch up with – bring up to date


live on – have as food or income

live through – survive despite difficulty

live up to – reach the expected standard


put aside – save (especially money/ time)

put away – store/ tidy

put off – postpone

put off – discourage/ distract

put on – get dressed

put on – increase (especially in weight)

put out – extinguish

put through – connect

put up – provide accommodation

put up with – tolerate


get across – communicate

get around – overcome or avoid a problem

get around – become known

get at – reach

get at – suggest
get away – leave/ escape

get away with – escape with stolen goods

get away with – escape from punishment

get back – regain possession

get by – manage, survive

get down – cause depression

get off – leave (usually a public vehicle)

get on – make progress

get on with – manage to work/ live with

get out of – avoid (a duty9

get over – recover from (illness/ difficulties, etc.)

get round to – find time to do

get through – make contact (usually by telephone)


brak down – fail to work

break down - collapse (in tears)

break into – enter by force

break off – end suddenly

break out – escape

break through – force a way through

break up – separate

break up – smash into pieces


wear off – pass away

wear out – become useless


set down – write down on paper

set in – start and seem likely to continue

set off/ out – begin a journey

set off – start

set off – cause an explosion

set out – begin a course of action

set up – establish


let down – lower

let down – disappoint

let in – allow to enter

let off – allow to explode

let off – excuse from punishment

let out – release


cut across – take a short cut

cut down – bring down by cutting

cut down (on) – reduce

cut in – push in suddenly

cut off – stop flow

cut up – divide into small pieces


bring about – cause to happen

bring in – introduce

bring off – to succeed in something difficult

bring out – make clear

bring round – help back to consciousness

bring up – raise a child


look after – take care of

look for – try to find

look in – visit

look into – investigate

look out – take care (usually imperative)

look through – examine

look up – search for information

look up to – respect


come across – find or meet by chance

come across – be understood

come off – succeed

come out – appear/ bloom

come round – visit

come round – regain consciousness

come to – regain consciousness

come up against – be faced with


go down with – become ill

go in for – enter an exam/ competition

go off – go bad

go on – continue

go on – happen

go over/ through – examine

go through – search

go with – match/ suit

go without – manage without


give away – give as a present

give away – reveal

give back – return

give in – surrender

give out – distribute

give up – stop

give up – surrender/ abandon


take after – resemble

take in – understand, absorb

take off – remove

take off – leave the ground

take on – accept

take over – assume control of

take to – develop a liking for

take up – adopt as a pastime

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